HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-10-21, Page 8inte lehey Oinks 11444 It 00 His 030
menthe -old 13eby.
Blake ned fleet MVO. Rinks OU,
tr• her mother, and be was on tbe job
with tne elannotitlueoki baby.
Iu tbe Want the babe woke And
eeried, Dinka lookei at •hie wetchh-
threennierters of ton hour till bottle
time. Ine maid to bioneelf:
Teet bine yell, ;Pee a bealtby little
.111418.nand he must be disciplined,"
a`nen Blake tried to sleep.
Bee' Oinks couldn't *leer). Evet7 cry
grew more pathetic and almond end
heartelek tied Otwouraged. batch cry
said more and more plainly: el have
no fr1en0 or relatives. I'm uubappy
and uneomfenable •Ud Wapt some one
to be goon to men'
But Bluks. the stulebern euel tttift
necked, stuck it otit, though each cry
ettabbed him clear through.
Venally (maybe be set it forward a
lelt—who Immesh 13inits' vrateh an-
nounced the arrival of bottle time. Fle
went to the icebox or the food. beet
it arid, took It to his now faintieneela
bing infant son.
Out the infant aon Gould not take the
battle. Be choked on the firot swat.
Ow. then put up his hands end re.
newed his wordleett plea to the big
man he could see dimly through his.
Then that father said. "Discipline be
hanged!" ,Maybe. though, it wasn't
"banged" be sake but the vowel etonnti
Is right, anyway. Ua tool; up t6at
baby, and the baby stuck to his daddy
like fly oaper. Farther ettetunts to lay
hitu Mann were futile. Be Wantete
food but heart food, ne intik but that
of buman kindness. So the big man
laid that baby beside him on .00 pin
lowe the baby put one rose petai heed
' to Ma father's stubby cheek. gave a
Jong. quivering. satislled sigh and swat
' for six itnieronen hours.
As Oinks lay there, afraid to stir test
he disturb the little one and feeilmt •
like a terse thief 'because be had let
elle love hungry Infant cry hie heart
out. be repeated frequently:
ni.neelpline be bungee:" •
Death Was Aecidental,
Orangeville, Oct. 9, --The jury in-
veetigatiug the death of Joseph Paul
a Toronto, killed while uncoupling
freight train, returned a verdict of
accidental death, but reported that
the laandles by which the angle-oecks
ou the anrieraltes were operated were
tee) abort for safety. The jurors sug-
gested the railways equip each ear
with a lever, which would enable a
brakeman to operate the angle -cocks,
"It is stated by the railway ()facials
that the said appliances are standard
and approved by the Railway COM,.
mission, so that the company is not
liable for negligence in using there.
While the said order of the commis-
sion is not before us, we think that
the efficiency of-sueh appliances can
best be studied by a petit jury in the
light of an accident which brings out
the defects, and that the jurisdiction
of the petit jury has been outraged by
its transfer ,to the Railway eornmes.
1 EVESItilit 7
We have arra.uged with Taube & Sons,
Manufacturing Opticians and Eyesight..
Specialists of Toronto to be at Hotel Nor-
mandie, Clinton, Thursday, Oct. 28tb.
Taube in Sons are the oldest optical firm in Canada, having
been estannehed since 1873, and during the past 86 years have given
every satisfaction to thousands of customers,
Owing to the fact that they grind all their own 'mks and
manufacture their own frames they are in a position to furnish
Optical Service that cannot be excelled.
• If you have "eye troubles" don't fail to takeadvantage of this
opportunity to have your eyes properly attended to.
•work abeolutely guaranteed, •
/f so We ean make yoh hear with the "ACOUSTICON." The
Acousticon magnifies every sound, word, 400 per cent, That means
no matter how deaf you are nor whet tine original cause of your
deafness was, so long as the auditary nerve is alive, you will hear
at once. Call and see it.
Re Counter,
Jeweler and Engraver.
issuer of Marriage Licenses
t'weAAAAAaaieneeeweaeweeeoVneenawieiapWwW. noeiWwee0AAA0WWatenoweowj
• ' • #
1 ' S.eho 9 1Shoos for: the 1
i Lads and' Lasses:-. :
A of the year they need good strong shoes :to keep their 'feet Wq.1111 and
ne dry. We have jutt ineeed on our shelves a weli. assorted stock of A
I school shoes, bought from the Leading Manufactures in Canada, • r '
at these low prices. .
: 8°U8' ' ' . • ' 0
1 1.72-eve!.0toaa in Boz Calf, Grain Calf and Boston Calf, prices $1.50,
Youths' • - ' . .
*$Every healthy. school boy and girl is ha,rd on shoes. This ;time
:4 $1.25Sizse:s..5011atnodlticI.n 'Don. Calf, Grain Calf -and tos•ten Calf, prices $
i Misses' end Childs' . .
$- • Misses' shoes, size's 11 to 2. in Kid, Box Calnand Grain Calf, prices
$1.35, $1.50 and $1.'75. Childs' shoes„sizes 8 to 10e, in Kid and Box
• Calf, prices $1.10, $1.25 and $1.50,•
31 1
S. 0. RATHWELL, Clinton
A full assortment of all kinds of
fail footwear. Come in and
inspect our stock.
We are specialists in the $
shne line:,•
t lens, 44.0-46,116,4wrwevosto,
J. 8. Hoarier
NIson Ball
our lowest priced articles are included
• in this statement.
•Which inanes it, only the the most
perfectly mane furniture is allowed to
go. So when you need a set or an oda
of the steeightes-t and -soundest trees piece come here where enateriale and
leonaee the furniture we haridie. Even woektuanship are both of the best.
ritirniture and Puneral Directors. Clinton
Mates News -Record
October 21st, 1409
We give you the rest.
A price advantage to
you and a limited profit
for ourselves ie the plea
feature connected with
a. stock •of boxed writing
paper just received, four
styles from which to
select, each box contains
24 sheets of „paper and
24 envelopes. It Is equal
in quantity and quality to
that for which 25c is of-
ten asked but we can pro-
fitably •offer it to you
for 15c. Please accept •
thiu price advantage for.
yourseltand at the same
time benefit us, though
somewhat less.
Wit D. FAIR 00i
Often Cheapest - Always the Best
rawiters Samples. Net
Waists''at..Bargain Prices._
VpTE HAVE cleaned out a manufacturer's lot of New Waists at less than Manufacturer's
V V cost and will put the lot on
sale Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. Every waist the newest
cut and style, and made up to sell for Christmas Waists, Not one of them mussed or soiled, but
fresh and new. Don't miss this chance to get a white, cream, navy blue, sax blue, eca.ro or black
Net Waist at A BIG BARGAIN, Space will not permit of. description or price, but come and siee
then itnd oil will be surprised. Every Waist boxed separately.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Irwin moved to
Loudon this week,
Mrs. Mae Barge and Miss Jeannette
spent Sunday with Goderich friends:
Mrs, J. -T. Ciark and two cliildren
Toronto, are • guests a Mrs. T.
Jackson Jr. • •
The News -Record would like the as-
.:.sistanee of ale its friend's in ailing
these columns.
Mr. George McGregor, brother .olMrs.
Chas. Wilts°, has been engaged as
manager of the bowling alley.
Miss E. Landenorough of Tuckersmith
spent a few days of the past week
With her Cousin, Mrs. A. Seeley, --
Miss A. Johns' of Trenton will spend
the Thanksgiving holidays' with het
*other, Mr. P. Johns of Seaforth.
Miss Pearl O'Neil returns to-naorrow
from St. Margaret's College, Tor-
onto, for the Thanksgiving holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Maxwell of the
Dluevale Road will be. Thanksgiving
•. visitors of their daughter, Mrs, .
Mr. Abell; Seeley was in Wingliam oe.
Tuesday inetallieg a gasoline engine
and goes to -Exeter next week to
set .up another.
Mss Elsie Barge and her little' bro-
ther,. Lonis, have gone to Lucknow
to spend the winter •with their
uncle, Mr. Geo. Swann.
Mrs: James Webster: of Londesboro,
• who haseneen visiting her daughter,
Mrs. • Ed. Saville, for his'last
month, returned home on Tuesday.
Mrs. H. W. Steepof ntoronte and IVIre
Waiter Jackson, • Brantford, will
..spend the Thanksgiving belidays •at
the parental home, Mr. Jcilin Jack-
son's. •
Mrs. Hatmali Sr.'who was accompan,
ied- by her son, Mr. .R:: aaneale Tdil
verten, were guests for a le* dans
this week of eher daughter, Mrs. S.:
S. C,00per. ••.
Miss Winnie Jackson; daughter of Mr.
Riehand Jackson of flaxeney, Man,
• is, the guest Of her aunt, . Mrs. John
• Jackson. Miss .Jackson iu en: het
return •from a tour of Europe.
Mt:. -W. K. Greenwood, the engineer dre
charge Of the construction of the
• waterworks, has ,been eegaged the
• past week in taking levels in connee.
tine .with -the Goderich system.
Mr. T. C: (Clarence) Johnson •has
been assigned by the Bishop • oi
Rupert's Land to a mission at.
Edrans, Men., of which he is nowen
charge. He is the second youngett
son- of 'our worthy citizen, Mr.
• T
"orn" Johnson and his numerous
•'friends here will wish him success in
his cliesen profession.
Mr. Wallace Johnston of the Satiblei
Line, was in town Tuesday, making
preparations to move to Corinne,
Sask., where he has decided upon
locating to 'engage in the merchare
• tile business. Two of his brother
live in that district, so that the
good old township 'of Stanley will no
Well represented, and both have done
so well that they have been encour-
agitigWallace to matte the move
also. Ile and bis estimable better
half will certainly be desirable ace
• quisitione to Corinne. •
Mrs. Jas.- Livermore received a letter
last *eek from her brother, Mr. •S.
G. Churchill of Va.neouver B. C.;in
which he eaid that he -wee just. 'con-
valescing from n severe attack of
typhoid fever. Mr. Churchill ha4
done well since locating in the C.
P. R. Pacific terminus and thinks
it -the most promising city on the
coast. He is a member of the city,
eouneil being 'retutned last election
by a majority of • twenty-three.
Councillor nSain" is well knowe
by many in Clinton and • Goderich
township and is a native- of the
-latter netinicipality, beteg a son of
ntobt. Marshall of the Bayfield
Mr. C. C. Ranee returned on Satur-
day from a business trip down
through the lower province% in tled
interests of the Jackson Mfg. Co.
'That he did •h big business goes
without saying for the Lion 13rand
clothing is a. great seller there
and- C. C.'s visits are peteonally al-
ways looked forward to with pleas-
ure by the busittessateen in the
three provinces down by the sound -
big sea. nut even after this long
' trip he didn't remaiu long at home,
starting out on Monday to do AO
principal points in Southern On-
tario. Mr. Ranee eVidently believe
that "the bees that get the honey
don't hang around the hive,"
Furs of the Finest Qualitu.
Our standard of merchandise does not permit of the slightest deception or
misrepresentation ia Furs. We guarantee to give absolutely tile best value for your
naouey, with every possible advantage as regards style and quality.
We can -demonstrate to your entire satisfaction that it pays to
instead of sending away. In buying here you know
precisely who you are dealing with and the responsibil-
ity of selling. The furs we offer have been selected
with extreme care to give lasting service and will -retain
their good looks from season to season, and as for value
no store in Canada can give you better.
• Butteriek Patterns fur Oct now Delinator
Ladies' and Children's New Winter IVIantles
We have added• several new .and dainty styles to our Coat stock during the
past week. Right up to the minute in ei-t,ry detail. Also just opened up a
new shipment of misses, children's and boys' Winter Coats of the very aewest
• styles. If you are needing a Coat for your boy or girl call and see these.- h.
New. Shades !a Dress Goods •. .
You will find the newest shae.es 1-1 plain or striped Broadcloth ,andVenetian
.of the finest qualities here waitir g year inspection. We are carrying the largest
range of staple and fancy Dress Goods in the County of Huron, which is saying a
whole lot, but we have them frou.. E0c up to $2.50 per yard. Whenyou're wanting
a new dress come and see Our ra,rge, we will be pleased to show you through.
Death of Mrs, R. Walker
• Tbemany friends of Mr. and Mie.
' Allan, Essler, . who Went to Alberta
last spring, will be sorry to learn of
Ithe death Of their little' sea aed also
that Mr. Reeler was badly burned in
a prairie lire A .short time since. It's
Inlet all sthishiee so to see*, even hi.
Sunny .
The following horn the Stratford
Herald will lee of Mournful interest to
ninny readers of The News -New
the deceased at one time living in
' the neiglemehoed of: Clinton
'-"On Sunday, Oct. 10th, kind friende
laid to rept the xemains of .Mrs. RI
H. Walker. . She was a: good I:anther
and a kind wife, and left a vacancy in
the home that can never be filled, she
died in the 'faith trusting in God. She,
left to mourn her loss, a husband, two
sons and two daughters. Services
were zonducted by Rev. D. E. Martin
of • Trinity Methodist church. Friends
of 'deceased Irom, a. 'distance/ were : Mr.
1 incourt e Mr. H. Copson, brother -in -
John Chisholm, btother-in-law. 'of Ag -
law of Aurora; Mr. F. Walker, fath-
er-in-law ed Newmarket; Mrs. Ley-
ton of Clinton, an aunt ; Mrs. L.
Walker of London, a sitter -in-law, and.
Mr. Mills Of St, Marks. The pall-
bearers were,, Chisholm, Mr.
W. McLeod; . Mr. D. E, McLeod, Mr.
I J Sutherland, Mr. 'Whitzel, and XV
W. Haynes. The' floral tributes Weee
1bea,utiful, consisting of a wreath by
ethe employes of the Ballantyne Co.;
'a crescent by Mr. and Mrs. W. Me -
Gar ; a spray by Mr. and Mrs: D.
E. McLeod; spray by Mr, and Whs.
M. Haynes; spray by Alice and Mrs.
Burgess; spray by Mr. and Mrs, Jas.
Wilson'; spray by Miss Florence Thorn -
as ; boquet by'Mrs. Northcott ; spray
by the familn."
. • • •
hicKittop 'township
Colds and rheumatism are prevalent:
We suppose this' in part is owing to thel
wet and disagreeable weather.
Rev. Mf. Baugh will preach mission-
ary sermons at the various appoitit-
ments in Walton circuit next Sab-
A box social is announced for Wed-
nesday evening of this week to be
held at the ,school house in S. S. No.
-Mr. J. J. Irvine has Meted a large
and commodious kftenen in the rear
of his. hoeshis neve farm.
We hear that a sad accident befell a
little daughter of lVfr. Fred. Eckert,
silo being killed by being run over by
a manure spreader.
Miss Walsh of McKitiop is very ill
at present. She has not been getting
good health for many months past.
IMgr. Proulx, Bishop of Nieolet, died
suddenly at Ron*:
I Presidents Taft and Diaz met Ott
the Metican border.
, •
IThe Methodist nongregatfon decided
on Wednesday evening to hold. their
anniversary services on the last Sun-
day in Noven*er and the fowl supper
on the evening following. 'They make
ithis early ammthere
uncoment so that ere
may be no inadvertent butting in on
tthe date.
Aro you .a News -Record subscriber"
Next Monday will be Thanksgiving
Pay -
Dr: Cook says he Nvill heed an . ex-.
pedition to Mount McKinley in seareli
for records he left there.
Stanleg 'Township.
Miss Mary Rreid and -Miss C. Mon-.
teith spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. 'William Rathwell,
. Mr. V. M. Diehl is having the tele-
phone put in to his home. It will be
in working order in a few days. •
Miss Martha Richardson spent Sun-
day at the home of Mrs. M. Ward
near Varna.
Miss C. Monteith of Bayfield is
spending a few days at the horne of
Mr. Charles Reid, 13rueefield.,
Open every evening at 7.80
o'clock, SATtilwaY 7.00 o'clock.
Change of Picture
Every Day,
The Song Changes
8 Times a Week,
Everthing conducted in
first-class style.
AtInsissinit 5 cents
The News From Lonclesboro
. 'The evaporator was closed down
Saturday afternoon on account of the
apples not being dried -,qtack enough
and the peelers getting. toe fen ahead
of the nryers. • •
Aulseybrook• Bros., apple' buyers of
Burford, are represented in the vicin-
ity by Alessi's. Churchill & Watkins of
Clinton, who' have bought several car-
loads of apples in this neiglinorhood.•
I On Friday last' Asquith ee Johnston
sent' thine loads of evaporator stock
Ito Auburn where they were Making
, un a carload for sliipment.
I A number of the fatmers are taking
advantage of the snort spells of fine
weather harvesting their sugar beets
and other roots,
Rev.. H. E. Curry is at St. Marys
attending the London Conference- Ep-
worth League convention which is be-
ing held there this week. -
John Hutton received a, carload ot
11/1.anitoba wheat this 'Week.
On Monday the beloved. wife on Dlr.
Thos, passed
world after an illness of several.
months. She was only thirty-one
yearn of age -and Was much respected.
Tbe fueteral took place -Wednesday al- •
ternoten to I.Tnion cemetery, the ser-
vices being connucted: by Rev. J. L..
Small of Blyth. To the bereaved hus-
band and one child the sincere slime
pathy of the whole community goes
Constance Concerns.
Mr. John Matson of Orfilie, is r
newing old acquaintances here this
week. • • •
Mrs.- D. Cole and Mrs. S. Cole of
Ethel speet a few days tho. guest of
their mother; Mrs. Win Cole, •
The W. M. Society meeting will be
held the -first Wednesday of next
month on account of , the convention
at Londeeboro. It is expected that
Mrs. J. II. Leach of Goderich will 'be
The Foresters" fowl and , oyster sup-
per will be held on Thursday evening
of next week. A good program has
been prepared. Mr. Torrance, the die:,
triet organizer, is around now can-
vasing for new -members. •
Wedding bells will ring this ween
on the north line.
fihe preaching service here next
day- will be dispensed with owing to
; the anniversary services being held at
Londesbore, . •
Mrs, Graham of Toronto is the
guest - of her sister, Mrs. Wm,' Bole.
The anniversary services of the
lVfethodist. church here will take place
on Sunday the 31sOct.; preaching at
, 10,30 m. and 7 p. tn. A thank -of-
fering will be received whereby many
Iwe: trust will manifest -their sincere
, thankfulness to God for the wonderful,
iblessings' he has given as in the past
I Mr. Wm. Carter gave the subject at
,the Epworth League service Tuesday.
evening. Quite 'a number were pros-
; ent and a profitable time was spent;
bY all.
Hullett Happenings.
Rev, Mr. IIiest gave a very impres- I Mr, John Gloesher, who was
thought to be dying a few nights ago,
sive English sermon in the tVangelii
!is now on the mend,
cal efiureh, on Sunday last on Z`Love.'
Mr. John Jackson arriVed home
Nnglish 8er— !Mtn the West a few daye ago. He Was/
Ile Will preach another
mou a week from Sunday. ' Ise delighted with that country than
The recent snow which almost cov-' he took up -a homestead and will re -
rind the country with a mantle 01 turn in the spring to begin bis act -
white, and which made peoplethink etier's duties.
. of winter, is gone, and in its place 'Mr. Sam. Deer and men intend .
is the glory of autumn, the, golden- building a house of cement 'block%
leaved woods. this week,
Read the News -Record's New Story, It's a Good
• One. Started Last Wok.