HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-11-04, Page 7roveitibet4ht, 1.94C • jf/OTAOGART• NATAOGART McTaggart Bro e -o -BANKERS -e*: OUVERAI,4 iRANKING 1.113a. NESS TRANSACTED. NOTES ptp.9nTNTEP. DRAFTS ISSUED INTELEST ALLOWED ON DE- POSITS. SAL4 NOTES V1.111OH- ,TR +1, PO* T. RANCE, - NOTARY PUI3LIO, CONVWy- ANOER, FINANCIAL, REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSURe ANCE AGENT, REPRESEN- TING 14 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. DIVISION ' COURT OFFICE, CLINTON. W,, BRYDONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY, PUBLIC. ETC. 01710E -Sloane Bleck-Of INTO)N. 1 .CHARLES B. HAIIE Conveyancers, UotturdSSierters, Real E'state and Insurance Ageney. Money to loan. HURON ST, OFFICE I... .•••• DR. W. GUNN L. R. 0.?.. L. R. C. S. Edinburg Office -Ontario street, .Clinton. Night calls at fron't door •of office or at residence on Rattenbury street. r -DR. J. W. SHAW- + -OFFICE-. RATTENBURY ST. EAST, --CLINTON.- DR. C. W. THOMPSON. PHYSICIAL, (SURGEON, ETC. Special attention g,:ven to dis- eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes carefully examined and suitable glasses prescribed. Office and residence : 2 doors west of the Commercial Hotel, Huron St. -DR. F. A. AXON. - (Successor to Dr. Holmes.) Speeialist 'in Crown and •Bridge wort • ' . .• dra.dtiale of the Royal College of liOnial Surgeons of Ontario. Honor .....dredliate of University of • Toronto Dental Department. Graduate of the ' Chicago 'College of Dental Surgery Chicago. • WM be at the Commercial hotel Bayfield, every Monday from 10 a. m. to 5 P. et. THOMA,S BROWN, LICENSED AUCe tioneer for the counties of Huron and Perth. Correspondence prompt- ly answered. Immediate arrange- ments can be made for sale dates at The News -Record, Clinton, or by calling phone 07, Seaforth. Charges moderate- and satisfactime guaran- teed. The Austrian budget shows a deficit of over ten million dollars. 'Professor Ashap Hall of Washington does not credit the stories of the di- struction of Mars. The Iowa suffragettes have decided to follow in the steps of their mili- tant sisters in England.. SO YEARS* EXPONIENCE testrioe Mamas 06614Ple CoPebtaerra &O. ' AllY0tle SittRing a shalt and description may flfltOkIl sumortian eur opiniotyree 'another sin seventies la probably Patents iga _Ooinnitcnica. tionsatriettyconedentral. 111111 URN an Patentil senfr t eo, oldest °coley for securing patents. Patont4 Wt1 throuch Munn & Go.inciaTa specie/ nottea, without abarge, in the Scietiific kinstriatie A handsomely illustrcted weekly. Laracat viation of any &manna(' joiumid., Terms, for wanada, s3.76 a yew:nonage PrePaid. Beta by nOwstle4/era. vioNN co sego...dway. New Iferk Dra.th oleo. 425 Bt.. waietnaton, D. O. LIPPIIMIPS MONTHLY IVIAGAZOIL A FAMifeif LIONARif Ths Bost In Currant !Aerators ig comport( NOVItes VI:ANL,/ MANY SWIM"' snort, it AND PAPERS ON TOW ELY 10PIc3 $2.150 Pot Inuot 28 mi. A COPY ISO CONTINUED STottlEs. tvoiy NUMIllete tatemreatit IN linet. LONDON, ONTARIO ess & Shorthand iumacT3 Rfitaidaat and Mail Collrica cioidosuso from, W. Wistarroit. J. W. Watoomit, Peincleite Viee-Pietelatit. aelmfeliawsvlasOltwleleasowsese C K One Thint of Your Life 18 SPEIVi" IN BED. Buy a new White Enamel and Brass Bed, with a Wm-- fOrtahle Mattress and Spring. You will be re- warded by a long life and very few aches or pains, 1 We show ten, new designs: of ' White Enamel Beds. •Peices front $3.00 to $14.00 each. Comfortable mattress moo $3.50 $4.00. Felt mattress $5.50, $7.50 $10.00. Drew ers and stands to match the Beds. i 1/..Ohefiew. \R T. APPLES WANTED for shipping and evapor- • ating purposes. Best prices D. CANTELON •CLINTON. FARM PROFITS • Nay be largely inereaeod by knowing the exact condition of the esesner's market,' • and by learning of the hest method in farm practice. Thie is precisely the sort of information the Farmers' Weekly Sun gives in every issue; It kits no ecpial as a Farraer's • Business Paper. Good • •farmers rely en it. For price see our clubbing offer. Tfie McKillop Mutual File •Insurance Companu -Farm and Isolated Town Property- • -Only Insured • - -OFFICERS- . J. B. _McLean, ,President, Seaforth P 0. ; Thos. •Ftaser, • Vice-Presidee! Brucefield P. .0...; T. E. Hays,. See, •Treasurer, Seaforth P. 0." • • -Directors- William Sheshey, • Seaforth; Joh Grieve, Winthrop; George Dale, Sea Bennewitia, Brodhegan ; James Eva forth ; John Watt, Harloek ;'• • Beechwood; James Connolly, Hohnesville. "Parties desirous to effect insurance or ttansact other businesS-Will be promptly attended to on applicatio, to any of the above officers addressed to their respective postofficos. Losse inspected' by the 'diteetor who live, nearest the scene. -AGENTS • - Robert • Smith; Maack ; E. Hii- chley; Seaforth ; James Ctimmings Egmondville ; J. W., Yeo e Holmes- ville. • • - • Clinton News -Record CLINTON •ONT. Terms of subseription-$1 per year• in advance $1.50 •/nay be Charged • if •not so paid. ' No• paper discontinued until all enters are paid, Unless at the (Minitel • of the publisher. The date t� which &art. Subscription is paid is denoted on the label. Advertising rates-Trahsitat adVer- tistments, 10 Cents per honpatiel line for firtit insertion Mid cents per line int each sttbingnent insert- ion. Stull advertiseinents • not to exceed one inch, Such as "Lost," "Strayed" or "Stolen," etc., in- serted once for 85 Cents and each subsequent insertion 10 Cents. Communicationlettetded for publioa. tion tnttst, an a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the 'writer, W. J. MITCHELL, Editot Mad Proprietor, ORA flhi&iWRjLWY 111•VO:YSTEM . -TIME TABLE-, • TrainsWill arrive at and depart from Cliht0i1 Station 'as follows : BUFFALO AND GODErtICHo, Going &A 7.85 a. M. ot to 3,07 Pan. 5.15 p. 11.07 a. nt. 1.25 p. M. •0.40 1 pare • 11.28 p. tre LONDON, :HURON & MICE DIV. Going South 7.60 a. 4g e 4.23 p. in Going istottli 11.00 M. o 6.85 p. M. 14 pleaded, with palpabte effort to steady herself. "wit has betepened?" • "I think, perbapa." said Kirkwood =easily, agalu troubled' by his racing impulses -"perhaps you 'can do that Defter than 1." "0111" said the volee guiltily. Her • fingers trembled on his and were gen- • tly withdrawn. "I was so frightened." ilie confessed after a little muse. "SO frightened that 1' hardly understand. But you -how dicl you" - "1 Worried obout yell," he replied in a tone absurdly uPologetle. "Somehow It didn't seem right. It was none of my business, of course, but 1 couldn't leelp coming back. Thls fellow, who,. aver he is -don't worry, he's uncon- scious -slipped lute the brew in a nmener thin seemed to me suspicious. I nardly know why 1 followed, eXcept that• he left the door au open Invite - tion to interference." "1 can't be. thankful enough," she told him warmly, -Ilea you did inter - erre. You have itcleed saved we Cronin -re .7eolsol;t know what. If I knew the • man"- • "You dou't know bhp?" . "I can't even guess. The Ifght"- . She paused inquiringly. Kirkwood fumbled with . the fame; but, whether Its rude handling hud impaired some vital part of the mechanism or wheth- er the batteries' through tnuch use tv6re worn out, he was able to elicit anti one feeble glow, which was In- stantly smothered by the darkness. "It's no use," be confessed. "The, thing's gone wrong," "Have you .a matCh?" • used -Me last hkore I,..got hold et thf'80; ":" she connuented, discouraged, "Have you ney potion what be looks "1:T1:wood thought btlefly, "Raftlee," ' .e he replied with a ehuckle. "He looks like an 'afetzteurish and very callow `Reifies. • Ele's. in dress clothes, you know. 01 wonder!" There was a nuance of profound bevvilderment in her exela- .mation, then: • !Ile knocked against .sotnething in the .bnil-it• chair, I pre- sume. At all .events,. I heard that and put out the light, .1 was in the room abore the drawing room, you 'lee. stole down"to this floor -was' there, In• the corner by the stairs when . he passed within six • Inches andnever guessed It; Then,* when -he got on the .• next floor, I started on, but you 'came slipped into the' drawing, room and crouched behind a Chair.. • You went .on, but I dared not move untii- Anct.then I heard some one cry out -and you fell down the stairs together. 6.One you were not hurt." • • • . "Nothing •worth Mention. But •she. quiet bare got a pretty stiff knock .to 'lay him out so completely." Kirkwood stirred the body with' his toe, but the mitn made no sign. '"Dead to the world. And now. Miss Calendar?" . • If she answered' he did not hear, for on the heels of. his query banged the n knoeker. . dowbelow, and thereafter etetell .followed •crashebrewing a deep and sullen. .thundering to • rouse the echoes and ,send •them. rolling, • Hite • voiees of enraged •ghosts, through•the • lonely rooms, • CHAPTER 'V: • nArs that?" . Atthe first Waren • thegirl bad caught convulsively at Kirkwood'a. attn. •New, arbeu a pause came In the -growling of the knocker. she ,made him hear: her roke, and it was broken and vibrant with a threat of hysteria. -Oh, What .can it- mean?" -1 delft knew." He laid a hand re- a.ssuringly over that 'which trembled on •hie forearm. • -The police possibly." - '"Policel" she Iterated, aghnst. "What 'makes you think" • - "A• Man tried to stop me at the door," • heansweredquickly. . "1 got in before be (souk'. • When be tried the knocker n bobby eameealong nnd stopped Mai. The eater may •bare been watebing the house since then. It'd be only his duty to keep On eye on it, and heaven knows,. we raised a •• racket; . coming • head tirst down, thoee steles! •New we are up againet it," he added .brightly. . But the. girl wits tugging- at his hand. "Comer' she begged . breathiesely. "Comel There Is a well Before they break • in"- this min?"Kirkwoed hung Mick. troubled. • •• • "They -the polfee-are !tura to tind lend care for . "So they will." he chuckled. "And serve him • right! have choked me to death,with an the good will in the world!" • "Oh, do hurrel" Turtting, she sped light 'footed down the etairease to the lower hall, he at her elbow. Here the uproar Was loud- est, deep enough to drown whatever soundmight have been made by to pairs of Hying feet. • For all that, they tied on tiptoe. stealthily., guilty shad- ows in the night. and at the newel poet ewiing hack Into the unbt•olten Week - nese which • shrouded t he faneeseh lineltward of the dwelling. A sudden 8C1111:4 of fury on the part of the It:moist at the Ithoeker spurred them An with quaking hearts. In Milt a dozen strides Kirkwood. guided only by inetinet and the frolefrou of the eiere Skirts as she rah invisible before him, stumbled on the uppermost •stepe of a steep etafrenee, pelya hand rail etirCd him, lind thateat the hist =- meet Ile stopped short. Shocked int0 eattion. From below eame a contrite whisper: "I'm so sorryi 1 should have renreed e•oti." 110 pulled hitneelf tegether, glaring wildly at nothing. "It's nil right." "Yotere not beet, trtily? Oh, do teettle mileklyt" She waited for him at the hottoin of the flighte-happily for him, for be was Hi at sea. • "lIere-yeeir hettd-let me gutde stil; this darkness la dreediell." Louis Joseph Vance copyeisht, 1908 by the Bobbe-Meerill Co. He found her Mine /somehow and. "My man"4- e tuned his Into it confidingly and uot "Ler'. lunitnel." cried the fellow In without au uneertain tntell 'of setts- amaze, pivoting on his heel Cuphiev fti tl.e`Co6tulLer she panted. "Comel they break In" - Stilled by apprehension, tier voice failed bet'. They went forward, neer less impet- uously. for It wits very black and the knocker had fallen still. 'No fear' of that...! be remarked after a thee. "rimy woulee't dare break in." A. fluttering whisper :Answered him: "1 don't linow. • We dare risk noth- ing." They seemed to explore. to Pene- trate, acres of labyrinthine chambers • and passages, delving- deep Into the bowels of the earth, like rabbits bur- rowing in n warren, hounded by bea- gles.• Above stairs the hush continued -un-. broken, as•if the dumb genius Of the piece had east n spell of silence on • the . knocker or• else, outraged, had smitten the noisy disturber with a • palsy. The girl seemed to know her way, Whether guided by familiarity or by intultiou, She led on without health. tion, Kirkwood blundering In her wake between confusion of impression and dawning dismay, eonscions of but one tangible thing, to which be Clung as to his hope of salvation -those firm, friendly fingers that clasped his own. It was as If thee" wandered on for an hour, Probably frau start to fin. ish their light took up three minutes-, no more. Eventually the girl' stop' pia, releasing hisiband. Be could hear „her syncopated :breathing before hinl 'and gathered that something ,was wrong. He toek a step fOrward, "Wriat is It?" - • Her full voice broke out of the ob,/' acutely snirttingly close In hie very 'ear. "The door -the bolts -1 caret' budge hem." "Let me." , Lle pressed forward, brushing her shoulder. She did not draw away, but willingly yielded place to bis hands at the fastenings, nud what had prored. imPossible to her to his strong fingers was a !natter of coMparative ease. Yet, not entirely consciously, he was not quick: AS he tugged,aet„the bolts he was poignantly sensitfre' ttithe- subtle warmth of her at his side.- He • could heer her soft, dry eklbs of ex- citement and Suspense puncemating the quiet ,and was frightened' absolutely by an impulse, too strong for ridicule, to take her in' his arms and comfort her with 'theassurance that. .wha tever her.. trouble; he Would stand by her «Aka "ii440-6,0ii '1 Won't Want you to Veit** me leas generoua • thin" yourself: bare truly. 1 cent tell yoU notbing." fibe Sighed a Crave resent- fully. or so he thought. "There is lit- • tle enougb In tbis-thie verve:lied af- fair that I understaud myself, and that little I. May 00t tell. I waut you to keow that." "1 underetand, Idles Calendar." "There's oue title; 1 may say, bow. ever. 1 /Ave done nothing wrong to. night, 1 believe," she added quieely. "I've- never tor an Instant questioned that," be returned, with a qualm et Witarne, for what be said was not true. "Thank you." • The four wheeler swung out ot Ox. •ford Street into Chariug Cross road. IHrkwood noted the fact with a feel - 013.1 qujuk iimierstamling: 4,11. lag of some relief that their ride was gyee we've lo two gialives looked 10.44 to be So short. Like many of his fel- floro:„ u p and down, "Whelp tue," low sufferers from "the artistic tera- peranient,°•lie wits aeutely disconcert. ed by spolten words of praise and grat- •"That's tny affair." said Kirliwoo1 • liude. briskly. "Are you engaged?" •, Nor had she fully relieved her mind "if you mykee yereelf my fare." re. nor voiced all that perturbed her. turued the cabby shrewdly. "I ham" "There's one thing more," sbe saki "'L'en sbll11us, initiletli)titelfaiferto-gvetayll.° Pr°sellt17-"my rather. 1-1 11°P° You Hyde Park Coruer in fifteen." °Us?" demanded the fellow aggres sively. Kirkwood teotioeee toward the pas Sageway. wfliere'e a lady with me - there, Quick now:" iJI the man did not move. wren bob," he bargalued, -"an' you rennin' awye with tie stuffy or gent's fair thickly, "where'd you drop from, guce will thiuk charitably of hInt."' • "Indeed, 1'VP 110 reasou or right to think otberwise." "I was afraid afrnid his ections might have seeined peeuliar.tottight." "There are lots of things I don't un- derstnud, Miss Calendar, Nome day perhaps It will all clear up -this trou- ble of yours. ,At ieast, oue supposes it Is trouble of, some sort. And then you will tell Inc the whole story. Won't yotz?" Kirkwood Insisted. afraid not," she mid, with a smile of shadowed sadness. "We' are to say good niglit lu a moment or two, and -it will be goodby as well. It's unlikely that we sball ever meet again." - "I refuse positively to take such n gloomy view of the case." 'She shook her head, laughing witn bine' but with shy regret "It's so, none the less. We are leaving London this very night, my father and 1 -leav- ing England, for that matter." • "Leaving England?" he. echoed, "You're not by 'any chance bound f America, are you?" ' . "I reel tell you." - - "But you..eart tell me thls-;etre booked on the Mineeapolisr • - ."Net -o. It is a -quite another boat • "Of courser' be commented savage' "It wouldn't be me to have any so of luck!" „ ' -• • "Sine We are to sny goodby ao ve • soon," suggested Kirkwood,' "may . ask a perdue. favor. Miss Calendar? :She regarded WM with friendly eye • "You have every Tight." she affirm gently, . • "Then please to tell me -frankly a ecou goliee into any' further clanger?" "And le that the only boon you cre .at.my hands, Mr,.Kieltwoed?" •"Without impertinence... • 'For a little time. .walting for filin cOnclude his vague phrase, she watc ed bmw in au expectant silence. B the man was diffident ton degree.. length, somewhat miconsciouslY, • think •not,') she answered. "No; tile will be no danger:awaiting me at Mt Hallam's. You need not feat for ehy 'more. Thank you." , Kirkwood topped his shouider. • darter? ,Come now, guvner, Is it geti-• Prom?. Myke it a quid an' "-- • "A...pound then, Will you hurry?" • By way of answer the fellow, scram- bled hastily up to the box.aed snatch- ed at the reins. "Ck! Ge -e hupl" he cried sonorously. , Tbe gloom of the triune! inolesed them briefly ere the liglits of. the I:log- • in -the -Pound flashed by and the wheels and protect her. It Were futile to try began to roll more easily. Kirkwood to laugh It off, He gave over the en- drew back with a sigh of relief. :leaver. Even at Ws critical moment i.Thank God!" he said softly., he found himself' repeating ever and 'The girl bad no words. over to his heart the qtrestion: "Can Worried by her silence. solicitons• . this be love? Can this be love?" lest thestrain eeded, she might be on • Could it be lore at au. hbur's ac- quaintance? Absurd! But he could the .point of fainting, he let up the not laugh Rol' yonder himself Insensl. ssttede and lowered the. window at her 'ble to the suggestion, • herein Ile found that he had drawn the She seemed to have collpsed corner. Against the dark upholstery 'bolts. The gill tugged and rnttled at •the knob. Retuctantly the door opened Inward* Beyond its threshold stretched ten feet or more et covere.dl passage- way whose entrance framed an oblong glimmering with light. A 'draft of fresb air smote thoir stems. Behind thketi door banged- . "Where' does this open?" • "On the mews." she informed him.: "The mews!" He 'tom red' in conster- nation at the pnllid oval that stood for her. face, "The mews! But you. In your evening gown. and • "There's uo other way. We reest ebance it. Are you amid?" . . "• Afraid?" Ile stepped aside. She slipped by blin and one •ItIe•elesed-the door, carefully removing .the key and leeking it on the 'outside, then joined the girl -at the •entrance to the mews, where they paused. perforce, she as tnuch' diconeerted as he, his primary objection momentarily waxing in force • as they surVeyed, the conditions' eir- eumseribing .„their escape,.. • . Quadrant mews Was busily engaged ..in enjoying Itself. Night had fallen sultry' and buntid, and the wells and doorsteps were well fringed and clus- tered with representatives ot that class. of London's population which infests mews through habit, taste or force of circuthstance. • Over agelteet the entrance wherein Kirkwood and the girl lurked, .eon - founded by the problem 'of escaping undetected through this vie:1010UB seene, a stable door stood wide, expos- ing a dimly ltIurnIned interior. Before It Waited a four wheeler. horse already hitched In between the Shafts, while Its driver, .n man of leisurely turn -of mind. Made lingering Inspection of sines and buckles, and, while Kirke toed watched hitrielurned -attention to the carriage The match which he ',eked spiritedly down his thigh flared ruddily, The Kee:Teeing enterglow of the lamp threw thee relief a henry beefy mask with shining • bosses tor cheeko. and nose nnd chin. • Throttgli narrow' slits two punning eyes glittered like dull, gems. Kirkwood n pp en Ned hi m tvlt h attention ea one in W.hogegrcnm ell ones term embodied their only hope of =annoyed return to the streets and nortnn1 surroundings. of their e•orld. The difficulty lay In attrecting the mates :Mention fled engaging* .11101 without arousing his suspleionto . or brieging the population About their elite, -Though he lussitotted long, no fa. vorable opportunite preeented Iteelf, and in time the John appronebed the box with the ostensible Purpose of Mounting and driving oft To this •crit- icni situation the American, forced to reeoginee that boldnotte meet teeth his ocowtanthetn, thotamithntth(tisgsilrni'stl. wietittett atindquileit 118 he tbetIlitehdiswItanc tihneel steliblancektfettegtat3inull: word to hie rompaniort. atelMed Out Of pitite cOMpOsedly the girl took up the hiding. • • hrend of tonversetben Where It had The Welty lind tt foot upOh the step been betoken Off. n leirkwood tapped. his. !thoul.d.er. %kir= eh,ad 1.0 keep Oven* or presenve of an extraordinarily hand... some and interesting woman, o woman e of years which. as yet had not toid. upeu bee at experietice that had not , ' • availed to harden her, at least In so - .„ far as ner exterior eharm of persoual. Y• ity wits 'involved -a woman, in brief. et who bore close inspection web despite an elusive .effect of niaturity, not with. rY out Its attraction for men. Kirkwood • was Impressed that it would .he very Kirkwood roast. etpectant. :Pilate Was a *WIWI of draperies, sod, a nenneet biter he was ackuowledgIng UN totally unlooked for entreace of the mistress of the bowie. Ile bed theught to see Caleudar. presuming Mau to be the man eloseted with Mrs. Hallam: hut, whoever thet had been, be did uot acconmany the woman. In- deed, as else odvanced from the door- ' Dorothy Cutendart" Mrs. liailant rose Way Kirkwood could hear the nian's footsteps on the stairs. "This ia Mr. Kirke -emir' The note of inquiry in the wen trained voice -a very alltwing voice and one pleasant to lesteu to, he thought -made it seem • as tbougb she had .askede point bleak, :'Who is Mr. tiirkwood?"' • . He bowed, dieeovering himself in the easy to learn to like Mrs. Hallam more se• than well -with her approval. ed Although he had net anticipated It, he was not at an surprised to recog. re • Wee in her the woman who, ie he were not mistaken, bad slipped to Celendar ve that warning in the dining room of the • Pless. • e_• "I ate Mrs, Hallam. You were Wei - t;.° Ing for Mr. Caleneorr • "He was to have been here at this - ut hour. I believe," saki K.:Irkevood, At eyes-- • There was pest the right..In. "1 tlection of surprise in her carefully re controlled tone. • 13.• • . became aware of an •undercur..• me rent of feeling that the woman was • He lifted his brows at thennfainifiar name. "Mrs, Hallam"- . • ' . "I am going to. her house in Craven street." • • "Your father Is t� meet you there?" • Persistently. •• "He promised to." • • "But if he shouldn't?" "WI:37"-e Her eyes clouded. Slie pursed her lips over the conjectural annoyanee. "Why, in that event I suppose It would be very einberrass- , ir.11;, You see, I don't know airs. Rat- her hair shone like pale gold then ; lam.. I don't ktioiv amt. elle. expects •Italf light. Iler eyes were closed, and tee unless my tether is alreedy there. she held handkerchief tO ber The other hand lay IltuP. "Miss Calendar!". , They are old , friends.. I could.. drive .suPpoae." round ..for awelte and cmhe hnek,.. 1 •She started, and something bulkeefell .. "Won't you lo•t me est• e if Mr. Calen- from theseat and thtimped heavily. on ' der is -there before eou. get out, then? the floor. Kirkwood bent to .pick • it • 1 dou't like to he diennissed," he Inugh- ed. "and, you know, you s.houldret go wandering routzd all alone,"' - Tbe' cab drew up. Kirkwood nut a hand .on the •door and aWalted .bei' 'Ite-lt would he very' kind. .1 hate . to impose enen. eon." • • He turned the knob nnd got out. "If • you'll wait ohe moment." he said s,11- absolutely no. way I. know of to thank perfluotsly as be eiosed the door:. you properly.. And I heee been won . Pausing only tO verify the number. dering," she continued; with-unaffect. •he sprang up the Steps 4100 10Utid -the. ed eandor.."what you.mnst be think- bell button. • Mg of ene,"• "What should I think dyou.Miss It was a modest • little residence. in -i-, Calendar?" • ` nothing more remarkable thee lIs neigh/lora :wipes. it was for a certain Witn the- air of a weary child sbe * air of extra groomieg. The area ran. laid her head- ag,ainst the cushions big wits sleek with. fresh black paint, emelt', Thee .to him, and.watched. him Tbe doorstep looked the better for vig. through lowered loshes, engin:tiling. • You mlght be thinking that an et. ,orous, stoning, . Tee door. Itself was Planation is nue you. Even the way ' erousugaipst red lacquered woodwork. imreamilate, its hiemees 'shining lus- , we Were brought together .was.extritor. • i dinary, sir. Yeti 'must ICIrkwooti. k soft 'glow filled the fanlight. Orm very generouasgenerous as e ' b9. head the draWing room wiudows.shonto e, e you have ShOWn ourself brave, not to with 8 021, ,Vnr1)) : The door opene(1. framing the figere of me." require some sort of an .ekplanation of loold sheteheo bt,4,stdiy 111 IIII1SSCS - • of sotebee binek met dead white. "I don't 800.11 that way," "I do. You. hare triode me like you "Can you tell, Me, is Mr. Calendar " very" much, Mr. Kirkwood." • here? • The eervant's eyes left hls nice. "I'm glad:" he mild simply, "eery . cab gInd if tbott's the ease n811(1past .111m at the weltingd prestnipoe. UIti rettimed. Ing I deserve . it, ' Personelly," he - . , laughed. ."1 tesem to myself to ho', Im not eu)esirIf you will • e stop been rather for WArd." • I\ w (sod hest tn t lir le 0 y. t hell lie. "NO; Only kind slid a gentleman." "But -please!" he protested. ceded. The tuntol eloseed • tee doer. "Oh, but I mean it, every werdi "What nnthe shail 1 $03., sir?" ten minutes, half nn hour, we ment. An*, AltV‘i.V1(11.411(111.:1114e. 16 Walt 011e mn. • Why ebonidn't I/ In n little have seen the last of eneh other. Why /re was left in .the hail, the should not tell you how t n.pprecinte 011 that you have unselfishly done fee • Serl'a t hurrying to the stnirease and me?"• up. Three minutes elapsed. 'Ile was • "lf you Pet it that way, I'm sure I on the point of eeterning to the girl don't know, beyond that it 'ember- •when the maid rett tittered. rnsses me horribly to have yott OVereFl. isirs .1,,1111,11111/2, r""YS 70" "1(111 timate AO. If any ti011ilige ""'"' been shown this, eight It Is roure. But Illegruntied. lie followed her. At the I'm forgetting again." Ile thought to divert her. "Where stint' t ten the cabby to go this time, miss Calendar?" "Craven Street. 11101,1e." mid the girl, and added a house number. "I am to Meet my father there with this." Indleitting the gladstone bag. up and so for the first tinue was made aware Unit she had *brought with her a small black gla'clstone bag of emisid- erabie Weight. As he placed it oo the forward seat their eyes met. • ."I ' didn't know"- he began. "It was to get that," she hastened to explain, "that my father sent me" - "I have been thfnklngf that there is CHAPTER VI, IIIKW.001) th Mk head and WM- dere net .of the window Mid in. etrupted the cabby aceordingle, le • bead at the sides sin: bowed him int( (h(' d yawing room and •nft1n left: Idni to his own resomes. Wearied, he deposited himself guile Ily In an artneletir by tbe hearth and waited. - From a .bondoir on the same floor there came murmure of two voices, man's and n woman's. The latter lintgbed prettily, "Oh, any time," Emoted the Amer. lettn-"any time you're through with yoer coefouuded flirtation, Mr. George E. Calendar!" The voices mete npprnitchIng. "Good night," 'said the wonum gayly. "Pare. Well, and -good leek go with you." "Thank yeti. Geesd eight," thrilled the man. new eoospevetivete estimating,him shrewdly with her fine.. direct eyes. He returned her .regarde • with adtniring interest. !Iley were gray -green .eyes, deep set, but large, a little shallow, a little elhangeible. calling to mind the seaon a windy, cloudy day. • • Below stairs a door slanitned. "I am not a* detective, MM. Hal. * lam," announced the young man suds . denly. Mr. Calendar required a serv. ieof me this evening: learn here in. natural consequence. If it was Mr; Calendar wbo left, this house just noW.- I amwasting "It was net Mr. Celenclar." The fine lined brows arched In sUrprisereal or pretended, at his first blurted words. and relaxed. Amused, the woman • laughed deliciously. "But 1 am ex.,' .• peeling him tine moment. He was to^ have .been here belt: an hour since.. Won't you Wait?" • • She indicated, with a gracious ges- ture, e chair and took for herself One . end 9f a dee:emote, "Ph3 sure he won't lie long now," • "Thank you. I will return. If I may.'" leirkwoOd moved toward the door. . "But there's no necessity"-.- She seemed insistent on detaining him. possibly because she questioned hts motive, possibly for her own divertise- tnent. • .• Kirkwood depreented • his .. refusal with a 'smile.. "The truth is, Miss • Cnieudar is .waiting In a cab- outside, . 110 , "Dorothy Calendar!" Mrs. rose alertly. • "Bet •why should • eke waltetheee? 'To be sui•e, We've never met but,.I .htuve known her father fer . teeny. ,years." . • She sWung about quiekly, preceding hint to the door and down the stain. 41 am sure Dorothy will come in to • .walt if e •aSh her," she mid EirkWood in a high, Sweet voiee. "I'm so anx- ious to know her. It's quite absurd, renlly, of her -•:to stand on ceremony. with me when herlathee made an up- pointtnent here. I'll run out itnd ask".•-• • Mrs. . Hallam's slim white thigere turned lateh and knob, ,opening. the • (To BE OONTINUED.) Thought for Others, • That the late E. FL Hairimate.auxiet his notitifarious duties, still found. time to be kind, was illustrated just bqore h. sailed for.. Europe last sPring. While in New York with iils• wife and foomily, though not tem:Mies. ed •zt very sick man, the serviees ef - Miss Beatrice Evans, a Canadian-. trained nurse bean historic old Nth. ' retaeln.thieLake, • were requisitioned. Not only' did the check handed .'her . when leaving, .exwed the • rettuhr. • charge masle by_ her erofeseeion, bot, a week later ehe wits eencin surprised by receiving, with tips compliments of the sick financier, a larga bouquet of violets and lily of the. valley "To • Weer to chureli on taster Sunday." • Coat Along Peace River. Ton tnensand •neres o rielt hifunti. r.oas coal have blert located on the Rivor, just across the bor(I.,r 01 Britiqh Columbia,by a syndicate wh'et includes several prominent can't:diets of Eastern Canada. Small oams ef tool have hvit found rt intervals along the Peaect River, wed ap towardsthe mountains,. but nothing of the extent -and the quality of this ,area.