HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-10-21, Page 6The grial of the criminal likel charge Against Mr. Carruthers for circulating copies of The Eye Opener containing zeflectione on Sir Frederick Borden took place at Kentville, N. Se) last week. Six men were drowne4 in, the wreck of the steamer George Stone oh Cleve- land near Point Pelee. The boat caught fire, and the captain and some of the crew ventured out in the yawl in a big stem. ' Cholera Infantum, Cured. "Something like two Mrs ago AV baby, which was then about a year old, was taken seriously ill With cholera infantum, vomiting and purg- ing profusely, writes J. F. DeraPsel of Dempsey, Ala. I did what I could to relieve but did her no good, and being very much alarmed about her -went for a physician but failed to fint one, so came back by Elder Bros. i3e1 Carter's store and IVIr. Elder recom- mended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy. I procured a bottle of it, went home as quickly as possible and gave the baby a dose of ;the remedy. It relieved her ,in fifteen =minutes and soon cured her entirely." For sale by all druggists. • - Sam Spanelli was sentenced at, North Bay to be hanged on November 26 for the murder ef a young China- man in a Hailebury restaurant.- The trial of Saul Gouin for the murder of a women near Cotalt resulted in a diS- agreement. LIMIT OF HUMAN AGONY. Is often reached with corns. Fool- ish, because Putnam's Corn Extractor. cures in twenty-four hours. Don't pal off -get ",putnam's" today -fifty years .in use -painless and sure. The .Government is considering the luestion of abolishing the grain certi- ficates at Port Arthur and Fort Will- iam owing to the dissatisfaction o:f the mariners. • . A 'revolt has broken out in Nicara- gua. Eight Spanish soldiers were •killed in a fight with a party of Moors near. SHEEP. Plevoio&Word Octoboor 21st. 1909 ,o4,44 Prize 14140 of the Bonfield Fall fair. HORSES. Heavy,. Draught. Brood mare, accompanied by foal, foal not to be judged -with mare - John Stewart & Son, Elliott Bros. Foal -John. Stewart iksarSon, Elliott Bros. Gelding ot tiny, 2yrs. old -Morton Elliott, John Campbell. Team -Salkeld Bros., Elliott Bros. Agricultural. Brood mare accompanied by foal foal not to be 3udged with mare -- Treasurer Reid, John Stewart & Son. Foal -A. Dunkin, Louis Aldworth. Gelding or filly, 2 yrs, old -Jas. Sterling, A. Anderson. Team -John Sparrow, R. G. Del- gaty. General Purpose. Brood mare, accompanied by tool, foal not to be judged with mare -L. Aldworth, Elliott Bros. Foal -Treasurer Reid, L. Aldwortla. Gelding or filly, 2 years old -S. Sar - eras, S. Cleave. Gelding or filly, 1 year old -T. Brownett, Elliott Bros. Team -D. Schnell, Geo. Penhale. Best Bear any breed -Snowden 13ros. nest Soly any ;breed -Snowden Bros. POULTRY. Silver Grey Dorkins-W. B. 13attler lst and 2nd. Light 13rahmas Beatty Bros., W. B. Battler. Barred Plymouth Rocks -R. Smith lst and 2nd. White Plymouth ROCI5S-m-. Snowden 13ros., R. Smith. Black Spanish -W, 13. Battler, J. S. Howrie, White Leghorns-J, S. Howrie lst and 2nd. Hrown Leghorns-R. Smith, 11. Little. Silver Spangled Homburgs -J. S. Howie, W. 13. Battler. Black Breasted Red Games -W, B. Battler, Red Caps -W. B. Battler lst and 2nd. Andalusian -W, 13. Battler, J. S. Howrie. White ViTyandottes R. Smith lst and 2nd. Silver Wyandottes-j. S. Howrie. Black Leghorn -H. Little. Rhode Island Reds -R. Fitzsimmons. ...White Miaow -as -W. B. Battler, Black Minorcas-J. S. Howrie, R. Smith. ' Buff Orphingtons-J, 5, liowrie, W. Roadsters. B. Battler. Black Langshans-J. S, Howrie lst and 2nd.‚.4 G• elding or filly, 2 yrs. old -r. Cole, Elliott Bros. • Team -Elliott & Sons, Wm. Truern:: ner. Single roadster -A. McGuire,. Geo. hindsay. Carriage. Brood mare, accompanied by foal, foal not to be judged with mare -R; McArthur. Foal -R. McArthur, Geo, Cooper.' Gelding or filly, 1 yr. old -R. Mc- Arthur. Team, 16 hands. or over -11. Scotch - mer. . Single carriage-Wallad Johnston Jas, Sterling. Lady driver -Miss 'Bella Delgaty, Mrs. 0eo. Brownlee. CATTLE. • Grade Cattle, knell cow-Treashrer Reid. FIeifer, two years old -Beatty Bros., Treasurer Reid, • , Heifer, one year a1d-Treasurer Reid, Treasurer Reid. , Heifer calf -T. Cameron. Steer, two years old -Treasurer Reid. Steer, one year old -Treasurer Tteid Fat cow,• heifer or steer --Treasurer Reid, ' , Durham. Milch cow -Treasurer Reid. • Heifer, 'one . year old -Beatty 'Bros. tul, calf -Treasurer Reid; . • • Jersey, • cow -Richard Smith, Richard Smith. • •• Leicester. SUFFERED 15 YEARS Ram, two shears _ or , over -John Stewart. RED ONE MNTH Ram lamb -Geo. Penhale. O Pair ewes, having raised lambs in 1909, 2 shears or over -A. Duncan, John Stewart & Son, Pair shearling ewes -John Stewart SI Son. Pair fat sheep, Any breed -Geo. Pen - hale, A.. Dtinean. Lincolns. Gin Pills are wonderful: if every woman, feho has Kidney et 13Iadder Trouble, could go to Davisville, Ont., and talk with Mrs. A. Simpson, they would do just as she did ---take Gin Pills and cure. themselves. • Mrs. Simpson grows enthusiastic over ;Gin Pills. Quite naturally, for she would lae dragging out a miserable existence, instead of beingthe picture of health, lad she not taken these pills. • ' "For 14 or 15 years I had Kidney and Bladder Trouble, suffering at times in- tense pain. I doctored continually and xeceived sometimes temporary relief, • tut nothing gave me permanent relief . until I was persuaded to try Gin Pint. Within a couple of days I received great relief, and after taking one box I avas completely cured arid now would not lie without them. I can highly recom- mend them to all who suffer from any form of Kidney Trouble." Mits. A. SIMPSON. Weletyou try Gin Pills before you buy. 'Write National Drug & Chemical Co. (Dept. A), Toronto, and a free sample of Cin Pills will be sent you by return mail. .50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, at all.dealers. 2' HUNTERS.' RETURN TICKETS AT SINGLE FARE • OCTOBER 13TH TO 31ST. To points in Temagami, poin,ts -Mat tawa to Port Arthur and to a . num- ber of points reached by Northern Navigation Co., also to certain points in Quebec, New Brunswick, Neva Scotia and Maine. OCTOBER 21ST TO OCT. 31ST, To Muskoka Lakes,. Penetangi Lake of Bays, Midland, Maganete.wan Lakefield, Madawaska to Parry Sound, Argyle to Coboconk, Lindsay to Hal- iburton, Sharbot Lake to Calabogie, via K. & P. Ry. Points from Severn to North Bay inclusive; and certain points reached by Northern Naviga- tion Co. RETURN LIMIT ON ALL TICKETS DECEMBER 4th, OR UNTIL CLOSE! OF NAVIGATION, IF EARLIER, TO POINTS REACHED BY STEAM- ERS. Tickets and further- • information may be obtained from any Grand Trunk Agent, or write J. D. IVIeDonald, Dist. Pass. Agent, 'Toronto, Ont. VANCOUVER, SEATTLE, PORT- LAND, SAN FRANCISCO, LOS, ANGELES, SAN DIEGO, Reduced one-way second-class colon 1st rates in effect daily until October 15th, from all stations in Ontario to above and other Pacific Coast points, via Grand. Trunk Railway System. Secure tickets and further informa- tion from May Agent .of the Grand Trunk. • Ram, two shears or over --George Penhale, Snowden Bros. • • Shearling rani -Geo. Penhale. • Ram • lamb -Geo. • Penhale, ,Geo. Penhale. • ' • Pair ewes, having raised lambs in 1909,. 2 shears or over -Geo. Penhale,. Snowden Bros*. . ••! Pair sbearling• ewes -Geo. Penhale' Snowden BroS. •• .Pair ewe lambs --Geo. 'Penhale, Snow den Bros. •• Long Wool. Ram, two.,„shears or over -A. Dun- kin. •. . Ram lamb -A. Dunkin. • Pair ewe lambs -A. Denkin. • Pair shearling• ewes -A, Dunkin. Pair ewes, having raised' lambs ia 1909, 2 shears or over --A. Dthikiii• . . BERKSHIRE PIGS. Aged Boar -Snowden Bros. • Brood SowSnowden Bros. • ,Boar, six months or • under -Snow- den Bros. Sow, ' six months or under-Snow- denBros. • RE,D PIGS. Aged Boar -Snowden Bros.. Brood Sow -Snowden Bros. Sow, 6 months or under -Snowden Bros. , . . Boar,* 6 months or under -Snowden Bros.. Established E379 FOR WilooviiNd COUGH, citour. ASTIIMA, COUGHS, ERONCEUTIS, SORE THROAT, CATARRiff, DIPETHERIA Vaporjaed eresolene stops the paroxysms of Whooping Cough. Ever dreaded Group can. not exist whore Cresotone ia ttsed. lt sets directly on node and thront, making breathing easy in the case of colds, gamine the sore throat and etOpis the couch. It is a boon to sufferers of Asthma. eresolentr is a powerfuf germicide, igoting both AS d curative and a. preventive in coetaelous dioceses. Crosolene beat recommendation is ita thirty years of successful tuse.„ ror BMA IgY Drug515til Post4I for Pe. scriptive Dooldet Cregieleno Antiseptic Throat Tableta. aimple end aoothing for the irritated throat, 10c. Leming, Miles Co., Lintited„.Agonfa, Mon. treat, Canada, H t • , y , Rich Smith. I Pekin Ducks -Snowden Bios., R. Penhale. Rouen Ducks -J. S. Howrie. Toulouse Geese -Snowden. Bros. f Parsnips -S. Cleave, Jahn Campb,ell'. Puropkin-Geo. Cooper, W. 13. Batt- ler. kkuasn-W. J. Tough, Robt. 13rown. Field turnips -L. Beatty., Beatty Bros. Sugar beets -R. Penhale. White celery -John Catn,pbell, John Tough. Red celery -G. 11. Hewson, JOAO Tough, Winter radish -W. 13. Battler, Jas, Campbell. Citrons -Geo. Cooper, John Tough. Small white beans -Geo. Cooper, W. B. 13attler. Large white beans -J. K. Wise, M. Brethour. Yellow onions, --J. S. Howie, R. Smith. Small red tomatoes -J. Campiliell, G. H. Hewson. Large red tomatoes -G. H. Hewson, R. W. Delgaty. Large yellow tomatoes -W. B. ler, John Tough, Small yellow tomatoes -G. H. Hew. son, R. W. Delgaty. • Salsify -S. Cleave, R. W. Delgatyp Yellow celery -G. H. Hewson, Ladies' Work. Pillow shams -Mrs. J. S. 1-10wriei Mrs. M. Ross, Toilet mat -John. Tough, S. Huston., Crochet table mats -Mrs. J. Howrie, JohnTippet, Crochet work in Wool -S. Huston, Miss Parsons. Crochet work in cotton -S. Huston; frs. M. ROS!,. • Crochet or knit slippers -J, Kt Witat‘a rs. M. Ross. • Cr ch t Painting on silk, satin or velvet - Ura. M. Ross, S. Huston. Drawing by children under fourteen yeara of age -J. G. Forrest, Mrs. M. Ross. Burnt work -S. 1baton-J. G. For - ;est. Pvneil drawing by scholarttending .pubflc se oo . Forrest, ¥4. M. ROSS. Manufactures. Single light harness -P. Wanless, Tippett. • Double heavy, harness -P. Wanle0s. J. Tippet. Twisted yarn -J. K. Wise, Mrs. Geo. Nott. Woollen yarn -Mrs. George • Nott, Treasurer Reid. Home made carpet -Mrs. Geo. Nott, W. 13. Battler, Flannels -J. K. Wise -Mrs. •Geo. Nott. • Special Prizes. Best pair of bum hogs - Snowden Bros. Best team in harness -David Schnell Best heavy draught, agricultural or general purpose • foal -John Stewart .3r; Son'A. Dunkin.‘ Best heavy mare or horse any age - John Stewart & Son. Best foal sired by Celtic Pride - Treasurer Reid, John Stewart & Son, WallaceJ Best carriage or roadster foal -R. McArthur. • Best pen of bacon pigs, any breed - Snowden Bros. Best three one -pound prints of •dairy butter. -L. Beatty. Judges. Horses -C. J. Wallis, Clinton. Cattle -J. W. Reid -Stanley. Sheep and Pigs -John Shepherd, Any other variety Geese -Snowden _ . pennale. o e quilt -Mrs. J. rs• • Howrie, R Hensall ;John Walters, Saltford. Soto, pillow -John W. Reit, Mrs. M. Ross, Hernstitching-Mrt. J. S. Howrie, Miss Parsons. • Embroidery on. silk, satin or , vel- vet -M. Brethour, Mrs. M. Ross. Shadow embroidery -S. Huston, Ms. R. Penhale. • • Eyelet embroidery -Miss • Parsons, Mrs, John Tippet, Canvas embroidery' in cotton, wool or silk -Mrs, M. Ross, Mrs, George NoEtint.broidery letters -John Tippet, Mrs. J. S. Howrie, . Bros. Dairy Produce. Tub salt hutter-John Campbell. 25 pounds salt ibettter--J. X. Wise, Elliott Bros. 10 lbs. butter for table use -John. Campbell, .1, James Delgaty. 5 lbs. batter, for table use -L. Beat- ty, Treasurer Reid. Cheese, factory made or made oil factory principles -J. • K. Wise. ' Home made wine -J. K. Wise, •T.' H. Hewaon. Honey in comb -L, 13eattY, •Geo, Cooper. Embroidery tadale cover five o cloov • "• Fruit -John Cox and' John Porter, Porter's Hill. Vegetables -H. Warnock, Goderich, • Dairy -J, D. Merrier, Zurich ,• Jas. Connoly, Porter's Hill ;; Wm, Scott, Brucefield. Grain -James Thomson, Bayfield. • Poultry -Joseph Caldwell, Bayfield. Ladies' Work -Mrs. D, McNaughton,. and Miss Martha Johtiston,IStanley. Plants and Flowers -Mrs. James Connoly, Porter's Hill ; "WM • (Dr.) Stanbury, Bayfield. • I Manufacturers -Thos. Johnston, Zur- ich ; Wm. Scott, Bruceileld ; James Connoly, Porter's Hill. Honey in jar -L. Beatty, Robt. -S. Huston, Mrs. J, S. Howrie, Brown. Fancy whisk holder -M. Brethour, Collection of honey -R. *Brown, L. 3. I' Forrest. • Beatty. Fancy lamp shade -S. Huston, Mrs. • Home made bread --John Campbell, M. ROSS. R: W. Delgaty. • Maple syrup -R. Delgaty, • Same Huston. •Grain and Seeds. , Faricy pin cushion-711-rs john, Tip- pet. Knitting in wool -S. •Husfon. El- liott Bros, Knitting in cotton -S. Hatton, White winter wheat-M.*13rethour, Mrs. J. S. 1.16wrie. . J . K. Wise. ' Knitted quilt -j., K. Wise. Red Winter wheat -J. K. Wise, M. Tatting -Mrs. Geo. Nott, Mrs. J. Brethour. 8. Howrie. Spring wheat -4. K. Wise, M.' Bre- Tea co-Sy-IVIrs; Geo. Nott, Mts i• J. *lour. • ° . ' S. IIowrie. • Large White Peas -M. lIrethour, It, Wise. • Small white peas -M. Br:ethaur, J. K. Wise. se -rowed barley -J. K. Wise, M. Bre- thour. • 2 -rowed barley -J. Is. Wise,Me Bre- thour..... .• • White oats -41. Breth'our, J. K. Wise. • Black oats -M, Brethour, J. K. Wise: Timothy: seed -J. IC. Wise, M. •Bre- thour. •• SPelts-J. K. Wise, M. Brethotir. Yellow corn -M. Brethour, R. W. Delgaty: ' • Deht corn -W. B. Battler. • Swett corn -John Tough. , Any other varietYr-R. •Penhale, Dr; Metcalf. Applique work -Mrs. Geo. Nott, M Brethour. • ' • Netted doylies -John Tough,. Mrs J. Ilowrie.• • Etching on' cotton or silk -S. Hus ton, Mrs. 'Geo. Nott, • • Plain hand sewing -Mrs. M. •Ross Mrs. J. S. Howrie. • Kitchen apron -S.' Ilewson-Mrs. M Ross. Laundry bag -M. Brethour, S. Hus ton. Mexican drawn work -Mrs. J 3 Hoivrie, Mrs. M. Ross. Repeat it :--"Shiloh's Cure v,111 al- ayS cure my coughs nail colds." A mysterious explosion • in the bar of *the Kirwin Hotel at Ingersall eau - sed considerable injury to Councillor James A. Buehanan. • . • . . , Arthur Oulette.wOs killed and Ch.3. pinks badly injured by a plug blowing out of a boiler in the Turkish Bath Hotel, at Montreal. • • SIR JAMES WATSON'S OPINION • lie says that the commonest of all • disorders, and •one :from..which few es- cape is Catarrh. Sir James • firmly. - believes in Weal treatment, which is :.best simplied •by "Catarrhozone." No = ease Of Catarrh can exist where . Cat- arrgozone is used t, it is a Miracle • !worker, relieves almost- instantly and cures after other remedies fail. Other - treatments can't reach the diseased •. parts. like Catarrhozone because • it goes to the source of the trouble along with the air you breathe. Cat- arrhozone • :is free. from cocaine; it leaves no bad after:effects, it Is sim- ply nature's own cure. Adepts no sub- stitute for Catarrhozone' which alone con cure Catarrh. Ilardanger-S. Huston, Miss • sonslOral tinted cen • Ftre piece-Inrs. S. Howrie, S, Huston. •• • Solid embroidery . centre piece -Mrs J. S. HOwrie, Mrs. J, Tippet: . Danish cut ' work -Elliott . Bros. Fruit. Mrs. J. S. Ilowrie., Grapes -G. H. Hewson, John Camp- Cross stitch -S. Huston, Mrs. M •bell. Ross. Collection of grapes -G. H. Hewson. Patched quilt, cotton -D. C. Gal- , • braith; Mrs. Geo. Nott. A. Scotchmer. Patched quilt, cloth -M. Brethour, Collection of apples -D. C. 'Pal.; . . . ' braith, Geo. Cooper. . , MrsGeoNott Fall apples-DCGalbraith, GeoSilk quilt -Mrs, M. Ross, Mrs. How- . . . • • • Cooper. • • • • . rie. Irish point lace -Mrs. M. Ross, S. Winter apples -R. W. Delgaty, Huston. G. H. Hewson. '• Collection of pears -Miss• Honiton or point lace --S. Huston, Brownett. Wilds, T. Mrs. M. Ross, •. Fall pears -D. C. Galbraith, T. Mountmellick work--IVIrs, M. Rost, Brownett. S. Huston. • Winter pears-MissWilds, .D. C. Set ladies' underwear -Mrs. M. Bess. Galbraith. Best collection ladies' work -Mrs. hale e.ach7G. H. Hewson, , RNott. . :;Pen- j' SHowrie, MrsRag mat, hooked -M. GeoBrethour, J. . , . . , Plums or ptunes-Mrs. McDougallTippet. , HHewsonRag Mat, sewed -S. Huston, Mrs. •G. . . , Baldwins -G. • H. Hewson, 3 . • 0. M. Ross.: . Woods Cotton stockings, home inode-J. K. . Wise, MrsGeoNott Brownettl,. . ," . Northern Spies -Geo: Cooperei , Wool mittens,• home •made -S. Ilus- .. ' . ` yellow Crabs -7T. 'Brownett, *John ton, Miss Parsons. Campbell. • ' Woollen sox, home made -Treasurer . Red .Crabs -D. C. Galbraith, • Miss 'Mrs. Lewis Sage was fonnd dead hi bed at Lendon, Ont. 11 The Merlin postoffice Was robbed of . a sman sum of money and stamps, The Dominion police have given hp the search for the Wright postofftce burg/ars. David Hutton's skiff was picked up in Hamilton Bay, and it is regarded as certain that he was drowned. Rev. Arsino Martin, assistant priest. at Agherstburg, is dead. • The dommercial Hotel at Rainy • River was burned. Reid, 'D. C. Galbraith. . Wilds. King of TompkinS-R. *G. Reid, D. C. Galbraith. ' . ' Baguet of ilowerS, Hew.- 'Greenings-R. W. Delgaty, •R. G. son, Dr. Metealf. Reid, Boquet of flowers, small -Dr. Met- ° Ribstan Pippins --John 'rough. calf, G, H. Hewson• Twenty ounce PipPins-Wallace John -I Collection Dahlias -Miss Wild, Dr. ston, R. G. Reid. • Metcalf. • Wagners-Miss Wild -Jas. 'Delgaty. I Collection Pansies -.-Dr. • Metcalf, Golden Russetg-R, W. Delgaty, D. Mrs. J. S. Howrie. C. Galbraith. I Collection Geraniums -G. H. HeW- Blenheim Pippins74allace John- son, Miss Parsons. ston, Geo, Cooper.. Collection Gladiolus -Miss • Wilds, ' Snows -:Miss Wild -Rich Smith. Dr. Metcalf. Feschias-G. Hewson. VEGETABLES,• Foliage Plants -G. H. mewson, E• arly potatoeS-R, Turner, A. John Tough. Asters -Miss Wild, Dr. 1VIetealf, Gloxania.-G, H, Ilewsoh. 13egonias-Miss Wild, Mi 5S1 Parsons, Calla IL IIevr•loti, Art Work, Plants and Flowers.. Guire. Late potatoes4t, W. Delgaty, R. Turner. . Mangolds, long red -John Campbell. rntermediaee mangolds-Jas. Camp bell, Geo, Cooper. • , Field carrots -James Campbp11, S. Pencil drawing -S. Heston, Nile, J Tough. - S. Howrie. • Table carrots -James Campbell, 5 Crayon drawing -Mrs, M. Hoss, ISIrs Cleave. J. S. Ilowrie. Table beets -James Camlibell, John Watercolor paint( te •Mts: 3. S. Tough, • Howrie, J. G. Forrest: , Cabbage -John Lough, R. Smith, Oil painting -S. rluston, Mrs, NI ' Cauliflower -John Tough, Ross. Muskmelons -G, 11. Howson, Jas., Kensirgton painting -J. G. Forrest, Campbell. • •Mrs. Geo. Nott, .. WaternoilonS-W J. Tough, R. Pen- Lustre, painting -Mrs. M. Itoss-J. hale. G. Forrest. . • A BOON TO MOTHERS.. When Children are Injured . Children are always sustaining outs, braises, burns, etc., and not infrequently contract ringworm, scalp diseases, and similar skin troubles at school. Mothers will find Zarn•Buk without equal for all these accidents and diseases. Mrs. fhomas Allen, 156, Water Street, St Mary's (Ont.), says My &tighter Mildred, 4 years old, was Sevesely bursted by falling on a hot flat iron. She was burned on the heel, instep, and on the thigh very badly. 1 at once applied isome which easel the pain, and in the comae of a fete days the wounds were thoroughly healed." Mrs. George Aldridge, 12, Louise Street, Stratford, says :--" While playing barefooted about the yard my son Bertram, 6 years old, stepped on a broken glass bottle, which cut very deeply into his big toe. The cut was so deep that I sent for a doctor and had the foot properly dressed, the doctor leaving a lotion Lo be applied daily. Under tliis treatment, however, the wound teemed to gat no better, but on the contrary inadinmation tet in. A kindly neighbour then recomniendeel &on. Bak. We obtained a supply, and after a kw spell'. tions the child seemed to rest better, Mid the pain was very nuiels ieduced. In a kw days, under the Zain•liuk tre.atreent, the wound assumed a better appearance, and from that time healing was very rapid. Mensuration and soreness were finally completely baeished, and in ten dajs from the first application of Zam•Buk, we took the band:tees from tlit foot. I feel sure that but for Zrowittik Ilt. child wouid have had a very bed time, and have had to sacrifice the mi.' Not only for cuts, burns. I,ruises, etc., h Zattalink diet Live, but also for serious skill diseaaes such as (Wino, ring worin, etc. It also emes poisoned sores, chronic 'wounds, bad' leg, piles, festering sores, chapped hands, cold sorts, frost.bite, and till skin injudes and diseases. Drut psis and stores everywhere s„a At SEA A WE, or post free for price from Z011141Uk COgo 1 ()mato ; 3 boxes $1.25. Yt.ti are warned against harniAil imitatious sometanes represeeted to be 'just as good." ort Undoubtedly the best brewed on the continent. Proved to be so by analysis of four chemists, and by awards of the world's great Mild- bitions, especially Gnrcaeo 1891 where it received ninety-six points out of a possible hundred, much higher than any other Porter in the United States or Canada. Stanley Bryant of Kingsville was Caught between a 111,,ble and a drum on the steamer Ward Ames and The steamer Sicilian, four day,s ov- erdue, is expected at Quebec. HAVE YOU HEARTBUIPI It's. quite common. with people whose digestion is poor. Immediate relief ['Rows the use of Nerviline„ ptomach isttrengthened, digestion is made per- fect, lasting cure results in every case. Use Polson'e Nerviline once The San Domingo Government has forwarded a check to the owners of the Nova Scotia schooner 13ritianna3 to cover damages inflicted on the ves- sel by some troops firing front shore. Haw's THIS? We after One Hundred Dollafs Re- ward for aoy case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. .1, CHENEY 34 Co., • Toledo 0 • We, the undersigned, have knpwri F., r and you'll nevJ. Cheney fothe last 15 years, and er be without it becausd every type of tomach disorder Is pan_ believe him perfectly honorable in all s quered by a few doses. One 25e. bot- usiness • transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations stloeidoftyNereyrywiht afolwr atyhee pacsotavinfierty: made by his firm, • Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. • Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- Mr.G eiger, choirmaster of the Col- nally acting directly upon the blood borne St. Methodist church ad London, and muccus surfaces of the system. Ont., died suddenly, and the choir Testimonials sent .free. Price, 75c. per waited for his arrival on. Sunday mor - bottle. Sold by .01 druggists. ning, not knowing of his death. aTtioakna. Hall's Family Pills for consti- years. WaIding, Kinnan & Marvin ' tO444.4.44.• David Reid was drowned while latr tOMPting to SWIM to shore from • al boat that upset near Country Harthr, I ',George A. Ostrander, insurance N, S. Two of his companions citing agent at picton, committed suicide by to the boat and drifted ashore. • inhaling chloroform. mumermilindruareisonswimeinmeigiiiip....onommir Your Money, Earns 470 • when invested in Huron & Brie Debent- ures. An .absolutely secure way to make your savings earn a higher rate of interest. Each Debenture issued for MO and upwards. You can arrange to have goer money returned at end offrom one to five years. Interest is paid half -yearly. Our Free Booklet tells all about our Debentures and why they exceirp.' s an investment. Ask for it. - Huron & • Erie Loan and Savings Co. LONDON, CANADA INCORpoRATED 1554 ASSET 5 OVER 811,000,000 bin offsalleeord Clith2 List for 1909. Much good readin.g for little fmoney. • The News Record and Weekly Mail and Empire, one year.. . .... .$1.10 Weekly Globe ............ ....... ....... . .. . 175 Family Herald and. Weekly ' Star • 1.75 ..• Weekly .Witness 1.75 • Sun • '.... 1.60 11 • .11 " ` Free Press •• - 1.747 , ."• Advertiser .............. ,.. . . . .. . .. ... 1.75 • " ' Farming World......... .. .. ....... .. :1.60 Farmer's Advocate and .. • Home Magaziue 2.25 The Home Jeurnal....... .. : .. .. . .. . .. .., L55 Daily News, Toronto 280 Star I I • 230 Globe. "• • 425 •• Mali ‘•4.25 4• World ' 66 • • 325 Saturday Night " 2 30 Free Press, London . ,........ . 325 Free Press, Even ing•Edition ...... , ........ e ..:. .2.75 • I • I CC lt what you want is not it this Hat, we can supply it at 16SS than it would COO, you. by sending direct Li remitting, please do so by Express Order, Postal Note Or registered letter and address. W. J. MITCHELL, THE NEWS -RECORD, Clinton BY ARRANGEMENT WITH The Weekly Mall and Empire AND THE ' fam.ay cind --WE CAN OFFER, EITHER OF Tlibm-- ana The Clinton News -Record .Yrom now until *the end of 1909 - -the .two together ---- FOR 25 CENTS. THIS REMARKABLY LOW RATE We otter with a view to extending our field of reeders, and providing an easy way by which anyone who is not already a .enbseliber to either paper may become acqintinted with then, and at the lowest possible cost, Address orders to The News-Reoord, Clinton, Ont