HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-10-07, Page 22 rePtIRrIlae -"AQ°IjilACY-4 Cold Brought on /011***44•4444.040•441h,i,..t Kidney Disease, Worth 1 I 0114 iit—S If you are troubled with Rheumatism, Lum- • bago, Seiatica or Neural- : gut, I Rub it out "KO .1* I Electric Rub 1 25 cents.. I BRANTFORD LADY SUFFERED TILL CURED BY POD'S KIDNEY PILLS. --- ; los I Nox-a-Cold 1 I 25e per bottle. W S. R. HOLMES Manf'g Chemist. ; f••••••••••••••••••••••••: —RELIABILITY — EXPERIENCE,— Mrs. A. H. ThOMsen. had Heart Dia-. ease, Lumbago and Rleaematisin, and Tells Howile was Restored to Health„ Branttord, Ont., Oct. 4. (Special,).-' Hov.i Colds, 1.4aGrippe and other min. or ills settle on the Kidneys and de- velop Rheumatism, Heart Disease, Bright's Disease and other terriblY, dangerous ailments raend how any and all of them are cured by Dodd's Kid- nee,Pills is fully shown in the case d Mrs.. A. H. Thomson, whose home'. In at 4$ Albion 'Street, this city. Mrs. Thomson was, some years ago, taken with Cold and La Grippe, and Straining, which affoted her 'Kidneys, and the result was Backache, Lum- bago; Rheumatism and Heart Disease which caused both ber and her friends grave anxiety. She had suffered some years when she heard of cures effected by Dodd's laid* Pills, and bought a box, which •she used with such splendid results that she continued to take them till shewas cured. Since then she bee aused Dodd's Kidney Pills, in her awn family and recommended them widely to her friends, all of -whom have warm words of praise for the standard Cane adian Kidney remedy, Dodd's Kidney pills, Heart Disease, Rbeumatism, Lum- bago and Bright's Disease are all kW Hey Diseases or are causect by diseas- ed kidneys. You can't have any of them if you keep your Kidneys sound and your blood pure. Dodd's Kidney Pills make the Kidneys sound. Sound Kidneys straia all the impurities Out of the blood. WE WANT YOUR GRAIN. for which we will pay, the Highest Market Price. Call at our store next Morrish Crooks or at our Elevator. —We keep on ' hand a hill- -stock of Flour, Feed,- -Etc. We are agents for the Canada Car- riage Company Buggies and Stau- dard Wire Fence and POstal FORD&McLEOD DR. OVENS, SURGEON, OCULIST, will be at Holmes' Drug Store on Friday, July 9th, and thereafter on Wedlnesday Aug. 4, Sept. 8, Oct. 13,. Nov. 17, Dec. 22. Hours from 9 a. m. until 3.30 p. ra. Glasses properly fitted. Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat treatcia TIMOTHY SEED I HAVE A QUANTITY. OLSAN AND PURE TIM °THY SEED FOR SALE, iT • THE STANDARD ELEVAT- OR, W. G. SMYTH. THE BEST SCHOOL - ,/jCENTRAL, AelAergoeONT The best time to enter our classes is NOW. We are run- ning the largest and, we be- lieve, „the best business training , school in Western Ontario. Three departments— COMMERCIAL ShORTHANG, TELEGRAPHY. Get a Money making education. Our graduates are in demand and are meeting 'with success. Get our free catalogue now. Elliott & MoLaohlon PRINCIPALS - FALL TERM OPENS AUG. 30th. Our graduates are assisted.to the best positions. Write for the rea- son. Prepare now to enter at be- ginning of term. Mail Courses for those who wish to study at home. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTT ON, PRINCIPAL, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Bradley, who claim Toronto as their home, were arrested in Pittsburg, Penna„ on a charge of fraud. A fund will be opened by the Lord Mayor of London to assist Capt. Scott, who is planning a trip to the Smith pole. . COAL ORDER YOUR YEAR'S SUP- PLY NOW. THE BEST IN THE MARKET, $7 PER TON, BUT IF ORDERED AND PAID 'FOR BEFORE MAY 31st, A DIS- COUNT OF 40 CENTS A TOX WILL BE ALLOWED, Orders left at Daatis & Rovilandta VIII be promptly attended to. Repeat it :—"Shiloh's Cage 7111 d- ays cure my coughs aad colas." F. W. CUTTLER, PAINTER AND Paper hanger. All werk hone aar- anteed to give satisfaction. Prices moderate. diesidence nearly opposite Collegiate Institute. Clinton. 83 ..•••••11 pKEs wANTEp:. Clinton News.Rteord uron County, News :Gathered f.9r,...News-Reoorcl Readers From The News -Record of October 7th, 1891. Clinton, Oct. 7th, 1891. A Lady "Rifleman."—One day last week Miss 1VIellardy, organist St. Paul's church, and Lieuts. Combe and Rance, tried their, nerve and accuracy ani at the Clinton shooting range. I At 200 yards Miss McHardy made 17 out of a possible •25, two of them bull's eyed, tieing Lieut. Rance and doing better than Lieut. Combe. In shooting off the tie the lady and Rance again tied. At 400 yards Mad Mel -lardy also made good shooting, IMr. George Castle Jr, of Stanley , sold and delivered several loads ot fall wheat at Fair's mill which aver- aged 14 lbs. 'to the meaenred bushel. 'Warden Beck visited Clinton Tues -1 day and viewed the grandest aggrega- tion of agricultural and id products ever brought together at one point in at is county. 1 Mr, Oliver Johnson has partially taken the advice of the clothiers and gotten a new top coat—for his black- smith shop, for shipping and evapor- ating purposes. 'Best prices paid. CANTELON CLINTON. •••••••••••••••••••••••• • 1 1,000 Over one thousand stu- dents enrolled by our chain hist year, It pays to at- tend . a 1 in k of this great' chain, for "IN mi.ioN TEtan Is sTnENGTD." ' '• • The de.mand favour grad- t uates is THREE TIMES Z the supply. ' Other schools engage our graduates as teachers. A. special course for teathers. 1 Graduates of two years ago are n'o w earning $2,000 per annum. . Three courses—Commea- CIAL, STENOGRAPHY and • 1 TILLEGRAPH Y. FallTermOpensAug 30. Write for Particulars. •I CLINTON' 1 • Business College GEO. SPOTTON, PRIN. ••••..•4. ••••••••••• •••••• MONUMENTS Stanley Township, Oct. yth, 1891 • Rev. Mr. Pattersoe, formerly of Bayfield, preached in the Bayfield Road Presbyterian church list 'Sun- day. Miss L. Martin has been re-engaged Hensall While some fat cattle belonging to John 'MacArthur, 'were tieing loaded on the train here On Saturday, one of them was crowded off the platform, and was so seriously hurt that it had to be killed. D. Foss' horse took fright at an auto and ran away with the bake wagon. ,Getting free from the rig it continued on at a furious pace. with one of the shafts attached. No very r'ous damage was done. 1 Wm. Lammie's two little girls have gone to continue their studies at the Institution for the Blind at Brant. ford. Rev. R. Hicits of Crediton will preach anniversary sermons in Chisel:, hurst Methodist church on Sunday next. 1 Miss Emma Drysdale let last week for Dubee, Sask., where she will take ,charge of the post Once and reside 'with her brother Frank. IThe resid,ents of this section will ale- gret to learn pf the death of Mrs, Mack Sr,, mother of David Mack of Exeter. She, with her husband, mine .to this section 15 years ago, and set - :tied on a farm rilioet three miles fron1 Hensall which, they cleared. Eighteen years ago they retired from the tam and went to Carberry, Man, where !several of their sons and daughters reside. Hen husband died a few years ago. She was 80 years of age. After an illness • of several weeks Janet Kerr passed peacefully away i at the home of James Hoggarth, aged '65 years. Deceased had lived in this sera tion for many years and was an in- dustrious thrifty woman. Of a genial disposition she will be missed by IOn Sunday week there passed 'away at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Love of Marnoch, one of the pioneer women of Huron county, Margaret. Blackstock, relict of the late Jas. Vint, at the ripe age of 16. Deceased was born in Esquesing in 1833, and 'was married to her late husband in 1853. In 1856, they settled on lot c, eon. 10, Ashfield, and in 1886 moved Zurich East Wawanosh Mr, and Mrs. Louis Jeffrey have left for Grand Forks, N. D., to visit relatives. Mrs. Allman Kraft, Mrs. Jacob Schoenen and Master Irwin Fink . from Preston, are visitors at the Lutheran parsonage. Misses Nettie and Mary, Demuth has returned to their home in Ashland, Wis., !ter an extonded • it'with friends and relatives in this vicinity. 1 Mr, Edward Denomy has sold his 30 acres in the Lake Road West to Mr. Alex. Mosseau, and has purchased the 100 -acre farm on the Towa Line trona as teacher in S. S. No. 3. many. Misses Kate and Francis Richaadson. • of Goderich township were visiting friends in this township last week. Mr. Joseph Richardson in company with his bother, Mr. Joseph :Richard- son of Goderich township have gone to visit friends,in Ohio. ' CHASTE DESIGNS. BEST MATERIAL • JAMES DOIG OPPOSITE POST OFFICE: flubtier Tires. 'Teeing purchased a Machine for applying Rubber Tires, we wish to say that we are now prepared to fur. ish and put.on such tires at reason- ble rates. • We also do all kinds at Grinding, nything from a pair of ueissors to a hauler saw. This week we installed machine for grinding horse dippers which does perfect, torte We likewise do all kinds of lathe fork on short order and at reason - bis tates. Machinery repaired, Horses shod. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. • n o . L'IVIr. Leon Jeffrey has hiedwelling up* from St, Josepli and is busy. with the cement foundation. It will be a cred- itable additi,on t� the west end. It i A very sad event occurred here on Thursday evening, in the aeath of .1VIrs. Jacob Moyer. The deceased ;was a victim of Bright's disease and as other complications set in, 'the local medical men, were unable to save her life, although everything possible was done to bring her through. She was about thirty-eight years of age, and leaves, besides a sorrowing hrsband, her aged parents, and a nuralmr of egothers and, sisters and many friends who sincerely wurn her enalyi death., October 7th 1909 Morris Township. Mr. James Wilkinson and 'tette of Escanaba, Mich., are here renewing old friendships. The •fermer is a sen of J. Hilkinson, now of Ilelgrave. Miss Lola Agar, 2nd line, and a‘reat Alice Paul of Bluevale, wile, have been been visiting friends at Detroit, um/ Seaforth have returned to their bore - Disease Genus ememeeneename Cannot hum healthy human bodios, WI cannot halm hoalthy bodies unions we hays pull bloodl—the kind of blood that Hood's Ssrsaparilla This great medieine bai an un- equalled, unapProached record for purifying and enriching the blood. It cures scrofula, eczema, eruptiOns, catarrh, rheumatism, anemia, nervous- ness, that tired feeling, aySpepsla, loos of appetite, general debility, and builds up the whole system. It effects Its wonderful cures, not simply because It contains sarsaparilla. but because It combines the utmost remedial values of more than 20 differ- ent ingredients. Jf urged to bay any preparation said to be "lust as geed" you may be sure It Is inferior. costs less to make, and yleids the dealer a larger profit. .Get it today of your druggist. Pre- pared only by C. Hood co., Maas., V. S. A. to lot 38, eon. 4, East Wawanosh, TORONTO STAR'S POPULARITV siding there until the death of Mr. Vint in Novemear 1905. Mrs. Vine Recently the Vancouver' Sunset, a was a member of the Methodist high-class weekly publication, de - Church, and. was esteemed highly km scribed the editorial page of The To - her kindly disposition and virtues, ronto Daily Star as the molt interest - She leaves four sons and three daught, ing in Canada, and with this verdict ters—Joseph ot Stoughton, Sask., most people, who, like tlie editor of. Robt. of East Wa•wanosh, Gilbert of the Sunset, make a practice of exam - Ashfield, Abram of Stratford, Mrs. ining the whole range of Canadian Dunbar .and Mrs. Love, both of East publications, will be di•sposed to ag- Wawanosh, and Mrs. Baldwin of Ash- rte. While maintaining tone and dig- :Mtg., it touches the lives of the people, nnueOltdumn. n wedding at more points than probably any September 22nd, a very pretty other Canadian newspaper, and there - event at the home of Mr. and Mrs, was an interesting in lies the secret of its popqlarity. Thos, Leaver of East Wawanosh, What is true ot the editorial page of ed in marriage to Mr. !Alex. M. when their daughter, Mary, was uinstlic,t-, • pTahretittnotrs is ntruesports, in finance, in also of all its de - women's and home features, TUC Dougall, also of East, 1Wawanosh. The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. Mr. Star's departments are not surpassed and thus wherever it is read. The Ferguson, in the presence ot Star becomes the favorite paper "'"ot • ate friends and relatives, After the usual congratulations, the guests re-'everY member of the family, from paired to the dining room where they grandfather, who probably finds the partook of a very dainty dejeuner, 'Khan's daily Chronicles, the most ina The bride was very beomingly attir- I teresting column, to grandson, who ed in a dress f 1 taffeta, chuckles over the comic pictures and. elaborately trimmed with silk inser- Jokes. The Star is always,- interest. - tion and ribbon, and carried. a bou- ing and readable from first page to fluet of white astors. Her going away last—that's why it has 68,000 sub - suit was of, navy, broadcloth with a scribers, 15.000 more' than any other Toronto paper. white hat. an the evening a reception was held, when about a • hundred guests were present, • Dungannon. es. • 1VIr. J. W. and Mrs. Calder moved Benson Case, Roswell Rutherford last week to Guelph -where Mr. Cal- an . urn n ,left last week for der as secured a position •N A DISINTERESTED OaaINION. HARRY REID KNOWS. W. S. R. Holmes the druggist, does not guarantee Parisian Sage to grow d Ed D i d h dhair on every bald bead, but if there Farmers aro you acquainted with aith • the Farmers, Weekly Farmers Sun ? It claims Toronto to pursue their studies at Hydro -Electric Power Co. ot Ontario. to be an independent journal for farm. the University. 1 Anniversary services will •be held . in the Jackson church Sabbath, Oet. • Thos. Elliott moved on Monday an ome. The claim is fair. It is a clean paper, therefore •fit for the home. Summerhilli Oct. 7th, 1801 week into the house he recently pur- 17th. Rev. Mr. 1V1illyard of Goderich, ' It is particularly adapted to the farm chased frorn Willis Bell. Wm. Mat-, will preach in the afternoon and Rev. home because it is edited and publish-• ed with a view to interest every per-, visiting his brother-in-law, Mr. Jas. I ed by Mr. Elliott and xecently pur- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Farquhar, for- male and female—all may read it reg- e R .dit is a darker color than my hair Manning, and other friends.here. l ' chased irom Mr. Reid. 1 We are pleased to report 'that Mrs. son in the home—the old and young say The' Dungannon Fair will be held on Robert Shedden, 4th line, who has. ularly with profi.t. Its market page —el ' was before I became bald." Harry , 10 Manhattae St., Rochester, rnerly of Hulled but now of Hills- Thursday. and Friday of this week. , been undergoing treatment at Clinton green spent Tuesday night with the The funeral of the late Mrs, Thos. • hospital. for several weeks, is Dominion. for farmers. This is no D improv- we consider equal to the best in the N. Y. latter's brother. • . Finlay .took place to Dungannon cam- ing hope. she will soon yetairn as well as • • quite nicely and her many friends paid, notice or puff; it is our candid *t wait till you're bald before The Rev. Mr. - Stewart, pastor of dery. The deceased was seventy-two ever. •, opinion. and we unhesitatingly) recom- min(); Parisian Sage, use it now. Kill the Presbyterian church, Clinton, held years of .age and was. for about fifty mend The Sun to every farm, house In the 'dandruff germ and prevent beid- e prayer meeting at Mr. Thornton leers a resident of A.shfield. For the Canada. • It is one dollar a year, and ness. W. S. R. Holmes the druggist, ' good value for the money.—Bowman sells Parisian Sage at 50 cents a villa Statesman. . • - -- --- cure d'and'ruff, stop falling hair,' and. large bottle; and he guarantees it to cure all diseases of the scalp, or mon- ey back. Parisian Sage is a delightful - Mr. Isaac Fisher of • Sheppardton, is thews has moved into the house vacat- Mr. Small of Blyth in the evening. I . is any life left in, the roots of your hair, Parisian Sage will stimulate the hair bulbs and cause your hair to grow again. Here is one case. PI am now using the second bottle of your Parisian Sage, and can notice a new crop of hair appearing. I am glad to Wallace's, on Thursday evening last. past three years she had made her Misses Montgomery and Came11 ot home with her daughter, Mrs. Jame. BeIgrave Wingham were visiting Mr. S. LowerY Long of COlborne township, ' ' from Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Lewis ad Wilks - last, week, .borough, Penn., spent a few days in leaves a family of two sons and:four Bdgrave with IVIr. and Mrs. Lou. Wil - daughters to mourn her less. • The services at the house and at the allains. grave were conducted by Rev. 'Wm.." 'Miss Elsie Clark has returned after * Baugh of Benmiller and the pallbear- sliCsding a couple of months among ors were ' John, 'H. R. and Benson 'friends at Waskada and Portage la Long, Anson Finlay, Thos. and John Prairie, Man. Blake. .1' • Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Wilkinson of Es- canaba, Michigan, have been visitors at the home of Mr. Wilkinson's Lath- ' 'Carlow. er, hi i brothers and sisters. • • Robt- Maguire has taken 'a trip to Miss Cora Tyndall came heme Sure Edmonton,, • Alberta, where he will day after a two weeks' visit in Blyth. visit his parents, brothers .and .sis- • Mrs. R. M. Young and daughter, Is- ters. •. ' • abel, .returned from the West last • Rev. and Mrs. cook aretaking tt, wo week. • ,or three weeks' holidays, and will Viil- F.. W. McDonagh went to Toronto it airs, Cook's parents: and friends at lastweek to undergo,a slight opera- Badaxe ,aed Fillan, Michigan. tion. ' • . '• John L. Geddes returned home much the g Me rsneWst. G01. hGetbaseinsteort, SmearsfortLha,tiwteancouple ef manths with friendd in Lan - s. improved in health, atter spending a Lan - slayer, over Sunday. ' ark county. Miss Keturah Brown of Goderich The Presbyterian manse is having Spent a few days last week with • her the exterior repainted, which will add aunt, Mrs. 'Alex. Young. • very much to its appearance. • .•• Mrs: A. Young has been very • ill David Geddes • Sr., and • Mrs. A. during the past week. . Proctor Sr., who have been unable to • move around for a long time, are • both +quite helpless. Dunlop - Owing to the absence of Rev. J. E. Cook,..Mr. John Kerr took charge On Saturday morning the fine brick of the 13elgrave Methodist circuit on residence of Jacob Moser of Leeburn, Sunday. ' was totally consumed' by fire. Mr.1 The marriage of Miss Bessie Fraser Moser succeeded in saving some of .his of the Soo (formerly of Belgravd) took furniture, but the greater part of that place at Sault Ste. Marie Ont. •to • . and other friends in this neiglfainhood which plao thei iftineral was held. She. Seaforth One of the 'prettiest weddings of the season took place on Wednesday. of last week in St. Jaines' church, Sea - forth, the contracting parties being Mr.' Chas. Stewart of the, firm of Stewart Bra., fine. of Seaforth's popular young men, and Miss Margar- et, Friel,' daughter bf Mr. and MrS. Thos. Brown., The ceremony, was per- formed by the pastor, Rev. P. Corcor- an. The bride, who was brought. in by her father, • was attired in . a very handsome •1. gown a of Imauve,i with a large picture hat and was attended by her sister, Miss Re- becca Friel, who wore a beautiful gown of ashes of roses broadcloth. The groom was supported by 'Mr. Browa Jackson of Seaforth. The ushers were Mr. C. N. Henry, of the Dominion Bank and Mr..T. S. Sills. During: the ceremony Miss Horan sang "Oh Fair, „Oh Sweet and Holy" and Mrs. Mulcahy sang "Ave Marie". ML and Mrs. Stewart left on the 3.30 for points east. • Grey Township. • Miss Ella McKinnon was home over Sunday from her school near Monk- •,jmeeting of township council • . also went up in smoke. It will be a Mr. Frede'Peterman ot the same place, Ne' will he held at Ethel on•Odober 25th. An appeal has been entered in the Marsh vs, grey township suit and it • heavy loss to Mr. Moser, as, though the ceremony being performed by Rev. he was insured in the Wawanosh Read of the Soo. Mutual Co., he did not carry nearly • enough to cover his loss. ' •. will come up for hearing at Toronto. • A silo has been built on the farm of Repeat it :—"Shiloh's Cure will al - Mrs. H. McKinnon, 7th con, and Drysdale ways cure my coughs and colds," . it was filled last week. Frank Woods, 11th con., delivered Ito John Bateman at Ethel, eight hogs farrowed on May 9th, being four monthS and 20 day S old, which weigh- ed 1720 lbs., at average of 215 pounds each. • While. driving a one horse wagon at Emmerson Viponh's, 10th on., Mas- ter Erie Purvis, 6th con., was thrown violently to the ground, alighting up- on his head; When taken up he was unconscious and his arm was broken in two places and he was hurt seri- ously internally. The total taxes to be collected in Grey township for 1909 amounts to the tidy sum of $28,086.19. Drain and railway rates are one cause ot the iriereased amount in the Souther - 4, portion of the township. I 4. Miss Rooke, who has spent the pas) How Cook Lived' as • week as a guest at the home of Miss L. Horner, has returned to her home Open Seasons for Game in Ontario. • The call of the wild will lead many to the woda with dog and gun to hunt for game. The following table is for Ontario's game seasbn Deer—November 1 to November 15. • Moesee-October 16 to November 16 (north). • MooSea7Novernber 1 to November 19, (South). Duck—September 1 t.�Deceinber 31. 'Grouse, pheasant, partridge—Sep- tember 15 to•December 1, but closed till 1910. Wee:Mock—Sept. 15 to Dec. 15. • Quail;- blabk end gray squirrels— November 1 to 'December. 1. • I GeeseLaSepteraber 15 to April 30. ; Snipe, Plover—September 1 to • De- cember 10. Beaver—closed till November, 1910. Otter—Closed till 'Novemb (Ir. 1910. Hares—OctOber 1 to Deceniber 31, Fish—Open Season. •. Bass—June 16 :10 April 14. Bass (west of Pelee Island)—July 18 to May 24:• MaskinongeJune 16 to April 14. • Pickerel (Dore)—allay 16ato April 14. Salmon trout—Dec. 1 to Oct. 31. • Speckled trout—May n to Sept. 14. the Eskimos live.' in London, A double Wedding took place on One of the most remarkable featur- Sept. 28th in St. Peter's cluirch, es of Dr. Cook's joerney was theawin- Drysdale, the parties being Miss Jos- ter he passed on his reture from the ephine Bedard to Mr. John Cadottael north on the south coast of Jones Pain.Court and Miss Excelia Etue, tel Sound. For many months he and his . Mr. Joseph S. Bedard, of Chatham) ? Eskimos kept themselves alive with ' Mr. A, Ore has secured a situation the bows and arrows and lances they with Mr. D. Cantelon's apple packing had fashioned, for they had exhausted) firm and is at present engaged itaber- their ammunition. They lived in a reling up the fruit for the farmers. 'dugout they made on the coast. Not ' Mr. H. W. Talbot the veteran thres- many years ago no 'Artie explorer hada her, who for the pad three or four the -resource to pass successfully weeks has been creating for himself an) through such an ordeal as this. 1Pearyl enviable weird has arrived on the lin. WAS the first to call attention to thisi I is engaged in h 11' t thn possibility, as he was thd ffrst to aria grain for the farmers. Mr. Talbot has vocate the application to exploratory At the ;Stratford Normal, The following from Huron • comity are attending the Stratford Normal School: Grant W. Beaton, Clinton. Sadie East, Clinton, Della M. Gillespie, Seaforth. Lynne E. Gillespie, Seaforth. Govenloek McRae,' Seaforth. Jean Mair, Summerhal. Fawcett Sturdy, Porter's Hill,' • Isabella A. Taylor, Constance, Alice Worthington, Clinton. James L. Johnston, Clinton, • John Robb, Lochalsh. • Edith G. Campbell, Constance. Annie May Clarke, Seaforth. Elizabeth Clark, Goderich. jean Clutton, Dunlop. Lena Graham, Goderich. Hazel 0. Hagar„ Blyth. Florenee Laidlaw, S'eaforth, A. Margaret Monis, Kippen. Nellie McGregor, KiPPen. Gladys McNevini Goderich. May Stoddard, Goderich. Gertrude Sturdy, Porter's Hill, ly invigorating hair dressing a it mak- es the hair soft, fluffy and, beautiful, Furniture and Carpets • ONCE MORE WE MAKE. OUR • BOW. TO OUR NUMEROUS? :FRIENDS, 'ASKING THEM. TO • CALL AND SEE OUR LARGE • STOCK OF a - NEW FURNITURE and NEW CARPETS. • • Our House furnishings include the newest designs and finishes in Bedroom • Sets, Extension Tables, Buffets, Kitchen Cabin- , ets, Chairs, Couches, Etc. We slam beautiful patterns in Carpet Stuares, Linoelums, Brussels and Ingrain' Carpets. /Prices are pared to the lowest point consistent with quality. • J. I/. Chelleiv 3E3T_J-Y"'TI-ar: LONDON. ONTARIO' Business & Shorthand susiscrs Resident and Mail Canoes eataiarae. Frise • J. W. Westervelt, J. W. Westemelt, Jr. 6A.. Principal. Vieesaleleal. *CHOPPING The Clinton chopping mill will , be reeling every day after the 17th inst. We have just put in ar neW•gritbder slut are inOW prepared to de a firsteclass, job. Besides chopping feed, we roll. oats, grind flax make Graham flour, been engaged in threshing operations enterprise of many el the Eskimo ,• corn meal and 'flaked wheat. for some twenty years and judging methods of living and working. Dr. 1 • Everything will be weighed in and Thtense Colicky Pains Releived. from his ' h ill b d 'appearance, e w goo Cook was fitted by. temnerarnent and We would call the attentioft of read,- weighed out then each existence will "For some'yeats I suffered from in- for tw°11tY ni°r°' • . physique to live on the country When ers of The News -Record to our club- get a square 'deal. All niistakea tense colicky pains which would _, Inc was stripped Of °thee resources andi bing oiler with The News, Toronto, cheerfully reetiffed and astisfaction coned on at times and from which I could to come through it well and hearty. wherehy they can obtain the two pap, guaranteed. It will be to your in. find no relief," says I. S. Mason ot ) LIMIT OF lleimeN AGONY. He was made of thd I stuff that baa ers for $2.30. The News in un- I terest to give us a share ot your Beaver Dana Ky. eicaamaariainaa ' Is often reached with corns, Fool- fitted him Pre-eminently for pioneaaa questionably one of the Most laud- custom. Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ish, becailso Putnam's Corn Extractor was recommended to me by a iriend, cures in twenty-four hours. 'Don't pu% After taking a te* doses ot the, rem- off—get 'Tatham's"' todaya-fifty yearef edy 1 was entirely relieved. That in use—painless and sure. ... was four years ago a.nd there had bean rib return of the symptema since' that thee." Thie remedy is for sale Repeat it at--"Shileh's Cure will al- ing under the roughest conditioes,.--) tial papers published in Canada, its From "The North Pole at Last," by editorial comment being quoted from Cyrus C. Atdams-, hi the American RYA one end of Canada to the other. For • view of Revlon for October. • anyone wishing te keep in touch with his aid customers as well as mate Canadian affairs, there is no better new erica. Thanking you for par paper than The News. SaMple copies worts.. Repeat it :—"Shiloh's Curb will al, can be obtained by dropping a post- ItOme7mber the stand, next to the 'Clinton Electric Light Plant whet* the subscriber will be glad+ to see al • • J 'Stevenson eolep W • est by all dreggiats. Ways cure my ought; and colds.'i ways cure my coughs and colds." eard•txt this office. 4 st J. BROWN.