HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-10-28, Page 8• s . • • Iflas deafens t* safilliagen at Tekat Z.dirard was itrfrr• The body o f Mr. L. Cusidy, Win - *peg arriater, was l'eand in the see near $1.00 Will pay Sehscrletion, to the NewlesReaord to the End of 1910* Wonderland. • Open every evening at 7.30, e'clock. SATURDAY' 7.00 o'clock. Change of Pictures Every Day. The Song Changes 8 Times a •Week, Everthing conducted in • first-class style. Admission • 5 cents "TR E SOUL'S *WAKENING." The new premium piottire r„iYen to all aubseribers to the Family Herald aeti Weekly Star, of lifwtreal, is oerL Willy a besuty. Never in the kiatory at newspaper* has there boos such eathusiasra over a premiere u "The Soul's. Awakening" bee Created durbarthe past' two weeks. Almost every • newspaper in Canada has published most fletteries tributee 'to The Family Herald's enterprise. Clergymen of *11 denoMinations have written thanking - Publishers tor giving the people ot Canada an oP- portunity to possess suck a picture. Every mail brino .scorea ot lettere from parents, fathers and mothera, expressing their sincere gratitude for furnishing the home with such an ele- vating influence. Scheel Inspectord have written suggesting that every school room in Canada Should have a copy of "The Soul's Awakeniug," be- lieving that it will have a powerful though silent, influence on the minds ot the children. The Farally Herold and Weekly Star alone is a big value' at one dollar, ;but with this pictureea0 a premium it looks like -giving away; money. It is saiththe .auPP11 jg lirni* ed and there is a big rush of subscrip- tions. No one slissuld•raiss it. „ • Mr, John T, Molson gave $1.0,000 to) Wipe but the debt onSt, Thomas' Anglican church of Montreaf. • Several fire en were overcome by emoke• while fighting a. fire at the Westinghouse works in Hamilton. . _ tv_wwwww4.4vtivvyvvvvwwwwww_ 1 EllESIGIIT. 1 - Manufacturing Opticians and Eyesight We have arranged with T4ube (Sc. Sons, Specialists of Toronto to be at Hotel Nor- / ' • mandie, Clinton. Thursday, Oct. 2ritb. ' M, • • . Taube & Sons are the .oldest optical firm in Canada, having • . .been established since 1873„ and during the past 36 years have given • I ' every 'Satisfaction to thousands of customers. . Owing to the fact that they grind all their own lenses and manufacture their own frames they are in a position to furnish • Optical Service that cannot be excelled. • 1 , If you have "eye troubles" don't fail to take advantage of this • abaslulyytoeur geyes p roepeectly attended to. . °Pp°±Jutunlit.yt work b b 1 • • ARE YOU DEAF ? ' • • • . If so we can make you hear with the "A.0017ATICON.", The • . Acoustioon magnifies every sound, word, 400 per cent. That means no matter how deaf you are . nor what the original cause of your, . deafness was, so long as the anditary nerve is alive, ' you will hear •• at once. Call and. see it. •' . .•. MAKE APPOINTMENTS NOW WITH . - . . . . .. W. it. Counter, . .. . 97 ." Jeweler and Engraver: , • • .Isauer of Marriage Litenses .. , . . .. , . kok-Aokek;womelokovvvvvvv. ,,, • . .0„04, . . , _ , it, . , • • . • 1 ... • • . . • „ . lbeleb..16;44. 4411W‘, . ;11bibilii....‘1111`..11.,:*ft..AbA10.%;;Mait'CII.AsbAii.-o...-ftoin.",.. $ School Shoes for the Lads and asses $ , Every healthy school boy and girl is hard on shoes. This time ; f of the year theyneed. good strong shoes to keep their feet warrn and A dry. We have t placed on our shelves a well assorted stock.. of • T $ school • shoes, bought from the Leading 'Manufactures in Canada at these low prices. . ' • * ' ; Bogs' ' ... , . ‘.. . $...Sizes 1 to 5 'n Box Ca' li Grain Calf an ' d Boston Calf, prices 1.75, $2.00, and 1$2.25. . . - -.• . . Youths' • , Sizes 11 to 14, in Box Calf, Grain Calf and Boston Calf, prices $L25 $1.50 and 1.7c, ' . '• . :.-.. , . . • • Misses' Und Childs'. • . , $ Misses' shoes, sizes 11 to -2, in Kid, Box Coif and Grain Calf,- prices • $L35, $1.50 and2$1.75. Childs' shoes, sizes 8 to 10i, in • Kid. and Box • Calf, prices $1.10, $1.25 and $1.50, . • . • • ' • A full assortment ef all kinds Of • we are specialists inthe • $ • • . . anspact.our stock. • •• fen rootwear. Come, •in and '. , ' • shce,line. • I . - 0 RATHWEL L,.01Mton.. THE, PLACE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR . ALWAYS DOES ITS DOTY t r J. B.. Hoover . 1.11elson Bali • our lowest piked articles are ineluded in this statement.. • OUT -OF THE FACTORY WOOD • will* 'makes it, only the the most perfeetly made furniture is (Allowed to go. So when you need a set or an odd csItthe straightest and soundest trees piece come here whore materials and atones the furniture we handle. Even workinanship are both pf the best. .*:HOOVER .84 BALL •. ruriiiture and Funeral Directors, • Clinton COMO* NOMOlt.00101 , ARI 11 BUSINIS FOR PROFIT A. FAIR Puorn ONLY We give you the rest. A price advantage to you and a limited profit for ourselves is the nice feature connected with a stock of boxed writing paper just received, four styles from which to select, each box contains 24 sheets of paper and 24 envelopes. It is equal in quantity and quality to that for which 25e is of- ten asked but we can pro- fitably offer it to you for lfic. Please accept this price advantage for yourself and at the same time benefit us, though somewhat less. • W. D. FAIR CO. • Often Cheapest Always the Best 4ror '1111.0411111 teStfi . Mr. and Mrs."' D. S. Cook visited Nile • friends this week. • Mr. John Mulholland • spent Monday with friends a,t Mitchell.. , Mr. Jake Chidley came .dciwn from, Owen Sound" for the holiday. Mrs. Jas. Meglacherty,Goderich, vis- ited Clinton friends' this week., ' Mr. and Mrs. Harry, Wilson-) Stratford,‘ were in town a couple of days this - week. •• Mrs. B. Kaiser and Miss Kaiser spent Sunday as the guests of • Seaforth 'friends. 4 tin S. L. Lawrence of Petrone sPent the holiday with his family at his home here. • Messrs. Peary Ferguson, M. Bess and • V. Wild of Bayfield were in Cita- .ton. on Tuesday. Mr. Len. Cantelon of the T. Eaton staff, Toronto, came home tor Sun- day and Monday. Miss Mary Armstrong of Goderich spent • the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Medd. ,. • , Mrs. G:. Doherty and Miss, Doherty • wete guests Sunday and Ikronday of Mr. and Mrs. L, E. Doherty, • God,/ erich. , • • The. News -Record would like the Co- operation of its friends , in filling thesecolumns with. Comings and Goings; •' Mr. James Walker of Gorrie visited Manager Mutch of the House. of Re- fuse and Mr. S. C. Rathwell on • Tuesday. • • Registrar Coats, ,Goderich, was .in town & Tuesday attending' the fun- eral Of his old friend, the late .Ale. Mackenzie. • • Mr. and Mrs. 'A. Hooper -enjoyed Sun- day and Thanksgiving with their • son and wife .i1V1r. and Mrs. Olin Hooper of Hensalls Mr. and Mrs. George Twitchell 'of Torr. spent Sueday and 'until Tuesday as guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Twitchell: • •Principals Crundry, and Hartley attend- -cd, the meeting of East Huron Teachers' Association in Wiugham on T4rsday and Friday of last week. ( • Mr. Walter Holme, Toronto, -visited Clinton friends the forepart of the week.' He is ti11 stretching up and now half an inch taller than his father. • • • Mrs. Campbell of. Port Blgin and her sister, Mrs. Collum of Eden Grove, . Bruce county spent a few' hours • with lifts. Wm. Ford Saturday• on their way, to spend Thanksgiving • with Varna friends. • Mr. Louis Suter of Glencoe was in • Clinton ou Friday last and was so mueh taken with the town:that •he at once entered, into negotiation for • the ;purchase of a ;business here. He • is an .uttele of Mrs. T. Ila,wkini. Dr.' Thompson visited his father at s St. Mary's on Monday and Tuesday. Mr. -Thompson celebrated his 86th • birthday .on Wednesday. He has al- ' • ways enjoyed good •health and is as active and Vigorous as most men •much younger. •Mr. A.• F. Johns, principal of the Rockwood Public scheol, visited the old 'homestead in Tuckersmith and Clinton friends over the Thanksgiv- ifig holidays. He is much pleased • with the people of Roekwood who have received him very cordially. M. and Mrs. William Robb returned home' on Friday last after an ab - seem of two months during whieh time Mr. Robb Visited at Clifford, Port Hope and the Teterboro • dis- Wet. Mrs. Robb • spent the time with friends 'at Pickering and her very rnany friends in Clintort will • he much' pleased to hear that her • health has much improved. Miss Pearl Warner of Durham, who was visiting het aunt, Mrs, T. Jaela. son Sr., won. the prizcs offered h'Y • Grocer lleaton to the. person W110 would • guess the weight of a big squash 'placed in • his window and grown by lir. • Theodore Hale of .14111ett. The squash weighed • 112A pounds the exact figures named • by Miss Wainer atter looking it over earefully. Mr. James liackensie, who came frotti Dubuque, Iowa, to attend the tuner. al ,of his brother, the late Ales. Mackenzie, was one of the early res- idents of Clinton. Ile learned the •thrlackstaithing with the late Williar4 Grigg, father of Mt. A. J. Grigg, and left for the western states in 1887. His last visit to the old home town was in 1894. Ootaabiir o• PointrzAvg ..r.4.-V,.,110elt$ Samples..Net atsts at Bargain Price's. ,Vt TE HAVE cleaned out a manufacturer's lot .of New Waists at lesslhan manufaCturer's V V•cost and will put the lot on sale Saturday morning at 9 o'clock . Every waist the newest cut and style, and made up to sell for Christmas Waists. Not one of them mussed or soiled, but fresh and new. Don't miss this chalice to get a white, cream, navy blue, sax blue, eccro or black Net Waist at A BIO BARGAIN. Space will not permit of description or price, but come and see them and on wilt be surprised. Every Waist boxed separately. Furs of the Finest Quality. Our standard of merchandise does not permit of the slightest deception or misrepresentation in Furs. We guarantee to give absolutely the best value for your niouey, with every possible advantage as regards style and quality. • We can demonstrate to you* entire satisfaction that it pays to BUY FURS AT HOME • instead of sending away. In buying here you know precisely who you are dealing -with and the responsibil- ity of selling." The furs we offer. have been selected with extreme care to give lasting service and will retain their good looks from season to season, and as for value • no store in Canada can give you better. • Butterlek Patterns* kr Oct now in Delinator • Ladies' and Children's New Winter Mantles We have added several new and dainty styles to our Coat stock duringthe past week. Right up to. the minute in every detail- Also just opened up a new shipment of misses, children's' and boys' Winter Coats of the very oewest styles. If you ail) needing a Coat for your boy or girl call and see these. • • New Shades !a Dress Goods • You will find the newest sharies irt •plain or striped Broadcloth a,nd Venetian 1 of the finest qualities here waitir g your Inspection. We are carrying the largest range of staple and fancy Dress Goo,is in the County of Huron, which is saying a Whole lot, but we have them-frow 50c up to $2.50 per yard. When you're wanting a new dress come and see our rarge, we will be pleased to show you through. ,. . Of PersOnal Niention lir, Harty Fremlin spent Monday in Mr. C. E. Dowding was in Detroit on • Auburn. .• • Mr. John Robinsop ot. Varna was • in town on Tuesday. . Miss Johns of town visited Searorth relatives' this Week.• , • Miss Mahaffy visited friend's in Sea - •'forth Sendey and Monday. Mrs. Andrew Gunne, Toronto, visited Mrs, W. Murray .this week. • • Mr. and MM. Wilbur Manning ' den, Were in town this week. • Miss Porter has been visiting friends about tohdeshoro the past week a. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cstles, Goderich, were in Clinton over the holiday. Mrs. Robert Cole of Waterloo spent the holidays in town with relatives. MisSes Bertha and Zada McRae were guests •• en -Thanksgiving of Goderich Weeds. Mrs. John IlartleY returned' on Wed- nesday froni a Vieit •to relatives in Toronto. • Mrs. A. Twitchell was in ,Goderich on • Friday last attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Inglis, , Miss Sysie Haley spent the Thanks - :giving holidaye with her sisters in St, • Thomas. Mr. William' Ford of Galt spent • the ...holiday with his parents, Mr. • and Mrs. J. Ford. ReV. T. W. Charlesworth leaves to- day for Hamilton to attend the • annual Baptist eonvention. • • Mr. W. McTaggart, Toronto, *as the guest of his mother, Mrs.. MeTag- gart Sr.: over Thanksgiving". Winnie Wine O'Nei,I took la Thanksgiv- ing trip to Torohto to visit her ,sis- ter, Miss Dell O'Neil, who is teach- • ing thete. Mrs. Pair Sr. returned home on Tues- day after spending some months with her son, Mr. Frank Fair at Cat. duff Sask. Mrs. Jas. Steele of '.41..inwood Farm," . Huron township, Bruce warily, was the guest this Week of her 'brother; Mr. A; b. Beaton. Murray Jackson went to Toronto en Wednesday with' his aunt, Mrs. W. H. Steep, 'With whom he Will re. main ter sonie weeks. lir. H. B. Chant, attended the Ineet- • ing of Huron Chapter, and -also the Comrnandery held • in the Masonie hall, Stratford, on Monday. Mrs. Gregg and her grand -daughter, Miss 1Viarjorie, Toronto, mether and neice of Mrs. (Dr.) Stewart, have • been visiting at the manse for a ays. Rev, Kenneth Beaton, Toronto, and Mr. tirint Ileaton, who is ,attending' the ,Stratford Normal, visited their father, • 141r. A. Beaton, over Thanksgiving. Monday. • Mr. Bert Sage, Stratford, was the • Thanksgiving visitor of his father • and ,sister. •' , Misses Cela and Mend Bothwell . of Ethel have joined the Jackson Mfg. Miss- Mollie Cluff, teacher- at Mounts- • burg, near Hamilton, came home lois • the holidays. Messrs. E. Steep and B. Law- son came home from, Petrolia for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Smyth Visited Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Doherty of Grik4 drich on Monday. ••••t.:1 • Mr, Harry Huston, teller Molsons. • Bank, visited his home in ' Exeter • Sunday and Thanksgiving. •Mrs. Jas. Connolly of Goderich: (wag • the guest from Saturday until, Tues- day of Mrs. A. J. Morrish. Broder IVIeTs,g,gart, student at St. An- • drew's College, Toronto, came home for the Thanksgiving holidays. Mrs:. Ben. Warner • and Mies Warner, • Durham, were guests Saturday to Tuesday of Mr, T. Jackson Sr. Mrs. E. Rutledge left this week fer New Liskeard where she expects to make her home for the winter. Mrs. W. H. . Planer, .after several weeks visit at the parental home •returned to Toronto on Monday. Mr: Chas, Macpherson, Loudon, Spent a few days this week as the guest • of his brother, Clerk Macpherson. " Mrs. A. Seeley, returned last „evening front a few days; Lehvhtb iter cous- in, Mrs. R. McIntosh of Seaforth. Mr. W. Taylor came( up from Toronto • to spend the holidays with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ja.colh Taylor. • Mr. and Mrs, Ra A. Moore returned • to Paris Monday afternoon after Et,` few days ViSit with Clinton friends.' Miss beirnago, teacher of mathematics; • at the 0. 0; I., Visited her home at • St. Mary's front Friday to Monday. Mr. Wilfrid Stevenson, London, visit- • ed the parental home, Mr. end Mrs. Duncan Stevenson, over thd holidays Mrs, R. A, Bell, Misses Jean and Maggie and Mester Willits visited Goderich friends"Sunday . and Mon- day. Miss Kilty and Miss Ruby Kit- • ty, teachers at -Newry and Delhi, respectively, 'spent theitolidays Witii their mother on Maple 'qtreet. I Mr. Prank O'Neil left on Tuesday to return to Moosejaw, Sask. where his business interests are. 'He •has many warm personal friends in; Clin- tonwho are always "sorry to part and happy to meet again." The News From Londesboro . The anniversary services held • in the Methodist church Sunday last were well attended. Rey. Mr. Fair of Warwick delivered excellent sermons, morning and evening. The fbwl sup- per Monday ;evening followirig was well attended, but owing to the inclem- ency ofthe weather the attendance was not up to what was expected. Tiie receipts of the anniversary in- cluding Sunday's collections • and re- ceipts of supper amounted to $170. On Sunday last W.. Fingland, son of Mr: J. Fingland of Auburn, •delivered an excellent sermon to a large audi- ence in the ,Presbyterian church .here. • Will. is a. promising young man and one who will make his mark • in the t.vorld. IThe annual meeting •• of the Hullet0 branch of the I.Tpper Canada Bible Society will be held ie. • Knox church next Tuesday evening 'commen- cing at 7.80. Addresses wilt in given by the agent of the society and resi- dent ministers. • , . 1 wish to sincerely thank the many kind friends who so -willingly assisted in my home during my, wife'd sickness and death.—'Thos. Scott. . It is with sorrow that wd learn : the death or Mrs. (Dr.): L. Whitley or - Gorrie. She was the only danghtentX Mr. Wm. Niclrittie of Goderich arid it was only M June last that she was married to Dr. Whitley of Gorrie where tbey made their home until she' was called away after a short illness of only- a few.. days. Mrs. Whitley and Miss Sella and Percy a,nd Mrs. J. R. , Riley of this place attended the :pm,' eral at Goderich on Monday.. 1 The regular monthly meeting of the . Women's Institute will be held on Thuraday, November 4th at 230 p: at the honie of •Mrs'. F. Jphnson. • Subject of "Bread Baking and Buns," will be taken by Mrs. M. Brown. The coegregations of Knox and Burns' churches have extended an in- vitation to Rev. Mr. awors :to be- , , • f`•• f enme their pastor. • Misses R. ;Riley, E. Mains, H. Lyon' and E. •Govier‘ . of London spent Thanksgiving in the village. • Mrs. B. Lear of ;Londesboro spent • Sunday in Clinton. • Miss L. Young of the teaching staff of Brantford Business College, Brant, ford, Sundayed at home. The News From Auburn. Mi. and Mrs. G. Denstedt are away attending the ,funeral of Mr.- Den- stedt's mother. , The evaporator was Closedor; Thanksgiving Day. • Apples are Very plentiful and the evap will have a long rue. this year. Mr. C. A. Howson is getting ready to build his 'mill in J. Tamait's field near the station. , • Me. R. toberton has added a surnot• to bis liverv eutfit, 'The half yearly shoot ot the }Idol .County Rifle League took place • hem last Tuesday. The Dungannon team No. 2 won the county • cup and Itoy Male of the Coded& township team won the medal given to the 'best shot. Col. Wilson of Seaforth •was present and was delighted with the ibest shoot - He donated two pipes as prism for the Arlenwho made the best scores at the two ranges, sighting shots in. eluded. .110 says that an aasoeintion will be started in Seafortb as soon as a suitable range ean he secured And a team from there will he in the game at the nest shoot which will be held at Point l'arm net June. nr. Weir spent the Thanksgiving holiday at his home in Strathroy. `1. • We are .glad tp learn that Mrs. Jam- es Medd, who is -:a patient 'in !the Iton hospital, is improving and Nye hopes that ere long she will return •to her home in perfect health. • Mi. 13: Margit returited . from the west last week. Miss Erma. Symington 'of Guelph Spent, Thanksgiving at her home hero., Mi. R. Reid P. C., of 'Toronto Casio - home lad satueday to spend his an- livai vacktien. We are pleased to see Mr. Walter Moor f •Gdi ,convalescii quickly after, his severe attack est pneumonia. Ho and Mrs; Moore an family are ,-visiting At the nome Mrs. J. Lawson.' , Mr, and. Mrs. John Pluker a,rtd bIs Ida,ughters, Lizzie arid Ilannah, attend. ed the wedding of IVIiss Essie Fluker of Clinton formerly of this .place, to Mr. . J. Cameron. of Lucknow on Tuesday. The body of an unknown Italian. was found in the woods near Cold- stream, B. C., and it is supposed lies may have Wen shot /ay hunters.