The Clinton News-Record, 1909-11-11, Page 7vembet 110, 190c • Clinton Nems -Record G. D. MATAGGART IL D. MeTA.GGART McTaggart Bros. -BANKERS--• A 'GENERAL !BANKING BUSie k NESS TR ANSA CTED. NOTES DISCOUNTED. DRAFTS ISSUED INTE1.EST ALLOWED ' ON %- POSITS. SALE NOTES PURCH- ASED. 111 W. BRYDOVE, BARRISTER, soLiciToR NOTARY, PUBLIC. ETc. OFF/OE-Sloane Bleck-CI INTON. - - FL T. RANCE. - - - NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY- ANCER, FINANCIAL, REAL •..EVYATE AND FIRE INSUR- 'ANCE AGENT. REPRESEN- TING 14 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. DIVISION COURT OFFICM, CLINTON. CHARLES B. HALE Conveyancers, Commissioners, Real Estate and Insurance Agency. Money to loan. ........ OFFICE - •-• - HURON ST. DR. W. GUNN L. R. C. P., L. R. C. S. Edinburg Office -Ontario street, Clinton. Nigist calls at front door of office or at residence on Rattenbury street. .-DR. J. W. SHAW- t-OFFICE- RArhENI3URY ST. EAST, LONDON, ONTARIO. Business & Shorthand • Silszqrs Resident and Mail Courses Catalogue. Free J. W. Westervelt. .1. W. Westervelt, Jr.. C.A., , Principal. Vice -Principal. seseseeweee. Bargams Furniture.' BEDROOM SETS -Dresser With large+ bevel mirror. Stand with high towel rack. Fancy white enamel , bed. Regular $14.50 for $1245. WRITING- DESKS-Witle drawers shelves and letter boXes, $6.50, p.op. UNION CARPET-Revisible Pattern, yard wide, 25c.„ 35c,, 45e., pee yard. ... TAPESTRY CARPET -Reds; Greens, Fawns, 50e. 60c., 75e. CORK LINOLEUM -2 yd., 3 id., 4 yd. wide, 40c,, 45c., 50c., per sq. yard. • --CLINTON.- tlie. C. W. THOidPSON. PHYSICIAL, SURGEON, ETC. Special attention teven to dis- eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes carefully examined and suitable glasses prescribed. Office and residence : 2 doors west of the Commercial Hotel, 1•11tron St. • -DR. F. A. AXONi.- J. H. Chellew T3D-5r111-.:1 APPLES WANTED „i (Succevior to Dr. Holmes.) Specialist in Crown and Bridge work, Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Honor graduate of University of Toronto Dental Department. Graduate of the Chicago College of Dental Surgery Chicago. Will be at the Commercial hotel Bayfield, every Monday from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. for shipping and evapor- ating purposes. Best prices paid. CANTELON CLINTON. THOMAS BROWN, LICENSED AUCe tioneer for the counties of Huron and Perth. Correspondence prompt- ly answered. immediate arrange- ments can be made for sale (dates at The News -Record, Clinton, or by calling phone 97, Seaforth. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaran- teed. An Italian who changed large bills at Niagara Falls has been arrested in connection with the express Jobbery. Robert IIenry Price *as arrested in connection with incendiary fires in Simcoe county. SO -YEARS' EXPERIENCE 1, TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS 8GO. Anyone sending ri sketelt and description me5/ trickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. lCommunica• tions strictly coniblential. tiMBOOK on Patente Jere f roe. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & GO. Moire special MN Without ehargo, la the scientific trim, A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest Mr. filiation of any scientific journal. Terms tor Wanada, $3.75 a year, postage prepaid. Bold by newsdealera. MUNN Co 3619-ad.wilew York B,...„, e. EV5 I? et. Washington. D. C. FARM PROFITS May be largely increased by knowing the exact condition of the farmer's market, and by learning of the best method*.in farm practice. This is precisely the sort of information the Farmers' Weekly Sun gives in every issue. It has no equal as a Farmer's Business Paper. Good farmers rely on it. For price see our 'dubbing offer. stieel-tWer,-aid her -v.-01CW died away as she stepped out into the night. Then, with a sudden, imperative ges- ture, she half turned toward him. "But," she exclaimed, perplexed, gaz- ing to right and left -"but the cub, Mr. Kirkwood?" He was on the stoop a second later. St:41(1111g beside her, he stared blanely. To the left the Strand roared, the stream of its nightlife in high spate; on the right lay the embankment, core- Peratively siledt and deserted, if bril- liant with its high swung lights. Be- tween the two. quiet Craven street ran, short and narrow and wholly innocent of any etre] of equipage. CHAPTER VII.' ELL, Air.-Kiricwoodre • "Mrs. Hallam," be stam- mered, "I" - She lifted her shoulders, • Impatiently and with a quick •inove- meet stepped back iteross the thresh- old. where she paused. it rounded arm barring the entrance, one, hand grasp - Ing the doorknob,- as it to shut him out at any moment. . "Pm awaiting yoer explanation,i! she saki pId1y He .griuned With nervousness, striv.„ ing to penetrete the mental processes of this handsome Mrs. Hallam. She seemed to regard him with a suspicion which he thought inexcusable, Did she .suppose he had spirited Dorothy 'Calendar away and thee called to ap- prise ber of the fact, el* that he was some sort of adventurer who had manufactured a plausible yarn to gain hint access to her home. et -harking back -to her original theory -that he was an :emissary from Scotland Yard?' Probably she- distrusted, him on the latter hypothesis. The reflection left him More at ease. •• "1. -am quite as mystified a'syou, Mrs. Hellen," he began. eeliss Calendar was here at this door In a four•wheel- er not ten minutes ago, and" - "Then where is she retie?" , • "Tell .me where Calendar is.". he re- • torted, inspired, "and I'll try .to an- swer yea!" , • . But her • eyes were blank.: "You •' "that Calendar was in this. house when I came; that 'he left, found his daughter in the cab and drove off with • her. It's clear enough." • . "Yon are quite enistaken," she said thoughtfully, • "George . Calendar , has not beenbere this. night." . • He wondered that she did..not-seem .to •resent nis imputation. • "1 ' think The MaKillop Mutual Fire Insurance companu LIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY The Best In Current literature 92 Comm...STE NOVItLe Yfteatet MANY SHORT STOIlltS AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS I12,00 pea lizah ; 28 ate. A COPY. ,NO CONTINUED STORIES. suttee Nutanin (tom PLave IN MC". -Farm and Isolated Town Property- ' -Only Insured-- • -OFFICERS J. B. McLean, President,. Sea.foith 0. ; Thos. Fraser, Vice-Presideike 13rucefield P. 0. ; T. E. Hays See. Treasurer, S'eaforth P. 0. -Direetors- William Shesneye • Seaforth ; Joh Grieve, Wintgtop ; George Dale, Sea forth ; John Watt, Harlock ; John Bennewies, Beodhagen ; James Evan : Beechwood; James Genteelly, -AGENTS- Robert Smith, learlock ; Id. iiin- chley, Seatorth ; Janie -a • Ctiminings Egmondville ; J. W. Yeo. Holmeee ville. Parties desirous to effect insurance or tiansact other business will be promptly attended to on • applicaeio • to any of the above officers addressed to their respective postoffices. Losse inspected by the director Tithe live,. nearest the scene. . • •. • Clinton News -Record By Louis Joseph Vance Copyright, MS, by Om. leobbs-Mereill Co. ' nme-it seems to me I did bear -a cab at the street" - "Ow?" interjected Celendate eying the woman .steadfastly and employing The landing itself they found quite eu exclanuttiou of combined illumine- • deserted, something which the flea and inquiry more typically British turer comprebeneed with a nod which, :ban anything Kirkwood had yet. like its accompanyitig imirtieulete eine- beardfrom the man. For her part, the,leolt she gave Kirk- wood,was sharp with fury. It was more; It was a mistake, a flaw in her liplomacy, for Calendar intercepted, it. Unceremoniously he grasped her bare erm with his fat hand "Tell me who it was!" he demanded in an ugly tone.. She freed herself with a twist and . stepped back, a higher color tn her 2heeks, flash of :Inger in her eyes. "Mr. Mulready," she retorted definite- ly. "What of that?" ' • "I wish I was sure," declared the fat adventurer. exasperated. "As it is, bet readier you've put :our -foot in it, my Iudy 1 warned You of that black - ;mud. There! The •misehief's done. A few scatteringfeeble lights eeere visible. Nothing moved Savt. teteliver • and the wind. not"- • ••• • • KListen!".slie.cried. raising a Warn- Ieg hand, andtelexing her vigilant. attitude, moved forward once more to peer down 'toward tbe embankment. . A cab had cut in from that direction • and was bearing dewn epeire them with .a brisk rumbleof boors, • A,s it ap- proached, Iiirkwood'S heart,' that had 'lightened, was Weighed upon again by - disappointMent. It was no four wheel- er, but a hansom, and • tee. open Wings • of the apron, disclosingea.whitetrian- gle,ef linen surmounted by. a ,glotving spot. of tire. •beteased the sex of the hope that it Might be the girl return - Ing. :t.00 p• . 1,1111.4 ,t.,o ttllow of ..fu.rther : • At the door the cab pulled up sharp- ly and a inan tumbled hastily ,out upon the sidewalk.. • • • "Here!" be cried throatily, tossing the cabby his fere, and turned toward the pair epee the doorstep.- evidently :surrnieing that something was amiss. fer he was Calendar in proper person and a sight to upset in a ,twioklin,g Iiirkwood's ingeniously builded castle of Suspipion. • "Mrs. Rallarn!" • be cried, out 'Of breath. "le my daughter here?" And then.catching sight of .Kirkwood's counteneinceeeeithy, hello, Kirkwood!" Ile saluted him with a dubious air. , The • 'Women interrupted • hastily. "Please come in, Mr. Calender. This' gentleman has been inquiring for You. with an astonishing 'tale about, your daughter." •• ,• • , "Dorothy!" Cfilendnies moonlike vis- age was"ruementnrily -Wrested of any trace of celor. "What Of tier?" "You Mill better: come in," advised Mrs. 111111am bresquely. The fat telventurer hopped hurriedly across•the threshold, Kirkwood follow- ing. The woman shut :the door. and turned With back to it, nodding sig- nine:Italy at Kirkwood as her eyes met Calendthes. "Well, well?" snatiped the latter im- patiently, eurning to the yeung man. But Kirkwood was thinking quick- ly. • For the present he contented him- self with a deliberate statement of faet, "M tss Calencia r has distippear- ed." It .gave hint an ID:4111104 time. .-There's , something fishy!" he told himself • "These two tire playing at cross purposes. Calendar's no, fr,ol. Tle's evidently n crook to boot As for -the 'women, she's had ber eyes open for a number of years. The main thing's Dorothy. She didn't vanish eif her owti 1ot t 111 thee A iul Mrs. fla II n m knowe or suspects more Lima she's going to tell. I don't think she wants Dorothy found Calendar does. So do L Ergo. I'm for Calendar." 'Inseppenredr' Calemlnr was bark. tog at hint. "tIow? When? Where'?" "Within ten minntes.." • said Kire- Wood, "Herm tors get it straight" And he toid what had bappened„ then - Honing that he had not paid the cab Olver.". "Thanice," said Calendar dryly. He bent his heed in thoualit for fin in- stant, then looked up and fixed Mrs. Ilanam with an unprejudiced eye. ',I say!" he &Mended eeplosively. "There .wrisn't any one here that luiew-eh ?" Her fine eye§ wavered 'and fell be- fore his, and Tilricwood remarked that her underlip was cUrioUsly drawn in. "I heard a man leave tie NB'S. Thillete jinedffle," he volunteered helpfullY tind with a suspicion of malice. "And 'lifter that -1 paid no attention at the CLINTON ONT. Terms of subscription -$1 per year in advanee $1.50 may be charged if not so paid. No paper discontinued until all areears are paid, unless at the opinion of the publisher. The date to which every subscription is paid ie denoted on the label. Advertising rates-LeTransient adver- tisements, 10 cents pet nonpariel line for first insertion and 8 cents per line for each subsequent insert,. ion. Small advertisements not to exceed one. inch, such as "StraYe4,12 or. "Stolen," etre., in -t serted once for 85 emits and, each subsequent insertion. 10 cents,' Communieations intended for publitia- ton must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by tbe meals of the writer. W. 3. MITCHELL, Editor and Proprietor. RAI1WAY GRAND TRUNK SYSTEM elation, might bare been takeu to in- dieute either satisfaction •or diegust. Lie Ignored Kiri:wood eirogether for the time being and presently produeed a small, bright °Wed, svti1Li.tetenea to his lips, proved to be a boattevalies whistle. He sounded two blasts; one long, one brief. Tbere fell a lull. Kirkwood watching the other and wondering Went next would happen. Calendar paced rest- lessly to and fro upon the .narrow landing. now stopping to incline an ear -to climb some antivipated sound,. now searching with sweeping glences the Wadi' reaches of the pool. eonsulting hie watch, "Al- most 10," he announced. "We're in time?" We won't row over it. One moment," . "Can't say, If' that infernal boat (le begged.it with- a wave of hisbeed,. would only show. up"- • stood pondering briefly, tumbled for He was lifting the whistle to sound his watch, found and consulted it. 'It's the barest chance." he muttered., "Perhaps we can make it." • -• "'What are you goiug to de?" asked: the woman. • ."Give 1Ir. Mulready a run for his money. Come Mouge Kirkwood! We (invent a miuuteeeerMrs..11allatn, per- mit us." She stepped aside, and he brushbd past her; to the door, ',Come, Kirkwood!" • • *- • He seemed ' to take Kirkwood's com- pany feir granted, and the young man was not indined to argue the point. Meekly euotigh he fell in with Calen- dar on the sidewele. • Mrs. Hallam fol - owed them Out. "You won't forget?" • the called tentatively. • • "I'll phone you if we find out any- thing." Caleudar jerked- the ' words uncermoniously over his shoulder as, .inking arms with KirkwOod, he drew • him swiftly along., They beard her :snut the door. Instantly Calendar 3topped.* "Look' • here, did •DOrothy aave a-a.small parcel with -her?" * • • -Sho. had a gladstone bag." . "Oh; the 'devil, the devil!" • Calendar started on again, muttering distracted, ty. As ,they reached the corner he lisengaged his arm. "We've a miuute. anti a half tO reach•Chaeing Cross pier, end I think it's the last boat; • Y-ou set :the pace; will yeti? . But remember in oldish man and -and fat," . They beganto run, the one easily, the other !umbering after like in old fashioned squarerigged ship paced be e • • The Thames • appeared before them; a river Of ink en whose burnietied Sur- face lights swain,, in long Winding streaks and Oily blobs.. By the floating pier e county coned( steamboat strain- ed Its hawsers, seoring huskily. :Bells were jingling in her .engine room ..as the two gained the beed.of the sloping gangway. . • • • leirkWOOd snipped • wethilling dove on the•licket window. ledge'. "Wbere • tie?" be cried •bacit. to teeiender. ••• "Cbet•ry Gardens -pier," rasped the wincled.futin. Ile stuiebled after •Iilrice Woode groaning with exhauetion• they'. the 'toleteince of the pier • employees gained them their. end. eThe steamer was held. some -seconds foie thein. As Calendar staggered. toits deck the. gangway was jerked in, the Mat haw- ser cast off. • The beat' sheered Wide, out �u the river, then shot. In, :arrow tike, 'to the pier beneath WateeloO bridge. • • - . • Theedeck •WaeeereWded, and addi- tional passengers einbarked at every stop. In the eireunistances• conversa- tion, save on the most impersonal trip- les. was impossible. • •As the 'boat snorted liereath .London bridge • Calendar's ImPatienee drove him from Ins seat back to the gang-- • wey. "Next stop," .he lold. leltkwood curtly and 'rested -bis heave bulk 'against the paddle box,' brooding mo- rosely Until after an Uninterrupted 'eon of more than a mile, the stainer swept-. in, side wheels backing water • furiously " against the ebbing tide, to Cherry Gardens landing. Sweet name far a locality uneavory beyond credence! Kirkwood shuddered, sticking close to Calendar's - side as they landed.• Life's . naked brutalities had thereto- . fore been largely out of his ken. He had hetird of Slums, had 'even ventered to MOuth politely moral platitudes on the subject of overcrowding in great cen- ters of pepniation, but in the darkest flights of ituaginetion bad never pie • tured to himself anething so•unspeak- ably foul und hopeless as .this. And they were cotne hither seeking Doro- thy Calendar! After smite ten minutes' steady walk- ing Calendar tented aside with a mut- tered*worsi and dived down a eovered dnrk and evil smelling passageway that seemed to lean toward the river. Mastering. his involuntary qualms. Kftwood followed. . Some ten er t welve paces from ite entrance, the passageway swerved at a right angle. continuing three yards or SO to end in a IMmit nth, wherefrom a filekering. inntlequitte gas littep jut- ted, At this point a stout' platform • perhaps four feet square was discov- eted, from the edge of which a flight Of Were and Minty stone steps led down • to 0 permanent boat landing, where nnother gaslight flared gustily despite the proteelitin of its frame of begrimed "Gond Lord!" exclalined the eoting mate "Wbat in heneen's name, Cal. ender"- "Bertuondsee Old Steire. Come on," They deseended to the landing stage. 13eneath theni the poot slept, a sheet of pellithed ebony. whispering to itself. • lapping with s'mall, stertitity gurgles angles of numonry and tinelent P1 O'S On the farther bank tali ‘Varetiollses retired squere 01(1 time lieods, their no 'eoinpreinising, rtigged prodle relieved. here end thete by tapering I I, -TimE TAME- Tr'd.ins will arrive at and depart from Clinton Station as follows BUFFALO AND GODERICH DIV. Going East 7.35 a. tn. it 11 3.07 P.m. 5.15 p, 11,07 a. ea. 1.25 p.m. ,8.40 1 11.28 p. m. At BRUCE, DIV. 1.50 a. lit 4.23 I). it. 11.00 a. in. 6.35 p. tt Going West gi n. 14 41 11 LONDON., Ilillt01.4 Goin g South it It Going North 44 a second summons when a rowboat rounded a projecting tingle formed by the next warehouse downstream and with clanking oarlocks swung in to ward the landing. On her thwarts two figures, dipping and rising, labored ;with the.sweeps. As they drew' in the man forward shipped hbs. blades and. • rising, .scrambled to the bows In order • to- grasp an Iron mooring !deg set in • the wall. Calender waddled to the brink of the stage, 'grunting with relief.' • "The other man." he aseed brusque- • ly-"has he. gone aboard, or i5. this the first trip tonight?". , • One of the watermen nodded assent. to the latter question, adding gruffly, ' "Seen nawthin' of 'int, sir." • • "Very..good," said Calendar, as if he -doubted whether It were very good or "bad. "We'll waltel bit." • • . eTtiget-o!" agreed the -waterman civ- . • • , ' Calendar turned back, his.small eyes glimmering, witb satisfaction. '"I sup- pose." be said to ,Eirltwood .abruptly, "you haven't changed your Miud?" ",Changed my mind?" • "About coming in With me." ' •• - "My dear sir, 1 can have no Mind to • cbange until a' plain proposition is laid before Me." ' • • • • .' •• • ".11-M!" Calendar puffed vigorous- ly mitt' it .occurred to him .to change the subject "You Won't mind.telling me what happened to you and Dorothy?"' , • "Certainly e • • Calendar drew nearer. and Kirk- wood,. leweringe his voice, narrated • briefly the event's since he had left the Pless in Dorothy's Company. Her father followed him intently, In- terrupting new and again with an ex- clamation • or pertinent ' question -as. .hod e Kirkwood been able to see the face of the map in Ne. 9 Frognall street? The .negative answer .seemed to .disconcert him. •- • • "Youngster, you sae? Blain' if I can lay my mind t� • him! NOW, if that -1Iuiready"- • : • "It would bave been impossible for •Mulready-whoever he is -to recover • and get to Craven street before we . did," Kirkwood peintedout. "Well, go:. on." But when the tale -was told ."It's. that • scoundrel 'Mut- readyl" the •than aliened with heat. "It's his -band. I know him. I might have had sense •enough to see he'd peke He' ciit Ott aaiipili,'See-"Mirig-ireFieTni-. ed by Hie thouglit that he might have 'been outwitted, fuel, clasping bands belnd,his back. chewed savagely on his cigar, watching tbe river. Kirk-. wood found himself somewhat west - tied. The uselessness of bis .presence -there struck ;him with added force. He bethought him of leis miduight boat train, Scheduled to leave e station miles distant In an hour and a half. If he missed it be would be etranded le a foreign land, penulless and prac- Ovally without friends, Brentwick be- ing away and all •the rest of his circle of acquaintauces ou the other Aide of the chanuel. • Yet be lingered in poor corupany, daring fate teat he might See the end of tee affair. Why? ' There was wily one honest answer to that question. He stayed on be- cause of his interest in a girl whom be bad known for a inatter of three hours at met. It was insensate folly ou his part, ridiculous from any point of view, but be made nnenove to go. • -----. 4 CHAPTER Lib slow miuutes lengthened ma • notouously. -- There came a sound from the street level, Calendar held up a hoed of warning. . "Here they cotnel Steady!" be said tensely. ' Calendar turned to the boat. • "Sheer off," be ordered. "Drop out of 'sight.. I'll whistle weeii' I ••evaut you." "Aye, aye, sir." • 'elle botit slipped noiselessly away witlethe current and in au instant was lost to sight. Calendar plucked eit leirkwood's sleeve, drawing bini into the shadow'of the steps. "E -easy," he whispered. -And, I say, lend me a hand, will you, if .elulready turns ugly?' •• "Otte yes," assented Kirkwood, With a nonchalance not entirely'unassuined. The rtic ket . drew ,dearer aud•ceased.• The hush that fell thereafter seemed only accentuated by the purling of the ; river. It wits ended by footsteps echo- ing in the voyered' passageway. Calen- dar craned his thick neck .round the shonlder of stone, reconnoitering the landing and•stairway. "Thank God!" he said under his breath. "I was right, after all!" • A inan's deep tonesbroke out above. "This way. Mind the steps. They're a bit slippery. Miss leorothe." • .. "But my father?" came the girl's yoke. attuned to doubt; ' • he'll be along -if he isn't wait - Ing now in the boat." They descended, the man 'leading. .At ,the foot, without a glance to right -or: left, lie advanced -to. the edge Of ;the stage, leaning out over the .rall , as elf' endeavoring to locate the rowboat "But; Mr. Mulready"- , • The girl's Words Were drowned by a prolonged blest on the boatsWalp's whistle at her companions11P8. , The shorter one foliewecl in due course.. "But what shell we do if my father isn't here -wait?" "No; best net to -best .to get on -tne Aletliee es semi as possible, Miss Cal- efidat. We can send ithe beat beck." "'Once aboard the lugger the girl, is eh, Mulready, to.sayenotteng of the loot!" • • . .•• . • :If .Calendar's words were jocular his . tone • conveyed •n different impression entleelye pouf man and girl' wheeled right about- to face him, the one with a strangledoath, the other with a low "The devil!" exclaimed this Mr. Mei- 'ready. • • "Ole my .father'' the girl voiced her• . recognition of him. • • • "Not precisely one and the same per- . son. . commented - Calendar suavely,. • "but-er-7thanks,..just as Much. You see,. Mulready, when. I make an ate -pointment i keeptt." • "We'd' begun to get a shit 'ateXiouse about • you"- Mulready begari••defen- • sieele. • • "So I surmised .frornewhae Mrs. flat- , lam and Mr. Kirkwood . told •. me. Well?" • • feretioe, torktd his lick squarely upon them. She frowned. olio canto out of hIrs. Haling:At And got into the four wheeler, saying yon ° hod sent him to take your place Ilact would Join us on the Alethea." "So-ol How about it, Mulready?" The man swung.back slowly. '1Vtiat you choose to think," he said after a deliberate pause. "Well, never mind!. We'll go over the matter at our leisure on the Ale. thee." There was in the adventurer's tone a menace bitter and not to be ignored, which Mulready saw,fit to challeuge, • "I think not." be declared. "I think not. Pm weary of your addle pitted suspicions, It'd be plain to any one but it fool that -I acted for the bese Interests of all 'concerned In tbis mat- ter. If you're "not content to see it In that light done." "Oh, if you want to put it that way I'm not eontent, Mr. Mulready." re- torted Calendar dangerously. "Please yourself. 1 bid you good evening end-goodby." The man took a step toward the stairs. • • Calendar dropped his right hand into • his topcoat Pocket. "Just a minute," he said sweetly, and Mulready stopped, Abruptly the fat adventurer's sniolder- ing resentment leaped.in thune. "That' will be about all, Mr. eluiready! 'Bout face, you hound, and get into that boat! D'you think 111 temporize witb you till' doomsday? Then forget it. You're wrong, dead wrong. Your binfrs called, and" -with tin evil chue- kle-"I hold a full house, Mulready- every chamber taken." He lifted meaningly the hand hi the emit pocket. "Now. in with you!" ' • With a grin and a swagger of pure - bravado Mulready turned and obeyed. Unnoticed of any save perhaps Calen- dar himself the boat had .drawn in at the stage ti moment earlier. Mulready dropped into it and threw himself thl- lenly upon the .midshles thwart. "Now, Dorothy, le you go, iej,• dear," continued Caliente'''. with a Self seda- ted wng of his head. Half dazeil, to 'all -seeming, site mov- ed toward the'boat. With clumsy and assertive' grille et ry her fattier stepped before her, 'offering his hand -his hand, whicb she did Uot touch, for le the adt of descending .sheremembered and swung impulsively backs to Kirkwood. "Geed night, Mr. Kirhweod. Good - night.. l'shatet forget." • • elle took hee•hand and bowed above It, . but when his head was lifted • he !still retained her fingers in 'a lingering • clasp. . . "Good night," he said reluctantly. In a sudden flush of daring he turned . . and, nodded coolly to Calendar. "With . The man found no rendranseeer. He . , fell back a pace to the railing, his fea- tures working with els deep chagrie. The murky flare of the gas lamp over- • head 'fell across a face handsome be- yond the ,ordinary, but marred by a sullen humor and seamed with indul- gence -a face .that seemed hauntingly familiar until Kirkwood in a flash of visual memory reconstructed the por- trait of a man who lingered over a dining table with two empty chairs for company. This. then, was he whoin Mrs. Hallam had left at the Pless-rt tali, strong man, very heavy about the chest and shoulders. • "Why, my dear friend." Calendar was taunting him, "yeti don't seem overjoyed to see me for all your wild anxiety! 'Pon my word, you act as if you hadn't expeeted me -and our en- • gagement so clearly understood at that. Why,'• you • fool" -,here the mask of irony was cast -"did you think for a moment I'd let myself be ebbed by that yap from Scotland Yard? Were you banking on• that? I give you my faith I tunbled out under his very nose! Dorothy, my dear," • turning impatiently from Mulready, "where's that bag?" The girl withdrew a puzzled gaze frotn Mulready's face (it was apparent to Kirkwood that this phase of the af- fair was no more enigmatic to elin than to her) and drew aside a corner 1 of, her cloak, disclosing the glad stone,. ellehat In heeveres name, Ct lendarr bag securely grasped. ia one gloved the first (bence to heed me he double hand. e t M • Kirkwood" cross. thiS does fot, him.. all have it. than o r. VIVer. eel'ou've boon brunet] use. Eirkwood chose flint moment to ad- • right!" Calender litweeed ciously at she Wild etlietlY. • tue fele' he told Kirkwoed asset' dvely. "If • ranee frotn the shadow. Mulready it hadn't ',teen fot• you I (1 knoW started' and axed him with it troubled Where I'd be new -nor Dorothy, either., and unfriendly stare. The girl greeted no particular way I can show my op- him with n note of eincere ,plensure M -an obvious aftertimeght. "There's predation, svippose? Money"- her surprise. ' "Why, Mr. Kirkwood! But I left eoti reach New York, thank you." Kirat Mrs. liallamos1" kWood bowed, (mealy at "I've got enough to lest . If the time ever Comte.; jest sheet for George B. I won't he want- ing. '1 only wish 'roil were with ue, but that's' out of the question." "not btless." "No two %vete about R. I bet any- thing you've got it conscience conceal. ed about your person. What! YOU"re an honest man, eh ?" "I don't want to sound immotest," returned Kirkwood, amused. "You don't need to worry about that. tut an Inmost man's got no business in my lIne." lie &Peed again at his "D- that MI111'0401 I won - ler it he was elite enough to take an- ot,17+, way? Or did he thInk-tbe tt0 MI111410 drEi tl i sot' th en "By yOtir father's grace I Came With him," he said. "You ran away without e.aying good night, you know, and I'm a jealous creditor." ' She laughed excitedly. turning to Calendar. "But you were to meet me at Mrs. Hallam's?" "Afulready was good enough to try to save me the trouble, my dear. Ile's an unselfish soul, Mulready. Portu• nately It happened that 1 cittne along not five minutes after he'd carried You off. How was that. Dorothy?" Iler glance.wavered uneasily between 'the two, Mulready and her father, rht tortnet shruztint to deelare his nadir. Me beat dropped away, the &era fitting and failing. your permission." he mild negligently and. drew the girl aside to the. angle of the.etah•way. • "Miss Calendar"- he began, but wee interrupted. ••. "Here -I say!" Calendar bad had started toward Win lia\ • • • Kirkwood calmly waved him back, "I want it word in private with your 'daughter, Mr. 'Calendar," ' he an- Bounced,- with quiet dignity. "I don't • think you'll deny me. I've savO. you Bente slight trouble tonight." Disgruntled, the adventurer paused. "Oh, all right." he grumbled. He .re- turned to the boat. • "Forgive inc. • Miss Calender," con - tinned Kirkwood nervously. "I know I've no right to interfere, bet"- • "Yes, Mr. leirkeybod?" "But hasn't this gone far enough?" he floundered unhappily. "I can't like the look of things. Are you sure - sure that it's all right -with you. Mean?" '• Slie did not answer at once, but her • eyes were kind and sympathetic. plucked heart of their tolerance, "It isn't too late yet." he argued. "Let me take you to your friends -you must have friends in the city. But this -this Midnight flight down thp (TO BE CONTINUED.) • Federal Gazette Noticee, Ottawa, Oct. 9. -Peter Thornton. Toronto, is seeking divorce from his wife,.. Mrs. Margaret Gilniore Thorn. ton' of (1 land, Ohio. The Waldnum Exploration & De- velopmont Co., Ltd., capital $5,000,e. 000, head office Montreal, and the Continental Grain Co., Ltd.„ caplet!, $250,000, bead ()Mee Winnipeg, Man., hre incorporated, The Trust & Loan, Co. of Cana e is t%sking for legislation which Will de- ereaSe the par value of the shares te 410, . • The British North American Mining Co. is applying for legielatien on - powering it to increase its capital! to $1,2,00,00e. The Merchants' Bank of 'Canada i$ seekitig legislation Sanction for the e8tab1i,hmoit pi 'a pension Inia H is' Role. "That nmn Made An immense faro tune out of fi simple little invention." "Indeed'. What did be int•ont?" "Invent? Nrebinge you dablie was the promoterr -Cleveland Leader.