HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-10-07, Page 41 1101000erettniamesitwomint CsatoA News4iecor4 October 7th, 1909 4.4 Choice Ladle Hand Bags Tile Newts! COOPER'S BOOK STORE CLINTON 1 Mr. George Phipps has returned Another of the veteran pioneers; •of from Sankatchewan ited is engaged iitt this township has passed into rest in PreParing poultry for tbe market. He the persou of M. Patrick Cronia who, *Hohnesville. Gotierich Township Most Stay on the lacilaa List a Whole Ireali. Chatham, Sept. 30th,—Once placed is in company with My. N. W. Tre- died on Tuesday afternoon at the good' upon the Indian list at tlie request of wartha and they handle a large quan- old age of seventy-nine years and. a wife or other relative, a man must -thy , of fowl duriag the season. eight months. He was born of Irish, stay there for his full term, of one The township council rant on tkforie parentage in the State of Vermont year. iThis decision was handed down day but there was but little business and with hiS Parents came to this by Judge Dowlin on. the appeal of to transact- The telePlidnet bylaw was township in 1835 and. settled oa the Henry (+Win, hotellteeper of Timmese talked over when it Was decided not 6th con. Since that time, with the ville, who was fined $10 an costs on, to proceed further until the commis- eXception of a few years spent la 1141- a charge of selling to a restricted per• - 'sioners have Completed tbeir Wa& lett ankone in Clinton, he continued. on. The man in this case had. been A copy of a petition, which is .iVieing to be a resident of this townshipput on the list at hiS Wife's request, circulated all over the province asking For thirty years he lived upon the but she subseloiently changed her mind that the tax rate on building be low- farm on tbe Bayfield Con, where he and pulled down the notice posted in erectwas laid before the Mind'. The breathed his last. Mr. . Cronin was a the hotel. Gerber claimed that this members considered the request a man of sterling integrity , and enjoyed act in effect removed the man from wise and reasonable one and signed the confidence and respect of all who. the list Judge Dowlin, however, held. thi petition 'which, along with nun* knew him. In religion he was a de- the contrary, and the appeal was erous others of like nature will be vout member of tne Roman Catliolie" dismissed. • laid beforie the Legislature. Church. His second wife and the lot - Threshing is about over in this ma) lowing six sons aod daughters stir - end apple. packing seems to be the viva him John in Roblin, Man., Wen. in the west. Arthur in Morris town - • I Miss Lizzie Whitely called on lArs. ship, Mrs. Peter Gunn, Ilohnesville, Stanley on Tuesday of this week. Mrs. Alfred Ray, Detroit and Thom- ; Rev. Mr, Snowden took tbe servic- as on the homestead. The funera4 es in the Metliodtt church, Seaforth, will take place Thursday forenoon to on Sunday. St. Joseph's church, Clinton, and , *The anniversary ,services in tlie thence to the R. C. cemetery in Hui,: Methodist -church here on Smitten wean lett: • latgely attended and the collections' On Saturday morning last Mr. John =taunted -to ova' $120. • Woon fell from a straw stack and ' Porter's Hill striking a board caused the fracture.' of one of his ribs which has laid him up, Mr. William Carson'of Toronto is Threshing is tile order of the day, visiting his aunt, Mrs. W. 0.. Elliot also apple picking. Mr. John Perdue, whose wedding Miss Ruth Shaw spent Saturday s.nd The News -Record. chronicled last week, Sunday under ,the parental. roof—. tripped over a ladder the other day Mr. Norman Macdougall left last and in falling knocked nis elbow out Saturday for,Dradforti wherer he is of joint. packing apples for Mr. David Centel- 1 A full attendance of the menabers of • t L. 0. L. No. 189 is requested for Mr. Douglas.. Macdougall ceeturned next Monday evening as business of last week from FlenfrYn ;where he has impartance is to be transacted. To been working 'during the summerthose concerned Don't forget the The, many friends • or Miss Edith date, next Monday evening. Young will be sorry to hear that she A pretty wed.ding took place on Wed - is laid up with inflammatory. rheu- nosday of this week at the residence 4122.111.1112--1 matism, of Mr. and Mrs. William Mafatla of Miss Myrtle 13eacoin of SumMerbill the first eon. when their daughter, W. H. Watts & Son have everything needed in the Shoe Repairing line to execute all -orders with neatness and prompt- ly. A trial will convince you. that our material and workman,. ship are of the best procurable anywhere. We also repair SuirCases, Sat - 13 with her 'cousins, the Miss- Eva, became the bride of Dr: Alexati- es Jordan for ,a few days. er • - -* • d of kn'oiville r • Tenn The eere- . meny was perfortned by 1tev. Mr. on l'Vednesday morning, and will be, Bluth Varna. Miss 'Zia Pock returned to Seaforth on Monday after spending a week at the borne of her father, Mr. IL Peek. Miss Maggie Richardson is at pres- ent visiting her sister, Mrs. A. D. An- derson of Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Merrier of near Zurich spent Sunday at the borne of the latter's mother, Mrs. John Reid Sr. West Wawanosh The Donnybrook bridge has been much improved by receiving a coat of paint, but we think there is one thing yet which is much needed, and that i,s, a good substantial fence at the ap- proach on the north end of the bridge. The David 1VIcIlwaine property, east of let 7, con. 9, with six acres of lot 7, on. 10, townsnip of Colborne, order of the day. containing fifty-six acres, was sold • to W. Watson of West Wawanosh, for $2,600. The house and lot at Ant(urn belonging to the estate of the late Sam. 1VIarshall was sold to 'Geo. 4-loivv•I att for $810. • Rev. W. H. Hartley conducted Har4 vest thanksgiving services in Lueknow on Sunday last and Rev. Mr. Sauna ders took his work here. Rev, W. H. Hartley went to Toron-f to oxi Monday last for a two weeks holiday. His work will be taken on Sunday next by his brother, Principal John Hartley of Clinton, and. on the following Sunday iby a student from Huron Ceillege. Mrs. Frank Carr of Toronto is'visit- ing friends in town. Anniversary servites will be con- ducted in the Methodist • thuroh on .Sunday, Oct. 17th. Rev, Mr. Millyard • of Goderich will be the speaker. Mrs. Solomon Milne ot Hullett is in her 83id year, and had sufficient strength to be able to attend the Hun- ter and Crossley. meeting Sunday af- ternoon. Rev, Mr. Harris, Missienary for the Goderich District in West China, was presented with an autograph quilt w:th the names of district officers and League niembers. Dr. E. 0. Wilford gave his farewell address to. the Methodist Sabbath school mi Sunday afternoon. It is a high tribfite of honor to the Methodist Sabbath school to have a young man go lutists a inissionary • to the foreign elc,‘ r. Wilford arid wife leave here Hamilton in the presenoe of a num- remembered by the sympathy and ber of the 'friends of the contracting prayers of this conunainity. They will parties. Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton be supported in West China by the have •. . the good wishes of the Epworth -League and Sunday school 'of Elm St. Church, Toronto. - " • • whole •cormintnity. • , . Me. and Mrs. Herb S. Young of Sud- bury are visiting at the home of Mrs. ; .1 •"` . , :.• Myles Young,- • ._ Steinleg Township Miss B. Kelly was caned home from West Tuckersmith., Mrs. Wm. Tiplady of- Clinton: spent a few days with her sista,' i•Irs: Geo, • • Turner last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred.. Pipper dsited Dublin friends over "Sunday. Mr. Willie O'Brien is busy packing apples for apple -King Cantelon. Miss Ella .Henderson left ,for her home in McKillop en 'Thursday last': Mr. John Smith, who spent., the summer with Wesley Nott, purposes leaving for:ithe West •next • weck7 .• Miss Maggie 'Wilds left on Monday to visit friends in Buffalo. - Miss Suile Brownett has returned from visiting her sister in St. Thorn-. Mr, and Mrs. R. McKenzie are spend- ing two months • with friends in . the . . •chels and Pocket Books, and can ; . . Mr. • . t mecl iont is at res- . Wilbur Wright made three' euccessful also clean and dye the sa.me. ;flights with his aeroplane at • New York last Friday. Me.- H. H. A.dams of St. Thomas Our Stand : • • will succeed.Mr. F., Fisher -its General Superintendent •of 'the, Toronto, Ham- 43PP*oite the Post Office mon & nowt). •. . . . e • . r. ernes ent attending the Busineps College- aU Stratford. IMrs. Samuel Snider had the mister - ;tune to fall and ffireak one of her legs. I Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Johnson, who have lately disposed of their fa.rm 'at theNilareat resent the guests of ISTAPLE AND FANCY . DRY GOODS IMILLINERY . FURS MANTLES IINSICEM 111=111111111MEM Couch & "MINeider=18328111811, . We are Pepin ICongratulated daily: on our fine display, of beautiful, up.to-date Millinery, and we feel sure. theirjudgment . is correct for never before have** we sold so many hats at our openings. We will be glad to have you come in and see thee for yourselves as we feel sure they will pleasc you. We invite inspection and comparison. FURS. Our collection awaits your inspection. The re- quests for Fur Lined Coats, Neck Ruffs and Fur Sets is widespread and conclusive of their extreme popu- larity. We keep only the best maker's goods, conse- quently the latest and best in all Fur Goods Our prices are the lowest, Quality Congidered. COATS. Be up-to-date by wearing 1411,11141' one of our stylishly made Coats. We have made greater preparations than ever for big business in our Coat Depart- ment. Every gartueut is posi- tively this season's style. Not an old ore or a left -over is on ou yes. There is a wide variety of choice of the hest garments we can procure in the market. Best choosing is done early when stock a are full and complete. Prices run from $S to $25 .• • More New andNatty *Dress Goods just, to , hand this week in all the new shades Indy& ing westeria, taupe, rose, blue, wines and black. Call and inspect them. ; EVERY COURTESY AND ATICENTION AWAITS YOU HERE. Captain Bernier told the story . . his voyage to the newspapermen • Quebec, Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson. . Mi. and • Mrs. Wellington Fee spent Sunday, at the hotne • of Mrs. J. W. Reid. • • • , IThe- 'following- is the school - report m *for S. ".S. No. 4, Stanley for ion of Sept. The names' are in order of rneir it : 5th—Eva Johnstone, go,"goy Dewar (absent). • • Sr.- 4th—Victor Evans 60, Garfield Johnston 57, Archio Dear 56:' Jr. 4th—q1orenee Seotchmer. 45, Lloyd Scotchmer 35.'. • Sr. 3rd—Eva Dewar, 56 • EVelyn • Sebichmer 51. . Jr. 3rd—Hazel Sparks, 49, Ruth Huston 47. . Sr 2nd—Susie - Westlake • Waltelv 1 London last week by the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. Daniel Kelly of the•North end. • • . Johnston of Buffalo is the guest of Miss: Fannie Mason. • Miss Berths, Miller of Al ilverton is visiting at Mr. C. H. Deese's. Miss Rogers of Gedeeich was the guest of Mrs..: Hood for several days during the past week. . Mr. and Mrs. James Reynolds of De- troit are visiting at the latter's lanue at the Commercial House. Westlake. • • jr. 2nd—Clifiord Seotchmer 72,. Bertha Westlake 58, Johnny Watsoe.• Sr.. Pt. 2nd—Allie Stieson 50. Sr. pi. lst—Edna Scotehmer 80, Russell' Sparks 60. •• -Jr, Pt. 1st—Elva Dewar 40, Roy Seckchmer 40. No. on the 'reit 21 ; *average atten- dance 17. • ' • B. Hodgson, Teacher. • News of the Day. Prairie fires are now raging in the Provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Georgina Downs. aged thirteen, was shot and killed by a youllg Russian boy at Canora, Sask, John Coulson was found dead in IRA at Oshawa. Thirty men were killedin a mine explosion in Extension mine, near Nanaimo, B. C. Robert Butcher, a farm hand near St. Mary's, hanged himself to a tree li,"cause of a letter. he received from a young lady in the town. Herbe'rt Smith, Maadier 'of the G. N. W. telograph office eib Berlin, Ont., is missing with several hundred dol- lars of the company's money. Tbe coinmittee appointed to deal with the future relations of Queen's Universi-ty to the Presbyterian Church met the trustees of theuni- versity at. Kingston. . The prairie fires in Wainwright dis- trict, Sask., are reported still raging. It is said ,the fence around the park was destroyed and the Government herd of 800 buffalo were driven north by the flames. • • Count LeoTolstoi is ill at his tate, Yasna ya Polyana. • '. Archduke Vranz Ferdinand of Aus- tria vvill visit the kaiser at Berlin. r, Chang Chih Tung; a member of the . Chinese Grand -Council, is dead„ • ' " Mr. „as Uitli as hurriedl S mon- . q w y um ed to Ralmoral Castle -ny the king last • night.- • East Wawanosh • Ranisey. Of Michigan is Visiting heti brother David. ,. • ' Mrs. Hibbett of Londesborn is re- newmg old acquaintances here. , • s. W. Graham and . children Of StratfOrd are -visiting 'with friends here. , • • • • •• Mrs, A. Hackney has returned to her hoe in Fleeter After having visited friends and relatives here. , The NieGenran beef ring. which shook' have closedthis. weekr, is being . . . . ri e • • .. • . Mr. Ellison of Winnipeg. is spending 4 week; at the heine of Mr. Geo. Quinn: He has erected 4 beautiful monument sin tfie Union cemetery, ...Mullett in Memory of his wife who was, it Will be eeniembered, the youngest of Mr. Qoinn. • • , Live Stock Market. • ' • • Toionto, :Oct. 4th,—There were 47 The Wright brothersnave announced .that they. will ',give no more public ex- hibitions. of flying: . • I • . In the C'onnecticut local option vote( ten towns swung from 'the no -license column to 'that of the license, while six sWung the other way. ' The American Financeand. Seeuritil es Company of New York has pur- chased from the C.P.R. 54,000 acres of timlr land on Vancouver Island. Good Blood and Good Healtil. Z "Iiiiimmommar Millinery We are showing this season some very beauti- ful new styles and colors. A. few of the leading shade3 are the Rosewood, Wisteria, and Rhubarb. The new shapesale etri king and stylish as well as becoming. 116/186,0•111knev ' Miss CANTELON 6' Co filiPX111. Anneranlisrimimenineelleseee IS • THE RESULT OBTAINED WFIEN DR. WILLIAMS' PINK:: :..:PILLS ARE USED. , ' To have. good' health You nufst have car loads of live stock at the Union good blood. It is only when the Ithood Stolcr Yards, consisting Of 1042 cat- is bad that the nealth is poor. The tle, 7 hogs, .253 sheep mid 19 calves. blood is the life-giving fluid' of • the; The quality of fat cattle' was mad- body—it is therefore an absolute ne- Aria to fair. Trade .opened up very eessity that it should be kept free quiet, but during the day 642 tattle from ell impurities and polsOns. To were Sold at last week's quotations. , do tiltsnothing can equal Dr. Will - The cattle 'sold were principally' but- limns Pink Pills for Pale People These ; chefs'. and Manitoba • feeders, of 'which 'Pills make new, rich hrood with evcrr there were several car loads, that dose ; they drive mit every impurity ' • sold at fair . prices ; several jOads —every poison—and thug give good went te Western Ontario farmers. ., health. Concerning them Miss Dana- Leadbary • , Exporters.. , dette Lapointe of St Jerome, Que. 1. says :—"For several years my health Porters and these V There was not a large nunier el ex . Mrs. Clarke .and Miss'. Clarke of Senforth are the guests of Mrs. , H. McGavin this week. . • Miss Mamie ArchiHnld of Seaforth spent Sunday under the parentaliroot., Mrs. Armstrong and children-lft for their hoine in Woodbridge alter spending a few weeks with friends in this 'Vicinity. The Leadbury Union S. S. purpose holding an "At Home,'' on Friday evening, October 22nd. A e.,•ood pro - grain, is being Prepared by out pop - Oar teacha, Pliss Sheppard. • 1 was bad --my •system was completely were held aver for run down. I had indigestiori ahrtost Tuesday, when the Americian• buyers continually; my heart wee weak ; I will be on $5. hand , Export bulls, $4 to had headaches and backaches, and I . wassore all over. My bloodwas veryl ' Butchers odor and more than once I was 1 0 There were few butchers' cattle thaV despair. 1 tried many supposedrein-- , sold over $5 per cwt. Prime picked_ edies but none of them helped me. One , cattle sold at $5.20 to $5,50, but day a f riend advised me to try Dr. t) 1 thawere very few' went over $5, Williams' Pink Pills, ' telling me that ' not a car load, as far as we heard 'she had found them good in a case Loads of good, $4.75 -to $5 ;• me Luna, similar to mine. I followed her ad - $4.50 to $4.75 ; common, $3.75 to. $4.-1 i Vice and began taking the pills. They! 50 to $4.75 ; common, .$3.75 to 14.25 it soon gaVe me some slight relief. En- ceuraged by this I continued their use for several months and they strenlgth-P ened in.y whole system. I am to -day cows $2.25 to $4. . FEEDERS " . Several loads of Manitoba steers 1111114104 Winter Shoes' The kind that keep you dry without Rub- bers. The greatest resisters made. Kippen were Sold by.Whaley & Coughlin at in excellent health and always keep . Mr. and Mrs: Alfred '.1lIcTaggart Of $4 to $4,50, end will be seea by sales Dr. Williams' Pink PIUS •in the bodge Rodgervifie visited in the home 0! given below. for it I feel a little out of sorts 1 W, 11. Johnston. last Saturday. Milkers and Springers. take a box of Pills and am soon all Mrs, "VaIkenburgh of • Detroit is Vis- A 'limited supply of milkers and right again," springers sold from ;52 to $59 each. Thousands of young girls throughout "Veal CalVes. • Canada suffer , just as Miss Lapoinite There is a good dimmed for good td' did. They are sickly all the time and monthly report for S. S. No. 14, choke -veal calves, at $3 to $6.50 per are totally unable to take the enjoy - 1 Stanley. Names are in order Of tier- cwt. Choice hew milk fed yeals are mint °tit "of life that every healthy wOrth $7 per dwt. 'girl should, They need a tonic to , Sr. 51h—John Kehl. ' . I ' Sheep and Lambs. !build them up—to enable0.hem to Jr. 5th—oda MeBeath, A, Petrie, There was n fair trade in sheep and , withstand the worries of household ox ,Ilannali Dinsdale. lambs at about steady prices. fr.,- business 'duties ,;• to give them strength l' 4th -11. C. Kehl, Lola, Rathwell, H. port nives sold b.t 0350 to $3.90, 'rams' to enjoy social.lift. Such a tonic is A, Visher. ' ' " - $2,50 to $2 'i lembS" $5 50 to 15.80 per ,Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. for Pale Pee- . f • Sr. 8rd-4/ramie Paxsons, Anna. Hood 'cwt. , , f ple, These Pills give blood to blootn• Weill° illetteakh. Meg 'her numerous friends here and in Hensall. ' The 'following is the September I-Iogs. 'less girls ; they strengthen the nerves' Jr. 3rd -Jessie Collins, A. MeNtur-' IL' V. Xennedy reportS -Selects'fed banish headaehes and baeltaches;; cure We, L, E. Wasmeen, and wytered, • act 87.85; 'and $7.60, I. indigestion, rheumatism; heart Palpi- 2nd—Gracie ROSs, Anna loisher, W. o. b., ears at country 'points. tation and relieve the many ills . of C. Johnston. ' I The Gunns, Limited, paid Farmer Vi'girlhood and womanhood, Sold by all ist Pt.—Willie Parseng, Nfairgic II. NiXon of Graliameville, 'Peel Collet medicine dealers or &red' by mail at Cooper, Della Collins. 1 ty, $8 per cwt. for seven choice, hogs, 50 cents a box or Six boxes for 0;50 Tho best spellers were : delivered from his wagon, at to from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., 4th and 5th—Herbert kehl, day's market. Thie would be equal Brockville, Ont. Sr. and Jr. 3rd—Jessio Collins.' , 1 to $1.75, f.o.b., ears at t >witty 2nd—Anna L. Pisher, points.. A witness in the West Peterbore el- ection trial was ordered from the box of. Falls View was burned'. ijy Mr. Justice McMahon altertelling, t Brantford will vote on a local op- 'the court that he would make a false tion by-law next January. affidaVit if he was paid for it. ANL The Doctor's Special • Is a Hagar Shoe and without exception is the best Men's Shoe we ever - sold. The present season completes the -ninth year we have been selling them, Every pair has been a success, If you want a shoe which will keep you dry and wear longer than any shoe you ever had, try a pair of • DOCTOR'S SPECIALS, After the first pair you -will wear no other. REPAIRS WHILE YOU ,WAIT. FIE1). JACKSON "Always Reliable " CLINTON ismomaammonma (0•.•••••••-••••-••••••••••••••.•••"••••••••••••...e $ Special -Announcement) 1 $ I haiTe much pleasure in asking your attention to my selection of : $ Fall and Winter Suitings and Overcoatings $ $which represents the best that is produced by the most important •0 foreign weavers of cloth fabrics. As I control these patterns for A this town lam able to assure you exclusiveness in style, V 0 ' ' FRED . JACKSON'S OLD STAND. • $ A ' Agent for British American Cleaning and Dying Co, Montreal. 0 I 1 . GEO. W. BARGE - $ ; FERCHANT TAILOR. - CLINTON $ 0-06,66::.11./gb-40,q00‘46/6%.,10.m6.-,46.4i0,116,,N,Abw16-vto..06/10.406/4116,0 1 .0 71 iiiiKinAn-o. 0 • . :a - 9 F:or one month we will offer special prices on aU lines of g.00ds to reduce our stock so that we will have room for fall and winter . a goods, which we have bought very largely.of. We must make e room for them as we have very little room to spare at. the present • . • ' a SPECIAL BARGAINS of which we will mention a few : 0 0 Thousands of Tar& of New Prints just in, worth 12,ic and 15e 0 A. which we are offering for 10c, which is less than we can now pot e V put them in stock at regular wholesale prieee. See them. , 'Q . a - 6 A large lot of New • Flannelettes, worth 121c and 15c, we are ; 4 offering at 9c and 10e. Nothing like this value to be had in the • A regular way. . - a ✓ . a DRESS GOODS—Our *hole. stock , will be sold at cost and . under, including a number of new pieces just passed into stock. 0. A BOOTS AND SHOES will be sold on big reductions,- and we 0. 7have many lines to clear in this department.. We can save you. O lots of moue # • . 03 READY-MADE CLOTHINe. AND FURNISHINGS must be ; • • 103 h said as we have bought very largely in this line. Big reductions in 4 Suits, Odd Pants and 'Vets. All other lines will be sold equally , A low. Come and see what we have. If you See the goods you will • 0, ✓ buy, sure. Come at once. ' ' V Respectfully yours, a - IP i o P1 HMTE EL nos. #o ; . # * Small Profits and More Business: e , 0,c11.:0-11b:0-106-0,0b:0.366-6006:60,06.40-"brilb.0"bE6411b,<16,-'ets•eAtsei-osa-en-eiet.eri-ea e e 1At Iron Bed Specials W Walker's, Regular $3.5o for $2.75 4.5o for 3.75 6.00 for 5.00 9.00 for , 7.75 I ltoo for 9,o� " 15.00for 12.00 66 66 tt These prices are for ten da3s only. Our stock is too large apd,to reduce it we make these prices. If you want t bed, tome and secure.one at these special prices. Remember its for ten days only., The Store Of Quality. We Walker Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Phone 28 Night or Day 1