HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-08-19, Page 7�ilxwt 19w 1909 Q. D. Xe7,TA,QGA,RT X., , P. XOTAQGART Mauggetrt Bros � ­1MXXBR-q­' � N � n � C11mon News-Reeard I .A GENERAL MANKING UU151- H "N ­ . 1%wormm"', . �� 1011111111FINIMNIP W � I NESS TRXNSACTED. IMES I . . - ' . . I - -_-.... . - * . td lCiii6menfelle'waii VIr iirid Geilde , - I � - - -rb� man be *44dresse4 m4de no an, I DISCOUNTED. DRAFT$ 16SVED . I CLINTON. . the prostrate form, a spasm. of 4read . ower. His eyes were on the oth .erg In- . . INTEREST ALLOWED ON I>E- Northern Navigation clutching, at her threat at sight 6f tile , dustrio us and bewildered. ' I "I Pauttless Cuisine . . j From a cranny in the clay chinked, nerveless limbs . I , , tile chalky Ila Ilor of "I hear4 o4out.the row," went on . . p O$ITS, SALE NOT14S PUIRCH- 4 . . Coo the brow, the fever spotp, to the Cheeks, Prendergast. "They didn't think it . . . . � A wave of pity swept over her. He , was in you. and neither did 1.11 tie . 'ASIEW - - - - - - - - - - � ` . Grand Trunk Route. was III and alone. He could not be left there, He must have shelter. ' $lie looked at him curmingly. "Neither did ,Nj , oreati, ell, eiij yo -Wre a clever one, � I looked tearfully about her. What could to Q 0 V Hugh, but' the lost e I r. racket � ___ __. _ � ..._ .. . .._ , ,. I I I . I , lutolor� she do? In that town, whose rou In anythill" YOU, woWt stand , , - � M. T. RANCE. - , - . i �.S U on MMER unce and dislike, she, had seen so ac. tively ilemoustrated4 was there no-one hada't Any call: to get scared`lb the first place. ( don*t tell 411 1 know.#' � . . NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY' I . . � who would . care for him? She turned He shoved the candle nearer on the AN -0431 FINANVIAL, REAL, . I � INSUR- .TOURS . . the GREAT LAKES her head, listening to a nearing sotilid- � table, "There's it queer look In your . ESTATE AND FIRE. f, , ' _ � I � footsteps were plod,illug up the road. face, Hugh!" be suld. with a Onto , lay ftV' ANCE AGENT. REPnESEN- r . . . 11 . fShe called, and . I atteuipt.At kindness., OTbat rock they a TING 14 FIRE INSURANyr, . 1. I . I � PresentlY a Pe- t4rew must bare hurt You. Peel isort I COMPANIES. % I � A Fresh Water Sea.Voyage. "It �� . . destrian emerg- of dizzy, ell? Never mind, I'll .show .. ed from tile halt 'you DIVISION COURT OFFICS, . �. I . � . . I / it. sight for sore eyes, Youwentotr �� . dark and came Without your,share of the last swu . 9. . I CLINTON. . Palatial Steamships I I I .. . I .1 . toward' her. , but I've saved It for you. Prendergast . I . . � I . $uperbS;enqry . . � voulda,t Cheat a pall,, � r � He bent over I 116 .1. . I I I-_ ... I "I Pauttless Cuisine . . j From a cranny in the clay chinked, . I I , . . � . � W., BRYDONE, . . . I Moderate Charges . .� showed him, I wall he took a chamois skin bag.. It . "It's $tlres," _11 . � . I contained a quantity of gold dust and I .� . BARRISTER, SOLICITOR . 1 . . 0, . Ile Said With small nuggets. which he poured Into 41 j�OTARY, PUBLIC4 IKTC- � - . I . � . I a chuckle. it miner's scales on thei table and, pro. - heard he'd come . . , . Ideal Summer Outiags on %be Great � I . .1 . ceeded to divide In two'llortions. This I e OvIrlm'-sloane 131re-k-01 INTQX-- Lakes, Georgian. Bay,, or aniong tbie .. / . Accomplished, be emptied one of the . . I . . Thirty Thousand Islands. I ,� I-- I kle turned to A portions on to a paper and pushed It .01 :,�%k ; 41 I . I I . . I ;;!� .. cough, and he ouL 1, -1 7 his bead. "Ttiatle CHARLES B. HALZ Tickets And information from all RY. shook Yours." he said. I I . . Agents. - "This is sad.' - Harry's eyes were on his with a Conveyane"19, f-010=Mi$sionefst . Z>1 You could never piercing intensity now, as th6ugli. they . � � I Real Est^te aud Insurance . . i -i. H. Gildersleeve 0. 14. Nicholson I believe how'], a I , 'It's Sttres," . looked .through him to a vast distance to Agency. Money t loan, - ­ .�. Ugr.1 Collingwood TrajucM,gr., Sarnia - have labored beyond. He was staring through a I * . . . with the boy, but" -he turned out III$ gray midst at something far off, b I ut OFFICE - - - HURON ST. . 11 I . . hands�llyou see, there Is the tempta- significant, that eluded his direct . ...... 0 tion, It Is his unhappy weakness." vision. The - board table, the Yellow. _. I 11 . . � - . I .., . I . . - Jessica remembered the yellow, Cold, the flickering candlelight, recall - . I DIRS. GUNN & XlDnAN� �. . I HOMESEEKERS1. E'XCURSIONS . .. smirky face now. She had passed him. 'ed something horrifying, In son.)e other . I . . I .. . TO on the day .Tom Felder had walked, ' world', in some. other life. millions -of I Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.C.P., L.�A.C.S., . I I , I � . . � . ;i;lth her from the Mountain. � Valley Ages ago- I � I 'and Edin� . , � I WESTERN CANADA . . fl-ouse, the lawyer. had told her he He lurched to his feet. overturning emace-Ontai-to street, . PI I litton.,'14ight Via CHICAGO and ST. PAUL, � . lived In the cabin just below the Knob, - the -table, The gold dust- rattled to, the where she so often, sat, She - felt al floor, . . � . . I I calls at frost door of Office ut fesi, . . . MINNEAPOLIS. or DULUTH. . ilulver. (if repulsion. ' I . � � "Your deall'! hii said. Then. with a . , deace, Rattmbury Street. I 1. � . � . . I . . . . "He is not Intoxicated," she said vaglid laugh, he fell sidewise upon the 1. I Dr. T. T. MoRaet, Ap'til 6-20, May, 4�18, June 1-1.5- coldly. "He Is,111, You know,him. . bunk. . I . I . . , . University of Toronto. ,. 29,, July 13-27, Aug.. 10-24, Sept. 7 k . .. . . .. � . then?" . . I rgast stared at him ' A ugust . Pren4er Office hours at hospital :- . : . , . I : . . _21..'. . I - . I 'IT,:now him!" he echoed and laugh- with a look of amazement on his .yet-' . I I to a p. in. ; I to 9 W. , � . . . . Ticket days.' - I bd-a dry, cackling laugh; "I ought to; low'face. "He's crazy as w chicketil" And � 1P, . I guess he knows me." He shook he said. . . . � . � . . � � I Winnipeg and .return $32,00.. - . the 1nort Arm. � "Get u , Migh!" he - He sat watching him, awhIle.'tbea' . . . p . . . � . , . ... . Edmonton and return $42.50. I . . I � . 'said. "it's Prendergastl" rose And kindled A fire on the unswept v. --DR. J. W. SHAW- . . . . Proportionate rates to other points. . I . . . � - There flashed through her mind the hearth. From a: litter of caus and . . I % I . . � I LOW RATES ' . . . phrase of the - surly; hotel keeper.. 04EII.. .,,dented utensils In . a corner he* 'pro-.. ' _OFFICE_ - . . . . . FOR SETTLERS ' side.paitner. Prendergast!" Could It`­"ceedod,tQ,, cook himself supper. after - . � . .. . . .. . .: . be? Had Hugh ,really lived in the cab- VvII10 he carefully brushed up the . I . RATTENBURY. ST. �MAST, � . . T I o certain . points in I SasIcatclieftri in ton I which she had go Often peered scattered gold dust And returned. It all � I � � 'And 'Its � . . . . . . . I . arid' - Alberta', ;.each Tuesday. during � down during those past weeks? to hiding place. ,Lastly be- rum. - , 'a --CLINTON.- . . March and April.' - , . . . ... . I with this chosen crony! � I- - . . .. waged oil a'abelf #.nd found' vial. � . . � . . . . . � I . .. . . . . . She, touched.Prendergast'is arm. "He This proved ,.to - be- empty, -tiowever.� . I . . I - . . , .' ' Full information. from - * - .. . Is III,.I -say.11 she repeAted. "He must and � tie set it on the table. I . I . DR. 0. W. . THOMPSON , ' , , - I - AHN R-ANSFORD, .Town A'gent. I be cared for,vLt 'once .Y6ur-cabliI.Is on "i guess you'll do" well enough with - . . I . � 41. . . . A. O� PATTISON, Do ot Agent, . the hillside, Isn't it? . , ' . I out, any pain Litter," be said to tilm- . . I . PHYSICIAN *AND SURGEON. . - . * �. , .p . . _ I ,111W cabin,!' .he Corrected.- "A rough. spIt ."Doctors are'expensive. Any, . . I , __ I . � ­ I I . , I place. b pt, It has sheltered as both.. I way, I'll be back by midnight." . . . .. . . . . .. I . . .. . * Ulpectal attention given to -diseases ' .tin but guide. philosopher and friend." He throw more wood on. the fire, - of the. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat__, .. The.111dillop fflutual Fite. .She bit. her lips, "Liff. lilm on'tily blew. out the Candle and., closing. the, � . . � -Ofrice and .Residence- . . . � I . . I � �. . . , . . 108mance : companu I . .. ; llorse," she'- said.. She sto%ed And put : door behind - him, got off down -, the. - . I tier .hands T46der the iwfiching -all . out- -trall to the t6wn,:'wfie,re -a flirp.bipik. . * � HURON ST. SOUTM'CLINTON:- . � I . . I . . . I . . I � ders* "I wIlir'llelp, . you, . I am , quite so,ori ac'quired:tha bill Jessica -bad gtv-o . . I 8 doors west of the Commercial hoteL, . . . . � ?.-Farm arid Isolated Town Property- . . . I strong.'f .. ' .. I . % .. I . . en -him. : ,- " :' . . . ,. .1 . . . . . . . � . .. . ' - -Only insured- . With her ald'he lifted the swaying . . . . ... . . 1. . . ' . ' . I I . . � . . . - I � . -OFFICERS - I . form oil to.the saddli dud supported I . . . . . . ­ � I ' � , . I � . . 1� -DR. F. A. AXON.- I . . . J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth P . . . . lt,while Jessleared the way. . .1 � # . ___ZL63,�., . "... - _4c . � .. ... . .11 . � I � . O.; Thos.- 'Fraser, Vice -Preside . nt- .. � ."Here Is the Cutoff." he said pr6s. .. � I. I I � . . I (Successor to Dr. Holmes.) � ,1 . l3rucefleld..P. 0, ; T.' E. Hays,. Sec.,, ently. , "A.h, you know It!" foi.s4e had . 1* I . . 11 � s I . . . . . ' Specialist in,Crown and Bridge. . . - . . Treasurer, Sealorth P. 0. � . I . turned in�to...the' side, path that led � � I " . 1. ­ ... Q;!6. .. .I. �­, . . .: . . work, * .. .. I � . s .1 _V_' . . .:� along.tbe hill, under .the geu,v. snake- 1. . . . I.. '. . * . I. Graduate of the Royal College. ol. . . . . , - - . -Direc . tors ­w �, .. . . like, flume, -the .shortest route to the 1 ... . . .; - i. . � - . . I- Dental Surgeons -of Ontario. 'Holaoi. ,'- William 'Sheshby,",, Seaf6rth ; Job . . . . . �, .. . -_ gras�y shelf. on, Which the cabin stood, - - , , . ., ­ I I.. .... . . I . � . � . I � . . graduate of University. of t - Iiront6 Grieve, Winthrop ;. George. Dale, Sea - � John ''John I . The b�way. was -steep aud.nigged, I � , I . �, . . . cImptelp 15 . , ' Dental Department. Graduate, -of the. .forth ," � �. Watt, .14arlool-pp; �.and. rh o . od.dendrou clumps caught . lit . � . . I. . I . ... . I � . . , . I 'sbe, Chicago College of Dental.'Surgery Benncwje�,.. Brodbagan ; James Eian . . heard a snake ,. . i ,:. ­ I I I ' her Ankles, and once . . - I Chicago. . I I .. � I . Beachwood ; James Connolly, , . I . slit) over the dry rustle or Leave& but - .: I . ' Will * be at the Commercial - hotA . ' .1 �.. . Holme2ville. I . - . T. Was , pitch dark when - she -went oil' rapidly, dragging at. the .. I � . . '-'no ' . Bayfleld, every Monday from 10.a. ra. ' .. . . I . I .' . , , -AGSNTS- .�. I . . . .. Aeaxeaehed the still - bridle. tuftil�g back w' And then: , '... Jess . . . � ' I 4� "r Iturinal,'thougli she went * to 5 P. m. . . I . . , . . . . I . � . R6bert Smith,. Harlock ; I.K. Min- , . . anxiously to.urge the h6rse .6 greater, _ �. speed. She" scarcely'lleard the offeii.: , .. like � a, whlrlwlnd..� the . I . . I . - chley, Seaforth , James Cumming� ' . . . I . . chill damp.smel-Fot the , sively. -boneyed complimepts. which . , � . . . . . . AUCTIONEER -JAMES SMITH L1. � Egmondville; J. W. Yeo� Hol . mes, , , . � , . I . . .. ., . . . Prendergast'offered to her cournge, . , dewy, balsams in her nos-: . � . I cerised - Auctioneer for the County �. Ville. � I � '.. . . Parties. desVous to.. effect insurance It seemed an -eternity they climbed. trils, the duAt rising ghostlike behind 'to reality' It i -as scarcely twenty. min- the rapid 'hoofs.. She fou'lld David of Huron. All orders. en . .trusted to . me will receive prompt attention. . or tiansact � other business *111 , be . I I . . -utes' before' they- roadbed the: gnissy., -Stires anxious and peevish over tier, I � . . . � . , late; I . Will sell either by percentage Or' -the promptly' attended to on applicatio.. to any of the above officers addressed knoll. and the cabin, whose* crazy cowfng; I ,�. I . swinging.door' sto'od',wide to the night she fe'It a relief when the old rbair per sale. Residence -on Bayfield Road, one mile south Clinton. to their respective postoffices. - Losse air. She tied the'llotse,. well . t i�a a . nd 'grew tired.. dud - wag 'wheeied . to., his' . I I . . of . inspected by the director* wh6 live, .. .. . � �, . . . a direction found . bedroom; .. � at Prendergast' .. I * . . . � I � . - 7 . . I . nearest the scene, matches and lit a candle. Th . 6 bare; . Left alone, her reflections -rciurned. . . - . I . . I t*o.room Intrior it. revealed 'Wag un. - She began to be ,tortured. She ' tried . I I . United States Subscribers I . . � I . . I I . . . . kempt and diso, ered. Rough bunks, .to read. Thb printed � �d charhotefs swam . - . . . . I . I . . . � . . . � I . a tnble� and a Couple of be%6 chairs beyond her c6topre.bensloh. ,.At length . . I I i . . i I ' . will please note that we have to 6 . d News -1 -cord wore,almost Its only. furniture. The she drew a hood over bet bead And . pay one cent p Gstaga on each pap-, nton, -11 '", I . , . NO . I on or window was broken -Akid.the roof ad; stole Out to tfiO wide P Ch.' .' . ' ' . . ' . . er going to tlip ,. United Statca; - ' I . i � . . CLINTON . __ ONT. * . mltb�d sun and rain. I .Prendergas t laid It was.only 6 o*cIocl;_und along the This means that , your subscrip- . . . . . � . I . � . � : I . . , � the man they -bad brought on one of gravel paths that Wound aniong, the . � , tion must be paid in advance. ' . . Terms of. I subscriptiour-41 .per, year :.in the banks and threw'over him a $hab.. . Wirubbery' a few dlin forms wine stroll. . � I 'Ing. When you -sea your- subscription ' � advance $1.50 , may -be charged if by blanket.. , ' . - . . I . I , She. Caught the scent. of' a- cigar I . expiring please reraft $1.50 for .. an- - 4 . ot so, paid. No paper discontinued �")Iy'dear .young lady." be said, "you � .and the sound.0t. a woman's laugh. other year so thai you -,will not until all,-aalears�are paid, unless at are a good Samaritan. How shall we The air was Crisp and brating, with � I miss ahy wipies of The NewS-4106- 'the opinion' of the liublisheir. Tim. thank you. my po6r ,friend here,and - * a promise of frost and paluted leaves. I .. . . sad, . . date to which every subs&iption-As � 1. . . . . . . I r . I ' � ' 'She gazed down, across the dark. � I � . . I . n ' ted on the label. - paid i s de o g ­ Jes,;Icn had. taken money from her ,ulclies toward the town. a straggling ' ' . . . I . I . , . I . parvick, pid now she, beld It out to design* pricked � In tillyiding yeilow � - - - a __r!!r11.! ... 7., ____ns=t!� . "ve rtisifig .- riL.t,es-T-rans,itAt,�---itdver�- olded Ill . -tilm.-.--!,,He..Mus.t.-havo.,,.a...4-mt. _r�o,,$bg points. flalfway botween, f . 0 _ ___­1h.1_1d..k__. . . . . ___ - � I- . , tisoments, 10 cents. per , nonpariel . . 'said. ..'Von must fetch one." - - '� . t o C. tit Cness. . le elf and- , , 104'a6 --gre n'sh . 80 V19AIRS' , - line for first insertion and. 3 cents ' - . The Yellow eyes fastened on the bill. the, cabin to which .tier thought ro- , . 'PERIIENCE , . . 11 per !!ne, for, each,!subsequent. inserte : ovoiT wtitle tits gesture protested. "Von curred with. a ,kind of compulsion. I . I . loti. Small advertisements not to 111,�oStlll ab=6 tue!i' he eicelalmod.' "And yet There was no tnoon. bui tile stars is for bill,.,, Ile, were glowhig-like tiny green.glit eoalq. . exceed one inch, such is . . you tire right., It - I � - I I . "Strayed,". or "Stolen," etti., in- . folded It and put It Into his pocket., and the yellow' road lay plain .an(I' � serted once for 85 cents and e�jdlj -Aa soon as I bare -built a tire I will ' Clear. WIth a suddvil�detpruiltnitlon I 'subsequent insertion 10 cents. , 0 will . no ille drew tier light eloak Closely about go foi- our local medleo. 1.1 . t I l TRADIC MAR19S . , - I -always come at the call of tho luck- heir, Atepped down, sped ncrm,44 . the I I DESIGNS , Communications intended for publioa- less tulner. A.11 are not so charitable grass to it footpath and so to the roqd' .000YRIGHTS&O, Anyone sending asketdit and de0criptlohm" tion must, As a guarantee of .g6od ati yotv� . . I I As she ran oil down the curvIng stretch � � � ' 4utokly alseertatn our o0inlon re6 whether an, invention f 10ja probabZfat 1141sliBif 1.x�knllnloa' tionastri 'o Patent a4% %0�p A .fAlth, be accompanied by the naiind, I . of t -lie writar. . I tinder the trees th Ile untied her borse And extended a ,,,at, e, Crackling sIll) (if - Ijoq 'Without big. bank paper lay In liol . orn &a6nado _ I jentiree., Ideat oncy for aecuriggetOntU taken t9roupli Munn X . � I � hand. but the Motinted - . . 000h. 1�he wits s6orned to burn hot ,,He Patenti; , . reoelve opwicittlat"wit'litoutchafte, lathe Sdelfiffe, 110101caL I . ­�_ . � W, J, MITCHELL, � lielp� will thank you one day. thIA friend of mine," he sald,-Ilfar bet- steallug away to gaze ,upon tit(-% unt. . . Cast 'Who had sMined Mid linnibled Ahandsomel7illuetmteilwookly Larg"betr. Motion of any soto Urtel. Terms for . FAitor and Proprietor. . . I . . �. � � t6r than I can do." .. . � "It Is not at -all becesoury to toil her -going. she know not why. with "IT I burning chook and hanmjcr0iv,, twoot. Mkd.. jt,75 a 790.=123) PrePAid. Sold by all news eak,m him." she replied frigidly, . -be stel, . She slIpped through tho ON, troll -to . MUNN �t C0.3"Brow"- NOW Yt* - I I . .11 I . . I . . . I 0:9!15 Are always to be helped In every Ch-- cumstance.11 I . the cibIn with it choking g(stwittion, Wavell 4v^dZV19t4w"hib,aon,n . . 1"111A 11 a I I'll] k, I LIEZZ1503 . Sho,gave her horse, the reln its (slid She stole it) the wit)(loW and Iwoved , � I I . In. I ill tile fleell-lit Alle ('011141 se(� the spoke dnd turned him. up the steep ' � I � � . -TIME ,TA13LE- path that climbed back of the cabin.. form. on the litink, to.481tig, and in.utter- .1 Ing. Otherwise the plaep wa.4 01111)"y. NIS" . � T,raing will a.rtIve, at And, depart . past The Itooll, arm so Ely it uarro-W Sbe lifted the latch softly And en - from' Clinton Station ag folio" trall to the mountain mad, tored. . ., . BUFFALO AND GODERICI-t DIV, August Prendergast otoW listening to the dulling hoof beats a moment ' - The strained ausloty of jossled's Going East . 7.35 A. M. CI I then r&-ontercd the cabin. Tho trian on IoOk rohlxod as aho gaYod oliont litse, She saw the on tho table, The . d4 :: I 3.07 P-tft� 06 bunk had lifted to a sitting POM- .vial doctor had been there. then. it lie Going ,,West .0,15-15 P, m. 11-07 a. m* tion. His eyei 6ra open, dazed and starlbg� ,�%vre in serlotiq case, fleendergaM 14 at I . it it . 1 1.25 p. m. "Ttint's right" the oldet loan said. would tie wftll filill. She Meow baek her hood. drew One of t6o chairs to 1 It it 1 16-40 1 P.M. "You're coming round. 'How iloe.4 it the m1do of tho halik and sat down, tier �. 11.2 8 P. M. toel to be back in the old stioliang? eyes fispil oil bho face, The weaknesn LONDON , :HURON & BRUCE DIV. Can't guess how you got here, Cali and beiptest;snes.s of hIs poqttiro mrook Going South .7.50 $I. In, You? You'wem towed on horseback by thrOngh an(I tilronsth tier. Two Ades It it N 4.23 P. in A beauty, Hughey, thy bV-,a Hp ataf- Of bOr Were struggling In It VhWtlQ Going North . 11-00 a. in: , Ing btAtItYl I'll toil you about It, fit tile eombot for mil'.4tery. 44 It 6.35 it in morning jik ypt�ta vow, - *11 hate voul t hats., youll, she sold I I ­ . ... ­ . . . .1 h a R : IN , 0 6- __ ­­_­ I - - ., L . ; I � . 0 1 �� � � 0 1 1 � I . I 117 . - 1.1_1 ---.--- - ' - - ' ' - ' . r � __ � - ­ � I - .1 1. � 11 I I . 1. . � . - . - I I I -1 - 1. .. .. - I �;4 - - ....................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. ....... I, . - I . . . . . . . . . i , r , � j � - ­ , ." . I . I I ,�­ � I . � , 1% ! I . I 11 . I . L . I 101. f I 11 I r I( �. , . H I . I I I . L '' � I I 07A � I I . I � - 0 1 1 . . . � t. . 1. I I � I . - � I I . ..Ojg� 0- . . . . I , I I . . I r I . . I . I '. I I I - I . . . I I ­* , . I � I � I . .,� � V - . " . 11 I I I 1 .4 . . I 0 " I . . � I �. I - � .. I. _. .. " I ...., - . I . "IRMP I .1 '01 - � . I 1 ' - m!er tier iweatii. ellnehfug her vista ­11ow loll� bare I'Wen lying tlere�r, ­ '' * ­' ' . 11 ate yoll! You stow asked, Harry. 0 liever knew Anything, to 13wid.. 1 innot h . .Um lritllorari shook her head.' 01 , , yXeIf,0 she .I.V ovv au'l put It unflor yonr feet: "Only since last 0194t Vou've bad A vald Judicloudly. 141 reckon the t You bave disgraved Lay lirc,,wat a.Ld fevor." . own I I . Ate4 him, just a general low von have -Where is my (190" down. Thereat Is a . rr.lued lay, rutolv! � What If . 4111119 coo � _ . . ,L ply sitsploon a forgotten the past ­,%our erhue" I)oe�- "Dogl.," salO 14o 9ther, 011 never ove the 4q; a bad name." L L 41 . . - tLat tuake you the less'gullty or ore knew you had one." � Them had been comfort for jessfM t, the less wreteliedle' I Harry's lips 4et bitterly, It bad fared , Ill this Interview, jUrk Halloran,is � 'rglt withul it sile:lt volve,withlu tier more Ilar(Ily. then. than be. I L t had story had materially Increased - the I gave the Ile to h ", veliernonee. soule been it, ready Object for the crowd. to poignant force of her pity. What hadi aloineut of her character that hatt btltlu wreak their ,, hatred , upon, because It $eemed, to herL a v I vi;;Ikd and Int.4t.t wjt-.� crulubling. 410wll , belonged to film -because It was Uugli been In real, u pLr brawl had I Ali old sweet sonietbitig that a'dread. 1, StIres' ,dog! ,.ty a. courageous an I � .4 no* ,_� selfish obamplQnslilp of a defenseless fill will Ilud grouad .and vrashed and 1119 this your cabin, my frIend?" patcast. Thinking of - this, the self' , 1111111111lated was-VIsIll,­ whoh� and ,un. The figure bending Over the hearth � blatne and WI a I L 1i 41(.0eill 44POrtOr to any I)MY distlue- I straightened Itself with a jerl.g. and . contrition I tell he bail tiou, regardleSSLof 1111 that ilfted eoui- the bliuklag Yellow eyes looked,ha . felt when she llsterved to the vIQIl% � � batIve In her Inheritance in rd 'assailed her anew, till. she ikem6d t4 - � gainsaid or denied, _ not to be, at him, Prendergast va Q. -close to tile -very part Of tile gout, an equal slorier, � bunk, . . - user, listening to the In. ­rhat's the game You lay 1, ' - 11 Spe leaned 0 , by omission. . p ed a the yet she rode home1w, rd that day coherent. words and broken . A . L plirases town," lie said, with a surly e r. it I at light heart. . L I e turbid ollautiels of fever. "It's all right for those that take It ,* * * 0 . *: . 10 * borne 01I th fill Q w Ir a me it . I - But she could uQt link them together In, but you needn't try to butriboozle '� Into meaning. Only one name be spoka . As Harry stood In the cabin door, � rue, pretending you don't know your way looking after Prendergast toward . I clearly over And over agalo-the name � own claim and Cabin' I'm no such the town. glisteuing far , below In tbe _ FIug4 Silres-repetited with the dreary rool i-, . , I -11 I I . , , � morning ,sunlight. he thought 4.1tterly ' , monotony of. a child Conning a lesson. � A dull flush came to T y?s brow. , � She noted the mark across his brow. jarr, of hLsreeepttQrL there. . Here was a page from that iniquitous ."They all knew mb," he thought " I . � Before her marriage, in her -blindness, -past that faced him. 1118 Own Cahill'! "Every one knew toe -on the street. Irm she bad tis0d to wonder Whitt It was Arid his own claim! Well, why not? the hotel. I like. It Was not Ill the least disflgur- ' , ,They know ,�ne for what I , , "You: are ruf9takeo," he said culloly- have been to. them.. Yet to me It is all Ing. It gave a touch of the extraur- "I arn' not pretending, I ciannot re.. aj�lfink. What sliquieful.deeds have j dInary. It was so small she did not meniber you." � . '�i" H,:- shrunk from memory now. wonder that In that ecstatic moment of don .. . . I Prendergast laughed In an ugly. de� AgWhat wits I doing so far away. where her bride's kiss she had not seen It. risive way. 4 suppose .vou*ve for. -was I gillng. on the .night when I iras . I Slowly, half fearfully, she stretched � I gotten the half year we've lived here picked up beside the railroad track? I , . ont heir b ' and and laid, it oil his, As, It together and,the gold dust we've gath* may be a drunkard." be said to him- � at the .. toue � b the mutterIngs ceased.. ered In now and agaln-slipped It all, ' "No. In the past mouth I have � I self. \ . - , have .vou?" drunk hard, but not for the taste Or th& 11 I wl" I Harry stood:up. The thotion brought liquor. I may be a -gambler. I may Ile . , I �a . M3 I � I lr��, . . a te�mporitry dizziness, but It passed. a ctlen't, it thief. Yet bow Is It possl&� I � � . . I . I I I I I o.' i d' " for -bad deedi; to be blotted out and, . I . I. fb�__ 2 Ile walked to the door and gaze out � I oil the pleasant green 0 the hillside. - A, us'breeij habit if I I I - . - I 0 leave no trace? . otlo I .0 1. _ . I It:( . On a tree -near by wits nailed a, rough, they do not spring from it. and habit . I . . .­. r - . : weather beaten board on which was automatically, rep" . . �. I . I I . . eated becomes thar- � . . 1.1 - I --&. . . I ,scrawled, "The Little Paymaster acter. I feel no Inherent propensity to . . .. ... .! - f . , . claim." He saw the grnss� grown rob or defraud. Shall. I? Will these I . 11 I I . I �, . gravel trenches, evidence of abandon- filings coneii,back to we If my memory, I . , . � I . � - . . ed work. He had been a miner. That I does?" - - 0 ' I .� : ,- , ��, � � . . . . if _� ( , . I .in Itself'. wits 'hone'st toll. ' ' In the battle that he fought now he ,.� .. . ,. , � . .. I .All .;: '"The claim -is good, then," he said I turned, even In his weakness, to man- I.. I - .� . �. . I . . over his shoulder. "We found the ual.16bor 'striving to dull big thought, , - .. I � , ' ' .. . . I I - . pay V . . .. � With mechanical movement. He clean- I i , , . I m Prendergait conte�nrplatedjilm a mo- ed and put to rights both roomi; anti . . ­ �, " . I . - I I I I . I . . I . went In * grim silence., , with. a scowl. I sorted their litter of odds and -6nds." . 1. �, I I . . . I . . I I .. - . I "You're either really fuddled. Hugk", I But lit times thei Inclination to,escaper . . . .. - . . . I . � �. . . I . � be 'said then, "or else you're. a star j /became; well nigh Insupportable. Whear' . - . . I � . .. . - . . .- . . , play hctor and Up .to Lsomething deep.. the' conflict - Was fiercest, he would 11� . I , . I . : 11 .. . I ;Z / :. Well,.hare It *your own way-irs,all think of a - girl's. face once Been. and . 1_� , . � . I . . I . . . . . - . the same to. me-. But You can't pull, the thought'Wouild restrain hlmi� Who . I . ­ I 1. � �1, 17 . : '. . . eyes 4ong I !11� I . � � I . I I � I � I � . . . I . ,the wo.401 over my � -was dbo?' .Why, had her look pierced I . � I 1. ',�. . I I.. ... . I . . There were mockery ,and. tineat ,16 through him? in ihat hateful career - . 1. I I .: . . . SM bent arta i*uchcd her Ups to his fmv- . his tone; biit, more than both, the evil - . that seemed so Curiously alien could * - ' I`.- I ' ' .' . . . - . . . . he" - � intimacy in his *ords gave Harry a she have had a pftrt?� , , -' I . . . ,.. I , . . . . - . . " � � The eyes'openied, and a confused. trou. - qualm of .disgust. This man had been He. d1d; not -know that khe � of wbora . I . � , . I . I � . his , associate. .That one hour 1; the he wondered to tile bitterest of It * 11, bled look crept to them. Then they .. - . . . . .lose . . - � Mosed again, -and - the . look faded . out - town bad - shown bim.� what his. own hours had beenyery-near blm:.that 011i . �. - , .-.-,, I .1 � , . � � . . . I Into'q peace that remained. . - .. life there had been.. . . . I . . her :Way up the mountain she, had - I � .t . ; I A thrill ram. through her . . 'What should lie do? ForsAke ,fbr-' stolen- down' to the'. Knob to' kook - ,. - . . I � ,. the sense . - I of -m ral'power of.,the weak over the ever the.neighborliood,where he had' through tbe parted bushes to the cabin' . . . I 11 .0 . . . .. . strong, of the feraltilhe.ovei.the mds-' ltiade. his blistering mark? Fling. All with the blue splral rising' from Its . . 1. . . . ,. , 'allnes . . . . I.. . � .1 . . aside and start again somewhere and chimney. . . � I � .. . .. I I . I . . . I 1, � . , . . . A rial.n.- dush sWned. her . cheeka.. . leave .behind this disgraceful present , Tboili9b ,,the homely task. to which he : . ' . . ­ .1 - . I . - ' With a sudden Impuls , with that face that had ,looked -Into turned failed to allay big struggle by -, . . e and 'With ,a 11 .. . . .. . � .0 � . I . . . . .. . :.,� guilty "back ward glance she bent And � his fr In above the dusty street? .. . .. . I . . . I Adr- I � .. touched'her lips to- big forehead. . � .' : . If fate Intended that, why had it 771 1 �. * . Shi� drew back quickly, ber face turned him back?, If 'such was the - - f I . - . . � I..� I looded With color.. caught her breath.- bed he had made,. he would fle In. lt� . I I �; ki 7 11:�' If . I , - � ' . . � . . . He would drink the.'gall and vinegar � -4 . � then, drawing her hood over her. bead, . �, . . .. - .� . . I . , . I - without whimpering. Whatever Any. -L , , .1 _,e, . .. �7 1 1 . Went s-wjIft y to the door and wds lost. I . . � . , I . I I . . � .. . . beliffid he woulit fire It'4o,;ra. This -� - "Phe re 11 :, In the darkness. . L . . � . �73t,U Only. Suspicion. , .. ­ . I . . , .. I . I , � . . , , , . I I . . *. � , � 1* * *. � * , A . ,*, . . .Wau -at Jetig.t'h4d. befriended him.,. ,'. I night I falij, Harry hid put the - watrIng - I I � I I., . .. . I . . � '. Heturned, Into the robin.. "Perhaps I -elements under ,Wheti"Prmdor-ast re 1, � 1, , , � , , � Wben toward midnight ihe fever I . . I . �. � I . shall rem'ember'after airtille.11 lie took. * � �bbed. � Sanderson bdd - fallen Into a I I � I turned. at. supper timej the candle was: , leep at , eep o . Vextigustion.'fr6m. Which the saucepan from Prendergast's blind. lighted 10ts wall box. the dinted tes, � �,�­ I . lie bpe I ned his . eyesnext morning . upon "I'll cook tile breftkfdst,"�,be said, � . k6ttle was 'sing'Ing over a crackling � � I . 1 . . Prendergast filled his pipe *to nd Harry was.persplrIng. . qver'the� . . - i thefigure of Prendergasi. sitting, plp6, . _d watch- fire a ' , - I . . . . . ed him. "I guess there are bats Inyour scouring of the last.utensli., . :, , 1, In, mouth; In- the-suuny doorwa '. ,he . . I I 1, . . 6 y, ., t .,frv, s . - ­ ' ow.: Tl� Uto enough. HUgh." he -said at Prendergast looked the orde0Y'Intk--. .. . - I I He lifted hiniself. oil his el , . _ . . . I I . � . ,; I . length. "Yoh never offered to doyour -tier . . . . . warty face had beed lniexpltm.bly "Wev. I � .. . . . . . , over . on the .. threshold , irfth. tk,;..: I .. I I m ivith ille delirious fantasies or tits -stint before," . I ... . .contemptuous amusement . "Almost ..' . ". ., . .� Y; . , . .� . . . I : . .. � thought.! was In Church.'! he said. Ile. ' . . � . . � I . I . It?. Then in a great tide welled over .. , P .. . toot-. O,lr ,Ills' coat and lazily watched � 1!ev6r, Where -add when -had he known � � . . � , - , � of his -last cons . clou§ , ___C_1� 1�1 , , " 'r � a evening -meal. , , - .. , . . _'P�-� -- the other:cook,the trug I ' 41m the memory .. . - I . . . t I . " . I I ' . I=. S4_� , 1 Exdufie m y not volunteering." he ab- I I hours -the .see 6 in the saloon; the. I . . I 11 . . I . 4 ,' . . . . . I ' I 1. � .1 . I I I I . I . rved. "You :do It so nicely I'm - & � ' , I . � . I ,Igltt,, the 93psla, the. sudden appalling . . $0 ­ . . W 1- I I I I most afrald you'll -have another attack . . toe and repute. Ho . I . I . . . . , * . . . ­ 11 11scoveey of- his na �-1 4 % 4emeinbered the . . .. . * .. � .1 . . of that forgettery ol'yours And go baek. . .1 , . sickening wave of self . . - .. - . - . to . . � . . . . . . .. lisgust.the fierce ago0. of resentment - . the old llnef.'� . . . . I . Le , . . ITA, I , . - that had beat In his every veln as he . . . . I �. . Presently IL6 looked at the bunk� : . . ..., 1. I . I . .. � ire cleau'and soringy With freshout spruce. - .1 . H I C - . I walked up the- darkening street 0. r 1 J . , I . . minembered . the thrown' qqartz. No .- j . � - �j -shoots. pe Went Into It. kneli down " - * - ;. I . I . . . � slid -thrust an qi& Into. the empty - ,;�, lou"bt another inissile.had strndl;�bonw i : . '' I - modient � 1. . .... )r he bad been set 'upon, kicked and . � I ItONt. the_ her. spaco� bertea'tb lt.'Hpgat lip hastily. . .. �. , � � . � .... . . k1sb' fell upon the fore- , ,tWhat hqve you do'ne'with that?" h&. , ; I )ommeled Into Insensibility, This old � ' . . . . . lian­wa: miner probably, for there were - .. . bead ' of the 'delirious demanded'. with. an angry snarl. I � ... .. .. 11 11 ' . ' . . I ," mail .In .the cabin Jei- "With what?" klariytu�rned his bead. ;l!cks. and, shovelS.,in thecorner-haa .. . . . . . . .. ­.:.. I .1 11 .. . I sica began to .be a prey as 'he set two tin pintos on the bare - ,­ . I Alc�!Otpil him. - He had been III,'-thero, I/ .. i s - ' . . I I . I. . , . Wa$L . lassitude In every ., limb. and sbadw . " to 116W emotions. the ' table. . I .1 ... I 11 ..;. I I I . IsignIO'eance of which slid didn(A com. "With what -was under here.v!' -, - . ; . I )Wy recollections tantallyed ,him. Ile Prebend. That kiss. she told herself ."There was' nothing there , 6ut air sid. ' . . . . . . � . -etalned a dim consciousness or a wo-- at night, b, .1 nan's face -the . face he bad seen on . th ad been given. to her dead horse dkin." said Harry. "It lsh.itliglag. . . . . . . :be balcony--4eaning near� him. brill- I ideal that had InIn there 16. its partly. on the side of the colith." . � . I ' .� Ing gi-ave clothes -of forgeffulness,- 'Yet . Wltbafi�oatb Prendergast flung'oport . I .. I ng Into a painful dtsoider it sense of . . . � -a . ' It burned* on her lips us ttiat other. kiss Ile door and went outside. He re4u- ' . . . * teful coolness, of. fragrance, and of ' *had *burtied after- t .. . 't . . In it darkened room �e -ed 'quickly With* the White hIde libb ,eat, 1. . ward. but with -it sense of pleasur6. not , his' arms�. ''Wrapped It III IL blanket and . I. 1. -As, he-stitfe.d., again -at- the-septed-flg-- - ­drtiurt: ­mtWir-Iler back Intarritmoir. - thrust -it -back, undev the, bunk - - ' I ­_­.____.­­ I—. ­.. 1. . . . , _­'­ ­­ . ' .. � �. I ire. the geltili fact reared -111ke a gr1sily. mendoNva with her'lost girlhood trod Its. . "Has tiny one beeiL here today I shice . . I. . . " 11 . . ;Ii(wte..r,.. deriding. tbrustitigg Im �Paggal;d opaled outl6 k . I . I : you put It out therorl he asked tiulelpt,' - � . . . pI I -esellco 13 p 0 11 'n.+ .9 --alid Hugh. I . . . . . . , I I , I- .+ M, .ill I� NA _f�A ­+ . . !, . . . I I : b� I A.Y.6 . . . . I I I I . ' . . I t hint. In t h 14 day was anxiety. She must ktiow.hoW "No," said- Up rry.surprised. ,41Wbyr, . 1. 'little 60tiltiluill. he fared. In the open daylight she Prerid-orgast chuckled. The -ebueLle - . I ty. which a.pline-, 06ald 'lot 0ilroacb. the cabin, but she grew to. a .1 gill?gIv. . and he slIt down. . . I ently he had for� : reflected that the doctor had .been s1tipping hiq'thlgh. Presontly he, wout . s -u k e a and to there and no dotibi had carried sorne to the wall, took tile thnniotir skin bag I . I � I which.he had t).� reppirt of Win to the town. So (is the I front Its hiding plave and liolired some I el , lanco returned. morning. grow she rode down the of Its yellow coutents, Into b14 palm. .. . . I . he stood it roguo mountain Ostensibly io.get the Cherry. "That's why. Do you remember 'that. - . . .. and it N.voundrol. � eordial she Lad left behind her the day eb?" ' . . I a thing to point, before, really to satisfy her hungg,r for . Harry looked at It, 111old do'"110 lip . . the finger at and news. said. "I seeth to,foeAll that. i am, ., : , � Ito OvOld- * I'll 0, - As It happen6d,stra. 11alloratt's first going to begin -wO*rk In' tile trench to- . . .i question that lind greOtlbg 8etber AuXletY at rest Pren- morrow. There 4hollid tie more Where .. 11 burned .his brain derg no . , � �Ast had bought some tobacco nt that ear from," . 11 I to flI`0 flamed lip the.goneral store an hour before while Prendergast pourM tile gold back . again. The towu - she had been maklog bell dalW order. ,Into the bag with h ounning look. The I .... despised It I in, and the storekeeper had questioned other had Asked for no slid of - hat had been T I on e 4 0, on -,P?n gooto to �o,qk ill." WILL r O all Interested altillOnVO he At that morn t h dect od t Y.' ,, dareer? flow had told of the fluding of Ilugh on nothing of the 0 Volt aonte brea)� ft rolling bef6m. 00 the, fm&" . . had he become � the mouirtain road In a 01)rt Or crAZY girl or the horseback Jourw$. lest: . . A Pariah? And fever and enlarged upon tile liart 'the Ilugh. Cudgeling his braln% rafght it'" Py what mtra4ele had he beon so altered glil\pu horseback had pla.v6d. flugli member lit? hild been offereil& litalto �_14 1 .0 A to look 110011 hlinaelf with loath- was hit right now. he suild. exeOpt 'that '10.17bere's plenty mor* wbhv llftf . tigl It&, didn't remember hhu or the cabin came from. all right," he said. "And I I Ile lifted himself upright, ,dropping or Smoky .�Iountaln, . I'll teach YOU Again h0W to get it Ohd . I its f9pt to the lloor. At the movement What Prendergast had- Anid �SJN. I)f these days.,, I . he mab on 4ho, doorstop rose quAckly Hdlloran told Jesislea In a brtlkth� Fk" Prendergast sitid MIN- dttrtos� the, . md canto forward. I fore 'she nnlqbod she'toand, that jes� Meal, Wbenothe table wits eleawd hie, . I . "You're botte�. Ilugh", he said. "Tako slea had not board Of the Iticid6ot In )It big p)pe and took from a shelt a t easy though- DOIll't get up, Just Yet- the saloon Which bad preelpl,tated the board ,Covered with penciled tigni,ft . Im Ong tO cook Y60 some breakfast" fight With Nvlln,, and With A, yolpol- AM scrutInItod It I urn th. kicked the thetle rhetoric ,Njrg. Halloran tcda tills -'Hopo you toniemb& how to, play I . moldering log ends together And got too. old sloilgo'el ho salld. . � I Sanc#Mh on theta. "YOU*ll bL* Strofi. "Why d6ft Smok$l blountain hate, 11arry did not. ta6v(L As they tie ! I ,Or Vvbft. ,You've got 96mothifig No him sol Whitt hits Ito done?, ask e a een orn w0ft Your ribs," lif added. -U" 6A. . tWId abido that lglfthil" Woionft. A* � 0 I .. &A�.*I.C.-­­&� ".. I . .. - _....­.. . (TO =1 CONTMUEAD.) I . I 0 . � . I'll . I . ­