HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-11-04, Page 1CLINTON, ONTARIO THURSDAY, NovemBER 4th, 1.909,
Whole Millibar
The News -Record will be sent to any address in Canada to the end of 1910 for one dollar. To the end of 1009 for 15 Cen,
oUnadorned eauty
Oan compare in at-
tractiveness with the One
wearing a nedklece, a
locket and charm, a
watch, a brooch or other
article jewelery• bought
et this store. „
Ohe gate
ofur lewelerq
Is undeniable. It's
quality we guarantee,
It'sprsce we leave to your
own gobs]. judgment to
say if it be not reasonable.
ireander and OjItierian.
.10 0 Yielltictr,
IJR 146004
Mrs. Kenneth Erskine and her meth- The pastor's subjects fee next Sun. The lodge under the name ot BoYal- WS. J. Moffat has returned from Underwear -1L & C.-1
er, Mrs. William Maclean Jr., will re- clay will be ; In the morning, "TheiTeninlars met'on Tuesday evening last Dundas.
ceive on Thursday and Felday, next, Nature and Privileges of Sonship'; the residence of Mr. Bert Cook aud I For Sale -,3, Greene -5
Air. Jas. Campbell of Londeshore was Leggings -erred. Jackson -t
Nov. Ilth and 12th, and the erst in the evening, "Giving In." area number of aew members were
in town yesterday I 8 Roomed House 'Wanted -5
and thst'd 'Thursday m each month. welcome. ,
-1 liiiss Bessie, the winsome little cusToMS
lisle gave a party to about thirty or The custome collections at Clintoa
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. .1Vfor-1
her friends on Tuesday evenieg, the Petit for the seven months ending Oct.
occasion being. the sixth anniversary 81st, 1008 were $13,357.61, and. for
of her birthday, The wee tolks were l the corresponding period this year
delightfully entertained and are nee ! $15,050.72, an inerease of S1,098,1.1.
likely to 'forget that their sweet littler But while Celiector Wiseman again -
Mr. . -ROA. Holmes will otter his. kostess' birthday falls On the second , ries to show increases ;his salary re -
Mains at the old figure.
handsorae residence on High street for day of November.
sale November 20th, It is beautifully OFF AFTER:DEER. •
located and one ot the anoet desirable
places in Clinton. See tne advertise- One of the parties which left last
ment on page five. week for the deer runs
Ontario consisted of Dr. Fowler and street purchased from Mr. J. W. Its
in Northern settled m the residence . on. Huron
"BILLY" ENTERTAINS. James Howe, Olintou e Walter Cole, ;win. The Place which they have oc-
-"Billy" O'Neil, the little son of Seaforth e John Dale and Thad Glew, rcunied for so many years has Imen
Mr. •W. T. O'Neil entertained some Ilullett ; Ed. Williams, Goderich rented by Mrs. McCartney wlea vacat-
ed the Keunedy cottage on Isaac
twenty or thirty of hes boy triends township, Ogle Cooper, Collingwood,
from five to nine o'clock T,uescla,y ev- and John Johnson, Dungannon. The ivrsterxeeetoy,TinatohWatlehmoMvre-d, and Mrs. A.
ening, Feasting and playing of games Party's destination was Pogamissing
made it four hours of solid enjoyMent on the main line' ot the C. P. R. . BAPTIST CHURCH.
nine o'clock arrived much too soOn. 4 S.- . Services as usual eext Sunday, the Rev. 0. R. Gueihe condueted the 8e -
They don't remember old tick -tock ev- . Mr. Jas. Bryans, Government fruit Pastor. to preach. Sutjeets : • 1117,-. vices in St. George's church, God-
er having run SO 'fast betere. • inspector, has been in the county this ing. "How is a Man Juetified ,,
e Turnbull preached in St. pale's.
THE NEW OFFICERS. • week and apple' packers at Goderict Evening, "Tne great white throng.
and other points have been gilt= the I Anniversary services will be h
a e e -next meeting• wiJl
place at the residence of hir. Walter in town yesterday.
Downe. takee Zr. N. N. Lewis M. P., Goderich, was AUction Sale -R. Holmes -5
'Now Ready-Plunisteel Bros . -4
AU, and Mrs. Jas. Dunford were in Girl Wanted -Mrs. K. Erskine -5 •
Brussels on Friday, last.
Iiirs• Jas. Nesbitt of Blyth hae been !Regina Shoe -S. C. Rethwell-s
Good Underwear -Couch St Co. -i
kenzie Jr.
visiting her daughtek, Mrs, T. Mac -11-8 al Your Life -J. H. Chellevs--7
Our New Stand -W. R. Counter -2
Miss Hazel Elcoat was the guest far Fancy Tables $2 -Wesley Walker-%
a few days of Mr. and Sam. Robt.' New Assartments-l‘liss Canteion-4
Holmes, Toronto. November Bargains -W. T. O'Neil -5
ATr. and Mrs. D. A. Oentelon. et Hen-. Your Savings Account-Royee Bank -1,
sail visited the fotener's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. William Cantelon, on
Dr, Washington returned on Wednes-
day from Dublin where he bad charge
of the practice of Dr. Machelle for
some time:
Mr. J, Hewitt from Lucknow was
. week,
visiting his sister-in-law, Mrs. A.
Shier, for a couple of days tide
Mrs, Cowie of Caledonia and her
daughter, Mrs. (Rev.). Jones, God-
trich, .were guests. of her brother,
Rev. J. Greene, this week.
Wheat $L00 to $1.02.
Oats 84e. to 35e.
Peas 80e to 83e.
Barley 50g to M.
Butter 21c to 22o.
Eggs 23e to 24e.
Mr, and Mrs. George Davis are now
/for "Billy" and his ,guestsfor whore AFTER THE PACK
May Be Small at first, but the noticeable f °afore of
Royal 13anic Saving .A.ccounts is that they grow.
Weare constantly opening accounts for small seine,
but these usually increase to amounts that are very
satisfactory to both Depositor and Banker,
The first deposit acts as a magnet for the odd.
aneounts that are so apt t� be wasted.
Clinton* Branch..
It E. MANNING ',Manager
Capital Paid up - sa,sotboos Rest Fund $3,500,000,
• •
Has 73 Branches In Canada
and Agents and Correspondents in all the 'principal cities
• in the world.
interest allowed at Highest Carrent Rate.
Clinton Branch
C. E: Dowding, Manager
RcroTDHY:DE Iorrish 86 Crooks CLOTHING
We study the Underwear question,
and appreciate the different requirements of
different men. Some men want wool or
nothing. Others cannot wear wool, so we
provide the BEST in all the different kinds
of Underwear in Wool, Merino, Fleece -lined,
Union, etc.
Two Big Specials.
20 dozen rlen's Shirts and Drawers,
heavy, all -wool, regular $1.00 for 15c.
15 dozen Men's Union Shirts and
Drawers, regular 75c for 50c.
"What Splendid Overcoats”
This expression we hear every day.
We have the best values and largest
assortment of , Overcoats we have ever
shown. •
Boy's Overcoats from $3.50 to $10.00
Men's Overcoats from $8.(10 to $24.00
"A Square Deal for Every Mani"
Successors to notIgens Biro
Clothing Store
Rev, Mr. Newcomne went .to linge'r-
soll ea Monday to • spend a few
Captains 1Wortirner and Stewart, the, alternative of a fine or -repack, The On Sunday and, Monday the 14th and
A, corps, arrived last week from Tor
. More particular than ever before and London will preach and lecture. Mr.
5' -buyers from the buyers are inuch115th, when R•ev. ' T. T. Shields of . olvoemelfb:.•wiDirh„libsvsaorins, :Iere.omeeepa")ael,e.dNtewim..
as far as leindon. '
new officers in charge of the local See
onto and are "rolling the old chariest this Coupled with the vigilance of In -I J..0, Spencer ef Detroit is alio, exe
Mr, end Mree.F.red. Murch and family!'
spent Sunday at the old Mutch
homestead near Auburn which. they
are All delighted to visit whenevo
opportunity permits..
living for eome tittle . on Sherbourne Mrs. W. COOper was hi Toronto last
street, Toronto, has bought a heed -
Week - vfsiting hey daughters, Mies
Edna Cooper, student at. Varsity,
and Miss. Olive Cooper, teachereane
also her son, Mr. John A. Cooper,
editor of The Courier.
Prot. and Sirs. eV. Brown aro .now
comfortably located in the cottage
on Orange street -which they re-
cently . purchased. As, choirmaster
and organist of Wesley church, and
O as a teacher of music' as well, Mr.
Brown has 'succeeded beyond his eif-,
• peetations hence • the deeieioe
to permanently locate in °Un -
interest hitherto, taken in the rnave-` Messrs, Oliver Johnsen and • C. ...1. apsence from home he undertook : to ton and the buying of .the cottage,
Molt He spoke in the town hall Wallis left yesterday tor, the west, show his chums' how it veerked. . Ine Mrs. A. Walsh left this:morning for
Thursday evening and Sunday alter-' each taking iv caeload or so 'of apples doing so it discharged and one Of. Detroit, Mich., ' where, 'he vall
lioen, in Wesley Cherch •Sunday eveile which end reedy sale for the westerne,the shot bit his younger ' brother jest spentl the winter with ner daugh-
ing and again Monday night, ers are partial to. fruit from Old; above the eye and so severely that ters, Mrs. 'Stewart ' Seymour and
150 MEN EMpLOYED. . • Heron, Mr. Wallis goes to WeYburnethe doctor had to treat' the wound. Mrs. Libbye She was accompanied will :net .he until the trustees' can .se-
Saske • and . bas•buseiness interests The .lad- was fortunate. to escape as miss cure a• new teacher who will size up '
by .her yOungest. daughter,
It will , give some idea of the mee which will keen him there till. near easily as lie did. The_gun, It is per- a - with their present. principal. In • the ;
Ida Walsh, who „after Spending
tent of "Apple King" Oantelones. op- Christnias time: ,Mr. Johnsoit will go 1 baps needless • to Say, Mr. Cart0 short while ha Detroit Will go to meantime,: on such days as • the cowl- '
along," the soldiers helping heartily mseoercetorpaBrettcaunlearhawsomrkadteilpanackining anutthe Pe_g,ted to sing.
lathe 'woxis. It will not be' anyfault 1BuT A ESI E0
of the Captains if the local corps Ptia, '
does not show gecel results under Pr, Nv.'q.. R. Fowler, who has been
their leadership. 'Captain Crooker has
C+LrY 'BR°S' °QMIN6.
been sent to Owen, Sound Where she The great and only Gliy Bros. -will
will sing and talk the S. A.... into the appear in the town hall 'on Saturday some residence on Howard Park Ave,
good' graces of the citizens.. . evening, There are thirty people in into which he and his better • half
THE VISIT OF "BIG". MASON. ' the ccenpany wide)) is said to be bet-
Tmh°ev'endutnoneroaWs efdrilicensddasY Mot Ctlhinitso:eaeniCa.
. ter than ever. It Maude% vocaliete,
etBig" Mason, who. visited Clinton comedians, dancers; acrobats and anus- district hope the worthy Dr. and
elfe past week in the interests of the, icians and there will be ten big vaun Mrs`. Fowler may enjoy many happy
le M C. A , is well named for he is deville aces. The silver cornet 'bead years in their new city home.
a 'Well -Proportioned big fellow weigh- will Oise an epee air concert at noon
ing over three hundred pounds.. .He le and another at 7.30,. in front of 'the
town hall. Reserved seats 500 an
a inagnetic ,anan and seems to be es-
Peesially adapted. for the Work tn nee Plan at Fair's. .
which he is 'engaged and his cam- APPLES FOR SASK.
paign herd could not but add .to the . •
The fourteen year-old son of Mr.
Ike Carter ot • ,Stepletan. recently
bought an air gun without the know-
ledge .of his parents and during their
A Promising Young Man.
Mr. N. W. Trewartha
Municipal. Clerk, Goderich
Mr. N. W, Trewartba was bait in.
Goderich township in 1879•encl • has
practically spent all his' life there.
His -Collegiate education was received
in Clinton from whence he went to
the London Normal: Ten years ago
he became principal of the Holmes-
ville scheol; and. section and 'teacher
.bave in these years become so much
attached to each ether that it has
looked like a life -partnership, but -
Mr. Tre-warthe's 'election as munici-
pal clerk will probably ne,Cessitate a
severance of the tie. That however
orations in this county *hen we say to both Oxbow • and Lloydniinster, promptly returned to the dealer,
Marietta, Ohio, for an extended vis- cil teemiree serviees, Mrs. Trewaie*
that he has 150 men employed in Sask. In the latter place he always takes charge of the school and
ONT. ST CHURCH. it with her sister, Mrs. Allan Spar- tha
packing apples. and that this ninaber 'feels quite at honee for such old and I there is then no falling down in qual-
includes thirty experienced men fem. intimate 'needs as Me. John ,Bell,
Next Sunday morning the quarterly Mi. and Mrs. William Cantelon were ity of instruction, for she was herself.
. . .
Toronto and °riffle: Unfortunately formerly of Clinton, hve there. member of the profession but a.
gave feast and. fellowship meeting will in Toronto last week visiting their a
the work has been much hanapered: by son, Mr.' Will. E. Cantelon, who has, comparatively short tinie ago and
HAVE MADE A CONTRACT. be held. in the lecture room commence
broken weather which. adds very mat- . ' ing at 10 o'clock. At 11 o'clock the been for some years a resident of one of the best; in Mr Tom's inspt.c- '
erially to the big expense the Apple Xnowieg the value of newspa.fier POster will preach on "Christ's .Leg- that city., Within the last niontli or torate- • ‘• '
King is under. '-, .' publieity, especially in so well circle. am" text John 11 : 27. ' so will has established hireedf '
. sin 1 Mr. Trewartha is a member ef the
. .
orable. Weather 4otir now on
As there . is a. possibility el unfav- late!' •a 'journal as The News -Record, I -...
me, the advocates . oi Local. I This will be followed by the sabre- the drug businese on Doeereourt :Metheclist bhurch ' and•of. the trustere
seeviee, The ' theme os . the • Road, a new and very, promising por- board. ' He. also takes an active inter- '
Ghtion have .mental'
Cantelon eay-,e;eit would be adiisable made a: eontraet for. space -first •teve.
, • evening discourse will be "The Alum- tion of .the ' eity, arid •his trade is est 'in .traternal Inatters and, is vice • ••
for tarmers Who have rot 'yet got rid . outside celurans toe ot page eight- daet Life,,, text John 10 : Ie. ' growing. at a decidedly enceuraging chief rangee, el •Court Holmesville C.
I . Rev. Richard Ilobba of .Exeter Will I 0. F. For the past . two years he has
ot their stock to .picle the apples and which they will controleuntit p en
• • . .
place them under • shelter until the. of the year: • They purpose filling „tlits
e. aunt ersaay sermons in • tram' been the efficient socretery ot • the •
prech • 'v • ' this Mr' .W. H. Ford "blew in"
packers can reach theme space each week 'with medical and -
, o a • . .Katnloope B. C. on Situeday•
cheese ae 0 y ...,
other facts, much hard. argument and!
has a farm on the 9th con., but
night last and visiting 'ais broth- t 'He
VOTE 014 LOCAL OPTION. • bas put it under grass and will
some little tentiment, all with the .
A CRIMEAN VETERAN. ers, Councillor J. A, Ford' of eowni . . . . .
There were no loop holes in the view of strengthening the cause they 1 . • • and Mr Fred Ford or ,Goderich 'continue ,to. reside in the village and
Local Option petition presented to • .'
have so much at. heart, In this issue I . A man of seventy-seven • years. vale), ' . • I will devote Considerable time, to the
they start the ball rolling with the teeny spent Tuesday night in the township, and nunierous• old friends. . . . ,, . .. . .. .,
raising, of pommy wmcn has oecom.e,,
contained .whout forty more names opinion of Xing Edward's 'surgeon on i lockup, • He was a Devonshire matt •He has been. on the Coast twentys•
three years and has 'e'n' a vast im- an important industry.
the town council on Monday night It
than Were required -to be more exact: A
, The Physical Eftects or the use of who served ten years in the British • • - Mr, Trewartha is a. young malt of
the list. contains the names 01 735 • provement in the outlook of the • ..
loohol." . Atniy .and was at tilt taking of Sevae es 1 - • - ee sterling character who, we are confi- '
ea o mountains"as a man on
the battle of life.
qttelified voters ; '186 of these were . ' . stopol in the Crimea in 1854. He was
DEATH or MISS WORTHINGTON. for several years in 'the employ of a very much in the public eve -styled
legally required, but it had e23, all, . dent will continue to make good in ..
of the county for a time which de- B. C. Mt. Ford has disposed of Ins ,
business in Kamloops so for
citizen of Goderich, but has been out
duly proven by. affidavit, as set forth ' . The following from the News ot
in an ' accompanying eommunication Roland, Man., refers to a former
biers him feom the House of Refuge, _
the tune . being is tree from the
the president and secretary, respec- late Dr.. Worthington, and who will care necessarily associated ' there -
m It . J . Miller and Alibert 11411, resident of Clinton, a daughterof the ,
When here he asked that he be serit
tively, of the Local Option commit- be remembered as having for somewith.
to gaol but he is.. a resectable,. old
tee. Based on the petition the !We5-. years conducted a drug store in the chap so he is passed on ratherhan
sary bylaw was inttoduced , when stand since occupied hy Mr. J. Be sent to prison.. Chief Wheatley made ley PECIAL TRAIN. .
Councillor Cooper moved that it • be Hovey. The News says : . hire as comfortable as he could in. the — S • ' ,
cell and nextmorning brought km up If anE Th News -Record sAcil will kindly a, breakfast good enotigh for a king heppened to eeturn from Volition Fate meeting as et is the soeiety's inten-
bring them to the
given 'its first .reading. The motion leeetiss Elia J. Worthington of Bran- y readers o • e
paseed. around the table and for a don • • ' •
d well
. , sister of Mut, Hartley an
The Women's ltistitate will meet on
Thursda,y afternoon next at the home
of Nfre. Darrell. All members having
Institute magazines in their pesses-
space it looked as if it eaglet due sutle known here died' in +the Brandon Gen-• g g r •
denly for Want of seconder when with. There are few ,bigger -hearted men
eral Hospit'al on Suaday morning last than our big Chief. '
an its -an -act -of courtesy look Reeve
Gibbings appended his name and ' the in the 56th year of her age. She was
sick for *out two weeks, with seine A ,DELIGHTED AUDIENCE. •
first and second readings were given form of
without opposition.. . acute indigestion. All that
mehleal skill and nurses care, and her On Friday evening last before an
Couhcillor T. Jackson brought up
the Thresher Company's buildings and sistets help could not stay the ravagr appreciative audience that taxed' the
es of disease.' . capacity of the town hall„ Miss Ie.
tend and urged a foreclosure of the , . -. ,,, May Rance gave a reeital under the
mortgage, or at au events that ap- The body was taken to view
t" s auspices of the Young Ladies' Guild.
• tion to change the method of eirculae
tion in future. ,
Miss Clara Richards is visiting
friends in Stanley. '
The monthly meeting of the Ladies'
Aid of the • Methodist chureh was held
at the home of Mrs. 1.I. W. Erwin on
Wednesday afternoon..
David Sturgeon left last week tor
, flagfield
11. O. L. No. 24 will giv6 an at Alvinston, where he has scoured a.
this fall by the special • train, billed
to leave London 10.50 p. re. on the
night of Sept. 16•th, they -will confer
a favor . by commuhicating . their
names ea this office.
leave to foreclosure. In speaking to the Anglican Church. of .which she was been . v t the. week
recognizea in her home town art4
has tong home and ball in the town hall on situation.
lineation be made to the court for n e a mg par or an r e Though Miss Rance's ability • G4 HP IleWseei has added to thc. ap-
r a e enin o• pearence of hie store by having a
his resolution the worthy Cerineillor a member, where Rev. Air, Icteeves
her suceess, while attendin and since Mrs. James Carnie of Sta,nley is
cement platform built.
tion to advertise the property as a day aftertiocei. The body wear :then ereete, we.11 line ,.
leaving the Toronto ConsergVatOrY of visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
wn her s lendid wo A social was held iti the lbesemenli
said the council should be hi a posk. condneted -a special service on ;j nor
night -surnrised and d liehted J: G.
James Donaldson, of .t,,. Andrew's church. on Tuesday
good and. at -once available location taken tic' Winnipeg and the funeral *Ss. 'eue rk
for an industry. As matters stand, at held from her sister's. ,Mrs, Wm. Smell . sh t h . it e e. , ,_ .._ c Toms, Goderich, le S. he. . .
spe tor, v s ted out school on Mon- • • •
evening for the children of the Mis-
present a quick sale even if an op- r- a ang - task, giving six. scenes from 'Wilson d«Y.
portunity presented itself, would be etery. The pallbearers were Mt Chas Barrett's. "Sign of the Cross,"' and
out ot the question. , Leah, Detroit, and Messrs. Ilddy, Me- acting the part in all. of fifteen dif-
The discussion vvent around, all the Googan and Small, Winnipeg. „Rev,
members taking part. 1VIayor Wiltse Chas, Stewart or Si. Paul's Presby- ferent characters, Possessed of an
excellent voice and great dramatic
said he would like to see the whole terian church, aoliducted the service, ability, she held the attention of het
unfortunate business.- wound tip as The easket was completely buried
, audience at all times, presenting such
soon as possible, but' perhaps it With flowers from her. enanY friends in
• widely different cliexaeters a,s the
. Elmwood5tnitt to all. e se erse a very heavy sion•Band.
ttSI Mr. John Cameron who ha:Omen at
Alvinston the past 'two months, re-
turned home Monday.
Miss Mazy Porterfield of 'llelgrave
has been engaged as clerk with Mr.
Dr. and Mrs. Wilford sailed. from G. le. newson.
Vancouver for China last week. • Mr, John Torrance of Clinton, Lice
Mr. T. C. McElroy has gone to nese Inepector of South Huton, woe
would be the wiser plan to "stand Brandon, Roland and Ve mupeg.
,tyraiutical and bloodthiesty Neto, the Goderich and will show the coopere in the village on Monday on thesalless.
pat" just a while henget. 1 She leaves three sistere, Mrs, Wm. 'lordly Marcus Supurbus, the bibulous there hoes barrels can be made e•ti Dr, Memel and his chateleut errived
Solicitor Brydone made a fult small Sr, eninnipeg ; Mrs, (Rev.) Glabrio, the gossipy Dacia and the top speed.
statement Of the Whole Matter, ins Hartley and Miss May Worthingtonieweet Christian maid Mercia ; in fact Mr. and 111frs• L. Johnston are moVe 111 his auto here on Saturday and,
eluding such negotiations as had Roland, and a brother Mr„ E. W. 'so completely did she change, her per- ing to Blind River, Algoma, spent Sunday with his family,. On
Ile, said the cotmeil held the key te a stepmother, Miss' Alice and Dr. I agine
.... ,Iohnson has accepted a poswithioettr! Detroit, taking bis family, with them
been entered into with the lickhidator. Worthington in Kansas City, besides. sonality that it was not hard to int- Mr. :Monday they left for their home at
the siteiation and advised against force Richard Worthington at Clinton, One the parts taken by different per- Mr. James MeEleoy f Kill PV
a- --earn- 1, Them are the last of our Omelet
closure ,for the time being. Sons. The last particularly draniatie Man., is visiting his brothers, T. C.
tario, and his married eisters, one scene between Mercia and Mamie in and Councillor MetIlroy. It is Dawn 1vVitioernAritnouttliea,Vem. eqin4
of the Bible
Mr. J,'tt. Treleaven was appointed at Los Aufteloe, Cale the other at 1 the dungeon is deserving of speeial years ,sinee lie left t lute. Ws wire tockY was held in . SiAtitirew'%.
to the riiik Library board, vice Kalisliel. Montana, to mourn- her loss. imention and eroUsed the emotions of same with him but has been ill at chord on prieay evening ,,ast, In the
Deputies and4sPell clerks Were alie ington was tieen on the streets of out fleece eataittly appears to have a 'inc Amulet meeting Of the Herron lieev. Fortner *tie appointed chair -
pointed for the \Ianuary elections, e -e town' Well and beartr. The empathy Igreat future ahead of her and we 'join Presbyterial W. 10, M. S. will • be,
Ake. Mackenete deCeased. It is only a month since Miss Worth- the audience to a, high pitch, Miss 'Fergus. labsence of Ileve, Hiles the president,
'‘tfollOWS : St. And elv s-11. W. Vallit" of the neighbertioOd is ottended 'korai% oli in -wishing her every success. held in St, Andreee's church Vat
ing and Z. JaMest-T. Mrs. Maley And •Miss Worthington Mr. B. Seitz, A. T, 0. Me assisted 'ThesdaY.
D. Johnson, E, Zest Si. John'- -e who last year our readers wilheemeine With two excellent nuers the
J. MeMath and H. 'amender e St. ber, were ealled Upoit to Metall two lane and Mr er L Yule of sea -
hale: Rev. Cousens Mutter gave el,
very •interesting address on the his
tory and Work of the Btitien and Tore
eign Bible soeieties after which the
folloWmg officers were appointed
Geergb'e--- S. J. Andrs los and 3. 01111' younger sisters wbo passed away forth tendered a couple of tolottlin dee The Dominion refused te Rev. Fortner, president; IL W. Bre
nitighatne. 0 Within a fear, weeks of each, othet." lightful fashion, ' pass a resolution condemning bridge, win, seeetreaserer.