HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-09-02, Page 8r -. �•u o� ttev lle, N arplir tw,o ,IWlrt,le6l Masterd,St. Ps ochfldren, 11larjery aw, Reginald. said, 4s We Passed by his the g sts of dens foriaaex i par- er's "gardcu, and thea his little a. tow days rvecntly. ter,• gave us :one. Very thou; _ - - - — children :are they. 8. Hoover Nelson Raff ViT V T WOOD of the straighte t and soundest trees comes the furniture we handle, Even out• lowest priced articles are included in this statement. 00011710n ,41impoe S-Wnday Clinton, September 5th ll a.m.•••••Ontarfo Street Church, Rev. B. H. Spence 11 a,.m.—Baptist; Church, Rev. R. T. Cockburn ? p.m. -••Wesley Church,,. Ciockbur4 7 p.m.—"Willie Church, Rev. H. B. Spence 8.30 p.m. --*ass Meeting for men only in Town Hall, addressed by Rev. B. H. Spence, secretary Ontario Blanch Dowfnion. Alliance, and Rev, R. T.,Voeklliuem, Presbyterian ministeg of Southampton, (A Town Under Local Option,) Collections and subscriptions during the .day for theA Ai; Bar•Raortr aign uu Campd. .Clinton' Goio�io Sc�uol?. If yoi .are we want to see you -about your school supplies. We have the 4ew readers at their won- derTully 'low prices and other textbooks as author- �ed. School Bags, Pencilq, Scrib- blers, Rubbers, in large vari. ety and in many cases with a price advantage for you. W. 04, FAI R. 0O, Often Cheapest—Always the ,Best fto c 4 CUM" " Now&-Recoird September 2nd, 194K Amazons, Cheviots, French Venetians, broadcloths, Fancy Worsted's, Cashmeres and Serges �r fresh from the looms of England's and France's largest manufacturers. We are showing a larger range than ever this season and would be pleased to have you call and inspect them as often .as you. please whether you, purchase or not. COME WHILE THE RANGE 15 LARGE AND FRESH. First Showing of New Fall Coats, The New Fall Ladies' and Children's Coats are now in stock and ready for you Inspection. Your will find the very newest styles in our range, Dame Fashion says long, semi, and close -fitting coats will be We have them in black. navy blue, green, brown the vogue this. sea, on. y g , Miss May, ]bane is visiting Seaforth friends. and dark red. When on • your tour of -inspection dont fail to call and " 'I see our styles. ;r. Mrs. n. S. Cook has bin visiting •' friends at the Nile.. . s 3' u Mr. and Mrs.. . Wesley Walker visited 1 Blyth friends on Sanday. Mr? • George 'McLennan has returned OUT d Tu from his trip to b dmonton., Reopens September t � Rev, C, R. Gonne returned, the latter Spf%cia IS � � � ��part of the weak from his hgliday 'ACTORY�� - trip, "* Rev, Canon Craig of Petrolia was 25C GOtioli HnSe 19c t+; while in town a guest at the rec- Lawn Waists 98C ,f �l � , � ' ? THE 'CLIN#6R- COLLEGIATE 'tory. 30 -Ladies' white lawn and mull Waists, Ladies' black, brown and tan Cotton which makes it, only the fake most IhTSTITUTE IS AN ""'APPRQVED" Mr. Norman T. Sheppard is home Hose, piain'and lace fronts, .sizes 8 to 10, from Hamiltofi far a six -weeks va- sizes 34 to 38 only, all new .designs, this regular 25c, for .............. . .... .19 perfectly mode fu1•n ie is allowed to' SCHOOL AND OFFERS .THE VOL= cationic, seasons best, slightly soiled and mussed Mr. and., Mrs. W. Routledge went u handling: tegular $1.60 up to 3:00, Boy's ribbed Black cotton hose, all sizes, frons -go. So when you eect-••&'set or aS odd LOWING COURSE$ OF STUD _ g P clearing at.: .98 regular 25c for . , , .. .19 ., ,� „ F, to Wawanosh yesterday . to visit ' piece come here�whereiola- cc`s and friends. f2j anti 15c vests toe ,� ---(a) General Course. Mils 'Annic Keyes of Varna has been 5qc Dress Goods 2;5c workmanship are both t f este best. „ M!i ting her sister, Mrs. S. C. Ladies' Summer Vests. daintily trimm- (b) Gommerelal � - ,., , . x: �a,$hwell, ed, titre qualities, sizes 3'alul 4, ,regular The New- Fall 15 pieces `Fancy Lustre and Check 121c and 15c for ...... . . . . . . . .10 —(c) 'Matriculation" w M$„' and Mrs.Josh.. Cook left on Tweeds iii green, black, blue, red and onday, to visit frimas in Toronto, brown. Splendid value at este regular 2a3c Vests. for Mo. fes r,t..r uffalo and Niagara Falls. price; 50c. We want to clean this up to Mi. .W.:H: Lyon, 'G. T. R. agent at make room for new fall goods, hence. the Ladies' Vests; no sleeves,..inade of .fine _ Coats �Ldndgsbcro, and, his sister, Miss V dee out, While they last, per yard ..2 s.. Egyptian cotton, all sizes, reg. 25c for .19 V Ll ' LiyoiI, were in town yesteirday titer= ' FOR. PARi,ICULARS APPLY. TO noon. ry.t Misses Chambers, who. has been /��j ,p�/ pp visiting friends in Clinton . and ,,, Furniture and Funeral. A• A U,U Ia J ' p'. �: ' ori the Bayfic d Line; return; >' ;ed to lyer Aiome in .Ethel" yes- ,4 Directors Principal, terday. , Tho News Record would like .your- / r ' ' ' a . � ' • ` assistance in making. these personal - , columns a `complete record of the ���r�►+�r''����'►tis���•��+� r�v�►+� v�ro visitors. in town and .of, the visiting �' out of town: Principal Hartley and Mrs. Hartley returned in goad time for the open ` ing of the school' -% hich tools place � Myesterday' after a very pleasant holi- R day fn. North Huron. 5. C. athwell, Shoes. C.' 'Hoare, MUSIC Rev. W, J. Jolliffe .anl family : have - retuxned .from a very pleasant vita -- tion spent `at Grimsby. Next . Sun f Personal 1Vlertgon gay. 14ir.. Jollifle will again occupy 0 Q I The ' News From L& lldesbiore �= �; �. Wil/.. p Special Bargains alns ll�l_ � S hi e l lei �I his Pulpit, much. to the delight. of. u. C the' good co lc of Vesl c «rch. g P P t. ey . h Mr. Silas "llavis went to T oionto, last ]hiss Chia Saddler of Dublin is t1i�+ I twills ' t;: ITa an. of Rockwood who Miss Beam of Woodstock Mer T. R, Jowett, chief proprietor of g s and Miss Summer. Shoes Saturday. guest of tier• cousin, Mr. A. J:,,has spent a few weeks with relatives. Brown of Londiin, '•were guests at the that portion .of Bayfield. which islMrs. James Liv�ernioro and. Iiti;iet 'Grigg: !in isle vtcinit returned home Tues- h4iile this week. We have several lines of sum- �T . popularly kn6wn � as "Tire ,White Y Y ee E' have alwaj J 4n ` „• daughter are visiting Torontir..blrs. Thos;. Archer of kIullett fs ex- day of this week. Twenty-five cents will mer shoes we wish to clean 'out W City; was in town yesterday; after- e Y• during July and August in or- deavored to keep OU'Y noon 'and•was easily able to'repo.rt friends. petted ,hohtc .this week from ' Gris-� .Mrs,' R•'Adams, Hiss• Esther .Lyon; scription to The.:�Tews i%coard to any der to do so quickly we have cut Sheet Music De artment : t ' Miss' Steuenaon : left this week for?: )void Man: !lViessrs. J'. O: Uoatnsbery 'azii ;George aiidxess in Canada. i.>r'the rEniainder. the rices dee P a !big season 5 busin�:ss, an. of the ' p p' supplied with. 'the latest best. in the history of the place, North Boy. ;> to again taste up her Mr., and Mrs. Lew Doherty of Goder- .Lyon, aro spending the 'week in Tor- of 1909. Ladies' Pat.. Oxfords regu- hh duties there as teacher ich were in town . Mo da ni htcnto. lar $2.75, sale price 1.90 Mr,. Fran'.: O'Neil has returned from n ' Y g , 1Tiss Bulk Kirk of .Beama'is, ]-Jus= r�On s and. Irl- , and left next da f Ladies' Strap Sl' pets reg- popularg Mooselaw, , Sask., to Visit Iris _favi= Ike ^Rattenbury and Clarenze Rance � y or 'Poronto.. � b2r. ,Matt: Mains is repairing the lcoka visited her . sister, Mrs. „W n. pp . i ,ular $1.35 and 9l.40for 1.00 • etrumen'ta1's tiny'+tii'3:�'when ily, ,and his man •friends atijut town : are in* Toronto taking in the si tits: Mr, Will. filing returned,. to, Hamilton evaporator.. The ltc,ve raised ;and put.,L on over Sunday, Y. o g g. ., Y Y e y ladies: Pat. Bluchers reg- 1n" need Of, anything lu all of whom arc delighted to meet, of •the city and the'Eichibition. on Monday after a, week's visit with a new, roof , .on part of the. ,buflding War 3.00 sale rice 2.25' y g g + .Miss Lizzie Mains is visiting her $ p , hina�a ain. By. the way 'Toosejaiv Miss •Marrs, who '`has beci>t visiting) histmother, Mrs.. W. G. Smyth: iwhich tlteq, will .use as a 5torag'e- Ladies Pat. Bluchers, reg sheet Y] u6lc. g t uncle,'Mr. Geo.•. Cockeilfn� of Torortcr ular $4, sale pprice ''.09 0 had, a population :in 1900 ,of' .1400 -her uncle, Dr. Shaw, returned to dei' Mi:. ' Clarence Johnson expects to. ieavo room; 'Tho vs,p, is run by Asquith this week. : Boys' Kid Bluchers, regular c` , . _ . " c. and new !the local statist icians sap home at Pt. l'ylgin on Tuesday: f next week for -Griswold, Mali.; to tinct . Johnston, $•l, sale rice 1.50 • it has II 000. lt�r: and Mrs. J. W. S'tevcnson left on i visit his un let Mr. Geo: Johnson. 'home of Mrs, Wm: V�hitic of p c $'. .Mrs. ,John Crrainger is wo ut'e sort . The q, h • �e:VCt1fI1 8 Plano, ' .visit Mrs. F. Mallveen left'on-Tuesday for ' the village rugs i}owere.of; a happy -- - „ Mr. John Crooks sial returned from a Saturday last for a wec.'1c s fie: hear' under the w-e4titltcr but we and Sherlock & Idan- business trip of scvcral weeks in in Ottawa Brockville acid Toronto. Toronto to visit lrer sons,: 011icrand event on Wednesday whcit hot: eldest Several other lines at Bargain + hope for her .speedy recovery. daughter, , Prices. ping Pianos sand Organs the West during which. hs; visited all. Mrs. T. Smith left yesterday ;for Bert, both M whom- Have good post.- g er, Lizzie was united' in mar - ay Miss L Grassiek of Hciisall, Svtto ria a tq pbeit only sen of - 1Vir. A. TRY US FOR REPAIRING. al` .n � the prili ipal points and sent or a weeks .visit with lien daughter, tions there. g' R q ways In+stoek. Q g ''Mrs, 'T. A. 'Walker has been visiting her friend, Miss N.. Carter of Bl the brought home .,a great big list of �or-a Mrs. Murch, of Stratford and friends ! Miss Dell Walker; y.' The ceremony was and 'Master Ta Lyon returned -home.. ders. This is the result of t]is sat; . in, Brantford,: Taylor -have ''have : goiie. to performed at high noait by Rev. J_ isfactian . 'Morrish cC Crooks' made- Mrs. S.'H: Smitht and Master Frank Loiidon where they have taken . up Misses Grassick and Lyoen spent a L. Small 'of Blyth. Toe 'bride looked b, C. RA T11 WELL few da s C•: 'H OAR E to -order 'clothiiig has given .in, the .teturned on Friday -last frpm ,p visit their residence on Hymen street. y with friends at Belgrave. ' charming in her• travelling suit of -- West. to relatives in.B. C. and. also the Mrs. Duncan Stevenson is, spending a! Mrs., Thos: Scott continues very brown ladies' cloth. She was attend - Mrs> Milne, left this :weak: to return . Seattle Fair. few weeks with . friends. at Nissouri poorly. `I-tcr many friends. wish for ed by her sister kiss Zel1'a, while Mr. THE PLACE WHERE YOf�R DOLLAR ALWAYS' . DOES ITS DUTY : tp` Llo dminster ;Sisk. to again re- I1VIrs. Penton and two children,. wile and London and will not'roturn until. Icer speed , recover Sniith of Blyth acted as roomsirian. Y Y g sumo hate of the house] a gin end' have been visiting friends- in - town after the Fair. , The groom's present to the brida was g to P g' g Rev.. • Mr. Caister of Keewatin oc- a beautiful . , p, � +. copied Itnox and Burns church: puf- brooch and to the of the Bti anrufa Hotel, one of the and Gaderich township, returned to Mr. Onslow Crich was in Chatham pearl AM11M V/NVVWW1/1/1/11IV1/1tM111M+1INVVIINVVI/1/1 g y'. last week g w pits Sunday last. bridesmaid a, old j largest in that Province. It is own,., Toronto on Tuesda attending the annual meet- . g locket and chain: ed by Air. _John Bell formerlyGrant of Fort William and Mrs. ing o0the I. O. F. Iligit Court. On The happy couple left on t113,4 p. m. .. _ _ . ..,.._, , rte_ I�, . C D. McCallum add'ressad tzghb f r Clinton who will' be' a much Pleased Mrs. of Se f rth were visith NIr. slaw says the attendance cif rlq]i� at- a,_ _.___ . -. o_._Torogto _where the- . _._wilt _ malt at ein able to again secure ,find Mrs. Murray,cHwr and the es was ver lane and that all the . g . P a Pse of w,ceks after dhisli b 7 gip a a o to g Y A g' lar .:'audience in tlr i\Ietltodist church c end eott , Y We 1t1V*te­,yQu.r the'services of so thorou hl ca Ile Andrews familiethe past we, -k. reports were most encouraging. Sun evening on the strblect of they leave for Gowganda where the g Y pais Tuberculosis and the i'reveiitfon of groom. . is .a n a manager as Mrs. Milne. Mr. John Shipley leas 1 gone to Moose- Mr. and Mrs• William• Moore, 'Torontp, , „ h ' partn•,r, in a drug store. Mr., T. Jackson Jr, leaves tomorrow min, Sask., having,. continued his en- havo been visiting este at old Contagion. The address was very] Their many friends extend .heartiest • far the Pacific Coast an,:ti. business gagement with Mr. Jacobs, the ..]tome in McXiilop and with Clinton profitable.. and one everybody should, congratulations and best wishes for heat.. trip in the interests of the Lion clothier, inj whose:employ he has friends the past week. They would a happy and- prosperous future. Inspect,1011- t Brand .clothing. "Tom" long since been for the past Couple of years. sooner live in Clinton than the city; won thc;reputation of being able to Mr. and lilts. E. Case an9 Master so may again take up there abed. �. cover more ground in a specified Fred, came over from Rose, New here. - I Rid This Man Rob the BAnk al time than any other ]:night , • of the Yiark State, Inst week and Tiave tnk- Mr. J. W, Newcombe left last' Satur- road so weexpoct him liaclk in record on possession of .Mrs. Milne's furn-1day for Fort William where he purr, r time. While oil the. Coast he will, fished house on Victoria street which' . posos 'embarking in the dry, goods Bi t .Of course, visit the Seattle Fair. they will , occupy while in town. business on a considerably larger• Mr. E. W. Jacobs left, oil. Saturday Master Fred. has increased in stat- scale than while in Clinton. "Wes" By the arrest in 'Toronto last Fri- re,. l r 1 last to join his wife and family at urs since the family left here last is a hustler after trade and will Al -'t :. I a s sleyi who is Toronto -born • of our stock of Japanese Goods Sowl)ra and the first of this Week 'December .and is looking, forward to waste up the dry goods of the Fort day afternoon of a, man said to b� . and hose early Crinunal career began p ' they all startod for 'their future a •pleasant three or four months considerably. Fred Walms:ey/ the city detectives ;be I il' this city, Several years ago he , Watches, Clocks and Jewelery, home at Moos,omin, Sask., where with his Clinton chums. Mr. Case Mr., John Harland received a: letter lievo they have the party who on Ap was Senteneed to a term in the Cen- Mr. Jacobs w1l, embark in business, is busy getting the evaporator ready the otner day from Councillor Jacob, ril 2, 1908, robbed the private baI anal Prison` from shiest he escaped, believing that we can give out 140 is Progressive and upright and' for the season's operations which he Taylor who with Mrs. Taylor is of J tend the until hC. was bred of was o, The News -Record cordially wishes expects will be extensive, g gland'. The. letter, which riIr. amus 1Iet4lurcitie at B1yth,,wlieil. posing as a respectal]C. inert- , touring Vin gland. in quality and price. 'him success. The 'departure of Mr, Mr. Ed. Dinsley of Chicago, who is was written at Searboro, states Ont., of a little over $1,000. `she at-' ber of societies and paying attentions and Mrs. Jacobs is much regretted accotnpanfed by his sister-in-law', that our citizens were having, areal rest was made by Detectives Maclda to a young lady of .unimpeachable by the many 'friends they made Mrs. W. P. I] wlev;, anis star daught- nice time but that they were becom- anal McKeitrtey, and the man., in cus- character. Ile was run to earth, while in Clinton. ' er-in-law, Mrs, Wi rreii Ilinsley, is. ing just a little homesick and would tody denies that lie is the party who however, and arrested by Detecti40 ve Tw+i, icm a plainclothes Officer, • Mr. C. C. Rance Left yesterday after« Mile guest of lits sisters, Mas Dins spoil be turning their faces towards robbed the Banc, , - or who cammi.tted i � R�#, �one, nope for hiig, ;fall, trip dawn through ley and Mrs. N, ltobsnn. Mr. bins- Clinton once, . more. 'any pf the long' list of etinits with i Sunday evening W111le leaving church a limo Maritime Pr&Vinces in the 'in" ,l.ey is a, natipr of Clinton and lived Miss 1• Loretta $tevenSO% after a five which tho police have filled his record, -An eomPany With the lady. - He ways sent rbaoxc to finish his term, tgrests af, tlin Jackson Mfg. Comes here until he grew to inan]>aoo!d ivh,n months' visit at her home, resideneei The, haul• at Blyth i •was partially ani and since then lie, has served several _ �, y utid will .be,away six or eight .,,he went to Minneapolis, Minn., aril of ,.Mr. and Mrs. D. Stevenson, left, wiseciced after the .door . had bC4•n i,As ' thea' . parts' of our later Chi :. p. where., leas how.,_ .last wtNok to- return to, Crawford in forced dpoi and- the mon. stoljpn_short terms in Canada, a number in i,As end ' o alt fag . • ; , ' w sba .n i' Y e. � the • United Status lid there arc, :iv r�- • i'air' l?fii'liinf ii t tli� I,ioau: " �3r"Ytnd . of lived many . yt+ars. 'f�ts:.Ras vistt�ci ..']lie State ,tif �rbras7cr, witera �5 a»i to was tNsed• tai form the r ' st . . a oubte , P r � boys' clotlitng continues tp `tri^reale the old: haxrrty' tp�vn a few -times anti 'lies resumed her duties as teacher, laic, aura High ('onst,^ihlC CI•tindry of rants for Itts arrest in varilus laces, gl ineludin Ilamilton, Montreal, al*T In popularity dawn among. tltt )31uo on -el.tcli occasion ]tC has faulu,l . the ' 9n rvliirh she has beCn, engaged for: Cloderirli secured a, warrant for t1ir, g Jeo tier hila. ahgaa'Vdr# issuer rytf.marriage Licenee�t Noses so, C'. q, Is able each time to Autnbor of his old associates growing the past six years. While on her arrest of one Alfred : Walaisley with London. For years lac has spelit his report larger ,;hus]iL�ss h lotwithnItattd- ftelletr, and now -but a few rematll way out she visited friends in. Chi- several al as" Iffe in jail or in fleeing from the pa- N1i1,1N1 �'1i :iellYVV1/ it /�/I/i111N1 ing, keeti oppositiayn, including "Gly, S. and John Harland. ; eagr, and tither places. A startling bistory is that of tlie .lfec. . , Em