HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-08-19, Page 8n
° ♦ o
The News From Aubuirm
The contract for gravelling the road f Mr. Chas. Rgt<P ttrrou of Waltou spent
to the station was le't- Tutisday night SunlUy' ,tet Lis Nellie here,
to Mr. Dane Lockart at 39•ja.;,per irbc btiscUll match . ,ere last Satur.. nn }
critic yard, . Ila.will be aSsisti:d ky day evertuK between the Auburni aid;Hut Weloes Is, Hoop
s neral other, farmers Pard tl;� road the Saltford teams resulted iu, a tic- ,
WAI be completed in timo --for the5fallttory for tete visitors by a s,Cisre o£ ,
tgming, :11r•6: In the:aecoiad iWugs our exA*I—
lairs. Neilsgn of 11lilverton,vvithRua. lleut,catcber, J. Tuberville, iiad le When, if yolal >l>rBR CotlO
sell and Jessie is visiting oxd fxiCnds thumb'.put out of .joint and split open but of doorb, SOLI should
in our burg, by a ball .off the teat and although he
Mr, Will. lIelwi ,was still able to. play but tha fest in a
g hnd Mr. Thompsozi team mere Taut to a great d;isadvau
o1 Lucknow spent Sunday at, the Cage 'by the ehalige in places. Our
t4kineir's old: Koine. pitcher, Billy Macdonald, niada domeRA RA, R flit
;ftr barber, lir, J, ii, •Short,. has: a6 the Saltford•-Goderich players
V^ .
M4104 NllW44000r
August 19th, i ►
Iur.OAugust Sale .Still
xnoym his. parlor to the rooms over der at the size of the bole In their
I -I'. Knox's harness shop, , Y - .. rbats and! held the game to, a, tie at
on Monday or any other
day we will lie
and inspect our, stock of Japanese goods;
-Xr, ted Xrs. IV. Sturdy of Parry 1,the finish of the, ninth innings. In the
oan'd district are v'lsft ng theYr relay tenth tn�'n)ngs. Saltford made two, and
�'lley will not reduce
what will pleiase you and our•, .prices .,are '
During t
g he 1tlkipnth of August wig are putting the l�enll0 Into aril summer lines, We. must
y out. The return match will
t�11tr. a� Mrs. W>#t� Sturdy Trout be played at Point Faxen in abort two
our purse as
� F much as
leaYe`rOOCn for the New Fall gQOdS,
y weeks time •baut theo"te to not axed
CrQek, Muslmtea, axe visiting their
our temperature,
y It
v IiNN 00VV111N1IVV__/ AA
This will be the store to buy your summer req,uit',stnents fl otn n4�w until the 1st Sept„ it
will do It.
relatives near yet.
Mr..T', E. Robertson left on Monday Fletcher, Baugli, principal of Delhi
to attend. a training school at Silvet Public school, spent several days last
We, have. them!
Ornam Serviceable
Space will not permit advertising ,all lines marked: do%vn. Come in and'see what this
13ay, New Rork State, preparatory to week wcth old friends here,
Sale means to you.
pterin ;;Von Y. M. O. A, work. i ler. W. Pierce of Morris; visited at
and 'Comfortable.
h the .home of his uncle, Mr. A. Atiqufth,
'Our school reopened on Monday A
last week,
Stteetings Cotters, Towelli»� $ Table Linens Flanneletos, Prints,
With .Dxx'. A. F. Jahns is the Sr, lily-
inion ainl. Miss C. B. Ferguson in the
Jr, Division. ��
Wo 0. FAIR 0Q
Sattens, Ducks, Dress Goods etc,,,
k , , ar ,etc., at about half price.
Vohn Mcvi'car of crit was killed on`
The young. people's society had the electric railway.
charge of the prayer meeting on, Tues,
day evening at the Baptist oliurch. The stearuer Gtlengarry struck the
Oftt31r1 Cheapi�st---A1WaYS' the RQSt
Pure Table Linen wide width, bleached or unbleached, reg. 60c
Table L1T%P.1nqf
W16 tk it h hrid a at T. chine d
e paor will preac next. Sundgy, a 8 r a an San ,
Subject, " libme things a blind man. The opening of the Cobourg morse
saw, Show was very successful,'
•I'Thp %OR 9nd 11114 um, P1 M
or 2.c, reg, f0c #or 690, reg, 51.00 for 85c, reg. $Lz5 for $I.0(), 1
Ladles' Straw Hats 25c
Whitewear Below 5r0 and 60c' Dress Goods
First Cost.
About twenty Ladies Ready-to-wear Straw burfng Augustwe have marked clown
Hats, some vezy natty styles in the lot, . Be- nn 500 yards 1Vao1 Dress Goads iii plain
Mrs. W. Jn, Ross is spending s few gular Prices I,vere $1,25 up to $400. Clearing at . Z the balance of cru• vvhitetvear stock- inehitl- cashmere, plaids,, fans lustres and e
ing White Lawn and Ditch waists, 'White tweeds, in browns, blues, •cera, reds
days at Colborne, Petticoats, Corset Covers, Drawers, etc„ etc, Without doubt this is he greatest
Mrs. W.. Cooper visited' Mrs, W. 'Young at unheard of prices, which is a secret but
bargain in dress goods we ever offered.
S. C. FZathwell Sloes. - C. I-loare, music • $ $l�25 Sateen indelrsl�lrts 98c a visit to crit sture,vill tell you alt
of Goderich. the past week, y Regular and 0, e c 2
Mrs. 1vi11,°Marshall of Montreal is the ,
come a ul r 50e 1 Coe, lines to sear at el
guest of Mtn. W. R Counter. Ladles extra quality Black Sateen Underskirts
• IiZfss . E. Stevens is visiting her xis- nice glossy finish, two rows of frilling and w4endth Cloves
Special Bargains til dust frill, all sizes: Besnier $1.2i► fo}� .9 8 Faneg Dress Muslins, !9c
n b4
L' g Sheet �JSJC , ter„Mrs, Israel Taylor of Landon.
Dir, D, S. Cook has• been upon the.
Summer Shoes sick list fqr some days of the past Out go the Balance of our .stock of Ladies Elbow -length o 1 u 1-
- alllGloves, . R q a
fly, all sites, in brae and white. Regular
. week. 30c and 63c Lawn. Waists 39c Fancy Dress Diu§lira at prices never': be- 25c aucl 35 to clear at .. , .. , . , ..'. , , , .19 .
We have several lines' of sura- E have ai Way's 'elf Mr, and Mrs. J. Euimerton visited foie `heard of, hundreds of yards of slain -
mer shoes we wish to clean out Mrs. ty dress Muslins, all the year's designs at `
during. July and August in' or- deavored to .keep our Mrs..
Alfred �.ustin of Varna on Ladies white Lawn Waists, open front, neat g r
Sheet Music Department ! es ay deli, zfdreulons prices; but ant they }Host go . E1bowV Lien th LUV
der to. do so quicklywe Have out p • gns and gpod unlit white lawn all sizes if price will do it. We don't note a - it Cloves
theder prices do deep. A9[x, and Mrs. C. Hoare visited at De- Regular.50e for ,3 9 rice �
supplied with the latest pried, have to conte and see for your- 39C.
Ladies' Pali alepr c regu= ply . / troit and 'Port Huron from Saturday self, Don't miss this bargain, .
lar $2.70, salepriCe I.�Q popular Songs and In- until Tuesday, Tactics fine lisle, thread Gloves, elbow
Ladies' Strap Sli9ppers reg- strumelltals try us when Mr, Peter Lamont , length, in white, Drown, bldek, grey and' .
molar $1.35 and 1.40%r 0.0.Cb , 7..urich - Reese of T 23 Lawn Waists 98c � tan, all sizes. Regular 50c an 75a to
Ha and Warden of Horan Children S ' • c ea
Ladies' Pat. Bluchers reg in need _of' aII titin in y was . sn Sa 1 a
ular $3.00, sale price 9:25, y i town on. Tuesday. . Ladies white Lawn 'Waists, daintily trimmed _ n .
h or and. x. t 39
Ladies' Pat. Bluchers, reg- 8ileet iilUSle. , , Miss Ediia' Wasmin. bas`• returned home with lace and embroidery, three-quarter and nQQ Line Hats.
ular $4, sale rice 3,99 hong sleeves, Regular $1.25 for r+/ V � Elbow, -length. Silk
p a, ter a irigntlz's. ' t isit in Wingham,
Boys' KidBluchers, regular Bluevale and Brussels, '
$2, sale price I.a0 t` Children's Fancy straw hats with Gloves: 59G
Ne'vaeomi?e Pianos Miss Mabel Kerr, nurse in the eye and � Fatine helicis children's Linen incl Wash
ear hospital New York Cit $!•25 Ladies” Parasols 98c ' y ' Ladies -pure silk elbow -length gloves in .
Several other lines at 1'3argein1 ' and Sherlock cit man- ; scene for her + y, is #tats, The balance. of this year's buying, t�tack, white and to al s'
E e holidays; Ladies Black Parasols regular, .40c. Lind lac for .3:g• . n, l sizes,.
Prices. ni'ng Pianos pend Organs $ Mrs.:John Jolinston, Ratter r bone handles. Regular 1'd�etoa , nttitutt.al' iincl po $1 elearii?g at ,a$
bu y' St.. $ for
TRY US FOR REPAIRING. �lway:S In Stock. and little ,Miss Isabel; visited'•owcrz
Sound friends last week: �
Mrs.. John, Patterson and Miss. Mabel
8, C. RA TH�I'ELL c•: HEAR � of Wroxctex . were guests of. Mrs,
David SEeep on Saturday,
�. Mr= Prod. Forrester of tine G: T. .P '
THE PLACE WHERE. YOUR QQUAR."ALWYS 'tIOES ITS DUTY. freight :offices;. 'Black ,Rock, New
York, Statc, is home on.a' visit.
i���v�,•v�r��►.�✓�r��,��.;w:�.•s.��r.�►•�►.^•►�•��►� Rev. V.
G. Leans, '1!'[rs, Evans- • and
family -of Redford 112" h �'
When in town-
on Monday or any other
day we will lie
P leased to liaeeyou.calla
and inspect our, stock of Japanese goods;
watches, rings, `
jewelery, etc,. We have -
what will pleiase you and our•, .prices .,are '
• � '
Jeweler and Engraver.. :.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
v IiNN 00VV111N1IVV__/ AA
�• /►•••�H••••• NrH�i�NwN�i►ifi�N;i�►N+►•+►��srii► -.
J B. Hoover Nelson Bab
A iee •
Rimished. I
de eDds not so fnuch on the t;><lone spent
� p y as where the
ft rniture, is bought,
See Our ]faintBeds'. ts,
especially suitable for: tc young lady's room. The
artistic bedsteads, the beautiful coverings, make
them a ream
d and. a
maker' of pleasant dreams as
well. Take a look at them iiia you .admire the •pretty.
that is not expensive.
Hoov''er B, 11
+NI�►i��1D+Ni' i��1r►�1l�tf+►ll�/IliN��ii�isr
is guests , /_. _..J -�� 1
of the former's brother, I)r: Evans.
Miss 11Tinnie Kitty left on k'rxdapr� to
where she has assumed
charge of the school for the ensuing
year. •�lil'N%•"�%,e� _ ,
Miss Mary Cluff left on Saturday for
g,near l3amfltori, -where she .
has engage$ as teacher dor the coni
Ing year. -
Registrar Coats, Go'derich and "Bald -
Of Personal: Me
intion TIme News From,. Londe' sboro
sic' Wheatley, Flint; Mich.; regGster t
ed at the Batterbury. House on Fri' .
d+ay Iasi. Miss Haggins qf' R-ocktivood" is the Miss Kate Mccoar:t i . no a �
S w teachin4 51r. 1.. Noble'. oi,Toronto spent a. Miss- AL' Phillips .left -to take charge
Misses Bella and ,Gladys. Draper , re- guest of Mrs. J, •G, Medd. ati Si:. Joseph. -` : .
turned . Saturday from a . mont7i's .Mr: T, Tr whfll ( few days . at the home cal 112r. lalisha l of her, work- at .13ridgen and Mr. E..
o railway telegraph` Mr. Jas: MaligAy leavestoday. fox McVittie. He returned •homer 'on ac- Lyon has gone to Sykeston to resume
vilsit with. St,. Catharines and Strat!- operator, is visiting his -parents in Moose Jaw, Sask. ` count of the death of a friend. ' .' his duties there.
ford• fur nds.. `'town I Mrs.. Thos, Scott, wino has been' ill
Mrs. D. Cool: Sr. returned home Sat- `Mrs. CViii, Marshall and son, London,: The roadmaster of the Guelph Mr: J:"F..'Wasman, anti 'Miss Nettiel are guests of Mrs. Searle. for the past' few weeks, is,' we ..arer p and
urday after a couple of �venics' visit .1'vasinan visited Hitibert.friends leased to ter little . I Cloderich. branch of the C. P. R. was;
nvith Wends in the Nile and Dunean�' on Mrs. H. B. Combe and family.. return- p learn, rr t bc°ttcr. in the village' on ilTondap of this �veck
non .district.. Sunday, ed Friday from visiting: in Stratford,, Mrs, McVittie is improving slowly.:
• � �(on'business,
Mr.:.Alfa Rance has returned to' Tor Misses Grace and Nellie Guff,_ Joseph Revd sand : Mrs.•Hu ter of u i ' ' School Opened: of this week.
street' have, been.. holida in in Ba T ppery lie p yAfr. Samuel. Woodman is hrvin ...his:
onto, after spending•a pleasant two y g v are..guests at the Otst. St, parson- frir.'Hogg of Brttsseis is employed as�,
weeks' visii with his, brother, Seld the past• week, house re -shin led..
age, principal of tio:. 8 fqr the Cnsuiirg g
, • Mr, C: C, Rance - Mr.. T. Jackson Jr. - was in - New: Mrs. Gardner . 'Sr• has returned from year.; _ Mr. Robt, Smith :also re -shingled?
Mr. W. Jackson goes to. 13uffalo . to Yank, the past week loo"in9 up new a visit • to her son Robert ' . No..' 7 school not ei+n�
finished`i part of his rooF. '
morrow to attend a, meeting. of the y b in Harnil-t b_
styles and nsw ideas for the Lion' • • � Miss: 7✓11a Webb of Seaforth is risitr ,
g ton. � .:. school will not commence until Mon-.,
executive of the Canadian ticket: Brand, Mr. and Min. James. 1Vlafr have re- day next• ing her sister, Mm.' J.. Shrobbrook:'.
Sellers' Association, •Dr. Robertson, Mrs: 'Robsrtsoil,_ Dr, turned„from a visit to friends in At Tire trustees of S. N , Fred. Webber and lit Giblss .le£t.
Mrs. James Dunford anid Miss Cleta R14fo.ertson:J,r. and 112x. 9wen.' Strat- bexta, w. lice u a s. 0 have.
Tharsday a.. m.= for the west: .
are fn .camp at Bur1<'s. for. a .week ' ford, .were' nests at 17r: Mx._. h;r n ri ble to secure a ieaelier for,
ten cas the u g . Shaw's on iee Reynolds• left on Saturday the year, consequently school will not' Mr. James. Campbell,. our municipal
days.e g ests of . Mr. Sunday. for Biackitorse where he i5 teach, open for the present. Clerk, ; accompanied by' Airs. Campbell,
and Mrs. J,, W; Macre. Mrs. John .J” Ward and 11irs. Geon..e 1 school: 14Ti,ss Tlueston returned to take .attended the funeral• of the late Nixon.
1V I.
I• Coo r
has. M C' � M
� a = e n car Mrs. G
be at to f• " ae left.
McCartney o Woodstock are visit- g n e t yesterday''ta visit Charge of the Junior room at S. $,iSturdy of Ggderieh township out Surr
.the Gunn Hospital for a -few, weeps, Ing at the •parental home, Chief anal her son,. Mr. Joseph: O'Donaghtie of No.' 8. day.
is expected to be able to -return -to Mrs. Joseph, Wleatley,'s: Mrs, Ward
her home in Blyth this • week: is accompanied. by her little son, Mrs, R, A. Dawns returned Tome ; .
Miss myrtle Sparlin ' roturned home ' Master Douglas. j Afonday. from' visiting 'Toronto'
' I friends. I. .
Saturday from a visit to her boric Mr. Walter Jackson of Brantford and
at Cranbroolc and has resumed her Mr. Arthur Jackson of Chicago have
M.i.ss ...Idti Wilkin, st
cographer for
duties at:Mstore. returned to their respectivo tomos Jackson Mfg, Co. ;s tal.rug her[
' Mr. John Turbr.v
iiier catcher
- _ -and
is -da 'Air..Chris, 0iBrienmother
_Alexaiider`-rdbiriie h6ae after --spending-•&•pleasant -holidayh litheubrn baseball team, has hister -of Tuckersmithvisited on oSat UrdaY.afteraweetrsab enCeatrv sitmgtheirpaxC parental it✓ to t o.,_sctrely ht t.Satu v7th.tron•-on Sunday. _mc h eard, Yettrre
- -
tehdin� the .Oddfcllows'. Grand Lodge camping with their. $rother Fred. T. Blyth 'Monday after visiting at Vir, by be(ng It with the hall. It. will - While going. to Londesboro on Sun- - M~
as ,the representati�,�e of the Clinton at, Burk's ori the lake shore.. W Brydon. s, rewire nursing for:.a.few clays. day evening, Mr; 1'Vm. Hugilt of Con-
Three-Linhers,. 31ir., and Mrs'. J. Rattenfour Mrs, Wm. Y•ucas and her. sister, Miss Mr. Wrn..ititey of Londes'b'oro moved�stvace. had the ntishap to break down
y and'%'IS$ . Hazel Cook, of Flint,'Mich,, are and raised .Sam. Dacr's ' hair, on Via' fetiv miles from bonne. As it trap -
Mr; W; C. Brown of Woodstock eek, has Dorothy anti Mr. and Mrs. 'Fred, Visiting
!'�c+en in town the past week, Mr. Sw4obank took -a drivin tris ono, Dat Chief 13�lieatley s. Thursday and N`rfday of last week, pened M was onty. driving slowly,.
Brown is a partner in tho• firm of day last g 1 'Mrs• (Dr.) Thompson, bier sons•, Char Public school No, 5.opened on Mo when the front Axle craelced allowing;
tycek which included lunch I ge and Fred:, and little daughter d to drop down in fire iron,
'i'orrr &Brown and is an energetic with Jonathan Mister, rho little icy: with Mr.. A. F. Johns as prfnci• the buggy
left today to visit friends in St. +
and.,suceessful'business man. landlord of the Carlow house, and Marys and CSranton pat and Miss Cora Ferguson as as- or he might otherwise have met with ,
NTv�G(eo,gC C. Sellery paid a short dinner with the• genial Lindy Porter y sistant, Ia serious accident.
tc ,his :sister, ZYIrs: rt " T, Coop- of the Hotel Sunset,. Goderfclr.. , Mr, and Mrs. Thos, iyiseman, after English services vviti be held in the The •recent rain is of a -great bene -
Cr last week,' Mr' Sellery is; Profes- Mr. W. McLeod, a former leader of visiting at Mr, John Wiscman's for Evangelical church next Sunday at_
fit to the • flax pullers as the ground
.sor of +'uronean History -lint the Un. the Cit} ens' bard, but now district six woks, left for tlicir home in tcpntion, at 2 o'clock. iwas very dry, making the pulling very
. New, York w Ya t ,
Ci yesterday, •,
iversity of 1'Visconsfii, D2�ad•ison. manager for the Northern 'Life In- y y d` y" i Mr. Edward J. Tighe, left on Satur- hard and siovv, ,
Misses Ircne and Clive 13roaks of surance Company, London, was in RTengaged
a' ecAi Stinson of 1larristory has day fqr Hancott, where he has . been l S. S= S. No..2 opened on Monday
Mitchell, who have been visitin town a few 'days of this week, as $ g w Messrs. Tozer engaged as teacher. after the holidays with Miss T, Lamb=
their grandpareir•ts, Mr, anti Mrs g Brown as head of their dress goods Tho 'targe Culvert on ttie+ 4th cora, as teacher, .
the nest of 117x" R. A. Downs, department. Mr. and Mrs. Stinson
Win. Cantelo,n, have",gone tot 1lensaiG Mr, W. Glenn Campbell, accompanied Have tsikMt roomy at s' , Inas been re -floored. Mr. John Sharjah -1 Urs, Peter^ Walker, who has been
to visit their uncle, Mr. D= A. Can- by Mrs. +Camltyell and son, Gordon, ridge's. s Mog-'an doing the work, very sick, is on the mend.
telon. left on Tuesday for Aylmer where. The followlwg lett Clinton for thcl.Ivestr
Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Foster of pigeon, they will spend part of the vacation, this morning being driven from here Constance
At the home of Mr. Campbell's to Blyth from which th,sy go tthrough!
Mich., wire spent 'tine forepart of � � Vr `�, nst ance Concerns.
last week on a visit with his sls- mother. Afrs'air will �ofiiclato 'as to WinblpFg° without change. They
ter, Mrs. will. 14100, 1114.9, le,Ft to vis -organist In WillisClchurch, during the were ticketed fhroggh by Mr. Wy It friends at Varna, Bayfield atad absence of Mr: Campbell.. Jackson who saw them ;off at Blyth, Mrs. Wm. Moore and children of Miss Jennie Love left for Walibn oil,
, Mr, C.
, y
L C Fleming, h
mn Ca.
county s Chawc.Toronto_
g, u y soeratarq n to 1:3artrrey, Jas. err guests- of the farmers Saturday where she will stay with. „r;nyr
Mr. John Mooney of -near London, was, of the Y. M. C. ;A„ left on Tuesday Snell Jr. to Dauphin, A. Livermore sister,= Mrs" Ada Nicholson. her parents till Thursday. when shot
In town for a Jew days last week for Sliver play on ILake Geodge, Now . to Saskatoon, H, h'IANT to Areola, I Mr. Robt, McMillan arrived' here on goes W#st.
as the guest of Mr. Joe Pattont�ury, 'York State, where be will for a Mrs. D. Connell to Winnipeg, .Yi, Priday ixom the Nest.
y Clinton g Steep to Indian Hr. p"
Mr. Moore camp to (,Linton about fortrrl� ht attcnd.,a reatyll, M. i:,, A. . ad, Mr. at►d Mrs. I Mrs" Latimer and Mr. ll. Snell s wnt
1862 ' or ctarller and 'rcmaineld here training schocsi.. workers from all lean, Gllddon to Y•ctlowgrass, Mr. Sunday in Blyth visiting friends 1ACTIONS RSPLAIs . 1�O DI�,1t f 11tituntil thirty years. Folz g�ome titae parts of tine'U, S. and a numy'�r from and Mts, 'T, McCartney; to Hilton, 'there, .. WC)1ti15. H T):
hieconductedt fii e of WatesCanad avi
Will be present to receive Mahafy to Moonet wrJ.hemp-r
lts, h.TAda
eps very ry poor:
on the site of tho preseat,IC#rA-v Instruction In the various branch say to wilowgrass, It. Jenkins to ly now, The;Sunday-sellool class was sineft
Bain House and afterwards engaged es, Mr. Plenting will confine himself Hardisty, W. Smith to Arden, J.1 school re-apenAd on Monday with a. "1 want to be ail angel." ,,Why don't.
In the cattle business, being almost largely to county work. Last year Parlaer to 130issevain, J, W. Crieh very fair attmdonee. � you sing louder, Dobby I" 1'1.+tit sing-
n Ii e
" .
one of tins.. r ` ''n, trade, o h ailed the list in
otieC s i that 'era r~ the h to H a J
Id e. rains acid: ew rd, J. Ilonaldson td,' 1*ortago Miss $ertha Armstrong of Brussels ing as loud as 1. feel, cxplainetf
He is Carrying his increasing years Wo expect to hear to hear of hiri'3 la Prairie, J, Arnold to 13irandon Is. at present visiting her friend, Miss Bobby.—Tho Delineator for Seutem-
easily. doing the. sante this season. wed W. Thompson to Sasltatoon, Annie Lawson. iter.