HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-11-11, Page 6GRAND TRLINK RAILWAV SYSTEM 6 ainmegestsimisameisalsollialsolleilleel ...'',....\'‘':\ 1 \ \ -..... ' 1.1 .. ---- DODD'S ...- ?, K 1 1:1 N EY _ ./.- i PILLS‘ Iti:„..-__ Rts.--KIDNEI rq(crl hrtlitumivrill, sto 13 --r,9,HIT-s DIst-3-Ad mei Fit •s ° 110W TO RILL, A. COLD. No easier or more pleasant than to inhale "Catarrhozone"-it stops the leold instantly, clears the nostrils ala icuts out the phlegm. Try Catarrlio- zone yonraelf. Port Arthur ratepayers .?arried the lIydrcklectrie nwer by-law by a vote of nearly three to one. Mr'. ey wer4 ,110;rrie Wilcox, Conservativ''. J. McKee, Liberal, and Mr. OJ inated for. the Commons in. North Es -i sex. .,. The House of Commons sassed the finance bill on its third reading by •a vast majority. Repeat it :-"Shiloh's Cure will al- ways cure my coughs and mile." M. J. A. McCurdy made successful fiightewith Badd:eck No. 2 agar Bad - deck, N. S. 0 The Government will build a.' 500,-000floating dock at Prince Rupert. HOW'S THIS? We after One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for -aoy case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY 85 CO.* roiedo, U. We, the undersigned, hare known J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all usiness transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Welding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken later- ally ae"..img directly upon the blood nd mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75e. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. • Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- ation. The London & Lake Erie Railway is applying for a Dominion charter under which to operate! the Soutisf western Railway Sine. The LTnited States Government re- fused to be drawn into the Cook - Peary polar controversy. A SCIENTIFIC WONDER. The Secret Of a Famous Healing.13a1M. The Rev. H. R. Hicks 0 Almanac for IWO. Ready Noveincler loth, 1909, a. splenr did yearlbook, on astronomy and me* eorology, the only one containing the origin...1 "Hicks Weather Forecasts.'" By mail, postpaid, 35e. on newstands, 30e. One copy free with a year's sab- scription to Word and Works, the Rev. Irl R. Hicks Monthly Magazine, the best .$1 monthly in America.. Dis- counts on Almanacs In, sinautities. Agents wanted. Remember, the gen- uine "Hicks Forecasts" are not pub- lished anywhere else -you get them only in his own publications. Word and Works Publishing Co., :201. Lo- cust St., St. Louis, Mo. • The reeltscovery of a secret that has lain bidden in the du.' of 20 centuriea is an event full of fascinating intereat, and the story of Zatn-Buk, the world -famed first-aid and akin - cure will always enlist attention. Zam-Buk is the virtual descendant of those wonderful and mysteriou. herb.4 balms bythe use of which the manly athletes of Ancient Greece ani the stalwart gia.diators of Rome ensured the healthineaa and ready -healing ot • their skin. o Many are the attempts that were made to produce a pertect balm, ha- the skin, but only ittaZain!liiik has tile ideal been realised. Since its distovery Zam-iiek has been welcomed in mansion ani cottage, and the people of two hemisplarcs realised litt they nave been plutett in possession of an absolu•ely unique cure for skin complonts The' rea.ons fur thi- triumph of science are simple and few. Taking a lessor" from the Ancients, the errs rietors of Zam-Buk first of all wisely decided that dm ideal balm must be purely herbal and contain not the slightest trace of rancid animal fats or poisonous mine- rals. Thus Zlin-f3uk is made solely fulti rich and pure essences obtained from certain rare medicinal herbs '1 hese juices and ex- tract!: are prepared and refined by ingenious scientific processes and. then ,so ski fully blended that a unique, effective, and yet per- fectly natural preparation for dispelling skin. disease u secured, Zeal- liuk has an affinity for the human skin such as no ordinary ointment or linemen' can possibly possess. Bides soothing pain and alla.ying irritation, it possesses unique antiseptic anti' germicidal qaliLies which' virtually chase clistaae germs out of their hiding -places in the akin tissues; at the same time it purifies the pores and invigorates the nateoil ill1141.1011S of the skin in a way that no ()filer preparation esp.• . Zain-Buk Solves in a perfect manner the problem of a way. having handy at home or at one's work au ever -ready and 'enable &st- aid for cuts, burns, scalds i.rui-ms, lacerations. scratches, etc. Zam-130: is Without equal fo; eczema, ulcers, pie', bad leg, zing worm, scalp sores, festering sores, sprains' stiffness, poisoned. wounds of, all kinds, iaep sores, chafing, chapped hands. cold -sores, frost- &Lel, sore feet, diseased ankles, and all bell- ing; irritatioa, and Milan:illation. Zam-Buk is a daily need in every houseliold' and is sold by all iruggists and stores at.tifty • cents a box. Refuse harmful and da !gerous stutititutes, sotnetinies " pnshed " as being • "just as good." • anommoociorooleacomos. eltilitial261SItessaaatexect wastirsensies Brewed from se- - AS K FO R • lected hops, choice bailey • malt and pure spring water, • with the 'utmost care. Bottled at the brewery depots to ensure proper. handling. That is, why Labatt's Ale • is equal to the fin. est, surpassed by • none, though it costs consumers only about half as much as imported goods. •, (LONDON ) India Pale Ale ransnioneggie Your savings are the safeguard of your ft You Want -to -Pt.& them where ther is no chance whatever of lesing You can do that by dep03it.:6- them with this . by taking out a Debeature for. $100 of more, for ono or more years. By law no depositor or debentine holder can lose one dollar- of principal or interest while any assets remain to cover his investment. The assets of this Company exceed n4000,000, so that, there is no Chance of loss. In fact there is no finimcial. in- stitution' in Canada which can offer you more absolute certainty of safety. ' • Correspondence will be gladly entered into with those interested in banking by 'Loan & Savings Co. 1..oriclon William Dobson, cashier of the Can- adian Express Com,pany at Niagara Falls, was knocked senseless by two men and robbed of a parcel contain- ing oVer $14.,000. ...New York wfll. celebrate the passing of the old year Siay an aviation meet. DANGEROUS DANDRUFF, lostook News.Record Will Make Canada a Baldheaded Na- tion if Not Checked. • - • M. Pasteur, the great French Phy- sician of Paris once said: "I believe we shall one day tid the world of all diseases caused by germs." Dandruff is caused by germs, a fact aceepted by al) physicians. Dandruff is the root of all hair evils. If it were not for the little destructive germs working with a persistency worthy of a better cause, there would be no baldness. PariSian sage will kill •dandruff germs and remove dandruff 'al two weeks or money back, W, S. R. Holmes guarantees it: • It will stop itehing scalp, falling hair and. make the hair grow, thick and abundant,. It put i life and histre into the hair and prevents it froth, turning gray. It is the hair dressing par excel- lence, daintily • -perfumed and fsee from grease stickiness . It Is the favorite with women • of taste and culture who know the social value ot fascinating hair. A large bottle costa only 50 cents :at leading druggists everywhere, and in Clinton by W. S. R. Holmes. The girl with the auburn hair is On evorY• • package. • W. L. Russell, the Ohio.promoter, was released in CleVeland from the charge of false pretences.• ' School children in a Cleveland high school went on strike 'treatise after- noon sessions were imposed. • . 's1,000 REWARD. For A Case. of Incurable Constipation - To a perspre who. can't be cured of • constipation .by 'Dr: Hamilton -s Pills, the above•reward • will be paid. No .cathartic medicine gives such lasting satisfaction or effects such marvelious. cures as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Relief itamediately follows pr headache, bil- libusness and..stomachdisorders. sl'o • griping pains, no burning sensation, • nothing but .the *most pleasant relief attends' • the use -pf Dr. 'Hamilton's Pills -others not so good. 'Price 25c. • a box; at all dealers. • CLEANLINESS IN THE FEED. Feeding Floore Which Are Kept Fres from Dust or Mud Are India- aensable, (Copyright, nem The hog reepoaus as quickly to cleanliness and care as any terra ani- mal. Not long since I was greatly impreased with the lack of sanitary conditions around tile yards and houses of a man who had been grow- ing hogs more or less successfully for ten years, writes .A. D. Burbaus. His feeding troughs were foul with decayed food. The floors were damp and ill -smelling and the yards -were damp and full of mild holes that good drainage would haire prevented. All fixtures in a hog house should be movable. It is advantageous to have the troughs where they may be washed or scalded out twice each week, at least, Foul troughs are good breeding places for parasites that may be taken into the stomach and con- verted into worms. . Damp floors may be overcome if the house is well aired and windows enough are in it to let the sunshine In on the floors. Do not slop the swill into the bed- ding or on the floors at feeding time. • A Frenchman confessed and then dee nied the murder, of Mme, Steinheil's • husband, but the Paris police think him insane. : . • • • • The Ductless Of Marlborough took the occasion of :the anatial London Flower Show to 'glorify women who • "act" instead of "talk." ..inelmontomi vIEIV ' Feeding House. Shake Shake the bedding up in each pen daily and toss out the danspest of it. • Never allow dust to -accumulate . on .the 'partitions and pens used for feed. Itis alwaysinJuricius to the hogs' tealth, If you are in the ...habit of feeding hogs corn scattered in the. mud or .dust of .8, dry yard,build a small feeding floor and use it. ..Go into any herd that is fed in the dust. from thrown -down corn and you will hear much. wheezing and cough- ing.. This is bad on' all hogs and espe- cially those. kept for breeding pur- poses.. . • •Set your feeding floor off the .ground • four to sixinebes and build It solidly of good tlmber. Around the whole edge • nail a 2x4, as shown in the illustration. Thisprevents lots .of shelled or par 'corn' being pushed off into, the dirt - and dust. , • Sweep off the floor before feeding. Never overlook this. A •floOrr of this AN ENGLISH AUTHOR, WROTE. "No shade, no shine, no frait, no flowers; no leaVes-Novemtaer." Many, Americans would add no • freedom frcim catarrh, which is so aggravated • during this month that it becomes constantly troublesome. There is ab- undant proof, that catarrh is a con- stitutional disease. It is related to scrofula and consumption, b.eing one • of the wasting diseases. Hood's Sar- saparilla 'has shown that what is capi able of eradidating scrofula, complet- ely cures catarrh, and taken in time prevents consumption. We eannot see how any sufferer can put off taking this medicine in view of the widely published record of its radial and permanent cares. It is undoubtedly Anierica's Greatest MediCine for Am- erica's Greatest Disease -Catarrh. • The Nemo eeord Chile Ming List for 1909. Much good reading for. little money. ...., The News -Record and Weekly Mail aliaViltnpire, one year.. .......$110 ft WePk 1 y Globe . ... ... . . . . . .. . .... . .. . , .. . . . . 1.'75 Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.15 Weekly W i to ess I 75 ' " Sun 1,00 c, Free Press ...... Advertiser 1,75 Farming World ..... .._. . .. . . ....... , 1.00 Parolees Advocate and Home Me.gaziiie 2.25 The Home Jostrnal .. , 1,55 Daily News, Toronto ...... .... . . ... . 6 II 114 • *Ili 2 20 Star • 4 • 2 80 Globe 44 '4 11 4.25 •Alail " ...- ... ..... , . . . . - • • • • 9.25 Worm g. Saturday Night " ... ... ......... .,. ... ... 24) Free Press, Louden .. ... ... ...... , • ...... ,.. . 3 25 Free Press, Evening Edition.. ; .. , ... . .. . . ., .. 2.73 ... • ..... 8.25 it what you want us not in"thilist, we can suppl3 it at less than it would cost you by eending direct, remitting, pleas.° do ;go by Express Order, ..Postal ered letter and address. 1. MITCHELL, Clinton • Miss Fiances I3eaverstock of Tyen- dinaga has beea arrested on the charge ot murdering three of her children. • The United States Tariff Board views Canada as the most difficult problem to solve, and fears a tariff war, according to the official ...organ of the Republican party.. . Established 1879 FOU WHOOPING COUGH; CROUP, ASTHMA, COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, SORE THROAT, CATARRH, DIPHTHERIA Vaporized Cresolene storm the part:sr:me of Whooping Cough.Ever dreaded Croup can, net ezist where Cresolene ia used. It acto dirtmly on tease end throat, making breathing easy in thet C186 of colds, soothes the Core throet and sten& the cough. it s boon to 'auffeters of Mauna. Cresolene is a powerful germicide, seting both 55 a curative and e preve5tiV6 itt contagious diseaSeit. Cresolene's beet rectunmeadation iS its thirty years of successful use. rem glue by All Druggists Sod Postal tor Po- scriptivo Dooldet Cresoletie Antiseptic Throat Tablets, simple sod soothing for the irritated throat. 10o. t.eetning, Wei Co., Limited, Agents, Mon- tretti, Caeada, so9 ftntort,.!ttr•r• cre A Minch of Berkshires. • • kind can be used forteeding-alfalfa or clover as hay or steamed., • 'The herd •61.Berkshires cii the floor In the picture are eating' chopped al- falfa that has been steamed somewhat andsparsely sprinkled wtth • chopped . corn and cats..The 'alfalfa is cut four-.. Inch ler gths and -soaked in a barrel or tank whichhas a jet of steam in it Shooting up from the bottom. This does not boil the alfalfa, hat just • 'heats • it .enough to. make. the coarse stems tender and the tender ones more toothsome. • • It Is lifted from the tank on a fork .and• allowed to drain well, when it is thrown upon the feeding floor, Pigs never leave much of it. For brood •sowS. it naakes an ideal feed, keeping. there in good flessh but not fat enough to hurt their breeding proclivities or• Ware their ease of farrowing. • Ile sure to feed it to theni.en clean floors. • . . Herseihoes .That Will Not Slip. Consul' General 'Skinner of Ilarn- burg, •Germany, combats the . chitin Made to him by a correSpOndent that European horses are, in general, bet- ter shod than American horses. His observations, he states, shOw that the • contrary is the case and the humane conaideration which American horses receive is not exceeded anywhere in .the world. He acknowledges, howeVer, that a number of horses in Germany are equipped with a. new anti -slipping horseshoe, especially designed for as- phalt and wood block pavements, the valuable feature of which is a coun ter -sunk groove extending completely around the shoe, in whiCh Is inserted a piece of hemp rope. 4.1),.1 "'grit ir Mae • AB' LIVET EN THE SONG OF THE DIRT. •• (With Apologies to Thomas Hood.) ITH fingers duaty. and grimed, With blistered palms, and red, A woman got down On her knees to sweep The dust %rope under •:• the bed. OWeep, dust, sweep -with a, broom and 0. piece of old shirt. And yet, in accents full of hope, With broom and mop and lots of soap, She sang this song of the dirt: Scrub, scrub, scrub down on the kitchen floor, And rub, rub, rub till I can wash po more. Seams and gussets are torn, And buttons come off the shirt, But while the linen is wearing ,out, out, . We're getting rld of the dirt. Sweep; dust, sweep, with a broom and a, piece of Old shirt, And still with 0. Yulce of cheerful pitch, (What fun they Miss, the idle rich)! She sang this song of the dirt, .Everybody Knows That fish, dipped into heiling water, can be easily scaled. ' That a little 'wax, sprinkled on lish or meat that is to be kept some time. Will help to preserve it. That oat will curdle new milk; therefore, let milk cool. before the salt is 'added. • That ivory handles, piano keys, etc., can be restored to whiteness by be- ing rubbed with. lemon dipped in salt. A few slices of raw potato thrown, In the soup will take up the extra salt, In case you have been too generous With seasoning. . • Yes, "everybody knows" all these things, and yet it is well to be remind-. ed of them once in a while. • Selecting a Ram. More depends in the selection oi a ram by the flockmaster than upon any other half dozet things he may do in the worse of a year. A wise selection snay increase the weight of every fleece of his get from este to three pounds, intrease the size of the eae. eass fiVe to twenty rer cent., and give a healthy, vigorous, long-lived aniniel. or deteriorate the get in these three direettoes to the same or even a great- er extent. Idea 'for Table Decoration. Instead of a centerpiece of flowers, a pretty effect is obtained by simu- lating a lawn in the center of the ta- ble. About it place tiny pots of flow- ers, or little Dutch- tubs, filled with any chosen flower. The square of lawn can be effected by a square of green • plush edged with smilax. Or if the plush be not handy, use ferns, or even moss, if It can be kept dry, so as to 'protect the cloth. The little pots scattered about give an odd Dutch garden effect and af- ford a change from the tall center- piece. • Baskets of flowers here and there, too, "make a charming effect if the table is long ,and bare. • A SUCCESSFUL HORSEMAN, Neviiiallows his horse to 'suffer pain: He always uses Nerviline which , is CALIFORNIA noted tor caring Stillness, rheumatism; MEXIOY" swellings and strains. Nerviline is .411..011IpA just as good inside as outside. For cramps, colic, and internal pain it's a perfect marvel. In the good rae,ing stables. Nerviline is always used, -be- cause It makes 'better horses and • .t;-84;.•% HAM FROM HOME, 1-/E11 my wife goes to see her Mn, She comes back, loaded down • With everything - from home -Made bread • To • doughnuts, golden • brown. She has a glass of jelly, or • ••,A. little pot of ja.ni, • And, sometimes, ,in her •telescope. • • • . Is stowed a •whOle, • boiled ham. . They say that "absence makes the heart Grow fonder," day by day, And that is true, yet, I confess* I often stop and say: • ' • "Why doesn't wife come home?" and when dol starts r n. or-beli • Thefront nging, Although my "heart has fonder" grown. • I wonder what she's bringing? $ • Lean or Fat? The query is often made: "Is it pos- sible to regulate flesh• by diet, and is medicine safe?" : These are questions for the fondly physician to decide, but• it is safe to say that diet does, to a great extent, govern the accumulation of flesh. Sweets, of course, rather than acids, tend to increase weight, and drinking water Is good for those Inclined to thinness. Starchy foods, potatoes, rice, etc. make flesh, and much exer- cise tends to reduce it. Above all, per. haps, does temperament govern, and habit of life is a strong factor. For Instance, the woman who lounges about all day, is going to have a hard time keeping her flesh within the pre- scribed fashionable limits.• • For her whose object is flesh, the following lines must be followed nega- tively, but the lady of embonpoint will do well to treasure them, learn them by heart and take -for daily guidance: • If you wish to grow. thinner Diminish your dinner, And take to light claret instead of pale ale, Look doWn 'with an titter Contempt upon butter, And never touch broad till it's ton:ted Or stale. Salad Without "Vinacar. This is better for aka woman who is too thin; she must not uss vise:my freely: An appetising rale(' is made of apple' and lettuce, served NI ith a srr.ekle ef lemon juice salt and pep- per and a generous layer ef neoem ehes se over the wls-,1•. This afford; p1ea5Ing eltanee from oil and vine- gar, aid is more neutislimg. atht.."1- :a4L12i1--• 00,44 y November 110, 1909 ooks.on top of the stove, bakes in oven at same- tune You can cook over every pot -hole and bake in Pandora oven at same time -and get perfect results. Tra-t7; because cooking draft is also baking draft. Flues are so constructed that heat passes directly. under every: pot -hole arid around oven twice before passing up chimney. No wasted heat -instead fuel does double duty, saving Pandora owners both time and money. • 19 Would you pot like to be a Pandora owner? Harland Bros. cleanse Clinton, Ont 0.11••=1.0.11.. The Land of Flowers, Fruit and Sun- shine. Excellent Service via Chicago. "Low Tourist Rates" r lull inforniatio see o snialb..voterinary bills, Twenty -live, eents buys a largo bottle of Nervilinet JOHN RANSVORD, Town Agent. try it. A. O. PATTISON, Depot Agent, ...=1•1=1. Make Each Animal Worth 25070 Over Its Cost 'On of a Cent a Day NobOdy ever heard of "stock load" curing the hots or colic. making hens lay In winter, increasing the yield of milk. five pounds per cow a day, or restoring ron-down animals to plumpness and vigor. Whet' you feed "stock food" to your cow, horse, swine or poultry, You are merely feeding them what you are growing on your own farm. Your animals do geed not mere feed, but something to help their bodies get all the good out of the feed you give them so they can get fat and stay fat all year round; also to prevent disease, cure disease and keep them up to the best possible condition. No stock food" can do all these things. ROYAL PTJRPLE STOCK SPECIFIC can and does. It is "THE EEL" 2;021 . Largest Winner of any pacer on Grand- Circuit, '98 Not a "Stock Food" But a "Conditioner" ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC contains no grain, nor farm products. It increases yield of milk from three to five pounds per cow per day before the Specific has been used two weeks. It makes the millc richer and adds flesh faster than any other preparation known;• Young calves fed with ROYAL PURPLE are as large at six weeks bid as they would be when fed with ordinary materials at ten weeks. • ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC builds up run.clown 'animals and restores them to plumpness almost magically. Cures britlt colic, worms, skin diseases and debility permanently. • Gan McEwan, the horseman, says: 1 have used ROYAL PURPLE ST0C1C SPECIFIC persistently in the feeding of 'The Eei,' 2,04...largest winner of any pacer on Grand Circuit in 1908, and • Henry Winters,' 2.091, brother of Allen Winters,' winner of $36,000 in trotting stakes in 1308. These horses have never been off ,their feed since I commenced using Royal Purple Specific almost a year ago, and I will always have it in my stables." • Purple STOCK AND POULTRY SPECIFICS • Cine 50c. package of ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC will last one animal seventy • dais, which is a' little over two-thirds of a cent a day. Most stock foods in fifty cent packages last but fifty days and are given three times a day. .ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC is given but once a day, and lasts half again as long A 81.50 pail containing four times the amount of the fifty cent package will last 280 days. ROYAL PURPLE will increase the value of your stock 50. It is an astonishingiy quick fattener, stimulating the appetite and the relish for food, assisting nature to digest and turn feed into flesh. Asa hog fattener it is a leader. It will save many times its cost in veterinary bins. ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPEC!. FIC is our other Specific for poultry, not for stock. One 50 cent package will last twenty.fiv3 - • hens 70 days, or a pail costing $1,50 will last twenty-five hens 280 days, which is four times more material for only three times the cost. It makes a 'laying ,machine " out of your hens summer and winter,prevents fowls losing_ flesh at moulting time, and cures poultry diseases, • gEuvaerrayn tpeaecdka g e of R.OYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC or POULTRY SPECIFIC is Just use ROYAL PURPLE on one of your animals and any other preparation oh another animal in the same 'condition: after comparing results you will sayEtOYAL PURPLE has them all beat to death, or else back comes your money. PRSE-Ask your merchant or write us for our valuable 52.page booklet on cattle 'and .poultri diseases. containing also cooking reccioes and full particulars about ROYAL PURPLE STOCK and POUL- TRY SPECIFICS. • • •• If you cannot get Royal Purple Specifics from merchants or agents, we will supply you direct; express prepaid. on receipt of $1,50 a pail for either Poultry • or Stock Specifics. • - Make money acting as our agent in your district. Write for termS. •1 • For's.ale by all up.tti.date merchants'. W. IL Jenkins Mfg. Co., London, Can. Royal Purple Stock and Poultry 'Specifics and free booklet • , are kept in stock by 'W.: S. R. Holmes. CORN SYRUP Give jit To Your Children "CROWN BRAND SYRUP" is a food not only for children but for everyone -and it is used by everyone. It is a table delicacy which should be in every home. It is the one thing that satisfies that longing for sweets which all healthy children and rnost adults have, Used hi the home, it saves trouble in the making up of delicious desserts and other good things to eat. "CROWN BRAND SYR.T.T?" stands for the highest possible purity in table syrup. It is prepared in a clean wholesome manner froza the very finest ingredients, which develop a delicious ll'evor as of fine honey and rielscrearn. These are strong reasons why you should insist on having "CI‘OWN BRAND SYRUP". • Your &Au has 15 10, you in 2. 6, 10 and 20 lb aimight &it with lift-off lids. The Edwardsbuirg Starch Co„ Malted - • ESTABLISHED 1858. 2.09 t CARDINAt, Ont, Offices,: MON1E11,AL, TORONTO kit BRANTFORD The News-ReOord to the end of 1010 for $1.00s