HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-10-14, Page 3October 1401 1909 ORACKSMAN IS 41181111 Ottawa' Pallets. Ara Oh the Tenn of Three Other OM°ittf• Escaped Durgiare From Michigen Have Been Oneretir4 in Eodt"n Canada ea- Police Oiecever That a Grend R4d Had Been Plotted Out -After an Exohangs of 611 set One Man lo Arrested. • Ottawa, Oct. 8. -The recent arrest of a suspected safe-blower, giving the name of Thomas amnion. revealed to the Ottawa police the fact that a raid on Canadian citiee had been *mined by a gang of three American crooks, noted safe-crackers, who, on 3-tt,1 6, eecaped from the Moult Clemens, Mich., prison. A rdward of $1,500 is offered for their re -capture. Three weeks ago, a letter addressed to a man named Graham, to be called for at Hull postofece, was accidental- ly placed in the postai box of D. Graham of Hull, who, vrithout look- ing at the address, opened and read li it. It was found to be a communica- milW- ton from a woman in Toledo, con- gratulating the person addressed on his escape from prison aud telling him to meet the other two members of the gang at Huli. The letter was turned over to the Ottawa police. The local department at once Wired Toledo, and in the meantinae the Hull postoffice was watched, In a day or so a young man appeared and asked if a man had called for a letter ad, dressed to him-Graharn. lie was shadowed and arrested by the Ottawa detectives. He pre the name of Thos. Gorman, and was remanded for a week on a charge of vagrancy, In the meantime, Ottawa was straining every effort to stir up To- ledo. The postmark on the letter was blurred, and only by hard work was it finally made out. It was declared to have been sent from a small Michigan town, and this gave the first clue. The Michigan authorities were wired to hustle, but neither Toledo nor Michigan got busy in time, and after two weeks German was cliecharged erom custody here. He had only been gone two hours when Michigan authorities reached here. They followed him to Montreal, but missed him. Yesterday morning a party started out from Hull to co-operate with Dome inion Constables Marcou, Foster and Giroux in hunting down a quartette of burglars who dynamited a, safe at Ellard's store and postofflee at Picks - mock, Que., last Sunday night,. and Wright, Que., poetoffice on Monday night. At 1 o'clock yesterday morn- ing the three Dominion constables • came across four armed men hiding near a railway track at North Wake- field. They pounced on them and several shots were fired. They got one man, but the others get away, firing beak at the officers several -times. The man arrested had on a new suit, had $100 in cash and a quantity - of stamps, and proved to be German. He also had a complete set of apple. ances peculiar to the art of safe -blow, ing, including dynamite caps, fuses and a candle. Boys after cows near Wright Vile lege early yesterday morning saw three men in the woods, and it is thought these are the others wanted. The district is a wild one. • Will Ask Money For Navy. Ottawa, Oct. 8. -The legislation to be submitted to the House next ses- sion providing for a Canadian navy will be introduced as "The Naval De- fence Act." It will provide for twelve vessels of the cruiser and destroyer types, nine of which will be probably placed on the Atlantic and three on the Pacific coast. The total capital expenditure will exceed •twenty mil- lion dollars, and the annual outlay will be something over three millions. Negotiations as to training ships and docks are still in progress. . Other legislation will include bills to amend the bank act, to amend the insurance act, to consolidate the im- migration act, to ratify the Freneh treaty, and it is hoped a bill for the reduction of cable rates. Seldiers For Senators. St. Petersburg, Oct. 8. -It is re- ported here from Helsingfors that the Governer -General of Finland contem- plates forming 'a Senate from the Firms now in- the Russian military service, to replace the Senators who last month notified him that they would not accept re -appointment to office beeause the Russian Cabinet in- sisted that the Finnish Senate assign ;4,000,000 as Finland's contribution ior the defence of the empire. The Finns were willing to *contribute only .$2,000,000 annually. The constitution requires that the Finnish Senate be composed of Fin- nish subjects, but Finns of all par- ties, flatly refuse to accept ofti.ce, un- eler the present condition. Betrothed Story Deeded. London, Oct. 8. -Direct eantradie- tion is made by Truth yesterday te the persistent reports that Xing Man- uel of Portugal is coming over here to be betrothed to Princess Aletata Kira of Fife. "There is no foundation for the ridi- culous report," says Truth. "that the betrothal is to be annowneed at a state banquet at Windsor Castle der - Ing His Majesty's visit. King Manuel and Princeses Alexandra have never wen each other and there would be numerous other obstacles in the way ef such a marriage, if it had ever been oentemplated in any respansible quarter, which it has not been. Prisoners and Guard Biewerew. Fort Saskatchewan, Alta., OA. Between 5 and 6 pan. three writioners, undergoing sentence in the niotiated policoe barracks here, escaped 'rein a nearby field, where they were work- ing. Grave fears are held for the eafety ef a guard in charge, he having dia. nnpearecl, and while he may have de- serted with the convicte, tere ie a possibility that he may heti met 'with foul play. . . Dear te ve4d t4$. 'Rome, Ott. it -The Orear"e -4-iedit to Italy ha been abandoned. rd lettere for the prteent, on to elte of the Czarina, Whieh is doe $e net - vans exeitement and ',eerier, Apart from every other ooneitieraticen the Czar cannot tisk a hostile reeeption, which wouki afloat the Oriarinee health. The above is the offinial entreleree- tioa, but it is well-krioem that the visit would have neon ebendoned whe- ther the Ocarina 'wa ill ot well, be- eause the Govenintent, that/get wills ing to guard the Czar's life, knee/ the+ it would be irripmeible NI ex - elude hostile demoriajtetiene. INFANTICIDE Stm000ted of Kai4ne 144or Two -Year -Oki Chikf. Elea Setter of Draper Toverehip, Neer Bracehridge, Left Father's Herne Last Month With Salty Which Was- Never Seen Again-ente Hefts* Officers. Find Child In Swalic, wad Accubos Hoe Father. Itrticebridge, Ott, 11. -Eva Suter, !wed 21, of the Township of Draper* 210 arrested under suspicion of doing away wit•le her child of ebout two years of age. The girl lett her home on Septem- ber .90, after having had wards with her father the night before, with a valise, and with the child in her arms. On patesing * neighbor's a short dietante away, she was alone. As nothing more was leen ei the (*ad, some of the neighbors insisted Onan hereetigation, County Cenetable Armatrong 01 13rooebridge queetioned the girl, who at first refused to answer, but after- wards said the child, wae at the home of John Sherwood, Gravenhurst. Then she stated that her father had over- taken her on the road shortly after her leaving home, knocked her down and killed the child in her preeence, and disposed ot the body in a swamp on their own farm, and threatened to kill her if she diyulged anything. Annetrong took the girl ant to the swamp en her father's farm, and, af- ter getting the father, who protented his imamate, a search Wait institut- ed. The girl Wag the only. one who seemed to know where to look, and the body was found buried under eeyeral inchee of moss and mud, en4 ankle deep in water at the bale of a turned up tree, A narrow piece of (rotten wao tied tightly around the neck. An inquent will be opened Monday night. Barden to Speak at Halifax. e Montreal, Oct. 11.-R. L. Borden, M.P., left for Haider, yesterday, and will address a large meeting in Nava 'Septia before the opening of Parlia- ment. 'the Coriservetive leader repu- diates the interview. appearing ,not long since, in The Mail and Empire. He annouree the party's Dread- nought pelicy at' the meeting in ques- tion: Mr: Borden made a speech at the Lafontaine Club Saturday ev,ening in' which -he said that steps were being taken to organize the Coneerratine partyr in all the provinces, as that party had never been organized be-; fore. The leader especially called ups, on the yoong men of Quebec to rally around the natural 'rulers of the conn - try, who would put an end to the corruption that is being practiced by the Miaisterial camp followers. ' Methecliste Celehrate. Ottawa, Ont, e Oct. 11. ---The eighta- fifth anniversary' of the foundation of the. Methedist Monary Societ of Canada 'was celebrated last night in the Dominion Methodist Church. Rey. -jas. Allen, secretary of home mission departmeat,. said that during the paet decade, 375,000 foreigners had come iota the country, of Whom 75,e00 are Preneetants. . Fifty thou- sand had located.,in Montreal, - from 26.000 to 30,000 in Toronto, while in Winnipeg from oneethird to one- fourth of population is made UP of foreign elements. Pardoned Convict Remarries Wife. Harrisburg, Ill., Oct. 11,-j. W. Neill,' sentenced from Saline county to the penitentiary ten years ago to serve a •sentence of 25 years for the murder of Cecil Woodworth, but Who waa pardoned a few days ago, watt re -married here. Saturday to his far- mer wife, who had obtained a. di- vorce after his convictioh and mar: ried Augustus Gaylord. Gaylord died two years ago, leaving her free. • Cerandesiener Harris Explains. OttaWa, Oet. 11. -Mr. Harris, Cana- dian trade commissioner in japan; who, it was stated some time age, had written a Toronto merchant, entrednd hind notto-ship geodsedirect to Japanese =reheats ,because- they could not be trusted, says that heti cautionapplied to one ,Inetividual finn only, and not to jaPenese business C.P.R. Men Charged With Theft. Owen Sound, Oct. 11.'-JohnJohns, •sasistant . foreman at' the 0.1"..14. steamship freight sheds, and two em- ployee, George Christie • and dernee Ferries, are under arrest, eharged with .theft erom goods in transit. Stolen articles enelude lace worth several handred dollars, ladies' gloves and shoes, soap, choeolate and oretunt, anti were found, it is stated, at Joined berme He cornea 01 an old and re- epeothd fentily. ' The adojurned hear- ing takes place next StiturdaY• ' • &wed Froen Drowning. KingstOn, Ont., Oct. 11. -Constables Harry Filson and Marshall Arm- strer,g eaved ;tunes Elliott,Elgin- burg. from. drowtang at midnight on Saturday. Elliott was under the influence of liquor •end fell into the slip tit the foot oi Queen street. lie ()lied for help and the oonetableis, who were a lelook away, heard and found Elliott almost exhausted. He will have th anewer a eharge of drunkenness in the ?ohne Court. Double Trask Trans-Siberiena St, Petersburg, Oct, 11. -The ec- t.raordinary budget of the ministry of . railroads has been submitted to the Douala. It calls for $31,100,000 for new oonstruetion in 1910. AL1 of this tenoned, with the exeeption of $1<dea 000, will be expended in Siberia and en the Attar Railroad, The sum of $11.- 500,000 is allotted to the railroad line around Lake Baikal, and $12,500,009 to double tracts the Trans-Sibetion. Lamm Reeident Drops Dead. Lucien, Ont., Oct. 11. --Mrs. Mary Chilbert, aged 65 years, a life-long real* dent of this place, dropped dead while lighting a fire in the range. She is suevived by leer second husband and two daughters, Mrs. Alex, Leavitt of Walkervine and Mrs. George Lounds of Detroit. Somnambulist's Long Walk. Kingston, Oct.. IL -Thomas Doyle, aged 82, got up at midnight at Perth 11 *anted to Lanark, 12 miles away, ,n e sormternbultAie state. Rain drir.- zled all the way. He only had on bie trousers, night shirt, twine, end liebt certhrnere WOO. All these Its were in bed. Clintos News.Record MUSH WITH BURL. RS Conaptabten Posse Exottanoss Shot* With FughiveS. Tri Poetoffice Robbers Boldly 1 vede Small Villages Near Arnpri anal When Pursued by Police Man- age to Escape After a Sharp Fight --Are SaMe Mn Who Aro %Vented In Ottawa. Arnpriar, Get. 11. -The piehinock aatehlowere b.ave again evaded the chatchee cie the law by the use of their revolvers. Tide time it wee the vft1aeoaaetable of Galetta, a email village six Bailee from Arnprion who, with three &eels -tants, endeaVortel to eapenre the be Since laet Mon- day inecnine, when the safe was blown, the mem have been hunted bey peseoe 01 poliee in the Gatineau Hills. Last Wednesday one of the quartette was arreeted at Worth Wa.keneld, up the arativea* in Quebec, but the other three by ready use of their revolvers, gat away into the bush. • They were 150011 by two boys on the fallowing morning ou the top of a hill, three miles from the Kerte of the fight. On Saterday evening they. put in art & PI:Kewanee et Quion, haYing trartep- ed aintoet entirely through the thick- ly wooded hills for thirty. miles. It wee theagtet that they might appe&r there, trat ne special constables had been platted on retard. when the bur- glars' about sin o'clock, there were many whit were sure they were the tnnch Knecht desperadoes, but none attempted their arrest. Instead, they facilitated their departure by giving all the infermation asked, and selling them supplies. To the people they talked to, the men bald they had been hunting and heti lost their way. Only one of the men had a rifle,. but this they ex- plained by saying the other two had Icert theirs in the bush. They went boldly in to the village, and or pnrchaeed shaving soap; tobacco other.suppliea at the stores, and the they went to Doyle's Hotel whert. a three had supper, and several deink in the bar. Then they enquired ho to get e.cross the Ottawa river, an were directed to the ferry which goe from the Quebec to the Ontario sid of the river. They croseed over ehortly after six le'clock to the landing, whieh is aboo four miles above Fitzroy Harbor, an there took the main road which lead to Galetta passing over a quarter of a mile back of the Village of ledezroy Harbor. In the meantime lotzroy He,rbor had been notified by tele phone, but no one from Quyon follow ed. J. D. Craig,. a fanner, offered a fide to one man waiking son:re die- tance from the other two, but was told that alI three were tegether going to A.rnprior. Craig's rig woitlet no hold all, and so he drove on. A Enemy Harbor, Heman KedY, hotel nun, nets. notified by Craig and the operator of the ferry, and he passed the word on to Galetta. Oonstable Johnson abolished his ear and leaded. his Winchester rifle and teem swore in three villagers to help hint. TWO of these he armed vrith 33 ealibre revolvers and the mirth with a rifle. The .plan was lox wo to lie betide the road at one piece. and the other two a couple- of hundred feet Away, thus getting the mea between the two divisions. But while they were waiting, the con - Diable got anxious for fear .his twe assistants, who were not with him, right get excited and fire On the rat three' men they saw approach- ing. He went back to make sure and wae lying. down. in the. grass when he .trie Arrived; walking on the op- posite side of,. the road. As soon as they passed the constable quietly ape ed tos within thirty feet -- at daet that is how Constable Jonson Snares the distance. "Haft, boys, ,held rip your hiendis," coitemanded the cotestable, as he reel- ed hie weapon. But tem of the bur - lam benacd away with 'their revol- vers, One firing ow shot and tha other ewe, ind tell three ran. . The conetehle nel his' aesistams :used all th,er chargee without effect. It was now a few minutes to. 9. o'clock, and gage ark. „ One man darted up side road; an - (Ashen vanished, the constable did not knew where, and the third coatinried long, the toted, through a gezden to mother street and along past the gell- ed Store, where the Usual Satuniae egist otentel were. getting &Imlay pi-.- one.vThey heard the shote and new who had been expected; they ow the fug/dyne with the eonstable ,tre hira, and then they suddenly hied 'irresistible impulse to'see the in - de of the etore egein. • Yesterday naorning Wm. ley, night operator at the G.T.R. station forrad IV') enipty and twO full cartridges nem. the water tank. Apparently, Mae sgdar reloaded his revolwa and prepased to resiet aftecla Constable Sobuston remained mended' for the rett of the night and homed Ottawa, and a sotted'of eight ty and Dominion police arrivede4r- yesterday rxtorning. . All day barns and outbuildings Wen thatched lean. Last night men were sta- mei along the railway and on roads adimg to Arreprior, Pakenhana teed her villages. lien who saw the fugiteves say they appeared all Sein- ed out . Tenet night Dr. Groves of Gawp telseehoned that he had aeon the le. • • Mee From Brakes Heart. 11 3 fi g Ohlottgo, Oct. 11. -Mr. Agrees Mc- Clean, the 70-yeateo1d mother of Po - Hee Inspeotor Edward MeGann, -who if3 110n0162* oonvietion of having exempt- ed linkage) horn keeper e of disorderly howeee, died yesterday at her home • ha Lintels', Ill. She is believed to have tenteumbed to a broken licert. She bee always been proud of her hers, eleven in neither, of wham throe are podieft offleats, and was meet ,wood ef Edward when he was raised to the dirnity of inspector. She never readvered his *onvietion. • HAVE YOU HEARTBURN ? .attite common With aeople witene digestion is poor. Immediate relief follows the use of Nerviline,, Mtoinach, is.strengthened, digestion is made nee - feet, lasting cure results la every ease. lTse POIson'a Nerviline once and you 11 never be without it becausd every type of etomach disorder is eon- quered by a feW doses. One 25e, bot- tle of Nerviline always eonVinces.' Sold h _ eve yw ere for the past fifty, years. op' 'TOE VERDICT For StiloOnel Tittle Coroner's Jtitlf ikoOtnsi4 Ttither. Jury Impairing into Death of Anthers' Baby at Niagara Fails ferings In a. Verdict of Viillful Monter Against Mine Mabel Turner. - Witnesses Give Damaging Evidence Against Toronto, Oct. 0.-Mre, Mabel Tura hee. alias Gmelin, was found guilty of murder of the Anthers' infant by. the chief coroner's jury at the morgue last night. The verdiet was as follows; That the Anthers' infant came to her death in, the City of Toronto, in the County of York, between the datee of Saturday, Sept. 11, end Thursday, Sept, 16, by strangulation at the hands. of Mrs. Mabel Turner. And that the aforesaid Mabel Tur- ner did et) kill and slay the afore- said enfant Anthers. And the jury further would suggest that the authorities establish a home where thundling infants may be cared for. This is the wend time that this erirne has been laid at her door in a coroner's court. Mrs: Turner had been taken back to the jail before the itirY returned with their verdict, af. ter lees than half au hour after the taldag of evidence was closed. Chief Oominer Iohnson outlined the evidence briefly, but graphically, He said:. "There is seldom a case where. the police have succeeded in forging so complete a chain of evidence. There seems to be no missing link. "Mrs. Turner is shown to have bar- gained. for the adoption ot the child. She is shown to have got it at the hospital on the day of its birth. Cries like to those �f an ,infant being stran- gled were heard in her room by not one, but two people. They were de - /scribed as the cries of a strangliag infant, even before there was the least shadow of suspicion against this woe man. , "She wee seen leaving the house with a paroel like that in which the child was found. She is traoed to the place where the parcel containing a bundle was found. She told strange and varying stories of her reasons for going there. The very box in which it was found is shown to be a box which was in leer possession. "You jurors may have thought it impossible to believe that any woman oould commit •suoh a crime against a harmless infant for money, but let me tell you gentlemen such things have been done. "It is a very large case. We know that this sort of thing has been made a trade in Some countries and I have for years pointed out not only to the police,. but to other authorities inter- eeted in the matter that many infants were found strangled and that no one could find out who had placed them • where they were found. • • "We may have one of these people, There may be others that are making their living out of just. this thing." Mrs. Turter was in court -during the greater part of the hearing. All the life has gond out of her faee and • the whimsical smile which has made her face so attractive, was not seen for black and. her eyes were soinbre and brooding. • ' . . • Mrs. Annie Authers, the mother of the murdered child; was also in court mid. was drequently moved to tears., She was attended by her friend, Who strove to shield her from prying eyes, but she seemed to be fascinated and did not leave the room until after the coroner had closed his address. ' The important evidence of the sit,. ting was given by 1VIre. Goldie, with whom under the name of Mrs. Miller, the prisoner had lived at the Wood street house. Mrs. Goldie was very nervous. but when she began to speak she gave her evidence ceearly and convincingly, hesitating' only when' she strove with almost painful hones-, tet to speak only of those things of vehicle she had an exact and personal reoollection. • Evidence was 'also given by the ekrk in the Eaton stote who had sold' a pair of shoes to Mrs. Turner a few. days before .the murder. This 'wit- ness by the recognition of her own handwriting upon the label on the box in whiph the body of the infant was tleafoundtiota" coomipAlheatetd the absolute itlenti- . Systematically Robbed Church. Vancouver, B.C., Oct. In the ar- rest of John Short, the police believe that they have a criminal unique, for he has systematically robbed Christ Church, one of the largest edi- fees in this city, during the past thn months. Short was befriended by the rectot, Rev. C. C. Owen, who gave the young man work at electrical repairing in the 'church. Short stole valuable larnps and other small Pieces of fur- niture, and yesterday a search of his room disclosed an .electric motor which used to operate the church pipe ergan. • Jury Fix Value. • 0obtrurg,' Oct. the suit of Bigelow v. Powers, and the 'Pioneer Threshing Syndieate of Clarke Town- iship, the jury fixed Bigelow's loss at 63,301 for his burned barn. The fire was due to a spark from the threshing outfit, and the insurance Companies declined to be held 'responsible for the full amount. Election Pledge In Catethism. Paris, Oct. 9.---Sorae of the French bishops, following up a more Milita.nt potiey*, have intrOduceel into the °ate - &ism the obligatioa to vote only for candidates 'who have publicly pledged themselves to the defence of religious interests. No Change In Style. Ottawa, Ont., Oct, 9. -it oftleially stated that a report whieh says that the Postofflee Department intends to substitute D. a (Doreinion, of Can - edit) for E.R. is a myth, heard for the first time last night by the. Depart A BILIOUS HEADACHE. Is one of the meanest things in the World. To prevent hilthuenese use Dr. Hamilton's Pills which keep the sys- tem elean and pure, regulate the bowels, give tone to kidneys and liv- er. You'll never have a headache you'll never have a sour stomach, btit you will have vigorous bracing health by taking Dr. Hamilton's PIM. Your druggist sells Dr.„Ilairtilton's Pills, 25e. per bot or five boxes ter one lar. SHIPYARD FOR CANADA Harland and Wolft L1keI tO Build New Fleet. Halifax and Prince Rupert Are Name ed as Probable Locations For the Branches of the World'e Greatest Individual Shipbuilding Company --Canada Will Probably Sorrow Two OldsFashioned Cruisers, Ottawa, Oct. 9. -Harland & Wolff of Belfast, Ireland, the greatest in- dividual shipbuilding firm in the world, have decided to eetablish in Canada. . Their arrangements are not perfect- ed, but plans are so far forward that in a week or twa, er possibly in a few days, a definite atatement will be made. liarlaad & Wolff are the premier warship builders, not only of the British, but of other empires, and al- though no contracts- have been made and nothing further thau cerrespon- dence and verbal communications have passed betweea the Canadian authorities and the great Irish Arm, it is understood that Harland & Wolff will build in Canada the first war- ships foe the new Canadian navy, It is probable that the first dock- yards will be constructed arid the Plante iaid down at Halifax. Not only in the Maritime Provinces, but also on the Pacific 'Coast, will Canadian war vessels be built. The belief has prevailed that Vancouver will be the favored. city, but in view of a statement made in London by the Canadianrepresentatives to the imperial naval defenoe conference, it is believed that the building of the Pacific section of the fleet will take place at Prince Rupert. This has caused some heart -burning in British Columbia, and possibly the Government view may be altered, but the present idea of the Government is that Canada will borrow two obso- lete siecond-claeis cruisers as a begin- ning, These will be of the Bristol type. ' Of course they are not obso- lete itt the common acceptance o/ the terrn; it is merely that in the British navy they have been superseded as a standard type by vessels of it later class. The proposal is to plaoe one on the Pacific Coast to serve in the dual capacity of training ships and fisheries -protective cruisers. This much only is really definite, that Canada will 'build a navy, and that it will 'Cost a good many million dollars. . • Capt. Newton, who has been A.D.C. at Governraent House for some years, has been appointed Canadian repre- sentative for Harland & Wolff. • May Mobilize.Entire Force. Ottawa, Oct. 9.-R is stated here yesterday that when Gen. Sir John French ,comes to Canadanext year, there will be a mobilization of all the Canadian troops. at Petewawa mili- tary camp, and a grand review. The extiet date of the arrival of Gen. Frefich has not been decided, but it is expected that he will. be in Canada early next slimmer. His spe- cial mission will be to inspect the Canadian land forces; and to take an inventory of equipment and capacity for mobilization. The military estab- lishment of Canada is 57,000 men, On inquiry at the Militia Depart- ment yesterday it was stated -that there had been no official communi- sation regarding the matter. ' A team of cadets from Great Britaira will visit Canada next year at the time of the D.R.A. matches. Want School Control. Winnipeg,. Oct. 9. -"The Govern- ments ef the three western provinces have decided to make a united appeal to the Ottawa- authorities .for the right te administer their own school land arid school land funds." This announcement was made by Hon. George R. Caldwell, Minister of Education for Manitoba, who returned Thursday night from Regina, where he was - in conference with Premier Rutherford of Alberta: and lion. J,A. Calder, Minister of Education for Saskatcheysan, on the' subject. Church Law In Canada'. Quebec, Oct. 9. -Seven committees, composed. of the members of the Plenary Council in session here, have been appointed to inquire into the present application of• chureh law in Canada, and make recommendations with a view to the formulating of new regulations. . Archbishop MeEvay is the first list- ed on the commission "ad novas Ma- terias," and the Vicar -General Mc- Cann is ineluded tinder the head "theologicus" on several important committees. • To Fight Legislation. Halifax, Oct. 9, -Representatives of all fire insurance offices in Halifax at a meeting approved of •the proposed Canadian-tederation to fight Obnox- ious insurance legislation, and ap- pointed G. E, Faulkner, M.P.P., and W. E. 'fhoinpson, two of a committee of three as local ex•ecutive. Another meeting will be called here, which local Senators and members of Paella- ment will lye invited to attend. Meet- ings will be. held in other parts. of the province, ' Two Childr.en Are Killed, St. Thomas, Oct. 9.-A ten -year-old lad, son of W. H. White, was instant- ly killed Thureday at the Alvinston Fair, He was kieked in the face by a horse, Wilhemina, the two-year-old dough - ter of Wellington Annett, near Alvin- ston, Met death by breaking her neek by crawling through it fence, Her foot slipped and her chin caught in a board. Matootted on Penguin Island. • St. John's, N1d,, Oct 9. -After be- ing marooned for several days on the barren rooks of Penguin Island, where their fishing craft, the sohoorier Ophir, was wrecked, the five members of the crew were landed here yester- den bit a toast steamer. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di- arrhaea Itemedy NeVer Known to Fail, hone used Chamberlain's Colley Cholera and Diarrhoea Iteniedy since it was first introduoed to the publie in 1872, arid have never found one in - stew where a cure Was not speedily attected„ by its use. 1 have been a commereial traveler kr eighteen years and never start out on a trip without this, my faithful friend," says II. S. Nichols of Oakland, Ind, Ter. Por sale by all druggists. eas a oximuippiimpoommornommiumm. ooks on top of the stove, bakes in oven at same time You can cook over sza pot -hole and bake ----in Pandora oven at same time -and get perfect results„ That's because cooking draft is also baking draft. Flues are so constructed that heat passes directly under every: pot -hole and around oven twice before passing up ehinIney. No wasted heat -instead fuel does double diltzt. saving Pandora owners both time and money, 19 Would you not like to be a Pandora. owner? Ilarland Bros., Clinton, Ont '11MNIMmorgimlnE11111•1111111111 Make Each Animal Worth. __ 25% Over Its Cost On 3of a'Cent a Day . ' Nobody ever heard orstock food" curing the bots or colic, makkre Sons lay in winter, increasing the yield of milk five pounds per cow a ease or restoring run-down animals t9 PlumPaess and Vigor. When you feed 'stock food" to your cow, horse, swine or poultry: "THE , ., you are merely feeding them what you are growing on your own farm. EEL" Your animals do need not more feed, b.A. something to help their, 14c..,,,,t., . oh dies get all thegood out of the feed you give them so they can get fat g.2 e?Wittner of 2r g su.P WIZ Le.s Itqf 0 11.ed V 8164 epiciatt.1"4„adndte PT and stay fat all year round; also to prevent disease, cure disease and keep Lar aG7-avri Cair‘Cetril'12871 Note "Stock Food" But a "Conditioner" ROYAL PURPLE STC)CK SPECIFICcontains no grain, nor farm products• It inc eases yield of milk from three to five pounds per cow per daY before the specific has been used two weeks, It makes the milk richer and adds flesh faster than any other preparation known. Young calves fed with ROYAL PURPLE are as large at six weeks old as they would be wheat fed with ordinary materials at ten weeks. • plumpness almost magically. Cures bo4I colic, worms, skin diseases and debility_ permanently. Dan McEwan, thehorseman, says; I have used ROYAL PUR ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC builds up rurndown anp.imLnalssaTndorcesKtosrepsatchei.mvitco persistently in the feeding of 'The Eel,' 2.02i, largest winner of any pacer on Grand Circuit in 1908, and 'Henry Winters,' 2091,.brother of 'Allen Winters,' Winner of $36,000 in trotting'Stakes in 1608, These horses have never been off their feed since I commenced using Royal Purple. Specific almost a year ago, and I will always have it in my stables." r STOCK AND POULTRY SPECIFICS One 50c. package of ROYAL PURPLE STOCK'SPECIFIC will last one animal seventy days, which is a little over two-thirds of a cent a day.. Most stock foods in fifty_ cent packages last but fifty days and are given three times a dPURPLE ay, ROYAL STOCK SPECIFIC • is given but once a day, and lasts half again as long. A 81.50 pail containing four times the amount of the fifty cent package wiil last 230days. ROYAL PURPLE Vl` ill'inc rea se the value of your stock 261C it is an astonishingly quick fattener, stimulating the appetite and the relish for food, assisting nature to digest and torn feed into flesh. Asa hog fattener it isa leader. It will save many times its coat In veterinary hills. ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPECI- FIC is our other Specific for poultry, not for stock. One 50 cent package will last twenty-five hens 70 days, or a pail e0Sting $1.50 will last twentY-five hens 280 days. which is four times more material for only three times the cost. It makes a "laying macbine" out of -your hens summer and winter, prevents- fowls losing flesh at moulting time, and etires poultry diseases. Every package of ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC or POULTRY SPECIFIC is guaranteed. . Just use, ROYAL PURPLE' on one ofyour animal's and any other nreparation'on another. . . animal in the same condition: after comparing results you will say.R.OYsta PURPLE has them all heat to death, or else back cornek your money.' " FREE -Ask your merchant or write us for our valuable 32.page booklet on cattle and 'poultry diseases, containing also. 000king receines and full puticulars about - ROYAI.. PURPLE STOCK and POUL- TRY SPECIFICS. If you cannot get Royal Purple Specifics f merchants or agents, we will supply you direct, express prepaid. on receipt of $1.50 a pail for either Poultry • or Sto..k Specifics. Mdke Money a -ting as our agent in your district. Write for terms. , x . • For sale by alt lento -date merchants. W. A. Jenkins Tilfg. Co. London Can • I • red The Netvs7Itiorpt..0 bing List for 1909. Much good:reading for little. money - The News -Record and -Weekly Mail and Empire, one year.. ......$L60 ." ." Weekly •Globe,;..... , ......... , . . 1.75 • " . " • Family Herald and Weekly ..... 1 75 Weekly Witness. .. ..... . 1 75 . Sun... . • . • .. • ...... Ar• • * •• •II•V 1.60 , 4 " Free i'ress L75 6 4 it Advertiser • 1.75 4 44 " Farming World L60 • 44 44 Farmer's Advocate and • Home Magazine 2.25 if Daily News, Toronto s 130 Star " . ' 2.01 Globe 1 " • .... .. •i•••••••• •• 11•• 4.25 o • 4.25 World " Sate rday Night " 2.50 Free Press, Londen.- .... ... . .. . . . .. . , 325 Free Press, Evening Edition 2,75 CI • 44 14 Cr • 44 it what you want Is not in this list, we can supply it at less than it would cost you by sending .direct. L. remitting, please do so by xpress Order, Postal Note or registered letter and address. W. J. MITCHELL, NEWS-RECoRD. Clinton 8UTTEnet1 Onattee--ntenn. own OF THIS PRETTYPLANT- FREE Send us your name and itedress, and name Of publication fn Which this itdvertisernent ;Ventre, and we win man you absolutely teen it bulb Of the beautiful .BUTTERCUP OXALIS. The bulb is small* but It's wonder. ?tante will ilower in six weeks if Properly treated. It's grand for winter blooming, produelhet upwerde of one thousand pretty fklworn in it riettson. You'll be de- lighted and antoninhed With thin plant With the bulb. wc Will larttl send You a eoPY Of our HANDSOME DOLS CATALOGUE free, wMeh telln you all nbout hurideede of other varlettee some -of which, you may Want. IDANCH & HUNdStt SEED CO., Limited, London Ontario.