HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-10-21, Page 7;
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Real Fetta.te and Iusure.nce
Agency. Money to loan. ....
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ye -DR. J. W. SHAW-ee
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44 it
GOing SoUth
44 1.4
Going North
44 It
Clinton News.Recorti
self' well rid of Mr. Calendar. Wbeit
the latter bad gone Ws way, hire -
wood. mindful of the fact that bis boat
train would leave S. Pancras et 11:30,
set about, bls peeking •and distuissed,
from bis thougets the inceleut created.
by the fat adventurer and at 6 o'clock
or thereabouts let himself mit of bia
room. dressed for the eveninga light
raincoat over one nem. in the other
otind a cane, the drizzlehaving
A stolid British lift carried hintdown
to the ground floor of the esttiblish,
went le Soillething short of live min.
(gee noosing to theothee long etiongh
'to tonne bis bin mid !Pare InstrUctionS
to Wive Ws luggage conveyed to the
boat train, he received witb entire
equanimity thenitraille benedietiott of
the clerk. le velet*a eyes he still
tired as t bat radiant ereatnre, an
Merleil mitlionttire, end pessed on to
the ioltity. where he elwretalered
etnn nun meek to the clonterocen at-
tendant ere entering the dinitig room.
• Tile :hour was a, trite. eitrle for a
London Menet., the eandseme room
Out mederetely tilled with patrons.
Kirk wood It bsorbed the face entente
.eeitetely and witbout displetteure. The
earlier the better, tewas detertnitind
to eatisente his last civilized meat me
iw. chose to eonsider lb at his serene,
leisure. to nye fully les ebbing mo-
ments in the world to whieh he eves
born, to drink to its cutting dregs oue
ultimete draft .of hinny. •
With a deferentittl dourish the wait-
er brought 11 to the menu owe, fie
had served in his time mime' on Allier -
!elle militonalre; boul .also served.
this eir. Kirkwood. and respected him
us one exalted above the run of hia
kind in that he Comprebeeded the art
or dining.
. Fifteen minutes later the Walter de
plumed. rejoicing. his order complete.
To _ clistraet a nonsviettee w bispering
Of extravagenee Kirkwood lighted a
cigarette, .
The room. 'was gradually tillingwith
tater arrivate It was the most fa-
.Vored •restauraut, th Lonnon, .and de-
spite the rantant costumes ot the wont-.
en its atmosphere remained. sedate and
restful. .
A cab clattered down, the side etreet
on whicia the window °petted.
4t.a nearby -table a women leughed,.
quietly bappy.. Incurionsly leirewond
glanced ^ her way. She was bending
forward. smiling. Battering tier escort
with the adoration -nit heit-eyes. Tney
-were loners Leonetti theewilderness of,
the crowded restaurant. Tbey seemed
very happy. . • ..•
Kirkwood was conscious of a strapge.'
pang of' emotion. It took him .some
time to comprehend thnt it Was'envv.
Fie wae,alene and lonely. leer the
first time he realized -that no woman
had .everelooked npon him as.the Wo-
men at the adjoining table looked upon
her lovet • He bad tound time to won'
ship but one mistress -his art. `
And he was renouncing her.
• He was painfully conscious of what
be land missed, had lost 'or had not yet
found -the love at Wonutn.
Tbe sensation aaq cerlous, new,
unit -mein lile experieneee . • •
His, 'cigarette burned &teen to :his
fingers as be sat pondering. Abstract-
edly be.ground Its fireout in an ,ash
they. • • •
The waltee set .befere him' a silver
tureen. eovered. . . •
He sat tip and began tO 0013Stinle hts
soup, starve ,doing It. justice. His
dream troubled hint -his dream of the
love of ivotnate •-
• From i little distance his waiter re-
garded Wm with an air of disappoint-
ment. In the course Of an hour and a•
half. he awoke to discover the attend-.
ant in the. act of pouring very hotend
black coffee from a bright stivei not.
Into„a demitasse of fragile poichtain
Kirkwood slipped a -single Weepel
sugar into the cup. gave over his cigar
ease to be filled. then leaned back, de
liberate!, lightleg a tong and Weeder
panetelit as a prelinainary to.a litst.lin-
gering appreciation of tbe scout, of
whiph he wax a part. .
• Herervie.wed it- through narrowed
eyelids lazily, yet with some Wight,
surprise, seeming to see it with new
vision,with eyee from which 'salsa
..ighotanee had dropped.
This long and brilliant dininghalk
with Ito quiet perfection of pirenicirthen•
and appointment, had always gratified.
'hislove of the beaittifuC ' Tonight 'it •
pleased.him to an unusual degree. Yet
It was .the Mine Is ever. Its walla,
tinted a deep rose, with their hanglass
of dull cloth of geld; its .lights diacrivn-
inatingly clustered and discreetly
shaded,, redotibled nalf a beatined
inirrorietts subdeed skinteaer et pakte
and , glees. Its eoborly feet:lei seem -
binge et circumspect amen and weama
-splendidly gowned. it. deeetenttley
muted nittrmer ot voices peasemaned
and Intervroten by the strains et a
hidden siting *reheats*. secessed
senses as always. yet with a *Motu a
ence. Tonight be losWit a mon pogo -
ions With torero, lovers ineensibly
pith -ed. man mite womaa &Weather,
woman of man regardful .
He bed never understood tWa' Wow.
This much he had mimed in life.
It seemed herd to realise that Oss e
Must tercet° it all torever.
Presently he totted himaelf &Cutely
self eonecloute The sensation pualtedt
him, and wilhant appearing to do so
130 trtteed it frotn effect to cause and o
found the cietute in a Wornati-a gftl, ti
rather-sented et el 'titbit- the third re. 45
moved from him, neattite ferthee watt to
of the COMA. 1
. Too confederate find to embertssied
tO rettrtn her dOrtithly openly, look toe
look. he .e.et felt tore thet, bee/triter
tomportwily, he Was becOtne the ob- .
ject Of her Went interest.
telly ettipiewed with his cigar. he
elpped his ettffee. tittle Aware thoe
she briti Orried bet tittene-
tiOn els1
where, he looked p. It
At Hint he wet cense/One Of i4s6:
feet of' diseppettittittent, feint eiree tun'
1)04 that he lelew even by repel*,
Louis Joseph Vance
CapYrietti 1908, br the Bobbs-Merr311 C.
tine' She was simile,. young "girl,
barely out of her teens -1Z as old as
that phrase would signify. Be won-
dered what she heti found in hint to
nteke her think him mirth so long
study and looked again, more keenly
curious.atlrd the artistic side of Ws nature,
Wthie. second glance appreciation
that was already grown impatient of
his fretted mood. The slender and girl-
ish figure, posed with such absolute
lack of intrusion against it screen of
rose and gilt moved. Wm .to minced
admiration. The tinted glow of shaded
candles caught glisteelng on the spun
gold of her fair Mar enhanced the tine
pallor of her young shoulders. •
In the sbeer youth of tier the real-
ized) more tban In aught else lay her
chiefest charm. She could be little
ore than a child. indeed, if be ere
to judge her by the purity of her shad-
owed eyes and the absence of emotion
In the calm and direct look which
presently she turned upon Wm who
sat nronderiug the level, penciled
darkness of her brows.
At length. aware ,that she had sur-
prised his interest Kirkwood glanced
aside coolly deliberate lest she should
detect in his attitude anything more
than impersonal approval.
A slow color burned his cheeks. In
his temples there rose a enticing mils-
After nwhile she drew his gaze again,
imperiously, herself ail unaware of tee
havoc she Was ivreaking on his tem-
eEighteen," he intearded-"eighteen
or possibly nineteen dining atehe, 'Nese
in a ravishing dinner gown and un-
.? 011, hardly -not she!"
Yet the impression haunted him, and
ere long be was fain to seek confirma-
tion or. denial of et. in the mender of
her eitcort.
• The latter . sat with back • to Ieirk
Wood, cutting•a figure as .negative as
.hls snug evening clothes. One could.
surmise little front a 'fleshy thick.neck,:
round glazed bald spot, fringe of
grizzled hair and two bright red eats.
attended •
• Sotnehove. the fellow did suggest
Kirkwetodee (idler of the 'afternoon:
The young man could not hnve *said
precisely bow. for he was untatuillar
with the aspect of that gentletnan's
back. None the less, the suggestion
By now a few of tile .guests, theater
bound for the most part were leaving,
Here and there tnble stood vacant
that had been tilled. cloth tarnished,
.chairs disarranged, In another' moment •
to be trantiformed into.its pristine bele
Hance under the deft. attentions of the
servitors.. '
Down an Melte phst the table at .
• winch the girl was sitting; came two, •
making 'toward the lobby, the Man, a
Flight and meager young • perscinality,:
in the lead.' 7.7heir pnrty .had attracted'
Kirkwood's notice as they entered=
Why. he did not remember, but it was
in his mind that then they hnd been
three.' Instinetively •he . looked at the .
- table they had lefteone placed at•some
distance from the girl and hidden from.
her by apn 'angle In the wall.- It ap-
peared ' that: ,.the third- member had
chosen to . daily it few moment' over'
.his tobacco and a liqueur brandy:
letrkenood could are hitn. plainly loung-•
itig in his Chair and .fumbling the stem
of a glass, a • heevy man of. somber'
habit, •his black ane sullen brows low-
ering and 'thoughtful abeve a face .
boldly handsome. . e •
The weenan•ef the tiles •was worthy
.a closer .attention..*: Sento paces in the
. wake of her. lackluster eequire sbe.
was. making a leisurely progress, trail-
' Ing the, sktrts of a gown magnificent
beyend Mennen, half ,concealed thotegb
it was by the opera. cloak :,whose soft
folds draped • her shoulders.. Slowly,
carryteg her heed high, .site. approach-
ed, eittsolent eyes reviewing the room
from beneath their heavy lids, a metal •
lie and mature type of dark beauty
supremely self confident and self pose•
.iessed. • • • "
., Men terttedinvoluntatrily to look aft
es. her, MR altogether in undilatedad
• nitration. • . •
- the Act of .ptissing behind the pa
tatiete Calendar she. paused momenta-.
rily, needling .ati If to .gatbee up he
train. Presumably the actiou disturb-
ed bee benefice. She swayed a little
and in .the• Wort to recover rested the
tips .of her gloved fingers upon the
edge ise the bride.. Simultaneously
tKirkweed etinld have, sworn)- sin.:
gle word left her 'lips, a word evident
ty pitehed ter the ear of the hypothet
iota Calendar Mono. Then sbe swept.
01. .impeetarba Me, assured.
Te the perplexed observer It wan In-
dubitably evident time some commie
isietteleu ked pasted from the woman
to the num Kirkwood saw the. fat
siteuldene ot the glee eompanion stiff.
01suddwitiy as the womates hand rest-
ed at hitt (dhow. As she uieved away
Vette ripplieg shiver en
wee plty vis.
1,1. los the mutwies of his back beneath
hie emit, mote meets' of relaxing nen
Wein An intenet Inter one plump and
inottir41 hand was .carelessly placed
Where the woman's had. been and
was at one° removed With tingell
To the girt, wittehing her fate cov-
ertly, Kirka (n
wood turned for ew et
he itwitletit. tie mde ano doubt that
be Lind eteteryed the pounetge. Prom
f 010 One found in her sudden star
tng.eallor hutigroetion?) and in het
yes, briefly alight with some inset4Ita•
le (*minim tbotigh qnickly veiled be
owered Inehee • Slowly euough slw
etettned enfor and eompostire, while
et vie -a -vim ant metionloss, hend bit
ris if in theught
Abruptly the man turned In 110
heir trt tominum it waiter and exposed
is profile Kirkwood IWO; in :nowise
mimed to tecoginee ("Mender -It bad.
y frightebed Wender noW. however
rid levelly to be Identified With the
leek, glib fellow wh� find hiteeviewed
tirltwoOd in the tiftettor01, 11Is dab.
by cheeke were ashen dad teetnblinge 1' kit
and upon the haelt of tits ehair the tert
white liugere were tiruitintitig mete:,
santly &ut inatnlible tattoo of shattered
"-Seared eilly1" commented Kirk
woiod. eWIty?"
Hewing spoken to his wafter, Colon
der tor some seeonds raked the Nunn
With quick &otters, as If seeking ato
avtlitallittnive, Presumably diNappeint
. In. swung WO to Mee the .girl.
bending forward to reaelt her ears
With aecents low pitehed and confi-
dential. Site on her !nee fell at oiwe
attentive, grave nue reepousive. Per-
haps a dozen SentetleeS passed be -
tweet' them. At the outset her brnwe
cositracted, and she shook her head to
gentle •dissent, wbereupou Caitenlana
manner became more imperative,
Gradually, uuwillingly, she seemed to
yield consent. Onee site entight her
• breeth sharply lind, infected by her
companion's agitation, sat back, color
fading again in the rotund young
Klriewood's waiter put In an inop-
portune appearance with the bill. The
young man paid it. When be looked
up again Calmed:1r had swung square-
ly about in his chair. Ills eye encoun-
tered Kirkwood's. He nodded pleas-
antly. Temporarily confused. Kirk- .
wood retuened tbe nod.
In a• twinkling he had repented.
Calendar had left Ws chair and was
wendinghis way .through the tattles
toward Kirkwood's, • Reaching it, he
paused, offering the hand • of genial
fellowship. Kirkwood accepted it half
beartedly (what else was he to doh
remarking at the same time that Cul -
ender had recovered much of his coinposure, There was now a normal col-
oring in theheavily joWlet1 cetnite,
nance, • with -less glint of fear In the
quick, dare eyes. and Calendar's band,
even it moist and cold, no longer trent.
bled,' Furthermore, It , was immediutes
ly demonstrated that his impudence
had not deserted him.
"Why,. Kirkwood, my dear fellow!"
he crowed, not so loudly as to attract
attention, but in a tone assumed to
divert suspicion, should he be over-
heard. 'erhis Is .great luck. you now,
to find you, here."'
"Is it?" returned Kirkwood coolly.
Ile disengaged his fingers.
The pink plump face was contorted,
In a efurtive• grimace of. deprecatien.
Without walting•for permission .Calen-
dar.dropped into the vacant Chair.
• "My dear sir," ' he 'proceeded, un,
ianbearschyied,, ,: "1. thre.wmyself upon. your
"The devil.you do!" •
"I must. Inn in the deuce:of a •bole,
and there's no one I knoni. here ,be-
sides yourself. .1-I"- •
Kirkwood saw fit to lead him on,
partly because out of the corner of his
eye be Was aware of the gires uncoe-
cealed suspense. "Ge on, please, Mr.
Calendar. You -throw yourself on a
Vital stranger's mercy beeause you're
in the deuce of ti bole, aud"- '
"It's this way. I'm vaned away on
urgent business -imperative beeiness:
1 must go' at. once. My • daughter is
with me -my daughteet P.rhink 'of my
embarrassinent . 1. cannot ,leave..her
here alone, nor can 1 permit her•to go
home unprotected." .
• Calendar paused in' anxiety.
• "That's• easily remedied then," sug-
gested Kirkwood.. •
"How?" ' •
"Put herin.a cab at the 'door,"
-"No. The devil! 1.eou1dn't think of.
tt. You won't•und.erstaud. I" -
"I do not understand" amended the:
younger min politely:
Calendar compressed 'Ws lips • nerv-
ously. It was plain; that the man whi
quivering with 'impatience and :half
mad with excitioneut. • He.heid quiet
only long enough to regain bis self
control and take comteel with 'his pre.
"It Is impossible. Mr. Kirkwood. 1
must gek you to be generous and be-
lieve me," •
• "Very well. For tiateseke Of the ar-
. .
guinent I do believe you, Mr.' Calete
der." •
Swiftly, stammering itt his baste:
"I can't let Dorothy nedompuny me.to
the .door," declared Caleiniar.•
throw myselr upou your roercel"
•."Went, •. • • .
"The truth -the truth is, if yoe will
have it, thet 1 way in danger cif aerest
the moment I leave.here. If tny.dattnie
ter is with me she will leave to endure,
the shame and humitiation"- '
'Then pleee eer Is such a posi-
tion?" Kirkwood denittuded eitertily.
Callender); eyes burned, iticatelesceut
wtrit resentment Offended, he &leered
to rise *ad gee bet cheapen •kis Wad
sad sat tight is hose •
1:01b4IgIe mii t'wees•
Abruptly Kirk weire's weathereack
humor Rhine& stannetuest yieleina to
Intrigned Intftest. After till. witY hot
oblige the Whew, What did anything
matter tiow? What harm vould visit
hint If he yleided to this eoettulent ad-
reutarer's Insistenee? Besides, there
was the to be considered,
Kirf:Wood considered her forthwith.
Itt the proeeeto thereof kle eyes isouget
her, perturbed. Their gist Mee* rittStied
Abe looked nway hastily, .rittmon to
her. temples,
ittstnittly the model- between' curl-
osity and Million, inebanti end
trust, wes at an and With sudden
compliance. the ;roving tilutIt'rose.
"1 shall he most ininpy to be of' serve
ere to yfrar danabter. Mr enionelar,"
he saki, the, emphasis with he
Coming gterity And then, the fat ad-
venturer lending tie *Sy, te irk wood
atrede r I'M M,` the ro0111, wondering
lomewlint 81 hitnself, if the Ve "
'truth In to be dierloeed.
girkwOOd. ".133ritWd.' this- is My
"Misa Calendar," achnewitidged; Kirk.
Tbe Oil bowed. her eyes 'needy upon
hie eine). "Mr. Kirkweted Is very
kind," she said gravely.
-"That's. right:" Calendar exelaimed
blandly-. "Ilea promised to see you
' home. Now, both of you Will pardon
wy running away, 1 know."
"Yes," tisasnted Kirkwood agreeably
The elder num turned and hurried
toward the main entrainee.
Kirkwood took the eleair be had va-
cated, To hle disgust, he found bine
selftelOpOrarily dumb. No nicker of
thought illuminated the elarkness of
hie confusion. Mow was he to open
a diverting vonversatIon with a young
"Perratt Mr to introduce an ola friend."
wotnan whom he had met underl
'pires im extruot.dinary? Any attempt
to gloze the situation, be felt, would
be fiaile, .And eomehow he 001 not
care torender himself ridiculous in
!teepees, little as he knew her.
Inanely dumb. he sat watching het
smiling. fatuously, until it wan taorue 18
;on WM that he was staring like a beer
and grinning . like • an Idiot, • Con-
. yinced, he tolustite1 for himeelf, some-
thing which served .to make him more
notigue tied than even'. .
• As for /118 involuntary protegee, she•
exhibited such Sweet composure that
• .he caught . bitnself wondering if she•
really appreciated the seriousnese of
her parent's predicameut-if, for that
matter, its' true nature Were known to
her at all. Calendar, he. believed, was
eapable of prevaeleatien, polite and
• nupoilte. ' Had he lied to his daughter.
or to Kirkwood? To both eoselbly, to
.• the former alone not • improbably.
That.the adventurer had told him the
desperate truth Kirkwood Was' Otte
•conrinced, but he now began to be-
lieve that the girl .bad •been pin off
with.eome. fictitious extilanetion, Her
tranquillity and self control were re-
matkableotheeveise. She seemed very
young .to • possess those .qualities • in
suet) eminent degree. •
She was lookluie wearily past him,
het gaze probing some migureed
abyss ot tnonght, leirewOod left Wan
self privileged to stare le Wonder. Her
naive aloofnees of poise gripped his
imagination. powerfully -the •wore eo
perhaps .since it seemed 'elocreent 'of
her intention . to remain ettlgroatle-
bet ny no means more poweefully titan
• the. qua Wed appeal of het-tovellneSs.
PreSelatly • the girl itersett 'renewed
the tension of the situation. fairly stare
:tling the yowls man by. going straight
to the heart 'of 'things %Intent pref- .
• ace or warning, liftiug her gaze to
Ws. "My mune is pettily borotriy
endar." she obeerved And then, not -
lag his itetoetistimeet. "You . would be
privileged .to clouin •uader •tbe circunte
eitancee," site added. "Please let us be
frank." •
Cr1AMirt Ili,
LL Mit purring with katistite-
tiott end rel1e, Calendar halt.
"Dorothy, ntv dear, perntlt
0 to Introduce Aft old bleed, Mr,
eninee it Is to be. cotindonces" (this
, she queationed. with an all but itripe.r;
ceptible. llttlng cit tee 'eyebrows). "1
don't ailed eelllug you. my Own name
is really- Philip. leirkWood." :
i'And yew ere ue old; friend of MY
fathmeter • . . . . • .. • . •
He otened hS lips. hitt' only to close*
them el -timer epeeking. '1'he girl
moved .her alanuiders,with a stilver of
disdatti.• • • .
*"1 knew it .wasn't so."
"You .know it would he hardfor a
young. man like myself to be tt vety
old friend." he eottutered
. "flow long,- then, neve you knoWn
each otherr
...mum 1 puovverV •• •
PRekalwmeion." thr.ee. And four..hour
"1 ilastglit as 'noel]." •She stirred
paatli:tu.trouli:I.d, Abruptly she.suld,
"Shall 11 If you wtsb it. of couree",
She repeettel, -Please:" •
"We ever* to wait ten •minutes or
. ye" tate coutleited • .
•Fle prottiseeul hIs eizerette ease.
"It yea eare to•'sratilte it will ,seem
an excrete" Fie lighted his cigarette.
"And thee yew Allay talk to nee." tete
toilets/4Ni rennin .
"I woe* - pettily if I could guess
vrhat would intereet yota."
"Youreelf 'Fen me about yourself."
ehe cotentaseled
"it would bore you." he responded
ttitely, colotarwel,
"No . Toe interest me very much."
She melte Ike Stitt eknent quietly, eon,
ten:triturate 01 eoquetry,
"Very well, then. I am Philip ICU*.
, "Little worth tetalltny..7.0
"Whyr he denianded, piqued.
"Decease you have merely indicated
that you ate a wealthy American."
"Why erealthe?"
011 tett you would have sotne aitu 11
life, n telling or profession."
"And ,k411 think 1 tsr re none?"
"Unless you cotleider It yOur voca-
tion to be tt wealthy Amerienti."
"I don't. Ileeldes, I'm not wealthy.
In potnt of Met I"- He. pulled up
sheet on the verge of neeitteing him-
self 8 peeper. "1 ton et painter,"
Her eyee lightened with littereet
"An Bettete."
"I Otte ee. 1 4001 paint _Joigtis-tpe
14011000," hs remarketi.
Artnitied. Obe leugheellhleftly. "I sew
peoted B." tete declared.
"Net really e"
• "It wile, your way of looklug
things that wade me guess it-tbr
Pallitere way, 1 bave °thee BOUM)
1L:As 11' mentally blending colors all
the time?"
"Yes; that and -seeing flame"
"I have diecoveren uctue," he told ber
But again ber secret cares wee,"
claiming her thoughte, and the gay.
titconsequeutial banter died upon her
scarlet lipa us a second nine ber glanee
ranged away, stem:Wing waterloos
-depths of anxiety.
l'theirc‘truktedteit. ile"Iwb°auvkle be4dvnefeee:edn1.1rIte:
persisted. "You know everything Of
terVal Interest about me. And your-
• "I am merely Dorothy Calendaree
"Nre?" 115 !neighed.
"That all, if you please, for the
"I am to content myself with tbe
promise of the fitttire?"
future," she told hini seriously.
"is tomorrow, .and tomorrow"- She
"Please, we Will . go now, if eon .ere
and Iles pathetic in their, distress.
mewed' restlessly In her chair, eyes,
"I am mete ready, Miss Calendar."
He rose, A waiter brought the girl's
cloak and put it in Kirkwood's hands.
Ile held 11 until, smoothing tbe wrists
of her long white gloves, She stood um
then placed the garment. upou ber
'white yoeng sboulders, troubled by
the indefinable sense of latimsey
parted by the privilege. She pertnitted
him this personal service, Ile felt that
she trusted hint; that out of her gratie
tude bad grown a simple and annOst
ebi101ab fnith In his generosity and
considerateness. •
As she turned. to go her eyes thanked
hint with no unfathomable glanee.
was again conscious of that esoteric
disturbance In his tontines.. Puzeiede
hazily enttlyzing the sensation, be,fol•-•
lowed tier to the lobby.
" A page brought him Ws tcpcont, bar
and stick. 'ripping the child front
ewer force of hetet, he desired "a gi-
gantic porter, Impressively ornate is
:hotel livery, to eall .a hansom. • To-
gether' theyeenssed out into the night,
•he and the girl. .
.Beneath a permanent awning of steet
and glass site waited • patiently, slen-
der, ,erect, heedless of the attention;
• she attracted front wayfarers. •
A cab drew in- at the block. The
porter clapped au are of wickerwork
Over its Wheel to protect .the ghee*
skills. She ascended to tbe seat.
Kirkwood, droppiug sixpence in the
anotriatenrdts fpiro,
tip:4rehp last eatriit fWpoeirleoinp, toBryu!
Inexorable.: He rimed about, 'frowning,.
to confront a slight, hatchet faced
man, somewhat tinder medium height,
dressed in a Sack suit ahd Wearing 'a.
derby; wefl. forward ever his eyes,
that were bard RtI.0 bright. • •
• -"Mr- Calendar?".said the naan eense-
1y. "I presume I .needn't name my
business. Pm from the Yard"- •
"PO natne is not Calendar." •
The detective•smiled wearily. "Don't
be it fool, .Calendar," he began.. Sur
the porter's, nand fell. tipon hls shcinte
der, and the getet bent hew to bring.:
his mouth close. to ,tbe other's ear.
Kirkwood heard indistinctly' else oivre
name, followed by Calendar's, and the e
wdrds: "Never fear. Ine, point • bhp
out." • •
"But the woman?" -argued the de-
tective, unconvinced, staring into the
"Arn I not at liberty. to have a lady
dine' with me in a .public restantant?"'.
interposed MirkWoeti ,. without raising.
'his yeice. , ' • . • .
• .Tlie hard .eyes • looked. •him up and
done'sir. .1 see my mistakeee staid the .
• Then: "Ieeg. par: ., •
"I ,n no glad . you. do," • returned Kirk-
wood 'grimly. . "I••fancy -it will bear
lnyestigation." • • . •
kle =tinted the step. "Imperial the- •
'Met," be. told the 'driver, giving the •
first address that oceurred It.
. could be changed.. .For' the mornent
the main issue was tenet the girl out
ef the range of the nete.ctIve's entereste
• He slipped hie°bis place as the han-
actin wheeled iuto the tuegld. tide. or -
westbound teethe.' '
So Calendar' had escaped, after alit .
Aloreoter, he had told the truth to •
By els. aide the girl nieved intensity.,
"Who was that man?" she inquired: .
Kirkwood sought her eyes and feunn
thein whetly ingenuous. It •seemed .
that•Coleadar had not taken her into; ,
bus etio.ntleuee,: utter all.. She• Wine '
therefore ta noway implicated ,in her.
father's' affairs, inexplienbly• tbe• •:•
?meg motes heart felt lighter. "A
ritietak,e. The feIlow took me for
.soute ens ha knew," he told her three, .
leasly . • . .
The , asentance satisfied her, She
rested quietiy, wrapped up in personall.
eoneterste. Suddenly Kirkwood was re.-
tal*I se a sen.qe. of duty by.a glimpse,
ef ti.YdR COMM'. Re terned to
the girl "I didn't knowwhere yeln
whew) to go," •
She Wes Willing. .1
Flee-Ilci you Lwow that es long ns •
haVe !outwit you I have never :teen yen
dressed itt white?. She -indeed: tre
you, then, so partial to the color? lle
-Not esaetly that, hut wleelever I meet
a girl &weed ht White 1 am always
tempted to kiss het, $he sofa
,excilso me tor A quarter of an bourn .
Didn't Believe In IL
The Squire -That's a spletand howeee
el lion. I suppose .yoll teed 0 dalir
With puis0tudity.
Mies Nti zur,' None ft.' Yee toe,
fintgled roods ver .hist Ity rand
teen tette alai, "ay,- London Telegettple.
Mtge riuy 011 the garden pelletLat
pm Meg nit'? rertethey mot, I've only
knew?) yen an hone Mr. iftletIer
(looking at Ms wattle - Well, 'heti. snit. -
0,154. 1 'olti0 engine lit an hoar end te.
otter ri
ibliV 10 M. to lottneelf will be gout*
to Wilma!). thipti.11 1101,01