The Clinton News-Record, 1909-11-18, Page 4N vo bar 18th, 1909
Humor In e Hymn Boo
Cliodo* Newa-Reeord
"Cobalt His lia Associated With It a
Biktil of Liars,"
The, Yield of Pothtoes
Canada 4,99,087,000
gs: stock hes- ,ite ' Ottawa, Nov . 1 2. -The Census Office,
. Most people are •aware that tbe,has been. tiukered a good 401 by edi-
t ew Anglican Mann liaole. the Book tors, aPPeaved la the, , original , as Mine oeon the market popelarity built a gallows frame
Of Common Praise, is novr earning ia- "When, My eyeStrings *break iin deritIO cause the owners feel that they can on the eide a Red. ountain, the
-- -
to use, bet not so many have heard The Well-known byoul tor palm make raore out ot the public than they second largest in the worlgives out today a statekinelit on tbe
This ref root,
seed and fodder grope of Can-
can take out of the portion. ot the gallows frame wes phietographed allf1 the annatated edition, corapiled by Sunday, "All glory, leud and honor ft
Mr. James Edmund' JOues a Toronto. to Thee, Redeemer, Kbagiv ta,1 grim ,,,,. mother earth they own ; therefore it its pieture printed far and wide; he month of October, to -
it ada or
barrister, the convener an
d secretary long Latin hymn aseribed to Theo- hard to see how the public can ii- was toasted at banquetsOnly in the gether with their values as reported
ley the regular correspondents. ,
" is • . .,_...
of the corapilatioa coMmittee. The dolphi Bishop of Orleans', A. D. 82r. jure on, getting tbe better of the pro- mighty Land: was it excelled ;, surely The yield of potatoes is 00,087,000
nioter. In the case of low grade DIM- there inust be vest quantities °lore
totes aPPended to each, hymn deal The hymn is obviously besed on. tbe bushels, which is 22,697,00Q bushels
with its history, the biography of the story or Our Lord's. entry into Jerus-, ,? .,
s such as the great gold. :pines of beneath to require such a mighty more than last year. Turnips are ref
writer, Med particelarly the • 'various alem, riding eupon an ass, and His re- bliet Transvaal or the copper mines' or hoistine gear. So reasoned the nub
- ''' Perted at 107,724,000 bushels, being
readings of the hymn itself. It 0137 ception by the children, Only the u te or lyfichtgan, avast amount et lie. The management installed there-
„ 5,476,000 bushels more than last
- nears that very / ew well-known'h.ymns tfrst twelve lines of the original are 113..11).111' In. ust /•.)13
l expendedibefore a die in a mighty hoisting gear, so migesy yeat. The hay and clover crop is
vim is avai ab e, but Cobalt is a, that when in motion, could be beatd
changed them, hut more otten various tollowiug remarkable stanza Was la
` have survived in their original' fernu represented in the, modern version, e„„, ,„_,,, ami
eeadings. are devised by editors, both cleded :
Somettrnee the author himself liee but up to the seventeenth eentury ther..,T.4126 '
., 0 bait ore will pay its own develop -,Great medicine i
dowa. A half inch vein ot typical C0,0 fling away and killing our men. t '
meta it pays .from the grass roots hoist and gained distinction by run -
Where the silver is 'thred utiles away, It 'Wee ari elevate I total , 14 :2TrIia sh,03cOoty0i neetz average (a i ie snrili looepwi z 1:fiisgo beingreal !o 1 n4tdvbe itat ir;L:e0, ::: :: ;0;tt000t pr atoz ot4a. na9rFst fa ei otd 0:
or doctrinal . and literary reaSons. Be Thou, Lord, the rider,
Some •of tile expressiene, used by .,And we the little OSS,
older hymn rwriters were more foreiW That to God's holy 'city,
then beautifill. For exaraple, ia ToP-t. Together we may pass. „
merit; why, then, does the prontoter The writer was Once asked bY a over Canada is 83.88 per cent. of
Of a Cobalt ,mine require aid from the bank manager, his opinion of a Ce- turnips and other roots 01.64. per
public ? mining stoe1. Ie report4cent. of hay and clover 88.08 per
1, Again, when a mine which has been mine to be no good. "Thought $o," cent. and of fodder corn 00.68 per
t opened Urt and developed gees en the said the banker, chore woman cent
market it is a sate guess "there is came into ray office to draw out bee The total value of the four crops is
Something tette') in tile State. ot Dere sayings to hey I told her . to $202 478 700 a
ady's Hoek of Ages," the Imes "Men
i! • FancY Qougregatum singtng that
mine eyelids siege in death," which} --Seturday •Nigh
, s against $186,595,000
mark." Then the Public buys the leave it alone, but she would, not last year. Prince Edward Island. is
lrotectIng Sheep From Dogs.
mine on Its. past record, the outPut she had read the advertisement." $o dedited with $5,748,600, or 2.83 per
that is already stowed away in the when the world hears of so and so gent of the total • Nova, Scotia with.
One ot tlse greatest hiadrea.nee to
•eueoess in sheep -breeding is the wan-
dering Our, andf any, remedytwhich
Vrovide against depredations el worth-
less dogs ie an. advantage to • Sheen -
breeders: •
coffers .of the owners. It's like buy -
making a pile Qut of Cobalt he $18,741,300 ar 4.25 per cent ; New
them and lit they Mice try conclusioes ing a broken, down race horse with a
, should ponder, whether the moneyi Brunswick with $18,497,900, or 6.91
never want the Second, experienCe. VE#1 couple of heats left in him. The mule came ont of the ground or ot such per cent ; Quebec with $49,952,000, or.
every farmer add one goat to his may- pay a couple of dividends and as the poor eliore, woman". 29,70 per cent; Ontario with $91,05, -
flock and we shall hear no more abistut then ,quit, but the La Rose and Nip -
It only virepired a, memory and care- 000, or 48.15 per cent e -Manitoba -with
sneep-killing by dogs. •issing mines, the Coniagas, •et. '
Persens who have used tells on would, 'require to keep up their pres-
fill reading of. the subsidized press to $2,886,500 or I.42' per cent Saskatr
IA see that sontebody is lying. Round chewan with $1,796,500 or 'OM per
Maine correspondent ot Rural. tilts sheen have claimed much of merit tor ent Tate ot disbursement twenty
About lastJene it was given. out that cent and Alberta with. $2,276;000 or
says : There is nettliflig better to Pro- them. A good-sized. bell for each years to, be worth the raouey they
:erect sheep from degs..than an old- twenty-five or thirty sheep in the are selling at. :the La Rose mine had sold its dump 1.12 per cent. The value of hay and
for $300,000. About two meths lat- clover alone is $132,28a,000, being
lashioned goat. Those' animals have flock attached by a good strap around. The public hereabouts have hem lied
er the report was given out that th $10,403,000 more than lash eear.'‘
no !ea ot a dog and will 'dant the bile, the sheep's, neck, will eiten Proted, to so much that the report ot a new
mine had entered into a contract. wield The potato rot has, tdone much hare,
out of one in five minutes. Dogs, tear the flock from dogs.
estrike recthes little attention, but
a contractor for the reduction ot in the IVfaritime provinces as a con -i
i Cobalt has had associated with it g
this dump. The eueetiou arises how sequence of the heavy fall rains e but,
ibunch of liars who were not only ex -
•Codwoperaticin Has Done Itremely .daring het wally high-class nenht they trqat for a dumP they bad in Quebec and Ontario the yield and,
thApple Industry. these 'People to. manipulate one issue To show the dishenesty ot the C& also made for the Northwest pro-
ences sid I
- ; fakiFs It has been•the custom ot alreadY sold ? '
after another. A little over two bait news service it is only neoessary
over Eros P . •
been done there
t in Se tember
ctohnere eirnab e damage has
quality rank high. Good reports are
is . 'keep one mine afloat * 'or rather to
!years ago it became necesiary to to thaw attention to an item given e places ley early
out unmeditately on the taking,
In British Columbia all the crops
Three recoramendations were made In speaking of the advisaraelity of ex- k •'market f d t' 1 i of the Lawson by the La Rose, Blat-'
.13y, Alexander MeN,eill, Chid of the tending the business ot evaporating
. keep a or on par lee at
.tookLa are reported as excelleut in yeuality
- Fruit Division of the Dorainion • De- apples, Mr, itleNeill pointed out that ,' 1They nshed round • the property ant headlines reported that the
and yield, but uo areas have been
- partment of Agriculture, in the.stat,c- while. Canada exported last year near. ill a vein was foundr'as innocent, ot Rose management had 13,egun dritting
from, the old Silver teal shaft to de- proeured_for that province,
• ?tient which he made,. before the Com- ly, a ninth:in and a halt barrels ot aver as a corner loater. Bat the The. full,port on the root and tod-
class ore veIop the- "Silver Sidevralk." Notbing
mittee press • began reeortin e high
der crops e7r711- be printed in the Cene
of Anricultuee • at the l'ast green apples- as compared with a, mile be*ng t a ,, ' • a more wasever heard t this a d now
,Icssion of the eaouse of Clommonielion eXPOrted by the United States ing extrac e -0, carload wt I soon ,o s n
in the sus and Statistics Koethly.
These recommendations were in effect:. our exports of evaporated stock ora lthld be ready to ship "
et Foremonth
,, .. s
comes tbe ' report that ••• work
.. (1.) That orchards of early apples other hand, were less than. 1,000,000 this was kept up till a small -recur- Lawson has quit. It the newspapers]
fence of the boom took placehave the public interest at heart why'
" be plantedtor the purposeof supply-, lbsas compared with 35,0000,0000 1,119
' lug the expanding market of the West exported by the neighboring country.• .To maniPulate stock, as a general do they not state that the La Rose
failed to connect ? For three years
(2) That the co-operative principle Eva ora o •s should,e,r et- -
P tih said,bettning, the public must be given some
ed in conuection with the operations see, •
report to advance or depress the is- the press has been filled -with reports,
already applied to apple growing be
carried on by all the co-operative as- Pre ,shipments are the base ot of "new strikes," etc., but neveid
Anther extended. . „. prolonged manipulation, as a new hardly ever, has there been the re -1 MISSIONZR HEALED
.. ' BY ZAM-RUK. .
• - sociations.. In support of this state- • , 'basis• t th l • a port of a pay streak lost
(3) TiCet evaporating plants .be put
men. .0 pe.inted out that Chatham ,A.s
' strike ts a. o a.
%tip by co-operative associations. ree (ay tarp. • • ,
somation increa,sed its returns b •
As a consequence, great." quentities of For three years 'members ot our, Zam-Buk by its healing power has
d k h
aWere judeciously planted in the Lake Sp k' f th ' signed as ore and appearing a.e ore in es on the directorates of -raining com-
aca amizing roc as one out con- business world have placed therriselv-
early apple trees means of an evaporator
' lending their credit and tepu-
-Eire d' t • t
.ea ing e -returns-tom apple the weeklyshipment retures. Th,erd Palms,
nay woul
earned the praise of men aid women.
ia the highest stations of life. One of
the latest prominent gentlemen to
speak highly in Zara-Buk s or is
* Veleleill said, conte into bearing soon Mr. C. B. Sanford, of Weston, King's
' fair
enough to supply the demand for ear- ligently carted on, Mr. MeNeill suid 'd ran e in the value of tations to the proinetion, without
Co., N,S, 1VIr. Weston is a Justice•of
I ' growing, where the work is intel- •s• eoh a •
there are cases in which land, that
Cobalt ore a . e number o e
1 8 wide
t thet t as a due care . or consideration, and yet
the Peace for the county, and a mem.
would not be worth more than srso mine ships does ,not a:institute e they
th th hold their place in the ibusiness•
ber of the Board of School Commis-
- 3y fruit from Great Britain and tbe •
or $75 per acre for Ordinary lam- bthtsis of an estimate. A, car, ot on world. Once, indeed, ' the Canadian
- Canadian West. We have not the
fruit required to supply the .present
;demand, he said, and the prospects purposes, has, by an expenditure t.A charges orit.mlaryel yieldan$100,000. , to trial arid he went. down. for five tist Chureh
vntpy 'gilt d treatmeniti Mining Journal btought Frank Law ' eioners. He is also deacon of the Bap-
-throughout the co
In unleteyrwitit.uldIbnededeide..,
•..are that the requirements of. the mar -
...needs named willstill more greatly ie14.0 tired per cent: All, however, depends •te • h
of the same, been increased four hun- public has demanded. e a o,-
Mhre * recentlyin Cobalt history the years; • It remained for that com-1
' that the f v r •paratively small. joutnal to take 24.- kilwmneaflicilnentrueuhhielriaraesupcecactseidn,n
$100 per acre for trees and the ewe
ileult to find a man more widely
11 , on _the extent of the care given te or- i mines ave concentrators. SO tion, where. is the A.ttorney General
supply in e imme la e 1
t ture. •
test Zani-Buk, and here is his opinion.
__Iee„..apfaking of co-operation, Mr, Mee .chards.. In Norfolk county, tor ex- tors m
.....-_,_ s v eel' Cies are erecting comm. -tea- and tnose who are supposed to look
after fakirs 7 No :person believes .of this great balm. He says : "I had
Neill referred to the -well Known. case ample, the product et live aeres of •-q...i:i phase A f
• t:Igil :
theCobalt b re- that Prank Law is the only guilty} a aecait ehnof
vemryteranekriltey' ythairerjr3i
, .of the Forest Asslociation of whieli comparaeively• uncared for orchard :--- -- eoom • • Th •others. ' • • n
Dan. Johnson is manager. . In 1907, sold . six years ago for $180 Next .
minds one of the old War hag% rame one. ere ate • •
-Sometimes...also the disease would
break out on me- shoulders. -I had
takeh, solution or arsenic, had apPlied
various ointments,- and tried all sorts
of things to obtain a cure, but in vain.
Zam-Buk, unlike .all else 1* . tried,
proved highly -satisfactory, and cured
osslaud. The.War agis
-when the average growes ,did not re- year the title to theland passed to
'Alize over $1 per bblfor bis apples, A. Gilbereson. Mr. Gilbertson at
AIM in the year which private ap- once began to cultivate, prune, spree
ple operators experi/enced losses •In sd- and thin the fruit. Last year this
...ling their "stock, the Forest Assoeia- same orchard yielded a revenue of
Cows (Ind Cash
lion, by its effective organization, and •d the ailment.
$1,500 while the expenses ot the year .
teeny- 'were only $200. Another fruit Is it not time that all dairy farm- record 'even in these days ot e
-the .quality of the fruit put up "I have also used Zam-Buk for
••• -ed fully 50e. per bbl. for its members' profit of $10 per tree from his ore
ers in Canada *came to think serious- spread an easily ' available k -now -
completely also.- I take comfort in
itching piles, and it has cured them
neig or ood Towle hat. -ht s'ly at-ont- ledge as, owning lots of. COWS that
i • •
IY of wmle .ea
es- peocluce only 2,800 or 2',500 les. milk helping my broillei man, and if the
- Above current •
prices. In 1.908 they er in •the sarn hb h plished by a little a very 'nit
secured over $2 per bbl. for the 1,000 Profit of $10 per tree from his or- '
'or 8,000. bble. handled._ • chard. • - tra effort. Very fen, Would pass. by during their' best six or seven publication of my experience of %am -
the opportunity of picking up five or months. Stich cows are no eredit to willleadpoffregres
six five dollar bills it the conditions their owners, and such °inlets scarce-. to try
plies , -
New Advisory Board of Edilea-
were not difficillt., There is 'a, .lnige .do, credit to the dignified title nt• or skin diseasesr know of noth
Mg- to equal Zam-Buk." •
sum Of money waiting for o tvutee of dairymen. As Canadians , we should Zara-Buk also cures burns, cuts,
• dairy cows. . jealously guard against sucle a con-
. , ulcers, blood poisoning, ringworm,
Not only is present cash value as- dition of •affairs being impossible. It is scalp sores, chapped hands, cold
sured for the application of a little cosi to detect those poor. cows- her sores _and all skin injuries and dia
brain power, but solid and pante- recording weights of milk, and it is eases:. Rubbed well on to the chest
in eases of cold it relieves the tight -
The work of the scrutineers who Representing the public sch.00l • ha- nent improvement of dairy condi- injurious to any disttict to retain
. tees and aching. All druggists and
'lave been engaged for the vast week speeeorse-Mr. W..1. Chisholm, B.A: , tions, a distinct raising of Om whol such vvretched specimens, mongrels, -counting the ballots castatores sell at 50e. •box, or post free
-ir eat- Kincardine i 'llev. W. EL G'. •ColleS, status of dairy farming, . a Measure not real dairy cows: The ' queen ' 'of from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price,
::..clidatet for the Advisory- Council of Chatham. • , able gain in contentment end self- the dairy, tbe select cow, will do. in- 2 boxes for $1.25,
was completed last week and thoreoirlf B. Dow, Whtby era Joh% T.T.ri,mic-0,- tion to our reputation among the na- •men who put
ivt jmi,, 'respect, a notable and enviable addie finitely better if Vandled *eight ' by
dairy intelligence into
Edireation for the next three years Representing the truste s -
_plate. new Council, as announced by .1 - r* - - - ----13--: tions of the world as high . °lase daily operetiOn. • . . I ,
ton, Parkhill. , . • at Preeident Taft in a speech at Ric'h-
, • . on, Actiree Re'eastrar, • ' • dairymen would quickly result, Un- To return to that pile ot cash t ,
.Mr j. A Houston,
s composed as follows :-- , Interest centred largely in the pub- d be oril half the cows in Ontario were , , ii
mo e e proposals he
mond, Va. • outli d the •
' .
fortunately, as We are intorme
Will make to Congress in his animal
_io mem,bers-Dr. John•Seath on, in w ich
the Dairy and Cold Storage Corn- made to yield just ten dollars .more
' 'lie school secti h' '
. r. It. A. Falomer, President of the Dominion Department �t milk, it means an extra five =Moat.
. erintendent of Education, and Rev: ori y of the ballots were cast. Miss missierker,
Johnston again headed the poll with •
University of Toronto. d • Agrieuleure, •Dttawa, we have to go on of dollars, within easy re,acb.
a plurality o nearly votes
f •300•
though the fact that Miss Charlotte' •
tawa ; Dr. Jahr). Matheson didate, ran fifth indicates ehat the ' $ 0 en Keep Bees n anto.
Represehting the universitieseeRev.
1Dr. W. J. Murphy, 'University ot otr Lovick, Kingston, the. other lady. cane
, tie S 5 0 0 M 'n 0 t • "
'University ;Or. John Dearness West- lady teachers did net vote solidly for ,
the ladies. The Sect that Mr Jordan •
ern UniverAty ; Rev. Dr. Ohancellor is Government Will De -Urged to Take
Durwash, University of Toronto' .--Rev. who made an exceptional run w a
- Provost Macklem, University To_ Kingston man, militated. against Miss Steps to Arrest the Black
ronto ; Dr. John Fletcher, University Lovick
• Brood Pest. .
of Toronto; Dr. Alex. C. liglany,31.fe- Oiely three changes are outdo in the "That the Ontario teekeetiers As -
Master ITniversity. , personnel of the Couteil. In the high sociatioa view with alarm the pre -
Representing the public schtiol school section Mr. Smith, Toronte, valence and spread of the disease,
jeaChers-Miss Harriet Johnston., To. takes the place of Mi. T. A. Kirke Black Brood, • and that the Govern -
?onto, Mr. Alexander A. Jordan, commit, Lindsay, who retired, inent be urged to take Immediate
Kingston, Mr. Jas. W. ?Lewes, Chat- Senate of the university of Toronto steps to locate every hive infected
• 'hatir ; Mr. Thos. A. Reid, Oveeri elected Dr. ^Fletcher to succeed I'rin- with the disease, arid that it take
Sotind cipai Hutton, and "for the Western measures to secure control ot all
Representing the high school teaebe University Dr, Dearness succeeds Pro such, destroying them it necessary."
'era -We Stephen Martin, ' 8. A., St. vost Jame s• The trustees it oresent* The above 'resolution was eassed 1111 -
May's ; Mr. Gilbert A. Statile M.A.,, on the board continue to net until the animously by the teeireeporeeA.ssocia-
, 'Torontonext meeting of the Ontario Educa- lion of Ontario last Friday morniag.%
Representing the separate school Vona" Association at Easter when The action followed upon stories
qliehers-Mr• John J R Lind- th
J. ogers,e trustees section wilt tee,ke their from the two townships of 'Murray
appointments. and Brighton in the county of Nor- ,
ihumberland which are said to bo'.
to act. This is a recognition of tbe
fact that the foul brood constitutes
a real menace to the bee -keeping. in-
dustry, the general feeling being that
whatever was done ought to be done
Mr. P. J. Clark of Borodino, N.Y„
who with his partner, Mr:. Coulter, is,
kno*n all over the continuo ag one
of the most successful rea.rers ot
queen bees, gave a 'practical demon-
stration with the aid of his equip-
ment, of the methods of raising the
queens, followed in his establishment.
There are approximately 5,000 men
in Ontario who go itt for protessienal
Why Cook Didn't Coni •
e to Torontosellering greatly from the fieei. One
was told alimit who had lost $5,000
The Arnerican newspapers haye been
rerehtly making investigations into
the financial gains that have fallen to
Dr. Frederick Cook througlzchi6 asset -
tion that he diseovered the North:
Pole, and it has been shown tint 1y
getting into the lecture field quititly
has been able to - mint the suspi-
eions which have been east • upon his
narrative into gold. According to all
acceunte his present fee Is $300
night tot public appearance and be
Appears to be finding locale managers
Willing to /take the risk of glettitti
old With a pre& &en with such a
,guarantec to face. nut he appears to
have come kWh in his figures evett
When the Controversy was a nine
days' wonder a local spotting edito
vlio,bas had 80%0 experience ili hand
a in three years by this aestreetive
agency. As Italian. Colonies of bees
ling Marathon runners and Wtestlers have been found to be always perfect.;
free from the disease, it was sug
money in bringing Cook to Toronto. -
with profit thought there -light be IY
Ile wired Dr. .Cook for his term,i' all. Myr s. would be a solution of the
gested that thorough Italianizing of
and the latter's manager replied, ot. didiculty. The bees, hives, and all
connected with them, have to he burne
tering to give one lecture tor the ed when the plague,is discovered, oc-
surrr ot $4,000 itt cold eash. The ee.sioning great loss to the keeper.
sporting editor went as high as $2 In relation to the same -mbject and
500, estimating that that was the after a resolution 'asking that the On -
highest sum that could 'be ,,aid, and trio Foul Brood Act be amended so
even at that the chances of loss- were as to give -the inspectors the poWer,
considerable, Dr. Cook, however, de- not only of going -in to eee hives
dared that the lowest offer Le woula which have beet discovered to be in
entertain was $3,5011, For this tees" feeted, but to, go tete anY 'hive end
on Toronto has so •far Nun deprived find out tor himself if it was healthy,
of his presence, and it is probable the Executive Committee, togethet
that the sporting editor and his with It O. Sibbald of Claude,. Ont.,
friends who were willing to %ice a and Mr. Morley Pettit, Proviacial
dance in bringing him are money in Apiarist, were appointed as. d core -
Pocket. Mittee 011 the matter with full poWere.
Franz Ferdinand of Austria- end hi4
wife are on a visit to the. Kaiser at
The British Committee on the Dra-
matic Censorship hag isdvised that thel
ecesershiP :be retained and extended to
music halls. ,
$1,000 RENARD
For A Case of Incurable Constipation
To a person who can't be cured ot
conetipation by Dr. Hamilton -s Pills,
the Above reward will he paid. No
cathartic medicine gives sub lasting
satisfaction or effects suelr marvellous
curee as Dr, Harriilton'a Pills'. Relief
immediately folloWs or hea,daehe, bil-
liousness and stonMeh disorders.;
griping "mine, no burning sensation,
nothing but the*most pleasant relief
attends the use et Dr. llenillton'e
Pills -others not et, good. Price 25e,
a box, At airdealerS.
The two Suffragettes who three/
stones at the Lord Mayor's banquet
in London have been sentenced to a
month in jail at hard labor.
Repeat it :-"Shiloh's Cure will al -
Ways cure my coughs and colds,"
• NewXealand will re -organize her
system of internal detenee in accor-
cordance with the recommendations of
the Imperial Defence Cominittee.
The inquest ieto the fatal railway
wreck is in progress at Vancouver.
Candidata were nominated for the
Legislature in British Columbia yes-
terday. I
Mr. Oliver Wilcox, Conservative,Vas
elected to the Commons in. North Es-
sex by a small maiority. •
Money Saving
For One .Mouth
It Commenced Nov. ist and will
Continue Right Through
this Mouth..
Happy Thought Range Square $6.00
" with reservoir 3.00
• • $, with reservoir and high shelf 3.00
916 Pandora and r:eservorr 3.00
• resmoir and high shelf 2.00-
.018 " and reservoir 2.00
reservoir and high shelf 3.00
Model Huron ,i . 2.00
Kitchen Range and Reservoir 2.00
No, 6 Radiant lame 2.60
with oven 2.00
No, 113 McClary's Famous 3.00
' No. 114 • " 3.00
Fairy with oven 2.00
and 5 per cent. discount offal small Coal Heaters
Bell faced Steel Hammers reg. 75c for .40c
50c for 38c
5c and 10c
30e •
• Fire Shovels
• 3 -ft English Roles
Handled Axes
A fine quality Shaving Brush
RazorStrop, good
Special prices on Raz -ors
Glass Cutters •• 10c
See the new Self -wringing Mops only 753 .
Lanterns, large burners- 60c
A good Storm Dom:complete with fittings $1,56
Just received a large assortment one-third off
the regular price.
$1.25 Double Cookers for
30c Wash Bowls for
80c Water Pails for
30c Tea Sleepers for
35c Chambers for
40c "
50c "
.$1.50 Preserving Kettles for
1.00 "
.75 "
.60 "
.30 Dippers for
• 20e •
• 20e
Why You Should Use Dustba
It saves labor in sweeping.
It saves one half your dusting.
It saves your carpets and rugs.
It saves yonr health. .
It is sanitary as it contains an anteseptie fluid
which kills gernr. The evaporation of this fluid while
sweeping thoroughly diSinfects the room. Try it once
and you will continually use it.
Established 1S7A
ARTRtviA, COMBS. 13RONCU1rit, scan
Visparized Cresatinte stopithe parnsystbs of
,Whooping Cough,__ Ever dreaded Croup Can
C -
not exist Where resigellie is 'Used. it acts
direct!), on nose and throat, snaking breathing
rearm) the case of colds, soothes tho sere
throat and stops the cough, It it a boon to
aufrcrerit of.Asthrna.
Cresolene la a powerfal itern)loide, acting both
a* a curative and ti preventive ihCOflUtiOtil
discabet. Cretatents's best recommendation IA
its thirty years ot successful Uned
rot ran t7 trustee
Solid Posta/ for DC.
ScriptiVC .VONtlet
trail/Aeon Aitits,eptio
Thraitt•Tiblets, altelAti
and seething tor the
irritated throat. 10e.
teeming. Mika Co..
Limited. Asienta, Mons
tree. Catiitcla. 308
List of .Second-liand Heaters in. Oood Repair
1 Acme Coal Heater $10
1 Expel t Coal Heater $8
1 Radiant Home with oven $18
1 Princess Acorn $14
1 Imperial Jewell $15 •
1 Vesta Pearl $7
j McClary Belle $4
1 Parlor Coek for wood $4
2 I3ox Stoves for wood $2
1 Honor Bright wood cook $13
Try Wyandotte' Cleaner and,Cleanser-- a full
5 Ib. Bag for 23c. The Cheapest and Bet
• Cleansing Compound in Use.
Harland Bros,