HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-09-16, Page 20 2 Clinton News4ecorcl -mow- .•404040•4040•••••••••0440 DURI NO the $PRING I YOU, NEED Sonxething to restore the ap- petite, strengthenthe nerves, purify the blood, or tone up the ._ stomach, and, till the :body with ;. rich vitality. I Bland's iron Pills ; Are speelally intended for this Ipurpose. They will reinforce the new strength of body and mind. flagging energies and impart miliwom • WE W.A.NT TO KNOWUS And that your reoipts will be filled with the best goods ob- tainable. We guarantee pure drugs, perfect service, accuracy and promptness, • W. S. it HOLMES • Manfg Chemist. :••••••••••••••0 ••••••••: —RELIABILITY — EXPERIENCE,— • d P.m= WE WANT YOUR, GRAIN. for which we will pay, the . Highest Market Price. Call° at our store next Morrisli So Crooks or at our Elevator. —We keep on hand a full- - stock of Flour, Feed,— . — Etc. We are agents for the Canada Car- riage Company Buggies and Stan- dard Wire Fence and Posts. FORD&McLEOD DR. OVENS, SURGEON, OCULIST, will be at Holmes' Drug Store on Friday, July 9th, and thereafter on Wednesday Aug. 4, Sept. 8, Oct. 13, Nov. 17, Dec. 22. llours from 9. a. m. until 3.30 p. rn. Glasses properly fitted. Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat treated. TIMOTHY SEED I HAVE A QUANTITY OF CLEAN AND PURE TIM OTHY SEED FOR SALE,. AT • THE STANDARD ELEVAT- OR. W. G. SMYTH. THE BEST 80110011 „JCENTRAL 0;0*i, Marble In Ontario. It is not generally knowa that in Ontario only quite reeently deposits of the finest marble have been dis- covered. The marble, which is now being quarried by the North Lanark marble and Granite Quarrie, Limited, whose headquarters are in St. (lathes. rinee, was discovered ;quite by accident ssn. a farm in the Township of Darling; in Lanark county, anal experts declare it to be among the finest in the world. It is of various colors, green and white lavender and white, but and green, bUL and white, etc., and is very easily worked. It attains a. very high polish. Already one of the largest manufacturing concerns in the United States is negotiating to obtain sup- plies of it, as experts, declare that there i$ nothing to compare with it. Lowel Complaint in Children. When six months old the little daughter of E. N. Dewey, a well known merchant of Agnewville, Va., bad an attack of cholera; infantum. Chamberlain's Colic', Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was given and ef- fected a complete cure. This remedy' bas proven very successful in eases of bowel complaint in children and when given according to the plain printed dIrections can be relied upon with perfect confidence. , When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleas- • ant to take, whicfi tf of great • im- portance when & medicine must be given to young children.. For sale by all medicine dealers. uron County News Gathered for News Record Readers 18 From The News -Record of , September 16th, 1891. Clinton, Sept. lath, 1891. Mr. JOS. Rattainury was showing a plum the other day that was a plum- per. It weighed close on to a quarter of a pound. Mr, D. Cantelon of Clinton; had a shipment �f 500 barrels of apples on board the Str. Empire which left Goderich on Saturday. The apples were destined for Winnipeg and other; points in the Northwest. , 1 Among a liberal wino: ` of plums xeeeived from Miss Fowler Ont St we found several measuring 61 by 71. inches, Workmen are engaged preparing theI ground for the erection of a brick 01 - Ike for Dr. Gunn, on Huron St. Deputy Reeve Kennedy wishes toI thank the firemen and' citizens for their' efforts to save his livery building which wan destroyedby fire last Wed- nesday morning and for successfully presenting the spread of the fire to his dwelling house on the same pro- perty. If Deputy Reeve Kennedy can get possession of the "burned district," the lease of which to Mr. Beatty' does not expire until December, he will have a new building up before the snow flies. As it is the property is not realizine, anYthine • to the lessee, and Mr. Kennedy would caned the lease as from date of the fire if • he can get possession. F. W. CUTTLER, PAINTER AND Paper hanger. All work hone guar- anteed to give satisfaction. Prices moderate,. dlesidence nearly opposite Collegiate' Institute. Clinton. 83 APPLES.. .ANTED for shipping and evapor- ating purposes. Best prices paid. • D. CANITELON . CLINTON. -STEADY: PLOYMENT Can be given to a number of sMart.girls on hand sewing or operating machines: Apply to lir. J. McLeod, foreman. • The 'Jackson Mfg, Co'y away on Sept. 3rd, at the home of At the ripe age of 81, there passel Winghsan bis daughter, Mrs. James Menlan,nus. Mr. Alex. Dodds, for a number of years a respected resident of this town. Deceased was born in Scotland in. 1828. 'He lealee four sons—John of Sea.forth, James of Michigan, Thomas of Mitchell, and William, of ISinghara. There are also four daughters, Mrs. Johnston of Montana, Mrs. Cassels c4 Fresno, California, Mrs. Drew of Toronto, and Mrs. Jas. 'McManus of Wingliam. „Those present at the funer- al from a distance were Miss Jessio Dodds of, Clinton, Mrs, John Mason of; Myth, Mr, and Mrs. W. Mason, Jam- es Dodds and son, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Beattie, and Mr. Gamin; of Morris, John Dodds of Seaforth, Harvey of Flint, Mich., Mr. and Miss Dodds of Alitchell, Mr. and Mrs, Drew of Tor - °lit. meeting of the North ' Huron Telephone Company to complete the organization. The stockholbers 'list shows ninety-seven names, and the amount of stock subscribed is $3,900. •The following were elected direc- tors :—Wm. Maxwell, W. J. Greer, Geo. Spotton, Henry T. Thompson L. F. Birneley ; Auditors, A. H, Mus- grove, P..W. Scott. After the meeting, the directors met and elected the following officers President, Geo. Spotton. Viee-Pres.,W. J. Greer: , Managing -Director, Wm. Maxwell. • Secretary, H. B. Elliott Treasurer and Solicitor, R. Van - stone; 43ankers, The Bank cif Hamilton. Now that organization is coMpleted the Belmore, Bluekale and Belgrave lines will 'pass into the hands of the.; new company. Agreement has been made with the Bell Telephone CQ, for connections, and in a Very short time subscribers will be able to talk to Bluevale, Belgrave, Whitechurch and Bethune and inteevening phones. The line is • expected to reach St. Angustine in about two Wbeks, and then •that point can be reached. Other extensions will be made as rapidly as the work can be done. Londesboro, .SePt.'10th, 1801. • Mrs, Ferguson . was home, fot a few days last week, Mr. A. Callander of the 13th con, returned- home last week. •• '• • Rev. Mr. • IVIcCullatigh of 'Plantaganet preached. in Presbyterian church on &May. - Fall wheat seeding, is hearty nsisheds some fiellim are looking nuite green al- ready. .• ann Mni. R. .B.- Jeffry and lam- ily left yesterday to. spend a few days M Toronto. . . The I. 0. G'..T. are havieg a contest to last the remainder df this quarter. A fall attendanee of the 'members . is requested. Mr, Wm. Lee left yesterday for Markham, .Where: he still spend a week:. he . will take nt Toronto ' Show while • away. Mrs.. Lee went last week.. . . Mr, D.' .D. 13itks, Will preach a special. sermon to the Good Templers, in the Methodist church on. Sunday !evening at the usual. hour '(6.30). • A. eurnber of neighboring Lodges .are invited to be present. • 01 nton. Summerhill, Sept. 16th, 1891, Miss Mary A. Wain's is visiting friends le Gocieriela • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Mr. and Mrs. II. Ball are *Ming • • a week at •the Toronto Exh bitine and 1 0()0 I thi isttin, friends in the Queen ity • e of the West. . • -,Sehenti. was closed here on Thursday • and Friday' last, the teacher' being ab- sent. at. the, Union Teacher's • onvena tion • in 'Chilton. . A- very Young blaeksmithe came to. our village on Wedriesclay the 2nd lest. He •is a guest of our popular' Rnight of the hammer, Mr. Benjamin Grainger. STRATFORO. ONT. The best time to enter our classes is NOW. We are run- ning the largest and, we he- • lieve, the( best basiness training . school in Western, Ontario. Three departments—. COMMERCIAL SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHY. Get a money makine, education. Our graduates are in dern.and and are meeting with success. Get our freecatalogue now. McLachlan PRINCIPALS FALL TERM* •OPENS AUG, 30th. Our graduates are assisted to the best poeitions. Write for the rea- son. Prepare now toenter at be- ginning of term. Mail Courses for those who wish to study at home, • CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON, PRINCIPAL, COAL ORDER YOUR YEAR'S SUP.. PLY NOW. THE BEST IN THE MARKET, $7 PEE TON, BUT IP ORDERED AND PAID FOR BEFORE MAY Mgt, A DIS- COUNT OF 40 CENTS A TO WILL .BE ALLOWED. Orders left ti.t Davis RoWland'a will be promptly. attended to. • Ovee one thousa.nd slap dents enrolled by our chai lest year. Itspays • to at - tenni a link of this: peat chnin. for "IN union THEnn IS STRENGTIli' The demand for onr grad- . times is !THREE TIMES the supply. . Other schools engage our graduates as teachers, • A Special course for teachers. Graduates of two yeers 'ago- are no iv earning $2,000 per annum. . Three courses--ComMin- MAL,STENOGRA.PIIY And TELHORAPII.Y. • Fall Term Opens A tice: 30.b Write for Particulars. • • •• CLINToN • • Business College • • - GEO. SPOTTON, PRIN. 4:••4•0••4 • • ••••••••••• •••••so MONUMENTS CHASTE DESIGNS., BEST MATERIAL JAMES DOIG , OPPOSITE POST OFFICE.. , Hubner Tiles. Having purchased a machine for applying Rubber Tires, we wish to I say that we are now prepared to fur- , ish and put on such tires at reasonble rates. We also do all kinds of Grinding, nything from a Pair of scissors to a ircular saw. This week we installed machine for grinding bOISQ clippers vim& (too perfect work. We likewise do all kinds ot laths York on short order and at reason- ble rates. Machinery repaired, Horses shod. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Repeat it "Shiloh's Cure will • al- ays euro: my coughs and eohls." Word Was received :last .week of the death of Mts. .1.;Ouis • Hildebrand, for- merly Miss Hilda Kochees, daughter ; of Mr. .Frank 1Sochens, of that; town, The deceased was living' at .Ailsal Craig, and the latter epart 'of last ' week took inflammation from which she died at St. Joseph's hospital,1 London. She _ leavee _ letsfdeseherahuse. band and father, three .small children, the youngest about five weeksold to mourn her earlydeath,. having reached'. the age of only about 'enmity years. ...Mr. J. J. Merrier received a letter recently from Mr. 'Henry Lebeatt of • near Van Vleck, Texas, informing him of a very destructive storm in their vicinity, which did great damage to the crops. Mr. • Lebeau and family in- tend .leasing that state ani going to Western Canada. Mr. Lebeau was a resident in this Section for some years and has many friends who re- gret his misfortune. • . The death , of Mrs. George. Denorny Sr. of the Satible • Line, which sad event occurred on Tuesday of 'last week, removes one of the early set- tlers of that line. The deceased was ot. a retiring disposition and was not so well' known, except ..in her item- diate family circle, where she was much loved for her knielly nature. She had not enjoyed very good health for several years but always bore ner illness with great fortitude ad cour- age, She was about 75 years of age and leaves her aged husbaed and grown up family to mourn their loss.' The funeral took place to St. Peter's . cemetery at Drysdale. Dungannon, Fewer Newspapers Miss Lottie Gnason went recently to Now visit friends at Wingham. Mrs. MeTaggert of Exeter has been a guest at the home of Dr. Case. • Miss Etta Johnston. returned yester- day front Toronto, where she had becn attending the millinery openings. Howard Case returned from Exeter on Saturday after a, month's visit with frirnds there. He was accornparre ied by his uncle, who visited here for a couple of days. Mrs, Johnson has bon on a week's visit to friends in Clinton. She was accompanied by her daughter, Miss Elva, who will attend the, Collegiate Institute in that town. R. Rutherford returned recently from New Ontario, where he had been en- gaged with a surveying party dtaing the summer, He purposes entering college on October 1st. ; On. Wednesday evening of last week the officers of the "Junior Epworth League were elected for the ensuina six months' as follows : President, Maggie Dither.. Secretary, Cora Allen, Organist, Edith Treleaven. • The League has a membership of over forty. Grey Township. • A fine young cow belonging to Chas. Wizen, .9th eon., died last week, {mean) ing no inconsiderable loss to. the own- er. • • Mrs. John Hollinger and her young- est daughter, Miss Emma are visitins friends in 'Saginaw, Chicago and other , points. . • Ro . W. F. Ko nay has been ap- pointed by the Bishop of -Albany to the Cathedral sf Albany, N. Y, duty. ; to begin October lst. He tv'as a. form- ' er resiklent of Grey township. • •• I Harris, and Mrs. Hamilton, of . Bloomfield, are guests of thei former's parents, John and Mrs. Hamilton. C. D. and Mrs. Simpson had their ; household effects moved to Wingham this Week where they Will in future reside. .. • ' The Manor (Sask.) •lansocate Speak- ing of former keoWn _ residents of this locality says N. M. Richardson left' On Saturday for Seattle. He. will. be joined at Moose . Jaw by his. son, Lyle and together* they intend Wring in the Alaska -Yukon 7Expositioit:— Miss Anna 'Richardson obtained a • first-dass • teachers certificate.... at .the recent. exaMinatiora—Mrs.. N. M: Richardsei entertalued. a number . of 'lady friends to Afternoon tea Morn Commenting on the demise of the Port Dover Herald from "acute indi- gestion and chronic discornbobolisa, tion," the Wat:rford Star says : "Another newspaper start.d to fill a long felt want has ceased to exist. After nine months the Port Dover Herald nukes the announcement be- low. John is a good newspaper. man and a first plass printer. Itt dozens of cases in Ontario in the past few years it has been proven that a town of ten or twelve hundred could not support two papers and Port Dover was no exception to the rule. It may be news to oer readers to linter that Old Ontario has fewer news- papers now than ten or =cep years ago. This does not mean that On- tario is going back, but the field was , overcrowded, with newspapers. One tario is being better served to -day with fewer newspapers." Repeat it :—"Shiloh's Cure will al- ways cure my coughs and colds," • Hensall On , .Saturday night ' weeik, Jack elsh, electrician, had •a; close call. Hehad just cut a wire on • Albert street and had descended the pole when he got . entangled In the loose wire on the• ground and received a eery soiete shock which .threw, him down., His heed. and defiling was burned anci. before' the. wise was re- moved, he suffered great agony. Dr. . Y• 'i Aikenhead was summoned and John was carried' home, He soon recovered conscioasnesa and is now. all right, with pe exception of a b'adly. . burned hand. . • The 'following Hensall pupils are. at- tending 'Clinton Collegiate.: Jim and Hairy .1VicArthur, Jessie Buchanan, G. Thompson, A. Bobleirle. J. .Buchanan. The: remains of: Mrs.' Fran's -Hilder- iirrande who. 'died. at Ailsa Craig, where the family moved nom Hensap. • Were taken to Zurich for interment. • Henson Petty returned .from Toron- to on • Friday, in a Ford runabout, which he'purehaSed and rode home without 'a single mishits). . Miss Beattie Reynolds is attending Clinton 13,usiness College. Carlow. Miss Pearl Janson was. visiting in Toronto.. Miss Sarah McLeod return:4 from Detroit on Friday, Mrs. Lautenslayer, who has been c.orifined to her room the past two weeks with a severe illness, is; we hre pleased to state; ablest°, ibe bet again. 'Mts. T. Sallows alSo is recovering from her recent illness. Miss Nettie Tyndall .has taken a -position with Mrs, Pellow. of Goder- ieh to learn. dressmaking. john Buchanan of Loch Melon, is spending .a feW days with his daugh- ter in Goderich. , • • • Earl Cunningham is taking in the, sights -at -Toronto Exhibition: - • - • MOH. Gieen is up from Sarnia in attend the funeral of his uncle, the late Jams MeHardys..Miss Annie Green also name up from Toronto, where she was engaged at the Ex- hibition; on the same mend. • • Mr. Miller has recently sold his farm to John Graham of •Goderich. We understand he gives possession al- most immediately, . Threshingis going on briskly in this lecality. Some of Ow farmers are sowing fall wheat, the land being in good condi- tion for it. The grain, elevator at McGaw is al- most completed and will soon be de - 1 ing• business. We are sorry to learn that., chits. Treble, formerly of this place, who went to the West a few years ago, sustained very severe loss by a recent hailstorm, a large part of his crop being destroyed. Thos. Tabb'another former resident of this. locality, also suffered, though' not so severely, by the same storm. Repeat it : "Shiloh's Cure will al- ways Core my coughs and colds.'" Newman Naellougah Wins • Another Road Race. The St. Ma,ry's to Stratford Road . Race was run Lsisor Pay and.the laur-; el wreath rest proudly.'ai„ 1;,,1 V CI the' mini-- ing featuresof• Norrnan:McDougall, thi. plucky., and successful Porter's • Hill ;roader, and twice winner of the, Strat- forSeSt. •Mary's Marathon, In the ; most Magnificent ly. contested ren ;since iiie inaugtikation of this roan ; race, McDougall again flhished first on Lanor ,Day andincidentally dipped off • 2 minutes and 4 'secorfds front the !record made by Hilton Green last. year. 'It was a deserved and popular win. . • :Sharp. on. the don.of 2 o'clock: ' Sec- retary Todd- fired the pistol. at .St. Mary's Which • set in sudden mania he long, long, eager lin'a Of runners, Front the initial ecramble• Norman IVIcDoug- allptilled out ahead, 30yards in, tront,i of the bunch: • The Finish. • . The arrival • of the rig.cOntaining Secretary Todd and the press repre- sentatives • announced' to the immense throng at the Athletic , Park, Strat- ford, that the runnere were nearing. Suddenly McDougal shot. throtigh the fence ani a second later Pepper .Half a minute later Keane. was on the track, • The mile tun was just beirtg pulled off and for a moment there was some. siigbt contusion experienced' 4 the I spectators. it was but a iew ' moin- erns, however, 'before the famous old - brlue runnieg togs of McDougall were recognized: and the crowd went wild. Tagging at his heels came Pepper, ; who received an oVaticn front his Iniedreds of Stratimal admirers. Just here some of the over. .zeal- ous friends nearly. put Jack ottt of !the runnier; by urging him.. to sprint 'though there was still a lap to run. ; The eaort, though it brought him up &en with. McDougall, nearly caused his collapse, For a motecnt or two I e stopped dazed right kind Why Consumption is More to be Dreaded Than Leprosg. The bringing of an alleged leper to New York for treatment is no eause for alarm, declares Dr. George Henry Fox, professor of dermatology, Co- lumbia University, and one of the loading skin specialists in the coun- try. . Leprosy is less conte,gious than con- sumption he further declares, and, even if Alin Early, the alleged leper,1 were in the last stages of the dreaded 1 disease there would be no danger to auy one if ordinary precautions be taken.• . . • Dr. Fox has 'made- 'an exhaustive study. of leprosy.. • A few Months agol he made a trip .through the West 1., dies and Sonth Amerienawith.Dr. Ed -1 ward.B. Bronson, professor .of derma- tology: le the • Pest -Graduate . Medical ir, .htspate:1a .and'study . the' clisease as •it 'is found in the tropics. On this trip he discovered., many f aCts about the disease, 'winch, its the pp -1 ular mind at least,. considere,d the Most lott.thsome of all maladies; • ."Leprosy is not anywhere near. as' 'contagious as consumption," .say..s. Dr. Fax. "The popular belief that. it is infectiotte .and Siangerous 'is *: largely caused :impressioris given. by the Bib,e. As a. matter of 'Met the dis- eaee which 13ibical writers called le- prosy was was no•t,lepresy at all. Leprosy. is a germ disease, and the little mica .re -organisms which cause 'it . are ntt .'unlike the tubercle germs which •cause consumption 'A• person in good health can liye S,Mong • the lepers _without runnifig 'any danger of catching the 'disease. The Catholic sisters ..who act as nurses in: the big leper. hose', -tal at Trinidad have been there fat years and 'not .one of them has evet. canaracted the disease. The...mother superior told me than she had • been the,re for. thirty-five years, except; for a• feiy brief *vacations, . and she had never been ill . , day; • Whin a per- sunis inclined ie ie sickly, then there in some 'clanger of. contracting it. The . generally . accepted theory is that only • constant inhaling. of nese •leprosy germs will caw the disease. . September 16th, 190c, .ty Our Formula W. produce in Hood's earsaparillo msclicins that hos on unaPPrnashsa record of cures of (Scrofula, eczema, eruptions, catarrh. rheumarism, anemia, nervousnees, that tired teeting„ loss •of appetite, etc. Hood; Sarsaparilla effects its won- dertui cures, not simply •because it contains sarsaparilla but because it combiner; the utmost remedial values or more than 20 different iegredients, each greatly strengthenen and en- riched bY this peculiar combina_tion. There is no real subetitute for ft. ft urged to buy any preparation said to be "lust as good" you may be sure it Is interior, costs less to make, and yields the dealer a larger profit. Thle medicine makehealthy and stronn the "Little Soldiers" in your blood, ---those corpuscles that fight dis- ease germs constantly attacking you, Get it today ot your druggist. 100 Doses One Dollar. Prepared only by C. L Hood Co., Lowell. Mass., IL S. A. LONDON. ONTARIO Business & Shorthand SUBJECTS Resident and Mail Courses Carel/urges Free 1. W. Westervelt, J. W. Westervelt, Jr.. C.A., Principal, Vice -Principal. Adolf() Miller, supposed to be from Toronto, was found murdered. in the street in Caleahuano, Chili. The morins vivonli between Britain and the United States regarding New- foundland fisheries has, been, renewed. Stupendous Tele- phone Figures.. The Telephone Gazette says the Bell Company has upwards of 130,0.00 sta- tions in Ontario and Quebec. and is • connected with 20,000 independent sta— tions. The company has in. oueratioa 330,000 miles of , long distance wires and gives efficient- service over a rad- ius of. 1,000 miles • froin every Section . over ,She two, provinces. The bnilding of 04 system has involved a capital ,outlay of $17,0.00,000.* ,F•oretbe,. United States and. Canada combined the figeres relating to. tele- phone service' are ,stupendous.- There are. in these two countries 6;500,000 telephone stations operated by 24,000 - compernea. What is corn,. monly known . as t .. ell system, comprised of 32 - eomnanies, has. 3,215,245. stations, and .. through. connecting companies,. • give.s Seryiee with 1 ,150,000 more, mining, a • grand total ef 4,365,245 stations: • Ie. 'the local or territorial area, of these; companies or Systema, 1,276,000 miles Of toll. lines connect the various 'ex- changes. with each ether, making coni- preherisiva, territorial systems. These oterritarfal systems. ate connected with ' • each other by. 456,000 miles:, of long .. distance lines, • formin,S 'a universal syss -tem of service: .The.amount of. capital which has been e.xpended in the; con- . stritetione of this systern is • set newn at y a . a ce .,a . $970,030,200.60. This means that those Who have engaged. in* the develop- ment of this syston, in, addition .to' the enormous InNor of simeryising cora struction arid .providing improVereents in apparatus to meet the. changing re- quirements of . the rapidly increasing eervice, have had to provide. an aver- age of over thirty-three millions'. a . year for the plant. • ' . In the- extension • Of -telephone Ser - .vice over rural. areas, says The Ga."- ette, farmers and the eompanies meet • upon grounds of perfect equality, • mild with a common object. • In all negotia- tions and subsequent 'operation as a 'unified system, to secure permancy, theee . must be a business • basis in • which a fair recognition of the rights and requirementS of. all concerned and.. preserved. lAtni eminent expert on tele- ohone protilems has well said. that the :.extension of telephone service to. the farmers of t ns. continett is. it re- sponsibility beyond. the' resources ani. capabilities of .any compan.y or. any •• government,. and can . be . ettecessfully . accomplished ...by the farmers • them- selves. Co-operationabotween the local ornanizations and the companies is es- sential to the success of. both., and to the establishment of the ideal—a uni- versal service. s • Schoolo New York, to visit the lee - "Leprosy whc ti unaccompanied by anything else is not any worse. than a hundred other. diseases, and when eaken in lime can. ne cured. A change of climate, plenty of exorcise'andgpod food are abont all that is required. .would naturally expect to find the 'inmates .af leper 'hospitals very much depressed, but strangely omueb that is far .froM the Rase. They can bardly be valled. Overfed, these lepers in West Indian .and South 'American hospitals, but they accept..the situa- tion stoically. This. is because they are low down in the social scale and have practically to education or finer sensibilities,. edueated man Who is afilieted with leprosy becomes Melt depressed. The. disease preys on hie mind, and not . infrequentii. he be comes mentally unbalanced. The So- cial condition of the 'West Indies . and South Ameeicen. lepers is so poor than they end. living in hospitals preferable to Working. "While leprosy' is on the increase in those parts', there is no danger of it spreading to this country. Even if it did it could be qniekiy checked." • „'snot put stinnoe Stu env %Sem wire, then realizing that he had still half a mile to run, pluckily set out tam °1110 s‘11°Iil1S;i--*: 41 4t1Pdoll. after McDougal who had gaited setaeral — ' d.a Still runn'ne, strong, McDougall GUARANTEED DANDRUFF CURE,' loped tinder the wire, a Winner and a record breaker. Thirty-five seconds eware of the druggist who tells later Penner finished, and 30 seconds you that any other hair tonic is just after him Kean. Two minutes later es pod as Parisian Sage—he hems Kerr was in, followed by Carter, better. . Isaacs and CornelittS In, short -order. W. S. R. ITaltnee is Alm agent for . !raisin Sage, end lie won't try to ' give you .soniething just as good, be - WHEN THE LUNGS ARE soup, Erom coughing and you don't know what to do, just inhale the soothing.; vapor of "Catarrhozone" ; it's a lung food, a strengthener and certain mire; try Catarrbozone. 1 1 I • 1 i t - ,ter prescription than Dr. Hamilton's The News -Record to any address inI The News -Record will be sent to Iiills of Mandrake and Butternut. At Canada for the remainder of 1.0n9 for ;nay address in Canada to Jan. lst, all dealers hi a yellow ;box, price 25c., 1910 for to colts. ir or five boxes for one \dollar. YOUR WORN-OUT STOMACH. What it needs' is the strengtheningS inflame of Dr. Hamilton's Pills -- they work marvels where'ellihe stomach and digestion, are poor. In one day Pimp& mil nue samoaant amaddu eqn. system is rapidly strengthened. No istomat specialist cou d wr te be W. 3 StevensoiI'UUOILJYCL 11 OOL25 colts. r cause he httows that Parisian Sage •ia guaranteed to cure dandruff, stop falling hair, and cure •all diseases of the sole in two weeks, or money back, He knows that Parisian • Sage is highly recommended as the most pleas* ant and reitivinating hair dressing known. /t melees the hair fluffy and beautiful. 50 volts for a large bottle at W. S. it. Holmes. He ihl uarans tee it. Made in America only 1, Giroux Mfg. 'CO., Buffalo, N. Y., and Fort Erie, Ott, THE1. BICYCLE IS FAST COATING RACR INTO POP- ULAR FAVOR :AGAIN. "WHY WALK WITEN PLEAS- URE, E X 11, C $ B AND SIGHT-SEEING ARE , SO COATPLETELY CENTERED IN THE WHEEL?" I .AM AGENT FOR THE CLEVELAND A N » RA - CYCLE IlYCLES AND TIRES AND SUNDRIES OF ALL RINDS IN STOCIt, arer b r Albert Turner LAWN mownrts