HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-10-21, Page 22 Mao* Nows-boord *afURITYses AOCURAOY-e, rit•lk.••• ria••••••••••••••• You Too So linry people have • 4. been delighted with our Icuma T 1 Powderthat we bays had some come back • I to tell us how moo it was. 4 Rose •' I Violet Flesh and White $ Carnation 1 There is reallv no I liner Talcum made, I W. S. R HOLMES We sell you the best. : WIWI' NEGLECT DID FOR HIM JAS. la BRA.NT SUFFERED Tvt- filENTS FROM KIDNEYeDISEASES. Manfg Chemist. .. Lo•••••••••••••••••••••I —RELIABILITY EXPERIENCE -- WE WANT YOUR GRAIN. for which we will pay, the Highest Market Price. Call at our store next Morrish & Crooks or at our Elevator. —We keep on hand a full- -stock of Flour, Feed,- -Etc. We aro agents :for. the Canada Car- riage Company Bu,ggies and Stan- dard Wire Fenoe and Posts. FORD&McLEOD Then He used, Dodds :Kidney Pille arid Became a Well Man—alie 'Ex- perience a Lesson fox YOU. A.thabasea Landing, Alta., Oct. 13. (SPeeiala.—That Kidney DiseaSe, nege lected in its earlier stages, leads to the most terrible suffering, if aot death itself, and that the one sure cure for it in all stages is Dodd' Kiciaey Pills, is tbe experienee Of Mr. James 'E. Brant, a fartneraresiding near here. Mr. Brant contracted Kidney, Dis- ease, like boats to others, neglected ats expecting it to go away itself, But it kept gradually growing worse till after thirty years of increasing suffering the climax came, and he found himself so crippled. that at tiraes he rould not tuan in eaa and weekslor two t time it was im- possible for him to rise from a chair without putting his hands on his knees. He could not button his clothes. He was troubled with Lumbago, Gravel and Backache, and tried medicines for ea.ch, and all of them twithout getting Flier, till good luck turned him to Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's Kidney Pills started at the cause of his troubles and cured his Kidneys>. 'With cured Kidneys his oth- er -troubles speedily disappeared, and today he is a well man. If you cure your Kidneys vath Dodd's :Kidney Pills you will never I have Lumbago, Rheumatism, Heart/ Disease, Dropsy or Bright's Disease. DR. OVENS, SURGEON, OCULIST, will be at Holmes' Drug Store on Friday, July 9th, and thereafteron Wednesday Aug. 4, Sept. 8, Oct. 13, Nov. 17, Dec. 22. Hours team 9 a. in. until 8.30 a. m.. Glasses properly fitted. Diseases of the Eye, Ear: Nose and Throat treated. • • CENTRAL ir • STRATFORD. ONT. • ▪ Has the reputation of being the e best practical training school in Canada. Thorough courses have 0 produced results. Businessmen A say our graduates are the best it and they apply to us for office 0 help. Our graduates succeed as • none others, Three depart- ° • ments • COMMERCIAL SliORTRANDg gt: • AND 'MECUM • • Enter at once. Write now for e . our free Catalogue. • •• • • ; . D. A 9 . McLachlan . • • • • PRINCIPAL a • 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• COAL ORDER YOUR YEAR'S SUP-. PLY NOW. THE BEST IN THE MARKET, 37 PER TON, BUT IF ORDERED AND PAID FOR BEFORE MAY 31st, A DIS- COUNT OF' 40 CENTS A TON. WILL BE ALLOWED. Orders left at Davis 86 Rowland's will be promptly attended to. W. J Stevenson GRAND -TRUNK mr.v Huron .County News_ Gathered . • • for. R.peord' R6Aders 18 Years From The News -Record of October 21st, 1891. Clayton, Oet, 21st, 1891. Miss Miller of Lucknow is visi3/4ing fiends and relatives in Clinton. Miss Jackson in St. paurs on Sun- day evening sang the solo "In heavenly love ellitidina" as an offer-. toire. Mr. Thos: Clark has rented the "Royal" stables, Ontario street, and opened a livery and sale stable. The Caldwell -Bane Concert on Fr - day evening evening will no doubt be Well worth going to. •0 • ' Mr, J. WaGreen, who has been. man- aging a Wiarton paper recently, was in town over Sunday, Mrs. Green aria children have been on a several weeks visit to relatives in town. At the London rifle matches last Wednesday Messrs, J. Johnston. and. J. Spooner succeeded •in making re- markably good scores, but scarcely anything less than a possible took a prize. Mr. Harty Cantelon has sold his residence and lots to Mr. Wita Robb and rented the cottage on Ratteranirg street owned by Mr. ICnox. MroltOists secured a bargain, • Lieuts. Combo and Rance have duly received their respective parchments from the proper authorities, counter- signed,. by ."Stanley ot Preston," ap- pointieg them Lieutenants in Com- pany 4, Battalion 33, of Heir Maje,sty's Militia in Canada. Ai French mob attacked the Spanish Embassy at Paris as a protest against the execution of Peofessor Ferrer. Professor Francisco Ferrer, tliel Barcelana revolutionist, Was executed teat Thursday at the foitrest of Wont Julch in Spain. Intense Colicky Pains Behaved. "For some years I suffered from in- tense colicky veins which would come on at times and from which I could find no relief," says X. $ Mason of Beaver Dam, Tay. "Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was recommended to "me by a friend. After taking a few doses of the rem- edy I was entirely • relieved. That was four years ago and there hae been. no return of the symptoms since that time." This remedy is for sale by all druggists. James M. Barrie, .the Scottish wri- ter, was granted a, divorce from his wife in London, England', last sveeks Mrs. • Pankhurst, the suffragette lea- der,' sailed from Southampton to New York fast week. • ' THANKSGIVING DAY RETURN TICKETS AT SINGLE FARB ON SALE OCTOBER 22, 23, 24, 25th. ... 'Between all stations in Canada; also to Detroit and Port Huron, Mich., Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge and Black, Rock, N. Y. RETURN LIMIT OCTOBER 27th. SINGLE FAREi FOR HUNTERS' GOOD GOING DAILY 'UNTIL NOV- EMBER 6T11. TO TE1VIAGAMI DIS- TRICT, ETC. OCTOBER 21st to NOVEMBER Gth. TO MUSKOKA LAKES, LAKE OF BAYS, ETC. Return limit December 4th, ot until close of navigation, al earlier, to points reached by steamers. Secure tickets and further, Informs.- Repeat it :—"Shiloh's Cure will al- ways .cure my cougha.anct. colds." F. W. CUTTLER, .PAINTER AND Paper hanger. All work done guar- anteed to give satisfaction. • Prices moderate. Residence nearly opposite Collegiate Institute. Clinton. • 83 ••••••••••••••••••••••*.o. • , , • . One year ago, Ma I George VVairernikn was earning about- $100 per . year as farm laborer. Now . he is eerning at the rate * of. $962 per year. - . : . • Six Months' training a at out Business College f made the uifferancea Was : i it a good investment. ?11e - thinks s o. His address ' • is New Osgoode, Sask. • • PitEpAnAToRy Four Courses : ContstratclAr. STENOnnAPliy TELEGUAPHY Enter any time. Indi- vidoal Instauction, Write for Particulars. • CLINTON ; •Business College ; • GEO. SPOTTON, ?BAN. Z •••• •••• • •••••.•4.•4••• MONUMENTS CHASTE DESIGNS.. BEST MATERIAL JAMES DO1G OPPOSITE POST OF.FICB. Rubber Tires. Having purchased • a machine for applying Rubber Tires, We wish to say that we are now prepared to fur- ish and put on such tires at reason• ble rates. We also do all kinds of Grinding, nything from a aair of scissors tea ircular saw. This week we installed machine for gtindink horse clippers which does perfect work, We likewise do all kinds of lathe *ork on short order and at reaSen- ble rates. Machinery , repaired, Horses shod. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Last week's storri did reitieh dam -I seeieu st age to the late fruit in the Niagara West district. -- Londesboro, Oct. 21st, 1891. ...The weather has been the Oriest thie fall that has been known for a long time. • Rev. Dr. Jamieson officiated in the Presbyterian church on Sunday. A. number of the Foresters of this Court are going to Belgrave to at- tend a supper ana entertainment giv- en by the Court in Belgrave.• Our school trustees have engaged two new teachers for our school. • If they give as good satisfaction as Mr. McFadyen and Miss Dewar (who are going out of the profession) • the sec- tion will be fortunate. • ' • A. -meeting of District Lodge No. 24s L 0. G. T., was held in lainburn on the 14th inst. About, O. delegates were :present front Wingham, Belgrave Blyth, Poetess Hill, Londesborough, •Seaforth, Leeburn . and the diome. Lodge, •, Summerhill, Oct. 21st, 1891. Mr. George Hill has. sold his horse to laic. Bates of Saginaw, at a good figure. • He was a• fine combina- tion of skmmetry, strength and size, and will attract the attentiori of horse fanciers • in the lead of • uncle Sam. ' . • Mr. G. C. Laithwaite's engine iiP- ped over' on a. soft • %urn pike. avhiAl moving to Mr. R. Draper's on Tues- day evening, 13th inst. With many hours work and much skilful manoe- uvering they succeeded in getting it into an upright position... They got it to work again about 10.30 a. m. • on Wednesday, none the woriasfor its Lip. Wingham The teacIsers of East Huron will hold their annual Convention la Winghatu, on Tburselity and Friday October 21st and 22nd, A fill pro- grama of papers and addressee has been. prepared. Percy Fletcher, an employee of Walker and Grigg, died last week at the hospital, kle was a steady young Maui a asernber of the Youtig Men's Bible Oise in the Methodist Church, also a member of the Epwortle aeague, .and a regular ettenditat et the sea, vices. He contracted the fever. and after a brief illness passed away aged 19 yeers. Mrs, foreleg, s. respected resident °false aorth end of town, departed this life on Vrislay last, at the ripe age of 74. Deceaued we born in Montreal, and later resided in Hamilton. fa 1860 .he said her; husband came to West Wawatoeh, wleere they resided until about a year age, whets they came to Wingham. This week, we twee to report the (loath of another respected lady citi- zen, Mrs. Geo. Wade, .who for mahy years has been a resident of Wingham or vieinity. She bad been in failing health for several years and on Tues. day last, •paesed to her eternal home aged 05. Her maiden US.U#0 Was Ann Kelly, end he was a sister of Ma, Alex. Kelly and Mrs, Fyfe of this vicinity. Wm. Aitcheson died last week as tae result of blcibd-poisoning, Some six or Neven weeks ago he cut hie wrist while workiug in Lucknow. The wound failed to heal properly aud he Went to the hospital is few weeks ago. The poison found its • way through•the entire system, causing his death on Monday. • • , Stanley TO., Oct. 21st, 1891. Mr. Aldus Heyes Was holidaying at Harristori recently. •. Mrs, Win.' Keyes is visiting relativ- es at Harriston. Denby & Ashton, of. the 'Babylon line, have purchased one of the cele- brated Clinton. separators and are do- ing great work with it. Repeat it :---"Shiloh's Cure will al- ways cure fity coughs and colds."' Seaforth There passed away last Friday, af- ter an illness of about 3 weeks from typhoid fever and peritonitis, Me. Samuel Coleman, of Tuckersmith. Everything -that the best medical ekill and nursing coulddo was don& but of no avail. Mr. Coleman was a very upright, bonest and an indust- rious young man, and was making his mark as one of the promising young men of the township. He was about 35 years of age, a member of the Egmoncloille Presbyterian church. He leaves a young wife and little child, who with his mother and brothers and misters and other relatives, have the sincere sympathy 6f a large circle of friends. His sister, Mrs. Rouatt, was at Moose Jaw and did not -arrive honie until Monday. His funeral, which was one of the largest ever sees: in the township was held on Saturday to the MAitlandhankcemetery. Postmaster 'Dickson built the ores" eut post office block forty years ago and in that year he states that the snow fell on the lath of October. and remained until April. It is hoped the same thing is riot going to happeu this year. • Mr. and Mrs. John Morrinon of Sea. forth • reali ned on Thursdaylast from a four month's trip to Van. couver,Ileattle. Edmonton; Brandon, Regina, Winnipeg, Maskiea, faieder, Heaney and • Souris.* They also •stopped off at Drayton, N. D. This was Mr. Morrison's fourth trip to the far west, and Mia. Morrisonat • first visit. They enjoyed the jaunt very •inuch and report wondeeful came the ought the entire west. They were guests at Mr. and Airs. Scarlett, at Carstairs Alta., for week, and re- turned home well pleased with the delightful trip. Mr. D. McMillain, who bas been in Detroit, for the past thtee weeks un- dergoing an operation for the reinosal of a catisract from one of his eyes, has returned home, This ,is the second operation of this nature he has under- gone during the past two years. We. hope that the last one -will prove a success. • • • Dungannon. Mr. and Mrs.' J. Strothere of Wood- stock are at present visiting Mends in this vicinity. Mrs. Charles Wh.yead and daughter Honor of Waterloo are spending a few weeks at the home of her father-in-law James Whyard. Miss Betsy Smith of Lucknow, wits a visitor at the horrae of Dr. Case last - week. Edgar Woods of Thesselon hu been a guest for a few days at the home of J. M, Roberts. Edgar is engaged ia a, bank in that town, Jack Roberts of the Sterling Bank, Auburn, is having a two weeks' vaca- tion. He left this week for a visit to relatives and *friends in Port Huron and Detroit, Miss Maggie Ryan is assisting Miss Gibsoa in aValkornal millinery depart - All the G. C. 1. students from this centre wee hone for the Fair on day last. They returned to their studies on Monday. Rev. T. Hicks Of Si, Paul's church at- tended a meeting of the arcluteaconery of London ab Glencoe on Wednesday and Thursday of last week. A. H. Musgrove, M. P. P. for North Huron, ehook hands with friends at Diingannon Fair on Friday, Thormis Hattie of Denver, Col., is visiting friends in Dungannon and vicinity. J. J. Hiscocks of Teeirwater was a visitor in, town last week. Finlay Anderson of Belgeave was among those who attended the Fair Jut week. The brickwork on the new Metho. diet church has been tompleted. Our genial tinsnsith, who reeently started in the poultry businees, sure prieed ttvo out-of.town desperadoes on Friday last:just as they were making oft with a highly prized • • Zurich • • • • In the death of Mr. Samuel -Rennie • this community loses one of its hest known citizens. • The demise occurred on Monday morning, afteram ilbnees of some months. He was hi the 71st year of his age. and was of a robust coustitution, and a very active man. 'The deceased was reeve of Hay town- ship in earlier years, and as he had a keen hug n ess insight, his services were much appreciated. He leaves to mound his loss; a widow and a grown up fam- ily of sons and daughters, and many warm personal triends. The funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon and was very largely attended. The ser- vices • were held in the Evangelical church, of sv MO 'congregation Me de. ceabed was a valued member, the in. terment taking .place at the Babylon Line Cemetery, where one of his sons, Ellsworth, who was aceidently killed by a failing limb several years ago, also lies buried. The grief-stricken family hive the sincerest sympathy in their bereaveinent. 7'be deceased was horn at Stratford. Ont., April 13tb. 1839, and was marl ied to Leah Bechtel, Feb. 1711), 1863. • They lived for souse years at Crosshill, and moved to this township in 1869 Mr. J. G. Grevbeil of Dashwood has taken it position with 3, ?meter. Louis Wild, an ecceotrie character from the western pert of the to wniihip, enjoyed the hospitality of the Zurich "cooler" over Sunday ni tit. The many friends of Mre. S. A.. Wil- liams will be pleased to learn that she is rapidly improving from hee vecent operation for tumor. Mr. T. L. Wm te was at Detroit this week attending the world's champion- ship basehell games arid idcidentally getting it few pointers for assisting the local team next eeason. Westfield Mra. Allen Ramsey of Michigan, has been visiting at the home of her brotheiain law, David Rantsee, the past two weeks. Westfield Methodise anniversary on October 24th and 25t1i. Rev, J. E. 3. Millyarcl, of limited), will preach on Sabbath, Lest, week we mentioned that Mrs .1. Bell had gone to join her hueband in Alberta. She Was very unfortun- ately taken ill WhAn she reached Fort William, where the wa$ forced to re- main for SI numbee of days, end in- stead of eontinning on her journey Westward she returned to her father's, John Itedwiondie, and is still very poorly. • Heasall The Remelt Basketball Team joule: payed to Exeter and defeated the Fate - ter girle by 10 to 2. . The Heutiall girls outclaesed the Exeter team in every reepect. After the frame tea was serv. ed by the Exeter girls at the house of Mrs. Hooper. The girls speak very highly of the tieatruent accorded them. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. and. Mrs. Thomas! Painter, jr., over the death of their infant caild. Clarence Franklin, which, took place last week after a severe Mimeos. He was four months and fifteen days old, J. Linderfield has been suffering for the past two weeks with blood poison- ing in the first finger of his left hand and on, Tuesday it was decided woes - eery to amputate it, Drs. Macdiarmid and .A.ikenhead performed the opera- tion and rum Jacob leas sagoed chance of recovery, R. War liner, who has bug running a livery business here for the greater part of the year, bas disposed of the outfit and good will to is brother Nate. Albert McBrien lam been in town for some days shipping apples. His Hen - sail (Heads are pleased to have him in their midst again. es. Morris Township. Jarnes Laidlaw, 8th line, has had 9, new shingle roof put on his residence. Kenzie Shurrie, 411e line, is home from a visit at his unele's, E. Finch of Clinton. Peter McArthur, 9th lioe is borne from a holiday trip to the Old Land. A new silo has beau butte by J. J. McCaughey, itils line, to be utilized for stock feeding purposes. Morris reamers are bound to keep pees with the times. • John Speir, 4th line, who bas been • Assisting at the Teeswikter evaporator, • is borneowing to *lame leg. We hope he will soon, be all right One day last week IVirs. Sommerville 5th line, had the misfortune to fell and break her shoulder blade. Notwith- etanding the advanced age ot Mia. Sommerville we trust she will soon be able to get about as well as ever. Monday of last week Mrs. Alex. 'Nichol, 6th line, went to the hospital, Clinton, where she underwent a medi- cal operation on Tuesday. We are pleased to hear she is inakiug favorable progress and we hope she wit) 8000 be able to come horae, • . • • Grey Township. •, . Mrs. Ben Dark of Galt Biala it short vacation with her parents, J. -and Hrs. Hollinger, 1 bire. 'W., Rands :was at Exeter last week attending a meeting of the coun- ty w.o.T.U. She visited ber daughter. Miss Jennie, teitcher itt Summerhill, before returning. We are pleased to state that Chester 'Armstrong, 10th con., who was injured by a fall while picking apples, is mak. ing noticeable improvement.. As Mrte •Oliver . Turnbull and Mrs, 'Oliver }Jervis, 15th con., were driving to Walton last, week to attend the meeting iii Duff's church. something caused the horse to turn on the road oppoRite Jn p..K i rkeon eel l's, upsetting the rig.. Mrs. TU'rfibull Was soniewhat injured andbas been confided to bed but we hope she will soon be Convales- cent. • Carlow. *0 aro sorry to report that Mrs. An- drew Johnstom le la poor health PA present. We Wipe soon to see her well againn liV. Young has been renewing old acquaintances here this week. - While a silo on Mr. William Long's ferm wits being tilled. on Monday with • Chas. Walter's cutting box and Henry • Horney's engine, A fan on the box avorked loose, and herore the englee cold be stopped had lifted the box several feetin the sir, and sent pieces in all directions. it was a miracle that some persons were not seriously in- jured. Another bux was procured and the silo was filled. Goderich mews, Willisan. Marlton and Charles Saunders left in the formers beautiful automobile- on 9th October to visit Owen Sound on business. Returoing they passed through Galt, Woodstock, Loudon ond other places. They bud some renoirkable experiences .ou the return joiuney. - Mr, A.dolphhus Natal returned from Halifax last week in which city with Mrs, Nefeere mother, both have beers guests for the season. Mr. Nuftel is going back to Halifax end Mrs. Naftel and their son Cuthbert will return to their home later. Oeganir •et • Kilpiick is registered at Mts. William's reesideece. He came here from Peterborough but. took his degree of A, G. S. M.. irk London, Eng. land. Miss May Rutledge who has been a resident of Goderich for .seine time, left on Monday for her; home in Clin- ton, her mather„ Mrs. E. Rutledge, preparing to lease on 25th October to take up lAnd and settle in New On- tario. We wish Mrs. Rutledge and herlamily success in the new land. • • Mr. B. J. ToWneend has removed to his residence., "The Fr ontenaca South Street: The Nugent estate ie to be twist at an early date. • . • Proprietor Bedfordof the Bebford Estate, wilt with his fisreily live for Ibis season inttte rooms in the Block lately • occupied bk. the Misses Donough, • Mrs. McColl bas removed to the. rooms over the "Lyric" Theatre.. " Too Many Guessed Right. Markdale jeweller. and foreeer member of the Grey County Council. got into trouble hy. unintentionally breaking the lavr against lotteries. To enliven business, he put paper bags in the window, in which a series of num- bers were placed. The gueseer of a certain number was to receive a clock. It :seems that there was not enough clocks to go to all who guessed coreect- ly so the disappointed ones lied the jeweller arrested for breach of the Lotteries Act. He was seta up for trial, and accompanied by his lawyer he went to Owen Sound, and Kir- rendered himself to the jailer. Judge Hatton heart' the ease. but allowed the man to go �u suspended sentence) on a$200 bond to appear at any time within one year for sentence. Said .jeweller.does not propose to give away any more clocks, guess or no guess.. The Decline of Rural Amuse- ' , • ' • ' • • . • . ments. The following readaale article is Of the professional athletic, as given trona the Beaverton Express. It deals. i by the newspaper ; lic Will elaire loud - with a situation which all dwellers in ly the. various pints of exeellence pf the,towns and villages in Ontario will, each and every champion in the vare at onca acknowledge masts, though it ious forms or sport's from quoits to is only when it is thus focussed and horse -racing, but they oiler no inspir- brought to their attention. that they ation for exertion by himself. It has realise its truth. 'Mete Cliutoe is not iceased • to be manly • to Cultivate a is bad a caee as Beaverton' and the ' taste for social accomplishments and villages. • which surround that place, 'as g result the • rising generation ex - inasmuch as we have • here good ath- habits a leahne,ss of taste and want ot letic teams, yet it must be cottessed 'energy absolutely appalling. The con - that these have only been maintained dition Appears to be co -incident with by the support of a comparati seta few Ithat pegibd of good times and expan- eathusiastista Says the iliatees: sation .which set in the early 90's, "A marked feature of. village and and which it would seem, tented the town life which has, developed in the 'attention of our young people into past decade is the decline of athletics other channels. Octobir 21st, 1909 The Health Dept. In yacir bocVty Osten* is looker! after lkY seWannis 01 kittio eeidiers in your Weed *owl 90r$4401111 COnstantly flgbth far yoa. t1311 infair7 weli fed awl kept kesitllY end stmeng, hi taking Hood's; iilarstakangia. It 4,141 destroy the un. oeuntabla horde et gerns-enemles that eta attacking yen 'weer moment of Poor lila. Roost,* SOXRIPariiill will keep you tact trona or wilt cave yon of ecrofina, =7 04 rilesinatisak ostarrb, anem, ia Urea teelizig Auld such all - 14 Woks its wemllertul cure*, not booaima opataina sarsaparilla. but ibeowase it (*melees the utmost remedial vautea et mere than 59 differ - sot lagradtente, Tt urged to buy any /preparation said te Ise "just as good"' Iest nay be sure it is interior, costs lass to make, and yields the dealer a Ismer Pssat- Repeat it :—"Sbiloh's Cure will al- ways enre my coughs and colds,", Co -Operative Apple Associa— tions and the grange. The Regina Standard, in comment- ing on the proposal to link the Dom- inion Grew with Western Grain Growers' Associations, says the proa ject contains promise of the creatioa of a power for good. The Standard adds, however, that 'there should be no union with the apple slapping as- sociations as proposed, because, it says, "these are the fellows who put rotten apples at the-hottom of the barrel," The Standard is in error in 'so far as the apple shipping associations are concerned. Thesesassociations are co- operative organizations and the fruit which is being put up by them, either for home trade or export, shows a. uniformly honest pack. Even if mem- bers 'of such associations Were not naturally honest circumstances would compel them to do the fair thing be- cause they are doing business under a. registered trade name which goes on rrom yea.r to year and their very exe, istenee depends on keeping that namci free from. blemith. There is no reason therefore, why the co-operative apples slappers of Ontario and co-operative grain growers of the west should not unite ; on the. contrary there is every; reason why they should do so.—Sun. Repeat it :--"Sbilot's Cure Will al- ways cure my coughs and colds." Business men of the 4E'asterri State& asking clemency for Charles W. MOrso will send a petition to Presicleot Taft who has been sentenced, to. fifteen years in prison for violating the na- tional banking laws. We would call the attention of read- ers of The New -Record to our club- bing offer, With The News, Toronto,. . whereby they can oatain the two papa. ers for $2.30. The News in un- questionably one of the most inauen- tial papers published in Canada, • its editorial comment being quoted from. one end of Canada to the other. For anyone wishing to keep in touct with Canadian affairs, there is no better ' paper- than The News. • Sample copiea can be obtained by dropping a post- eard to this office. Thanksgiving Tables The success of your Thanks- giving dinner will greatly •. de- pend on your having a new table. Our extension tables, a can be adjusted to accommo- date any number from 2 to 16. people. We show seven new styles of tables, every one a Beauty and a Bargain. Our • prices are 35,00, 36.00, $7.50, •• 38,75). 310.00, 314.00, 315.00. Also • dining chairs to match • a the tables. (I,• I/ Chelletv and the effort to amuse. •sa few' years I "A restless desire for change .of m"a""P'a 71,••1 ago and every little village had its condition and environment is that be - athletic cirele with its runners, Imp- fore - wbich all else has had to bow. ' • ' ers, shot-putters, etc., etc. ; While , Then, too, the lady teather, has in to music and other of the finer accost- small way contributed to the decline plisnments 'were the rule: Every vils of the taste for nianly sports among lage had its brass band, many had the boys of tae country. 'rime was excellent orchestras and it was a 'poor i when the villggelor itown school ma.s- coinmunity indeed that could not pro- Iter was the leader in many forme of vide sufficient talent for an entertain- , athletic sports, giving an inspiration ment, often of a character far super- of emulation to the boys with whom ler to that of the professional enter- he came in contact. IThe lady teacher with all her virtues has led to the ef- feminacy whieh is now exhibiting it- self in many ways. I"Unfortunately the condition is ono we not tailor who has replaced this departed talent , It has all vanished, and so complete is the change that little or ' no taste appears to exist .for the sport orpleasures of so short a per- scarcely controlable and while iod ago. •}may deplore it, the remedy does /"The section of which this village lg appear at hand." the centre is probably typical of * those throughout the Province—ton years ago • we had lacrosse te,arns, cricket clubs, , baseball clubs and rowing clubs in every • village and town, amateur athletics in running jumping, shot -putting, vaulting, etc. To -day, with the exception of ro GUARANTEED DANDRUFF' CURE. Beware of the druggist who tdlls 7011 that any other hair tonic is just as good as Parrsiag Sage—he knows better. chance teams picked tip haphazard! W. S. R. Holmes is the agent for of Old-time players no town in this Parisian Sage, and he won't try to district possesses a reeogaized team give you something just as good, be - in any Of the above sports. • I cause he knows that Parisian Sage "In the field of other amusements, is guaranteed to Cure dandruff, stop to which we have 'alluded, the case falling hair, and cure all diseases of is still worse for the same indict -'the scalp in two Weeks, or money baek, moo • is common to both sexes. A I He knows that Parisian Sage is decade ago it was rare indeed to 'highly. recommended as the most pleas, • find one who hadn't talent tot sonata 1 ant and rejuvinating hair dressing thing that could be utilized for local known. It makes the hair fluffy and or public amusements, singing, renal beautiful. 50 cents for a large krottle ing, proficiency on musical instruments at W. S. R. Mimes. Ile will guaran- of various kinds—all would db some -0 tee it. Made in America only 1 • thing, when the town and !allege Vaud I Giroux Mfg. Co., Baena N. Y., and Was a recognized institution. All thid Fort Erie, Ont. has passed and today there is a Allan:It I that is truly amazing. The male ele-, ment of the community appears eon - 1 Repeat it :—"Shiloh's Cure will al - tent to read and discuss the exploits I ways etire my Wight; and colds.". , • aoNDON,' ONTARIO Business & Shorthand • SUBJECTS Resident and Mail Courses • Catalogues Free 1. W. Westervelt, J. W. Weetervelt, j,, C.A., • Principal. Vice -Principal. raimesiiiiinewasins CHOPPING The Chilton choppingmilt will be refining every day after the 17th inst. We have just put in a now grinder in ere now props,red to do a first-class job. Besides chopping feed, WO r011 oats, grind flax, make G•rabean flour, corn meal and flaked 'whoa. Everything will be weighed in and weighed out then eaCh eUstotrier will pet• a soave deal. All trastakee cheerfully rectifkd ani satisfaction guaranteed. It will the to your in- terest to give us a share of your custom. Remember tko atatt4, text to the Clinton Electric Light Pleat where the trubscriber will be OA to Ste al his Old eustomers as 'well 'as maw' new ones. Thenaleirs you for pe favors. • J BROWN . ,040440.040