HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-10-28, Page 2Ofr. • 1. 2 ° Clinton Newo.Roonrcl lornarrY.- —"MA" Throw Away MI Your Fears. 1 So tinany:tpeople have ; been, delighted with, our ; I Talcum. Powder that we ,; have had some come back to tell us how nice it was. 3 1 Rose t 2 VioletFlesh and White, Carnation 1 iThere Is really no Ver sell Teflcurenmage, We I best. W. S. R. HOLMES Man' Chemist. ; 1•••••••••••••••••••*****: —RELIABILIT.Y — EXPERIENCE— ••••••••••••••••••*•••••••• • * • • 1 i $ 962 : : I I .. One year ego, Mr, ly, • • • u..1 • Ca George Wakeman ..was• 3 t,-, earning about $100 per • year as farm laborer. Now • • ' he is seeming at the rate • 04 ' 1 i24 of $962 per year. Six months' training se : 11-1 = Ico at our Business Celle ge 4' e...) ild made the uifference. Was : it a good investment. ? He • t h i n k a so, His address • i = E-. is New Osgoode, Sask. • toe Four Courses: t 1..#13 , PREPARATORY ; 2 COMMERCIAL I = CO STENOGRAPHY TEL EGRAPHY t • CO 4i Enter any time. Indi- • r= c, vidual Inst.' uction. • • Write for Particulars. • BACKACHE, GRAVEL AND RHElfela 11(fATIS11,1 VANISH BEFORE DODD'S' KIDNEY PILLS, CLINTON I Business:College ; GEO. SPOTTON, PRIN. •••• •••• • • •••• •••• *a b..••• WE WANT YOUR GRAIN. for which we will pay, the Highest Market Price. Call at our store next Morrish & Crooks or at our Elevator. --.-We keep on hand a full- -stock of Flour, Feed,- -Etc. We are agents for the Canada Car- riage Company Buggies and Stan- dard Wire Fence and Posts. FORD&McLEOD DR. OVENS, SURGEON, OCULIST,' will be at Holmes' Drug Store on Friday, July 9th, and thereafter- on Wednesday Aug. 4, Sept. 8, Oct. 13, Nov. 17, Dec. 22. Hours !Tom 9 a. m. until 3.30 p. m,. Glasses properly' tilted. Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat treated. • • • CENTRAL • • • • STRATFORD. ONT. • • • • • • • Has the reputation of being the • • best practical training school in : Canada. Thorough courses have • produced results. Businessmen • say our graduates are the best a: el and they apply to us for office • • 2 help. Our graduates succeed as • none others. Three depart- : ..• ments • • • • COMMERCIAL SURMA I • _, • • AND TELEGRAPHY. . • re Enter at once. Write now for a • our free Catalogue. si • • • . D. A. McLachlan I • 0 I • 0 PRINCIPAL 5 e ••••••••••••••*•••••*••••: COAL ORDER YOUR YEAR'S SUP- PLY NOW. THE BEST IN Tim MARKET, $7 PER TON, BUT IP ORDERED AND PAID FOR BEPORE MAY 81st, A COUNT OP 40 CENTS A TON WILL lin ALLOWED. Orders left at Davie & Itowtaas will be promptly attended to. roved Owe Again in the Case of Mrs• Fria. Krieger, Who Suffered From tbe Worst Forms of Kidney, Disease., Palmer Rapids, Ont., Oct. 25th. (Special).—TW tbousands of Cana- dians 4vti live in daily tereoro thosei terrible forms of Kidney Disease known as Backache, :Gravel and Rheu- matism, will be deeply interested in the story of Mrs.Fred.. Krieger, of this place. "I was for years a great sufferer from Kidney Disease, Gravel, Rhea- matisre and, Backache, "It all start - October 28th, 1909 M17,04 .Courity News Gathere for% :News- Record Readers 18 Years Ago From The News -Record of October 28th, 1891. Clinton, Oct. 28th, 1891. tklieGaw Becoming an Import- Zurich Seaforth Shipping Centre. The C. P. R. station in the town- ,dale came• as a surprise to his friends meeting of thclub was held recently The death of Mr. john I3risson ma Seaforth curlers are getting ready Monday eveniug of last week at Drys- for the coming season. The annua [ ship of Colborne is becoming quite a l busy shipping centre and is filling a I in this section. Mr. Brisson was ill wben. the following officers Were eelect- long-telt want for the convenience of only a few days, and had been in his ed for the year: the busy and prosperous community usual health. the week previous to his President, Dr. Burrows,. 1 / in which it is situated. The railway death. He was over 72 years of age Vice, G. F. Rogers. _. company has erected a commoand a came to this seetion from the Sec. -Treasurer, William Ament. freight shed 60 • x 24, whicb just llOW Province of Quebec about fifty years Committee, W. D. Bright, R. S. is ?entirely taken t is, ago. Ile was of a genial, good natur- Hays, W, Macdougall G. F. Coll- Y men,the barrels u b he and. bags being Rack- - ed disposition and had many warn e ing, W. Bethune, Ed. Bright, A. ' • ' , ed through a cold, but i got so my in alloying our presses last week. He limbs were Wavy, I had a dragging is maned up to the roof, a state whiclal prone_ personal friends who sincerely regret •Wilson. . sensation across my loins, and I was a painstaking and. a competent ises to continue till the end of the Ids death. Of a family ol fifteen ehil- In the district cup competition Sea.7 where intricate machinery has to be dren thirteen are living, also his ag apple season. The principal shippers / - forth is in group 7, which is composed totally unfit to do anything, tel I taken to pieces and put togothea are Ca t I Ell* tt J 11 I-1 "Reading about wonderful cures by 'again., am_ ed partner in life, and their many a e on, io , ewe , as follows: St. Mary's, St. Thomas, Dodd's Kidney Pills .led me to buy I some. After using a few I found, they ..Mr. Harry Cantelon has purchased 1 latter ot Lueknow. Sonie of the ap- °as' 1Thedford, Forest, Parkhill, Seafoeth. link, McIntyre and McQuillan, the firiends sympathise with them in their. 1 Ingersoll, London, London .Thistles; were doing me good and this encour-:tnat very desirable residence lately 'pies are sent off in bulk, but most of Mrs. Leo Gelines of the Saul) I Play at London. Umpire, W. K. 1 the twit is deetened for the British me le on e nes ay evening wee market and is packed in barrels. On and the funeral took place on Friday' , Canieron. Tuesday three carloads of loose an- to St. Peter's church at Drysdale. occupied by Mr. sle H- azed, me to contintle their use. Eight owned and , I Cornbe. It was 'formerly the proper - boxes made me well. 4" I .I. James 'r here vy • of Mr. Sheppard. i here are "I have been able to do my work ever since and to -day ei am come two acres of ixnproved ground in con- pletely cured. - Dodd's Kidney Pills nenthm with the residence. gave me health and I feel like a new An annoying rumor is afloat to the woman," effect that Mrs. Chris. Dickson is If you keep your Kidneys strong and about to leave. town. Mrs. Dickson 1 healthy you can never have Back- does not contemplate a removel. ache,•Raeumatism or Gravel, Doeltl'd Mr. John Houston has been selected Kidney Pills never fail to make the to succeed Mr. Turnbull. as headmaete Kidneys strong and well. 7, er of the Minton Collegiate. . . IMessrs. Cook & Cook, we under- . • !stand, closed their apple purchases John E. Kreeger was run over by a last week. They handled a good team in Beverley township, near Galte quantity and disposed of them advan- and killed. • . tageously. • • • .1 • • • • LIMIT OF HUMAN AGONY. Is often reached with, corns. Fool- ish, because Puteam's Corn Extractor cures in twenty-four hours, 'Don't put off—get "eoutnam'e" today—fifty years in use—painless and Sure. • Repeat it :—"Shiloh's Cure will al- ways .cure thy coualis and colds." BIG CLUI313IN0' OFFER. The Home Journal, published in its new an enlarged form, is probably the best magazine offer in this coun- try., The subscription price is one dollar, but having made a special ar- rangement The News -Record is en- abled to offer' the two for '$1.50 for one year, giving The News -Record the balance of this year free. Executor's Notice to Creditors, In,the matter of tbe Estate of Mat- ' te*. Dart Westlake, late. of the Toevnghip of Stanley, in tae . •County of Heron, *Yeo- man, deceased. ' • Notice is hereby given, pursuant to he Revised Statutes of Ontario (1897) Chap. 129, and amending Acts, that all creditors and others .having deems, against the Estate of the said Mat- thew Dart Westlake,' who died on or about the 13th day Of September, A. D. 1909,. are required • to send by post, prepaid,, or- 'to deliver on or before the 15th day of December A, D. 1909, to Robert Snowden and, John We - lake, Bayfleld, Poetofhce, Executors of the will Of the 'said deceased,, their . ernes, addresses and descriptions, /and a full statement of the patticelars of their claims, and the nature of . the seaurities (if any), held by them. •• And notice is hereby further given that on or after the gaid 15th day of December, A. D. 1909, the said Exe, I eutors Willeproeeed to distribute the I assets of tbe estate among the partiei elititled thereto, having regard. only tb tbe claims of :which they shall ithen have had notice, and they will note liable for the. assets of the said es- tate or any part thereof te any persons of whose claims they shall not then have had notice.. Dated at Goderich tais 5th day of Mr. .Arthur Cook is home again and is pushing • on to completion. his hand- some new residence. • P, I.,ondesboro, Oct. 28th, 1891. Rev. Mr. Johnston preached in the Presbyterian church on Sunday. The following are the officers of the Good Templars' Lodge' for eh° pres- ent quarter : Chief Templar, Geo. E. Williams, Viee,• Addie Crisp. S. L T., Hannah Riddell. J., Jennie Woodman. L. S., 'Charles Manhing. • Chap., James Hill. T., •Serah Wallace._ 1VI., Albert Brunsdoit 6., Mattie Brogden. • S., Alex. Taylor. P. C., T., B. Lawrasen . Organist, Maria Riley, • . The Forestets have elected t,lie fol- lowing officers for the current .term:: Chief Ranger, William Weymouth, Vice Chief, 'William Lee. Past °Wet, Joseph II. St•evens. S., J. C. Adams. F. S., John Brungnon.' • T., Arthur Woodman. Chap., R. B. Jeffrey. S. W., Charles Manning. ,J. W., Geo. Cockerline. S. B., Chas. Crawford. • J. B, John Brown. Trustees, William, Lee, George Snell William Stevens. ' ' . jilelgrave Mrs, T. Wilkinson Sr. has been vis- iting .her Son at Ripley. • IMrs. Tisdale has been spending a few days at the Wine of her parents at St, Augustine. I Mr. • Garner Nicholson has reeovered 'from an attack of blood poisoning in • • The heavy 'coat of gravel placed on the .Streot to ,the station hag greatly( improved it. • • • Mr. R. E. lVfackenzie has • resumed work after a siege of illness. Miss Bella McCrae has returned home alter spending a couple of weeks • with friend i at the Soo.. Mr. and Mrs. ijames Wilkinson have returned totheirhome at Escanaba, Mich., after spending a couple of weeks among relatives here. ' Miss •Isabella Owens intends rettern- ing to her horne at Portage la Prate- ic, Man., after spending the summer • visiting and sight-seeing: with her sister, Miss Lizzie. hundred years old and have a height hopper plague is one to which the J. C. Tuck of the 7th con. recently ef one• hundred feet and a eircumfer- Department' of Agriculture for Ontar- Eddie McLean has returned' to Nor-. had the ill -fortune to fall from an ence of fifty. Iniappearance they more'. io may give much attention. *.This wooa,' east Of Toronto', after a • visit, me. apple tree and pustain a broken arra. resemble the :aged larch or the males- sect has • in certain seasons' and local - of a few days with his parents, pies were despatched ,for go/Areal' Messrs. Jacob Brown and Henry !THE IMPORTANCE OF FALL ' and several cars have been e'ent to d Koehler have returned from the west.: CULTIVATION AND THE,SLEAN- canning factory near Belleville. The I apple crop is turning out much heav- Mr. Jacob ,,Ort Jr., who has been in LNG UP OF 'FENCE CORNERS. ler than anticipated and the the west for four years, has returned Insects and other like enemies cause present home. enormous damage to grain crops every? state of things will probably con -1 i Mrs. John Geiger and 'Vire. Abra- 1 Those odes In your bloode-ered and white,-4esep you well if thew aro healthy, cause yeu staleness if diseased. To make and keep them healthy and strong, be to haw 'pure blood, treetiom from dtsee.ae and vigorous health. The calve Purpose or Itoodai flarea- partite, is to ea ails, and its success ie atteridea by thousanels or wonderful caress. Cure is of ail blood diseases, serotula, eczema, rheumatism, catarrh. aarsapar1114 eirecte these clues, not sanely because it contains oessaparilla, but because it combines th.e. utmost remedial yalues of more than. ite different ingredients, each areatiy strenatlaened and enriched by thia Peculiar combination. Got today ar your druggist 100 Doses Ocke Pol,Lar. PrePared only by C. ateed Co, Leman. Maas.. IL fe, A. Untie until. the snow flies. We hear of . year. These pests would be held in •one orchardist, who will probably ham Geiger have.been visiting friends check to. a much in the State of Michigan. 'they are -bad there not been sueli un- I greater extent than I have 1.500 barrels, and has sold for delivery on the track for the hand- I Those of our citizens who in. the wise destruction of birds which feed. wish they had one Pot those on these enemies of the farmer. Many some of $2.25 including packages. spring One or two carloads from this lot gorgeous tulip beds they see alound of the pests can, however,, be control - have already been. shipped for tho them, should. sot a'bleet it now for that led in large measure by a regular ro- Glasgow market. . . ready. Getend. your Now beds ist the timeshshape, et, togettation of crops, and a thorough clean - A grain. warehouse was built dur-ing up of the litter in whichtthey ' aria ing the summer and Norman Keeni_ up your mind what size you want it, harbored during the winter. gban attends to the purchase of grain procure your bulbs and about the', Of all forms of fences, says • tho on certain days every week. The ob- middle of this month plant them, In Year Book of the United States De- liging station master, Mr. J. Snider, the epring you will have a display of partment of Agriculture, the zig-zag looks after the business during his bloom that will more than repay. for i rail, with the usual growth of brush absence. The grain is loaded directly the outlay and trouble. oa the cars from the warehouse and. several lots have gone.east already. The proprietors are Hay Bros. of Listowel. . Another of our old residents has as bad. The post and woven wile Andrews & CO. of Goderich have Pfaff, who was born in Germany Henry. fence offer the least protection. If, and however, the waste places along I en - passed away in the person of made this point quite a shipping place for hogs and cattle and the con- venient cattle sheds are used -by other ces are cleaned out the danger from came to this country when a boy. They settled at Dashwood where he that source will be largely obviated shippers from Dungannon and else- and for keeping these corners clean where. HeasmII . and rank grass, offers -the greatest protection in • winter for destructive insects, Hedges harbor nearly as many, and the stone wall is. alm•ost , grew up. He next spent some tirae A large building on the south side at North Easthope, b e w ere h learned nothing is Vetter then a flock of sheen: Failing sheep, the ground sliould be the shoemaking and alSo got married 1 Paris is Full of Them and Nearly MI Use Parisian Sage. In the beauty show at the metropol- is two years ago Gold Medals were I awarded to five different women, I'To the most beautiful woman be- tween za and 25 ; between 25 and 30 between 30 and 35 ; between 35 and 40 and between 40 aid 45. A society reporter who .interviewed all five women in the interest of his Papers, reported that all of them had. baautiful hair, and that each of the five enthusiastically attributed her luxuri- . ant hair to Parisian Sage. W. S. R, Holmes sells Parisian Sage for 50 cents a large bottle. He 'guarantees it to cure, dandruff in two i weeks ; to stop falling lair and itch- ing of the scalp. It makes -any wom- ales hair beautiftel, soft and luxuri- FARM PROFITS May be largely iscreseed. by knowing the exact oosiitio. of the tennor's market, and by learning of tba host method in farm Tactic*. TWA Is precisely the liort fia jealsesemae• iske "openers' Weekly Susi giver in every Wine. It has no equal as a reenerae .341einese Paper, Good, farmers inly ea it. Per price see our clubbing offer. Absalom Merner, son of the late Senator Merner, is suing Mr. Valent- ine Mitt, a member of the Senate, for $1,400, which he claims was prom- ised for securing Senator Ratz's ap- Pointment to the Senate. BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. of the track has been erected for a chopping mill by J. W. arid After a time he Went to laillsgreen • burned over, Tbe ploughing of sod_ eat. he is now busy installing a gas ' en- where he con tic e a business, fieeds tn. the '1 all; thus disturbing the by mill -stones -and. plat* and • no Priddle, Seventeen years ago he came to Hen -1 In parts . of .the States the Mouse loss at harvest time. • men who robbed the Wright' postotace gine of 30 h. p to be run by produced went to Kippen where he had chargo en winter nests of the pests, will also gas'. The crushing ;will be dime both of D. Weis:miler s shoe department. have a material ' *effect in preventing at Seattle, .claineing to be ane of the doubt the Mill will be much patron- sail and has resided. here ever since. ' and eluded pursuit . after , being hunted ' lead by the farmers of the neighbor-) Mr' 11' Stewart has moved into the This has at times become a regular plague. through the woons for "a week. • hood, who aro all extensively engaged. plague has been. most 'Serious in in the feeding ef battle. house which he purchased from the • Robertson estate. . I M If I t • . country. The reclamation. of arid 1what were the desert sections Of the that the location of the present Me- Cook have been valuing the electric ed, f Ex te. d M N and. the sowing of irrigated areas Gaw station was looked upon as an light power: plant and fixtures: I with alfalfa, has provided exactly the almost unfathoniable swamp ' which Mr. 'Clark and bride (Miss Kathleen conditions required to multiply mice apparently could never be reclaiaied ; Ilaaan) who hese been visiting the in the neighborhood. ,Since mice' have but the magic of tae sheekels of. the nome, of the latter at Hillsgreeneleft from two to six litters .og young an - powerful g: P. R. Company' drained last week for their ' bome at Detroit." neatly, and produce from six to tea the land,' . Oiled up the hollows, built 1 Mr. S. Thompson taykes'airide ta • a at birth, they multiply very rapidly, • the station buildings, laid the track, sixteen -year-old pair Of• boots which and alfalfa on irrigated lands which, and .now if the . -Store and poetoffieo he is wearing. And they look good were formerly erie provides an abun- that are talked of are established the far a few years yet. The Maker rhea' dance or food' •In someparts of these trend of business will ae eireel'ed this the other dey.". .. - I irrigated lands alfalfa fields- have been way. and a thriving village Neill spring up. The old saying. is well r xempli- fled in th case of MeG Alexander Grant* gave himself up It -stems orila a very short time ago e r an r. • lands, which were formerly uninhabit- r. c n yre Q e e aw, thatbusi- ness follows the railway, for p•revious to the time of the 'railway surveying, the Division Line was almost an kr- passable mud read' and now it is lye • IGrasshoppers are, in occasional sea - Last of the Cedars of SODS, pro y e m s e. , . insect enemy which farmers of Ontar- • • Lebanon. io have to combat. During the past seaeon very considerable areas in , Enclosed and carefully guarded therel Bruce Peninsula, and it Grey County completely destroyed by mice. babl th o t d etructiee Intense Colicky Pains Releived. "For some years I suffered froin in- tense colicky pains -which woula come on at times anti from Which I could find no relief," says 1. S. Meson. of Beaver Dam, Ky. ‘"Chaintatlaines Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was eeceinmended to mo by a friend: After taking a few doses of the rem- edy I was entirely relieved. That was four Years ago and there has een o 'return o symp oms since that time." Thi a remedy is for sale by all druggists. • Carpets: corning the leading thoroughfare for are now only about. two hundred left were. nearly swept bare; and on Man- ' • Man - the traffic of the three townships of of the famous cedars of Latterion which itoulin many farmers lost' practically C urtams and Ashfield, Colborne .and Goderich.-- once clothed all the sides of the . Sy- their. whole crops from the same Signals rian mountain. . So tall and beautiful cause' Window Shac/es.' • Grey Toviashil. • • were they' fn. coniparison' with the . Speaking of grasshoppers the United trees • of Palestine,. that the Hebreve States • Year Book of Agriculture says writers 'celebrated . them .with death 7 they deposit their eggs in the ground less . praise, and from tho eatliest in summer, and 'these remain until ithe times their soft, •white wood was the foBowing semmer, when they batch glory of Jewish 'architecture, They out. Tee` eggs are not placed in the Were used in Solomon's Temple andqn .ground cultivated fields because Mr. Robts MeLennare who bee been its successor, and also the church they woiad be destroyed there, but in. in the west tor a few menths has re- turned home ' Miss. Jennie Hogg attended the Lea- gue convention at St. Mary's as the representative ol Roe's- League. Mr. and Mrs., James Hogg have re- turned from the west where they were We import these goods direct Mr, John Pearson and his sister, froni the mills. That .is the Mrs; Will. Bremner, visited.- friends VI . reason why we ean offer youatew, Ilarlock recently. Which Constantine :built at 13ethieberre. ground which is never.: molested, such The surviving :trees are called by the as found in roadsides, fence rows, :Arabs the L.ttrees of God," and under, rocky knolls, the borders Of woods sheir wide -spreading • branches the and sides of open ditebes. The favor - clergy of the Greek Church occasion- ite breeding place in this Province ally celebrate mass. Several of • the appears to he in sandy plains, which trees in the grove are over fifteen adjoin cultivated areas: The grasse arid Mrs Hugh McLean. ' 1 Andrew Hyslop, dredging .contract- tie oak than the cedar Which is known ities, caused more damage than. • all . • ' Solicitors for thesaid Exeeuterg at ship, leaves this week for, Wapato in other fungus and insect enemies com- Proudfoot, Hays & e Rv. 1V1r. and Mrs: Cocas spent 0, or, who has Wen busy in Logan town- in Ainerica,.. tion 'from any Grand Trunk • • ticket B d Ax • Mich the State of Washington. where he will • bined. • . , few days recently among friends ' • ageht. Repeat it :—"Shiloh's Care will al ways cure my coughs and colds." Mr. James Grigg has sold his team probaaly spend the winter. He pur- of horses aed bought a fine span of chased ..property there last year. • Is Your Family Reading Worth While.? kolommod&a,••••••• F. . W. CUTTLER, PAINTER AND Paper henget. All work done guar- anteed to ,give gattsfaction. . Prices moderate: Residenee nearly opposite. Collegiate Institute, Ceinten. 83 MONUMENTS CHASTE DESIGNS, DESTMATERIAL • JAMES DOIG- • OPPOSITE ' POST OFFICE. Tires Having Phrehased a machine for applying Rubber Tires, we wish to say that we are now prepared to fur- ish and put on such tires at reason - hie rates. We also do all kinds of alluding, nything from a pair of scissors to a ireular saw. This weele we installed machine for grinding horse clippers which does perfect work, We likewise do all kinds of lathe York on short order and at reason- ble rates. Machinery repaired. 'Horsoo shod. SATISPACTION GUARANTEED. Mr 'I Stevenson iSeeleu &West colts from William Cole. • . Mr. T. 'S Brandon has eold his beautiful - farm, consisting of 150 notes, to Mr. John Nethery who gets poSsession the first of November. The price is about $7 000 or over. • • • • • Morris Township. So much of current reading is mere,- • . ly entertaining at the' best that tha ' .. The township council Will meet on question naturally rises, Is it worth Monday,. Nov. 1st. , while? 'nut sons and daughters aro Mr. and Mrs. James Robertson of A number-, of our 'farmers will have the State of Mexico are. at the, Mime a large crop of potatoes. iiI of tho former's parents, Mr; and Mrs. ' Mr, and -Mrs. George Jackson *ere, Duncan Robertson. Mr. Robertson is (visiting relatives in Elme. toWnsaip 1 a railroad engine driver over the ' last week. I mountains in Mexico. • I Joe Miller is slowly recovering from) The Morrie and Grey Rural Tele- a long siege of typhoid fever. 1 phone Company have their poles laid! Mrs. Robert Shedden of the 4th line along the 4th line of Morris, from has a,rrived home from the hospital at 13e1grave to iBrussqls,. Nearly all'thd farmers on the line are having ,a phome and The Companion is coaducted on installed. ;many friends are pleased to hear that her health has much improved as the that theory. And that is one reason! result of the treatment. Why more than half a million families Mr, R. L. Borden will spehd ,a week . read it. The paper is safe but not in Toronto on his return from 1 -Tali- .. Its tales of .adventere illustrate hound to read something. • They hun- ger for Stories which take them into the other half of the , world—the tune -making. The • problem is to give world of adventure, of valor„ of f or - them such reading without putting in- to their hands the literature that is either silly or demoralizing. The pd. Hors of The Youth's Companion be - Clinton where she underwent treat- Hove that a periodical can oe made can be obtained by dropping a post - for almost threMonthr enteitaining and yet "worth while," card to this office. meet • e s. He We would call the attention of read- ers of The News -Record to our club- bing offer with The News, Toronto, whereby they can obtain the two pap-, ers . for $2,30. The News in un-: questionably one of the most influen- tial papers published in Canada, its editorial comment being 'quoted from one end of Canada to the other. For anyone wishing to keep in touch with Canadian affairs, there is no better paper than The News. Sample copies Benmiller A happy event took place on Wed- nesday of • last week at the home of Mrs. C. Mohritig when her daughter, Lucy, was united in marriage to Roild Jason Harper Dick of Kippen. The bride was given away by her uncle, Mr. James Troyer of Toronto and th'e marriage ceremony was perrformed by Rev. W Bauch at high noon. The guests numbered about forty. Alter a stimptuous‘ wedding luncheon had been partaken of the happy couple left on their honeymoon. trip after which they will settle down to the realities of life near Kippen. Colborne Townshipfl the advantages ot fortitUde and self- fwe. reliance, Its stories of charaeter laY I The- township council met in the stress on the truth that right con- A BILIOUS HEADACHE. townsip hall oft the 12th inst. with duet is never a mistake. ' .goOds in Latest Patterns ab Lowest Prices. We rflioei a greet range et Carpet Squares, in - eluding Axministers, . Velvets, • Brussels, Tapestrys, Etd. • We have Curtains and Window. Shades in endless number. of ' • Patterns, Qualities and Prices. ' Comeand see the goods. • J. H. °bellow R LT LONDON, ONTARIO Buiness & Shorthand suasscrs Raids:A and Mail Courses 1. W. Weetsurvak, I. W. Wimpterveit, IL. C.A., Peeelisel. Vice.Priacical: CHOPPING The Clinton chopping mill will be naming every day alter the 1.7111 inst. We have just put in a neW grinder anA are *Ow prepared to do a firsteclass job. Besides chopping feed, we roll oats, grind • flax, make Graham flour, corn meal and flaked whelyt. f the t things in the all the members present. Mr. Mex. E C d' ti b 'ber ill Is one oe nieane5 find it of special advantage to send world. TO preVent biliousness use Dr. Everything will be weighed in and nit IP. Sheppard presented a petition with the necessary number of signaturea asking th• e colleen to submit Local nine. NO only does he get the beau- tem clean and pure once the $2.00 for the new 1910 Vol- Hamilton's 'Hamilton's Pills which keep the ' regulate the sys. weighed out then eaCh customer will iiceheetertUallyrectied and satisfeetion S4tlare Aral. All mistake:1 Option to the electors at the munici-# er. You'll never have a headache, guaranteed. It 'will be to your in. granted the requestA bylaw was fi tiful "Venetiat" Calendar for 1910 bowels, ive tonto kidneys andliv- pal election in January. The council lithographed in thirteen colors and and gold, but all the issues of The you'll never have a sour stomach, but .terest to eye us a share of your al expenses. The next meeting of ,c1 "99 frclni the council will be held on November bic's is re°eived* also passed to borrow $20el for oiler- Companion for the remaining weeks You will have vigorous bracing health custom the time the subserip- bY i d2r5teig gpiesrt taking Dr. Hitinilten's Pills, Your I ,Itemember the stalid, next to the bsgel so rnfiv. ollbtionxiellstoftio'rs orierdilols, ! Clinton F.:leetrie Light Pleat where th 1,.. e subseribrr will he glad to see al . i his old customers as welt as ina.ir inew ones. Thariking; you for pelf 10th at two o'clock. THE yotro-t's COMPANION, ler, Companion Building, Boston Mass. favors. Repeat it :—"Shiloh's Cure will al- nepeat it :—"Shiloh's Cure will al. New Subscriptions Received at This' Repeat it :—"Shiloh's Cure will Ways cure iyiy coughs and colds." ways cure my coughs and colds." Office. ways mite ray coughs and colds." • III BROWN