HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-11-11, Page 8HOw Local Option Affects. $:
Owen Sound.
The following testitnooy front one of the newspeper editors f
. . ,
Owen Sound is convincing ae to the success of local option there. It
ShoUld be read with great care and made use of by all our friends in
$ Ontario, Manitoba and British Columbia at the preeent crisie :
'"1,...The very best evidence that we can give you that local olthou
is a success is that we rethined it for another three years at the palls in
January last, by a good majority, in spite of the combined force of all
the liquor interests in Canada. to discredit the bylaw and defeat it.
"2. Hotel accommodation was never better than at Present., and
there is plenty of it, notwithstanding the fact that some of the old
$places are practically closed.
"3. The town continues its steady increase in population, up-
wards of a hundred new buildings being erected each year eince 'opal
1 option was voted on, notwithstanding the general business depression
of the past two years,
"4. Business is corning to town from a larger area of country than
ever before. The Christmas market of 1908 was the largest the town
has ever known. Prices were gond.
. "5. Many merchants tell us of old debts collected since local op-
tion carried, that they never expected tO get. Men are now paying
cash who were formerly on the ragged edge of poverty through drink.
"6. The circumstances of quite a number of families that I know
have been chenged from squalor and poverty to ordinary conifor t.
This has been good for all merchants and dealers. .A. drinking man is
a good customerlor second-hand clothes ; a seber man for new clothes
$ and other things as well.
'I, There Is practically no rowdyism, loafing or bed language on $
the streets ---a vet.y marked difference from the rough time under
$license. .
"8. A few drunk men are seen on the streets ; what there are
being put out to make a show and because it is dangerous to keep them
where they get the drink. Under license they would be hidden away,
and there would be twenty then to one now.
"9. Those who still get liquor formed the appetite under license.
I do not knew of a single new appetite being formed under local option.
"10. Young men students who come to town do net get liquor or
form the drink habit.
e "11. It isa. very rare thing to see a drunken farmer leeving town.
$ 'Ceder license there were plenty of them.
"12. There is scene bottle drinking done by young men and older .
men who formed the habit under license, but there was plenty of
$ bottle drinking under license. • '
"13. 1 have good authority for saying that there is less liquor
illegally sold under local option than what was sold illegally under
$ license.
"14. The moral condition of the tiznin is improved under local
"15: The town values continue to increase. Here are the assess,
$ merits : .
1905 84,454,997 1009.. . ., $5 138,621
The year 1909 contains additions of territory. amount ing to
a $261,290, the uet am'ount of the old part being $4.877,331. This is the
t• assessment for collegiate taxation, which is the most complete.
'On. The rate of taxation remains steady. ' •
1906 23t 1009 . - . , .,..., ........ ..... 234
0 "17. The consumption of gas from the municipal plant shows a,
steady demand. The. year 1906, the first under locel option, shows a
large inereage. Since that time elect If ic light is replacing it.
"18 The consumption ofelectric current is enormously increased.
More people cell afford it now.
1905 87,025 73 1908 • $19,229 91
"19. The Water Works Department, shows a very marked in-
$ crease, as follows
1905 $9,411 11 1908 .. . ... ...... ... . .. ..,. $14,447 17
"20. The benevolence account of the town showed the good effect f
of local option. The population was quite largely increased in 1907 and
1908, especielly by English and European emigrants,- many of whoni
needed assistance after the shortege of work caused by the penic of
$the fall of 1907. The payments of 1908 wet e largely increased by the
Own feeding the strike breakers brought to town by the O.P.R.
1904.- ......... . . . . .... $689 36 1907 $ 535 62
$ 1905 703 60
794 46, 1908
1900 583 01
"21. Almost all the illicit liquor Felling has been in the hotels •
- . . .. ....
• .
$ formerly under license -het e is the inspector's r ecord •
December 18t11, 1907, to November 9th, 1808.
Information laid against hotel keepers . . 67
Informetien laid against blind pig keepers ... .. . .. ....... . . .. ,18
Total • - 85
Hotel keepers convicted
. - 37
• $
Blind Pig keepers convicted 2
. ,'
e Hotel keepere absconded
Hotel keepers sent to jail , . . . . . 8
$ ,
Blind nig keepers absconded 1
Total .. - 9
Blind nig keepers sent to jail •
" 'It's, hard to Ceach an °la dog new tricks.' .
"22. The local option law is as well obser ved RS the 'fee 00111.•
$ mend ments. • . (Signed) C. A. FLEMING."
disqlbAlb.1111,44.111W111W1W1b,Illb.'IRAIR,11bAllogth"qhmoftelb Athr4SRAISIASRAIIIR4
• .
111101111,4116.-1111. 1111,1111b. 41116,11. b "IWO .111,1b,11111/ft, 411•1‘1,116Abo •
$4 0 Slio MilSic.liiliorm
0 5. C. Rathwell Shoes1-loare. Music 9
Regina. Shoes for
$ Women
• Fit for a Queen
Have pm seen our Regina.
# eSlioe for ladies. • We -have them
eA" in Velour Calf, V•iciKedeand Pae.
r tent Colt. • If you want the most
$stylish, eicest-fittiegshoe on.
the market, try a pair of. Re-
PRICES -$3.00, 3.25 and 3.50
in Pate Colt and Vici Kid.
We are Sole Agents in Clinton
Nothing Like
• • To pass away the long fall and $
'. .. . -
winter evenings... Good secend-.
. hanctOrgaris and Pianes te .sell
or rentatreasonable prices.
' Newcombe Pianos and
Sherlock -Manning Pianos. and :
Organs always in Stock. .
Try us for Sheet.rlusic
and Violin Supplies #
We Aim to Please. ••
illkwilb••%Allwq1.46.46/VirellIvilb.-401.Ab. 411b-Abwili/qh..16.0116.4411,,111.- qb...416,4111.04,41.
J. B. Hoover"
Nelson Ball
our lowest priced articles are included
In this statement,.
which makes it, only the the most
perfectly made furniture is alloeved to
go. So when you need a set or an odd
of the streightest mid soundest trees piece come here where materials. turd
conies the furniture we handle. Even workmanship are both of the best.
furniture and Puneral Dt.rettorso Clinton
Clinton Nows.Recorgl
We give yOU therest.
A price advantage to
you and a limited profit
for ourselves is the nice
feature connected with
a stock of boxed writing
paper just received, four
styles frona which to
select, each box contains
24 sheets of paper and
24 envelopes. It is equal
• in quantity and quality to
that for. which 25c is of-
ten asked but we can pro-
fitably offer it to you
for ,15c. Please accept
this price advantage for
yourself and at the same
time benefit us, though
somewhat less.
Often Cheapest - Atways the Best
Mr. And Mese E. M. McLeah wee° in
Toronto this week, .
Mr. W. O. Johnston; Goderich, was tee
Clintoh on Tuesday.
Mt, John Ransford visited • his son in
' London the past week. •
Mr. Pete Ker js. expected back . frorn
Aberdeen, -South Dakota:, next
month. . • •
Mr. Stewart JackeOn ot the Molsons
• Rank staff, Toronto, is home for a
ten days holiday. .
Miss Beatrice Greene and Miss. Lizzie
Reed took part in a concert at Fele
Ierton this week,
Rev. Dr. Stewart attended • the meet-
• ing of the Presbytery of Aluron in
• Blyth on Tuesday.
Mr. • Jacob Miller lett oft ,Tuesday on
"his trip to visit his :daughters . • on
• the Pacific Coast and Sask.
,Mrs... E. Finch - and her son. Roy leave
• for London ,to -morrow to ,t4pend
• few weeks 'with friends .there;
Mr, Kilpacke organist ofSt. George's
church, Goderich, was the guest. Of
Rev. Rural Dean Gunne on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson' .Yeo ol the Bay-
field Line were guests of Mr: . and
' Mrs. Jae. Tucker ol town on . Sun -
Mr. and Mrs..: R. A. 'Moore -have- • re-
turned from. Paris where they . have
been, .living. fax several . weeks . and
purpose . remaining in town: •
Miss Gladys So•wds, daughter of Mr.
'and Mrs. David Sowees, Who. is an
, inmate 'of the Institute .for the Deaf
and Dumb at. Peteebero, jell): with
tYphoid fever,
Miss Hattie .Tipting,, • who was for
three week's .the guest of Clinton
. friends. a.nd , was yesterday brides-
maid fax Miss ..Carrie Butt, , left
. this morning foe her, home- in :De-
troit. . • : • - •
Mr: Will, Wasman and lits sister,
Miss Nettie, who .were visiting their,
uncle at Coherae, are expect-
• ed home, this week. They are now
speeding a few days. 'with friends at
Inwood, ;
S. T. :Bartlett, Toronto, sec-
• retary, of the E. L. and S. S... ..As-
sociations, who. was. one of tha
speakers at the. convention at Lon-
desborie last' Week, was the guest of
his brother -in -la*, Mr. W. 11, Hell-
• yar, jeweller, town, on Friday. ,
Among those , from Clinton who it:
• tended the funeral of the late Jon-
athan Miller in Goderich yesterday
were : D. B, Kennedy, • Jas. Fair,
W. J. • Tozer,. " eH. MeBrien, Bert
Fitzeitnons, Wesley Walker, NV. J.
• Elliott, Dr. • Shaw, G. I-1. Wilker.,.
. J. Taylor, C Twich11, N, Ken-
, nedy and • D. -Mcdorvie, •
November 110,1909
hirtg Six Fur Jackets
at Cost
Astrachan, Bockaran, and Electric Seal.
We are putting en sale Saturday and following da3s 36 Fur Jackets at eost and less, sizes
34 to 42, This will be an exceptional chance to procure a guaranteed coat at a big sav'ing. We
stand behind our furs and you run no risks. Come and see this big bargain.
$20 Astrachan
••Jackets $14
Ladies' Astrachan
Jackets . not whole skins,
but they have an appear-
ance of expensive ones
and give splendid Eatio..
faction. .Sized 36 to 38
Reg. $20 sale price $1.4
50 Astrachan
Coats $35
Ladies' Black Astra-
chan coats wholeskin, fine
glossy black Astrachan
Collar. and Revers, hip
length in Russian blouse
or semi-fittiog, . Sizes 34
to 40.
Reg. $50, sale price $35
$75 Bockaran .
• Jackets.$55
•Ladies' Bockaran
Jackets, first quality "th
, wi
Alaska Sable Collar and
Revers, satin lined and
fully guaranteed. ' Sizes 34
to 40. - '
Reg. $75, sale price $55
$50 Seal Coats $38
LadiesElectric Seal
' Seal Collar aud
i aecwt•
• nblouses iaths
sueks' itrdul es T h so
look as well as the real seal • .
and give splendid use.
ITeg. $50, sale price $38
25 Samples ofWinter Coats at Big Bargains. •
25 Ladies' winter coats, samples very newest style and cuts in Black, Blue, Green and Red. Sizes .04, 36,
as.only. . Don't u,iss this chance if you need a good warm, coat for win ter.at a.saving of 25 per cent tff real
'value, •
25..Travel1er's Samples of Children's Coats.
. 25 Children's Winter coats in Tweed and Beaver cloth, Red, Green, Grey and.Brown, nicely trimmed up
to the minute styles; fitting Children from 6 to 12 years at a saying of 25 .per cent.
Cleaning up Our corsets at 25c a pair.
100 odd corsets ranging prices from 50c to $1.25. These are just a clean up lot some are white and others
grey, and sizes just from 18 to 30 in short and long waists. Better come early Saturday morning and get the
best value. All on one table at the price - 25e
'The. two -year -Old- daughter •.'of . Mr.
William *Snell had -.one of her' arms
fractured • the ,other da Y by being
struck by a dream separator in. Moe.
and Mrs. IsA.A.C..Marwood • spenit
Sunday .with•Blyth friends: •
•Mr. Wm.' :Plunkett spent n'hersday
and Friday in •Londesboro. acting as
delegate from. the.. Auburn Methodist
Sunday school to the S. S. end E. L..
onvention. • • . . 7
• Mr. ,AlberteDoerr of Westfield spent
Sunday • at his borne in this vicinity,
Mr. Will. Armstrong, who 'returned
to his home 'on Saturday last, is now
engaged in packing • apples' fax
Johnston and Asjeuith, of Auburn.,
Miss Ella Peck of Seaforth ' spent
Mr. Jas.' Stevens was called to Salt- Sunday at home.
.ford on Saturday last by the death •Mr. and Mrs. Ludlow and daughter
of his sister, Mrs. .Larry Manning. Susanna, of 'Ptoton Station, with IVIrs.
He returned home Mottday evening. James Richardson and daughter Kate
• On Monday forenoon he /vent across of Goderich toWnship, were *tests ati
to Carlow to visit Mr. Jonethan the home of Mr. Joe. Richardson, on
Miller, an old friend, but arrived an Friday last,
• hour or two too late to see him Messrs. Wm. Clarke and Wesley
• alive.. • Peck attended the GuBros concert
'be following from Clintoe attended
. the 1. L. Se S. S. convention in.
Londesboro on Thursday and Fri-
day last Miss Dolly dantelon,
Miss Mabel Harland., Miss Dell Min-
er, Mrs. RObt,. Carter, Miss Edna.
Turner, Miss Washington, Miss
• May Holland, Mrs, Clhas. Hol-
land, Rev. J. Greene and Mr. W. Ire
Ir. 11. 13. Chant, superintendent of
• the Piano and Organ factory, visit-
ed the piano factory at Listowel on
Tuesday to inspect a rtew drying
device fax which the patentee'eldims
great things. Mrs. Chant accom-
panied him as far as Stratford
where she spent the day with her
daughter, Miss Gertrude Chant who
is attending the /3usiness College.
in. Clinton ,ori‘ Saturday night. . .
Misses Albino, and Laura Richard-
son rettirned. on Tuesday evening '
last week from a visit with friends in
Exeter. While there Miss Laura as-
sisted in. singing at the anniversary
'serVices on Sunday and entertainment
the following •-night in Calvin Preeby-
teriarn church.
The township cottncil will meet on
the 20th inst. when it is t•eetiested
that all gravel accounts be presented
so that they May be cleared off .be-
fore the tush on Dec. 15th. .
The township hall has been engaged
by the Hornentes for one month and
We understand they commence their
work hereon Friday evening ot this
week. The meetings will be, in charge
of Rev. Mr. Burns and Ovanp,-elist
Trotter who labored with cult zeal
in Clinton last summer.. •
The Advertising Department of the
lOrand Trunk nailway System are .
'now in receipt of complete figures -as Robert Irwin, an old rnan, hanged
to the general attendance at the Al- 1111118'61f nearMillbrook.
aska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition at -A. Harvard astronomer seys the
Seattle the past summer. Tlie total probably pass through the tail. Of
number of people • who visited the IIalley's comet in May next. •
as - ,-8- •27 ' I John S. Eennedy of New Vork, who
Gland Trunk building w MI5
The exhibit is now its way to i• . •
• I', ,k
Canada and the Conmany are prepar-:ii charitable and educational in
ing their plans and exhibit for the in.- -
ternational Exhibition a.t Brussels'
whieh will be held next year, Tire I The Daily Telegraph says it has
Grand Trunk will erect a handsome:been definitely decided that the House
building at this exhibition orMah will; of Lords will refuse to accept the fin
be eiqual to any they have constructedance bill until' an appeal has bean
'e to
fax the eXhibitions it the past. inttdthe people.
London Road .
Me.. Byron- Waldron has Inert, spend-.
ing the. past Week 'tho guesit itis
brother Gordon in Toronto. . •
Mr. • J. T. 'McKnight .• has purchased.
the 1.00 acre' farm adjeining his •frern
IVr.' 13aWden .of .Exeter. . . •
The many friends here of 'qr. Thos;
Jennison • of 'Swift .derrent, Sask.,
were sorry . to hearthat he was
downWith typhoid and they, will alt
be pleased . to. hear- of his ewitt •xe-
. , .
eovery. • • •
Mi. •arut Mrs. • R. Jennison centem-
plete moving to Clinton next week..
They have spent the past decade with,
us and their hospitality ita.s been
so often 'proven that their temoVal is
one of -those events in life we cane
not psi lightly. overand we heartily.
s ley. may long enoy • 11
as citizens of Clinton.
The infant son of Mr.. • and • •• Mrs.
Robert Hunter passed away on Mon-
day lest. The: little one was less
than four montlfs old but it had en-
twined itself •about the •hearts of its
arents a.n.d there is sadnesein the
hone because of its passing - away.
The funeral took placeafternoon, the
to Clinton
services being . conducted by Rev. 0.
R.. „G. jui.n;n Tuesday '
The News From Londesboro •
Miss Margaret 111eCool fete...Lc:1 to
• Toronto Monday of thifkeireele .
l• . Mrs. Thee. Manning is; %ea .,,, re sor-1
ley to letirn, not hearer:tag. - • .
1' The different sessions of the
. . .
. worth .League and Sunday. ecbool con-
vention were well attendee. Thursday
land Friday last. Amohg the speakers
w.ercRev.T S. Bartic4t, of '`eronto
I general secretary of Sunday 13choels
•and Epworth Leagues,. and Rev. Dr.
to. 1,, 'Kilburn, ,who is home . item
iChinaf .1 . gl . . .
Mr, E. Adams left Friday fax Pitts-
field, Mass., to visit his • litother 'Ert-
1 Win; who underwent an operation last
-week' for appendicitis: We are 'pleas -
I • -
ed to learn -he is iniproving nicely,
and. hope for his speedy recovery. .
I• Rev. Mr. Thompson of Palmerston
'.occapied the pulpits of Burns mid.
Knox .eburches Sunday ;last, •
Miss Bina Bina Kiek left Tuesday fere Ste
Thomas. '
On Monday Bert • Stet:el:we:6n of
Constance, Who had delivered a loact
of apples to the epaperator• here, lett
his horses . in frotit Qf the nest offie.0e
and went inside for few ininutes:‘.
On his return he fo.und they had lieoken
away end started for nome. The
three horses. 'were • hitched to the
• wagon. which was dragged along at a
furious rete: 'One of the horses was.. .
thrown down and pulled alongby the
other two.. They were stopped near
the railway track. ,Considerable'dam-
age Was done to the- haeness; etc. ,
East Wawanosh
Mr: Herman BuboltS left for Sea -
forth on Saturday last, to .pend. • a
• few 'weeks with her daughter, Mrs.
Netherland; '
Milton Pfeffer, who is ettending the
Myth. Public school, spent Sethi:day
and Sunday at his home in, this vicin-
ity.. . 6 •
Mr, Henry MeClinchey was. in Lon-
deshoro last Thursday ankyriday as
a delegate froin the Anburn Fpworth
Leaglie to the S. S. and E. 1., con-
I Mr. *Harvey Bentley ot llyth spent
, Sunday at his home here.
A few of the farmers made "apple
ktek" last week. Its a very goost
way to dispose of apples.
Epworth League and S S. Con.
• The annual- cenventioe of the .Ep-
worth Leagues and Sunday Schools of
the Goderich District of . the Method-
i•st. Church was held in Lont1e4 110 Ofl
Thursday and Friday last. •
The District was 'well i•epterented,
And an interesting program rendered.
ReV. A. E. Jones, pre'sitleat, pre -
Is.i fire t session On Thursday after-
noon was occupied with an ttaeress
"S" f tl 17' • (h',. "
11 • by one of our returned Mlst.ionaries,
IRO. Dr. Kilborte and an ;11ustrated
•P address on "Syuthetic Sleety of Gen-
'esis" No. 1, by Rev. Dr, Dougall of
A banquet Was held in the evening
at 0.30, with after-dinner epecches on
I"Our Country,' "Our `.lanadian
Navy," "Our Age" and "Our Tei.t4.''
At the evening session another ad-
dress was given by Dr. A‘itoorn •tn
"Our work in china."
Friday was well
;2 and 3 front Dr. nougat' onAlieles-
lis, two' more address?s by Dr, 1I-
Stalti,1011 •IriaWitShIP. '
(born, an address on "Does the feint-
, day schools and Epworth Leagues,
The News -Record is requested to Bartlett, general secretary of Sen-
state that "Mr, George B. Draper of day Schools and Epworth Leagues,
the Brooklyn Bible. Society vitt give
his famous discourse, 'Is itere hope
beyond the grave' in the town hall,
Bayfteld, next Sunday. Mr. Draper is
a Very energetic speaker and all should
hear him,"
Women voted in Norway fax the firsi)
time in the general election yester-
and .a convention parliament which
cOnsisted of 4 debates re "Summer
School," "Missionary Study Class," ,
Organized liblO • 1 asse.". ..n "The
S. S. Organized fax Mission Work." I
I Mr. Bartlett emphasized the three
tgreat aims of the S. and informed
'mind, 'Christian character and use-
fulness and showed in a very satia-
factory manner how faithful work
would yield large dividends. It was
0 •
indeed a privilege to listen to our
missionary, Dr. Kilborn, who for le
years has labored in China as one
of, our pioneer missionaries. IBS ad-
dresses were full of iteteresting in- •
formation and inspiration.
The District . officer'swere all ret
elected except Mr. John§ who has re-
moved, and they are' : •
Hon: President, Rev. D. RbgerS.
vice, Mr.
2nd vice, Miss M. Bailie,
3rd vice, Mrs. E. Bender,
4th vice, Miss Lfiey Stevens.
5th 'vice, Rev. Dr. Dougall.
Secretary, , Miss Adams:
Treasurer„ .Miss C. E. Dennison: .
District Representative to Confer '
mire, Rev. IL E. Currie. •
Distriet S. S.'secretary, Rev. W. IL
, Our Missionary, Rev, G. Harris..
Much praise is due i, the Iadiee ot
Londeeboro 'for their interest manifes-
ted in providing dinner and tea each
day in the basethent of the church.
'Those Of our readers who are in-
terested itt financial and commercial
'atiotations will be MSC to subscribe
for The Toronto News. Its financial
and commercial page is accurate and
cotnpletc and givesquo-
tations and sales of the day's market
in Toronto, Montreal, Chicago, New
York, Liverpool and London. Tho
News -Record has' closed a clubbing ar-
rangement, under which readers of
this paper can procure The N'ews-rtec-f
ird and the Toronto News fax $l .Q.