HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-08-26, Page 7= 1
111111L ,
Ir 10
August 26tbi 1900
rftTaggart Broca
ABED. - .r •-. r•'. ,,. -- `
.- - - H. T. RANCE. -- -
0VF1CIa-Sloane BIerk•-.CANTON,
Conveyancers, Commissioners,
Real Estate and Insurance
Agency. Money to loan. „- _ _
Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.C.P., LeR.C.S'•,
Office-Ontarlo street,. Oliutoa. Night
Win at front door .of office. Or resi-
dence, Rattenbury street.
r T. T McRae
D. T
Unix-ersi.ty of Toronto.
Office hours at hospital :-
t -••.DR. J. W. SHAW—
Baton Newp-ReeorO
*1 I__ .: .-
he was about to speait a kziiok, Came
cdded a touch of dpera. boutre to. the,
at the cabin door, and Prendergast
situatlon that to a degree modulated j
Nolrthern Nava shot
opened it,
the rigor of dispraise, it w.as the can•
The visitor Star recognized In-
ry �
census of opinion that the new Hugh
hillside trait that skirted' the lonely
stantly. It was fire man who had
Stires seemed vastly different front, the
called for fair play at the fight before
old; that if he were -playing ,"
a game
the saloon, who had drawn trim into
i It was a curious. one.
the hotel.
On the one side was a buck record, ,
Felder carried a bundle under his
exemplifled in Prendergast -clouded In-
-.1 - I
arm, He nodded curtly to Prender
fauty, a shuddering n5borreave of his
s.,7 R TOURS +D
M R R n
Bast and addressed himself to 'Harry,
I am the beater of a gift from
past self its. be raw it through the piti-
less Zeno of public opinion. on the other.
some one in the town, he said, "`i
tza• n grim constancy of purpose. n p.as•
have been asked to deliver this to,
you.'" He the bundle into the
sionate wish to reconstruct the warped
structure of life of which he found
Going South
other's hands.
himself the tenant, clays of Uealthtul,
Harry drew up one of the chairs
Treace inspiring toil, a wonutn"s face
A Fresh Water Sea Voyage
hastily. Please sit down," be, said
courteously," He looked at the bundle
that threaded lits every thought. As be
wielded bis pick In the trench or lallo•
1x.00 a. tn.
curiously. "> t ece dons. ferentes. he
elously unshed out the few g;isteuiug
Palatial Steamships
said slowly. "A gift from .some one
grains that now were to mean his dal -
Superb Scenery
In the town,"' '
ly sustenance be turned often to gale
Faultless cuisine
A keen surprise flashed into the haw,
tip the slope where, set in Its foliage,
yea°s, glance, •`The quotation is ciao-
the glass roof of the sanitnrinm spar-
Moderate Charges
hied softly through the Iandlan haze.
- •
r / f,•
Strange that the sight.should mysteri-
�• a
ously the fnte thin flaunted
Ideal Summer Outings on rho Great
: ''
him! ' .
Lakes, Georgian liay, or among the
) .
Prendergast saw the abstracted ;•
ga ted r"
Thirty Thousand Islands.
gard as he came up the trail from tile,
town, He was in an ugly hurt or. The
Tickets and information from all Ry.
tine of bold' dust which he laud sbotivn
to Harry be bad not rrttinied to the
h!d place 1 the t
Ing p c n e Stn 1, Sind vvlth this
H. H. Gildersleeve C, H..Ivic'itilson
in his pocket the faro table had that
C i >4i .5s. Sarnia
M r, 11 voo Traffic _ r r a
o n i d g,
'day tempt film. Im. . T. he tough was
y i a
I. .
empty now.
I ✓ t. t
Harry's . back Oras toward him, and
-� ` .\ - :»
the gold pan in which be had been
washing. the gravel lay at his feet.
if ` ' �
With n noiseless, mirthless I:tttgh Prep-
I • .
dergast stole Into the cabin and reach -
ed down from the shelf the bottle into
w-,•-, t
whieh each day Harry hnd poured his
scanty findings, He .weighed it In his
Via CHICAGO , alta ST. PAUL,
)� '
hand -almost two ounces, it little •Jess
"It was lata etpro s atrfsh that I ptaae. the
than ,R20, He hastily took the empty
violin to you." .
berg from his pocket .
April 0--20, ' May 4-48, June 1-15-5
'stc;" be said; "but it .need not apply
But Just -glen a shadow darkened the
o. • .
29 July 1 -Aug.d
1 3 2 A 0- i
7 .. Sept.Se t. 7
�.. y a g 1 , P
dere. He took the bundle, unvvra•Iiped
d�io N's. and a Sar -ant
y. Harry He saw
it and* disclosed a battered -violin.-"Let
the itctioii and, striding forward, took
Tickets good for 60 days-.
explain,". continued. " tie the
the bottle from the other's hand.
Prendergast turned on bfm, a stnls-
Winnipeg and return. $32.00•
ow you
owner of this you fought a battle yes•
terday. You tested its tone a little
ter snarl under his affectation of -stir-
. Edmonton and return $42,50, .
latera .It seems that you are a master..
'prise. ' "Can't you attend to your own
I roportionate rates to .other points.
of the' most difficult of Instruments
rat killing?" he growled. I guess live.
There was a time, I l;efieve. when the got a right , what I need."
-OFFICE- o LOW RATES old:man was its toaster also. 8e was . "Not ,to that,". said Harry quietly,
' FOR SO TIERS "We: shall touch the bottom of. the
. ; once, they .say, .the 'conductor of an.
RATTENBTIRY ST. EAST To certain of is i ` : S 'sk c " orchestra in. San Francisco. Drink and flour sack tomorrow. Yod expect to get
> --points n , a at hewan your meals here. I' presume." '
the devil if brought him down:
and Alberta, 'each. Tuesday during "I still look forward to that pleas•'
CLINT.ON.- 'March and April. - I+or three years past he :lids lived in. tire, answered Prendergast. with an
Smoky :Uountain. Nobody knows his coil sneer. "Three :meals n day rind a
Full information from name. The town .has always 'called
JOITl`T RANSFORA Town Agent. him 'Ola .Despair." You did hi'm' what rotten roof over my_ head.. �'4"hen I.
DR. C. W. THOMPSUN ' g think of the ,little I leave. done to de-
A. O. PATTISON, Depot Agent.. ,Is perhaps ,the first real kindness he serve it, the hospitality overcomes me,
PHYSICIAN AND- SURGEON - has ever known at its hands. He has
. done the only thing he could to requite; . All. I hare done. is .to'keep you from
Opecfal attention given to diseases . I ; • . starving to death and out of quod at
h s
t e am i
e t me.' I owl tau
e ht ou
Of the E Ear Nose and a
Eye, se Throat n a ... Y
. • The CK.11IO LL�ua1 1 ILU. Fibeg haat colored .painfully as I n safe ns. to beat the acne n easier
der began to speak: His voice was un- y g a a ler
-Office and Residence one than yon: seem to ki3ow; and to
r� c r�
steady as' he answered; „
HURON ST: SOUTH. CLINTON : IAsuraIlce COIDjjUIli� •• . live on Easy. street. . .
. k' J I appreciate it. I am deeply grateful, " !1 .
but it is quite impossible that I accept I e looking for at easy way. an
8 doors west of theo m s
C- m e sial hobeL. -Farm and Isolated 'CBvCn Property.;_ it from him:' � : iwnded Harry, 'whatever you mean
Only Insured•-- , , •. "You need note hesitate,'.' said the ' by. that I expect to earn my. living as
-OFFICERS- lawyer. "Old lies air needs it no long. Itin earning it now. It's an honest.
-DR. F. A. AXON.- J. ,B,;, McLean, President, Seatorth P � p � method, at. •all events."
. er.. He ' died _ last night in Devlin's
O• ; ::Thos. Fraser, Vice -President "You've grown: all .fired = particular
(Successor to. Dr. Holmes.) dar-ce'hall, where he played when be.
C Dr P. 'T;"E, Hays,. • Sea.: since. sou lost your memory,•' retorted
• }vas sober enough for his lodging,. I
Specialist do gown acid Bridge Treasurer, Seaforth P. 'O.- ,:Prenderg, st,'- 'ifs eyes narrowing. .
work, happened. to be near by,�id I as"sure „ 'You'll
-Directors- ybu .it eras -his es gess wish that I give fou [i be turnip; dominfe ane Of these
Graduate of the Royal College of �; days; Perhaps ,you ex ie to a •tie.
William s the violin to Sou. y F Y. C t g L 1
Rental Sur eons of Ontario. • Honor . W am She hey, Seaf'orth ; Joh
g 1?Isin he`lteld oaf.hts hand, *`Good town to take tip with yaii and,to make
graduate of University of Toronto Grieve, Winthrop ; George Dale, Sea . b.
+ toy h ; z ,Tohn Watt Hariock John 'night," he'suid., "I hope your memory love to the, beauty in the green riding
Dental Department, Graduate of the + habit that brought. sou here, on Ger
Bennewies, Brodhagan ; James Evan will -soon return. The town is much' in- hoist ten! brought,
you were e f o
Chicago College of Dental 'Surgery, terested In year case" b g Y t b your .
Chicago. Beechwood ; :Tames • Connolly, head,
The flush grew deeper - In • Finery's Will be at fife Commercial hotel Holmesville c eek thou be •sn .t ere was no h- Harry started. "What do you mean?".
Bayfield, every Monday from 10. a. m. :-AGCNTS- in IronicalInthe' i mark. "I scarcely . he asked thickly'. •
to 6 p. M. Robert Smith, Harlook .Nl Ilia- hope so much," lie .replied. "I am 1'rendergast's oily .manner' wtts,ggne
;chley, Seaforth ;, James Cummings,' , learning .that forgetfulness has its ad-, now. His savage temper came upper
AUCTIONEER -JAMES Egmoadvilte ;. J. W. Yeo,' Holmes• vantages.,, most ' .
1rIES SMITH LI Ville, I .forgot you. didn't know it bout'
tensed Auctioneer for the County Parties' desirous: to effect insurance` . - that," he scoffed. "l.ma.de it neat story
---- ! - of It -in the town. They've been lib
of Huron. AlI orders entrusted to o>< transact oilier business will be Iw g
sic will receive prompb attention, bling aliout It ever since." .
promptly attended to an applicatio flare caught itis tlrriath, m .through
Will sell either by percentage , or to any of the above officers addressed y b A tl u„
per sale. Residence on the 3aptteld to their res active 41. A mist he saw again that. green habk
p posteffices. Losse
Road, one mile south of Clinton." . ° on the hotel. taalvouy-than face that
in by. the' director Wap live' had liaiunted lits wdtcin consetonsne;s.
nearest the.scene. . s;.
. IBfin .It hard not been Prendergast alone;,
Ilk' 1 lrr`�if2>�G'P then. Rho'bad brought hitt here. Anti
United States Subscribers1. .. W her, act of charity had been made, no`
11 �� "''� doubt,`a thin- fire tho 'tittering of the'
will please note that We have Go I day
Day one cent postage on each : a C1 nton 1�ews-Recor(I >3> little town had bt•en town, cheapened by chatter, coarsened.
Y P g P P" unconsciously grateful . by jot;eI
er going to tbp United States, y g "I 'wonder if she'd done" It it she'd,
CLIN'TL)N - ONT. /!Q�"j; l for Its new sensation.
This means that your subscrip- The return of IIe h .khown. tall I know:' continued the oth•.
tion must be paid in advance. Terms .of subscrip'tiola-Il per year in . �'.. Stires .t Ills g . er. • malevolently. :'You'd better go uli
When ycu see your' subscription advance $1,50. may be charged. if . '- u dapparent
transformation to the sanitarium.' fluit, and give her
expiring please remit $1,50 ,for an- not so paid. No paper discontinued was the ,prime subject of conversation. a nice sweet kiss.for it!"
other„ year so that-- -you, will- not until..as
ll...ar-itar, are paid, unless. at For a half year the place, had known` 'A lust of nigerose In Harry's thro'at,•
miss any evpies of The News-Rec-. the opihion of thb publishct, 'the` but one otber 'ecdnt:.its'sttarttinti."That_ :but he.c.hoked_!t_ ciwo...i3it _triad' felt
ards date to which every, subscription . is was the _finding. some months before like tron on, I'ren- •
. paid 'is denoted on the, label.. of u dead body-thatt of In cotnparative dergas.t's sbouf .
• ---. stralige lit he place -thrust beneath der and turned � .
Advertising rates -"Transient adver-. ., r t I li t h him forcibly to
tisementis i 0 cents p a thicket on Smoky mountain, on the
F , per non Ariel very claim which now 'held Prender• ward tile. open a6.d ''�ij'
,60 YEARS", line for first insertion and. 3 cents door, Ills other � t'
EXPERIENCE ^ttmt and his partner. r,
per line for each subsequent insert- "•rhe "amen eoruer" of the :llouatafn (rand pointed. and
ion. Small advertisements not to his stipplrs'40A = 1 l
Valley House had dtsiu3secl the pros I
s exceed one inch, such as ',Lost:," and tuns exhaustively. ''There wire voice said: '•'1'1114 • p I '
11 1 ta. "Strayed," or "Stolen," eta., in- many who sneered at the loss of mem• edbtu h11s gaovvai 1 : �, j
serted once for 35 cents and IN tell ore and took their cue front Devlin, too ,;mall for its I .
subserluent insertion 10 cents, who, stuarthtg reOm his Ilntnitllttt)Ott both, 'Lite town "' ` i \ •
4 TrRAcr MAgllg m wUl shit a'Ou bet• .
" and nursing 'venotn, revamped stn pi mar_ (I, r
Dd'S to
Communications intended for publlt,a , • .> ter."
C6PttttIQHT8&a. 'tion must as. a guarantee of good mons wherever he showed his battered ,rh!
Antotld itandIng a isteteli anti doeerl ton ms 1 g. g <
I rate.' In his opinion tin h Stires vacs P r e n dergat;t � j�
n n g `v.
tactf oacertni ouloprnton raoa.ethor an faith, tic' aCCompanfod by the name ,... shrttnl: before the " .L
t�noentlon epro 6 ny�n h i<e comanunrda. playing u slick game.
uooeeWei conado,�E�uuG tf�ry�BdOKanentente • of Wt.writer. "Yon view is COlvr by our re u• wrath white sent tree. 14,410a� enar #a}� eecurucg patentor r ed y p . j
Patent@ n through unn Ac .11000106 .�. - dices, liet'lln," Said 1'eldQr.. "t-Ie>'S been face.. the dall9t.1'- ,+1%Jae town (!?f rt 5"tGit
ry aN notk4 WItttogt aharite, in thtr
iW. J. MITCI�IELL, a biackivg in the past -grunted, Iitit ous hparkle lit the utas rioter,"a JB QiRat • rive the devil his due. As for the 0-Peo. "`i•ott've: bot
Ay Mustratodr!atk . Largest otr• : Editor and I'roprietos, other a iv title, there's nO more evl, through with utak " hp glowered. "and
�ati of,"' atsmatlaoionraaa. lents. for g
a�1.7ba7dar,paaEagePrepaid, surd hr deuce against high than there Is You tanutc rou rata 90 It 1110110•" 't'he
aV neaedtlar, k] 1
�j against ,Cori or incl" Old susplvlon drafted In the tt1111rlous
Ego tf M _IM
•"They didn't find the body On my colintonatre. -Weil, It won't I)llr you
Ilk"oh Orate, � 8 tit.. W.ahlogton. b, tf, i
ground," bad been the Other's surly to tt;v It yet: l know too nnu'ht .lyo
retort. "and I didn't clear out the date tOu understand r I know too, ntttehi
- TTME ,'T'A13LE before either," rlarry went out of tile eabfu. ,fit th4,
Trains will arrive at and depart
from Clinton Station as follows • f 1 "
The phononietion. however, whether
credited or poohpoohed+ was a draw-
door tie turned, if there is anvthlug
you own here." be :Said. '•take It %%-till
Ing carol, More than a few found Or
you. YOU needn't lie+ here whets l Conte
Going East
7`35 a. tri•
cmdon to climb the mountain by the
hillside trait that skirted' the lonely
Ills fingers slaaking With ilio hiaett
it ii 1
3:07 p'm'
cabin. These as likely as not saw
rage in his heart. Pisendergust .gash•
5.15 p.. Ta.
11.07 a. til,
probdergast lounging to the doorway
eted his tem belonglugs, rolled thein in
it ci
stroking, while the younger matt
the white horse skin wyhieb he drew,
1,25 p, iii.
tiirorked, ?ending it trench along the
from beneath bis bunk and wrapped
14 t`
6.40 1 P.M.
brow of ;the hill to bring the water
the whole in a blanket. tltc fastened
ai tc
11,38 P. ta..
from fts intake, which Harry's quick
tho bundle in a park Strati. Atung It
erre had seen was praCtfeCabte,
over his Ahatitder and left the cabin.
Going South
7.80 a. tri,
the spectacle of Hugh Stites, who
Ile settled his burden and went rapid•
u it
400 P. m`
had been used to, pass life days 10 the
ly down the trait, turning reser in bf.it
Cloitlg North
1x.00 a. tn.
saloons and hitt filghts lb evert lest iso
mind :his future schemes,
44 ai+rbtlrlrt>t
0.35 p, Irl
df1)$0t >fr turned minor
. .. - ....ed ptAdtfc
AA It rhaticed. there WA* ogle who
t►sv h13 vintlietire face, 4 Jessie c
-rouvilt'd ou the Knot). had .-;evil hi,,,
:Oaie un,iu: