HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-10-21, Page 44
Choice Ladies'
Hand Bags
•Moto* News -Maori!
Octobor 21st, 1909
Coclerich Township How Mang Cases of
ReeVe Sturdy, Clerk Trewartha* lend! 1Vv. H. J. (*Lindell of the Bayfield Four Brothers in
Assessor Thompson were engaged on Parish preached in St. James, St.
Saturday selecting jurors.Bunches? ,.
!John's and. St. Peter's churches last
NeXt week Will eee the winding up S'unday, having made an exchange of
In The Sun of September 22nd, the
of operations at the eheeee factory war eti L. . W. U. ber.
, the season with 4 total output of for. -1 L. 0. L. No. 139 have comp-ivifact was mentioned that there are ined ar- the township of Thorah four Windatt
ty-flve tOne. This week .and •next'S rangeraents for holding a fowl sipper
s brothers, each on separate farms, and
make has been sold to a eoderiele in eelthtating ;Guy Fawkes. Gunpowdel all within three miles of each other.
grocer at 114, eente Per Pound Which Plot La Friday evening, Nov. 5th. The question was asked at the same
has tben. the average price. The teak- RCVS. Snowden, ,Duebar and Fortner
1 time if another ease of like kind could
er, Mr. E. G. Williams, has certainty • wilrgive addresses in the church and
done excellent work and .has BQ well there will be instrumental music arihe found in the Province.
Thd Sun has been astonished to
pleased the patrons that they bave singing. A good program after a good
engaged him for the thifind how many such cases there are.
season and supper. A genuine good time is as- From one correspondent has come a
I as a -further mark of their aPPreeiae sured. Everybody welcome. report of four Scott brothers, en the
4 tion, they have substantially inereas-1
1 1 As Rev. W. H. Dunbar was ren- 9th coucession of East Wawanosh, not
E. G. Willia
,ed his salary. "Holrnesville Cheese. ,ng
ms , maker" quick1 from Varna on Sunday evening
is a last, along the road running north of
seller nowadays. I that village, his horse went bump Those who have attended the Meth-
odist church lately211;'k in w--- r a against the wire fence stretched across
•ere, the road at the point where the new
praise of the improvements brouht,
deviation, to escape the washout, !take
about by the Ladies' Aid at g
penditure of $125les plaeL. The hbrse got caught in tha
fence and was considerably injured
• ee while Rev. Dunbar • and his mother
Porter's Hill suffered injuries, while a shaft ot the
were thrown from the buggy and also
buggy, etc., were smashed. The rev -
Mr. Jas. IIarrison, thresher, wen"' erend gentleman and his Mother were
, a smile that .wencome oft these obliged to walk back to Varna and
days -another little girl is the cause. remain for the night. They will in
Mr. Ben. Elliett • returned home all
probability have a bill against tbe
Saturday. council of Stanley for damages.
Miss Plthel Gliddoe spent a few
days at Mr. John 111cClure's last The farm of the late Nixon Sturdy,
w ek. was sold by public auction on Tues-
• ' hi • G r
W. H. Watts & Son
have everything needed in the
Shoe Repairing line to execute all
enders with neatness and prompt -
ay. A trial will convince you
that our material and workman-
ship are of the best procurable
Several from this vicinity attended day, e P
.the fowl supper and concert at Zion, Sturdy, a brother of Nixon, and the
Monday evening and all report a good Price $4,600. The farm consists of
time. ' eighty acres and is a good one with
Mr, 0. Tichborne and sister Ruth an excellent orchard and the buyer 013 -
Spent Sunday at Mr. A. Bennett's. tained it at a very reasonable price,
• Owing' to anniversary services at indeed. It adjoins his own place,
Bayfield Methodist church next S-1 • Mr. R. Sloan has had a number of
day, theed will be no sexvice at Alen .busy for several days picking and.
t packing apples on his fruit farm on
, Bethel.
1 Miss Ruby Potter and 'Miss Lucy the eth con. He expects to have all
Marshall spent Striday with their told about 1000 barrels of fruit and
; friend, hifiss Viola Bennett. is said to be getting a fancy price'
IVIr", 'tan c aa
We also repair Suit Cases, Sat-.
.ehels and Pocket Books, and can
.a,lso clean and dye the same. •
d d u 'for his output. IIe has 'fifty-two
One of the Scotts.
Mr, P. W. Scott, East
Ile Knew What the Crowd Want-
ed and Delivered the Goods.
Swung States and National Chairmen
Into Line in His Reports] and Gave
the Boys of the Mining Camp the
Time of Their Lives,
A funny incident happened 013 the
night of the national election of 1800
In a little camp tucked away in the
mountains of eouthweetern Colorado,
where the only means of quick corn=
munkation with the world were a sin-
gie uncertain telegraph wire and a sin-
gle tnore uncertain telegraph operator.
Naturally only the mere et wraps of
election news reached the camp, but
before the certale news of MeKinley's
election could have been got the mica*,
tale operator had Wien a victim to Ws
fastorite 'viee • and, further, had fallen
'beneath the table.•
TV! only other person who knew any-
tWpg about telegraphy was "Shorty,"
the local wit and huntorlst. who volun-
teered to write out the election returns
ati they elicited off from the telegraph
instrun3ent. Political sentiment was
aflame for Bryan. News of his election
was not only sought, but demanded, for
the average Alm -Mean miner is as san-
guine concerning the uncertainties of
politics as he is concerning the uncer-
tainties of mining. The velunteer teleg-
rapher was noted for an obliging dis-
position. He was the "genial" of the
camp. •
The "boys" had Placed stoma of
giant powder at various points, They.
had cleaned and oiled their six stioot-
ers and refilled their cartridge. belts.
Bonfires were ready to be lighted ou
the hillsides, and natural entkuslastu
had been stitnulated at the Metro-
; der the parental roof. • t acres of orchard, „considerable of it within the three mile limit, merely,
pole, the Costnopolitart. the Fashion,
I. Mr. :John Stirling left Saturday for not yet b•earing, . but on adjoining farms, while a fifth
the Trocadero and less pretentiously
ort Stanley where he will be .engag- I . lives .within tevo mace of these. In named oases in the desert of mining
led in fishing for the season. . •pondent reports, is found anothnr. ease
the same township., the same eorree- camp existence -,H• in fact, every pre-
liminary. to the \grandest celebration
Our Stand :
Opposite the Post Office
}tippet' of four brothers, also nam d. Snott,
Mrs. Johnston has returned home within. a distance of two and one -halt the San Juan country 'ever bad knovek
• after spending . a week • with her miles.. On the lake rpad, in the townef an appaptuoty
Shorty was not the man to neglect
like' that The drat
ship of ;Stanley, also in the county of bulletin he banded. to • the waiting
IVIise IVL Beacom has returned after
a pleasant twe weeks visit with
friends in Porter's Hill. • I
Mrs. Williams or town ie visiting ,at
the home of Mrs. W. J, MeBrien.
Mr, Hayes has taken a position
in Witrigham is 'telegraph operator ,)
We wish him success.
Mr. O. Lowery leaves for the 'West
tine' 'week with a ear of settlers ef-
fects for IVIedieine Hat, Sask.. •
•Mist Rands attends the convention
in Wingham •on. Thursday and Friday.
Mrs, . Murray, who has been. visiting
her deeighter, Mrs, T Lindeay, has
returned to London.
Mr. and. Mrs. • J. . Freeman., spent
Sunday with friends. here. .
Mr. R. A. •advier has bought a
driver from Mr, J. W. -Elliott, livery-
man, Clinton: it's a good ohe ; Dick
would have none other..
We Are Now Showing
the latest "Autumn Ideas'' throughout our entire store.
Besides this great display of merchandise, we have other
ideas whi3h are closely followed, one is that quality
shall always be of a. high standard, another idea is that
nothing shall leave this store that is' not right. in every •
particular, that we shall not overcharge, but giVe a fair
price to those who give us their. confidence is always.
one of our "ideas". We shall be pleased now to show •
you our• latest "Autumn Ideas." -
Autumn M. illinery
Our millinery stocks are
- now at their' 'best. Assort-
-talents are larger and more
varied than they can pos-
:* sibly beAatter on. There is
a wide variety of choice
that you ;vill get no where
• else in town, therd is plenty
of room to do millinery
buying in comfort Stocks
have been replenished wher- •
ever broken and we are
shovving to -day new shapes,
ribbons, trimmings, flowers,
velvets, feathers. Come in
any day and see them, there
is always something fresh
here and you, will enjoy
seeing the new styles.
'friends in Ashfield and West :Wawa- -
liftmen, 'a second correspondent re- crowd Slated that New York and in-
-: ports,
Methodists intend holding their ports, are four brothers earned De- diana were in doubt and it looked like
inst. ln ehe afternoon at 2.30 P. nii. are three brothers named Etee and e - crowds keen appetite for returns to
while a little further down the road voring ' Bryan. That whetted - the
election, with the• chances ra-
wer within' two miles of each other, a doe
anniversary next Sunday, the 24th
the Rev. Mr. Jones of ,Auburn ' ' will married sister. Da the 1.0t a' of .Cstl- • razor edge. The second .bulletin sent
preach and ' in the evening. the • ll'ir. ross a third correspendent informs their spirits up -with a. leap, "Bryan'
eneual • tea -meeting is to. be given up !are three brother's named Grant, 'has carried Kansas, and the . Demo-
Gieschier of /Zie:ich will preach. The ils
tet lives
a mile; while e Married deugh- •crats are claitning toWa."
.tion are asked to eontributie seventy -tier lives a mile and . a quarter di- "rWlioopeer from the croWd. •
this yew.' and instead the congrega-
five dollars, in the Sunday.. offeriegs. 1 tanit. A fourth correspendent tells us Shorty bent his ear to the clicking •
that, on the 6th and t7th. Of Loga.n are • sounder and inscribed "Bulletin No..3:!--•
00011.310.3 I
Millin. ery
We are showing this.
season some very beauti-
ful new Styles and Rolm.
A few of the. leading
shade3 are the Rosewood,
Wisteria, and Rhubarb.
The new :shapes ale
striking and stylish As:
well. as becoming,
1 Last Thursday Mr,. Joseph lHood four, brothers named Woods, living Illinois joins the Bryan column with
held his, mention . sale of farm seock, side by side. We are let:titer inform- 60,000 majority.. Ludiana. certain, New.
.I.t..wes largely attended and/ very good ed that such .caseS .are quite numerona York vet7 close."
- •
priceswere obtained. The receipts. in.:Huron, Bruce end'Perth. • ' When The deafening chorus had died
amounted ..to over $1700. ' 1 • The .1 act that there are a large nem_ • tiown. a young member et the party
1 Mr. Hood had rented gre....I.'Ahher's bet 'o1. instances of this nature in ex- ..easked, to set ofthe leader, ''Lladr',t we better
n f the giant:*
farm for the last three years. ' lie has istence is, in view of the removal . of . begin -- •
: Before the leader could answer
I.now given it up and Mr.' W. J. Jones so !Deny of the members of Ontario
has "rented it ler the text five peat's• families to the .West .or to the great
• • titles, cause for no little eurprige arid
for. gratification as Well Weekly .Sun.
Live Stock Market.
Shorty reproved himby word and
lobk. ."Dont •go oft half cocked," he
'Said. "It's always best to wait until
•yriu are sme. You can't be too con-
.servative in a case like this.' .
After a long pause, in Which the
crowd displayed .nmcii impntience, the
Toronto, Oct. ' 19111. -Fresh reeeipte
• - •imperturbable and conservative Shorty
, . . transcribed bulletin..No. 4, .bat before
• .
of live stock were 25 carloads, • con- . Leming It ont he said:
sisting of -380 cattle, 667 sheep .and . "Now, boys.'don't do anything rash.
HEALTH DECLINING •SI-10.1".1LD ; lambs 0 calves and 48 horses. - The Wait for the actual -returns."
_.. TAI(E' DR. WILLIAMS' , • ;total
for the two days :were . Bulletin No. 4 rend. -Senator Jones
• .piN•K PILLS.100 carloads -2229 cattle, .'.22 ..nogs, 'claims Obio and Pennsylvania for Bry-
• 11456 sheep ancl lambs, 32 calves and
Thousands of men throughout 'Can- 48 horses. • '
, ada are suffering to -day from a as'''. The quality ol fat cattle was med-
lplorable failure of strength without ium to good.. Trade was dull ; mar -
:knowing that they are the victimi of
ket slow. With prices for exporters
Inervcius exhaustion. The signs ars lower.. :The tops Of the exPoreera
' Weill.' The. sufferer' Cannot . keep • his wee° about 5c to 10e.lowere , but ;the
mind wpasses
ork; restless, nightsi
!turns egetnst - hicla and common to medium cettlo, many of
' calla" 'Which Were little better ,than feeders,
'digest it; feels oehaested alter
: ' sold at from 25e • to 40e per qeet. tow-.
!exertion, 'while headaches and fiteof er. . .. .
dizzinese often adds to MS. •
311iserY' I The. geod, 'butchers' cattle . sold as
These, symptoms denote that the ner-.; high,. if not higher than on Mdeday.
Vous: system is weakened and insuffi-
ciently nourished. Def Williams' pink
I Pills :will promptly cure b?eause they
enrich the impure weak.... blood - and
thus give new stretigthand tone to
the; exhausted nerves. No other mode- bought by the abattoirs for butcher
eirie. can do this so pronently and so purposes, atto 45,80 . . best
Export steers sold at from $5 • :to
$5.85 Per cwt. ; $4 to $4.80f
• Butchers. '
There were two loads of exporters
surely: - . 1butehers, $5 to $5.25 ; good, .14.75 to
N. S., • says ;-" For a number 01 $3.50 to $4.25 ;. Cows,
Mr. W. ll. Hipson; East Pebnico, i .5
e ;emedium, $1, 56 to ' $ 4 .75 ; common,
2 50 to 1.20
years. I• was troubled with violent i . , .. .
headaches.. mhen . these spells came ..Herry.'Muw
tiby, Who as on tide' mare
Feeders. • ' ,
on the pain was so , %severe. that 1 k_.et.,..
reported a fair 'trade for eettle,
feared . I would .lose My senses.. . At 050. to .1150. lbs. • • eaeh.' Mr: Murby
the ' outset these headaches. would
; bought three carloads. -at $4 to. $4.10..
come on about once a weev. I- , den-.
tored for the. trouble and did ' A fey
ct ._ ..,.. pe'l7reewetir,ere, sonic sales Made at $1..50
thing possible to get relief, hut .witle .
out •avail, and as . thee went on. ••the , •• . .
attacks grew beth in frequency .and ' . A" 13PlAtthlet..1L , I'ICTURE.
eeverity. The pain was terrible ., and .
with each attack seemed to e . and elevating indeed is . the
--row beautiful spicture entitled "The Soul's
worse. The only relief I .could get
Awakening," .offered this season • to
was from a hot -mustard foot • bath) readers of theFamily Herald and
and the application of hot water and
anunonia to my head, I would then Weekly" Star .of Montreal. No parent
can look tem "The Soul's Awaken -
have to be led to bed where I had to ,ag„
eenutie until the attack passed away. ' without feeling it. must have a
place in the home, .
At this thee' Dr, Williams' Pink pins
were brought to my notice, and whilel "The Soul's Awakening" will touch
I scarcely hoped they would cure mei" the heart of mankind. it Will soften
I decidedeto try them. After i takin the sentiments of the wayward, the
epic], the indifferent, the wantoh.
a few bores I 'found that the attacks
were. not so severe, - and I joyfully' 'length" men, and women will feel an
co.ntinued taking • the. pills until I had eestasy, the indifferent will be brought
used ten boxes when every s.yamtura to stop and ponder, the hardened will
'ot the trouble had passed away, '' ella admire its •beauty, eveh it they feel
- uo.cempanionship with it, arid all 'will
I was in better health than I leAd
agree that. it is . - a beautiful picture
, ever etijoyed before. It ts 'veveral
i years since my cure .was isreio, end for the home, the home of, poor and
1 as I have not had a headache gem 1 rich alike'
permaueo. This, 1 - One Wonders -how the inibliste re ' of feel that the cure is
ctist,, the leamilY Herald , and eletetly e ter
•is a plain statement:iv
of 'Montreal can afford to give such a
no words care tell what my suileriegs '
really were and I believe th.at bdt for beautiful picture to an subscribelee.,
The paper alone is big value DA olio
Dr. Williams" Pink Pine I 'woeld have dollar a Year, and the picture is eas-
been. in my grave, for I could not
. fly worth double the amount. The
eave stood the pain Ii1.11...3. 411t4 D
doetora did not do me any good " price of the year's subscription to the,
. , ,i ,. , , .1 Family Herald. and Weekly Star is
Dr. Wi lams n . ; e t - 1
be one dollar and. every ;mime:Aber gets a
by all medieine dealers or thay
had by mail at 50 eeti'.,s A b 0 X or six ropy of "The Soul's kwakening, size -
Nee.. 19 x 21 inches, just as soon an his
boxes for $2.50 from The Dre
subeeriptton is received. No Cana
Hams* Medicine Co., Prot:Wile Ont.
dial home can afford to be wit Mut it.
• 1
Remember the, date' of Taube &I Are you deaf ? If so, We catt make
Sons visit to Clinton. and if your eye you hear with the Acousticon, Taube
es trotible you in any way tonsult & Sons will gladly demonstrate this
lien's Winter Shoes
The kind that keep you dry without Rub -
hers. The greatest resisters made.
The Doctor's Special
Is a Hagar Shoe and without exception
DocTon's SPECIALS. After the first pair you
been a success. If you want a shoe which
will wear no other, :
present season completes the iiinth year we
have been selling them. Every pair has
any shoe yog ever had, try a pair of
will keep you dry and wear longer than
is the best Men's Shoe we ever sold. The a
"Always Reliable" CLINTON
•• Under • ordinary. circumstances a
doubt might 'have been expressed con-
cerning the.probability of. such -states
'reveming their political records, but
, the -crowd was convinced of an im-
pending landslide for their favorite
and 'yelled with. delight.' -Now we are
beginning to get the news," remarked:
when the cheering eeatied, and
be begap to write bulletiti No. 5 .as
follows: ••
"New • York gives Bryant' 100,000 phi -
rainy:. Indiana, 40,000. .1teturnia from
Wisconaitt and Minnesota .indleate
ler& Democratic gains." • .
The crowd heard only. the first sen -
toffee., Shouting. cheering, • yelling,
renaming, it broke for tile street •
"Hoid. on:" called Shorty. "Here's
Bulletin No..0; "Quay concedes Penn-
srivania to Bryan." •• •
Another. fragment broke froan the
crowd and ran down the street simia-
n* t be news. The' new operator's. pen -
Oil was traveling rapidly over the pa-
per, 'while his friends and fellow 'citi-
zens crowded clottely upon him and
• read as he wrote bulletin NO, 7, "Mark
Hanna imilocked up • llepahlican head-,
quarters and gone home." . • • •
The rear of the erewd was drowned
by the roar ,of exploding gkint powder.
Buildings shook, windows rattled, ae- •
committed by the crash of 'broken
glass.' The celebration Was on, and .
Shorty McIntyre %yes alone. • . '•
• The celebration lasted for two days.
The morning.nfter election the regular
operator had recoVered sufficiently to
transcribe messages announcing Me-
Rinley's vietory, orbose who were
sober • enough to enderstand• them
didn't believe them, After Several
warnings of what wottld happen to
him if he didn't quit- "trying to fool'
people's the operator tiesIsted and join-
ed in the general jubilation. Not until
the arrival. of the Denver papers on the
seeond 'day. did that rot nip a we ice te IL
realization of the °meanie ot the elec-
tion, and then there wns net sulitelent
energy left to vent 'even indignation
upon Shorty, math less to take re.
vette. On the third dtty the rolunteer
operetta' was 'more popular .than ever.,
for all admitted he had given them the
time of their tires.
The New
Never in our business experi-
ence have We been able to offer
our trade such superior Jackets
.and Furs as we are rt ow showing.
We spared to secure. the hest
that experienee, skill and money
could make. We twee offer them
to you fot you e choosing. Coats
at $7450. 10;00 42.00
04.00 22000. 205.00
'‘g ell a e a s • es .14 • • 6.• eue.e4a.e e • e. el el • .es e e eavils-0
• : Special Announcement) • :
1 have much pleasure in asking your attention to my selectioreof $
$ . Pall and Winter Suitings.and„Overeoatings $
. • .
which represents the hest that is. produced by the most important 0
• 1
foreign.wea,vers of cloth fabrics. As I. control these patterns for A
A this town I ain able to assure you exclusiveness in style. r
, .
$ -
Agent for British Amertcan Cleining and Dying Co , flontreal.
. _
I- We are once more face to face with the house..eleauing season.
and we aye well stiecked with all the requirements for the -home such as;
. Linoleunu.s; Oilcloth's; Room Rugs -all sizes .and qualities.- •
- We have 'been through. outstock'carefellyand.find many articles.
of ,Furniture that we' will cut the prices tin-NeaelYin•HALF.
. Fancy Parlor Pieees-a great variety. .
Rattan Chairs atepecial prices. • -
• 77 Fancy Rockers. every.one out in price..
.. .
Furniture and House
Furnishings Special
at Walker's.
them at Ilotel Normandie on Thuree wonderful instrumett at Hotel Note,„
day, October 08t111. mandie on Thursday, October 28th.
Mew, if
oye-Electittn Preparing,
Montreal, Oct, 9.-r. b. Monk,
M.P., leader of the French-Conserve-
tives, returned from. Quebec yester-
day, and re rts that the party is in
splendid Ag ting trim in the ancient
capital. The mistake in IVrontealrie
will not be repeated in the County
o Lotbiniere, where a candidate will
bo noreinated ia a few days. Hon.
L P Pelletier, who eontested at the
general federal elections, vrill not tun
against. Pottier, the unseated mem.
r, Will again be the Liberal coadi..
• We are once more prepared to give you a snap
in Pictures. Watch our windovk s next week
Picture Framing Neatly and Promptly Done
• The Store
of Quality.
W, Walker
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker
Phone 28
Night or Day
So;CirfirabliegieriVar ffiKSifreKib.(0,c3,,AD.Zirfiircab.,SKTirfkGirS^30"ekAD'ZivfiVaho AltreAta.,(11 •
'el; Ladies and Childreil's Mantles ;,#-
Q. .
The time when you must discard that light -Fall Coat for some 112 •
41 thing heavier tied warmer is now at hand., and you ate perhaps.' V
A still. Undesided Where to secure 5 garment that Will in every way es
fill your wants. TO theso we would say; that ottr second slupment
of the famous "HER LADYSHIP BRAND" of ladies' high elass 0 •
of • Mantles is now to hand, and our stock is brim full of all the newest
and tobbiest creations of the designere art and at, prices suited to I
f all purses, and We eat assure you that it will be time well spent in A
a examining these Coats and securing our prices as we are determined • w -
A that this shall be a record year in our Ladies' Ready-to-wear De- ;
partnient, and you find our prices away below those asked by
• o
others for siminar garments.
Ikeetire and see oue stock of Iter Ladyship Skirts. All the new ;
oil weaves and, popular designs will be found among them.
ta Pull stock ol Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, t •
. Boots and Shoes, and Men's and :Boys t
. Clothing at Lowest Prices.
..i.:Profits and More Business.
41f,406.16, 4/NI& diet*, aliAvab, 44,4,4).:60 liMite,ti444b-41.11s..16441b441.456464.06