HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-11-11, Page 44 • • Choice Ladies' Hand Bags ismsmir ThNoitst COOPER' • BOOK STORE °LINTON 1.11011 t1A1000. ltkoWn.118000ardl Nova*Ilor I Itko 194341 SunsmOhill• Coderich Township 1Stanieti ' Township, Miss Zella Whitely 01 I,ondeshette - Detective wElen. Andereolt• eitMeie i2 ,3 Mr. William Davideoxe, tOrmerly ot ' spent Sunday the gleist of Mrs. N. from Toronto this week to visit hie , this township, who has been, farmin Ball. g . mother who continues very ill. Nthile : in North Dakota fore several years, i Mr. Towueend has . Thos. Ben's Many rends al iends are ways glad , has meered to Ontario, Caliteralaeand son's farm on the Base :eiae. rented "gr to see him they are sorry for the 'the interim ot bleak Dakota Winters Ma Iter cause which tbis time brought him will fade away arnd ithe race ot the Miss V Heywood ie visiting , Melt, Mrs. H. Melirien. ... I A large number et friends eurt xe- lafives gathere(t at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mason Sr. on. Wed- nesday to help celebrate the -fiftieth anniversary, of their znarrled life. ' Mr.; Forlefs of Goderiela has purchae. . ed the farm of Mr. J. Little, back to the old homestead. so ..... Mrs. Geo. Hanley,.•Clinton, spent a AU. ,and Mrs. Allan Ester, who lwenti .., , eczema, ,salt theuin and ()thee of country friends. West in the spriug and who a lew I Pirolhee• months ago lost their only clad, 4 a skin disorders are all signals of dis- f ew days theepa,st „ week as the guest Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hanley gave a ' boy three years old, returned laSt tress, telling that your blood is int - fowl supper t� a few of their Wends I week' for the winter, pure or weak. You cannot elite ee- Monday evening. Mr. Eglesou Ester and family lett zema aud. other skin troubles with 1VIr and Mrs.. Robert Welsh ot Can- this week for the West rwhere they iu- ointments and outward applicatious. These things may give temporary re- lief, but cannot cure, because the trouble is rooted in the blood and can only be removed by purifying and enriching the blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills speedily cure skin troubles because °they enrich, purify, end build up the impoverished bleed that caused, the trouble. M they feed and cleanse the blood the skin grows fair, the blocon of health returns and new strength is found. No other medicine has ever had such wonderful; results in curing all diseases due to had blood. Miss • Elizabeth Gillis, •Xensiegton, P.E.I., says :-"Words can 'hardly ex - Disfiguring Tortura ,ing Skin Trouble. CANNOT BE CURED BY SALVES AND OINTMENTS -THE BLOOD • MUST BE PURIFIED. ' A blemished skin irritating sores, 1 Mr. Alex. Slomaa is laid up with a ton spent Sunday the guest of the ' tend going extensively into farm rig. • sprained ankle. tormer's brother. Mr. Ester will be greatly missed in I Mr. Sara Barr of Clinton •spent The fowl supper and entertainment a :,,. their Reighborhood. We wish theat a Sunday with his•unele, Mr. 1). I3arr. given tinder the auspices safe jouraey and a successful career. I Miss J. Straughan of Goderich is No. lee on Friday evening la:ft was soeh 1 A tew evenings previous, to their do - visiting her sister, Mrs. W. a Ball. !a huge success. The supper was parture a number of young people i well awe to provide, ,ehd though the gathered and presented, Miss Margaret 1 Mrs. J. Freeman spent Monday with , as the ladies of that section ere so • friends in the village. 'with an address accorapaaied by a i Mr. and Mrs. Beacom attended the crowd kept pourine in until a late day. iMr. Geo. E. Hanley preeeled area a ' who' bee taught this school ito two • iseit-case. , r wo funeral of the litter's mother, Mrs. holir there was enough and to . Larry Mantling at Saltiord. I There were choice cuts even, for late I Miss Came:11E41, sister to Mre, John . Mr. Chase and Miss Maud Tyner corners. The after entertainment was ,MaKinley .es hired as teacher of S. S. visited , friereds near Belgrave on Suit- , given in the church oppeeite the hall. i No. 5 for 1910. Mr. J. S. Delgaty 'Several from here attended the capable chairmah he !Mika. The Years leaves to accept the principal - fowl supper and entertainment. at epeakers •at these enthrtainmentst 'whci, °I.119 of Zurich at a salary of $600. n oa Friday last. - know him never attempt it et his 1 Mr. G. S. Howard, who has been ere eivea by principal of 131ake for eleven years bag. •tor Alberta. in charge of a carload; of Revs. Denbar, Snowden and Vottner„been re-engaged for 191,0 a a ' Mr. Wilbert Huck lelt the other day expense. apples for Mr. W. H. Lobb. Ile hem- Mr. Lowery 'end. Mies ltands ',of $600. Seetions now with such press how grateful I feel for wha in. can etterd to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done for steaded there some time fr go and gave a duet that so el-esee the Jatge grants corning -partly he has flow gone to prove , audience that art encore was inst4ed ' pay larger salaries. me. For seven years before L began ' on and Mr. Lowery as well .e•,ave. a Mr. NY. H. Johnston and Mr. G. their use I was troubled with salt IIIINE111 REDUCTIONS ,2ka the seatgon id advancing we are reducing our Trimmed and Drees Hats, ,_.4 SPECIAL, PRICES FOR FR.IDAY AND SATURDAY, • MISS_CAINTELOIN. 'cow couple or readings which era liolmesville. • t Baird, teachers of S. S. No. 11 and rheum. My hands and arms - were ed that he is a whole host In himself at entertainments of this nature, nearly alwaes a mass of torturing -cracks and sores. I tried several doc- tors and spent a great deal of money without getting any benefit. ..• Indeed my hands seemed to be getting worse , Mrs. McKenzie of Goderich was a 1 , . . suaded me to -give Dr: Hallam& Pink all the time. Finally my brother per - I regretted. She had , been a sugeret Tho death of Mrs. Dodds is Amen his chicory. He has eight acres. This - - - - - Mr.7'Rcibt. 13byet is thee aow with - they have completely cured me. 1 Pills a trial and I am happy to say !visitor at the home of Ddre .J. .R. Hold Owing to the illnese of Councillor ifrom lung trouble for several mot:the, means a lot of work b t gets him a ' J. W. Yeo the township council mei IVIunn Bros. are still engaged at the - / tk g i they have completely cured me. l- ea% foal= when ready for sale. • ' mes last week. ' t h• e sidence on Monday a is e evening erection of their new store. Mr. Wallace Johnston's. sale on the I used in all seven boxes, and. I would not be. without them in case of this' to, consider a communication from a 1 The Ladies' Aid , of . Bethel t ItteibillOth was largely attended i,,,m1 • good kind il they cost five dollars a beor in - 1 Gm -tench company who a 1 stead of. fifty cents. I hoe my ex - their "last regular meeting " u , the ' prices were realized. ,..ameastmeessmalletteiessomememelee1mission to erect telephone. pales • over . home of Mrs. Win. 1VIeGe,vm. 'I fete 1 Misses D. A. Holmes and 11. Proc- tor attended the convention at Lon- 84have been. re-engaged for the en- suing year; Mr. Julius Challee, who has been in the emplOy ot Mr. John Johnston of Blake, has completed his terra an i "desboro on Friday. MeKiliop Township nbve home tor wiriter, ‘11111MIIIIIINO011.1111011.00•2111111 one was a good attendance. . Drysdale-Kippen mail -carried is perience he of benefit to some The people down in the centre ot , getting acquaieted with Rural De ive other sufferer from skin trouble." • , the township. There wee Ito e te the townebip have asked tor dealers or will be sent ,,by mail at 50 These Pills are sold by all edicine 1 present to .throWeeny light oil the a went- ery System • now and feels quite at ' W. H. Watts dr Son . subject so. the letter 'was .e .teene . being. Messrs. Holland and cipal draAn. ' 1 An immense quantity ot apples ere have everything . needed in the Shoe Repairing line to execute' 011 'orders with neatness and prompt - 4y. A trial will convince you -that our material and workman - ;ship are of the best procurable .anywhere. We also repair Suit, Cases, Sat.: ,chels and Pocket Books, and can also clean and dye the same. • home in the work. • The following is the report el S. • ie,_ being dried by .the People true season, S. No. 4, Stanley, for the month of Potter of the, menicipal telep o waxing. the prevailing high prices • being an October, standing taken from exam - system wete on hand to give eny formation desired on its eatiethee , encoeragement,• inations during thremonth e teller I ' Threshing is about done in this Sr, 5th. -Roy DeWgr 63. . which so far has been quite . further eetee_ section. Owing to so much Wet Sr. 4th. -Victor Evan '2 Archie Evans a , . tory. We understand it is not intention to make any 'weather the vvork hurig out leee. it -- Dewav 48.. •• ' sions until next spring. • • The I,adies' Aid have about corn- however has beep. a vsry good season. Jr. 4th. -Lloyd Scotchmer Flor pleted arrangements for the ameeee... for thein, sary services on the ' ' 20th and ' the I fowl supper next evening. •' 1 • Miss Mulholland was home from AN INF1LUENCE FOR GOOD. Clinton on Sunday accompanied Miss M.. Twitchell. ovcitArzoosAzowecio. se<ok.4.1a. fevors,cow i\TOW.__-- a • We ere now ieady for the Fall and Winter's trade, with the largest and best assorted stock we have ever had. We bave been 0 very careful in -selecting new styles, good goods at the best pos- sible prices, and are in a- pcisition to give our customers value for If A their money. We have only space to mention a few I. the lines ; ; we carry. Ladies'„Misses and Children'S Coats. We have just received the second lot of coats, the very new- est and best, and we can save you 25 per cent. on them, (See them) ; Men's Ready-made Clothing. . Men's suits Boy's suits, Youth's suits, Overcoats, Odd pants, 7 Odd'vests, anything in the Clothing and Furnishing line. es We bave $2000.00 with of clothing more than we wish, to 0 carry, all new goods, andto reduce the stock will give special bar- ; • te • gains. We don't quote prices but we want you to see what ' we 0 al0 0 have before you buy.; • • 0 Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Etc.' e By keeping,a good class of goods, selling at the lowest pos ; * 0 sible prices, we have worked up a good: business in these lines and 0 . the stock is noW complete. -• Ladies' Ready-to-wear Skirts Waists, ttndervve.ar, etc. All ; , - . A kinds of Staple Goods, Small Wears at popular prices. We respect- 0 0 ; fully ask you to call and see us. 0 0 • . . tr. BR I ' i PLUNISTEEL BROS: i v e•Small Proftts and More Business. . •e 0 0 wyfrekcsavabe-seelfre.aresn...ear gibeie.48-el...zwoc.eibe4lbeeqcafefeelbe • cents a- box. or six boxes for $2.50 by The jr. Williams' Medicine CO., Brock-' vale,- Ont. • ••••••.. The Noveniber Rod and Gun. . . While notable for the variety • and range of its contents, the Nevember Sr. 3rd. -Eva Dewar ' 65, • Evelyn number of Red and Gun in • Canada, Scotehmer 65. • Scotchmer 48. •' 1published by W. J. Taylor, at Wood - Jr. 3rd. -Hazel Sparks 70, Ruth , stock, Ont., in accordance with the , season has no less than seven hunting Huston• 74. - • In every home possessing a, copy of 1 . le "re IScotehmer 75, 1 ,Jr. and.-Susla 'Westlake 91, Clifford I stories.- In 'addition, the opening one, "The -Soul's Awakening" the n t John Watson 47, descriptive of an official visit to the will have an inspiring influence. :One something in it that appeals to the Sr Pt 1. -Edna Seetehmer 50. • mucNh. attention. An account .of a Trip ter Westlake Bertha Westlake • Indian reserves for.the puipose of paya • Ald. Mooring a Port Artleir died • . • ae. Ft. 2nd.--Allie Stinson 30. , • ing the treaty Money, will attract /fever tires of looking at it. It has e • d • • Mid.' Pt • 1st --Russel Sparks 40. to ipigon, after .an absence, of twen- at Winnipeg. soul and frorn whic o tur • An official Of the Big Four Retiree. away. Parents. should see that this ht rs contrasting conditions, at Cincinnati is said to have confess - e pieture finds a. plaoe in their homes. • • ed that a shortage of 'from $50,00e erhe Family will be the better ot Opposite the Post' Office •i$100;000 in the his paying black band. ace'°u11 was ..due The Publishers of the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal certain - Our Stand : misteeeiematueseesteseeesuramm Com STAPLE AND - 'FANCY DRY GOODS • MI LL1 N ERY w. FURS JVLANTLps Good arm Underwear At Low Price!s.. „........Extetygecaution has been taken to make our Un- derwear stock giid.1-7-so good that one trialwill make a customer of you foceN-fer..,.. .Ytti yvill find here only the very best brands made. Therd ItIrkt.- in every gar- . ment an unboundetneasure of..comfart, all the very latest improvements that tendto raise the standard 'of perfection higher. 'We are pleased to announce that our, stock is remarkably large and 'varied, and of a qual- ity that will add to the good reputation of this store. • • Prices range from 50c to $2.50 a suit...* Otir Millinery Is .Much S�ught Mter.. Our Hats are pretty - yes, more than that, they- • have an air of graceful becorningneis 'that is missing in so much head - wear add, 'Withal, prices are very much lower than •you. will find in city stores. • (Arne any day, 4 our mill;nery will please 'you in every way. ' New Coati A large shipment of Coats this week, in ,the very latest prOductions. See the fkinons "North - way" and "Continental” Coats. Pries range from $8.00 to 425.00, New Furs If beautifully clean, well made Furs interest you, don't fail to see ours. Our styiea are absolutely eorreat„ hole in .Pocket, and when he conic sons, am, Collins. 'le needed the watch, • he eold it. , sr. and„...a.meie nese, Anna progresg ie one yrr than was ever ly ileSerVe credit for placing slid. a eeemeeeitemse ibeautibil picture within •the reach of all. It is 1.9x24 inches ready Inr fram- ing, and. is given absoultely free to • every person subscribing to that great • weekly, the best on the continent and only one dollar a year, no time should be lost in ordering that paper and • making sure of a. copy of the picture. It is certainly. a charming aubject for any home. • ... • • The PoPeOnee Knew Pov- •erty. : Head of the Catholic Church Still • Carries a Nickel Watch Wortn Only TWO. Dollars. • • Jr. Pt. • is -iv. Dewar de Roy y • . , . Scotchmer . 20. • •' .-• • then and flow, brings forcibly home to Number, on 'the roll 19, average at- readers the advances made in Canada tendanee 5'., . • 2 in ;the last' quarter a a Centary• , . . A. through the Algoneein -Daiay. le, Hodgson, Terielier. ; Winter's trip Mies 'Daley Hodgson, teaehere visit- Park, the great playnational. g • . ground ed her home in Exeter last Wof eek. Ontario, by the Superratendent, •-Farmers are busy packing their IIII" ate slows hoiguarded by, those in &barge. From ve well thapublic intereSts shelter house to shelter 'house these • Poverty has never been te• Pope Pins the . Tenth a virtue, but riches, . at least for 'him, a sin,. and this sin. at Ileast he has ever been free from. Ali through his life. as a parish priest, al Bishop of Mantua and as ,Patriarch of. /Venice, he has shared :everything ' he •'has had with -the. more needy' about pia these days. Mr. Geo. Dewar Wednesday wee.k. • was in Seatottb .men travel all Winter- and do that) • nest to prevent ' poaching in the • n'a- The following lathe report for reserve, • A Fishing ..ip o month of October of S. S. No. 13, Newfoundland, the climbs -of the AA - Stanley . •ponists; a sateastic. paper on the Per- lth Class --Ruskin Keys' 60, Sher- ils ot the Chase and numerous, others, lock Keys 62, Lloyd Keys 56, Della all having theie own interest, Make Keys 51, Myrtle Johnston .50. up a mimber evoy sportsinan will be • 3rd Class -Roy Keys 58. • •• glad to possess and one Which • each ; 2nd Class--Willena. Keys 6e, Ely- Should- make euro he does not rrais. : more Keye 66. • • 1st ClasseeRussel Eria.tt 65, Wilbei Keys 75. •. • . •• e -Rhea C. Stirling, Teacher,. . • • • • . Kippen : Mr. andMrs. Robert Dick havegot nicely aettled in .their hornee They will be home to friends after the•lOth what comes to the lives of 7nost men inst.. All join. in wishing them •bon voyage over •the matrimonial gee.. . who ha.ve passed middle age,; the Mr. Alfred Sutton and family 'are longing to do. something or De. identi- . . th t - 'be of W.V. T. U. Notes. Last week We gave the impressions of the editor in chief of the leading Liberal neWspapet in Ontario on 'the result arising from the use of. liquor. To -day we give the honest, manly, outspoken testinieny . of the Pteiniee of Ontario,: "There has come to me who he was first made bishop, one now comfortably established on them e w 0 • of his sisters /Wrote anxiously to him; new farm., lot 8, con. • 1, stanky, lasting. advantage to the world. I de- ,. t•V f 0 tario to join in "Beppo (hie pet name,) how shall I cook for' you noW that you have be- come bishop I" To which the ' good Carto teelied, "The same as you el- ways- hair° just as • much, and no width Ire got from edr. Wm. Bawden every reasonable effort to e diminish of Eider in exchange for his farrn on) el and anAnimize the terrible evils of the Babylon Line, Hay.. All unite bidding . Mr. and Mrs. Sutton leel-; the drine habit. I will not say that . . come and in wishing them eaceese jai has been my position for many years them new home. 'but it has beee my desire for • sOrne mote." . As Pettier& of Venice his, • salary :amouhted to twerety-three me. James Macdonald 'has arrived, tithe past, and I appreciate the op-• thousand* lire annually, Which is ape- 'hem from his trip tO Scotland, iooke i Portunity of taking a Part in these proximately forty-five hundred d011aril. in_ g as though the oceati voyage agre- , Proceedings, I have been told," With this' he always .supporeed. tett ed With him. He . . enjoyed the . trip 1 Sir janaes added, after a pause, "that ing each One hundred dollati a year, than ever how far we are ahead of and. understands better Men in public positions enould hesie !tate to give expression to. all - their poor students in the seminary, allow- heenenedy itontributed to the support oi, : itis everything in the line ot farming. ! convictions for fear of the conseqUerie You hear that sore of 'thing on 'mother and sisters and livee - most I sortie 'Limo i ' t le e later your scribe hopes to oes, eth i'the street corners ; you eometimes ieeonornically himself. From time to tifne when it became . necessary for.him- to renew his • Ments, he wohld hunt abOut to find a urday was quite a success. The ate In a ni . I tendance was largo and l•he ruling never teen accused of hesitating to second-hand One that seine fifore arts- ' tocratic punctilious prelate had dis- prices good. express my convictions -be they right they wrong -on any subject. 'carded. When he became cardinal the Last Friday the, pupils of S. S. NO. or be ; This may be wise or unwise but I chang- chase of some mules 14, Stanley, held a hate and hounds Iv' olet cincture or broad belt wilt& he 1 y f " and have been accustomed- to it too long had worn as bishop had to he eil to red, so Sarto gave it to a dye- back to the school. I to change now. So I say to you up frankly, I am prepared to join. in ing establishment and, though the job The apple packers are finishing I was never done sa u.s.41,e.or..y, he 00114 the orchards bought in bulk but a i everY reasonable movement which is 'Untied to wear this re -colored sash in large amount of work id to be done' shown to me to have for its object by the' the minimizing and ultimate doing 1 4.4 f + ii ,preference to spending Motley for a. yet in those orchards picked 'new one. farmers. The crop of apples in this away with the evils of the. drink hab- watch which cost about ten francs, or section this year is large and good, it. And having said that let me add, The following is the Actober moeth- • 1 All his life he has carried' a nickel I two dollars. This be aAvveys wore in ly report for S. S. N7). 14, Stafileer, •' his vest pocket, secured hy an or- names in order of merit : dinary hiaek cord. Alter he had been Ste -e. W. Kehl, Ada Mr:Beath, be a c give at impressions of his trip • read it in the newspapers ; Well, such Mr. Walter McBeath's sale last Sat-, a course may We worldly wise one ' 1 d But I have made cardinal, he Wits presented by a Hannah Dinsdale. . The cardinal Wore the gold watch for Rathwell. 40-4-1. A. FiSher, II., C. Xelt14 Lola fiends -with ' ' his lellows-perhaps , some Of them not eVen. total abstain- 1wealthy gentleman with a eold watch. a feW days, hat it literally burned a 1 Sr. 'grd_Antm deed, maggeo par- ere -who are prepared at least to dol somethinhis g to lesson it, a coalition Dresently upon some one who needed: ,Jr. 3rd -re E. Wismann, A, MeMure Via be formed which will enable the We follow fashion elosely 'le wetth Of the watch more than trie, Jessie Collins, 1/ • cause of temperance to make More with the earnestness of one 'W.h0 has seen and ktiowrr, that if the, time point es when the most ardent advocate of doing 'away with everything associat- ed with the liquor evil will join LEGOINGS • The present season is so wet that every man • .whose buainess,requires him to wade through mud and slop should have the protection afforded by a pair of our leggings. • . Ve have a big stock of the best that Canada produces at prices to suit all purses. William's*patent leggings, choice- grain' leather $2.00 -- William's patentleggings, No. 1 split leather 1.75 First quality heavy grain leather 1.60 •First quality light grain leather 1-50 No; 1 fine split leather •• 1.25 Heavy duck leather bound .75 Heavymoleskin• 1.00 Leather leggins for boys in all 'sizes at $1.25, • $1.40 $1.50 and $1,90. . RpOAIRS,WHILE YOU WAIT. . "Always Reliable" CLINTON I RED. JACKSON: • A•1111111,111111MMIMINIIIIIMMINNIMII, and we are likely to break all previous tecords in point of Fur Sales. There's a reason- Investigate. tvERv couRTesy • AND A.TrtNTION AWAITS YOU HERE. ,ttme."-The Delineator for Deeentber., . , erince, Frederic Of Schoenliurg-Witiden- vv, C, Johnston. burg sent as a New Year's gift a Jr. 2nd -W. R. Cooper. claration of Sir Sallies 'Whitney befOre handsame gold watch, studded with Pt, -2nd-W. Parsons, Bella Collins, a great gathering in Massey 1,1.11,brilliants; The Pope accepted the Maggie Cooper. Toronto, November 9th, A. speech like gift, but in 'thanking the prince, told 1 Pt 1st -Willie Collets, Roscoe t•Os- this from the Premier ot °Atoll° is him frankly that he should continue bortiet, Archie 'Parsons, ween erthy the most earnest eidera- to carry his out ticket timepiece. 1spe.l.Tbe 'hest spellers in the monthly tion of every good, citizen. Patriot- ism demands attin ofrom :AS in tltiS ,. ' This was the de - once at a conference Sart° Wit8 itSlccd 1 i ng Matches were . the tin*, and pulling out hie old 4th and 5th• -••Lola Ita.thWell. • watch he said "I can tell you the t'"ard-Alma good, time, • Niekel watches keep very good jr, 3rilt-i.a.wreneri WasreAnn. . 2nd.. -Anna 'Fisher. Matter we are waging near against 1the gteatest evil in our country. Help us. X Press Itepresentative. • AT W. WALKER'S F UE4.4gRUER E You s 111 find some good .bargains in all kinds: • of .Furniture. Dressers and' Stands Dressers and Stands in all grades•and price. . Our Leader is $12. 'Our Special - is $9.90, 14x24,plate glass, three drawer case. No 'better value On the market. • Rockers Several d.ozen Valley Rockers at all prices. Our Leader, solid oak, fancy earved back, leether seat, regularly sold In other stores for $3.00 and 3.60. Our • . special price • • 2.50 1Vioiris Chairs in 8o1id oak,. $8,50, best Iron Beds, all sizes and prices. We shipment of these at $2" velour cushions /.eivea anot 5, randy Parlor Tables, all prices, Table same as cut 2.00 Ladlie Secretaries if/surface oak, same as cut 6.50 Picture Framing. and Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done 'the Store of Quality. We Walker rurniture Dealer and Undertaker* Phone 28 Night or Day A