HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-08-26, Page 20 •-�;C�LYR�CY-► DURING the SPRING YO B Y NEED Somethingtorest ore the :ap. petite, strengthen the nerves, purify the blood, or tone up the stomach, and fill the Body with rich vitality. Bland' s. Jaron Pills Are specially intended for this purpose, They will reinforce the flagging energies and impart new strength of body and mind, WE WANT U TO KNOW VS And that your recfpts will be. filled with the Best goods ob- tainable. We guarantee pure drugs, perfect seryi.ce, accuracy and promptness. W. S. R. HOLMES Manf'g Chemist. RELIABILITY — EXPERIENCE— WE WANT YOUR GRAIN, for which we will pay the Highest :Market Price. Call at our store next Morrish Sj Crooks or at our Elevator. —We keep on hand a full- -stock of Flour, Feed,- -Etc. We are agents for the Canada Car- riage Company Buggies and Stan- dard Mire Fence and Posts. FORD&MoLEOD To Keep off Flies. An. exchange says : To keep ;lies from, tormenting horses it is recent meadod to take two or three small handfuls of green, walnut heaves upon which pour two or three quarts of soft, cold water and' allow it, to stand over night. In the morning pour the whole in a ,'kettle and b►fl for 15 miti- utes. When cold it will be fit for use. No more is required than ton wet a DR. OVENS, SURGEON, OCULIST; will be at . Holmes' Drug Store on: Friday, July 9th, and thereafter on Wednesday Aug. 4, Sept. 81 Oct. 13; Nov. 17, Dec, 22. Hours from• 9 a. ni. until 3.30 p. m. Glasses properly fitted. Diseases of the Eye, Ear,. Nose and Throat treated: TO FARMERS .AND OTHERS' I have opened out 'at the Standard Elevator, in connection with my grain business„ a full stock of Timo- thy and Clover Seed', Corn, Chop anti Feed of all kinds.. Please give me a call. VV, G. SMYTLJ. Fall Term From Rept isu c�NTcac . STRATFORA. ONT. After twenty-two years of solid work we have become the largest best and most successful practical training school in Western Ontario with no superior in Canada,. Throe departments— COMMERCIALn SHORTHAND and TELECRAPHY. We assist graduates to positions as well as give a mostl Borough training. Get our free cltalogue at once. Elliott &, MnLochlon PRINCIPALS FALL TERM OPENS AUG, 30th. Our graduates are assisted to the best positions. Write for the rea- son. Prepare now to enter at.be- ginning of term. Mail Courses for those who wish to study at home. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE GBO. SPOTTON, PRINCIPAL. 0 Clinton Nears -Record Huron County News Gathered for NewsooRecord Readers August 26tha 19% 0 . ln: your blood ars the millions of oor, pi►soiss that defend YOUapainst attackq of disease. To make And keep these tittle sol* Biers healthy and strong, 1s simply to make and keep .the blood of the right quality axil quantity. This is just what Blood's Sarsaparilla does—it helps the little soldiers in sponge, and ';:.fore a horse goes tout of ..,.,�.�,� your blood to fight disease for you. �� it cures scrofula, eczema, eruptions, most the tirritated tae smeared which with Wingha►m Carlow.. L Salaries of MOWS. 11 catarrh, rheumatism, anemia, nervous- I I ness, dyspepsla, general debility, and the liquid, On. Wednesday of last week,, at cne Mrs. Duncan is visiting. her sister, We leari from the official returrilfoe builds up the whole system. P. In., a pretty wedding was the at -.Mrs; Miller, the year 1908 that several officials of It effects its wonderful cures, not 18 y* Lautenslayer is spend- this cuunty, under Pxavincial author- traction at the residence of vlr. S. ;Tyra Laura butplbecausesIticombnes theeiiptmiost Repeat it Shiloh S Cure will al- Bennett ori .town, when his neice, Maryr ing a week iii Seaforth. ity, receive remugeration from their remedial values of more than 20 differ- WAY, cure my coughs. and co11�t." , : E,lsie,. youngest daughter of Mr. and :hiss Grecn entertained - number of respective offices as follows :--Sherrifr ent dngredients. If urged to buy any From The News Record Of Mrs. Thos. Bennett of Win,gham, be- .her young friends at the lake Satur- Reynolds, $2'639;'89 Jude Doyle, as preparation said to be Just as good" q Y g y Y , , , g Y , you may be sure it is inferior, costs August 20th, 1801. Icame the bride or Mr. Gree. D. Miller day. Surrogate Judge and Local Master, leafs to make, and yields the dealer a. of. Detroit. Little Carrie Kingston The grain elevator at our station is $1,286.09. This, or course does not lat;ger proSt. ;was the pretty ting beaver, and :hiss IN ginning to loom up into r alloy, ane# include his salary as county Judge. Clinton, Aug. 20th, 1891-�Jeanetta Simpson•played the wedding a few days will see ft refs y re -'C;, ,Seager, as Crown Attorney and APPLE 8 Jewett of Wes., ceiv�e this season's rain. It is be,n Lieut. H. $. Combe, who it will be. march. Rev. Geo, g g Clerk of the Peace, 52,153.99. ;. D, Mc- , remembered. tank a course last spring minster performed the wedding cere- built by jay Bros., of Listowel. Donald, Local I�,Cgistrar, $4,164.40 ; Ellis Naxnaan, aged, 10, disappeared I from Ingersoll June 28 and hist fatheU at the. Londoi,, Ont.,. Military School, mony. The groom''s gift to thelpianist Nathan, Johns, our ex -reeve, has'Joseph Griffin, jailor, $700 ;'his turn- has new moved elamil to Sarni h1ws had his final examination and wilt, was a brooch set with pearls, to the rented bVs loo -acre farm to Arnold M, I key, $500, and the matron, $200. Y a WANTED likel receive bW*certificate in'a short ring -bearer, a locket and chain,, and to Harris of Usborne township for a im order to better prosecute a search Y for him. time. He is well up in -drill manoeuv-`the bride a brooch set with pearls, term of years. Mr'. Johns and, family will shortly move fie the West,'e w�hsret XXXI=XXXXXXXXXXXXXYXXXX res and will no doubt prove a great l .The bride was dressed in pane green he has a large farm. We are sorry � x X for .shipping. and evapor acgiosttion to the local company at chiffon silk, trimmed with- point X IS THIS FOR YOU X the coming camp. ( d'espri,t, ai_d her travailing costuniq to lose illy. Johns, but welcome Mr. • z ating purposes. p i Lie Harris and family to our township. X ... + X e$t rices Lieut, H. T. Rance returned from was of brown chiffon broadcloth,. aid, the London Military School on< Tuos-• i white hat. A handsome array or X We have on our list anum- X p day of last Week where he went X her of subscribers who arc a X C. presents indicated esteem and kind A• SUSTAINING DIET, 'X year and some more than a X i through hr's exam. far a oerti'ficate. (wishes. After an excellent wedding - y LONDON. QNTARIO Lieut. Rance is one of the most en -:dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Miller left .ply the These are the enervating days, when,, ,X, year in arrears for their sub- X ' D•. GANT•ELON thusiastic and ardent officers in Her.3.30 train for their home in Detroit. as somebody ,has said, men drop tyiX seription to The News -Record. X 1• ' Majesty's service, and we trust his the sunstroke as it the Day of >+iro'X In many cases it is but an ov- X Busmess & Shorthand labors at the: School, will lace him Many will remember Miss Lizzie had dawned. They are fraught with'X ersi lit. To the individual sub- X p Reid who made her home with 'Mr, j g SUBJECTS . CLINTOhi, high up in the list. His natural ' danger to people whose systems are,X seri►rer the amount is small, X military hearing and clearheadedness S. Burchell, and who Was married a poorly sustained ; and this leads us X but when taken, in th-. aggre- X Resident and Mail Courses fit y if tl over (ear agotoGreo, Coultdo. to sayin the interest of the less ro-.X , Catalog"is Froe he is al workerm well . the service. Locall ° Whitechurch. A r, ._ nd Mrs. bust or our readers, that the full ef- (X Sum of amounts and thismoneyX J., W. Westervelt, J. W. Westervelt, Jr_ C.A.. Mr. H. E. Hodgens, of the Palace .ter, went West soon after their mar- feet of 'Hood's Sarsaparilla is such as X the could use to advantage at X Principal. Vice-principal. store, took . advantag,: • of excursion riage. Word was rcceived last week to suggest the propriety )l. calling I X 'the' present time. We w.mld X STEADY rates to. Grinis'lry ori Saturday last to that Mrs, Coulter died at her home this medicine something besides a!X therefore,, ask our subscribers X hear the celebrated revivalist; Rev. in Griswold, Man., on. August Lith. blood puri,fler and tonic,—say, a sus- X to look at the label on their X The remains were brought to Wing- tanning diet, It Jriakes it much ,easier ; X. papers,. and if they are not X S Miss Liza a Gorrell, who has held a ham, and interred n1l`'ingham come- , to bear the heat, assures refreshing X marked up we would be pleased. X EMPL Q YMEAIT p , ter the funeral to irg place on slee d , C to have their remittance at the X • position in Lucan for some, time est Y, •p, and will without any oubt � Wednesday from the. residence of Mr, avert much sickness at this ti ie has .accepted a similar one with Rob- fir of ;X earliest possible moment. By X . \ Birchall, Mrs. Coulter was 28 years ins Bros. here, She is a very, popular, year, rY giving this reify attention you X of age., and leaves'a child only a few X young lady. C4. confer a favor on us. X Can be given, .to a number of Plums are plentiful this year. Con- Week old. CX tt= X ill smart ills On hand sewing or siderable quantitates are being shipped Grey Township. XXXi:,XXXxXXXXXXXXXXX�XXZX g from Cli�nton'by. Cooke and Coolie and operating 'machines, Apply Cantelon Bros. Morris Township. Miss Alice Cusic goes West in a few'' It is. gtwte likely, now that his home days. Repeat it "Shiloh's Cure will al= to Mr. J. McLeod, foreman.. is liioken up by the death of his Tuesday of last week Samuel Pardy j jr,ey township council -will conven ;ways cure nay coughs and colds." THE BICYCLE IS FAST wife, that Mr,! A. Knox. will make his of Ntssouri,. brother to i4Trs, Frank on August 30th, , 1McCrackci 4,th line died leaving; a g g + �. liome with his slaughter, Mrs. Swarts ' g 'Miss Ida Rands is visitan with her COMING BACK INTO FOP"_ in Bayfield. wife; 2. sons and a daughter to mourn sister, Miss Jennie at Summerhill for The Jackson Mfq, CO y Y ills' demise. He been visiting, here a week. Dr, Daniel Phelan of Kingston tokl• ULAR F A••V O R AGAIN. Mrs W. A. Ross and wife of Goder-• the American. Prison .Association that 1. is. spent, ,Sunda with relatives and for several weeks endeavoring to re- Miss `=era. Abbey and her brother, "WHY WALK WHEN. PLEAS- -011 LEAS- - 011 nton. i' p Y gain his health. Lorne, were' amonP the large number the removal of immoral literature, friends in town. a g plays, and pictures is the first ' step in URE, EXERCISE AND A new residence on the farm of who went West on Thursday last. Mr, and Mrs, :Swarts Sr., will . Ch , . 1Ii getting grid , of criminals and degemn- mote back to Clinton from Goderich Dr Jcrdan 5tln line its. under con1I ss. Belle Richardson of Sault Ste.. ates. SIGHT-SEEING ARE SO about the 1st September. struction.. ? Marie, is i,isitta.g, with, her sister,, Mrs. . •�•r e•~~� • • Mrs; I). 111cCorvie •and'.Annie 'XcCor�. ' A new cement silo is being built on Win. Moffatt, Oth line. COMPLETELY CENTERED vie, Dobie,. and . Dote Fain have' been the .farm -of Robert Nichol, 6th , line. The trustees of Fulton's school 15t1i 'WHAT BEAUTIFUL HAIR ? HE L v" • '.'doing" and no. doubt "ha�'e been It fs 14 k 35 feet and will holdlaaarg;l .con.; have engiaged Miss :lsic►-(iViltonk IN THE U •:. v f d • done" by Bayfield tlfe, past week, quantity of feed; $russels,. as teacher, at a salary of I AM AGENT FOR THE O'O� • 15115; Attend'anee of pupils is small. l Hot often o ryes hear that stela= �. • .Tlwrsday'61 ;last week Will. Badgley, 1? P, woman's oration of a".certain t o hair or CLEVELAND A'N 1] -RA - g. b, Aug. 26tH; 1891. 'took the C. P:'R. at. Walton on, aI The tweeds along, sonic of the bigh- as certain man's -Bair. • Good. Teniplaxs nisei everyTuesday. trip to the best. (ways Anil sonic farms' are not credit-' -A prominent, scientist. and hair spec= CYCLE BYCLES AND.KEPP • A' new wire fence' has 'been built able to good farming nor an rmpxove- ialist. emphatically- states, and. has, T • • An excursion passed' through . bele mcnt -to 'thea appearance.- We,. hope 1, ? .. TIRES. AND .SUNDRIES .'OB OOver one t ousand stn • on Saturday, for' Grimsby . Park and .along they South, boundary of ills. .T. pp proven, . that any man.. or woman : can.. }r t Maunders farm by D.-Badgley, who .the inspector will get after the law dents enrolled by our chain'' Nlagara ..Falls. have luxuriant, lustrous hair; by, us- ALL BINDS .IN STOCK.. has the farm leased. breakers: .. last •year. It daps to ars Mr; Gregory; -Who has been corking 'ing a famous prescription called. Par t ttend a link of this grpmt Mrs. ,.Stretton . and daughter, Miss Mrs. R. H. Hanford of Detroit- is a isian Sage, • r i „ '. for - Mr. Geo. Snell, Bras gone to work chain, for IN UNION THERic Mar of Lancaster' Ohio are visitin•�',•welcoi.ie guest at .Chas. Rozell's, . 9th I Parisian Sago is now made,. and sold Tu'rn'er "I6 8TR ,NCiTH." for illy. Cook of Kinburn. t iryho home of J'obn -tinci� Mrs• liogn� con. She. is a rcia:t vc and a fernier, . , I M i{ (� e e • Rev: W. L. Newton �f Victoria was ` y'I ,. m Canada. W. S.'R'. 'Holmes the, A Ibe .t u 1 n'e� ... • Tho dernwnd forour gi+;0-. and also calling on friends in Bras residint . of Ustowel locality: The ;druggist, ,is the .agent '.3n Clinton and,,. _ i nates is THREE TI\dh.J : visiting his brother, G A, l�,ewtory. Bels. visitor has resided in Detroit for sed f , ♦ the supply. last week. �. the readers o The News -Record , can! 14TORrERS Peter McArthur lcit last week on a ural years. Other schoolsengageoiir.' Mr. John Lee Jr. has gone. to.Man- i :buy, . from hitt. far only 50 cents a tpleasure trip to tine' Old•Country and During the past season stabling,* has large bottle. SHARPENED. • grwdnates as teachers: 'A ♦ itoba; if.things suit him. he will snake will e wa six Or eight weeks pro- cn .placed. under the barns on Robt. g ILAWN be' ♦ w .. special course tem teachers, it'his home. b a Y p ° , I It: S. R. Holmes Icnows. 'that Parts- • babl 11acdonald s farm, 9th con., which will•: •. o t7 Graf uates of two yeti ry Mrs. 'Lennox,. ennox, . : son: and diiughter y' 1 . , fan Sagc will beautify. the . hair, euro o ago now earuin t2 000 • ;4Trs. Itohcrt Siacdden,.:4th liens, has gine .ample roirti..:incl comfort to liras dandruff anis stopfallen hair, and for' e e LI;T g g • were visiting Mrs. ,\McKenzie L ` last i steers and- -convenience in foecdai' i; per annum. hardly,, been as well aS usual .arid -is xe-, t+i g'+that .reason he sells it under a guar-, rr. p .[week. Ile also put i_ a she house •in the • Three courses-CoxmF.It- ceivin special medical:, treatment at p J ltTr• 1�'m. 3irtinsrion left on 'L *sda g p .; antee to cure or 'r.ipney .back.. • el:Ai, STItNOGRAPHY 'a&1d Y Clinton. 'which we trust will ovc> interest of lits Ldicester flock... CANADIAN o . . prove ..If you cannot obtain Parisian Sagc a 1 r llanitob e took rev s TrrlYtciRnFls�t; o. ons o enhor es, a. Sevci`al farmers; •}who were fn ti.. •NATIONAL successful; g..V cou.ple. of wagons, a. number of buggies where.• .you live, you can gest a_bottle .. Last Sabbath .alternoott 'Rev: lits. standing . pea crop cod.petiition undn�l' EXHIBITION w Fa11TerinOperlsAug. 30. • road. carts etc.; Which he intends to 1 for 50 cents from Criroie:c 11lfg. Co.; 13ielb•y, who.•is holi;dayfng «� t1r leis- ill: direction . of Last IIuron ,1'griet;l- Fort Erie;:Ont., etipress charges • pre-. VERY. LOW RATES Write Particulars. • dispose of onit there. rives here, look the scxvicr�' in thy:! tuial Society,, had, thein crop lamest- i _ The 1Methodist ebu.rch ryas crowded: i from CLINTON. to o - - • 6n.Sunday last to hear .the sermon, Jackson. church, .8th Ifn;.. lir. Brig- ed ,licfoi6 the arrival of Judge. Davis; ;paid Toronto and. return • y n den of Toronto, gave a good address't�ifiose, home is near Barifc; SImCoei F3'.(i5 Aug.8'.to'Se t 11th. ' • CLINTON T tireactied to the .Foresters .by 11Tr: ��,. i ( count The troi 0ble.with the crop is • H. Mannin7 of Clinton: in that Church• xeccntly. Y c Charles CTibson, Sevcnth `Day. Ad- $2.70 Aug. 31 and. Sept. 8,. 7 and 9. • 2 An old'resident' gf•the 4th line in Ito secure a tmifo.mity n. the ripen.ng RE'rl,`RN LIMIT SEPT 14TH. :'Business COLI@g0 , (tentist.; produced a Bible in. Dundas•, �. the erson of Wm..Littl•e, ryas , tallest process.• so as; to put thc:.entrics on a ••- - Summerhill, Aug: 26, 1801 p n ;P,°lioc Court to artery why he had •th;!l SPECIAL 'GRAIN SERVICE. GEO,SPOTTON,PRIN. • to ITale, Michigan, by his son=fn-law, coi:imon l,ccl• . I Special train leaves Clanton 6.3'.', • . • I right to hoe on Sunday, but the niacr , oNfoNs•••N�i•NNNN�e Miss Sophia Kidty,of the hub • paid Gideon G. Hood; where•.he *purposes ifstratc fined him g5, a, in. Au 21, Sept. 4, 7 and 9. her brother .G. Ai. a short visit last .nialding his home. The old ,gunnel ial-I week: is about 80 years of age and has been Repeat it : -" Shilol.'s :Cure will al- , The first carload of iron. ore. • ,has N'tiRbT „ C Miss Anne ,Lovett has one, back to remarkably hearty. ways cure my' coughs and colds. :been smelted by elet;tticiity, 'phis, has I.,ABORLRS F W UTTLIJR, .PAINTER AND g Y .. Paper hanger. All work hone guar- Birr after a pleasant.t sit among. her .Misses: Edith and Lilian, Scott 'of been alone at Redding, Cal.; and means . EXCURSIONS. anteed.: to give, satisfaction. Prices friend's here. Toronto Who' Were visiting. at the +that iron deposits may noiv be worked 1;10.00 518.60 ADDITIONAL moderate. esidence nearly Opposite 'Miss Addie .1lTcBrfen is' holidaying hams of Henry,Jackson, 8th dine, Drysdale `profat<ably even where -there ,is no coal, : GOING RI;T.URNI;VG Collegiate Institute; Clinton. p 83 with "her sisters. Mrs. F. and Mrs, have returned' home.. Miss . Carrie o.- � � Via Chicago, Dulutlb and.Fort,Franoes Thos. )Idllvicen and other friends in (Jackson accompanied th4 visitors to Mrs. Waste and.. -,hs. \Tcooilugh or No.rtit. Bay. this vicinity. the Queen city where• she will ;0.ttend• :visited at the home of their. uncle, • THE PERFECTION OF .WOMAN- From Clinton Aug. 2:3, Sept. 7, DRAIN TILE AND -BRICKS.—WE' nTiss Florence:Bates of CTode_ricli is ,the millinery openings. `. I \lr: J. Howard last waeitY. '1'licy . re- HOOD.. Full information as to conditions and will. n our first kil n Ma the visiting Mr. and 'Mrs. Rapson.: and ..The electric bell is now .in 'place at turned to their homes tit 8aigim ;r aiycf Who does not. 'envy and admire a transportation. arrangements Beyond .. open n o Y I other. friends in and norrlt of the vii- 'the'. somewhat .. dangerous t . l?. R: Detroit respecti:vel 1 tare v: ern; lovely tdoman ?: .The secret c f her lov» 29th and'tden we will again have $ ' Y Y 11vinnipeg, from— in stock all siies f tile from 2j lege: crossing on alae ' 9th .line. nybody, Ti.e reniains of. the i tt3 ,Mrs, l low eliness, other, perfection, is . health. John Ransford, Town Agent• o Mr. Henry 14TcVittfe lei.• for . \Toru. w se hearin Is not o d twill •rc a and lucre raised on :1Toi.d;ty 1:ts: and She. slcc s well eats well digests A. 0: Pattison De t A ent.: Y bo : g g o lac , o ,., P. , , g Depot g incites up to 12 ranches .and the • the inter ed in the new ,c . 1at,.l 1 li every. k .dizrin I! �?y agars ern Friday the 21st inst,�af-, to 1*cep their eye skinned as usual. -• ,. ) . part- I well—intricate functions are vigoraus v 1, ops a In e y wce g I i �— f to spending his vacati'an here and chased by fife .:family in t'.ie. nett' 11°• - ;and rcgftlar. Of all tvosiian's remecl- FARM LABORERS F.XGURSIONS . the.. season. We : also - make nice '' tion of Bayfield cemetery. fi white anti red brick, Our works are amen; friends in Hullett. He has i Y �ies, Ferrozone is the best ; ,it vitalU- VIA` CHICAGO, DULUTH half mile east Of Egmondville. been doing well up there and' his . Belgrave B. Horner lift. last week for .the fes the function upon which health t�ND FART FRANCES. Kruse Bros,, E' ondville P. 0. 8-4 many. ,friends wish -him continued suc West to join the hartest gang. (depends—makes the purest, richest Ito Manitoba;. Sastatclhewan and Alb('r- e a ., gm P 7 cess, 1Miss McCallum of Halton Co; •is the, Miss Asthma Thompson has returned blood, ..gives perfect completion and,tn. $10 going ; $18. returning... This �—�-- The.con.mitt a appointed' sometime guest- of the Misses Allison. ; to take 'charge of our school; Utir g y g tf lots of vigor. Ever ill and woniari is the attractive route. fish nearest 1 11 i a o to select an organ for the Epis- Stanley Clark has > eturned to .Hes- .trustees ac verttsed for a regally nus - who seeks "health, vitality, looks—let Grand Trunk Agent for particulars as FOR-SALE.—SQUARE Z g' -- ... __..__. _,_.. _ .._.__.._ . _. __.. r ,. , TIMBE ,after several puler where he- em to 6d. Pied traChex but tvero unable to rcr . - , and Lumber suitable for barns driv- conal cht,rch here have p y' p �hlx get Fcrro7one to -Clay:' 'Fifty cents to' tr.rrsportatiorr-arrangtmCnts -be'- copal sheds etc, for sale, A 1 to tests, _purchased an instrument from llliss Hartreyrof Seaforth is+a: visit- Cure one.ancl so Miss Thompson was a box at all dealers. �yond Winnipeg,. -dates,- eondibbons,+etc., g ' ' pp y the•Clintoii Organs Company. or• at her uncle s, Robt, Armstrong, engaged; D, Cantelon: 17 - j Mrs. Brydges . Sr, is visiting her Mrs. R. Drysdale of Laurel.Mich., daughter, Mrs. Brandon' in Bayfield. wlbo has been visiting in tite neighbor- „ I Mrs, Harry Hooper is visiting her hood, returned to.'hcr home ran, Tubs- Repeat it t— Shiloh s Cure will � al- ERN • MONUMENTS ways cure my, coughs and bolds." sister, Mrs, Russell of ;Saginata, tubo day. The WEST �j�jis very ill: I ,H, Talbot our veteran thresher is CHASTE DESICNSe BEST MATERIAL Miss Ella Owens has liken appointed' again on his rounds with a new out..- organist utsorganist by, the Methodist church fit. Harry keeps up-to-date in every- �O INT:D O-\`�'j� JAMES DOIG Nile board, Miss Rose Clark having re- thing. _Lv .;;j..J `,J J...V OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. , signdd, 1Mr.' and airs. George Currie left Wm. Little 4th line' ltrorris• has Open to the World Inereased Price List. last week for thia West to visit their ' > r . daughter, Mrs, 1-loover. gone -to live with his daughter, Mrs, Blake ...: G. Flood of Saginaw. Mr. Hood came ( The Great Live Stock Exhibition The misses Yount! Kincardine, who After him. ( At a' meeting of the ratepayers of r had been vnsiting Mr, and Mrs. Rich- - ����1 . U10 Miss Citarlottr. -Greggof Detroit has the section held recently, I4xr. John a I and Ryan, 'lave returned to their , , , home, retained to lte.r home and Miss Moyer was sleeted trustee to Citi the. }, • : , .. I Mabel Gregg accompanied her ; the vacancy occasioned by the removal 'of Athletic Day Monday,.. Speen Events Daily. Having,, purehas�&'� a machine forl. As Isaac Currie and his sister were f COAL applying Rubber 'fires, we wish toOiltheir way to the choir picnic on. latter securedtalposition for a time, having Mr. Allan who went West. Ho say that we are Aow prepared to fur- Friday last their horse took fright „ p � ( Mr. and Mxs, friends S. II'ma.rd . spent DOC SHAW GAT SI°iCW ish and put on'such tires at reason- and ran away, cutting its foot. badly, the Misses McCallum a Newark, a week vis4,ting friends near Kiiicar- s- ORDER YOUR YEAARIS SUP. ble rates. Fortunately no other damage was Now Jersey, and 111issrs Crtactys arid dine. PLY .NOW. THE BEST IN We also do all kinds of Grinding, I'donr, g Kathleen Wilkinson of Ripley are Mrs. J. Douglas has beet, on tiro. THE MARKET t7 1'ER nything from a pair of scissors to a I hilar Ruby Robinson, formerly of guests at rite itorne of 1lTr; and Mrs• sick list but is now recovering, ill TON, W. K. Whaley. I 'lye extend congratulations to Irene POPULAR El ircular saw. This week we installed Dungaimon, has been engaged to teach BUT IF ORDERED AND PAID Fred. f candrett who has been with Dou las and 'Voila Stevens, w1io, suc-, + r. machine for grinding horse clippers the :Ville first , titt� o•1.ttSepte r, a cooled Ill passhi the Junior Teacherm SEPT. 10--18 FOR B>rFOTiE MAY dist, A DIS- a surveying ;party alt stannrer in g, s s � • which does perfect work. work tate first weelf oC SepteRtt'licr, district Cast of Prince Albert, has re- I.xamfnation. ,_.. b COUNT OF 40 CENTS A TON We likewise do all kinds of lathe Miss Gray remaining in charge in the ' - t, i .. M11810—91st Highlanders and 7th fusiliers. AT%Fieri- turned home. Ile reports a very itrrok Miss IWelyn I ollocl, is is t.n4, an %/Dere•-- Pn�gr"am twhe daily. WILL BE ALLOWED, ork on short ,order and at reason- meantime, The best quer, . hie rates. ,' ,. � en country out tilers. our viilagC- , ,. -w- -'=•- -�-- � :Hiss hose Clark, who has for three Mrs, It. N. Douglas and daughter PIR11WORKS each Evetdng--TAXIS A "OLiDAI and Visit London Pala Orders left at Dams ,i, Rawlalnil a Machinery repaired, horses shod. HARD CALLOi;SE,S QUIO'KL Si g Special Rates aver all Railways. SATISrACTION GUARANTEED. ��,. Years be<'n organist in the Methodist Gladys, who have been on a visit to 'will be promptly attended' to. CURED, church, left last week for Waslcedx, friends abroad,. returned. Soak the feet tit hot water a:nd then Manitoba. Her many 'friends present-� apply Putnam's Painless Corn Extract- ed her with a locket and chain as a Prize Lists, Entry Norms, PrograthS and all Infotmatlon troth �pptor—it removes the eatous gttte:kly, token of their appreciation of her ser- Repent it .—"Shiloh s Cure Will 41- W. J Kfte'D'@nSbn OU; West He sure; you et I'utnant's" Only. y � F y g e � ,vices so long. mays curer Ilia coughs and colds," W ri. ISE/D, president. p. 119 /lllJ'Nl", cS'GCI'��dY