HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-10-07, Page 111 nton MO" Year . The News -Record will be sent to any address in Canada to the end of 1910 for One dollar. To the end of 1909 for 25 Gents. CLINTON, ONTA,RIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7th, (909, Whole Number 1598 cidorked."3..eautit Oan compare in at- • tractiveness with the one wearing a necklace, a. locket and charm, a watch, a brooch or other article of jewelery bought at this store. Rte lood caste o)tur jewelem Is undeniable. It's quality we guarantee. It's price We leave to your own good judgment to say if it be not reasonable. W. IL. Ye11qar, anion jeweler and Opticean. winainn THE ROI BANK OF CANADA Paid -Up Capital $4,650,000. Reserve 85.350,000 Total Assets N. $53,000,000 GLAD TO HEAR IT. WESLEY CHURCH. . The many friends in Clinton and Union service next Sunday morning West Huron of Mr, Rott. Holmes will at 11 o'clock and at seven o'clock an be pleased to hear that he enjoys his evangelistic meeting will tie held eon - new position and in order to live in ducted by the pastor, Rev. Mr, Char - keeping with it has purchased an lesworth, Baptist minister, will. $8000 residence. Here's hoping that preach. His subject will be: "Look "Bob" and. his esteemed wife and and Live." family, rria,y have many happy years HAT. in their new hWANTED—HIS COMING TO CLINTON. ome. ' ' Mr. Jas. Tucker acted as treasurer of the meeting held in the town hall Mr. Frank' Watson has rented the on Sunday last and laid his hat on cottage on Tillery, street owned by the piano while passing round, the Mrs. (Rev.) Hair and by the raiddh3 plate, At the close his awn tile had of the month it will be occupied by disappeared and as tho ono left in . its his parents, Mr, and Mrs. D. N. Wat- place, by inistake, will not adjust it - son. Nilo or the past fifteen years self to Jim's bump, at all, he f have been residents of Listowel. Mr. would like his ewn backagain. D. N. Watson is a general agent for TEACHER OF ELOCUTION, the Kemp Company, Stratford. ' Miss May RENTED FOUNDRY 'BUILDING. , and MrRance, daughter of 1VIr.s. C. 0. Rance, has accepted The Canadian Flax Mills have rent- the position of teacher of elocution in, ed, from the town council, the Moulton College, one of the leading wood -working Portion of thfoun ladies' schools in Toronto and has e - dry building which they will use for entered upon her duties there. The the threshing and breaking of the ZOO News -Record, on behalf of our eiti- loads of flax grown in this district. zens, wishes this talented and popular Chief Wheatley is now clearing the young lady success in the profession premises for them and threshing in which she has embarked. • operations are expected to commence . . 130B13Y A \.% RD OF THE C. I in a few days. THE LOCAL MARKET, Wheat 95e to 07e. Oats 34e to 360. Peas 80e. Butter 19c to 20e, Bdtter 19e to 20e. Eggs 22k: to 23e. Live Hogs $7.50. UNVEILING CEREMONIES,. The monument erected by the Can- adian Order 'A lodmen• of the World at the grave of Sov. H. B. Ker in Clin- ton cemetery will be unveiled next Sunday, the officers for the occasion elaitect Hiram Hill, assisted by Mine Host Joe, and assisted further hy Citizens S. Davis and H. Hunt. The ceremony was quite imposing though of brief duration: The building opera- tions will tie pushed forward as rapid- ly as possible. BAPTIST CHURCH. IN THE BARRACKS. I New Advertisements The meeting in the S. A, barracks Dog Lost—V. Wilds -5 on Friday evening last was well at- ivriniagry—miss canteloa..4 . teeded notwithStanding unfavorable Furniture—J. It Chel1ew-31 weather and those present report a Winter Shoes—Fred. Jackson— very enjoyable time. This week the The Designer—W. D. Fair Co. -1 in Bayfield, Blyth and other places. 'Winter Coats—Tozer & 13rown-8 , House to Rent—Mrs. G. Hanley—fl officers art; holding open air meetings CORNER STONE LA.'XING. 1- ' Notice—Proudfoot Hayes &Blair—$ 'Ladies' Hand Bags—Coopei. .... Co. --4 The corner stone of the 'latest ad.; Men's Winter Shoes—Fred.tJacson-1: dition to the Rattenbury House was well and truly laid. yesterday, the stone being tapped into place by Ar - to be as follows : Con. Com., Dr. Evans. Adv. Lieut., Dr. Ball. Clerk, Thos. Cottle, Banker, J. B. 'Hoover: Master of Ceremonies, Dr. Shaw. Captain, Major 1-1. I). Combo, Sovereign Clair Jarvis of Toronto as orator is also expected.' The mem. There will be no services.at this hers will meet at their camp room at church either Morning Or evening 'wort Sunday on account of the anion ser - 3 o'clock, vices at the Nfethodist churches. The Sunday school will meet as usual. at 2.30. . A treat. it in store for the people of Clinton as Rev. T. IT. Shields has ar- ranged to ,pay., his promised • return I3obby MeLeod, ran away from his visit on Sunday and Monday, Nov .wN§,. _14th and 15th. Please not' the dato. Y. M. C. A. CAMPAIGN, County Secretary Fleming is in Ex- came to Clintim where Good Samari- BOWLING AT SEAFORTH. home in Bayfield a fortnight ago and ......... they open four days work at, Seaforth Aid 'Society took ,cogrrizance of his '!1.1111I.i,: Wednesday afternoon and tried Y. )I. )I. C. A, 'campaign. NOct Sunda* soon back again and the Children's t•I tek, John Wiseman, Cr. D. MeTaggart and Jas. Fair trained to Seaforth : .... A. rink, consisting- of D. A. Forres- eter where he and "I3ig Mason" of tans took him in and, . fed and clothed) Hillsdale, Mich., are, conducting a him. He was taken. home but was and will be assisted by Mr. 'G. F• case, He was taken . before Judge •.. elusions on the bowling green with Blair of Goderich. That tewn is Yet Holt who made him a ward of the ,. Jas. McMienael, F. Holmstecid, Jas.1, without a branch but the expectation society which in turn gave him in !:., .,. Scott and Jock Greig. The visiters is that an organization will be affect- to the keeping of an East Wawanosh woa by eleven shots. The players aro ed as the result of the efforts to be farmed named Smith with whom , , ,, ..:.„!.:. old timers M the game, • having Con - put forth - - • - Bobby now is. Ha e is . bright little peted against each other a score of . N OCTOBER WEDDING - shaver and in due time will doubtless years ago when, bowling was in its fast trip across the continent in the A .. make a. good citizen,. e,;:. infancy in both towns. They meet interests of the Jackson iVffg: Co.. THE St. Joseph's church was tl.e scene .4, fre.ciiiently and perhaps enjOy the ga.me He was was thirty-one days in the of an October eddinesterday fore- , I3AZAAR. : 4.f., as well as they did in the days when going and the coming back :during • wg y , noon when Rev. J. ' A. Hanlon P. P. The bazaar held under the auspices ft.,•;,.., . the "kitty" wa.s yet a comparative, stranger :to them.. which he visited the . large centres' of the Willis church Women's Associa- ,,.e ,.1' - from Winnipeg to Victoria and did a - performed the ceremony which made Mr. John Grimes and Miss. MarY tion .on Thursday hist .was quite- aP , • . , ;ASTIME OR FA•8s-tiME ? 'very much increased business, so largO ' indeed that the big orders Mr.' Jack - supported man and wife. • The groom Vheire was a good attendance of the son tecured, together ,With • what the was success, notwithstanding most' unfave supported •by Mr. P. O'connell while orable weather. members of the Pastime Club op. Fri:: other travellers are tending -1U, will nell. The marriage being The various booths the •bridestnaid was Miss Dell O'Don- were tastily decorated and well Pat - the first to ronized, disposing of fancY, articles, Mayor Harrison Wiltse. day everd•ng last when the new rules tax the capacity. 91 the Company to . were read, discussed and adopted... It the utmost. • • be Performed in St: Joseph's .. church,. Mr Harrison Wiltse it of L. E. • etc., etc. at remunetative prices. The Grimes with 'a handsome Bible. T° part well. In the evening the ,4 pr room pm tittoo as also decided -to change thatbilliard dents 'of Clintoe in his trip.: At Vic - the trustees preSented 'Mr, and Mrs. ladies in charge certainly did their a ! Mr: Jackson met many former re:si- play 1 Loyalitt stek and was born in the NY Cranford" was exceedingly well ;iN,,, village of Athens in the count aiaPb°1e.°.1 ryio,hm acnidoballsvointoharve-e toria he 'ran •across Mr. John I-lous- ' the groom,. who is an industrious and• e . upright young man, and to -his .larislb Mi by . . • . who is an amiable and esteemed young Illiss jean Scott • lady: The News -Record• joins in ; eX- Mist He en Fair , tending congratulations and • good . Miss Ha el O'Neil • 1 wishes, • 1 • • Miss ,Je ie O'Neil 'REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Miss Eileen Hoover 1 .: Miss Jean Chidley 'Mrs. Edward Waist has disposed of is .Agnes Irwin ' lier residence: and five acres on the Miss Barbara MeTvor 1 Of U. E. Loyalist Stock. ..........„........ .................. ............................ 1111:1111111-......111!1•1'."••'.1?"', ."*":',..1!1?.11:!.11111.!11"1,1!11.1.1111.11.10g Joint Accounts may be ()rental in the narries of twp persons. withdrawals by either partyTht is a convenient form Of account for people living at a distance from the Bank. THE ROYAL BANK Pays Special Attention to the Requirements of Farmers. I CLINTON BRANCH - R. t. MANNING, MANAGER amoomammaromesammellmoimmiimumen • VIM MillIMMINIMII.1.11011111% 1 The MOLSONS BANK 1 , Capital Paid up 1-* 0,C5iRWORATED• Rest 'Fund - 53,500,000 I ' • . Has 65 Branches in Canada and Agents and Correspondents in all the principal cities in the world. . . A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. . SAVINGS BANTC.DEPARTMENT 1 • AT ALL BRANCHES. Interest allowed at Highest Current Rate. . Clinton Branch Another of "Tom's" Light- ° . lung Trips. Mr. T. Jackson, jr. On Saturdayy,. evening last' T.. Jackson Jr. returned from another London Road to ,Mr. C. Wiltse, The ends,.,•he allowed...s 1..ttite Miss Bernice Kay. C. E. Dowding, Manager ; Pr.ce was $600, a snap for the pur- The pleasure of the evening was fuf-i presented for •aunicipal • chaser. Mrs. Walsh and her daughter;. her enhanced by Mr. Jas. McRae' s honors And ' in seven elections Miss Ida 'Walsh, intend for the preserit son of Mr. A. D. Wiltse, a ' well a its own colors, to be worn probably for the first time at the banquet to /., who is now teaching in that eity. Leeds on Oct. 1st, 1856. He is ton, formerlY principal of thn 0... Qt known farmer of the London Road be held in the near future. It is in a On the steamer plying betwien Van- • where the family took up their abode flourishing condition and the Fastin- couver and •Vitoria two Of hisfollow' in the spring of 18.70. Forseveral ers are looking forward to a pleasant passengers were Mr. and Mrs. 'Victor : years Mr. Wiltse has been engaged in , rime during Ili:. winte: men.lis : . "he French' of Wetaskiwin, Alta., who the grocery businessand has a huge ' officers are as follows : Manager and:were returning from the Seattle trade. ' . • Treasurer, G. N. Dais • SecietarY, Fair, and at Vancouver he nid a ' Against • his personal inclinations T. R. Shepherd ; Committee . I. Rat- reminiscent talk with Mr. W. R. • but at the persistent request of senhury, ....A..• F...ast, B. NIFIntyre. .Lough, for several years principal of • ' 1 , .._.—...L.:—.. • - • '• the Clinton Model •SchOol. In 'a candid . . . • . . „,,‘ , - Mood Mr. Lough will admit hat:',lie 1 l has eaCt time been a vi c to :: . 1,1 e From the 'W. C.- T. v.. 'would' . , . , . _ . , ; to vanoreoatilvleyr,pirnefeorthleirvinwgoridns,Ctliiirocill : • ' to make their . home ..with an older orchestra , , . ABOUT 'LOCAL .ADVERTISING.' . ( :115, now reelecting out , his third year At our ,last. electing. it waS agreed faces to the neW.. Mrs.. Lough, her daiighter of the .former.,' Mrs. S. S'ey-... . . . PrfuoY, b0: friends will be sorry to hear %has itionr of . Detroit. . -, .. , , : . . . . • . . . ' ' . ' as mayor and has performed the duti-. that a more aggressive Rev. Mr. EaMei, the,,Brethern•evan- ' ..eek . . . has some ..remarks - to Make on . • . . • , • . ,„ ! - , Our Peterbore .eorrespondent in this es of the office ,:with dignity and. tai.t.. a -dented. HaVing this ..erid• in vidw it. been seriously • :indisposed • for ' sinna - gelist, has taken. .possession • 'of the w . • the „wipe to the retailer of local ,a4.7.. Canadian woi ship is e membet . • .nf the was thought .desirable; through •the - • • • • time. * . ' i ' ' • % -- ' .. • . residence_ On, the Huron Road' ha. . re- vertising that are sound' and to the • Home Circle, arid las btee ceurtety. ,:of the Editor, to publish I: - such trips . but thit time te •Was ,n.OrO,.. 1 Mr. jacksoa • -.hos made numerou* • cently bought from Dr. Fowler • - for Mr paint, ,We would like to pee rere. at- tinanCialseeretary of the local Circle each .weekta. short extract from . the $1600. The cottage vacated by - ion given_ to this . . phase of tbo for • • the nett fourteen centeetitive Pen of eminent men bearing on the than 'ever impressed by, the peevailing grocers bnsinets, - and to that end in_ , years, ' . • ' ' i - ' .. . Islibject of the Bar -room.' Lord Broug- - optimism, gray heads, bald. heads and. , t ames is now occubied by Mr.. John .1;ent . street vita our friends to give .us. their . ex -1 For Many, years he has' 111 nen a mein- ',het calla .1t, "The Nlother -of .want, 'Anse •-of crithe." The Rt. Hon. mere' Striplings• in • business all pio, " Derry, 'and. Alr. 'George . Barge has Moved into the place• on*, ling : perience and suggestions, given twO • . ber of the Ontario St. church and for phesying big. things. That this, should. .• .* . .. . ' the president. of the Board of .. Trade w.hich .1t r. er y , , ' d 1 as d • for , grocers in a small town—one of them a long period has beea a member of ; . ' .. .1 G , r neat says... •strongly appeal .to.Mt. Jackson,', of . . : a regular adv,ertiter in. the local paper" the ()tidal •board. : • I "B t for Orli* being the "inistakea . . . whom. it is characteristic to, look up - I some' time. ' •: ' . - • • on the bright side of things, it quite THE TOWN' COUNCI19... • and the other advertising .spasmodical- Mayor Wiltse enjoys. the confidence' •• u : •• medinei of .hospi•tality„ . - the ' delusive ' •. ' . -• ' ' ly Or not at all and it is not n difft- of his fellow citizens in an :eminent . -sign of perserial generositY, it would- 'apparent to ,us all There Were. 216 names on the Local cult 'matter to pick the winner with degree and the fact that his service* • • Option Petition laid before the town starting to business this 'm'ethod of e- . are appreciated is in itself some . lhave been as _much denounced abarir . .• • . . ,. ey'enilig, - •gb°0 'announcing • himself a candidate - for sward .for his labors in the town's in-, :and abuse in other things have been, doned, or. tabbed, as Surfeit,. gliittony . • - ' . . 'Batifield,.„. . . . trade is the sureet, safest, and in. faet) • • ' conned' on Monday which there was • considerable discus- terests... .. • • - • • • i . • in the minds; and at the handsof eul-- The Women's Institute will . hbld. its ' • on to attract to himselh'the attention, tured neople. The drinking .habits . of regular monthly meeting on Friday' ate . • sion. • . • : -- . • • • the only .way which can: be relied up- - to made a few explanatory renlarks, ,Of the ' people ,he most desires. Tin; J'. B. HOOVER WINS UNI13-REL/LA.: the - poorer . classes have everywhere contributed.. to their political depen-' ' _iCouncillor Cooper in reference there- • .4 ' . ternoon of next week• at the tome of merely nominal :compared • with the e e, ' industrial'., .1 , personal de Mrs. Jas. Spekman. • -, . • . . saying •iri part :,:, . I spoke to...Mayor expense to which he will. be put . is The silk Umbrella: given••b 'Dr. .Ag - amount of money he. would waste • new for a SMgles coetest on the blow•• hasement,' eiVic inferiority,'• and domes-' The. Ladies' Aid of : the Methodist) . • . Wiltse about the petition this ratan-. ing .and asked if he thought tic misery. '.The' Bar400ra throughout ' church held their monthly ' Meeting at sitting down and waiting for businrs ling green was decided • on Monday . to • come to him. .Get space in his • a . ' • Mr .J. B. Hoo'vcr winning out -with the. centuries has been the anti-ehara- !the home .6f Mrt..Wallace Johnston lot • ber‘ to the workhouse,. :the chapel' of ' the Sauble Line on:Wednesday . after- . a soliciter or the town clerk should certify to it. The latter his . Mr. W•. J.. Harlan is conp ' - • ' and fill . it with new. copy every to the ' asylum, . the reel:tilting noon: In the evening a large .men - 1 worship thought arid hoc -called up Mr„ paper day ot Week, 'as. he can afford.. Nothe the finals.• The eontesti, whieh was a , tase Maephersoa. by phone and , so directed.. - irom ; station for ' the hospital, the rendet- bet of , the'. mentherS and adherents • of. siveness of .advertising he it able .0 the third.rouneto the end, as followst , vous Of :the gambler, the; gatheringthe church' assen.Ided with the Ladies; • ' so surely illustrates the progres- lively Oho *.thro.ughout, resulted -WM, It Was only at six o'clock this, leg . evening that I found that the Mayet's . Igrounn.for the .661. Alcohol pollutes }Aid .as a farewell. party to Mr,* - and. orders had not been obeyed.. • . do .—From the . Ca,nadian Grocer. • Third round, in couples thus : J . , w- hatever it Itcniches. It enervates Mrs Johnston who are leaving short-. • - Mayor , Wiltse. : Councillor Cooper, - . . Nediger 6, W. J. Harland 13, R. 'Gra•-•1 where it does . not ;enslave, It de -11y for the west,. when a very pleasanV , a tale(' -a 'sufficient niimber of: duly I amOngst the .bowlers consitting of Towne 9i North vs. South was completed ' on . Semi-Final's—W. J. Harland 13, Mondaylasfand was a unique contest J. Stevenson 7. A. J. Morrish 6, j. in . many . particulars. Three rinits B." Hoover 13. - , . 1 inflicted obtlacle to all phases of pro - The annual winding -up • mat.eb ham 9, W. .j. -SteVenscin 13. J. , L, Courtice 8, trOy's slowly What that which it , &ening was, spent in tocial-ehat • and.' , , • ' . ' ' dividual it is tv , does -not degrade . 'quickly, For .,..the gam•es. • During the evening they,. •• • 'for the commbnity it is a murrain., pients of. a handsome present. in . .. - a malignant disease, I made Mr. and. Mrs. Johnston the reci-4' for the nation it has *me a self--' 1 • spent a few days -thOpast week at . is Mr Charles Macdonald ,of Toronto — ht I telephoned the clerk to g);:, THE. SOUTH..W.O.N. ' • „.• .over the names .carefully So as to lie in a position to inform the coUncil, _ this evening. :Nvhether or not it ..con - qualified votert. My instructionS have - not been carried out. ' Clerk Macpherson : Xis not part Of tors in cell case, but the total was Hoover 13. . ani only four points. • The other two gam companying' hini. are place North on one game ,by fifteen p.oints, . ANG.ELISTIC SEIWICES,S; 'gress, and state arnelioratiori ; ob- structing .all the forces . of '' 'low tent- t • .Mr. Thomas Cameron was a juror my ' duty to verify petitions. .. I. • • only their Oustodian: ; they es were played on Monday wheo• kthei THE EV is impossible twelve points, leaving the total major-iSunday last were well attended and and rapid changes in ' . Dog lost. See adv,t, on page 5. , last week. venience of others. It • the other game going. to 0.e, Smith 'lly,1 Th i 1 these On 'dial reform, The open ng o iese services ' at the IIigh Court held at Goderieh ' ed, in niy keeping merely, for the eon - Councillor Holloway suggested, that :ity for the South only ono shot. The, industrial elevation. • • . committee to have it properly ceritA: play, eonickuttitly the excitement was . —Press Representa ,iv,,, neth Moorlionse spent .a few days a for me to certify to the. signatures,. . game was a tie all with one end to I I profit* tions in the Ontario St. and 13aptist • le.. There were good congrega- . -- • Dr. Smith, Messrs.. Percy. and Ken - the petition be referred back te • the fled to. . great but the veteran Joe Rattenbtirylchilrelies in the morning and a packed house in Wesley at night..PerSenaIS. . . i .1. a . on a .hunting i a o . this w •k tep t P rt Councillor Cooper : We expected tha. for tho South 'drew in a shot that all The" address, of MiS. 'Gordon in . tlier r . - - ... the efforts of the North failed to dis-i owl?. a , Miss Edna Cooper has returned to i Mr'. Haines: of Holyrood was the petition would have been certified to ' it • as list- Toronto to resume het art course at. lodge, thus winning the game by . Yuest Of his daughter, • Mrs. II. Drch- I by the clerk,. otherwise we would a end to by an over crowded audience, • . I man, a few days tho past week. Krt., small margin. 'Below are the players and much appreciated. the University. . have had it done by Out solicitor. The Bee. W. H. Dunbar is in Glencoe at- Haines, who has been spending a. levt T. Jackson Besides the evening services' and . . . tendint the eonference of the Arch-' but if the matter is laid, Civet tO the — A. J. Grigg there are held hour cottage prayer daily Bible readings during this week. --. ',. !weeks with her daughter, returnedi: Deanely of, Loridon. •1 Farming milliner in Miss I Miss Maggie Wilds left thislweek for' council can, of course, give the•hlylaw, and scores 1 • its first reading without any *petition J Wiseman S. Crociks hoine with Mr. Haines. November meeting we will undertake II, Wiltse G. )3. MeTaggart ' meetings held iti each of the Wards Miss real. , • Cantelon's establishment, is the Buffalo to visit friends. . J. Hoover' 15 Up E. G. Courtice i 1 • ' - every morning, ' commencing at 10 latest addition to St.iPaul's church' Mr. and IMrs. Henry of St. Marys to 'satisfy the council that °Ur peti- The petition was returned to the it. Manning J. W.. Irwin Mrs. Blreig has returnM front an ex- few days this week. . ;were the guests of Mrs. Parsons a committee to be certified to. .1. L. Courtice o'clock. 'The arrangentents for. next Sunday ehoir. tended Visit in Teronto and Muskoka' The great Bayfield Pair will he hota tion is all right. • J. Ratteribury G. Barge . Dr. Shaw are as followi : A mass union meet-, The chairman of the street cOrranit- D. A. Forrester C. E. Dowding 12 up ing at 11 a. m. in Wesley churdi, a and is with her daughter, Mrs. T. ' on Tuesday and Wednesday of next tee said that of the amount allotted . e . C. W 111 mass meeting of the Sunday schools JacksonJ • • • ' week and the management are. active - to it $500 was yet unexpended, but it D. L. 'Macpherson nr. Aron and children generally, with patents i Messrs: Frank O'Neil and D. 13. 'Kelt- I ly engaged in making preparations for was proposed to spend it draining and teac els, a ' elock in ' Wes' ar nedy lett yesterday for a few Ws the event. The prospects are bright Albert street and on repairs and ad- W. Harland IL J'. Oibbings W.. J. Stevenson 1, W. Brydone church. At 7 p. rn. union service in and with favorable weather there will: ditions to cement Walks. . . visit in Brantford, Hamilton ,and Caledonia. At the• last mentioned doubtless be a big eroWd. In the ev- Wesley. - Ont. St. with oVerflow meeting in The ehairman of the fire and water J. Johnson l'W. IVIcLeod A. J. Walsh W. Graham place they will attend the Fair at 'ening there- will be a concert in tho eommittee recommended three dollars J. Hunter The address width was to have been which Mr. Kennedy hat 'hem. an an -1 own hall for which Mr..Will. lifttLeOd; J. Nediger i' tined visitOr ,for more years than 'We i the singing and dancing cOmediart et , be Voted Chief It A. Downs for pied) J. Harland W. Jackson (1 UP). given in the town hall by IVirs. Ger- i bership fee to the Fire Chiefs' AsS0- B Grahata ' J. A. Ford don in the afternoon on "The Stortr ea to mention .11 the bOullteelus London has been engaged. There wilt ;elation and two dollars AS his sub- A. 15, Guodry P. Towne of Jun" has lbeen postponed until Alio,' hospitality with 'Mitch they iwill be also be an orchestra and other taleriti J. Taylor (1 uP), tnanIs unveiling servitea. entertained is not too much for from outside, the Whole furnishing ix seription to the monthly published by N. Ball J. Hatts following Sunday owing to the Wood - the Associa.tiOn. This was agreed to. J. 'Pair . them they will be borne tO-rnOrtoW. program that will be enjoyed. \ READYMADE I CLOT.HING Ionian uroo .s ..n ORDERER., CLOTHING Your Fall Suit The man who values dress' as an expression of personality, who attires. himself correctly because he appreciates the opinion of his friends and associates, and who realizes the value of good clothes, wants to go where he can get the best satisfaction. "QUALITY " Realizing this to be the ambition ot nearly. every Man, .we have 'en- deavored to give this sat- isfaction, .hy placing in Stock a most cornpleta line of new Fall and Winter Suitings and Overcoatings. , We guarantee the -5-, newest American Cuts, • best; of materials and fin- est quality of Trimmings. Our stock is now complete, and we .NN ill be pleased to have . you call •••• at any time, to 'let us show you the very latest productions. - We added a Pressing and Cleaning Depart- ment to our workroom some time iago,.atict ar6 • now prepared to do clean- ing and pressing at short notice. We also give special attention to the pressing of Ladies' Skirts, Snits and Coats. •"A Square Deal for Every Mau." MORRISH PROOKS successors to Hodgens bros. Clothing Store played last week, the South hieing vio. • his old home, returning on Tuesday, Finals—W. : J. Harland '7, J. B. gress and it. lies athwart tho path of personal reformation, municipal Pro- his father, Mr. CI-eorge Machmiald ,ae-