HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-11-11, Page 22 ACCURACY---, 4141114144400409144/4414444.11414.2 -1 You Too I:So f m fpeople have 1 been delighted with our ITalcum Powder that we have had some come back totell us how nice it was. Violet 't Flesh and White 1 Carnation - Issomos .1 There is really no finer Talcum Matte, 2 We sell you, the best. •. 2 I W. S. R. HOLMES ; 111anfg Chemist. • i••••••••••••••••••••••••; —RELIABILITY — XPR1NCE— HOW MRS, CLARK FOUND RELlq. AFTER YEARS OF SUFFERING DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS, CURED HER. Rose Tlie Coal • IF YOU WANT TIM BEST COAL AND PROMPT DELIV-, ERY SECURE YOUR SUP- PLY FROM US. --ORDERS LEFT AT DAVIS & 'ROWLAND'S HARDWARE: STORE PROMPTLY AT - ....TENDED TO. Pleasant Point Matron Tells Her Suf- fering Sisters How to be Free From the Terrible Pains that Make Life a Burden. Pleasant Point, Out., Nov. 8th• (Special).—That most a the ills that the suffering women of Canada havettre bear are due to disordered, Kidneys, and that the natural cure for them is Dodil's Eidn'.ey Pills, is once more shown in the case of Mrs. Merril C. Clarke,* a well-known resident of this place and a prorainent member ol the Salvation Army. Mrs. Clarke is al- ways ready to givo her experience for the benefit of her suffering sistas. "My sickness commenced twenty years ago with the change t life," says Mrs. Clarke, "My health was in a bad state. Water v(ould run from my head which would make pie faint. When I came out of the fainting %idle. I took 'Ats. I was bloated_ till I was clumsy. The pain I suffered was aw- ful. It would go to my feet Kul-l•hen to my head. Many doctors attended me, and I tried many, rnedicines,, but nothing gave me relief till I used Dodd's Kidney Pills, The first box stopped .the fits and. seveniboxes cured, me completely)! Every suffering woman should . use Dodd's Kidney. Pills. They make strong, healthy Kidneys, and the wo- man who• has good kidneys is safe- guarded against those terrible 'pains •that make miserable the lives of so W. J Stevensot •••••••••••••••••*•••••••• $962 CA tea One year ago, Mr. I George 'Wakeman was earning about $100 per year as farm laborer. Now e is earning at the .rate of $982 per year. Six months' training at our Business College made the aifference. Was it a good invesement. 2 He is New Osgoode, Sask. thinks so. His address Four Coursed: PREPARATORY COMMERCIAL STENOGRAPHY TELEGRAPHY Enter any time. Indfe Instruction. Write for Particulars. • CLINTON . Business College ; GEO. SPOTTON, PRIN. Z •••••••••••••••••••4 041•••• Ns. IIV E. VVANT YOUR GRAIN. .1111.00.••••••• tor which we will pay, the Highest Market Price. Call at our store next Morrish 441 Crooks or at our Elevator. —We keep on hand a full- -stock of Flour, Feed,— . —Etc. We are agents for the Canada Car- riage Company Buggies and Stan- -lard Wire Fence and Posts. FORD&MoLEOD many women. Repeat it :—"Shiloh's Cure will al- ways cure my coughs and colds." What Christmas Present..? 'Which makes thebetter Christmas • Mr. Geo. McTaggart has purchased box—the 52 issues of The Youth's from Dr. Whitely his famous matched Mask' Nows-IReeemil November 11th, $O* yon. •County News Gathered ars powmrfully OistiOhOtt and ifito144.4 13-YItH14""Yncreita."aeriathPeltrrelldia.corpepecleit and for New§. Td. Rea• Mt*" itr°44 the white c""i“ _ . and thus proteets and. reitores the r. It cores scrofula, eczema, 0fUnt1efil. catarrh, rheumatism, anemia, nervous,. stas 18 Years Ago From The News -Record of Senforth The Molsons Bank. Gem; of Thought - street. the guest of Miss F. Fowler, lames the IVIolsons Bank was held recently of love ; in Montreal, and the financial report 'Twill make a thing endurable whieli Mrs. Thos. Coleman and her moth- was of the usual satistaetory charac- else yesterday ohicago ter. The net profits for thef yearovere Would overset the brain, or break the $498,49a, Which with $153,684. brought heart. ' er Mrs. ober son lett lox November 11th, 1891. Miss Ethel Wilson, of Windsor, has forward from .last year, made the tot - Clinton, Nov. llth, 1891. been Wviaslittoinng with friends in Seaforth. al at the credit of profit and loss $647,164. Out of this sum. tour quer- Sympathy is the g r a—nWd eosrtd —Wordsworth. . i n , Mr. T. Jaelcson Jr. attended the, Mr. George Marsh 11 has v d i terly dividends at the rate of ten per the world. It overcomes evil and Greig -Clark nuptials in Toronto last to the cottage on Market s•ttrineeat sowna- strengthens good . it disarms resist - 1 t $350,000 and other items of eXtlenui- draws out the better part of human cent per annum, absorbed the anna 0.1 , anee, melts the 1:ardest hearts, and week. Rev. Mr.. Stewart of Willis church ed. by Mr. Edge. :ture amounted to 09,895, brought up inature.—George 'Moore. Mr. R. E. Oresswell who has buci- the total appropriations for the year conducts service in Londesboro on ness interests in the t t d t $389 394 Th f $251 769 west re lune 0 , . e sum 0 7,, was : Nature helps every man to become . • home last week. that which he desires to become Thursday, carried to profit and loss for thef com- I Mrs. Fowler of Sheldou, N. D. is The fifty-fourth annual meeting of There is a Comfort in the strength • IS Nellie Fair is on a prolonged Mrs. E lestone of town is in the ing year which opened on Oct 1:he put forth no effort, nature assuraq: 'Detroit and other places. ?iis ing tour to Toronto,. Woodstock • gg . ' Wprin. givihaam rgahroesypictaalideurn,der the care of This balance is within $4,738 of • ' - - ' the his wish is to be a nobody, and Mr. A. Seeley, recently in the em- , Mr. and Mrs. R. $., Hays attended . amount niquired to meet the dividends grants his prayer,—Elbert glibbard. ploy oft Mr. O. Johnston, new beldstO the recital in Clinton on Friday for the next nine months at the rate 1 There is no action so slight nor so fug last, given by Miss Rance. even.. declared during the past twelve moon but it May be done to a great mOnths. Intthis connection it is wor2 Purpose, and ennobled 'thereby, ; nor Miss Maraie Longworth visited her 'thy bf special attention that the Mol- 1 is sons Bank has not wised, a single div- slight acts may hem it.—Ruskin. any Purpose so great but that grandmother, Mrs. Jas, Longworth of Humility is the first lesson we Dublin for a few days Vast (week. idend durint.the fifty-four years of itd I operations, a fact which imparts to learn from reflection, and telf-clls- (trust the first proof we give of hay - Miss L. Sinelair of Brussels, is the guest of Miss ,L, Best, who entertain- the stock an investment. value which' Mrs Wm F 1 eturned from statement shows the liabilities to the can be depended upon. The general big obtained a knowledge of ousel - ed in her honor on* Saturday last. . 4 ves.—Zimrnertnan. situation in Lyndoch, Ont. EtTressinessenger W. G. Potts was off his run a part of this and last week and paid his Clinton friends a visit. • ,... • Mr. Owen 13allard, not long since employed in the Doherty Organ Fac- tory, now holds a good situation 'Johnston,. Penna., U. S. the far west last week, where she Publie .at the close ot the bank's year I When a inan has not a very god Mr. Hy. of Goderich tp„ was L. had spent the Past Year with her 'at $31,110,291, and itheassets at $38,i reason for doing a thing has a fuP' daughters. 550,331. Compared with 30th Sep- ;very good reason tor letting' it alone. Iincardine way last week and on hie The following wese in Clinton on tember; 1908, this is an increase of —Scott.' return showed The News -Record a Friday evening attending the recital $3,502,483 in liabilities to the public,1 pear measuring 121x101. inches grown Choose the life that is most- use - and one of $3,907,166 in assets. The fai, and .1.. L. Yule,: Mrs, Allen McLean, Mrs. latter exceed. liabilities to the public ' habit will maka it•the most given by Miss Rance, assisted by Mr - on the farm of Mr, E. -Pollock, Huron toWnship. It seemed about as large W. D. McLean, Misses Harriet and by $7,446,046. over one-third of the I agreeable. Bacon. These ladies thoroughly enjoyed the actual proportion being 33.56 net I nie, top of clieerfnlness and serenity. man's house shoald lat on the as a pair of ordinary pears. While Annie Wilson and Miss Helen Fear. assets are immediately available, the ..A.. away Mr. Beacom saw many old time The death ccurr d i Detecet en held is shown • by price of the . lead ilid rBeecher. Greatness anh goedness are nom friends, attiong them .1. Gentles, R. great praise for Miss Rance, as a Year $1,505,545. The high estimation No man ever travels far stem g din excellent program provided and have °Mt* This is an increase for Hunter and others of Rincardine. reader and entertainer. • in which the stock of the bank is oit his dignity.—Henry F. Cope. • • • • • • niea,ns,..• but ends.—Coleridge. . o e n . , • nese, that tired. feeling, dyspep of appetite, general debility and build* up the whole eyetem. It effects its wonderful curs'e not simply because it contains saretaparills but because it combines the uttneet remedial agents of more than 20 dif- ferent ingredients, each grOatlY strengthened and enriched by tbis peculiar combination. Get it today of your druggist. IDO Doses One Defier. Prepared only bV C. L Hood Co., Lowell, Masa, IL S. A. Would Crop lisir off Girls Dr. William Butler is continuing his aggressive campaign for the cutting of the hMr of all girls in the Wiles - den public 'school., London, England* and his firat attempt the other 4,1. develoffed violent opposition item. Ale/4 angry mothers- The doctor's app•ei to mothers to cut their db,ughters hair was ignored and, a nurse was en- gaged to trim the hair of six girls. News of this intention quickly spread,. and 200 mothers chased the nurse out of the school and took their daught- ers home. Despite this parental( ob- jection, the Butler idea is gaining ad-. vocates throughout England, Mid the Medical Press and Circular editorial- ly goes even further 'than Butler. ',For various reasons," it holds .".thet prafctice of cropping" the heads' ot scheolgilli is to be advocated, not only in, the case of children attending public schools but in all ranks of society: Fashion, hqwever, is not likely readily to be moved to listen it() the voice of reason in a matter of tMe sot." The Press and Circular goes on to express the opinion that the cropping of hair on all growing 'girls should be compulsory. Sunday last, of Mrs, Philip Carting, recor e sale. This was per Companion, costing only $2.00 for the prize team of drivers. They will be a sue to $3,00. ? ' lof magnificent . horse flesh that .., gives 'formerly Mary Downey of Dublin in her 52nd year. She had -been a.. share ex -dividends, being a Premium of 100 per cent.' The directors' rePort, other's • ihjury begins.—Procior. Personal liberty • ends where an- whole year,: or one' book, costing $2.00 I decided acquisition to the galaxy of 0/ tone to the equine society of this R-epeat' it :—"Shiloh's . Cure will al- - In quantity, variety and value sufferer for many months and Ithrough- while it refers to the depressed con- Remember. to make a.proper use of ways cure mv coughs and colds," es w k i i 1Vir. T M. Carling has -bee g g t 1 th. r t christian of .the year; and the donand for mon- • .. . : - DR. OVENS, SURGEON, inuLisT, will be at Holmes' Drug Store on Friday, July 9th., and thereafter on Wednesday Aug. 4, Sept. 8, Oct. 13, Nov. 17, Dec. 22. Hours trom 9 a. . m. until 3.0 p. rit. Glasses properly fitted. Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat treated. •••••••••••••osood000000loo• • • • • CENTRAL . • • : STRATFORD. ONT. • Has the reputation of being the : • • best practical training school in : I' Canada. Thorough courses have • • produced results. Business men. • • say our graduates are *tItettest : - : and they apply to us for office • so help. Our graduates succeed as • Ilona others. Three depart- : j We. ments • • COMMERCIAL SHORTHAND, i - • • • 'AND TELECRAPHY. o e o '48 Enter at once. 'Write now for : a • out free Catalogue. • • * • et . II At McLachlan • t 4 • PRINCIPAL a • •••••••••••••41440411•1141•4010, reading The Companion excels.1..iis not 'burg' out her long and trying illness bore the present hour.—Horace Theb t workman is he who loves dition of business in the early, part • oin on, • al i Such a paper, bringing every ee . , w g ea courage, to the home circle charming stories a limp for the past week, the mai- There are many friends in Seaforth ey .was, as a consequence, less than his worh*-1411e.i.A. I and vicinity, who will regret ' very • 1907, which a.cceants for a, reduc- Speak fitly or be silent , wisely•—i articles on a thousand subjects by festation of an attack of infiamraa,-, • • • • George Herbert.• . . An aspiration ' is a joy. torever,e- their sympathy:i will be .extended to Seven new branches were opened Stevenson. , *. i the bereaved . husband in his deep during the year, bringing the total Everything . good, costs self-denial. sorrow. The remains were brought 'number to 73 In Canada --Greikie. • famous men and women, delightful tory rheumatism. He has about re - short sketches, humorous anecdotes, covered. and an infinite variety of other evliolet. Grocer Geo. Stewart lost a quan- some entertaining reading—is not tityof merchandise in the receat Par - much to bear of her demise and IQ in earnings. such a•paper the very °he for an ap- Is Are, it is 'probable the value there- to Dublin on Tuesday morning and • • . • ProPriate; acceptable Christmas box? of will be made good by The rail- were interred in the St. Columban The popular manager of the Clintmt Think of it 1 In a .ylar The . Com- / way company. cemetery.; • branch is Mr. C. E. Dowding. • , panion gives you as much reading as On Thursday last Messrs. James twenty 400 -page books' of travel, his-, Howe, Chas. Wilson and Ben Tom - tory, fiction, miscellany, biography ,iinson lfift to join a partyt bound for and humor, and not a line in it that :a, huntifig tour in the vicinity of shakes one'st faith in truth and .ho1aort,1 BurksFalls, Muskoka. not a phrase that makes light, qt thei Mr. James Fair has about complete things that are sweet and pure. Is it ed his stock stables and they are not a Christmas gift lworth havingr-d 'model in every respect. Farmers or Christmas gift that is "worth Others who contemplate anything in while". ? • Ithis line should first 'take a look at Send your subscription ($2.00) at Mr. Fair's. once 'sci as to receive all the issues of Summerhill, Nov. 11th, 1891: The Companion for the remaining weeks of 1909, as well as The Com- The Messrs. Beacom are building - a panion's "Venetian" Calendar tot. new fence for:Mil.k Jas. Mair along thel 1910,,lithographed in thirteen color e front of the property he recently pur- chased from Mr. Draper. . The LO.G,T's intend. holding open lodge en Wednesday evening the lith inst.. Silver collection, All sympath-. and gold. . • . The YOUTWS CONIP.A.NION, Companion Building Boston, Mass. New sibSeriPtions received at this of- izers with the temperance case should' • attend A choice programme will be rendered onthe occasion. • : A. rather umisuat parcel was en- - qtfired for at the poSteffice here .last week. We must say the parcel. is here is it is not ot the regular . or- . thodoi male character cannot be handed over until the: applicant has F. W. CUTTLEtt,'• PAINTER AND placed his name on the register, which dame rumors says he is pre-. Repeat it :—"Shiloh's Curd Al ways cure my coughs and colds." Morris Township. The .100 acre farm on the 5th line, owned by George Brown, of Brussels, has been sold, the price being some- thing over $3,000. , The trustees of S. S. No. 3, Morris, have re-engaged MissAnnie E. Me - Gowan fof next year at the same salary, viz., $4.25. • Geo. Calbeck, Chief of Police, at Cobalt, and a former resident of this township, has been appointed inspec- tor for the Northern division for the Provincial police. . In the orchard of Mrs, S. Fear, 8th line, a small limb, Vs inches long, had no less than 15good sized ap- plesupon it. They were Of. the Nor- thern Spy variety., Will. Moses has returned. 'home from an extended trip West. He worked over a month at Clair, Sask., and afterwards visited friends in Ed- monton, Innisfail, Portage -la -Prairie and Winnipeg.' Paper hanger. All -work done guar- anteed to give satisfaction. : Prices paring to do. ' moderate,Residence nearly opposite Mr, Fitz Alien Sprung, who sold is Collegiate Institute. Clinton. 83 farm on the Base Line near the Bap- . Cider Apples Wanted Small sound apples wanted by the undersigned .for making cider. Highest market price paid. Deliver at/Ford & McLeod's ware- house at the G.T. R. tracks.. D CANTELON. MONUMENTS CHASTE DESIGNS. BEST MATEMAL .IAIVIES DOIG OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. Rubber Tins. tist church to Mr. Sheppard of the Maitslamd Con., has purchased a lar- ger fawn, on the 1.30 con., of Hallett from Mrs. Lyons and will soon bd Moving thereto. We are sorry, to lose such a good neigh'b'or and hone his lot has fallen in pleasant places. Blyth, Nov. llth, 1891. Rev. Mr. Highley of Hanover is to officiate in the English church here next 'Sabbath— . ' •.• Mr. E. Watson .shipped a couple4,64 carloads of lambs from this station to .Buffalo the past week. Next Thursday ' being Thanlfsgiving day all Places of business . will be closed in this burg. Councillor McNally disposed of his handsome property in this burg last week to Dr. Ferguson at a handsome hgure. Mr. John Bentley having purchased Mr. Robert' Gurne3r's property on Queen St. recently intends moving in- to it this week. • Our council at their last meeting de- cided to purchase three mom lamps to light up the darkness of our streets. That's a wise act. Our apple king, Mr. John Denholen, is shipping several carloads ef apples front this ,station to old Hingland this week. • Early Wednesday morning last a dwelling house on Morris St. belong- ing to Mr. John 'Tamin Was destroy- ed by fire. The cause is a mystery as it had not been occupiedfor a considerable time. deilavifig purchased a machine lot applying Rubber Tires, we wish to say that we are 11,007 prepared to fur- ish and put . such tires at reason- - bis rates, We also do all kinds of Grinding, nything • from a pair of sCissors to a ireular saw. This week We installed machine for grinding horse clippers Which does perfect work. We likewise do all "kinds of lathe ' Yak MI short order and at reason* ble rates. Mathinery repaired, lIorses shod. SAT/SPACTION GUARANTEED. Seeleu &. Wes ' Grey ToWnship. • Mrs. Robert Lowe and children, 51b con., were visiting the formees moth! . Zurich . Repeat it :•-7"Shiloit's Cure will al - Ways cure my coughs and colds." 1 • Drysdale • • TinIS MEDICINE IS BREAMIED.- That's Why it is sure to cure Cat- arrh. You see tt goe d' t t thm souree of the disease —its healing vapor repairs the damage caused by , catarrhal inflammation. "lCatarrho- ozone" always .eures because it goes into those tiny cells and passages. , that ordinary remedies can't reach, goes where the disease actually is, Impossible for "Catarrhozone" !ad _ as any doctor will tell you. Don't— be misled tnto thinking there is any - It is our Sad duty to chrenicle the • The British Commons have refused thing SQ good as Catarrhozone,--iott ' death of another pioneer' resident of to accept the Lords' amendments to it and you'll soon say good-bye to ' Stanley township in the person of I Mrs. Jacob Snider who departed this life on Sun.day week at the ripe old age of eighty years. Despite her ad- vanced old age 'the deceased had en- joyed 'particularly •goott health but • seem. two weeks was stricken with paralysis Which gradually weakened the vital elements of her once rugged fa,me, and de.veloped into complica:- tions to which she .succumbed. The funeral took place on Tuesday, inter- ment being made in the faintly plot in the Bayfield- cemetery. The ser- vice at the house and grave was con- ' dilated by Mr. James Delgatty. of Bayfield. • She leaves behind to vomit their, irreparable loss, an aged hus- band, one son, and two daughters, sides a nuinber of grand ehildren. • I • d 13•11 • • catarrh. • 111111P.MIramansma COMINQ. PROF, DOREN WEND • . Repeat it.'!--"Shiloh's Cure will al- ways Pure my coughs and colds." er at Guelph. Mill. McDonald and Charlie Lake were among. the many Who returned from the West this week, S. R. and Mrs.-Crear.amll little on of Toronto, were here lot •a holiday visit. Mrs. Crerar end babyare ex- tending their Stay, • P. C. Duncan of Esteyan, Man., is here on a visit. He .is a son-im-law of L. McNeil, l4th conand a fortmer resident of Mina. . Oliver Turtle% 15th con., Was away; M the 'West with:a car load of fine Le:ices* sheep which be disposed of to the ranchers. One day recently Adrian, thelittle son of Neil McTaggart, 16th con., had the misfortune to have :slime of the finger tips Of his left hand pinch- ed in a cutting box. Men have been busy putting up the poles for the Municipal .Telephone on the 12th con. It runs the entire width of the township on this line., Wingham Rev. • A. 131; Gischler attended: " the South Huron Ministerial Association in .the Angliean church at Exeter .an Monday' afternoon. Rev. Mr. Butt of Centralia gave an able address on Local Option.. , IThe services in St. Peter's Luther- an church on Sunday :were 1 a pat- riotic " character, The Xing whose birthday will be celebrated on Tues- day was remembered in the prayers arid meditations. The evening service was Conducted in English, the text of , the sermOn • being 1. am 10 : 240 1"(God • satie, the Ring." I nay council met Nov. 3rd with all members present. A Petition signed . by 244 persons praying the couneil to (submit a by-law to prohibit the te- tail sale. of liquor in the township was laid before the commit,' and ; the clerk was instructed to prepare a (.13y -law for next meeting M eouncil. tAl number of accounts were passed. The next meeting will be helfl on Dec, 1st at 10 o'clock. Mr. Joseph Clark, who for the past - three mviths has been caretaker of the. _tirgigham cemetery, passed away on Monday week in his 4:7th year. Mr. Clark took a heavy cold last week Whith •developed into pneumonia and he -els ill :only a few days. Deceased was a native of Lanarkshire, Eng- land, and came from. the Old Land to. Wingham some three and a halt vets ago, Mr. John Terriff, formerly of vs/Ing- ham, is seriously 111 a Stratford;* Some, weeks ago Mr. Tariff had one of his hands badly cut while 'working on a Saw •itt the chair factory. Since then a nervous troublenas de- veloped and he has been in the hospital for some days and is itt a critical condition. Mr. Terrift's old Weeds here will wish hire: a com- plete recovery. Mr. T. S. Brandon this week gavse up possessiOn of his dartn in Morris, recently purchased by Mr. Nethery, and has also resigned the position or township treasurer, which he has beid tor the past twenty leitars. Mr. Drat* don has not delinifelY ,decidcd upon his pia for the ItItqeb THAT P.A.Ln, TIRED GIRL.4p She is in . society, in business, at home, everywhere you see her, but always worn and, fatigued. She hasn't , beard of Ferrozone or she would b61 perfectly‘ well. llow quickly it, strengthenswhat an appetite it giv- es—what a glow it brings to pallid cheeks 1 Ph 6 nutriment contained in Perrozone putsstrength into any -1 body. Laughing eyes, rosy lips, Wight quick movements all tell of the vital- ity Verrozone produces. Thousands 1of attractive happy women use Petro.' zone—Why not you ? A box of litty ehocolate coated tablets costs nity tents at any drug store. • • Priiical Polities.. A 'Political office in a Anall town in Iowa was vaeant. The office paid two' hundred and fifty dollars a !tear, and there was keen competition for it. The Democratic candidate, Ezekiel Hicks, was a shrewd old fellew, and a neat campaign fund was turned ov- er to him. To the astonishment of all, however, he was defeated. "I can't. account for it," said one of the Democratic leaders gloomily. "With that money, Ure should have won. How • did yeti lay it 'out, Ere - kid ?" . '.",Well," said Eziekel slowly, puuling his whiskers, "yer See, that office on- ly pays tate hundred and fifty dollars a year salary, an' I didn't see no sexist in payin' nine handfed dollats ourto get the oflice, so 1 jot, bought Me a little truck -farm insteah." -.LNoVetnher Lippincott's. Repeat it :—"Shiloh's CI will aya euro my eought and 01,110 OF TORONTO the well-known Hair Goods Artist will visit' . CLINTON at Ratteriury House • .1 on Wed,Nou:17th During this visit he 'Will show • the latest Parisian and New YorIF 'styles., You are particularly invited. to call, inspect and try on any of these creations. he Dorenwend Sanitary Patent Toupee Rh! Gentlemen:who are bald, is • heacleoVering, far superior in bah. • style and durability to any other manufactured. At the present day over 90,000 of these are in'.use throughout Canada and the United. States. Call and have free demon- stration. REMEMBER, ' ONE . DAY ONLY THE DORENWEND CO. OF TORONTO 103-105 YONGE STREET. fvetweemobwroweiveeveitisieovvv•veovemAeowenewooweeeew In Ow New S •••'• 1' In our new premises we have one of the most up-to-date Jewelery Stores in the county. VVe ask you to call and see our stock for we believe we can please you both in quality and price of goods, W. IL •106.6 • • ' . . 9 Jeweler and 'engraver. boner of Marriage ILICettaea kAAMAleAtAMAlteeMWOOWdertAAMANAMAetAtoeMeyettANW14