HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-10-14, Page 2Clinton Nem -Record
October 1900
PURITY . -4.0011R.S.OY
11011 T(44, 1
So truany'people have
4 been delighted with our
Talcum_ Powder that we a
4. have had some come back ;
'4 to tell us how Dice it was,
I Rose
Violet t Flesh and White
; I
There is really no
6auauoque Mao
Out ot Trouble.
Hugh 'Abernethy en Ole Feet Again—
Cure is Easy, Simple Natural and
Gananoique, Ont, Oct. 11. (special)
—That Rheumatism can be cured sur-
ely, simply and permanently is the
good news that Hugh. Abernethy, *
well-known resident of King etreet, is
sPreading among his neigNiors,
"I had sufterea trom Rheumatism
and stiffness a the joints," Mr. Ab-
ernethy states. "My muscles would
cramp. I could not sleep, ant I had
terrible headaches. I took many dile
ferent Medicines but nothing did eie Clinton, Oct. lath, 1891.
any good till I tried Dodd's Kidney
Pills. Six boxes put ma on my feet At the Bayfiele Fair Mr., Joseph Al -
again." Mon. was judge on vegetables, floury
Others who lia.Ve taken Mr. Aherne- C0I0 0 ,
uron County News Gathered
for News -Record Readers
18 Year ilgoU
From The News -Record of
October 14th, 1891.
n fruit Jas. Hearn on cattles
; finer Talcum made. thy's advice and used Dodd's Kidney and Oliver Johneton on implements
; We sell you the Pille are also loud in their praises of all ol Clinton.
the old reliabae Canadian Kidney rem,' Messrs. J. Johnston and Harry
eye For Dodd's Kidney Pills cure Stanbury took part in the Perth
by curing the Kidneyes, Sound Kidae0 and succeeded wiening ,several
Rheumatism and. other blood diseases Rifle Matches at Strattord on Friday
• keep the blood free from impurtties. es. Seaforth had their shoot on Mon-
: •
Manrg Chemist.
tor which we will pay, the
Highest Market Price. Call at
our store next • Morrish da •
Crooks or at our Elevator.
—We keep on hand a full-
-stock of Flour, Feed,-
We aro agents for the Canada Car-
riage Company Buggies and Stan-
dard Wire Fence and Posts.
will be at Holmes' Drug Store on
Friday, July Sth, and thereafter on
Wednesday Aug. 4, Sept. 8, Oct. 13,
Nov. 17, Dec. 22.' Hours from 9 a,.
en. until 3.30 p. m,. Glasses properly'
fitted. Disease* .of the Eye, Ear,
Nose and Throat treated s .
The best time to enter. our
classes is NOW. We are run-
ning the largest ane, eve be:.
the best husinsss training
school in Western . Ontario.
'Three departmente— •
Get a money making education.
Our graduates are in demand
and are meeting with success.'
Get our free catalogue uow.
Elliott 16 McLachlan
AUG. 30th.
Our graduates are assisted to the
best positions. •Write for the rea-
son. Prepare now to enter at be-
gineing of term,
Mail Courses for those who wish to
study at home.
Pon nEVOUE MAY 31st, A DIS-
Orders left at Davis Rowitied's
Will be preelptly Weeded to.
J E;tevertson
And with ne impurities, such as uric day and the London snatches will be
acid in the blood, you cannot have held to -day.
such painful and elangerons diseases as:1 'Mr. Jas. McFarlane, the noted iDheeP'
Pain in the Back, Rheumatism, Lum- . breeder of Stanley, was a judge at
bago, Neuralgia and Heart Disease. Ithe Blyth Fair. He recently sold to
Keep your Kidneys strong and well A. Dunkin six prize Shropshire ewes,
with Dodd's Kidney Pills and you can ;two to W. Snell ad an imported ram'
face the cold, wet days of fall, with- !of the same breed to M. McEwen.
out a fear of Rheumatism. I We are pleased to congratulate Mr.
, e "Peter Cantelon Jr., on the addition.
- - - of another Britisher to his household.
Goderich. Rev. Rural Dean Craig and Lieuts.
Cedebe and Ranee had a rifle practice
Mrs, F. Wyatt, who returned from on Friday. teie did not learn the score
her Americantrip so much improved but no doubt some crack shots were
in health in now ill in London at the made. .
home of her daughter. Cantelon Bros. coutinue to handle
Mr. H. Smith, manager of the an immense amount of fruit. The
"Lyric" took ill at Wingham and total amount of money they espend an!
was. taken to the hospital at that nually in this one way is a great
place. Mrs. Smith was sent a tele- benefit to the town and adieening
gram on Friday, advising her to go country.
up to Winghain in all baste. Mr. Marl- Mrs, J. Spooner was ,awarded fleet
ton quickly placed his automobile at prize for lady, driver at Blyth Show
her eervice, but another despatch ad- and second at Bayfield. ,.
viscl to take the train. 'Mr. Smith ' Mr. Smith Kilty has taken a sit
had had two hemorrhages and the e.t- with the clothing house of Jackson
tending physician pronounced his case Bros., Clinton.
•Mr. D. A. Forrester lost a fine
steer through it becoming wired and
remaining in that state sometime Mr
• • fore being discovered,
F. W. CUTTLER, PAINTER AND /The Huron Medical Association mat'
Paper hanger. All work done guar- hi the Clinton Council chamber yes-
anteed to give • satisfaetion. Prices terday and discussed . manyintricate
moderate,. dtesidence nearly opposite cases of disease. •
Collegiate Institute, Clinton. 83
• Carlow. Nile'
Something in the Hotel Line.
Mrs. Tyndall is spending e few days, Stirs. -William May of the Sault isl Chicage, the city of big things, has
in Blyth. visiting her mother, Mrs. R. Smithe.just opened a re,onster hotel, but and
Mr. Harris of Exeter has moved to and is renewing old ageuaintances. i egeliPPed at a cost of $7,100,000. It
.Mr. John's farra. t Charles Stewart and 0. Weight are sis called the La Salle. Atnorig the
Donny.. home from Northern Ontario, 'where thiugs about it are the followieg 1
George, Wallace and sister of Donn
brook, spent Sunday at Mr. Horney's0 they have been employed by the On-' It is 260 feet high.
i F. W. Monona* has returned fromettario Government. as fire -rangers.' I It is fireproof and teuilt on 150 eais-
Toronto, not having to go threuglii Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston re- sons which extend down to bedrock
any operation. • !moved from their farm, last week. no feet _below the surface of •the
i We are lad to bear that. Mrs. +Alex i They have gone to reside near Varna street.
we are sorry to lose them, as they ' It Is twenty-two stories high, two
! Jonathan Miller has sold his farm.
g , Jones, below the level of the street and
Young, who has been seriously ill, is were excellent neighbors. Mr.
twenty above.
improving, and we hope to see her who Comes from Essex, takes 'posses- .
about again in a few days. . doe at once '
. _ • • I It contaies •1,172 rooms, e40 baths.
I The ground. dimensions ,ere 20,100
I Silo-filliug is occupying the atten-I Last Sunday was anniversary ', Sun -
tion of many of the farmers these clay here. Rev, • me square feet,
' .1. C. Reid of
The hotel contains fourteen res of
days, The corn wet badly frozen by wood preached morning and evening
i the last frost. A good many' around) and in the afternoon 'addressed. the
1 The furniture consists of 25,000
floor space.
ere are usy wi e app e crop. Sunday school.. !pieces, 80 -carloads, and 4,500 oe these
pieces are upholstered.
There are 20,000 pieces oi silver-
ware 'and 140,000 pieces of linen.
The electric light nxtures number
C. A. AlcDonell and wife returned With a Fiddler, -a Fire and Feasting, 5,000 and carry 20,00 lights. The
last week,. alter spending senile, months e ipower plant is big mush to supply
' the' Night Is Spent in Merry -
in the West, where they visited the Makin. electric light for a town ot 5,000 in -
chief .citiee froza Vancouver to San . habitants.
"Fraliefsco:. They also visited many) Of the many festivities which we The kitchen is large eneugh to serve
points of interest in the three Provin- have among the remote hilts of Ire- 15,000 meals a day.
ces of the Great West. land Hallow -eve is looked lorward to , The systein of ventilation will inove
At. St. Aloysus R. C. Church, De- with most pleasurable anticipation by. 1,300 cubie feet of air every minute,
troit on Oct. 5th, by Rev. Father the light-hearted youth, says Seuinas and will change the air in every Komi'
Vandyke,' Miss Kathleen Hagan (Unlit' MaelVianus le The Delineator for Nov, in the 'house every ten minutes.
ter of Mrs. Eagan, Hillsgreen, to W. ember, On that night the young I There are 4,600 doors in the hotel.
B. Clark of the above city.. !people will indulge in, their reerriest . If they were placed end to end they
pranks and their greatest tricks and would extend twelve miles.
G. D.' Arnold who has been ili for
most fascinating magical mysteries, I It is the. first e'difice oi its kind
several' months, was taken so rauch
Worse on Sunday, that Hanson Petty end, not leak, they will enjoy not west of New York that is clesigeed
merely apples and nuts, but the Tar- andleuilt after the French renaissance
was sent to Clinton for Dr. .Gunn. Vet;
est dishes isseall of the tvirelve eteie, and it is the largest hotel ever
first it was feared. that an operation . .
wOuld be necessary, but a change for menthe. - i constructed under an original con -
the better took .place and he was able I Like Chiestme.s, Hallow -eve is a tract. -Another remarkable ,feature is
to be up the neat day. • -, . j home time for our eseoplee The moult. t•he fact that but sixteen Months
Joe Dirstine is back from London tain kitchen, in which the family and elapsed between the day the work of
where he has been for two months, ie friends of the family are going ta laying the foundetions wasstegun and
charge of lVfatt Ellwood's barber shop spend Halloweeve, in all probability, the structure was ready for occupan-
occupies the whole width of the house cy. . .
on lIa.Milton Road. Matt. has been he
a.nd half the length of it. There is a
the West prospecting and bee purchase ,
great open hearth from which the higli
ed a farm, sold his business in Lone •
piled turf and bog fire seeds up . dance .
Special Graaf to Teachers.
don and has moved his 'family tothat
, ilex flanies With the winsemest, dance . ,
land of proeperity. .. I •
ing, yellow light, -which makes slia- The special Legislative grant, whicli
' Hugh Buchanan went th Toronto.
, dows leap and bound like ghosts . on is now being distributed amongst the
last week and eermeght home th,e little, the walls. and elope the bared gaiters Public and Separate schools. •of • be -
Hess I child'. fibre the Sick Children's
•Hespital, where she has been under- overhead, and glinunera, and., shimmers tad°, is to, be apportioned. • on the baa -
in the patterned delft winch, crowd- is of the. grade of the teachers' coal -
going treatment fee some tinie. .' * ed in close rows; adorns .the sane- ficates .and the length f eth i
. ,o e r sue -
whited 'dreaser. • , • • I cessful experience. • • ' ,
,There aid sand -Whited theirs of old••;1 ' '
'1 his grant is to be applied
exclusive -
Zelda; fashioned cciuntry pattern, - and ...slier -11 'ly accordance with a specified regula-
te study music at Berlin. . farms, and three-legged sterns, •and tion. , In cities, for teachers having
ovee five years' expeelence on July,ilst
• Miss ,Pearl McCormick left last week stools yelept .. "creepy," in plenty.
Emergency seats are to be. had by •of- this year, • a • first-class certifi-
Mr.: John Durnert of 13 Eli • li cated teacher is. ' to reeeive . $29, a
.0 a is ere pressing into service the, side of the
at .present reilewing acquaintances. ie•
. I outshot" bed in the •kitchen oeTner . second class e15, and those with less
•Mr. Frederiek Witwer has purchased and the half- eniptied bags of meal than five years eXper• e i teaching
the tannery property , from IY1f. 5., that. pit •by the. Well -tide down ' 'the are. allotted $15 $10 "de $11150
, an . respece
Rennie... ' • e , .. e !floor, and the vagabonds of the cern- tively. . . .
I In towns the scale is ratlie,r .better,
Miss -11.1eggie; Campliell • hes returned pally would strive . among theneselves
resumably because the -salaries are
to twee from a eix months stay :for these privileged bed-seati-ethat P
with her sister, at Berlin: .. ; particular .positien being the • unalien; lower and require augmenting. 'Thei
efreFred: McDonell of Hansen and able privilege of the afore -mentioned will benefit by $30, $22.50, $15; and
Mr. Gibson of the Hamilton offiee of vagalioncls of the countryside, be.. $11.25 respectively as outlined ahoVti
the Bell Telephone Co., were in town cause; having all the rest of the gethe! Villages go up another notch to e40,
last week. , .' • , !ding. before 'them and under them, 06, $20 and $15. In urban munici-
Was here on Saturday, and it is . re- they cen rake the •ceraPanY with are'Palitiee with . over 1,500 population it
Mrs, yem. Fritz ' or Grand Bend
ported that she will make .her home rows of et -weasel the• night long. A is about the same, but in other neurti-
local fiddler; with whom the•femily is cipalities the rate is increased to $50,
Imre, shortly. : ' • .. a favorite,: honors the hOeseheld, may-. $37.50, $31.25 .end $25.. ' •
Mrs. J. A. ' Williams, was operated be, with his .peesmice that night,. orl The Ontario GoveTnnient'e : purpose
op last week heeler. Gunn Of Ciinthe, else e wandering: piper, who 'always is, 'of course, quite appaeeet. - What.
Nem hes been accomplished of late in the
assisted by Dr e Cemphell. Tile, 'opera.. finds his horne within the first
he meets efter night falls. the fiddle]:
tion was succeastul and the ,patient is rural ,districts it, is now the ' purpose
to extend to the larger . towns pee
making peed progress. ! or the piper, as the case may be, has
cities, thus making the lot of the
"-Mr. and Mrs, eJoseph Brennee •oi the seat ef honor ie the chimney -
Grand tend • -visited in town last corner -.--for in our matintaine •tne mus- teacherebriehter and giving an impetus
weck. •• • , to higher salaries in order to stem the
•• 'clan Is prince • ,
Mr. F. W. Hess, has the old tin- : • !tido .westward which is now denuding'
I the province of many of its
shop ,moped out and is excavating for ' nright and
the news buildiug. ' ' Repeat it eee"Shiloh's Curb' W li 1 ' promising teachers—Ridgetown • Dom -
in this district and large quentities. W. a e inion.
Winter apples ere a very good crop i
ways cure my coughs awl Colde.". '
are beteg hauled to the station.
very serious. In the meantime the
operator and Mr. Dave Munro, will
take charge of the Lyric. •
forshipping and evapor-.
a ting purposes. Best prices
•••• • ek000...~...4.•••••••
• •
• •
o • .
. 9.
One year ago, Mr.'
. . .
George Wakeillt1 n was o.
. •
eitening ahem. $100 per •
Year as farm laborer. Now a
he is earoing at the t•
of $902 per year..
.• • •
Six 'months' training •
Aeolic Basineas. ()allege
Made the difference, Was
it a good inveetmant. ? He a.
think so. fits address *
les New Osgoode, Sask. :
Four 'Courses
CommEnCiAl 9
. TuLEGnAPlix - 9
Enter any tins, Indi-
vidual Insti eaten. 4
Write forParticulars. I
; Business College .
• , PRI
*******4 9 • ••••••••••• t•••••••
filltib81 Tire.
Having purchased a machine foe
applying Rubber Tires, we wish to
my that are are now prepared to fur-
ish and put on such tires at reason-
ble rates.
We also do all kinds of Grinding,
nything from a pair, of scissors to a
ircular saw. This week We installed
machine for grinding horse clippers
which does perfect, work.
We likewise. do kinds of lathe
lark .on short order and at TeaSOn.
hie rates.
Machinery repaired, Horses shod.
Londesboro, Oct. 14th, 1891.
Mr. Newton has purchased . a new
buggy from J. .13eunadon 4 Son.
Mr. Geo. :Bradford wears asinilihg
face now. It's a girl. '
Rev. Mr. Jansen preached . In the
Presbyterian church on Sunday.
Rev. .1. Fergusoesoceepied• his own
About half a dozen good men: 'could
have captured Londesborough last
Friday, everybody was at the Blyth
Fair. . •
Rev. James Ferguson hes returned
from his, trip to the Old Country.
His congregation was. glad to wel-
come him back.
The. Methodist • church was nicely,
decorated •with flowers in honor of
the pastor, Rev. J. Pergeson. e
Mios Callender, who has -been on
the sick Bet is, we are .glael to learn,
gettingbetter.-We •hopeto see her
around again soon: .
We had some rain about a Week ago
but we could do. with far more. Quito
a number of the wells in the Village
have:gone dry and et will take' a deal
of rain to help • thein.
The I.O.G.T. meetieg next, Tuesday
evening will be a very interesting one,
Bro. D. McFedeen; will toll themowliat.
he saw during .his 'trip to the Old
Countey.' •
The Sops of England initiated three'
at their last meeting. , A. number of
Brothers from Clinton Lodge were
present: After the ledge was dosed
refreshments were seeyed and a pleas-
ant time spent.. ,
Mrs. S. J. (Young and Miss Maggie
Ryan spent several days in Goderich
recently, . " .
:Mrs. Frank Courtney of St. ,Thomas,
is Visiting leer sister, Mrs. David
Mrs. Pointer of Pembroke, is visit-
ing for a few days at the borne of
Thos, Disher.
Mrs. Richerd, Reid, who has ince
very ill, is recovering.
Mrs, Wm. McMatli is in very poor
health. Her grand -daughter, Miss
Vina Kirk from Londestiero, ,is stay-
ing With her at present.
J. Allen and.wife • of Ottawa, visit-
ed the former's brother, T. Ct. Allen,
for a couple of days last week.,
John Campbell,. who a short time
ago purchased Win. Matthews' proper-
ty south of the village, moved this
week to the seine. We welcome him
to our midst.
Dr. Brown Durnin, who has Veen
spending .some time in New. 'York City
hospitals, visited relatives here this
week ;before leaving for North Dakota,
where his brother Charles is a Mein -
her of the medical profession.
Item. Powder has purchased a
building .lot near the Presbyterian)
church front Dr. Iltedd. Ile has fenced
the same and is erectile; a stable on
the lot. Tie contemplates erecting a
dwelling 8Onle time in the future.
Is often reached with cores. Pool -
isle' because Putnam's (iota Ii•Ixtractor
cures iti twenty-four hours. 'Don't
off—get "estitnare's" today.--fifty.yecira
in use—Paleness and sure. ,..
peat it :—"Shiloh's Cure will al-
ways Care my coughe and colds.'1
Heiman Hallow -Eve in froland.
4.11 ?hsicIu
Mat pr904041)41 ctOP014 of tit. Inprigli.
eats that are eontot04101 in Hood's
Ciereaparilli—fer 01 troubles of Out
Wood, itosenals, edelaisy• *ad liver.
They inelude, *mango,
Yellow deck, gentian, wild eberrY
beak, veandreke. dandelion, Juniper
berries, pipailsetwa, etc.
-The combination and proportions
are our own formula and give Power
to eure beyond tbe reach of any other
ateaeription. There ie no real, sub-
stitute for it. le urged to buy any
preperatien :add to lee "just sie good"
you may be Duro it is interior, costs
lees to meice, and yields the dealer a
Iarfter profit.
Ott it today of your drugge&e. leo
reeeee One Teallar. Prepared only by'
Hood Coe owell, 14ass, XL
Repeat it :—"Shiloh's cure will al -
aye cure my coughs lull colds."
The'Octoher Rod awl Gun.
On the eveeof the big garae hunting
seasan, the October Number of Rod ear
and Gun in Canada, published by W.
I.T. Taylor, at Woodstock, Ont., gives
foremost attention to big game hunt-
ing stories. They will he found varied,
'enough in both localities and expere
iences to interest all sportsmen and
many will doubtless recall incidents
in their own careers corresponding
with some related in such pleasing
fashion in these pages. In the same
way the article on "The Characteris-
tics of a Fine Backwoods Guide," will
remind numerous readers of character
featpres shown by their own guides,
and revive many pleasant memories—
!a, rich storehouse of which, is the
property of every sportsman. Fish
culture in Newfoundland will receive
lattention, from every brother of. the •
red, and its inclusion shows that
eiren at such a time the interests 'of
the devotees of the fishing art aro
not neglected. Other seasormeelo pages
'are given, making the nurnber ono
'that should be the companion of ev-
ery sportsman either . at home or. on
his vacation; giving him many please
antehalf hours in pursuing what
'others have done and enabling him to
I fight some of his own battles o'er
Repeat it :--"Shiloh's Cure wia al-
ways cure my coughs :and voile."
, WhereverParisian 'Sage is Knowil • It
. Has.the Call.
The Welcome Man.
Repeat • it :—"Shiloh's Cure' will al-
ways cure my coughs and colds."
Grey Township.
the fermers make bay; he's greeted
There's a man in the world who is
never turned down, wherever be chan-
ces to stray.; he gets the glad hand
in the populous town, or out 'Where
lVfiss. Lottie Jackson is visiting Mese with pleasure. on deserts of sand, • and
Emerson Vipond of Donegal, deep in the aisles of the woods,;
Miss Evelyn Greer of Listowel -„was wherever he goes there' S the welcoin-
visiting Miss Jennie Armstrong. '-in g hand—he's the man who delivers
Hartwell Speiran Jr., 15th eon, is the goo* The failures of lite sit
away to the West on a holiday trip. around and complain ;the gods
'Mrs. D. McCallum and on Duncan, haven't -treated the white; they've
of Mullett; -were calling on old friends, lost their umbeenad whenever there'e
here last week. • rain., and they haven't their lanterns
We are sorry.the health of Mrs. F. at night ; /nee tire Of the failures
Miller does not iraprove as quickly as who fill with their sighs the air of
her many frieridsWould like to see., their own neighborhoods e theTe's one
Local Option is becoming a live who is greeted with love -lighted eyes
topie of conversation in Orkey towe- the maa•who delivers the geode,.
ship. . One fellow is lazy, and watches the
Geo. and Mrs. Johnston, 1st cote', dock, a.nd wait for the whistle to
attended the' werldine of their neice, blow ; and one has a hammer, with
Miss Teta Johnston of Eciedevich, and which he will knock, and oneetells a
Harvey Sparlieg, at the home of the story of woe; and one; it requested
bride's father. to travel a mile, will measure the per-,
Harold Hogg, Prineilial of Londes- ches and roods but one does his
boro Publio school, spent Sunday stunt with a whistle or smile he's the
week at his home on the 4th. Ile .man who delivers the goods. One man
was accompanied by his sister, Miss is afraid that he'll tabor too hard—
May of Blyth, and her friend, Miss the worldisn't yearning for such ;
Jacobs, • / and ens/ map is alwa.0 alert, on his
W. II. and Mrs, Hudson; havo gone guard, lost he put in a minute too
10 Tiverton to the former's old home; much and one has a grouch or a
for a visit before retuning to De- temper that's bad, and one is a erre-
troit. -Mrs, IIudson's health was ture of moods ; so it's hey for the
much improved by her stay here 'we joyous and rollicking lid—for the one
are pleased to state. , who delivers the goods 1—Walt. Mas -
Miss Jennie Ilogg will represerit on.
Pee's Epworth. League at the convene I
tion to be held at St, Marys this
week. Miss Mary Johnston, will lei ' Intense colicky Paine tedeteee,
the representative from the same "For some years I sugered from in -
League to the convention at Luc:know.' tense
Oliver Turnbull, 15th non., was colicky pains width would conui
on at times and from which I could
ihrealened With appendicitis 'but re- fine no reueeve says e. Maori at
medical mre easures weused that gave Beaver Dam, Ky. "'Chamberlain*
hii r°11°f• 'Tin purposes leaving with Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
a car of Leieoster eheeri for the West,
Mr. Turnbull may be away a month was recommended to me by a Mend.
combining teisinces and pleasure. leiter taking a few doses of the, rens-
edy. I was entirely relieved. That
was four years ago and there hae
I been no return of the symptoms since
Itepeet it :--"Shiloli'S Vete that time.” This remedy is for sale
way % -euro my, coughe atid colds." by all druggists.
*aakalweatee. saualoyeve.y....
"The Soul's Awakening."
• (By °antes 'Sant, R.A.)e
The Soul's Awakening" is a. pie: -
tura wnieli tells its own story. A
young •gimi stands' a book
clasped against herludom. from winch
has obviously just comp the magic
thought that has awakened her soul.
In her cyesis that "light thatr ieVer
Parisian Sege, that most efficient of .
all hair restorers; iea yery ddighte ee•
ful and refreshing, dair dressing. Be- .
sides possessing these qualities it will
positively make aty woman's hair
soft, luxuriant en,d ' attraetive. W. S.
R. Holmes sells.it and will 'return
your money, if yob. are dissatisfied.
I Just read this : "After using ono
'bottle of Parisian Sage, I -now• have a
better grOwth of hair and I [wed
'yonr Hair Restorer pleasant to use.
After the first applitation; the dan-
druff disaepeared and my hair Stop-
ped. falling out, and it has been re-
stored to its natural ..olor. 1 now
recommend your Parisian S:tge to all
my lady friensis.—'Lottie Beal, 111. Alt;; -
Hope Ave., Roehester, re'
Com ortable
Valore Couches , at .$5.00 $6.50- 18,50
Verona • Couches at 10.00 13.00 15.00
Wilton Rug Couches r2.e0 14.00 tog
Leatheret t Couches t .00 20,00 25,00
. ;e—Call; and See the Goods. ---
H.. Chellew
atfori to look at it It calls the mind,
away from frivolity; from, the meaner
ambiticies of life, from the petty ques-
tions of dress and pleaeuro e and opens
to the soul' e vieion a. diviner 'joy,
which lifts one on Wings of light far
teyond the dust of eery day striviug.
So few of• us remember that we have
a soul. So many of us are largely.
material in our outlook *end regard eve•
en our, regnant minds. as •nethineernopa
than sturdy dray -horses to orate eur
carts et "epoil." up the hill of success.
- This 'picture tune our thought in-
ward and bids us know that there is
something better there of which the
body is only the keeper and. the brain
the servant. Here is where our high-
est happinese is enthroned ; end it is
something to have a simple pictureon'
our .walls, which lifts our imaginings
to this refreshing height.
A eopy of the...beautiful- picture de-
scribed. above will be sent absolutely
free to all . who subscribe to • The
Resident and Mail Courses
Catalogues Free
1. W. Westervelt, J. W. Westervelt, Jr., C.A.,
Principal. Vice -Principal,
Family Herald and Weekly Star for The Clinton chopping mill will .be
1910, price one dollar per year. Chile' runaing every day after the lith inst.
bed with The News-Itreord for $1.0. We have just put in a hew grinder an
' "The Sees Awakening" is in rich are now prepared to do a first-class
sepia one on a sheet 19 x 24 inches job. Besides chopping feed, we roll
ready tor framing, oats, grind aft.; nutke Graham. flour,
Icore meal and flaked wheat. a..
I Everything will be weighed. in and"'
We would call the attention ot Teed- , weighed out then each customer will
ers of The News -Record to our club-, get a equare All irilstakee
bing offer with The News, Torouto, cheerfully reedited and setisfaetion
whereby they can olstain the two Pali- guaranteed, It will kse to your tit-
ers for $2.30. 'The News in- terest to give us a there of your
questionably one of the most influen- custom,
tial papers published in Canada, ital Remember the stand, next to die
editorial eonement being quoted /role., Clittont Electric Light Plant where
one end of Canada to the other. Por :the embscriber will be glad to see al
(epayttonidi el a nw sahttianigrs o kte.heeprei nistonuochb ti telti hniesw
once, Thankine you for par
old euetornere lie well as raette
paper than The -News. Sample topics tayore,
can be obtained by dropping a post- I
card to this office, J ESEI OW