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Clinton News-Ieeorc�.
^ A I
.. ... -
30th Year CLTNT0N� ONTARIO, THURSDAYo AZ11ITiU,ST 26th, 1909 Wl o e Nu>Dltbutr i$90
The News -Retard will be Sebe to any address until the end Of 1909 for 23 Cuts.
- t_
. _ _ - ... .. THE LOCAL. MARKET. (BAPTIST CHURCH. - �a4lflel�i
wheat ode to 97C.
4' �Ke (.� ' 'dui Services as usual next Sunaay, `rvheGti: .
f , w Dr. Smit was in kev for the
R Oats f aId tOc, T ,h lineae
i the pastor will preach. The morning qn Wed- c
W at�ha Oats (new) 35c, subject will be : °'Eli'ah's Challenge" the co attend un a special •meeting o£ �r
Peas 80C. to 85C. - "Joyful A." the county council.
and' evening, Joyful in their King. Mr. Wallace Johnstonleft on Tues -+
i You'll have a time- Barley 50c. ,--
piece you can rely on. Butter l'7c -to 18c. A BUSINESS CHANGE ' ao }aeor a tr p o Sask. He expects The Indians Who have been pull:n, worse than ever, He suggested
}'. Whether you buy a hand- I Eggs IGO to 200, , tt ree weeks or so and fia:� in this district the pat,t mantle dei that he Call out Chief wh;ratley. This
some gold one or an inex, The photographic business has in November move to the west with not appear to have caLzze from a dry the Sergeant did and the two In-
16"` a. I - },tjnsiVe pickle watch here NO GUARANTEE. changed hands; Mr, , ,lames Rogers his family. belt .so far as,firc watMO f Concerned the Sergeant
#•>rr- ,*/ it is guaranteed both. by I itavin * sold out to Mr. Otto Fink oft ested and lodged with
; r ,,, the makers and ourselves. A special meeting of tit3 count t' Fox Bayfreid news read Th. News- if the experience a few o? their mate in the cooler. They were
p g y tHanoyer, The new artist conics lligh- Record. them have showrt bere y
council was held in Clinton, yesterday ly recommended. I in pro- an ugly pair and their whoops and
It You Want to consider the question of a gtiaran-' curing the whorewitball to quench foul lan uago arouwd the whole neigh.-
.. s ., .10 Make a UI!# I10 AE:RES OF CORN. their thirst is any tee of local waterworks debentures. � y indication, boyhood.
I. ' 01 �I " That is both handsome The project did not meet with the Bir. S, H. Smith of the I3a feel Hn eft . Township Wrl8h p , ' But a drunk Indian 'is int a goad 1 The; next morning they were taker, .
l �`"'i and useful, one that twill approval of the council which Lbt,ectetliRoad, just south of town riasYt B Indian and thins came to a Wmd ori 5 trate and
i S g before the police nla=fs
t remind the receiver of you to establishing a precedent of that nine. lis. Will Rose and lithe SOIL of I+`riday night last and three of them pleading guilty were allowed to go
1 I s € nranytiiiicseveryday. buy nature, corn acres alto;it the, hese looking Petrotrt are,visitinn with her sister, are now jr gaol in Goetericlz c a on paying a fine, it brie? then su
e : onenfotrrtvatehes. Niekle, n in t e four townships. It will Mrs. A. G. Vodden. ' h rged p-
: 1 and solid with assault on Matt: Elliott who posed that they were mt'rcl naisil
�� . .r . I .IP7R.c(� - ctises�totichoosefram Olcl THE PREACHERS TRIF)) fIARD, keSn1 greatlot.of fodder, but as'. lTiss Editlt Jtnitins was the git.st -Weis so savagely attached that Is drop .
�'A--' A spectator' of the ith Pr p . es many bullocks , But late in th; °t y y
of her silt*r, Ilia, 1lill;am ,Snell, own wife did not 'k OLv him mxt day. < a� errtaan the affair
game last,
ay- all the market he will have use for Ithe Vast week. A When Sergeant Welsh ,went on duty assumed a more serious aspect, it
feldliC ,green s. Friday last, $ay -(all .. it. at deveu o'clock Friday y coming tu',tthe attcitcton of the authior•.
field Campers vs, Clinton, writes. of II :lisss Alice Waite of Craderich is vis- Y night the
the match as follows : ',Some of GARD] N PARTY, - iting her aunt,, firs. John Vodden. three Indians,. all drunk, and Elliott ities that Matt. Elliott had t.j�+,•n :ter-
Wo 190 dell: ar• ' were. at the :4laisons l3aiis teener. , ribly b:<atcn by the Indians, when it .
the ministers who are camping, at i Miss. Rasp Weymouth and Miss
7 Bayfeld imagined they could play �
The garden party held on Chursdgy, $etsy Garrett left on Thursday last There was no disturbance and the was supposed they were merely quar-
Clinton bowls so sent over a challenge, but! evening
Cluif last
tyo largely grounds
lr oandsnat Mr. `lar Pilot ?►Iound, Blah. Sergeant continued oil his beat and reltng among themselves, and lead
�etvelor and Optician. when they 6.rrived our experts. sized y t sled, not- when he returned they hA�cl disappear- laid all day in a semi-tinetnscious
withstandin that the weather was I Mr. Ben, Aiunnings incl 1Viiss {Vinnie cd.
them up and said `'Not for us; the � g of Colborne �undayed at Mi William . t until the re-
Stapleton farmer and two rather chilly for out-of-door gather- ; An hour latter Banker `htanain wit, ! tura i f Iris I�vltcafr from Gocler h an the
picked uP , ings. The Citizens' band, under whose IGCogI s,
fives at the: cast cr,d of Ontario b eet, et ening train that, tlty Dr. Shaw was
xinks twill suffice." Ared so it proved' auspices it twas held, were much leas-+ The invitations are our for tit r tved-
for the preachers and the kids' tel•c+p-bun:cl tkt' Scrgeaat ghat the called i:l and the+ authorities notified. .
only managed to score eight points to , ed with the hearty manner i<rA • which. ding of Miss Lillian BI., second dauglir Indians were iti his vfofnit 1.1}iott'S teeth had been imooked out,
their opponents tdiirty-four. The re.- the Citizens patronized the .unction. ter of Mr. and Mrs, tt'i,llianu McCvo> and makin- th;. y his eyes had disappeared beneath the
M to Mr, J. Lloyd Awde of jlVftlThattt� right ltjdenus t,ruiycs anti his face: bore but little
turn matchis ,looked forward to witi�, ,LITTLE LOCALS, the ha I I with � their hawlin; and fightinr.
(some interest." 1 happy event to take place at The Sergeant procured his dark Ian- resemblance to tht:t of a hamaA be-'
Are. you a Nctvs-Record subscriber ? their residence lVIaple .Cxrorc. an the tern and at onto started for the iryc. He barges two of thij Indian,
8th of September. A MUSICAL TRI,A'P, The Zurich bowlers who include P with assaulti;n� hint.ant'l to matte sura
scene; but the noise had then subsid all three were arrested, the third to
To those interested in music a groan,�£agenies ete local t'riucsyyesterday &s ries boyhood ooze a farmers v this neigh- ed and it was only after considerable rove ,
treat .is in stare far Friday evening1g bar fisting. search that h•a located one of the In- prevent hien snrl,trfn; looter They were,
of next ( Five carloads of cattle were) sh} ed l The. trustees of S. S. No. 4 have dians who .had a bottle of whiskey tShaw' before th P. m, anal on Dr.
( Jolliftp tile when 1•'fr, R. Norman from Clinton Station otd Saturday (last.' secured' the services of Bliss Tlarei- ��nd appearcci to ; r: helplesslydru Shaty s statenivilt that Elliott was in
! _ , popular baritone, tvftt: as-: S, Ii. •Snaith shipped three oarloaas, , Ker. of Clinton as..teacher, `Ser cant Welsh' procured n'• a dangerous canditten th, copper
in Prof: leiy'tvn in , orgar�1toe riamlard C. H. Rend' and Jas. B2cliieliaet, Mr. and- Mrs. Alex. Garvie f wood- g '7 from .41 !is were remanded to Goderich. gaot; '
to clic Wesley church. The g ( a l,lliott s lirery auui the Ir.•:llan wa:; for eight days to await results• .
will !be of an unusually attractive . Or- ane■ eaah. ward, Oklahoma'. U. S:, visited at hauled to the lockup.
This morning Elliott had so mucix-
der and .we are sure Prof. l3rgwn; A PRIZE \4'I�iDOw' 11RI:SSI Ii'. Mr. William Carter's last week.. :lir. This was after midnight and all waq', improved that the •ti t I
`who has already. pra't`ed himself.. anj • [Garvie spent his school days � at . the quiet until about 1,30 a: m, when Ur. , tilis ' afic-rn`ion. 'a Will takgrlxcq
organist of great ability. and taste, l Mrdollars I'yair has won a: Prfr,•q,. of old Bandon school. IIe has siniwc 'Manning again curled up the Sergeant' 1}evrto mea+s , .
p n e inected , as to
Iwill be greeted by.a largo audience inoffered by the' L7yerybody spent considerable trine in the Yukon to say that thn other two I di•tns•had who bought the whiskey
:this his first recital. Mr.:Jolliffe's Magazin, for a wei'l,dressed window, :but is. nolo Speculating in the land 'titi'nc-d up again and the uproar loos cifAns. g s Y for the Itz-
name is too Weil known to need any 3Ir, Fair -has long been locally .' noted business • in the old Indian .'! etritary�.
[introduction,' +for liis origi'nai mnd.attractive wiiid'inv,I Messrs. Roy La�yson, Charles llfill-
-------- __ - ` Tile various items of the programidressing. -and when he enters. a cont- ,son and D. Rogerson left last week The New .
�wih be sure to mcet.wth ilte altprL� petit}on suds as' that rnstitutcet. zb!r for thcwest. ''rtltll Brei B;11J�At'�it
Ever n ! Y t
enation of all music lovers. I ybody he tai�i s place L. M thO Bliss I.ss}e- Sell cif BI tli is v si.t n�
I The MOLSONS BAND . ,prize' winners, 1Ir. \Cflltam Reid, son of BIt. An- Rev. ;lir. Sart
ST. PAL'L'S CHLRCI3, atuong' friends in flees vicinity.
Stewart and iris, son Isar-
INCORPORATED 1S�a. .. T. JOS1;I'I3'S PICNIC:. ur. t aild llrs. Owen Flynn entertaill^ dLew Reid of the Parr Linc, has lost vey. of Motherwell. r .
.Th re will be s ! three: ff►gcrs of his ri ht t a £.guests atIrs.
Capital Paid up - $3,500,000 Rest Fund - $3,500;O00 pedal Jubilee serr�a + . ed a number of their friends last ev, g l and >.as the Parsons. .
es, the last of the.'seri�cs, ori • Sunday) The' 8th Anal al picnic in connection ening, restat ''of an accident lie met fvitti at
+ with St,. Jitsc The season, which -will soon ibe over.
Has 65 Beanehes' in.'Canada next` when the Rev. Canon W. , C,ratg, ph y church will 'be Mr. R.'J.' J. Make wha is' s endin Bli. John Rathtr•ell s of . the Babylon has been
and Agents and Correspondents in all the principtil cities ,B. D,, of P�etrolia will preach both held on Tuesday ix'xt in F argtghar's fete s t ' p g a Mine .. ori Xonda.y afternoon. He .'has L ilte Best in the history of
in the world. 'morning and, evening. , On: Monday ev- grove, fiullett: The 'Citizens' ,band ' day a the parental hcimc, le'a'ves Charge: of a. thre,s hie outfit t i largerld, there haring•' been _a. - mucix•
to -morrow for the West.. g . and while larger number of visitors :.than c c cr
ening foi'lowing fit.e ladies of the con -'?las been erigaged for the ucca:4ou and . engaged about it .his hated. Carate tnta v "
A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Bess �, Evans of'�Ueir'olt. is'�v}sftiL before. .incl-iliere tvoul h .
Iea-1 Ion will ire' a- a.rtlr�> j y 't}fere .,v}]l be `tlic usual.. antes and , . igt contar-t with the rear ,out of th.L•:eta- , d 'a"c'' bion
i;' o g g n. tart g her sister, Mrs.. Owen Flyna... chlor.: with'. the result
stall more herd there been accommoda-
. ;at'whicli Rev. Canon Craig.tvill be sports. :i real hearty time is luo'.cetT t ab(ive' nun }
SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT present: Ilfs many friends twill dotl�tr forward to. Cc>ttvc3*erects twill .run i The News-Ittcorct lea•cis'far Hullrtt tior..d. He was beau ht it lion. ..Setei•al:.of the visitors frornn'.
less gladly welcome this opportunity' 'train .town throughUut the da . news. Zoe, twill paq•.a.still. •to the. epol lac in. lot hast -c 1Ir.' bio ihti tel distant. points bare expressed•' a desire,* _
, 1 of .the year mer and hail tit by Ii lltarri Pae= to purchase lists for KfuilcY'ng .par uses
AT ALL .BRANCHES, !Of•. again meeting with their -old-tune, I'LOl1'L e ttt,lured hand ,dressed p
Interest allowed at Highest Current Rate. pastor a;nd friend. SIJQ1t , 1�} csnc. cif oe:r sure but eery avant thc� mast choice. lots '''
.The Sere ccs S eons, .To most mcu tciilt wlifcli, tlt� owners ' ha:ve n le "r
. i• n 5t.. Paul's last Sun- As , Anil ,.I, �ed Iasi tv(+ek -' . the loss .of �t.lie-paitiat use of t}.iti iiMhii to o c si e .
a [lower - ' . n
Abll�7�dli'ii� hand' would have lteeti most felt, but PLrt. If tale property uv&lovtcin,;.
day ~were conducted by Rey.
W. 1'.. show wilt be 'licid in lte.'town hall,yir . t alley of the I3a• field tv
Clinton Branch - C. E. Dow1.ding, Manager .. i h so happens that '(Ciiliazn is left Y• as in the, etas- -
Cluti, rector of St, Pout's church, �t'c.dnesdap and Tlntrsday aC next:..1 lattiz social, under,'the aus ic; s of I and ,cl Ilei an ;the sale wad pushed fur rest -
(Stratford; who has been. spending hi•s•week. Sped}al prizes will •be given for aecl of the
i ill,-, ladies' ladies' Baptist, p t c dente purposes cinl the
- _ holidays in' Bayfield: best table iiaquets and asters gi;ow.n pt>>t, cILUI'elt, Ret• Ili ! Biuswvrth of Glencoe Y. rO would soar;, .
will be Held on the lawn of 112x. ;1.: Y o be a big tnC,rrasc hare. in ilia Iiumbet
lite, Jahn' Ransfot cl .supplied for R,ev. from seeds 'dbnated: It'y ilio society. t . preadicel . In the. chug'
.. Y . ..o Asquith on, Wednesday eyeing ilext.
• ch very of suninter .houses. • If the council and'.
Mr. Ilartley at Blyth and Auburn last, the scltool'ehildren. n . . acceratabi air ,5tind,t ,.r ni
The White U `i:e bauit Y y . e e ng..last'. citizens event tv' eaorsk. s the.
READYMADEORDERED Sirn(lay, let. Anglican clergy , of the Tlic <l. Y; P::1 h ,�i • Y of Clinton. will - y cm, tar,;u.11y.
, ori estra ;vil1 give. , . ,.
I - gY 3 be ..present and discourse. :ilisses.minnie and .Laura O Veil .of to..cate to the holiday t
ry 1, county must be gratteful is ,Mr. Rats- a program' of niusia all. ''v>n n•T p v . sweet music; . • iY tirad(� 'ICF
CLOTHING Morrish (3(1 Grooks • CLOTHING! p � (. bath. ( c i ,s Detroit- stir.e �iiests of their'..sister, gt'vtyih evoiiltl` astonish tht�
foril.•for, taking their work .and' thus Umi'ssioa io cents. — .
. ort.,,, wife of .tha principal tillage hies -4 treater . natural beauta.
\Its: L. LIII y
"""" . allowing them to_ gest away for,, a boli- of our school ;than any other plicae iclon rho luk ..
'day. ., .. AT ;CI•Ih, G. T 'R. STATION`. '�la'ii'na,. g e
I I - ti"illiant Musti�id, our enteipiis can claire..
�: At the `ev, iilg , service. Bliss K. Leslie 1Voodman' assistant in . h s
Stvtchbury'�soprano 'soIaest of �Vc�s i oI I I I2iil li Stephenson of flee Farr ng s;ttvtn ll'er, is.hat•fng a resicicnce' llx, IIcl.east, Iirineipal of .the Zt,rich •
i.le - Grand. Tran} freight otlice, fell from a Line and itilfss Bella Fell 0fkSta,rdiL ,"welt.• in the vicinity cif'iire:null-, SCltovl, having iesigried to tai . ti, '• .
�j A�ej Ready . y • elztiroh, Toronto, i:cndered }•iii beau- S
�� , ladder while lighting one Of the yard spent a few ' days, in Ba field The fishin is 'ger the study of dentistry, Mr. Jaincs
�tiful •voice. the sacred solo, ',,r, ear on Saturday last anfl sustaiptt[ Y y Y Povr this Seasisrt Canterun of our Village has na
N- O.IsriLc;l which was,:ree, east week. itied at+r fishcrnten• are facing Uadly, g. t � guti. ,
—to �. , y niuclir.a fraeture �uf the writil which tv}i[ lay lfj, R}11. Murrayof lientlat to finish out,the term tenni il>e first
appreciate ley the congregation. I a has ree .eunlrng' 'iii siimelimis t I I a catch'of
'C'he You'
Ladies' Criiild ?.'ilt not' ,him- off duty for a feint: IIe. is . ngw' relent d• ]tonic after slicndrng li•}s 'sum= not marc than six pounces, of October.
- F10111111111k I hi hes home. In LondcsiborO. Durin;; neer vacation on tiro Parr Line. :1' intrrrit k, 1Ir. John Faleone.r is tet ChattianL
���®is'sSect tent}i' the. second tlond'ay' in leis absence hes duties are t,;eing• per- . < ge loo place at the r.cc' this week attetxclinP the ,annual mt et-
eptembei. y lliessrs, Andy.Rrrd .anti �V: Palmer tory:gn. Saturday et ening lastr wllrn fn , of the I.:O. F. Ili + . iSir, I formed by . A. G. Chantry of Ca'lgai•y. spent Sunda with llr.. Ramie f' g High Court as tie .
1VilL L. Orchard, the car Checker,,'lu ice who .is ver ill.. o Ret` fix, Condcll iiccl the bonds' pial- represOntaLti're of flee l3ayficici broth -
HOSTILITIES I2L NE`t'IrD• Y, rinioniat for. loscpli Ross and' .Mrs.
;has gone to Winnipeg for a trip and' 'Cho Brucefield Methodists. held: their Letitia Lf ern.
t I On Saturday afternoon last hostili-' C�arl'.I{•earns, from Caledonia is su - ng, • both of Sarnia. _ The • llis 1_ .
Y nn Sun.la which ryas has 1, s drib Foley met with an ac-
Ebean thinking about your �aA1 Tailoring . ales„ were 'again resumed between,,,tlie' p Ann}} tsar y ply toupee bare bzt�rn visit}n • at plying for bine, largely attended. Tile Varna. 'cliofr 12r, i'albot's of 9t ` g Lrdent the, other .clay lit: which she sus
long,lop before 'oil did. near baseball teams representing ih s t , c Saubie Linc, .
S , , furnished the sin in tamed a fracture. of'hcr collar 9>rne:
'.fawn's leading industries, Doherty's STOP IT BOYS,' , i ,g g i1Ir. Cllr;ries Ferguson teff on -rues -1 13a field Fall Ft' be
.hold- ,:. I .miss Mabel Roid spent, Sunday un- Y , tr will ere .meld . ort
V4re choose our tiVoo1- and Jaclson''s." 1lfter tvor.�ibg for :li']iile 12r. ncl 12 1 d'ay to join his boat at Chicago. kIe Oct. 13th... once .18t .
QUALITY . r y P Y g? g ` a is, Bert Lai gford (ter the parental root, ly The derectorg
three :iia s'.tile s eciall eel t ed stall fs ,ilio mate, .
ens ;with the' reatt8st care of .chartered accountants neon �twere returning train Bark's an the;' I:,vveybodv is .Busy there ditys: Harte iwould have preferred a. wecik earlier .
u is trope `bion lake shore la,si eti•nina }i their into' vesting will s 11r,. Charles Parker, the veteran but,two other count shows had of
from the . productions of (to. anniiuneed the -scare. to leo 21 to � � ? g soon be vee.' thresher, drove' has new traction ' e Y, g
r">. Mrs., Langford was struck on the .. Clinton -,"ch- •in ah ad of them on dates, Last year '
the b st ]N r la • I1;>;. which is certainly some. score, • in I.foiOlead h a. stc n thio i f gii}e over from clew Zlanday al- the Fair twos htltI. C)
e • o e.�,n.and Do i -fat or of the••Organ Grinders.' �' i a wn,by ate o ternoo3t taking Lill au t. IsL and
"" jscteial 'boys standing at Bethel t, . the Bills with - nd.
1 ; mesal . IOOt71s. . The' initial •..s -spasm was e n I wee and Br'ea ease':. Chani c 1 L.
p on . to g church. It stunned lief for W time d. . c i< s rtaw a better outfit i .Hiss Bary C� Llbr aftlt"• of Yorl.torv, '. .
Honolulu Sunset. Jimse I•Ineh Det-° e ;'• than ever. , ask: }las.returneci for a, ananthsvi
>, i•
Y , and 41te Dr: says that, Irate 'th stop In iltc Lvcrmatts coitimn. of ter GiotS,o 5 '
Then' . we got . our ; herty s Pride,. was swatted,. for ten, .Miss Bia„gu ti ilcls entertained - a it' at the parental home on the, Front
, struck . nearer „thoe temple . it , might, .there is an interesting controversy as large her o
' ' f runs by. the. boys. Outfitters whoBiber of un friends ort Road Stanley,
raftsliaen In v,
V... L Slzape to, lea c ,been fartat. The• threr,xrng wase no ;to the price. of bread.. Bread now ,, Y, 'and is now spcndtil� ax11
thought they.had.the game won them lhttisday crettfti last. ;Miss r4Llcis fs.wcck�or so as aaucst 't air, F k:''
;';. take care of of:this end of ,doubt but. tho Leet of a thoughtlessfcosts fivc'cents a Potni:l ...in Toronto. g , ,IaI S.
and there but in their turn Lit the a delightful and ver ' a
, Cray .batt his narrate escape this 'timo It is • caIt_etl fine bread brit tr clic- y popular' liastess. crrjvyiitg the. Ilea brceres utak
tli8 business, felct they found that their star. twirl» front serious ecinsc venecs ought 'tci be'. y 1 a; Phe town hall had been very nicely blow over balmy I3a Feld,
' r , (1 v g ally no other . t{md is soirt: '14licu , y
tier; Att:gusttis F. Collyer, lead natliing a warning for him, h,.*, l decvtaicci by the: members of the! i1Zi: _Reg. Marks left on Saturda.
w .at is a dollar. . a bwi licl,' the farm- t� ertbest Club for titoir clan w + y
s '1.'he : �Ve have 'dol but his own Itranly beauty anti a ph'il- ce on I'ti..for'' Yarmouth; near Vit. `L'htimas,
d anfhro' ic. desire to resent'as tan lIr. Langfitrd has laic} ai>t nfarrna- cL receives 1 2-.3 .cents.a pound: Ada evening ,
.. a p many tion with the police. ma,;is+ ri,e -nd1 abed of wheat Almake Y n g Last. '1 herr was a lathe where he is now engaged ,n ' wecTteng,
I you about it 1 runs as possible to his.' opponents, the cos' will come a t..f r hien. P w 1 ma c. over tL attendance, including a ntttnber of this This 'is .his first school, but etre have
y. accomplished his desire P " o a paired of bread, for reef loss incurred sutnmcr vfsitctrs,� and flee .affair was no tlbtibt whatever a 't,
x; ; He not only c t l o ( u t t'iat: dill
New it is up to'yriz, � � but had the exquisite pleasure .of es- 13A'INb GONCX RT. • . . lin milling istmore than made lip in t,•ery. allele cnioycd, make good, y I - , baling. The baker ,urns tlot,r at l; .
H y 6 Sir, to ,come .here, if you' • ! tablishing a worlds record #vIxt . will , A large number of the visitors had Rev. Mr, Dickee. occtt ied - tete pulpit
,+ �' , '1lie following will be the program i three cents a pound into bread at two their annual " "Roast >> - . + 1 a
r, R !stand for sante time, namely giving to be iven til L 't . 1 c pts R st C Orn, )*east ail of St: Andrews church last Sttnclay. .
�, , W nto'Od, artistic, slilll sex leases':on balls, itittirr four men g by e .l ht e 1)y Dyke ,band r a patmct tvhitc he n.} ^ct .pretties liY elle beach sautlr of 'i h^
g harbor the Bliss BIaediiriald. c!ia Toronto rendered ,
' a x ,, ;and allowin six hits nettle' in all tilts` evening, wpatt�er permitting : the, fact that sL pound of (tour makes oilier rt Coin ,
>' , 1. fol Tailor.n g g " r, >r I g It ryas a very merry solei and tercet was a full chair ivititI
' . ' fourteen, runs in the one innings for Blarch, l,ttitc(1 I,mp}re• over a pound of tireacl'. 2rc therefore. , .
r 1 i. r c( g . . waltz, "At 'the Matinee." make:; • more than two cetr,ts •L outt.l gathering. Y , Mrs. Jaincs l� rrguson as organist
$1 � 1. Not the tailor while the del'fghted musicians, tt ,, P Mr. and :lies. William S}iai.,s of Needless to say, thl collgrc'gation err- .
;�ys<' Galgii, rlratind flee Circle." far his service to. =+:tnicty; while the Devil's Lake, North Dakota' iL' ,
you wait" and "tailor for The rest of the game was not so Serenade, "Cupids Charms," farmers receives nl 1 2•-8 cents. tcY vis- ja. (I the sermon •aud the music.
Dad, Blondine Gook was aroused front, " ,,. y it -Ing h}s'Urother, Mr. John ;�Fiarks' Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Armstrong
+s l6iarch, Flash Light," Now surely if there Is any cl}fferenc� of t7te Fliawns(nt I.fitr .
qw a so�i'g proposition•, but his slumbers in Centre field and led, to t)vezttrre, "12actLi C"elebration." in fhc t 't t ,. , and other old the: Goshen Line an:t Blr, and Alts. .
ii r.%, I the box wnere his peroxide loveliness „ „ .t,l• i and cost Of production, it friends in the township and Ila field. Ed. I3o •Oc of tire. IIr wnson . vi,
, such Tailoring as you ll 1Viarch Clear}t>t race flare Ben ITur is <m ter. side of the farmer. Yet Ito y 5. o r,ttte �-
s% h; ., so dazzled the Jaxonites that tl>,•ay. -,. Airs. Sparks; wets Miss Ida Morgan, a Steel it tltc tillage the forepart, of rho
I.,.; , Y Intermezzo, ,'City Swcl}s." (only receives ] 2 •i cents lot seed, dee-time resident Of aur cilliL r itiir. tviceTt.,r g •
y,. be,proud to enearA were unable to see the ilriall at ail.. March, "AmcriciLre i4lusfaian." sowln g '
g,,. harvesting threshing and mar- .
r� ( A� <1,tuarty Jackson the, eminent finan- „ + , „ send Mrs, Spai"lts tvetit to I)akctta a One of our visitors w^,,: an ;ltttrtcray.
Y�' Clue1$.OD black and I ; r ' , _ Sacred I otpouri, lepting vtttlle tli. ,ba.ltei tocaitts inure scare or sa years a .
IC a and amateur Thes ian from `l,oL 3 go. + displaying a reittarkably slat, stl=nr of
y< p Brarclx, :'Gallant f3taC6 Watcli, than, two cents for his laUOr, fuel, ?4ir. and .Mrs. (haute Syiiicincls of black bass which lie: Said he eau iti; teff'
blue Serge Suit is a win. . onto, took � up the . burden far his A2edlr:y, I'Atary's Iaarnb,'•' yeast, sugar and other ingre(t}rats Ggcierfan, M s.Chaili mon
t s: ,> namesakes and
I3atttt the tier. There were ten in ' ,.
Ler, pitched gilt�e:dgt+d ball :, «, t by , t • , <:11
r < March, Ola a fhb c, autsidO of the flour. Does not the and Miss Batin of Memp}tis, '
�, Tenet., running from a oncl size u r to on(_
considering Ire bas been put Of the "God Save the. I{inp." farmer receive tact small .a share, and were guests of bit•. and ,g g 1
:- SCtlt3l!'I.�d>i0 $3bU6 gantp far ttvo years, BC -roar accidents t; n hits: John neighing three pounds, nine Ounces.
were numerous. The Boy with tho Yate halter tact large d share. of elle V4'hirldon on luncitLY• I Mrs. Italnll ,Sk-venson of the Parr,
Overcoats $15 to $35 Auburn Hair and Thoney Clonliff both Personal. 11w, cents• which the Toronto consum Miss Tena MacKeller cif i)etrort, Is Lille, -Ind :hiss Voll of Stafia were vis-
1. or a s .?�-1Vt'eicl .Sun, ,
lead their salary boolts: damaged and . Miss Lepra Andrews Is t }y}t}ns; in ° IT y Y the g, t of ;4lfss I. afo Green. '
- � • � Ittng lSapfrtil friends icer it •fray flays
"w ( Mfg, hired
Trousers 3„�U to x.50 � are now drawing accident . trtsusanae � Gpdet•ti;tr• '” a st .y car Srafcirth was tete ; tltry past week,
and wet goods at their surnmer resi- Mrs. Frank Arscott•,, and b.t.r two chit , g � of zees, •t?. Tippet eters week, 'I
Miss Froward of Guelph is a guest.
�dences: IrapzclsctnrC Harold It"reml7rt (tr(n,.ltastcr Earl .ince ilTiss Is'na, of ' deweVQrtYs111entS r. rhe a.ppil, crop looks' well along, the at t1r, ,Itlhn Ferguson's.
tt f9 tried to remove Alexander the Great- , lake. sbore. tleough eve have heard $aid) A wedding • took place at Wlartbr�
A Square Desio�ver� Near London ,ere tflsitmg Clintonf'1'ttttfriends. Removal Sale 'Io�ers s that •
rfrom second base with his noses and Mr. Ted, Sav:idle was tin Middlesex ►Holt- lVe're petrel ---M. �k C.»�-1 saner. of tltc beg ,rllyels - ,on AVoldirrsday cif this 1,006Tc ' which.
is now feeling all puffed a about it-, School—Fair's-9y claiming that the stuck some nt,teS,will interest reit:ters of Tho News- .
-°""- `°" r week 'b4ing ttp!ples< There are tow Going to back is much superior. ppr 'Iti'cord, the contracting Iltie, parties Treito
,��' mire .next game will iSkclp be played' lwtter• judges of the fruit than thoi.The 'Readers Ready -•Cooper's -a-•4
S -H & on the Catering Saturday afternoon. sante Tett. I 'There arc iwt'lve cottages in wast-JRliss Afar X. I3eatt}o rlau Inter of .
Titnoth Seed -W, G. Smytlr5 Y g
Jacksons won the s rip series and y ttri son, Ci and they
flu addition of five, the:; Air, .Samuel I3 1,1,. of that lot he
spring l4l'r.t and Mrs, ,l�'turps fritle'n, l)e�tro}•i, 1Iause for: Sa,1c-'Geo. >;iOtigens-�tl srasein, and they leave been so well. � • ,1 ,• • ,
as the Dobortys h%v' 'e started out Mrs. Ober and her two sons,, ,Peters» You'll Have Tinrt-41ell ar's-- repel 17Ct ..l Alfred I,. 1,1,rwin, enc Ot the
J a Y 1 patronized that Rev. Mr. Davltlson mast popular stun nt!* rile this place..
Sucetzs3t >r"s to bd e l ><a> � Clothirt Stb re ' with a ruin Sit, the fall series tee's re- Mere, and Mrs. ,lames AValkpr, God- Spect,•tl Prices-�•Plamsteel Dros.- 4 young
maining games ,should, be, very inter•+ erieb have, ernguestsf %S, fnap })rrtld still more tor uex't st:tson. Arfss R,thele Valeoner of Coderfch: i.V .
.. �estin . h 0 C. C, 1. (Opening -The Principal -8 They have provedt to be a good in- (,
ty John Walker the past week. sltendtng a week tinder; the parentoi
o ,We Want Grain�•Pord & McLeod- l vestment, roof. I. x . L , . ,
.. ., .. .. .. . - .. _- Ai