HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-10-21, Page 5October 21st, 1909 01141.0/3 News.Reeord 5 The News From Goderich Goderich Mre. (Dr.) COiville of Dundee, is the guest a Mrs. Joseph Griffin. The reelable ot the late Murdoeit Macdonald arrived in •Goderich from ELOISE A, storimovos cormpondont . We bare to corigeatulate Wes. Jos. 1 Detroit on Monday s late tram. 411144*.fle......11410......41.*******4444.1011.444404a4t.fteNalkele Griffin on artistic talent, in oil and water Colors. She. is quite a fait in Roelewood, Oct. lath, 1900. We are sorry to toxin *that Miss c- The Children's Service acid at St. painting figures and animals. Dear aar. Mitehell,-It is sometimes gray, and leer young arother ara Georgeas church, was a pleasipg event eriousry ill. Miss McEvoy was a The teachers aud seholars were all The funeral of the late David Stod- said that persons never properly) ap present. Rev. Mark Tiernbull took t, f dart Jr. took place on 13th Oct. preciate the value of thiags 11:10.1 they the ScriPture lesson from trot ins residence ander the auspices have lost or been deprieed thew 18 1-10. His address was et tieee, St. adate of the 0,0.10. of which he was a verY and I feel that, that has he veryinterestinto scholaren some- : praise worthymember. Rev, James what my exPerience in regard to the alipresent. He told a the great rev , g s and 1 Anderson officiated at bwe ouse and e- friendships I had formed duriee the t erenee the S. S. children had for the etery. The pallbea:rers were H. J. eight years I taught in Huron count).* church. in Mexico, never talking but McEwan Ovl A. Nairn, Alex. Saunders.) never over twelve miles from my listening faithfully to their rector G. P. 13Ialri A. .1. Paltridge and. M. home town of Clinton, and since I teacher, and when they prayed, they or w• Howell. The casket was covered have •not the time to write to many knelt with their hands covering their with floral tributes among them love- fneieweanye I thought by writing to twee. He told them of a youngirl l'Y wreathswhite lilies, roses and yer paper, , of I could sbow them that who was always bright and cheerful g e other whito flowers from ithe C.13.4a:v I haven't forgotten the loyal people and her friends asked her what made and managers of Knox church. A ef the banner county of Ontario,,,and some weeks in Toronto, theher so happy at all times. She mil - guest ot lovely crescent of roses,pima and. at the same time give them a her aunt and of her brother and atter ed and said "I'll tell you some time.,, white lilies and asters, tribute of the little information about the piece There's. a "Devil's Well" and a il "Dev's Kitchen" at Rockwood —By A. F. Johns. clera at the. Fair, but in June last, she felt that she needed. a little rest, but her indisPositioe became grave, and she is now very ill. We trust she may soon recover from her ill- ness and her brother too. We are pleased to learn that En- gineer Alfred Seultaa is progressing very favorably in the hospital. ' Mrs. C. Crabb spent the past week in town, .the guest ot her sister, Mrs. Josiah 1WcIlroy, Mrs. Crabb spent her visit to Goderich and K. ma cardine Some( time after the young girl took Home Circle, of which he was also a will spend the season in Simme, tee sick, and some young friend. said faithful member, The deceased was a guest of Mrs. Harrison. .Mrs. David. Stoddart Mr. Lindsey E. Williams has niaay b"atiaelplyie?e,, now what makes you se son of Mr. and And she answered "You'll lle leaves a family of three girls aud interesting souvenir cards of Halifax., know elan I am gone" and after her iona boy to mourn their loss, and a Quebec and other notable cities east, death the opened the little void locket faithful sorrowing widow. His broth - that he visited the past season. she wore upon a gold chain for her ers Jarees of- Holmesville and Rev. nee- to Rockwood --a police village of Mr. Harold ShePhard is at McGill neck the teat "Whom having not seen !William. W. and family of Fulton, Mis-i ° some seven hundred pomilation, seven miles east of Guelph and ferty west?, of Torontd, As the place is on the main line of the Grand Trunk, it is enlierened by some fourteen passengers and an in- definite numbar of freight trains everY day. There is the usual numb ee .of stores business offices and public buildings gr f p f ufg common to a place of its size, which gram," the bride being Pass Edna tbetir children with nauseous, where I am. now teaclung. Bidding the people of Auburn and vicinity a hasty and informal reply on October the first ; a hurried visit at home, and I was taking. the last part of the eighty -mile, railway jour - College, Montreal, preparing for his I love." Mr. Kilpack presided at the 80 a g .1 Heribert's wife from Morden, Man., final examination, in medicine. lorgan in a masterly mariner. One 0 , Mr. William Andrews of • the 134- the hymns, the children: meg was ' attended the funeral. field Road was gate -keeper at the "There's a home for little children, Agricultural grounds on Thursdayfarbeyond the azure sky." Altogeth- afternoon. 1 er it was a bright epent in the. lives The Wise Mother There were very few ladies at the of the S. S. scholars of St. George's races last week. ' , church. •Doctors Baby Wisely. Mr. Peter McFarlane and Mr. Wile I A very stylish wedding avets heralded : Nowadays wise mothers do not (lose Ham Morrow are having the electric in a late issue of the Winnipeg "Pelee light put into their residences. Mr. W. Pellew of towh having pur- Guest of that city, a grand -daughter people and three large lime -Mims and give them poisonous opiates in the ehaeed the Bissett residence on Vic- of Mrs. George Cox,, !'Hillcrest,'.' Brit- quarries, . form the leading pursuits toria street, has had the house re- annia, Road, town. As the Wedding .foern of soothing, medicines. Baby's Own Tablets take the place of these moved and men are busy building the took place at the residence of Mrs, harsh and dangerous drugs, and the foundation for a handsome brick Elizabeth Guest, 201 . Sherbroolce St, I Oth r has the guarantee of ate building. !last evening when her only daughter, roughly from Queenstion to Owen) two more, I must conclude. I ernment analyst that. the Tablets axe The American and Canadian Prose Miss Elizabeth Edna Guest, wasSound arid the Bruce aeniesula; semea I may bave given the impression - - atbsolately safe, and will. cure all gave an account recently of the death married to Leonard B. Ring. of Mea.times forming .hills, crosses through that there will be but little good by accident, of a painter named M. vale, Sask. The ceremony was perelatam4ell• end bowel troubles, destroy the village, and forms Many most pic- farming land in the vicinita 'of the -.° formed by the. bride's uncle, Rev. I worn* break up colds and make J. Wright 0 Detroit, wilt) came e crate, itureeque sbapes, particularly along the village, but strange as it may seem, that city several years ago from God- Hamilton Wigle in the drawingaroom teething easy. Mrs. Thos: banks of the Eramosa, a' beanch of it is estimated that there is not aver II c rth M n , says •-"I hav used- mech. We find that • his name was weal was prettily decorated • with - speed which , en turn joins ••'. the one huedred acre.s a biolten by the .. Marshall J. Wright who boarded with pink and white sweet peas, the bridal Baby's Own Ta.blets for constipation ;the make, and that is principally along ing first to this town. Before leaving, and flowers, suspended from theabentre .kno•otherthat can CriP•aebedb:aps w of any medicine are to be found spots like. this one, : There are •exoellent farms through?. Mr. J. J. Wright of Godarich on ,C0111: party standing tinder an arch °tams and teething troubles; and do not in few ..places of Ontario the rivet. -.. " of which was a bridal bell of white equal them. They are always seals- Goderich he had an ashery, built and by, 'where' a tnieutes Walk from, the main out the township 4 lararnosa being the sweet Peas, The. bride entered the factory in their results," Sola street leads .one away feom all the best in the comity, and we must bear not succeeding very well, went to De- troit, where he met a Goderich youn04 room to. the strains ee eee . wedding medieine dealers or by mail at 25 , advantages . of an •up-to-dato twenti- in mind that Minto township of this woman, whose maiden nem° was mato cents a box f Th I) Wit s rom e r. 1 tarn played by Miss Rita Elliott 1 . . . . • 0 n, 1 ., , . Miss Agnes Newton, who was left and. was given away by her brother, • • a widow, her husband a ale. IVIePher- H. B. Guest of TorOnto. Tbe bride • . y . nips. The average farmer on one hue -- son of Goderich also. Since then few wore a lovely'Princess. gown of is lay . Even • a native-born Scotehman; deed acres will grow from five to ten knew 0 his -whereabouts, and all who satin do client', handsoneay trimmed 85 •per cent. of headaches are the if you. are standing on one of the.. pinnacles of knew him here, regret his awful deeth., with pearl embroidery, het el, result Of Eve Steele, solid -bastioned • ridge, • looking er for feeding purposes. or sell at acres of theta which he can use eith- , yea wes Worn over a wreate ce 1°1)1 i• -e,. troubled that 'way., meke it a point the He was very nepular here in those :, ' orange blosseras, and her aoquotawae, li & ' t Hotel down • into. ravines . eed glens below, le% rutinauni. dilite on9LT‘ cas or-od or purgatives, nor do they employ from seventy to one hundred and industries of the place, • Western Ontario, tkaaciene good lemnyg The ridge of liwinbc-isebtonease be tble,tteeirld hwaistbnoewpareraecglrieedpb length of time by glacial action and worn out them "wells" in the softer lime -stone rock. This particular one has been named, "The Devil's Well" and an apparte merit Of it bears the graceful title of the "Devil's Kitchen." Just how* these names came to be Applied to them has never been told me, hut I have associated theta with the days when the students 'mai thea Rockwood Academy held many a midnight rev- elry 'there preparing and imsting up- on the best which the farms around ecruld supply in the form of fruit, corn, or even fattened fowl, sometim- es supplemented by mutton and pork. There are but few traces of those times remaining now, and but for the initials and namea in the natural masonry walls of the "well", eacb. appealing to try to•reach a higher position than any of his predecessors, as on the Great Natural Bridge..., of Virginia; and also the unwritten leg- eacis of those days, the present gen- eration would know but little of that history. In passing I might mention that James J. Hill of the Northeen Pacific was once a student there 1 Rockwood being his birth -place, The advent of the High Schools meant the doom of this once noted seat of learning, and the commodious stone structure, which was once "An Academy," is still to be seen at the sotith-east end of the village, divided into apartments for other families be- sides the one °Weir% the farm upon which it was located. eth century village, into some of ethe county meets Howick of Huron. most rugged, yet romantic scenery A leading crop on the farms is tur- 1,1 I ' I f • • ti •days. ahuurusday,' SonsOct,obaer - 25th: and then • . . • fPoruicrescernatengaingfrom bu d then layer% Ms eye' up the. op- • . 'Oteenr'. to, "Turnip - Miss Margaret Fraser is the guest ereeires gi f a pearl nroocle The • t posi e ridge, with its mingled colors Rita ,, of her brother, Mr.• W. A. Fraser of betdesmaid, Miss Pearl Vigle, a 1 of foliage, now reeplendent with their g has been shipping since ' early • 14 in September' ana from this end. near - mum of the bride, wore a pretty i Auction sale - • Register. ' autumnal glories of cranson seuset , y o stations averages some • 'twenty and her boquet was ' of aink roses.1 Tuesday, • Oct., nth, at lot 11, cOrt. dark green. of the pines, cedars aral in orc me s an ga ens. She •also were the grooms gift, a lovee 8, Tuckersmith, farm, s oec an firs, wad heard to say : There s. nae , Y. I? On Tuesday, week. the election ot of- le.gold braeelet• Spemner. G. Guest, a implements.a-J, Hay and George NI- grander in Scotia !" : don a little , "shop," 1 might add Among the curious forms is one sole that I am. well pleased with the fleets took place of the Women's For- brother of alie,•aride, 'acted as grooma. Coleman, eaecutors ; T. Brown, auce . A eign Missionary Society in eonneetion man and wore the grooinq gift, a pair l tioneer. . . itary rock. whose shape and markings ,sehool ; the furniture, equipment arid 'with Knox church. All were re-elect- of gold cuff links. Miring the singing . and are as follows: TuesdaY Oct. 26th. at lat. 19 Base delineate a large- couchaet lime en building being the best 1 hatre ever , / • , had. In f et it has been a promotion New York, The high winds of last week mede stylise coatuthe of Alice blue silk • , and golden, interspersed. with the carleads a week. • • sad havoc with the apples and pears, • SEVEN ROOM COTTAGE ON FIIL- ton street to: rent: Large garden with considerable fetiet. Heed arid soft water. Immediate posses - Simi. Apply to Mrs. M. Bargee ee I d d rd farmtl d • :: Then in conclueion if eti will at - MarrittgCL ELGIE-RYDER-In Acton on Oct. 1:3th, by Rev. J. C. Wilson, Laura Beatrice, daughter of Mr.;. James Ryder, to Robert Elgie, G. T. R. ticket agent, Acton, son. of Mr. and G. W. Elgie of Stanley townstii0. DOWNTEIVENSON-In Listowel on. Oct. 21st, by Rev. R. 13. Stev- enson. of Latean, brother ot the bride, Addle L. Sievenson to Wal- ter S. Downs 0 Clinton, SPARLING-CURRY-At the home of the bride's parents, on Oct. 12th, by Rev. E. G. Powell, John. Sperling of Niagara Falls, N. Y., to Leo. Gertrude, eldest daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Thos. Curry, Brussels. Births, CREE-In Clintoe on Oct. 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. L. Coe, a daughter. McCUTCHEON-In 'Morris, October and, to Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Me- Cutcheon a daughter. wEISMILLER-At Hensall, on Sat- urday, October 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. J, 'Weismiller, a son. ROGERS-In Seaforth, on Oct. llth, to Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Rogers, a daughter. SIMPSON-In MeKilloP, on Oct. 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Simpsore, a daughter. Deaths. DOHERTY-In Clinton on Oct. 17th, 'George Doherty, aged. 05 yeare • and 4 months, • FLETCHER-In Wingham, October 12th, Percy Fletcher, aged 19. SCOTT -In Ikmdesboro on Oct. 18th, Rebecca. Maude Stevens, wife of Mr. Thomas Scott, aged 31 years, 7 months and 12 days. AITCHESON-In Wingaam, Oct. llth Wm. Aitcheson, aged 53. SMITH -In Wingham, on Oct. 11,th, Hatman W. Smith, aged 34. INGLIS-In Wingham, Oct• -•8th, Ag- nes 'McLaren, wife ot elnhe. Inglis, aged 74. WADE -In Wingham,. on October 12, Ann Kelly, wile ot Mr. Geo, Wade', aged 65, NICHOL-In Morris, Oetcaber 10, Wil- liani James, infant on of Mr. and Mrs. James Nichol; aged 1 ' year and 4 months. MORRIS -In Colborne, on Octelber 11, Samuel Morris, aged 94 years and 5 months, CARL -In Goderiele on October 13th, daugliter of Michael Carl,. aged 37,yeare. McLEODIn Wingham, on Oct. • 9th, Roderick McLeod, aged 80 years and 1 rn,onth, - COLEMAN -In Tuckersmith, on Oct. 8th, Samuel Coleman, aged 35 years. • acclamationedbya of the register, Mrs. P. Dobson sang. Line Goderich township clearing sale- another ridge them is the second larga a in beautiful voice"0..Premise ree." of farin _stock and implements.--Epla est ."Pot -hole" in the world; aThis in 'every way. • • . .' • • • President,. Miss Mary Morris. Vice, Mrs. (Dr.) Strang. • Secretary, Miss Stirling. • Treasurer, Miss Ralph. After the ceremony dainty refresh-. tetepro• dder e T. Gunder, •auction-' gee is aeiout twenty feet deep, with a If I have- not been too wearisome ments were served; after which the. . diameter of about twelve feet; widen -`with the general . descriptions, etc., .-. bride left the guests to don her ear:: , travelling -dress of na.v.y e na • . Y, .• • A resolution was passed to .send' clath•With•pale blue hat trbilmunled \avniitlai lehe residence.:0 Mrs. Matgatht Arlo; eomewhat howl -shaped. Their forma- to give more particular and definite • .condolence 'to Mrs. W. E. Kelly and , • . . • ,Gregor, o.pposite the -Public school,ation is accounted for, from athe gran- information regarding the place where Miss Manson, on account of. the death., • Sealer th, clearing sale Of household ite • boulders found at . the• • bottom. at present my let is past. peumes. . • . . • . . . '2a l• t at ing neaa the bottom malting it at some future time, may be able Tidings, Mrs. (Dr.) Taylor. of their aunt, the late rs. Peter The funeral al Isabella, elaest tuna -tare. 'rhos. Brown, -----------------------------------------vo have n worh-1 Yours very truly,. Adamson, and also to the Mesdames daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael; sv , • ' • • ed • i '' io Ind . andround for n ini.. A. I.% JOHNS. erinesaaye Oct..221h, at lot 9, core- 7etoddart on the death of the late Carl, took place Friday. Miss Carl , a I uckersrnith, farm stock and: nee David Stodtlart Jr. 'Mrs. Warnock ined. been delicate ." from. her 'birth. ple•meets.-We .Aberliera, - .proprieto1 ,. then read her leaflet fee the Thank Some time before her -death elle waa.' Offering on which two subjects : were. stricken with apaeridicitis which oatie- . T. •BrOwn, auctieneer: -written by Mrs. S. C. Ctirtin. The ed her death. , Ree. Dr.- Dougal, affici- I • frhareday, Oct. 28th, at lot, 32, can. Society was formed 33 years ago. ated at both residence and cemetery.: 3, •McKillop, farm stock' and• implee Mrs. (Rev.) Sower of Seaford, who Hynme she, loved to hear weid aung nients.Arthur Forbes, . : proprietor ; •• is a very talented speaker, then gavela')" all present and many floral taliut- T. Brown,. auctioneer.. ...• • . .• • an address. Mrs. Strang read "The eswere Lehi upon her casket. The' Friday, Oct, • eeth, at 2, pe ni. at A splendid 013P8rtunitY'..to simple- linterested should applyto. the Secrea Word to be heard," from "Tidings:" pallbearers' ' .were Measrs. Robert Dick's stock yari, Seeforte, stock. ment the -regular 'revenue*of Abe farmItary of the Fair, A: P. 'Westervelt • ' ea• steers heifers and cows.. Mur -E. J. - .is offered to those wha cart comaletel Toronto, for' a complete List ••• : Ix: • . • • .. .. The Farmer's Opportunity. A lovely five o'clock tea had (been pee- raigie, ae , 1 pared for the members which all en_ Tait. Mr. and ..Mrs. Carl, hare PhY, proprietor; T. Brawn, auetion- joyed. ... • , I laid two daughters .. to rest in, the ecr.. ..' * •. St. David's ward school has been' short spate of .one year . aria much Settaday, Oct. 30th,. at lo 10; con• closed twice this season on account 'el sympathy is extended them. • • e3; Stanley, farm stele -W. *Beth, fever., Query : Why is there so much MisS Nitholson, 'daughter•ef Mr. proprietor ; T-. Brown, aue.tiancer. fever in that ward ? spending a few weeks with his •ifn the Lyric Theaere: Her Tana ROYAL MONTH AND THE. Horsea, Dairy. Cattle. Beef Cattle, ,Grades •or Crosses. The ,Dairy Shorti and lairs. A: Nicholsoh, . St. . David 1 - Dr. Herald Of Vancouver B. C. .., is St.,, presides :at present' :at the we piano e • Sheep,: Swine and poultry, and ' also horns, Ayrshires, Holsteins; •Jete I ter Mrs Given ,sang on Seturday ev-1 • ROYAL "DISEASE. Are you a NewsaRecord subscriber ? ening at the Lyric the pretty song Sudden ehanges of weather a, e es- seeds. The Pair s:rtnes . at a .conven- seys, Guernseys and Grades compete and family here. . , . , . Mr. Harry Videau'e case against the' `:".',I'll, meet thee when the Nightingale) pecially trying„ arid to probably 'tone ene season' when the fitting can be. tor $1,200.00. Exhibitors of sheep la. C. Flour Mills Co. for 'damages ' Sings Sweet Irene" , i Mote so than to the ecrofulous and thedone during the slack time of fall and can -show Cotswolds, Lincolns, teicese -was settled out of court, the Com -1 The funeral o'f.the late Miss isear5,i consdmptive. The progress of sero!- early winter while the few days: spent tors, Oxfords, Shropshires, Smith; pany giving him $1000. He has never Eaelyn, only daughter of Mr: .ehe fula during A noemal October is cora- in Guelph with the exaibits is, a edowns, Dorsete, Hampehires, Suffolks yet been able to work, since his acei- Mrs. James Doyle took piece on Oa- monly. great. We never think of scrof- pleasant and profitable peeing. • • 'aed Grades or Crosses and win. $2, dent at the Company's mill1 tobet 12th fromthe residence - ula-its bunches, aatangoas cella- During the past sanemer about $50,- 000.00 in prizes. The sviine exhibitote. . • . 'of The officers for the 'Y., M. C. A. el -Judge Doyle, whoae neice she was, to tioes, and wasting of ' ' the bodil.t. 000.00. was spent on • an .addition to get $1,400.00 for their exhibits 0 •ected at their annual meeting were as: Ste Peter's church wh • the R • ' , eie, e, temem aubstance---without, thbiking of the the Fair Building. Besides providing Yorkshires, 'Berkshires, Tamworths, , follotvs : High Mass •• was celebrated by Rev, great good ' many sufferers from it increased and , improved. accommoda- ,Grades or Ctosses. and Becton Hogs. . • • . have derived from. Noodle Sarsaparil- tion for the former departments ot As pure seed is nove remanized as nee- ' fot the largo cash prizes- which will; the horse department there are class - be given at the. Ontario Ptovincial",es for Clydesdales, Shires, laeckneys, Winter Fair. to be h -da in Guelph on ,Standard-breds, Thoroughbred -s, 'Ponics December 6th eo 10th, 1909.. About and Heavy Drauglit Horses for which $14,000.00 will be offered as . prize' there is offered $3,300.00 ,in prizes, money in the different departments goes to Shorthorns, Herefords, Aber - which include the principal breeds er deen.Angus, GalloWaye, Devons and TEACHER WITH NORMAL ,TRAIN- ing. wanted for S. S. No. i, ..duties •to. emeinenee . Jan: 191e. ' applica- • tions received by Thos. Willey, See- . retary, Varna p: 0. • Of1 President, A. M. Robextson. Vice, Dr. Hayden. Treasurer, James Carrie. 14 alto:: ,MacRae P. e c oi • . of this one disease are enough te make abceit ------------.---.---------- y horse of these are offered $900..00 as an ilea attendance. At the offertory miss la, whose radical and permanent cures the Fair, a large judging arena • encl. essary to sUCCeSs arming, g Secretary, Kenneth Boyd. "Calvary" and when tbe remains were it the most famous medicine in /d, _stalls have been placed in .the new part ducemee or them ern in sang e ove y a ex Convener of religious work commit -being carried oat of St. Peter's, Miss world. Three is probably not a ci y whiee give splendid facilities for a display The poultry department. Wee tee, S. Belcher. Nellie. Maedanald sang "Nearer my or town where Hood's Sarsaparilla, magnificent horse show; Special ate grown to lee the biggest peultry shoea Blackstone. has not proved. its merit in more tention has been given to providing in Canada and breeders show great Convener of rooms committee, Reg. God To Thee," in a most pleasing manner, Miss Griffin presided at the homes than (me, in arresting and accommodation for the judging of the • • enthusiasm in competing for the., $3,- K. Boyd. $t. Peeer's Cathedral, laindon, uncle completely eradicating scrofula, which . different classes is almost as serious and as much to the ring for horses .. and beef cattle • of stock ahd besides 000.00 *prize money. .'ee we leek to ethe farmers • of . thie Convener of membership committee, organ, Rev. Father Northgtaves of Convener of physical . work commit- of Mrs. (Judge) Doyle, gave a very be feared as its near relative, -con- there ate now separate jedging rings County to uphold their teputation as tee, Colborne. fine "In Memoriam" address. Many sumption. •-• for swine, and theca. •eaeli with adeb successful breeders and feeders of tors in Detroit, Mr. Henry Halstead the pretty white casket. rhe pall- 3, Seable Line, a;tanley, sale of faille 10th on lot The following is a. larief sumtnary of ments offered are certainly worthy of d t dr: Th fi ancial induce learned ,that the Messrs. Charles and bearers were Fred. Shannon, (Ottawa) stock and implements. Everything the Prize list. Our readers who a:re their best efforts. Stanley Whiteman sons-in-law of Eugene Dean Victor Dean, Gerald must be sold as proprietor is giving In a letter from one of his daugh- lovely floral tributes were laid upon' :Wednesday, November , (prate seating. . goo Jive s o e ri Mr. Halstead, were downwith typhoid , Kidd, Joseph Doyle aaid Henry Fere up farming:-Wallare Johnston, pro- , , lever. I land of Haileybury, tbe latter with prietor ; T. Gundry, auctioneer. i - Miss Mary McEvoy has had two his Uncle, Mr. S. Ferland, betting hemorrhages, but they seemed to joined Mr. and Mrs. James Doyle): have ceased the pest week. We hope parents of the young lady at Toron- ritG CLI11313ING OFFER. she may be spared to her fond par- to, the party accompanying the re- ents. !mains to Goderich. Many . of our The Ilonie Journal, published in its Captain Cunningham° fOrMerly of residents called at Judge Doyle'o new and enlarged form, is probably the Midland Queen, is now •aaptaiii home on Sunday and Monday th pay the best magaziee offer in this coun- the new freighter "Mount St. Steph- their tribute of respect, to the try. The subscription price is . onel 'memory of one they knew so well; dollar, but having niede a special ar- The second week of October 1909 and before the funeral, the pupils- of rangernent The News -Record is en - may well be rememhered as rainy St. Josmu eph's Separate School, ch_ abled to oiler the two for $1.50 for week. ed in it body around the bier. Revds. one year, giving The News -Record theI At Goderich on Saturday, 17th Oc- Fathers McRae and Northgraves, of- balance of this year tree. 1 tobel-, to Mr, and Jerre. S'airi Ward, a fieiated at St. Peter's cemetery, Col- son. 1 borne, where the remains were interr-; Several of the G. C. I. graduates ed. Judge Doyle and his daughter.' A New `York magistrate has dis- bar° taken schools, notably, Frank Miss Helen Doyle, were absent at the charged seventeeti bookmakers accused. Poster at Scugog • Edgar llickle, in time of the funeral, having gone to of betting. , FARM FOR S.A.LE.-.rON TIIE LOW- iden Road, one mile south ot Clinton, 132 acres, line shape or eropplaz. no better land anywhere, fair build- ings. Must be sold ae owner cement work it. Will be sold cheaP, or will rent to a good tenant. -II. Plum - steel. FOR SALE. --A OCTIVE1 PIA•NO eased ergan, beautiful mabogauy ease. Not in UM more then. six months. Will be sold reasonable Ip price and terms of payment can be arranged to -euit the) purchaser. -- Wesley Walker. FARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE, the east hall of Lot 21, Concession L. R. S., Teckersraith, containing 50 acres. The land is all cleareal, well fenced and underdraine4: Thero are on the premises a good bank barn and good stabling, a. good house and plenty of water -one well at the house and one at tlie stable. For further particulars apply on premises, or address George Brown- lee, Seaforth P. 0. 99a CLEARING- AUCTION SALE OF Farm Stoek and Implements. The undersigliedhas received, tnstructioas from Mi'. E. Butt- to aell. by Peelle • Anctioart et Lot '19; Base'. Line, Gode erica Tp. 'en •TuesaaY, Oct. 26. The following : 2 Wagons, . Set Bob- sleighs, Hay" Rack, Hey Loader in good repaite :Messeyeetarrie Mower and Pea Hal:rester,- Massey -Harris Cultipator, Hay RakeaDisleHarrow Hay leotke Walking, e'low,2efurrowed . Cockshutt pioW, Set Iron alarrolesa Land . Roller, • 2 Buggies, Fanning Mill and Bagger, Cutting Box,- Tur- nip Pulper, Seufflee, Whe-el Barro•w, Set 'Double Heavy Harness, Set Light Double. Harness, 2 Set -Light Siegle Harness, Set. of Scales,. will weigh .2,00 lbs., 2 .Glass, Cupboards, Churn, Washing Machine, Draft Horse, 4 years old, Draft Filly, al year old, Driving Horse 8. yeare old,' Driving pat, 1 year old, Driving Colt, 5 months .2 Newly -calved Cows, 6 years old, Cow giving Milk, 6 years old, Cow, supposed to be in calf., Bull Calf, .2 Fall Calves', .Pure Bred Pedigreed -Cow. and Bull C-alf, ,Pute• Brea Bull, 2 .years .old, •Pure - Bred Reiter Cala' Aaquantity of Tur- nips, lafangolds and Corn. All,. -will be disposed of without. reserve as the proprietor has sold his farm. Sale at 1 o'clock. "Terms MI sums' of. '$1,0, and under cash ; on over that amount /1 montlis eredit be glean on approved jeint notes. 5 per cent. per annum. discount will be altowed for cash en xtrolit amounts. .Turnips, Mangold, and • Corn will be cash. E. 13tiet, prietor ; T, ley, Auction.) te. . The United States will admit heel ANNUAL MEETING. -• THE AN - of duty woodpulp teeth wood cut angel, nual general meeting of the Clinton Where in Canada, except on CroWn! Horticultural Society will be held lands in Ontario or Quebec. i in the Council Chamber on There- ] day evening, aTov. 4th, 1909 at eight A Lomion mob attempted a demon- ' 1 k -WI D McTaggart,Presi- stration before the Spanish Embassy, I dent ; 'Jas. Fair, See -Treasurer 00-2 but was driven off by the police. 1 I A sanguinary battle between, ropier 1 troops and revolutionists was fought( NOTICE. -STRAYED FROM • LOT in Santo Domingo on Saturday. 50, Maitland con., Goderich town- ship, 0 head of cattle, a steers' 7 Phoma i Trebilcocit of London, Ont., heifers, 1 black with white legs, 4 died on the steamer St. Louis while reds, -.3 roans, 1 nearly white with on the way home from England. horns turned up. 4 of these cattla —.a—, have each a slit in latent, 5 have each 2 pig tinge in left ear. Any - 0000000000000000000000000i ene bringing or sending any inior_ O 0 /nation of them that will had to O We take it for . granted that 0 O your ideas are good Or you 0 O wouldn't be 0. succees in 0 O basiness: 0, O Tell more people about it. 01 O Afirertise I 0 HOUSE' FOR SALE. EIGIIT O 0i Rooms. 13es4 location in Clinton.-- 0000000000000000000000000 Aixtply to W. Bryd'one. 87 s Finlnthe Setle abMss l1e- WellandCountykisMarygad atFr,utiHen in Mar, and Mise Algusta teLeod hi turned alone the day atter. Mrs.! Wellesley. Her fellow student, 'Miss Doyle too, lias been at Preston. for *Your eyes will appreeiate the ease alargitt, goes 'to St. Michael's Collepaeafsome time, having contracted then- and comfort derived from proper iit- Tor en to. 1matisnt and lwent down to the springs' ting giassee, so it you have eye Mr. Mason addressed the Y. M. C. in that place. Mr. and Mrs. James trouble don't fail to consult Taube A. tit Ktuix church on Sunday even- iDoyie arid the Messrs. Farland, re- Sons at Hotel Normandie on Thal:S- ing. turned to Itaileybury last week. day, October g8th. WANTED -PANT MAKER, ONO that can make vests preferred, pric- es 4.1.00 all round. Good steady; position the year round -Apply to Tozer Se Brown. 99 Cider Apples Waded Small sound apples wanted by . the undersigned for making cider. Highest ' market price paid. Deliver. at Ford (56 McLeod's wa.re- house' at the G.T. R. tracks. CANTELON. Live Chickens and Fowl Wanted. On Tuesday and WednesdaY* niorna in'gs, of each week we will buy any quantity of live Chickens and Hens, and will pay highest market cash price. ,The Hens' must be properly fat- tened and the poultry mast be deliv- ered.with crops empty. We wile buy Turkeye in season. their recoVery will be tuitably re- warded. -Thos. Mair, Summerhill 1". 0. MAN WANTED -BY MRS. M. *- Taggart Sr. Steady employment., Must understand aardeninge-Apply itt MeTa,ggart Bros. office. 99 'IREVFAATJIA &. PHIPPS. POULTRY STATION • HOLIVIESVILLE. In • BOY WANTED, -BOY TO LEARN the I)ry Good business. Must be smart and willing to week. -Apply to Tozer & Brown. . 00 Executor's Notice to Creditors. ' the. reatter of the Estate of Mat - thew Dart Westlake, late of the Township 0 • Stanley, in the County of Huron, . Yeo- , 'man, deceaaed.. Notice as. hereby given, pursuant to . he Revised Statutes of Ontario (1891), • Chap. 129, ' and .amending Acts, that all creditors and others having claims, against the Estate of the said Mat- thew Dart Westlake, Who aied on or about the 13th day of SeptemberaA.. D. 1909, are re,quired to sand by, post, !"' prepaid, or to deliver on or acaara the,15th day of Decemaet A:.D. 1909,, '. to Robert Snowden.•and John Weet- lake, BaYfield, Postoffiee, laxecutors of the will of the said deceased, theta "ames, addresses and descriptions,eand a full statement of the particulars of their claims, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them. And notice. is hereby further glen. that on or after the said 15th day of December, A. D. 1009, the said. Exe- cutors will proceed. to distrthirte the assets of the estate among the parties. entitled. thereto, having •regard only to the claims 0 which they shallitheat have had notate, and they Will nOtalela liablc. for the assets of the ,seid es- tate or. any part thereof to any persons of whose claims they .sliall not then hava had hotice. Drited at Goderich this 5th day ot October, A. D. 1009. • . . Pratelfoot, Hays az. 'Blair, Solicitors tor the said Executer 'Lion from any Grand Trunk tickea agent, womm AND, GIRLS WANTED AS MACHINE OPERATORS AND FOR OTHER FACTORY WOR. GOOD WaGES AND sirtADY EMPLOY- MENT. wurrn US. -TI -IE CLIN- TON KNITTINd CO. LTD,, CLIN- TON, ONT. FOR sALE.—A GOOD TOP IatIGG.Y nearly as good as new, will be sold cheap as owner has no use for it whatever. To it reliable party 0 months time will be given to pay for it. -Apply quick at The News - Record office, Between perfdct sight and partial blindness are many cleggrees of seeing.• Modern sci- ence enables us to glue perfect vialon to nearly oil who see. , hoWever imperfectly. /Pia .e!-`cilche, A. J. GitiGG Stientifict Jeweler Wiad Optician CLINTON, ONT.