HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-11-04, Page 4•
• iatIolr'rrINTRPIrsggisior--
Choice Ladles'
Hand 13tigs
-,'••7/4•4. •
Holtneeville. Gotierlob Township Sinoleg Townehip W. C. T. U. Notes.
St. Job's church, mevfl1e,Miss Rose Tebhutt, who km heon Mr. J. W. Reid hal the irdsfortune Speaking of What hi:spree/Jed bim
within the paet, few weeks nem beau- home for aeVeral Moat*, has return-, to fall and break hist eollax-bone, but most in Britain, Mr. J. A. )(sedan,-
tifully renovated internally. The ser -'ed Goderich and is learning tile' ghouls tgariksdayulylly recovering, we ere ttiryea,)6yeap:eee"Iht, b7ialistannott 1..aoardd strillicoisen-4
vice was 'resumed; .ext Sunday last.idress-making.
The RevW. H. Ihmhar beartily ex- Are you a subserlber to The Newel Born -'-To Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer ithough that speech was. It -was not.
'pressed his appreciation of the work Red ¶icorOne dollar will pay a sub-itIlliott on Thursday last,. a sou. the ace or the message of any of the
, .
and, that it reflected great scription to the end of net year. Mrs- Wilhaol Clarke spent Thanks..estatesnien or proconsuls, or scholars
188 ' 1 kJ forward giVing Day with her daughter. Mrs. or heroes-Asiquitit,' or Grey, or Rol -
credit on tile co,Pgregati-04.e.
The Ladies! Aid ot the. • Methodist
Church. intend bolding anniverds.47
services on Sunday and MondaY• New.
21st, and 22pd. On Sunda* Rev. 3.
Millyarorof Howell will have charge
of the services, and ou Monday a hot
supperWill be served, after which an
excellent program Will, he given.
Aniong the spealcers will he Rev. Mr.
Livingeteue o . 1 .
On the plan of Holineeville ohm%
Methodist Church. nye the oaroe• of he goes in for enjoying them. Their the anniverSary services in hoCeter on treasures ol e ton. u
to a big time on Friday evening ot (Rev.) B. A. Miller of Corinth. • dane,„or Morley, or Crewe,. or Birrellf
this week. I Mr. and Mrs. George BaXela•V of or Balfour, -whose names -gave dis-
Mr. and Mrs. George G. Ludlow . near Wyoming spent the Thanksgiving Unction to the program. It was not
and their eharming little daughter , holidays with Mr. Thomas .Brownett. the mother of Parliaments, or the
Susie, of Proctori Station, 'Grey COU111 'Miss Christine Monteith and Mrs. I glories oz the. (tura., or tlao shrilled
ty, have been visiting at Ur. Rieh- William Rathwell have returned irom history of Oxford. It was not the
ardson's the past . Week. Mr. LAUdlOW a, pleasant visit with friends attIStrat- splendor of Stafford House with the
. !charming Duchess at the head of the
tieing a cheese maker and A good. one, ford.
these weeks, the :season's operations; Mr. Joseph Richardson and sisters,' grand staircase, or the exclusive priv-
bei over, are his holiday time and misses Albina and Laura, attended liege of Apsley Rouse with its Art
si e or the
A. T. Cooper, W. S. B. Holmes and. C. ioe,ey, friends here are Pleased at Mai* Sunday and Monday. 'Lord Mayor's freedoin ot the Mansion
Hawke of Clinton. Mr. Hawke, has t
.ineeting with them. I Mr. and Mrs. James Reid attended. House, or the Archbishop's benedie-
oocupied tlie „pulpit here snore than. Mr. Ed. Acheson, who has ben the wedding of their cousin, Mr. John. , tion at Lambeth. It was neither Al-
onee ; last Sunday Mr,. Cooper preach. I
agent for the Vawanosh Fire Lieut. Reid 0 Auburn. dershot, with the Army, nor Spithead
ed with. acceptance, and exi a rious
M. Egleson Ester's was ,
casion Mr. Holmes dealt wit gospel ance Company in this townshfox rsale large - ' with the Navy. Itt was not Ililarwick
• i n the I attended and good prices were re;) or Chatsworth or Windsor itself with
trnths in an able manner,
severe years is anou 'o
alised for everything sold. Mr. Esler ;the Territorials on the lawn. It Was
POsition, ard it is altogether likely '
Mr. Harry Salkeld, will replace lihrs intends moving to the West shortly. :not even a glorious day at Maribor -
The Company will 'be tortunate it•1 The W. F.. M. S. held their thank of- ough House, the guests of the l'rince
rvices ot the genial tering meeting on Tuesday evening ' and Princess of Wales, with the cor-
Varna - . se
. !last when Reit. Mr. Sawers ot Bruce- , dia, personal greetings of the 1(ing
Mrs, J,•%1, Reid rettrned last week Harry for he is activily personified:
, from Portland, Oregon, after an ah- I miss Annie Rathwell came uP Irma field addressed the meeting. Mr. TOM 'and the winsonie welcome of' the Most
; sence of several months. She had. a , Toronto to spend the holiday at the ‘.1, Is s., who happened to be spending beautiful Queen. All such experiences
i pleasant trip to and from and an tn. ',parental home on the Varna road. .: the evening in the neighborhoed, also come back at call. Their story is
3oya,ble visit In a lovely pity, but af ecii 1 Mrs. William, Findlay of %he 9th COIL.' addressed the meeting,. 130th speakers' ' good to tell, but they do not ' abide,
a. goose which recently laid elev- , showed that they had broad ideas on ithey do not Pertneate and color the
all there ,is no plebe like home s,n
tdfriends and he was glad to get has
ack again. Mr. Reid is stin ill Fort. , en eggs and for aught we know is `i the subject. The. offering amounted very texture of ones thought and life.
land. and willremain some time longer. , still plodding away. This is some' to about twenty doliars. 'Other experiences cut deeper. Other
, He has been over; flinch of the coast thing unusual, even in this townshiP. 1 Mr. . 1 , E. Tom,valled at Nos. 9 and, 'scenes east heavier shadow lines. Oth-
I, states since he left -here and probahtIK i
'hase than one On Friday evening last a surprise , 5 on
everything moving along nicely. I with ' a more haunting insistence.
Friday 'afternoon and found er memories return as of themselves,
place W 1- arty met at the home of the Rev.'
had an attractive business outlook for
I energetic young men such as J. T. W. H. Dunbar on the lath CM It1 Mrs. Jacob Snider of the an Frankly, h' that -impressed me
himself. , consisted of the number of about for-ILine passed • peacefully away on Sat- ' most, the thing that stands out as
- WS' urday night •last after an illness ot ,the background ot every reminiscence,
. , ty. The object of their meeting .
'-oo0P.ER'- .. Ripley and Pine River. .
....-- -..........,
. anaingst them. Itilr. .J. 11. Lowery,
,to mark in some degree their qv:eels:.
tion of their minister's services ,
011 , Tuesday afternoon.
short duration. Her remains were , was the bloodless, mirthless, hopeless
laid to rest in Bayfield cemetery on ..face of the common crowd. . . . .
tAt the lieart of the wretchedness and
1 . services annual Harvest Thanksgiving behalf of the company in a few 'walThe scarcity of barrels is delaying poverty and disease
were held. . in $t. Paul's chosen remarks, asked the reverend the apple -packers somewhat. The crop clum is the drunkenness of the
*church, Ripley, and •St. Lukes church, gentleman's acceptance of a load of ., . . l of the British.
is a bumper one this year and large people. To a Canadian nothing is
• aLINT9N•'• •
. ',Vs were •tastefullY decorated for the generous gift thanked his friends very!
Pine River on 31st ult. The church- oats. Mr. Dunbar in accepting their
ed the Pleasure hel• fine unch of spring ' calves trom Mr. crowd of men and oraen in various
sales have been made.
Mr. Wellington Elliott purchased a typical public house, with its motley
' is more snocking than a look into a
. o :occasion, - The • Venerable.. Arcluleaeon heartily a , . _ . ,s a ,
. twa. had in laboring amongs the parish- John Turner of Hillsgreen • who bought stages of intoxicated imbecility. Anil
'eloquent *and most impressive ser- ioners of St.. Peter's. Their congrega-. them on speculation from Mr. Sher- the children 1 ,They are cursed. before
'Mackenzie of Brantford preached
• mons .'io very large • ancl appreciative tion had grown immensely siuce his ritt of Blake. 1 they are born, and while they are yett
New A
Thoae who have had their
fortheir winter wear, will be p
assOrtments ofehapea and etyleaue
our trimmer, who has recently
tts & Son congregationb. The offertories were coming amongst them arid this islet i lar. David M. A. of Varna and infants 'they are doomed to drink and
• • • on behalf of Huron college and were was largely attributed to the deep ins Blake is making house to house. calls crime. One despairs even of the
liberally responded to. Mr. Wm. Dun- terest nianifested and the •selt-sacrific- in Blake congregation. •children So scarred • and ingrained are
have everything needed in the • till in charge of the in efforts put forth by its enembets.1
Mr. W. J Stinson was in Torontci their whole , natures with the diseased
th' week on busi- cmiditions which destroy alike nerve
Shoe Repairing line to execute all
orders with neatness and .prOrePt-
-wuo is who had provided -abundance of sand- nia�tes aegcouple Y , and brain and blood.
parish, assisted in the services:. Tea was then served by e
games were indulged in and a rniscel- ston's farm on the Sauble Line, .has I a "What do you think of ?" asked
' wich, cake,' etc. During the evening1 Mr, Picco, who has ren• ted Mr, john- 1
The Murderer ot Prince Ito veil be ianeous program of vocal an ins commence ' 1 u bin As Mr- t London reporter of a Canadian edi-
"Its hell said the Canadian.
. ly. A trial will convince you • • .
that our material and workman- placed on trial at Seaut.' mental music e.nd readings was twell Piceo is an.energetic young man, no Awl his companion, from Australia
ship are. of the .best proeUrable rendered. The company zepara,ted ist,14oubt he will do well. could not suggest any other fitting
• . •
a late hour, having thoroughly enjoy- Mr. and Mrs. elms.' MacKinnon. of
- word." • •
ed a good time. •
LucknoNv spent Thanksgiving wi 1
• "There is," says Lord Charles 07 -
Mrs. 1VlacKinnon's uncle, Mr: C. E.
esford, "a weary look about our
311 D .d people at home. I see i is, a feature
'Johnston of the Babylon Line.
aYi to which attention has been called by
The many . . friends of r.
Johnston will be pleased. to • know your press and . •I am sorry to say
Auction Sale Register.
" ". • Wednesday, • November 10th, on lot
We also repair Suit Cases, Sate 3, Sauble Line, Stanley, saleof farm 41.1•11ett 'Township ..
chels and Pocket Books and can • Edward L. Blake lett last week
loo that •he is able to be around again at- hat theremarks I have. read are not
stock and implemenls. .. Ev.erYtild.nff• . kr,
• ' • ' must be sold as proprietor is g ving
. with his brother • Thomas, for .1Bu ter his severe illness.
. , 1.
also clean and dye the same. urf farming. -Wallace Jphnston, pro- . in the least exaggerated." • •
prietor ; T. Gundry, auctioneer.. "'
Mr. Joe Hallihan of Blyth Sunday-, ling nicely . covered with paper A 1 A meeting of the W. C. T. U. will
where he has secured ii position. I MrS. Rufus Keyes had had her dwel. ,
. and, be held: in the Y. M. C. A. room • on
Our Stand : ' . ' • , on High- street, Clinton,. belonging to
Mr. Edward .J. Tighe, teaelier of the 'Comfort and appearance ot tbe Friday at 3 _o'clock to which all
women interested in .the work are in-
• Saturday, Nov. 200 -Brick house, ed in this township. '. ' new siding which adds very Nech • to
Opposite the Post Office
• - B.. Holmes, at 4 o'clock, .p. al. -Thos.
dundry, anctioneer. . _, . . , Kennicott, spent froin Saturday ini.2 place. 1‘,/ir. -Frank Keyes of Varna
. vited
• ha ed
. • . . til Monday at the parental nom. the contract
, • '
The following is • the report of S. S4 Mr: Saul JohnStors our very popu- •
wossmismomm•••••• i.mossmssmem••••••••• No 9, HitlIbtt, for October' : . lar councillor, has purchased a large
, Sr. 3rd. -Flora Fingland, Edna Robs. evaporator and is going extensively
I. Jr. ard--Willie Good, 'Dora Mog- ston is a hustler. . ' •
ridge. • .•.. . . I IVIiss Mamie ••Johnstan ' 0 Varna
inson, Margaret McLeod. into the drying of apples. Mr.John-
. 1 Sr. 2nd. --Katie Wagner; Janet Gov- spent Sunday with her 'parents on
' Wagner, ;Archie Robinson, Melbourne Mr. ''• John Itathweil disposed of one ' •
. ier (equal), Gladys Roberton, 'Willie the Babylon•Line.
• •
. soon be finished . and we expect. to1 able success in curing obstinate
Mr John Dowson's new house will ach: and gastric, is having remark tion. dyspepsia; catarrh of the store-
' . • DO 'NATURE'S
The tonic treatment for indiges-
• - ' WORK.
. 1 of his thoroughbred Durban), cows, ,
.1 • Jr. 2nd. -Leslie Ball, Eddie Good, Roan Bess, to Mi. George Clark who
Minnie Wagner, Henry. Hunking. ' ‘ is putting forth every effort to ire-
' Pt: 2nd .-Nelson Paterson, David prove his herd.
McLeod. .. ' ' I Miss Aggie Johnsten spent a couple
•••••••••••••••••••••=01.1.1 ! of days at the home ot Mr. Alex.
GO 0 d Warm . 93
Average ,
, -F. C. Hess, Liiacher. Mitchell last weer. .. •
• •
hear wedding bells ringing Vefore long. cases and • deserves attention . from
• 1
; 1\1'0W IR•M
. We are now ready for the Fall and. Winter's trade, with the
argest and best assorted stock we have ever bad. We have been •F
very careful in selecting new styles, good goods at the best pos. It
sible prices, and are in a position. to give our customers value for Sr_
their money. We have only: space to mention a few of the lines eh
we carry. f
° • Ladies', Misses and Children's Coats..
* We have just received the second lot of coats, the very new••
t. • est and best, and we can save you 25 per cent, on them, (See them) ;
Men's Ready-made Clothing. .
a Men's suits, Boy's Mita, YOnth'S•suits, Overcoats, oaa pants,
0 '
Odd vests, anything in the Clothing and Furnishing line.
cs We have $2000,00 worth of clothing more than we wish to
. what we ;
0 carry,•all new goods, and to reduce the stook will give special bar -
el gains. We don't quote prices but we want you to see# have before you buy. .
. , Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Etc.
• !Able prices, we have worked up a good business in these lines and
t By keeping a good class of goods eeping at the lowest pos a
: the stock is now complete. -
; Ladies' Ready-to-wear Skirts Waists, Underwear, etc. All
kindsof Staple Goods, Small Wears at -popular prices. We respect -
a fully ask you to call and see us.
11110S. I
Small Profits and More Business. a
Un erwear At Low Prices
.. - .. ...,,_ Every precaution has been taken to toake °or Un-
1 derwear stock good -so good that one trial will make
a customer of you for ever, You will fl.na .here only
, the very best brands Made. There lurks in every gar -
merit an unbounded measure of comfort, all the very .
latest improvements that tend to raise the standard of
perfection' higher., -'• We are pleased to announce that
our stock is remarkably large and varied,' and of a qual-
ity that will add, to the good reputation oi this store.
Prices range from 50c to.$2.50 a suit.
Our Millinery Is
Much Sought After.
Our Hats are pretty-
• yes, more than that, they
have an air of graceful
becomingness • th at is
missing in so much head
wear and, withal, prices
are very much lower than
you will find in city
stores. Come any day,
our millinery will please
you in every way.
New Coats
large shipment of
C,t..04%week, in the
• i4ry latest 'iirOductions.
See the famous • "North!.
Way" and "Continental"
Coats, Prines range from
$8.00 to 05 C04
New Furs,
If beautifully clean, well
made Furs interest you,
don't fail to see ours. Our
styles art absolutely correot.
We f011ow fashion closely
and we are likely to break
all p'revious records in point
of Fur Sales. There's a
reason- Investigate.
East Wawanosh
• (Intended for last issue.) every su e e
A number of the ladies front this .
Miss Eva Stinson of Clinton spent ' Its principal is that remedies for
township attended theladies so'cial, ThankSgiving at her home: , 1 indigestion that digest the food for
held in the. Auburn Presbyterian
The pupils of S. S. No. 4, Stanley, the stomach give relief for only a
hurch on Friday of last week the auspices 0 the uwomen,a..under mie_. held their annual Thanks:giving enter- short time. Ultimately they Unfit
tainment at the school on Friday at- , the • stomach to do its own proper
sionary movement." . ' ternoon. The school was beautifullywork, because they mike its already
Miss Annie Doerr returned home decorated for the occasion, with the weak powers still weaker by, disuse,
She intends spending some time . in fruit's of ' the , season and flowers . The while tbe. remedy that strengthens
from Stratford on Saturday last .
program consisted of readings, recite/ the stomach makes it capable Of di -
this vicinity
tions, singing and dialogues. The ' gesting the food for, itself, and '‘,.1,thita
hustling the plewing, quite a nuMber numbers Were Well rendered by the benefit is lasting. A remedy that, is
The farmers are busy at present
of acres being yet unplowed. pupils, r 11 for ich speaks we e ton 0
th I. ' not only a t nie for the stomach,
Miss Lily and George Ferguson ol painstaking teacher. but for the blood and nerves as Well,
Carlow Spent Sunday at the home • ot Miss Cora. Nicholson of Clinton Col- ,invigorates the • entire system and
Mr'S. W. King, . 1:agrieanttealspreonott. Thanksgiving. under. the 'makes recovery frOm the ' pain• ful
I weakening effects of indigestion rapid
very ill with inflammation, is Slowly Richie and Willie c aug on en a .
11 N ht '. d and thorough Ryer,. sufferer . ,-. from
ARS: John Pfeffer who has been . . ' •
sister, ' Miss Kathleen IVIeNauglitOn; , indigestion will find in, Dr, Williams'
. . •
improvingHarvey Bentley, a popular young spent Sunday it the home of their Pink Pills just the tonie needed, as
. , 1
s , left on Mon -1 untie, Mr, D. 11 McNaughton • . .1 they enrich the blood, tone the stem -
man of thitownship'day to take a position as clerk tilMIAs Sadie Watson and Master Fred:. : aeh and thus enable it to do the
the store of Poplestone ,834 Gardiner, dig Watsen of Seatorth Collegiate work nature intended it should. do,
Blyth. We wish Harvey the highest . spent • Thanksgiving at their • horde on This has been proved in tnoesands
success attainable. , aulide Line. They were accompanied , of cases, and it is worth the while
. y ea r en . .
lh th • f i d Mr Will Bright while of every sufferer from stomach trou-
ble to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a
Mr. John Shultz, who has been with t it their home.
lisranace xing for •• some time, spent . fair trial. Mr. Edward Chatterton,
last week at his holm in Auburn' pre- • • Campbellton, N. B.,
Mr. King's in a few days. . . and stomach trouble and although I
fferer from indigestion
Paring for whiter. He will retian to Blake been a great su
The following is the 'report of S. S. had treatment from several doctors,,
Goderich. No. 9, Stanley, for the month of Oe. I did not find a cure until I began
5th elass-M. Douglas, A. Keys. using Dr. Williams', Pink Pills, . 11
Miss Murnei has returned from her 4th -M. J. Meyers, P. Gingerich, E. can hardly describe hoW much I set-
feted at thnes. Every meal brought
visit to Montreal: . . ZaPfe• '
The following note of thanks „go 3rd -4. 13rennermati, O. Nicholson, with it more or less agony, and': I
received by Eloise A. Skimmings on111. ' seemed to have a complete distaste
Saturday from Mrs. John V. Bates, 1 Sr. .214-L. Manson, R. Gesell°, E. for food: I had almost begun tO
Toronto: "The arrival of yoUr book 1'12E13." ., , „.* • think my case incurable when I mane
Of poems was hot only a great sur -.1.„ u!'„chmid--4-4 ZaPlo, M. Oesch, A, across a pamphlet advertising Dr.
prise, , but an uneXpected pleasure, •• inaY. Williams' Pilik Pills, and I ileeided. to
' discussing. "Golden Leaves" with PlhdlaY.
1 Pt. giul-A. Zapfe, W. Manson E. give there a trial. 1 am very thank...
, some Weeds who called. Imagieo' • ful that I did so, for I had net been
Only the Sunday previous we Wero
I then our surprise when the express BoYes•
Pt. 1st a -A. 1VIeyers, J, Moyer, E. taking the Pills long before I found
them helping me, and in six weeks
messenger arrived early the following . Pt, 1st b-11. Moyer, G. Zirkevery symptom of the trouble hail
vanished. 1 can now eat heartily al -
Most any 'kind of food, and ito longer
experience pain iin& discoinfort after
eating."It is because Dr. Williams' Piek
Pills make new, rich blood that they,
cure such ttoubles as itidtgestlilon,
Pills make new, rich blood that they
cure such troubles as indigestion,
rheumatism, neuralgia, beadache4
and backaches, St. Vitus dance, and
Other forms of nerve troubles. Thev
- "Always.. Reliable
The present season is so wet that every man
.whose business requires him to wade through mud
and, slop shouid have the protection" afforded by 'a
pair of our leggings. ••
We have a big stock or the best that Canada
produces at prices to suit purses, ,
William's patent leggings, choice grain leather $2.00
William's patent leggings, No. 1 split leather 1.75
First quality 'heavy grain leather • 1.60
First qua -y light grain . leather 1.50
No. 1 fine split leather 1.25
Heavy duck leather bound .75 '
Heavy moleskin 1.00
---,Leather leggins for -boys in all siies at $1,25,
, $1.40, $1.50 and $1.90. • -
• k • • •
• ••
You will find Some good bargains in all kinds
Furniture '••
morning with the precious 'package.
Now I wish to thank you, and,
kindly reinembeked intrei;enTilbsewilho „ssoh, It is not often an opportuuity oe-
through . you, the
the fly 'cal, is very beautiful- len.Pla mi ours at your door to sce the latest
assure you, we greatly apprecio.td ?elisian and New,'York styles Is• 'gale
*on writing it in Memory Ar,-„ Goods, yet such s the ease, as Prof,
laths. You will readily Unafersaci Baena:end of Toronto is visiting this
holy it enhances the value ot the 'WWII' and invites yeni insPectimi °I
Volume to us." these goods ,at his private apart-
ments reserved at the 1-lotel.
These Hair Goods styles, when.
.welt Tuckersmith. properly adjusted protect and orna- cure the irregularities of girlhood
. Anent the head, soften and beautify and womanhood, and bring ease,
At the close of the regular sermon the expression of the i ace, and con- comfort and health to sufferers. Sold
by the pastor in Turner's church next stspently tone up $34 'aged appearance. by all medieine dealers or by mail at
Sunday afternoon, the quarterly love rto sure and set them at Itatteributy. 50 cents a box or six boxes for
feast and sacTamental service will' be House, Clinton, on Wednesday, Nov. from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
held. . , 17th. Brockville, Ont.
Dressers and Stands In ill
grades and prices. •
Our Leader is $12. Our Special
is $9.90, 14x24 plate glass; three
drawer case. No .better value
on the market.
Rockers -
Several dozen Fancy Rockers
at all prices. Our Leader, solid
eak, fancy carved back, leather
seat, regularly Sold in other'
stores for p.m and 3.50. Our
'special price
Morris Chairs in solid oak, $8.50, best velour cushions
Iron Beds all sizes and prices. • We received anothet
shipment, of these at $2 95.
VanOS, Parlor Tables. all
Table same as cut 2.00
Ladies' Seeretaries
in surface oak, '
s me as cut .. 6450
, Picture Framing and Repairing -Neatly and
Promptly Done
The store
el Quality,
W. Walker
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker
Phone 28
Night or Day