HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-08-26, Page 8r- ,
0I ` ff/� Constance
,lin L l.fn Mrs, George McCully' of •4tratford is
speudiog; mime time as thb: guest of
; her . sister, Miss Bella McCully.
n I Mfr. Harold Graham. and Mi"
s G}ra.-
0fleg1"aM am of C oderich township spent Sun
dsy as the guest of their cousin, Mrs.
11. Tudor.
Institute Miss l~�nktna Filey is. spending somays 'with her parents. Mr, and Mrs.
veorge Miley.
Miss Edna Staples ' . o€ Seaforth
,forth spent Sunday as the guest of
Reopens September NO her aunt, Mrs.. William. Lindsay,
East Wawanush
Miss 13414 and Will. Taylor of Har -
look. visited Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
THE iCLINTON COLLEGIATE; Stoltz on WednesUy or last week,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Robertson and
(family of Colborne spent Monday ev-
SCHOOL AND OFl!I RS 'TfIE $OL- erring at the home of Mrs, Julia King.
Thos. Steele, who has been with
& County Engiacer Patterson for the
----(a) General Course, past two months, took in the western
excursfoD on l+ ridgy.
--(h) Commercial "' lair. Wallace King has engaged Mr.
-(c) Matriculation" iJohn Schultz of Auburn for the re-
maining part of the summer, his bra.
-(d) freachers' " 1having
ther Albert, whohas been with him,
gone west.
I ltfr. John Doerr sold a'horse lately.
John knows when the price is su tab -
FOR PARTICULARS APPLY TO Cook Bros. are again threshing in
this vic;,nity. They, are very obliging
A. P. GUNDR Y B. �A, fellows and are esteemed by all they
do work for.
(Misses Becher and Lena Mae'tes,
who have been visiting at the home
Principal, of Mr. Herman Daer, returned tottlidir
home in Berlin on Saturday last.
If you are we want to see
,you about your school
supplies: We have the,
new readers at their won-
on•derfull°y low prices and
other textbooks as author-
School Bags, Pencilq, Scrib.
blers, Rubbers, in large vari-
ety and in many cases with
a. price advantage
for you,
W., Q. FAIR Got
I Often Cheapest. -Always the Best
Cli 4toA Nows•-Roco rd
August 24th, 1905
During thT month of August we are putting the knife into ail summer lines.. We must
leave room for the New Fall goods,;
This will be the store to buy your summer requirements It Ong now until the 1st Sept,, if
price will do. it.
Space will not (permit advertising ail lines marked down. Come in and see what this
salt means to you.
Sheet ngs, Cottens. To.wellings•, -Table Linens, Planneletes, Prints,
Kemncints Battens, Ducks, Dress Goods, etc., etc., at about half price.
Pure Table Linen wide width, bleached or unbleached, reg. 60c
Ta-ble''Linensfor 42c, reg. 75c for 69c, reg. $1.00 for 85c, reg. $l.25 for $1.00.
Ladies' Straw Mats 25c
About twenty Ladies Ready-to-wear Straw
Whitewear Below 50 and 60c Dress Goods
it irst Cost. 25_ c
Dnx inn August we have nnirked clown gyp 1 1V
Hats, some very natty styles in the lot. Re- nn you s ooh Diess Gvocls III plain
Rev. T. W. Charlesworth and, wife aro gtllar prices were $1,:a up to $2.00. Clearing at .S5 thebahitlee of our whitewearstock inch!d- cashmere, plaids, fancy histres and grey
HDR 6. d a IN% t y I ulffespending..ing White Lawn and Mull waists, 'White tweeds, in browns, lllues greens, reels,
a few days a> Auburn this Petticoats, Ccixset Covets, Drawers etc.,
+ etc. *-Vithout doubt this is the greatest
week, at unheard of lit -ices, which is a secret but . • Bargain. in dress goods eve ever olTerecl.
S. C. Rathwell Shoes C. Hoare, Mrs. Jas. Dunford • and Miss Clete karts 98C . it visit to our store will tell you when YOU Regular 50c and 60e, lines to clear at .215
Music are spending a week with Stratford $1 25 Sateen. YTnders coxae.
friends. Ladies: extra duality Black Sateen Vnderskirts•
't Mr. A. Il.eathcrwax of Orillilx has
nice glossy finish, two rinvs of frilling and Elbow -length Gloves
Special Bargains ill Sheet .Music. been the guest of ' Mr., D. C°antelon dust frill, €ill sizes. Regular $I,3a`for * .98 �'a ncg Dress Muslinsi. 19c
the past .week.
Ladles Elbow -length Gloves, good dual
Summer Shoes -^ 11Ir. fleecy Towns en;oyed. the lake Outgo 'tile Balance of our stock:, of ity,' all sizes, in black and white. Regular
breezes at Grand Bend from Satur- 5nc and- 65C Lawn Waists 8qC Ganey Dress M1i51111S at rices never be- 2uu t ear at ... ,
I? find a5 o clear J 9
We have several lines of Sunx- E have always en- fare i�eaxcl.of, lliuxcltecls of yards o€(lain -
! mer shoes we wish to clean out W 3 day until Tuesday. ty dross'Muslins, all the year's designs at
` duringJul and August in or- deavored l.o. keep our hiss Winnie O'Neil spent a couple of Ladies white Lawn Waists,, open front, neat ridiculous rices; but out they must go .-
y designs and ood'c twilit white lawn, all sizes ; Elbsaw Len th Gloves
i der to do s6 quickly we have cut Sheet Music Department days vvitli th. family at their sum- g 1 y 39 if price will do it: SM e dilri t quote a
the rices dee Iner cottage at Ba frt+}d this weed;!,
Regular 50c for Ince, yon have to come and see for our- a%9c. .
p' supplied with the latest :+ g s self. Uon'tmiss this bargiiin, 3 ],aches fine lisle thread 'Io • s
Ladies' Pat. Oxfords regi- pl) The fan,illes of Messrs: Hoover slid . G ve , Elbow
lar $2.75, sale price 1.9A popular Songs and In � Wiseman are camping at the Iron ' Ladles
in white; brown, black, grey and
Ladies' 1trap d pees reg•. strumentals try us when +SPlings on the.lake shore. $1.25 Lawn Waists 98c , tan, all sizes. Regular o0c a,ncl 7oc to
alar $1.35 and �L.�10 €or 1.00; y • . � ..
Ladies' Pat. Bluchers _re 11Ir'. Harry Hewson, teller n Molsons Children- Sailor and clew at , , .:...:......, ; , ; .39
g- in need of anything in Ladies white Lawn iVaists, daintily triututed
ular $3,00, sale price • .:R -25 i Bank; left on Saturday last for a
Ladies'Pat. Bluchers, reg- sheet music: fortnight's trip, up the lakes, with lace and enibroidexy�L L. ee-quarter and 98 Linen Hats.
hong sleeves. Regulor $1,25 for .179. Elbow -len th
>� alar $4. sale price 3.19 ' d , Mrs. H. Pcnnabaker and lfiss Edna Gloves 59c ilk
Boys' Kid Bluchers, regular are spending two weeks with friends Children's •Fancy straw hats with
$?, sale price 1.50 Ne;vcd;l�: be .Pianos at Getlerich. and She hardton. Fane band, children`s Linen and Wash
P $1.25 Ladies Parasols 98c y, Litidies pure silk elbow length gloves C•ii
Mrs Brit. Lan forth and children are Bats: The balance of this year's bliyjng, black; white and tan, all sizes;. Regular
• and Sherlock & iJlan- . g
Several other lines at Bairgain spending floe weed. with Mrs.. W. H. Ladies Blaek Parasols, hood tolls; natiutil and p regular, 50c and75c for -29 $1 clearing at .........:'.•.....•... .Ss
nin Plan.os and Or an Hellyar at her summer cottage n bone handles. '-Regular .$1.• u for .9 8
Prices. g g o 'r
1'Ry Us F0R' REPAIRING. : alwaysin stock. t
the Take shore.
1Trs. Saril'l Cole 'and her daughter,
T_ M s C:ladgs' Cole, of Detroit, were
t ' C• HOARE guests .the past week of Mrs. 1Iar-
_ vey H. McBricn.
'lies, J Hocjgens' a;ncl.,_lliss Edith Hodes J
THE PLACE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR ALWAYS DbES ITS DUTY • gens, who have been vlsibinu. their
sq}is in Goclrriclt anti Clinton'iriends
a,t � ,f j� i-�•�
in camp B,urlc's, returned • to
• •, 'toiytl yestrrday .:.
SN�M/w�iMNwtiww�rwrwlNwWk-rM/VVllltiwwtvNW'ror 1A \Ir. and Mrs. Alfa McKeon have re -
e turned to town from Londesbcro
where Mr. McKeon was engaged in
• business for some time. IIe has tai.^-
cn a position with• Mr. A..R:•1ic-
Yon � s ectio Brien
Mr. Harry Watkins, is again 'engaged
at his old occupation,and is apltar-
Z eptly as lively asever, ever, thus most
pleasurably surprising those friends _ �••
1i n Of Personal,,' l�ever>rona Londeoro
who it oui,h lie was relegated iv tiI_ arm chair for sokne time to conte
lIiss Am t y
1-Havitede Y ITamshere pf .:iiia aha Air. Albert Serle "was.at (.ol?int= Mt :1: J: Holloway went --ter Cobalt
g Y Y
Falls, w110 .has beeii holidaying at ban yesterday,. this week. :lilac Smith of •Ni ars 's wi i i[i,e'Ier h 1 c
. ag I s t �) , T e v al 1oclg0 of Canadian kIome
the lakeside with her sister; \Its. iliac K; : Stutelvbury of Toren o ,is•the \Tics 7Tabe1 Cantelozi .has been s end- rothcr lir. R. G. Smith. +
P N + C•il cies: gave a very _ pleasiti[ii evciiiilg,
AV. H• Hell}:ar, for some time, rc-1 guest' of Mrs. A. A. I1i11. I ing'a vvicek or so .at Bayfield:• Miss 1Preatha Snell- Manitoba • is : '
turned home Wednesday, taping Irrl I ll of. to the,. members and their frionis • on.
Hiss Retta Cook is visiting Se.t:oith files. W. �. Holmes returnM home thea uest of Mrs. Hill. '
- neia; Miss Amy Heilyar, with her.. " g Friday night last in tire' "Voresters'
When in town ori Monday or any, other Mr; Will. iss A iii . • and -.-his slat ' friends for a week .or two. Tuesday :from .visiting her mother in I)r, llacCallunr will ire an' address
... (Miss M. Robbins.. of 'Hamilton is SCaforth. hall. The first part of the -evening .
Miss Nettie, left on Tuesday Ion oil . Tuberculosis next Sunday evening l
day we will be pleased, to Have yo'a Gall Colom 1 ` • .I .guest of iVTr, and \Its. Thos. �4atts. BTiss Lizzie void is spen.din a week in the 1lethoilist church, t;'as taken u 1, with the' initiation of
a,. .I ch., . where they will g seven near canditlatcts, i[rto.. fat Order
S UOOd spend several . weeks
With an pncle •1'Ir. 'George Hodgens o.F Toronto,. is i, with her cousin, Hiss alalic Col= Thr invitations are out for the west= 's
and inspect our stock of Japanese goods, the: nest of his mother, liars. J. I: Clough at Varna., idin of, itat Ls ai: 11ou 1 as a result' of Organiser Geoige s<
who owns a. fruit farm• Th:.y do 'guest g tc y to' Mr...wark who has been , spending a few '
Misses olive and Georginit I'lumstecl Carter of Gowganda, the Kapp event days in our, vi I e.. Following
watches, rings,. j.ewelery; ` ete. We have not expect fo return Home until I Hod'gensT y , y lag o, lov ng the.in,-
zjiout fire festive Christmas time, Mrs. L. Young of Salina, Mich., was; of Buffalo are guists ot.:their c;ister, to taike glace on tar, lstof Sept.. . �iti,tio light refreshnicnt
what will lease ou and our rices ars Mrs. George, .McCartney, who has bleelr' - the guest of .her neice, Mrs. Ben. ` Mrs,. 1t'. ,'1', O':veil, n g s were airy
p y p I 14Ir: and Mrs.,, T�ulripltrcy Snell visi-'ed by. the lacPies, after �vltjcld a most
visiting the parental home' C iefl Cole, fast week. Hiss Taylor of Townsend street is CA ted' -friends': in, Seaforth on .Sunday enjoyable program was rendered an
ri ht, and Mrs.. Wheatiey's; returned to ' Mr• W. 11. Bezzo,,. who had beon,visit- i visiting , her sister, Mrs. Wilbur last.
g • Woodstock on Saturda' . She was ing old' friends here, left yesterday. i lIannzng ,of Loniion.: Iwhiril thr following,tools part Tit- :
Y ,; Iagan of Rockwood S' rumehtal. selection, :1Liss .Bertha
accompanied by,' her sister; Ali, to to return. to Los Angeles,, Citlifor-:7Ir: and Mrs. 1.% Watts �1nd theirisvisit ng- ric'nds he>e. Iiro'den li[s +l
lest Miss M. RobKtns of Hamilton g g'song� s I' oy Cole ; rr.-
,Pearl Wheatley, and her cousin, Mrs. [IIs; I g \Ir, Howard Adams paid a ,flying citation, lii•ss Huston ; duett on`. the .
Yucas, who Were . her Wrests until Miss Lizzie Cham -hers of Ethel is vi*s- visited "Gcdcrich on Tcesday. visit. with his parents last week, or ail,' Misses LilyBrunsdon and Iv
• i n �liezr cousin, NIrs: U•tn. L:ckmner � "VTrs•: J, W. Irwin is � expected, holrie� ' g y
Tuesday. ittag , . ° P Mfr. Archibald!. made a call .around Roberton ; violin solo, bIr:. Thos.
l<Irs:.Z . Kearns returned hdine. Tues- anti other .friends in C lintoll this .wit Sitturclay :from: a two months this burg last week anti. bought some Cole,. One and , all aq,!Wtted them -
da evening from a fortnight's visit- Week i • Visit to .her sons in Moos}ejaw, �Saslt... +
����� Y g g ,, ihie..liatses. g
aa •i, .. ; 1Tr. .Alf.` Ialiott of Ih f , Iscivcs splendidly. Di, \1cCallum fill -
7 . with ;Vii. -acid 11rs. A.,.,.et.t Nott " .at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Taylor of Auburn ed.oid . was : iii, 7'he Women's Institute' will meet at ed the dutles of thaiiinair ver c -
the Canadian Soo: 1Trs. Kearns had j spent Saturdaq and Sundav � as `tllc 1 . town last .evening oil his way to the 11ome of \Ira. Loundsberr on Y a
Jeweler and Engraver. Issuer of Marriage Licensed guest of Mrs. Ed. Welsh at- the Lon-! Saltford to buq a. brick ars. He. is > Y ceptably.
a very pleasant tfnie and tar return g. i _ _ _ Y - _ Scpt. 2nd when bars. Fred. Watts od x.,;14- r ra. _ -_a•
+♦♦♦ �N♦NNNN 1�♦♦NNN�iNN♦N�N�� ♦�♦o♦N♦NN
J B. Hoover Nelson Ball
♦i `A i�� l IC , '
A Well .
Furni S
.4• - ' div �
not so much on the money spent as where• the
furniture is bought,
a tBedsetsw
See Ou� 'Dainty
suit or a young 1 or h
especiallyable f n lady's ro m. The
y g y
artistic bedsteads, the beautiful coverings, make
them a dream and a inaker ofleasant dreams as
p •
well. Take a look at them it you. admire the pretty
that is not expensive,
o . H V
o, er Ball
♦N� N Nil Vii♦♦ii `N♦ NN N►♦f�11� too ♦ N♦r +iM
neenr new s:texmsnip, the •'tiamon- xlr. m. uasc of . ,i own cv Ease, ex u>, ut wti• "What Moth�eis' and Daughters Should' � -
„ I a ing' open our shoe repairing stand, - as
ic,.. was pa7ticalarly. enjoyable. pects to return to Clinton early:&Trs. Fred. Iirotvll sued family 11:1ve re- Know and Remember," All ladies are!
lir. Rabet, Mcllvren of Watford has next week to commence their apple turned ..to their home in Petrolia• Cotdiall invited. lusu:il and all repairs will have, our
y I aIle, Brown has sold his house over } careful and prompt attention. We
been visiting C1itlt'gn and township. and •evaporator operations. o v i On Thursday evening of .last wcrk'tvill be in, Lorndosboro, on Wodnesdays'
friends tlie nast week or so and on Mr. Gordon Johnstone, son (if 7Ir. at th, diamond to Mr. Nelson Cole lir. and Mrs.: John.,. Tanibl n enter-
-•-_ ...:_ , } . and Satt.tdays as tauitl and baro
Wec ivsd'a of this, week tie _accom 'William -Johnstone; in fill" eims:oy'of, ' for $4100. _._ .. _.. ....._ __- . -t ined a- nom
Y , Flynn, Mrs. J ". P` t ,d' `t a bre of friends tq an-ice.male [�rrang`ciients wiftt`1iTr: R:
panietl Mr. Thos. Archer of Mullett Mr. James Flnnhas talon ,hush J. S o.[n and children Of erea,nr party, Adam, to tak•.•' v i
to C'hesle where .the will visit I tion with Seeley West, Harriston ware the guest:; of Mrs, bIC s S I s e .In cork and give out
Y Y t I s Snell- of J'oriagc is Prairie, sante. Our mitrrial a.rA workmanship
mutual friends .for'a day. orLtwo. Thi•j Mrs, T. Boyce of Goderieh was the . S. 0. Rat-hwell. part of last. 'Week flan., is visiting her aunt, Mrs.`Gred,
wives of Messrs: Archer and McII- guest of Mrs. R. Welsh ester'da while oil their wa home from Ba am- utraranteed. to be 'of°the hest,
Y � Y Y Y- Johnston. ( Solieitul.g., your patronage .--Watts &
ween are visiting relatives in the and, is naw. visiting her son, Mr. fiches where they spent some tine. Mrs, E. Lyon and son Will, left '
James Boyce of near Brucefletd. Mr..I{nox Mains returned yesterday, +i ,fire.
Y Saturday Y Y x m:
a, for Ottawa where
• ,• from ,
1Ir. A. P. Gundry, principal of the Mr, Ileotgr Gregg has ietttrnecl to airy ,tlhcYta vyhtthrr he went ii they. will spend a few clays vvltll Mor-
Collegiate, returneil on• Tuesday ,.town, having accepted a position few weeks ago to take charge of a roll c�L Holmes, late of Londesbbro.
sch 1
• ••�o••o•000•��••• •�
i h ri tE oc • Ile. will lirr•1difficultyin . .
night and is now preparing for file w t .Mor sir ,S; Crooks. ITe has c f no Howard W. �'l:tlanls ;�pemt a few clays •
re-open%ltgof the C. I. which takesI many friends here who arc gladl securing a position in. this .county. ktnY,ler the parental roof last week,� e
place on Sept. 7th, The C. 0. I, to see him back again. Rev. Dr; .Stewart: returned this I';dw^aril Youngblut left Thursday •..
• cp
made a splendid retard at the rr- Mrs, A. D. Pattison left ycsterday'to ,week from .the Province of last. for Caledonia wllrrr he has ac- • o�NVfor Sa.
�cent examinations and it is cxocct- visit frieldds'in Buffalo• She was aef Queciec where -he spent bus Cepted a position as baggagemanlwitti ••
. 1
C •I T
d h am a i d Iron d s, Ars.' St sir •' m
c that clueing. the coming year p n c by, herr mother, Mrs, • J. ay rw tis home the G. 7 . R. • •,
there will be a large attendance of b`, Stygall who had been visiting from Believe:l6 where she spent, miss 13, Gal-rott and sister Mrs. D.
students, her for a couple of month4. some weeks, and Miss Stewart has Connt•11 of Clinton left for the, West • , The modern solid brick house •,
tfr. •iii. - Mr, Geo. dill t returned fr 11, xn ,lin in i'. •a •
r un n r eel 1' t •h'ilII Clinton, c cc i ii � b
. William Duncan, formerly, l: C 1 of 5 mei 1 left 1'cm a c t t r E d \I3. ,
o m itisE l3 v
n rTl wrath morning 1• • ,
, Y.r a a5t.
Iy v 1
John Hod ens 0 1
tan bili who' has been in the I week 'for Lethbridge, Alta,,, anti 14Ir• W. Constantine, vvlul fora few I 11Tt;�. C aticy of bit. I/ erect is visit- • n , is ffE tE.cl fc r sale. •
Battleford district, Sask., for the I Mr. H. Baker of town for lYardisty, yearn past has been; accountant of Ing her. sister, 141rs, Jos. Lynn Sr, � upon reasonable terms. w
Sack. Bath c •• .;
act Couple of cars wa • town ata wera� booked •throb the c t1 branch of Mots n•• Llan , •
P P. Y S in b g11 by 1 i o w , I Suss A,l1a Webb, and sistri+, Tl.dna • House and first• a
ra Tuesday and from here went to Mr, W. Jackson, C. V. R. agent. has been appointed' manager of the returned to , their home at 48ealorth r class condition and propectuve
' purchasers
' x11A ill. )Cit Saltie t
visit,Ys l u •I- Miss Trna M Mathewson i Zurich and rn • � •a
Grey township to 11 t a glat wso ,has again ac- heli age•nry d will ter upon on Fridal, Y, 1 •
ter'. IIe left with us a small,l. sheafcc tTd a position in Brampton ash14 -duties th.r shortly. TIr. pros- 1Ian
is. vrhlcf Seafortkis risitiug •
• #
-of the. wheat t1ve country around milliner and leaves for Toronto on tilt manager of the 'Zurich braiich,leer daughter, Mrs. J. IL 4hobtbrook Possession given almost hn-
BattlrCord grows and -experts have Saturday, to attend the openings. will be transferred to Toronto. Mr. Ilarris, the missionary who Is • mediatelt•, •.
pronounced it good.. Sho will be accompanied to the city Mrs, T. R. Waller, Miss Delta andito he supported by the Epworth lea -
dr. •
dr. L. J. Cantolon resumed his slut- by her sister; Miss Mary. Mnthew Master Taylor 'returned qn 1Turseliry�gties o[ the Crutle lrh District, gave a i `.thus is a very' Acsi able pro.
Portland, • perty and to 'anyone eonteln-
les "on the road" last week aftcu an son. from I ortland, Oregon, for which very intrresd'vng address to ti -i Bp- • plating purchasing a hotno is an •
enjoyable outing at Go Home 'Bay Rev, W. G. (+.vans, wife and family of, City they. left here live months. ago,�worth leagues of this place on 1VIon•• • A I proposition,
on Georgian Bay,. Ile was accom- RLdford, Mich,, who were last week The coast cliinate dict not agteciday evening last, lXe leaves shortly, ♦ In addition to the alcove, there •
r t i n nests f t v l• • •
of d there erg M s. an c o and hoc . reverend •rn 1 i •l Walker 1 Ale as d.
a r i k +G o r n t r.uar , with lairs '(ta a n. s e w a .,
� � t .i
a for 1 Nidiere p China na w E it tr Will g g C � 1 la err th.
h in .,, .
,is c offered c r nail :dia.tel b
skit l ffE e 1 x e y
y 0.
lire summer Opther, I)r. .Evans are v' . .
trig. were ucsts at t s m if a now 1 rt5tr return • u • y
y g .r , , n s q to rt l n rust. On their -way wAy a t future. • rrivate sale, certain of the ixntlsE3 •,
home of fire hatter's brother, Mr. at Tiverton. While liI^re t1rc�Dr. atIEC and back again they visited a Miw Lottie Orassick of ITensall : k4 0 tirnishings aitch furniture of X
"Mack" Clark of the Teirorito Star. Mrs. Pavans and family accompaniednuinbvr of relatives and old, friends: the guest of Miss Nellie Lyon. • alcovo house, including tt Htintr- •.
Mrs, Cantel is how the guest of their -guests over to visit Mr. and The family expect to take ti their Mastft Leslie i , loan Piano, in regard to which
Evans + Y p p F Lrs C \4E odtuan had file rn�ls � apply at Quer on premises, �;
her sister, Mrs. Ogle Cooper of Mrs, W. Evans of the 5auble Line, abode in London the Less in a few fortune to break, his right arm ort
Collingwood. Stanley;, days. I,yaturda,y last. I •iri�tiotii•oti�i•ii�i6% ,rr
If you are we want to see
,you about your school
supplies: We have the,
new readers at their won-
on•derfull°y low prices and
other textbooks as author-
School Bags, Pencilq, Scrib.
blers, Rubbers, in large vari-
ety and in many cases with
a. price advantage
for you,
W., Q. FAIR Got
I Often Cheapest. -Always the Best
Cli 4toA Nows•-Roco rd
August 24th, 1905
During thT month of August we are putting the knife into ail summer lines.. We must
leave room for the New Fall goods,;
This will be the store to buy your summer requirements It Ong now until the 1st Sept,, if
price will do. it.
Space will not (permit advertising ail lines marked down. Come in and see what this
salt means to you.
Sheet ngs, Cottens. To.wellings•, -Table Linens, Planneletes, Prints,
Kemncints Battens, Ducks, Dress Goods, etc., etc., at about half price.
Pure Table Linen wide width, bleached or unbleached, reg. 60c
Ta-ble''Linensfor 42c, reg. 75c for 69c, reg. $1.00 for 85c, reg. $l.25 for $1.00.
Ladies' Straw Mats 25c
About twenty Ladies Ready-to-wear Straw
Whitewear Below 50 and 60c Dress Goods
it irst Cost. 25_ c
Dnx inn August we have nnirked clown gyp 1 1V
Hats, some very natty styles in the lot. Re- nn you s ooh Diess Gvocls III plain
Rev. T. W. Charlesworth and, wife aro gtllar prices were $1,:a up to $2.00. Clearing at .S5 thebahitlee of our whitewearstock inch!d- cashmere, plaids, fancy histres and grey
HDR 6. d a IN% t y I ulffespending..ing White Lawn and Mull waists, 'White tweeds, in browns, lllues greens, reels,
a few days a> Auburn this Petticoats, Ccixset Covets, Drawers etc.,
+ etc. *-Vithout doubt this is the greatest
week, at unheard of lit -ices, which is a secret but . • Bargain. in dress goods eve ever olTerecl.
S. C. Rathwell Shoes C. Hoare, Mrs. Jas. Dunford • and Miss Clete karts 98C . it visit to our store will tell you when YOU Regular 50c and 60e, lines to clear at .215
Music are spending a week with Stratford $1 25 Sateen. YTnders coxae.
friends. Ladies: extra duality Black Sateen Vnderskirts•
't Mr. A. Il.eathcrwax of Orillilx has
nice glossy finish, two rinvs of frilling and Elbow -length Gloves
Special Bargains ill Sheet .Music. been the guest of ' Mr., D. C°antelon dust frill, €ill sizes. Regular $I,3a`for * .98 �'a ncg Dress Muslinsi. 19c
the past .week.
Ladles Elbow -length Gloves, good dual
Summer Shoes -^ 11Ir. fleecy Towns en;oyed. the lake Outgo 'tile Balance of our stock:, of ity,' all sizes, in black and white. Regular
breezes at Grand Bend from Satur- 5nc and- 65C Lawn Waists 8qC Ganey Dress M1i51111S at rices never be- 2uu t ear at ... ,
I? find a5 o clear J 9
We have several lines of Sunx- E have always en- fare i�eaxcl.of, lliuxcltecls of yards o€(lain -
! mer shoes we wish to clean out W 3 day until Tuesday. ty dross'Muslins, all the year's designs at
` duringJul and August in or- deavored l.o. keep our hiss Winnie O'Neil spent a couple of Ladies white Lawn Waists,, open front, neat ridiculous rices; but out they must go .-
y designs and ood'c twilit white lawn, all sizes ; Elbsaw Len th Gloves
i der to do s6 quickly we have cut Sheet Music Department days vvitli th. family at their sum- g 1 y 39 if price will do it: SM e dilri t quote a
the rices dee Iner cottage at Ba frt+}d this weed;!,
Regular 50c for Ince, yon have to come and see for our- a%9c. .
p' supplied with the latest :+ g s self. Uon'tmiss this bargiiin, 3 ],aches fine lisle thread 'Io • s
Ladies' Pat. Oxfords regi- pl) The fan,illes of Messrs: Hoover slid . G ve , Elbow
lar $2.75, sale price 1.9A popular Songs and In � Wiseman are camping at the Iron ' Ladles
in white; brown, black, grey and
Ladies' 1trap d pees reg•. strumentals try us when +SPlings on the.lake shore. $1.25 Lawn Waists 98c , tan, all sizes. Regular o0c a,ncl 7oc to
alar $1.35 and �L.�10 €or 1.00; y • . � ..
Ladies' Pat. Bluchers _re 11Ir'. Harry Hewson, teller n Molsons Children- Sailor and clew at , , .:...:......, ; , ; .39
g- in need of anything in Ladies white Lawn iVaists, daintily triututed
ular $3,00, sale price • .:R -25 i Bank; left on Saturday last for a
Ladies'Pat. Bluchers, reg- sheet music: fortnight's trip, up the lakes, with lace and enibroidexy�L L. ee-quarter and 98 Linen Hats.
hong sleeves. Regulor $1,25 for .179. Elbow -len th
>� alar $4. sale price 3.19 ' d , Mrs. H. Pcnnabaker and lfiss Edna Gloves 59c ilk
Boys' Kid Bluchers, regular are spending two weeks with friends Children's •Fancy straw hats with
$?, sale price 1.50 Ne;vcd;l�: be .Pianos at Getlerich. and She hardton. Fane band, children`s Linen and Wash
P $1.25 Ladies Parasols 98c y, Litidies pure silk elbow length gloves C•ii
Mrs Brit. Lan forth and children are Bats: The balance of this year's bliyjng, black; white and tan, all sizes;. Regular
• and Sherlock & iJlan- . g
Several other lines at Bairgain spending floe weed. with Mrs.. W. H. Ladies Blaek Parasols, hood tolls; natiutil and p regular, 50c and75c for -29 $1 clearing at .........:'.•.....•... .Ss
nin Plan.os and Or an Hellyar at her summer cottage n bone handles. '-Regular .$1.• u for .9 8
Prices. g g o 'r
1'Ry Us F0R' REPAIRING. : alwaysin stock. t
the Take shore.
1Trs. Saril'l Cole 'and her daughter,
T_ M s C:ladgs' Cole, of Detroit, were
t ' C• HOARE guests .the past week of Mrs. 1Iar-
_ vey H. McBricn.
'lies, J Hocjgens' a;ncl.,_lliss Edith Hodes J
THE PLACE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR ALWAYS DbES ITS DUTY • gens, who have been vlsibinu. their
sq}is in Goclrriclt anti Clinton'iriends
a,t � ,f j� i-�•�
in camp B,urlc's, returned • to
• •, 'toiytl yestrrday .:.
SN�M/w�iMNwtiww�rwrwlNwWk-rM/VVllltiwwtvNW'ror 1A \Ir. and Mrs. Alfa McKeon have re -
e turned to town from Londesbcro
where Mr. McKeon was engaged in
• business for some time. IIe has tai.^-
cn a position with• Mr. A..R:•1ic-
Yon � s ectio Brien
Mr. Harry Watkins, is again 'engaged
at his old occupation,and is apltar-
Z eptly as lively asever, ever, thus most
pleasurably surprising those friends _ �••
1i n Of Personal,,' l�ever>rona Londeoro
who it oui,h lie was relegated iv tiI_ arm chair for sokne time to conte
lIiss Am t y
1-Havitede Y ITamshere pf .:iiia aha Air. Albert Serle "was.at (.ol?int= Mt :1: J: Holloway went --ter Cobalt
g Y Y
Falls, w110 .has beeii holidaying at ban yesterday,. this week. :lilac Smith of •Ni ars 's wi i i[i,e'Ier h 1 c
. ag I s t �) , T e v al 1oclg0 of Canadian kIome
the lakeside with her sister; \Its. iliac K; : Stutelvbury of Toren o ,is•the \Tics 7Tabe1 Cantelozi .has been s end- rothcr lir. R. G. Smith. +
P N + C•il cies: gave a very _ pleasiti[ii evciiiilg,
AV. H• Hell}:ar, for some time, rc-1 guest' of Mrs. A. A. I1i11. I ing'a vvicek or so .at Bayfield:• Miss 1Preatha Snell- Manitoba • is : '
turned home Wednesday, taping Irrl I ll of. to the,. members and their frionis • on.
Hiss Retta Cook is visiting Se.t:oith files. W. �. Holmes returnM home thea uest of Mrs. Hill. '
- neia; Miss Amy Heilyar, with her.. " g Friday night last in tire' "Voresters'
When in town ori Monday or any, other Mr; Will. iss A iii . • and -.-his slat ' friends for a week .or two. Tuesday :from .visiting her mother in I)r, llacCallunr will ire an' address
... (Miss M. Robbins.. of 'Hamilton is SCaforth. hall. The first part of the -evening .
Miss Nettie, left on Tuesday Ion oil . Tuberculosis next Sunday evening l
day we will be pleased, to Have yo'a Gall Colom 1 ` • .I .guest of iVTr, and \Its. Thos. �4atts. BTiss Lizzie void is spen.din a week in the 1lethoilist church, t;'as taken u 1, with the' initiation of
a,. .I ch., . where they will g seven near canditlatcts, i[rto.. fat Order
S UOOd spend several . weeks
With an pncle •1'Ir. 'George Hodgens o.F Toronto,. is i, with her cousin, Hiss alalic Col= Thr invitations are out for the west= 's
and inspect our stock of Japanese goods, the: nest of his mother, liars. J. I: Clough at Varna., idin of, itat Ls ai: 11ou 1 as a result' of Organiser Geoige s<
who owns a. fruit farm• Th:.y do 'guest g tc y to' Mr...wark who has been , spending a few '
Misses olive and Georginit I'lumstecl Carter of Gowganda, the Kapp event days in our, vi I e.. Following
watches, rings,. j.ewelery; ` ete. We have not expect fo return Home until I Hod'gensT y , y lag o, lov ng the.in,-
zjiout fire festive Christmas time, Mrs. L. Young of Salina, Mich., was; of Buffalo are guists ot.:their c;ister, to taike glace on tar, lstof Sept.. . �iti,tio light refreshnicnt
what will lease ou and our rices ars Mrs. George, .McCartney, who has bleelr' - the guest of .her neice, Mrs. Ben. ` Mrs,. 1t'. ,'1', O':veil, n g s were airy
p y p I 14Ir: and Mrs.,, T�ulripltrcy Snell visi-'ed by. the lacPies, after �vltjcld a most
visiting the parental home' C iefl Cole, fast week. Hiss Taylor of Townsend street is CA ted' -friends': in, Seaforth on .Sunday enjoyable program was rendered an
ri ht, and Mrs.. Wheatiey's; returned to ' Mr• W. 11. Bezzo,,. who had beon,visit- i visiting , her sister, Mrs. Wilbur last.
g • Woodstock on Saturda' . She was ing old' friends here, left yesterday. i lIannzng ,of Loniion.: Iwhiril thr following,tools part Tit- :
Y ,; Iagan of Rockwood S' rumehtal. selection, :1Liss .Bertha
accompanied by,' her sister; Ali, to to return. to Los Angeles,, Citlifor-:7Ir: and Mrs. 1.% Watts �1nd theirisvisit ng- ric'nds he>e. Iiro'den li[s +l
lest Miss M. RobKtns of Hamilton g g'song� s I' oy Cole ; rr.-
,Pearl Wheatley, and her cousin, Mrs. [IIs; I g \Ir, Howard Adams paid a ,flying citation, lii•ss Huston ; duett on`. the .
Yucas, who Were . her Wrests until Miss Lizzie Cham -hers of Ethel is vi*s- visited "Gcdcrich on Tcesday. visit. with his parents last week, or ail,' Misses LilyBrunsdon and Iv
• i n �liezr cousin, NIrs: U•tn. L:ckmner � "VTrs•: J, W. Irwin is � expected, holrie� ' g y
Tuesday. ittag , . ° P Mfr. Archibald!. made a call .around Roberton ; violin solo, bIr:. Thos.
l<Irs:.Z . Kearns returned hdine. Tues- anti other .friends in C lintoll this .wit Sitturclay :from: a two months this burg last week anti. bought some Cole,. One and , all aq,!Wtted them -
da evening from a fortnight's visit- Week i • Visit to .her sons in Moos}ejaw, �Saslt... +
����� Y g g ,, ihie..liatses. g
aa •i, .. ; 1Tr. .Alf.` Ialiott of Ih f , Iscivcs splendidly. Di, \1cCallum fill -
7 . with ;Vii. -acid 11rs. A.,.,.et.t Nott " .at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Taylor of Auburn ed.oid . was : iii, 7'he Women's Institute' will meet at ed the dutles of thaiiinair ver c -
the Canadian Soo: 1Trs. Kearns had j spent Saturdaq and Sundav � as `tllc 1 . town last .evening oil his way to the 11ome of \Ira. Loundsberr on Y a
Jeweler and Engraver. Issuer of Marriage Licensed guest of Mrs. Ed. Welsh at- the Lon-! Saltford to buq a. brick ars. He. is > Y ceptably.
a very pleasant tfnie and tar return g. i _ _ _ Y - _ Scpt. 2nd when bars. Fred. Watts od x.,;14- r ra. _ -_a•
+♦♦♦ �N♦NNNN 1�♦♦NNN�iNN♦N�N�� ♦�♦o♦N♦NN
J B. Hoover Nelson Ball
♦i `A i�� l IC , '
A Well .
Furni S
.4• - ' div �
not so much on the money spent as where• the
furniture is bought,
a tBedsetsw
See Ou� 'Dainty
suit or a young 1 or h
especiallyable f n lady's ro m. The
y g y
artistic bedsteads, the beautiful coverings, make
them a dream and a inaker ofleasant dreams as
p •
well. Take a look at them it you. admire the pretty
that is not expensive,
o . H V
o, er Ball
♦N� N Nil Vii♦♦ii `N♦ NN N►♦f�11� too ♦ N♦r +iM
neenr new s:texmsnip, the •'tiamon- xlr. m. uasc of . ,i own cv Ease, ex u>, ut wti• "What Moth�eis' and Daughters Should' � -
„ I a ing' open our shoe repairing stand, - as
ic,.. was pa7ticalarly. enjoyable. pects to return to Clinton early:&Trs. Fred. Iirotvll sued family 11:1ve re- Know and Remember," All ladies are!
lir. Rabet, Mcllvren of Watford has next week to commence their apple turned ..to their home in Petrolia• Cotdiall invited. lusu:il and all repairs will have, our
y I aIle, Brown has sold his house over } careful and prompt attention. We
been visiting C1itlt'gn and township. and •evaporator operations. o v i On Thursday evening of .last wcrk'tvill be in, Lorndosboro, on Wodnesdays'
friends tlie nast week or so and on Mr. Gordon Johnstone, son (if 7Ir. at th, diamond to Mr. Nelson Cole lir. and Mrs.: John.,. Tanibl n enter-
-•-_ ...:_ , } . and Satt.tdays as tauitl and baro
Wec ivsd'a of this, week tie _accom 'William -Johnstone; in fill" eims:oy'of, ' for $4100. _._ .. _.. ....._ __- . -t ined a- nom
Y , Flynn, Mrs. J ". P` t ,d' `t a bre of friends tq an-ice.male [�rrang`ciients wiftt`1iTr: R:
panietl Mr. Thos. Archer of Mullett Mr. James Flnnhas talon ,hush J. S o.[n and children Of erea,nr party, Adam, to tak•.•' v i
to C'hesle where .the will visit I tion with Seeley West, Harriston ware the guest:; of Mrs, bIC s S I s e .In cork and give out
Y Y t I s Snell- of J'oriagc is Prairie, sante. Our mitrrial a.rA workmanship
mutual friends .for'a day. orLtwo. Thi•j Mrs, T. Boyce of Goderieh was the . S. 0. Rat-hwell. part of last. 'Week flan., is visiting her aunt, Mrs.`Gred,
wives of Messrs: Archer and McII- guest of Mrs. R. Welsh ester'da while oil their wa home from Ba am- utraranteed. to be 'of°the hest,
Y � Y Y Y- Johnston. ( Solieitul.g., your patronage .--Watts &
ween are visiting relatives in the and, is naw. visiting her son, Mr. fiches where they spent some tine. Mrs, E. Lyon and son Will, left '
James Boyce of near Brucefletd. Mr..I{nox Mains returned yesterday, +i ,fire.
Y Saturday Y Y x m:
a, for Ottawa where
• ,• from ,
1Ir. A. P. Gundry, principal of the Mr, Ileotgr Gregg has ietttrnecl to airy ,tlhcYta vyhtthrr he went ii they. will spend a few clays vvltll Mor-
Collegiate, returneil on• Tuesday ,.town, having accepted a position few weeks ago to take charge of a roll c�L Holmes, late of Londesbbro.
sch 1
• ••�o••o•000•��••• •�
i h ri tE oc • Ile. will lirr•1difficultyin . .
night and is now preparing for file w t .Mor sir ,S; Crooks. ITe has c f no Howard W. �'l:tlanls ;�pemt a few clays •
re-open%ltgof the C. I. which takesI many friends here who arc gladl securing a position in. this .county. ktnY,ler the parental roof last week,� e
place on Sept. 7th, The C. 0. I, to see him back again. Rev. Dr; .Stewart: returned this I';dw^aril Youngblut left Thursday •..
• cp
made a splendid retard at the rr- Mrs, A. D. Pattison left ycsterday'to ,week from .the Province of last. for Caledonia wllrrr he has ac- • o�NVfor Sa.
�cent examinations and it is cxocct- visit frieldds'in Buffalo• She was aef Queciec where -he spent bus Cepted a position as baggagemanlwitti ••
. 1
C •I T
d h am a i d Iron d s, Ars.' St sir •' m
c that clueing. the coming year p n c by, herr mother, Mrs, • J. ay rw tis home the G. 7 . R. • •,
there will be a large attendance of b`, Stygall who had been visiting from Believe:l6 where she spent, miss 13, Gal-rott and sister Mrs. D.
students, her for a couple of month4. some weeks, and Miss Stewart has Connt•11 of Clinton left for the, West • , The modern solid brick house •,
tfr. •iii. - Mr, Geo. dill t returned fr 11, xn ,lin in i'. •a •
r un n r eel 1' t •h'ilII Clinton, c cc i ii � b
. William Duncan, formerly, l: C 1 of 5 mei 1 left 1'cm a c t t r E d \I3. ,
o m itisE l3 v
n rTl wrath morning 1• • ,
, Y.r a a5t.
Iy v 1
John Hod ens 0 1
tan bili who' has been in the I week 'for Lethbridge, Alta,,, anti 14Ir• W. Constantine, vvlul fora few I 11Tt;�. C aticy of bit. I/ erect is visit- • n , is ffE tE.cl fc r sale. •
Battleford district, Sask., for the I Mr. H. Baker of town for lYardisty, yearn past has been; accountant of Ing her. sister, 141rs, Jos. Lynn Sr, � upon reasonable terms. w
Sack. Bath c •• .;
act Couple of cars wa • town ata wera� booked •throb the c t1 branch of Mots n•• Llan , •
P P. Y S in b g11 by 1 i o w , I Suss A,l1a Webb, and sistri+, Tl.dna • House and first• a
ra Tuesday and from here went to Mr, W. Jackson, C. V. R. agent. has been appointed' manager of the returned to , their home at 48ealorth r class condition and propectuve
' purchasers
' x11A ill. )Cit Saltie t
visit,Ys l u •I- Miss Trna M Mathewson i Zurich and rn • � •a
Grey township to 11 t a glat wso ,has again ac- heli age•nry d will ter upon on Fridal, Y, 1 •
ter'. IIe left with us a small,l. sheafcc tTd a position in Brampton ash14 -duties th.r shortly. TIr. pros- 1Ian
is. vrhlcf Seafortkis risitiug •
• #
-of the. wheat t1ve country around milliner and leaves for Toronto on tilt manager of the 'Zurich braiich,leer daughter, Mrs. J. IL 4hobtbrook Possession given almost hn-
BattlrCord grows and -experts have Saturday, to attend the openings. will be transferred to Toronto. Mr. Ilarris, the missionary who Is • mediatelt•, •.
pronounced it good.. Sho will be accompanied to the city Mrs, T. R. Waller, Miss Delta andito he supported by the Epworth lea -
dr. •
dr. L. J. Cantolon resumed his slut- by her sister; Miss Mary. Mnthew Master Taylor 'returned qn 1Turseliry�gties o[ the Crutle lrh District, gave a i `.thus is a very' Acsi able pro.
Portland, • perty and to 'anyone eonteln-
les "on the road" last week aftcu an son. from I ortland, Oregon, for which very intrresd'vng address to ti -i Bp- • plating purchasing a hotno is an •
enjoyable outing at Go Home 'Bay Rev, W. G. (+.vans, wife and family of, City they. left here live months. ago,�worth leagues of this place on 1VIon•• • A I proposition,
on Georgian Bay,. Ile was accom- RLdford, Mich,, who were last week The coast cliinate dict not agteciday evening last, lXe leaves shortly, ♦ In addition to the alcove, there •
r t i n nests f t v l• • •
of d there erg M s. an c o and hoc . reverend •rn 1 i •l Walker 1 Ale as d.
a r i k +G o r n t r.uar , with lairs '(ta a n. s e w a .,
� � t .i
a for 1 Nidiere p China na w E it tr Will g g C � 1 la err th.
h in .,, .
,is c offered c r nail :dia.tel b
skit l ffE e 1 x e y
y 0.
lire summer Opther, I)r. .Evans are v' . .
trig. were ucsts at t s m if a now 1 rt5tr return • u • y
y g .r , , n s q to rt l n rust. On their -way wAy a t future. • rrivate sale, certain of the ixntlsE3 •,
home of fire hatter's brother, Mr. at Tiverton. While liI^re t1rc�Dr. atIEC and back again they visited a Miw Lottie Orassick of ITensall : k4 0 tirnishings aitch furniture of X
"Mack" Clark of the Teirorito Star. Mrs. Pavans and family accompaniednuinbvr of relatives and old, friends: the guest of Miss Nellie Lyon. • alcovo house, including tt Htintr- •.
Mrs, Cantel is how the guest of their -guests over to visit Mr. and The family expect to take ti their Mastft Leslie i , loan Piano, in regard to which
Evans + Y p p F Lrs C \4E odtuan had file rn�ls � apply at Quer on premises, �;
her sister, Mrs. Ogle Cooper of Mrs, W. Evans of the 5auble Line, abode in London the Less in a few fortune to break, his right arm ort
Collingwood. Stanley;, days. I,yaturda,y last. I •iri�tiotii•oti�i•ii�i6% ,rr