The Clinton News-Record, 1909-09-16, Page 14
Records, •
e9th Year
Whole Nut. ber 1595
. The News -Record will be sent to any address in Cana, the end of 1910 for one dollar. To the end of 1909 for 25 Cents.
tire of tut
ear Watches
You'll have a time -
,4•'') piece you can rely on.
Whether you buy a hand-
some gold one or an inexe
, pensive niekle watch here
sj It is guaranteed both by
dee.' - the makers and ourselves.
• -1.'•••••e, •
•. if You Want
• -.Ai
founder and Optician. . ••• • ,•• Clinton
W. %%teenage,
•,* A..
one of our watches. Nickle,
silver, filled and solid gold
to Make a Olft That is both handeonae
remind the receiver of
and useful, one that will
many times everyday. buy
cases to choose from.
Paid -Up Capital $4,650.000. . • Reserve $5.350,000
Total Assets
- $53,000.000
Joint Accounts may be opened in the names of two persons,
withdeawals by either party. Thie is a convenient f orm of account
for people living at a distance from the Bank.
THE ROYAL BANK Pays Special Attention to the
• Requirements of Farmers. .
THE LOCAL MARKET. 95e to 97e.
Oats 34c to 38e,
Peas 75e.
Barley 41c to 50c.
Butter 1e to 19e.
Eggs 20c to 21e.
Live Hogs $8.10.
Morrish 4 Crooks are making pre- TOLD IN PARAGRAPHS.
Parations for their opening whleh lak-
es place to -morrow (Friday) peewee'. The Jackson Mfg. Co, ape working
Their handsome nig istore will look its over •time in trying to fill orders. If
beet for the occasion and orcheeteal they could get the help they would
music will be provided as well. The doti•ble their staff at once.. game with
bigger the crowd the better pleased the hose mill where they are adding
will the progressive firm he. new rn,achines.
BOWAS RAPHE NOISY. • The condition of front street is not
a credit to anybody, least of all to,
Vallee Magistrate Andrews was 08,11- those whose duty it is to keep the
ed upon to sit in, judgment on Bob streets in repair.
Mennen on Friday last and fin -el him ''.
Apple, packing the evaporator' bar -
one dollar and costs, some six dol-
rel making ad
'ars in, alL Bob ie a good natured tractors have the waterworksdrawn
wn a 11
. -
chap except when he imbibes too much town and vicinityaid an iille man
intoxicating stuff when he goes on a tto be found.
rampage and the whole neighberlaood
AFTER THE DOUBLES. 1 The Clinton Collegiate opened labt
Week with the usual increase in at-
Messrs. Dowding and. Hoover of
peted in the Toronto Globe's Sectch numbers and efficiency, That its good
tendance. For the
school has steadily gown in
Past three years
town and our own "Will." Jackson.
and "Andy" Taylor of Toronto coin -
wade is appreciated by the residents
Deuble. lawn bowling competition last
of Clinton and vicinity is shown by the
week. While they didn't win the red
very large First Form which takes
ribbon events they made their oupole
onts score higher than" it Was expect-
the seating capacity .of- the room.
ed they could do '
The upPer school is also the largest
in the history of the institution. It
A FIRST-CLASS OFFICE. is noteworthy that many pupils are
' The 1301 Telephone Company have from the country,
A worthy citizen said to The News -
Record yesterday : "I have etude e
lot OE good plums but am 01100O3 only
tcrl cents a basket and as tt, 1:3 woeth
more than that to pick theta*, I ern'
giving them away." If in such sea-
sons the produoer and the consuneer
could be brought closer together it
would be better for both.
Capital Paid up - $3,500,000 ' Rest IF.und $3,500,,000
• Has 65 Branches In Canada
and Agents and Correspondents in all the principal cities 7
in the world. '
Interest allowed at Highest Current Rate.
Clinton Branch
C. E. Dowding, Manager
converted their Clinton office from a ON SUSPENDED SENTENCE.
commission to a first-class office the
chaitge putting the manager on salary The two Indians who a few weeks
ago gave Matt; Elliott a bad, beating
instead of . commission as heretofore.
Personals. 'WESLEY CHURCH.
Miss Lucy Grant goes to Toronto this
week to pursue her stadies art.
Mrs. Amos Cooper and family of St.
Themes are visiting at Mr, W. J.
Mr. John Hutten, the Lontleedeoro, mil-
ler, was a guest at Mr. J. Stevens'
tie forepart of the week.
Miss Mary Chant is in Haver Ivit(91:5
she has taken charge of qr. G.
Lorenz' millinery department.
Mr. A. E. Moore, 'barrister, Winnipeg,
is spending a few days with his
mother, Mrs. E. Moore, Olbert St.
Rev. J. Greene was quite ill the past
week but we ere glad to bear thet
he has ahnost entirely recovered
Mr. and Mrs. David Elcoat and daugh-
ter, who have been visiting friends
in this district for several weeks,
leave this week toreturit to their
home at Los Angeles, Calif.
Miss Sybil Courtice, the very efficient
organist of Ont. St. churele has re-
signed that position, with the in-
tention of taking un • Deaconess'
work and with that object in view
will shortly enter the Deacon2se'
Home in Toronto.
The pastor will preach next Sunday.
Subjects Mornhig-"Elijah's prayer.
for rain" ; Evening --“The passipg:op-
The Ladies', Mission Circle bild
their monthly meeting on Monday ev-
ening and had a profitable •ani pleas-
ant gathering.
The Ladies' Aid will give a social
tea at the home of Mrs, H. Penne-
baker on Friday, evening from 6 to 8
and in consequence were committed o'clock.
The Company will also use the whole
for trial by P. M. .Androws, received a . •
premises, so that Mr. W. R. Cbunter,
the leering before Judge Doyle in Gode . .
the jeweller, who has occupied
The paetor will preach next Sunday
when his Inorn'ng subject will be :
"Always on tbe Alert," and in the
evenrug, "The House of ray Glory."
For the remainder of this year and
the whole of 1910 The, News-Recorki
will be sent to any address in Canada
for one dollar. If you are a subscrib-
er, dear reder, send it to some mem-
bee of your family who is away from
home:- No present at anything like
the same value could be so much aP-
1• How to Help
Your Town.
Help every good cause.
Obey the laws and keep the peace.
Work diligently at your calling.
Take an interest in municipal affairs,
Oppose sectional jealousies.
Help the newspaper try Patronizing it.
.Elevate manners by precept and prac-
Leave no legitimate stone unturned tie
inerease trade.
'Place ebnfictence in, ,deserving men,
MaIrceothneew. -comers and visitors wel-
Overlook trifling mistakes in others,
Underteke your &hare of public duty.
Never run down town or people.
Treat others honestly, fairly' end cola-
Flee:LefQrtoismlY'the very appearanee of evil.
Owe no man a.nythieg, but love one
Refualele°thiter countena.nce end to end
. strife.
sreetelocu'vrteact- ipauig)loicoain; shin what
is bad.
Trade at home whatever possible.
erich on Tuesday, Barrister Brydone
front part, is loqking for another
stand and will make an announcement appearing in their interests. The In-
dians said they had not intended teat -
regarding thereto next week. • The
Iet_ nig Matt, but were in a %ewe forced
Bell people regard their Clinton
part of the Province and there will honer
in this to as he kept following them up. His
gave so much credit to -their
flee as one of the best &laying
be considerable additional income story that ho allowed them to go on
suspended sentence on • giving their own
from the rural lines with which con -
recognizance of • , $200 each .0:11. two
neetion is now being made.
that Mrs. Clara Rumball will contintie
pleased t0 . know Years good conduct. Theso Indians
left. this district •yesterday.
Our citizens are
in charge of the office for they' know MANAGER CONSTANTINE.
by exPerience that it implies a most • .
prompt'and efficient service. • 1 . Mr. ' J. A. Constantine, who dve and
• a . y be me te lei of tlie.
Ali11111111111111i1MINIIMMIIIIIIIIIIII41111111144 .
CLOTHING llorrish 85 01100k.8.CUL I T
e Inge
On Friday, September 17th, we shall hold
our formal Fall Opening, and we most
cordially invite every Man, Woman
and Child to visit our store and
participate in the occasion.
Perish every thought of buying, •but eonae to
see the handsome New Fall Wearables in all their
Beautiful Gartnents for Men, Boys and Little
Men. '
Choice Fall Hats and all the fresh, ideas, in
Fall Haberdashery.
We've The Best Outfitting
That's Made.
There will be Music, Flowers, Etc.
Come and take part in the festivities and
enjoy yourself,
Our display of Choice Outfitting is well
worth coming to see.
Remember the date and be with us.
"A Square Deal for Every Mau."
successors to Hodgens bros. Clothing Store
heir. ears azo c , • 1 •
Tko. TOWN COUNCIL., ' •. • . local. branch' of Molsons Ban'. and but
a short time later was promoted; to
In the -waterworks bylaw it is set •
• the apcountantehip, leaves 'today • for
forth that forty hydrants be placed et
Zurich to take over the agency there.
intervals about the town for fire-
fighting purposes, but at Monday Heis a thorough hanker and by the
business conimunity is held ie the
night's meeting of the townbusi
. coundil
thie number was augmented by six, very highest respect. Socially,. too,
pee_ he is popular so. that while lie le .tm-
teen .which adds so much to the
ing congratulated upon el:5 prom
tection the systera will afford.
The first payments to the coritrac- it is mingled with regrt..!...t nis de -
tors were ordered by the council. The Partuee from, our midst •
pipelayer gets $1042.18, for 'cant iron His eueeessor is Mr. 1Ketmeth
pipes and specials $1179,67 • wae or- Erskine, who is a married man with
(Wed paid the stondpipe contractor three children arid hae rented Mrs
gets $800, and on. the reservoir $100"Hodgens residence - on Albert street.
was 'paid. There were other teems He is an Anglican. .• • .
the statement but these were , the. EVELYN BUCKLEY ,CONCERT •C0.
principal cries.
Two , or three applicatioas were We commend to our readers' the
Made some time ago for cement walks Evelyn Buckley Concert co. who are
but they have been lield over for one to 'appear at the. town hall, on Thurs-
day, the 23rd inst. Miss Buckley is
young singer who has been studying
and singing for some years in •New
York, where she has met with. much
s,uccess. She possesses a voice of
great power anCtbea.uty. Miss '84yeris
js well -known in London, Ont., where
her artistic ethility is well reeogniied,
ind where also Mrs. McBroom iLaird
IS; appreciated, while MiSs Pearl Hope
Per is a young lady who has appeared
in ,concert from the Eastern to the
Western Ceast,. and has received
splendid press comments everywhere
she has appeared. Tickets can be ob-
tained at Fair's bookstore.
Mr. Sam. Butt, who for some years
was employed in or About Clinton,
died at the homesteitd in Colborne
township , on Saturday afternoon, last,
after several months illness. He
interred in the Colborne cemetery on.
Monday', the religious serviees being
conducted by Rev. Mr. Bauch And
those of Court Maple Lear, c. O. F.,
reason and another, among others
waiting for more applicatibns so that
the expenditure Might reach a, Certain
Sum. Councillor Cooper. held stron2OY
that the work should . be •proceeded
with without , any further• delay.
"Throe ratepayers," , said he, • "have
just as much right as if 'they number..
ed a dozen.." To•which the Mayor add-
ed: "Sidewalks are not only for the
petitioners in front of \OM property
they run but for the people at large."
It is' understobd that the walk will,
be proceeded with as soon as pos-
sible, •
The Reeve brought up the. ease of
an aged femaleresident of Huron
street who he has for some months
been trying to get admitted to the
House of Refuge, but the authorities
of that institution have refused to take
her in, contending that she had money
enough to keep her. jOSo far as I. cart
find out," said the Reeve, "she • only
has eighty dollars and that she te-
,served for her funeral expenses. What
real estate she had is in her son's
name' 8he is um''' in a disgraceful Clinton, by Messrs. L Dodd and J. B.
condition and something must really Heaver. The pallbearers, all members
br done for her." , of Curt Maple Leaf to which the de -
The Mayor : A depetation of ladies ceased had also belonged, were 0.
waited upon me this afternoon in re- Johnson, J. E. Ball, J. 8. Miller, J.
gard to the person in oueetion and I . Sheppard, J. Bll
000ver gond E.
agree with the Reeve that the Pres- Holtzhauer, In. addition to pallbear-
ent state of affairs cannot be allowed ars the follovving from this part at -
to exist. tended the funeral : W. S. Holmes,
As a result of the discussion the b. Lindsay, Biggin, H. Hays, B.
Mayor and R,eeve were appointed a Baker and T. rilartaghan,
%committee to deal with the matter.
The report of the finance committee ONT. ST. CHURCH,
recommending payments as follows
Rev. T. W. Coss will preach next
was adopted : . th
e 144 Sunday. The subject .61 the morning
Telegratrie . Y
Typewriting discourse will be "The Marriage Sup -
Rent f TeIephen1.00 .
'per of the Lamb" and the theme of
oe 7.50_
Teleithonin8.50 the evening sermon "The New Birth,.'
The choir will furnish excellent music
Mottetary Times, adAvto. 8.00 .
Eleetric Light .
emee and everybody is evetcome.
3,04 The. regulark meeting of the Leave
Draying 8.05 wt6 held Monday evening, Ur. Perry
Railway ticket and exp. 0.20 . Plutneteel oceupying the chair, Miss
Grates 10,40 Mlle Rathwell road an exeellent papee
Pay Sheet 58.93 . on 'a portion or Pilgrirn'e Progress
3.06 and a duet was well rendered by two
Reefing house at eemettro 14.00 of the Junior Leaguers, Misses Howe
Superintendent Cemetery 85.00 and Elliott. At the close of the regne
Superintendent D. n. C. 50.010 liar meeting the executive met and,
„Street Watering 50.00 ; on the adviet of the. Oresident, passed
Eitra Weighing • 4.85 IseYeral resolutions .which will un.
The reeeipts for the month were as • ,doubtedly serve to improve the future
follows 4 Imeetints of the society. At the next
Settles 19.10 !meeting the study of India will be eon
P -
6.00 ; tinuti th
ed and inissiona,ry collection.
CAetZetery 53.25 will be take% es Usual,
Lord's DayAlliance.
Editor of The News -Record, -Short-
ly • after our annual meeting .in
I did as I was instrected by the com-
mittee, and distributed envelous to- all
the 'churches ..fet subscriptions' to
carry on' the work oi the Allianeee•so
for; .all I Pave received is .51.50; and i
the year is slipping away,: The gen-
eral treasurer bee notified us that all
branches are urged to have their an-
nual financial effort eompleted, So: that
they can close their .books' on the 15th,
of October. .•
Siirely in View of the impOrtanee', of:.
the Work,.. there should be no need. for
urging this matter. All we are -asked
for is $2.5.00-eonsidering that all the
churches are interested, it might to
be at least .doubled: May I ask for
prompt action, en the part Of the
ministers in brining it :before their
people,' and that the People eh2erfit11y
respond. Do not wait even for en
official envelope. The .represrnt dive'
of ,the churches, Who are 'prepared to
receive the cifferines and deposit the
same with -the treasurer are the fole
. .
.lowing '.. • '
Willis !churele „Jas. Scott. . . SI.00 .. .. '..
.St. Pitta's -church. Jelin' I-Iertley.
°tett street. eburelt, . D. Tiptady. . • Will pay a SubseriPtion to the
St.' Joseph's.cluireli, Father Hanlon. - • News -Record to the .. -
Baptist 'church, Wm. Robb, .
' . •
Wesley church, W. 1{. Hellyar, .
.1. GREENE, Sec. -Treasurer.. ' •
London Road
Miss.Ida Walkinehaiv of Clinton, is
the,guest. of her 'aunt, Mrs. Maniglit.
Miss Jennie Grant -spent a ew days
of the past week at Toronto Exhibi-
Ms S Jewett of Brussels, who hes'
guestbern the o , e co in, Mrs
Wm. Stanbury, returned to her home
on 1VIonday accompanied by her host -
Oemene tnose whO.a.ttenied Londoa
Pair this week. are : Mrs OleEnight,•
. •
Mr. and Mrs. G. Watt, Mr. aril Alre.1
G. Hanley and Mr. JO Shipley.;
IVIisa •PhoOde Juiniscn returned tO
Londcn en ' Morality to resi.imc busi-
MeSS. •
• The many friends of Mr. and Meti.
W. Grant exteml to them river elite
cere sytnpathy inethe lose of their five.
months' old habee Marion beth.
The fufteral took place on Wedn oday
to Clint on cemetery. •
New Advertisements
Chppping-J. Brown -8
Farm for Sale -4. Brownlee -5
Concert -Evelyn Buckley Co. -8
Farm to Rent -II. plumstee1-5
Millinery Opening -Couch .Co, -4
,Shoes for Ladies -Fred. Jackson -4 !
Facial Treatoupt--Mrs. Coleman. -5
New Hymn Booke-W. D. Fair Co. -8
Operator Wanted -Mrs. C. Ruannall-5
Special .A.nneencernent-G. W. Barge -g
The ,evaporator which, gives wale to
a large number of hands in the villa,ge
will. opcn full blast on Aionday.
The highest price paid for .1.ppIes.
Mr. John Cameron left on "eesday
for Alviuston where he has secured P.
Died -On Monday, Matthew D. West-
lake of the township of Staillge Aged
64 years and 10 months.
Mrs. James Donaldson of the Soo
is visiting at the home of her uncle,
Mr. Jghn Fraser.
A large "lumber from the, oillage are
attcnding the Western Fair at London
this week, among them being Mr. toot
Mrs. F. A. Edwards and daughter,.
Miss Floy Edwards, Mrs. John Tip --
pet, Mr. James Reid, Mr. John Whid-
don .end son, Mr. W. J. Whiddon and
ne hew, Master Jack Jowett, William'
'W 'ton, H. Darrah, George. Greens -
la e, George Erwin and son, Master
Russel Erwin.
Mr. ' John e Stalker of PeinsVille,
Ohio, was the guest .of Itis sister,
Mrs. Michael Dupee, the past week.
Mr. Charles Richards and son Edger
of Waterdowri was the guest of his
uncle, .Mr. James. Doneldson, last
week. -
Miss Lena Richard's of Copetowe
visiting friends in. the village and
Miss Olive Thomson,. of Fort Wil- is spending her holidays under
the. parental roof,• •
During the simmer months the
hour of service in the evening in con-
nection with Ste A.ndreiv's and the
Methodist church Was changed te 7.3O
p. in, After Sunday next the regular'
hour will1lre rev.ertedeto seven o'clock.
'Mr. Williarn Mustard's new .reSidencet
which he' is having erected on. the
north •Si -de of the river, is nearing
completion. .He expects to • move in
-another month: '
Mrs. I-1, Darrah, who spent a week
with friends at Clintpn, returned honie
TtieSclay. . .
Mullett Townsh.IP
On Sunday last Mr. Walter. Murphy, •
a well 1 nowneresident of the 14th enne •
passed into eternal rest, After an ill- -
ness of teen., a 'fete weeks. , I -1e was.
fifty-six years of age and had long,
beena: iesidEnt of thie township. His
Wife, .who survivee him, and their fame,
ily haye• the svnipathy ' of the whole
community. The largely attended fun-
eral took place on Tuesday afternoon
to Union cemetery near Blyth.
One dollar will pay a• subscription -
to The News -Record to end of 1910.
dditicnal Hullett 'news an Page
End of I9rp.. ' , ,
• Back Row-Olarence Kilty, Willie Twitchell, Mr. T, Jackson Jr., Russell Harland, Wellio Cook.
Front Row-liarold Kitty, Roy.F'orrester, Ebner...Beacom, Ross Forrester, Harvey Harland,
After 'a meet, suceeseftil season the
final gene in the Junior Ward Base-
ball League , was played last week, the
four contending teams finishing as lel-
How the Teams Finished, '
Team Ward Won Lost
Cubs ,$t. Andrew's 10 •2
Pirates St, James' 7 5
Tigers St. George's 4 8
Giants St, John's 3 0
Thi S League Was formed and started
oft its way in the spring by the el -
forts of several prominent Clintoniaell
Who have always had, the interests of
the towe'e young people at heart. To
eay it has been suteess is petting it
mildly ; the four teals composed 01
boys of am averw age of 14, attired
in neat uniforms, have Iplayed' eurprise
ingly good ball. Each team ho.d
large crowd of suPeorters, even .among,
the older folks., who invariably turned
out in fine style to see the • little fel-
lows .play, there always being a, latge
crowd and plenty of enthusiasm at
every game.
The pennant winners whose picture
appears above, grouped about the Lea-
gue President arid general supervisor,
Mr. Tom Jackson Jr., have certainly
,deserved their .success. They played
lgood snappy hall all season and have
condueted themeetoes in a 4t.4n tl eta ant y,
manner both on and off the field.
The names and positions of the thane -
pions are
-The Champion "Cubs."
IRoss Porrester, catcher.
Clarenee itilty, pitcher.
Willie Twitehell, 1st base,
Russell Harlaed, 2nd base..
I4arvey Harland', shortstop,
wine cook, 8rd base.
Elmer Beacom, left field.
Harold Kilty,centre field. I
Roy Forrester, right field.
Two of the "Cubs" are sons ot Mrs.
G. M. Xilty, two of Mr. Will, Hare
land and two of Mr. D. ,A. Forrester,
It is to be hoped that something;
will be done this fall toward organiz-
ing a /locker League en the same pat-
tern ; another concert similar to the
one givcn in, the spring and a little.
iattentidn from the satne good sports:
who launched the baseball enterpriser
Would no doubt inalte it as great a.