HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-08-19, Page 5VR`.
w�utiltst 1901 1909 R Oltfes Nows "�ofi4- 5
.�11 MI 1 »
THE NEW Il;F;9,DEBS. Mrs. Jphn4 �dto�achcom anied her
The first of the new series of An M p
tario Public schbol readers are, now daughter, Mrs. Willie Green era. her
satin Sate at the 'book Stores,, As the ,return to her house at Betrokt.
a o -.w booksart; compulsory the •dealers Mrs, Jlrmetr. Saxonglu was the hostess
expect a targe sale $4etween now. and of a small tea at her residence ";Rose -
the open-ing of school• There will not dene'" on Wednesday evening last..
be marry hollies in Clinton unaffected The guests were Mr,, and Mrs. Tom
b th h fb' k but't i
y o c angp q qo s, i s a Morrow of Margaret, South Manitobag.
credit to: the education, depaTtmc�rilt i
rite Misses Lily and Minnie Holt o
Mrs. Bert Munro and babe Bert, of t Mrs, Maud. E. ,Moore. has sent from
Slctroit, last the Winnipeg
re-ru-na 13 a Systernic Uarrit
iibat Trey hale brought •the Price of Brantford ; Air.. and,Mrs. Mrs, George
were week guests a co of a pamphlet issued
P g Py
the bga14 down so low that the . our- Smith, Toronto street ; Bandmaster of Eagfineer and bars. James Munro, by the Voice ,Publishirq Company con
Especially Alapted to Cases of
• chase of a complete set will mean on- He)nicke, hits: Heinioke and Mfss as was also Miss Irene Tout of Mon-. twining a report of the convention of
lVervi)us Frastr�l#,on
small The new boolks aiA iwi
the Locomotive
tmany Lphotograv-
ceivid are tlrst, second, thi"( Morrow decorations re
pamphlet contained roan Lora rev-
, Ms. Jack Fenney and babe Jack of cont ne
,Caused By 0v,a ,..-ort,) MentJ Strain
and felurth re.adersi. tare retail prices,o.! red dahlias and golden glow, Tho
London were Iasi week the guests of ores including those of the Ladies!
or Extreme Summer Beat,
which ate' six, liitey, fourteen. and six bostess was in black silk
`ngineer anti+ &i s, ATunrp. Society, acrd of ;grand vlce-Dissident,
teem ceutk respectively :or a total for grehadioe.with black �iik race film-
Miss Arviila Stoneman of Lon4an blrs.,Maud E. Moore.
---.— .--� .
the+ four of forty-five cents. .' • was served at 8 p, m.
rig, . ea
was the guest last week of A13.ss' Mrs. Barnett and daughter of blit-
N. 14titude$ whore warm weatiler to
_ .,, iThe evening was spent in mesio, viol- ,Gladys
Cruickshank, cheli were the guests last week of
*^of long continuance, the inhabitants
�T- � in and pia o, and social chat•
+WAdvefrtisr�finelats ( Airs. J, L. A.itkin of Toronto is the
Mr. Morgan of the firm of 'Morrow Mrs. James Twitchell of Clinton who,
& Morgan contemplates visiting his is summering on, Elgin. Ave.
become more or less accustomed to it.
IrtTemperate Zones, however, where
guest of of her son, Mr. James Aitki.a.
brother Thomas, who is engaged in Rev. John Carrie fs spendiu,,^ his,
the change from winter to eummer its
School Suits -M. 4; ff.•••.•l ' Mr, A. Aitkin of Port Arthur :s the
11SWA r at Lake Erie. Vacation at "Blc* house"' with its
great, the system, is some times poorly
to meet the exigencies of hot
F'.or• Sale�.-F. C. Elford:_ 5 t g vest, of his, parents, Mr. and Mrs, J.
Goderich has fallen a victim to the Mrs. (Rev.)• Carrie.
Fake Notice—John, Scruton-•-5 L. Aitkin•
Imother, .'
excursion fever. Ladies Aid, Church' Mrs. James Stewart returned from
weather. This is the cause of much
Furs Repaired --Couch &, Co. -5
Nevi! :School Readers—Cooper's-�-4
Mrs. Lyons of Texas is apparently
well versed ' in, flies dilzrent chars es
choirs, Sunday schools and Societies a Pleasant vi sit at Detroit and at tiro
have all had a trip from home this Fort Waype Presbyterian church manse
Iii Tstvy+e] Special—Couch Co. --d
I Lake Huvon affords, tr a stu4'en,t 'weath-1 loudly st+ason, the guest of her son, Rev. Lire J.
persia are not anion,^; tho-le*st ofeuu -
mer ailments.
Teacher Wanted --^•Jas, Stephenson. -5
er ouilonks. Op ..Saturday evening we
The funeral of the late Harry Tich Stewart.
� hers the digestion is disturbed, the
had' the pleasure of meeting Mrs.
Aorto took lilacs from his late reel-� We had much pleasure this month in
assimilation is also
and she said : "Miss S. we are
dence on Monday, afternoon, Rev. Mr, receiving from Pilot Mound, •Man•, a
affected, and as a'
•". •About the 0114toA Collegiate. !going to have warm weather. I knew Millyard offtclating at . house and Souvenir Card with •the interior of
the body does
• by the appearai;ee of the lake today," Several pretty floral tri the Presbyterian church of that city
Tiro• subjects for the Juit;ior Matti
not receive: the
and she yeas right far Stntlay altho''
culation examination, are ; English, 'a
butes tied Width white satin tiihbon photographed thereon, and upon which"
nourishment' it .should. 7.assltnde,
we had wet morniu was ver
g y
History, Mathematics, Latin and any
were lain upon ,ab"e' caskets The liters : !`Dear Miss Skimmings,
Jos- was
weakness, brain,fag, lose of flesh And
two of the following, Greek, French, Mr, George Savage family
bearers were Godfrey Nicholson, Day at Pilot Mound and a'
nervous prostration are natural
results. .
and of
• German and Experimental Science. g g a _ �
Detroit arrived here last week in
Cu a v
eph rip, Rab�rt Collinson and Jam- lovely Have. had quite a number
es, Cox. iThe relatives who ~vete ; p,res.. of electric storms but no ]sail and
What is heeded is ,,remedy that will
Candidates who pbtarrn pass stand- 4
Ing in at least one-half of afro sub- their auto. Mr, Savage is aur ..old . sent from a .distance, were two sis- crops are looking splendid, Mrs, . A.
restore the digestive organs to their
normal condition.
Y P n
jects may complete Jrnior M2 4tricula- h Uic by who has prospered in
ters of Mrs. Tichborne, Mesdames McLean.'''
tion at subsntiuent examinations, The
John Johnston and litho son Elden of . Ur. Mabee sets many of our. lipop;e
Snail s remedy has bosh found in
Miss F%inickc viol este is the guest
Pupils have passed in
Blake, and Mrs. John Halstead, and In the artistic display of PeAutitying
Peruna. It has P raven Itself of great
of.her her sister at Owen Sbund.
named : Miss Jessie
her husband from Holmosville • Geo. his windows on the . outside with boX-
value in thousands of cases of this
O'Neil—English, Mathematics, Lat%n
Sheppexd of Clinton, a brother ; Mx. es made to fill the sills of his upper
windows g
and Mrs. Ross Johnston of Bla!fe ,,,rid brf htened.
and has .•them
Its nation has been remarkable at
French Greek. Hartley Watt- -Ens-
lish, Mathematics, Latin, Science, CANADIAN
Mrs. Potts of Salttord, The )ate with lovely flowers. 'Mr. Aitken of
times in restoring some patients who
had given up all hope of recovery,
Greek, Chas. Kerr --English, History, NAfrIONAL '
Harry . Tioliborne ,vas the third, son of the Public Library, followed suit and
But there is nothing strange about
Mathematics,, Science. EXHIBITION
the late Henry Tieitborne, one of the the effect there too. is fully app>;eciat-
, .
Peruna's action, It simply tones np
The certificates of the .succossful
candidates at tlip recent examtiiationy
from CLINTON to
pioneer farmers of Huron county and ed by the passers-by. '
one of the most prosperous. He mar-' Mrs. Corltins (nee Miss F crguson)
the mucous mem-
braves of the organa
have been received by Mr. Gunllrv.
,- Toronto sled return
rived Miss Mary E. Shepper•d, who and son of Detroit, are registered at
s*,vi -4s. him. Three sons Wet~a boon the St. Lawrence.
involved, restoring
Any one desiring his certificate' •before
the Commencement entertain' Ment, at
13,65• Aug.8. to Sept.
g• � : 1 th.
I2.70� Aug. 31: and Sept, 8, ,? :find 9..
to them, John Henry 4(now deceased):, l Mrs. Pariiharn (Miss Pet Green) and
them t o' their .EFFECT.
normal condition and leiivfiia Nuturo
which they will be presented, may, ob-
Ross borne and Wilbert. After ltiytarg lovely little daughter of Detroit are
to perform her duties unhindered.
twin it by witting Mr. 'Gundry.
two years in God . they, removed the -guests of the former s. sister„ Mrs:
'back J." 1', Brown Airs. W.
That person tisho. bits sound, healthy
Two students of the C. C. I.' M*rpLe!
Special train leaves Clinton 0.22
to' Colborne but soon came to and mother,
mucous membranes lining'the entire
town where they have resided ever Green,
digestive tract is well--uarded against
on honor matriculation in certain sub . a, art• Aug, .21, Sept. 4, 7 an J. Kidneys and Liver. Distress After Eating.
sects and both were successful.. John siayee For some years the deceased The members of the Woman's In the usual rummer ailments.' .
PARK ' has been in delicate health and .last stit ite will please note, that it Will Peruna is the means whereby to at Mr. George. E, Bess, 1611 Broadway, Mr. J. W . 'Priteharrl, Oolnu}bia City,
F. Lucas has second horar standing Alt Supervisor of the 2nd District Writer- Ind. I
in Latin and French*. and Donald Ross LABORERS -.inter complications setting in he meet on Thursday, 2rnd September at. fain this most desirable condition, P ,writes;
honors i Physics, _ ( EYCURSIONS, failed every day, until death.`endedi hist Odd'fellow's hall. If sou suffer from any of the above vliet, N. �i ., writes t ""I am, pleased to say that I have. been
n P ys s, Biology. and Chem. 'suffering on Saturday. afternoon: Ho . 11Ifss T!;ila Collinson left qn Monday mentioned symptoms, try abottle- of ""Itis but just to you to acknowledge cured of catarrh of the afomacli by
istry. $10:00 • $18,00. ADDITIONAL .. , i
--- . GOING ' ] FETURNING bore all, his illness with great pat- to attend ;the millinery openings at. Peruna. . .. 'with thanks trio great help I have re- Peruna.• - - i
fence. To'roisto• We wish hergood fortune: One• bottle of this remedy is often ceived from the use of Peruna. Two I could'bardly eat anything that
F''OR SALE POULTRY APPLI?1N Via Chicago, Duluth and . ; .Fratioes g sufficient to convince an one of its earn ago I was a sick man.. M kid- agreed With me: $,,tore I. would et
Court Goderich No, 62 G". 4. F. met Air, Henry H.. Humber of lied Decx; y y Y fi
ccs.—Next week there will be for or North Bay. merit as a safe and reliable remedy for Heys and liver were out of order f?
sale at Hohnesville PoultrySta- From Clinton Au .' 23 Septa 7, +on Tuesday when the following otfic Alberta, left this week for his home, Y y ,and the half -through 'my meal my 'stomach'
g all catarrhal condi tions. paid in my back. and head was at times would SII with as ca
. tion, a number of the following , ar- Full : information as to conditions and. ers were elected I.or tate ensuing, year; after Paying . his brother. . Mr, Charles gas, . using me much . ,
+ Humber a visit. He is, taking 2 We have many letters of gratitude re-' so severe that I Was obliged to give ng distress and unpleasiiitt feelings for sin .
titles : Ince utors Colon houses trans ortatfon arran ements, be and C• R•, J. B. hTcKay:
b p..• p g Y , , T , , ,,clued from persons who lave exec- my work. hour or two after each meal. . •
. and brooders, poultry wire, cedar Winnipe from : V. C..R., J. '1.,.\ewell,stones' awa wf. him: •rfenceditsbenefits. ""At this time a club friend of mine ""
Y g But, thanks to onr'Perniia
posts, gates and a quantity of pine ,John RaasEord Towln Agent. F. S,, Jas. Wilson. 1". .The owners . of titres automalpac These testimonials are roof to ns spoke to me ofPcruna;andinducedmeto y , I a>n .p gp inow coniRletely cured, and can eat atiy-
lumber 12 inches b 12 feet. All are+'
P. S., Wm• McCrettl>; were running thein at a marl pace t try, it. The effect it had. on me from the
y A. 'O• `Pattison, Depot 'Agent.. i. t 1a, Eeruna has not failed in the miser first was ,,ricer remarkable.. 7 knewt thing I want to without any of the dis-
in good repair and will be .sold Treasurer, �Vi1i: Lane. - around the square the other ,night: and sign for ''wb=^h it wase intended, that :. . tressing symptoms. .I eau tiow enjoy' ''
. Chaplain, t ?n1. J. TeCr th:. pec le had tq et out of the way as once that.l J,nd aeeurod the ri„ht inedi oj. y
I• cheap. 'Any person wanting any' of • FARM LA$ORE'RS Etc URSIONS t h ea P g y of r lie-t:ing uderinv and . restoring cine, incl was , entirely cured in ten. my anea.ls, and it all-dtie to I.ir. lIr►�p►f
the above might do well to see, it:. VIA. CHICAGO, DULUTH S. W:,- Wm. Sproule best they aotxld, health: we ^ maii and his wonderful medicine: t
J. W.., Divild Sproule. j +Victoria' si;reet ehuroh- was reopened r
APPIy on the premises 'ta N, W, �_ AND FORT FRANC S. Sunda Iter being closed for
Trewartha or to F. C. Elford. • to Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Adbj.-r- S• B,-, Wm, lhompsonr, :so Sunday a g ..
. - --. e r i his • J B•, Lewis Elliott. some -seise, . i having' gone cott)plete APPLES WANTED— FALL • AND
Ita: •$1p ;doing ; $18 r to rti ng. T Marriages FAR;,I F'O1Z SALE,; -:ON THE I.ON-. . . .
Rev. W. T. Clufi f Stratford', h. 'ttractivo .route. Ask . nearest Tr:'stces, . Jas. A. Nilson; Trios.. renovation and decoration under skit- don Road one mile, •south oI t,,".linton:
o S atford, who fs t e a
nt for particulars :as Auditors, IV. Lindsay and Dre.-^n• fel hands.-• Two .colors were used for �r,TNFORD-McGIi,LIV1;AiYs-•-I Wi - 132 acres, fine r cr i'na -'inter for which the hig+liest:)ma>kpdi, .
is holidaying at )Bayfield, is expected Grand Trunk Age o p R ?yg .
over to-morxo� ,with a . c u le to trans citation arrangements bet Burrows and Jas: T,;.it: the walls, the upper part: being Palo ham,' qn August 11t1t, by Rev. A, ' better land. anhwhere #air bund- P , .
v h o p of p g We hart the 0--.su.rr of meetin Mx. blue includin the cell ki and terracotta , price will be. aid: B. Churchi)1
rinks of bowlers on the green, • yond 1Vinnipeg, dates, conditions; ,eta.. I g�, !I g . C= .�i ishart of Brussels, Lorne S. ings, Must be sold as owner cannot Clinton. P. O.. 89-3 -
Ishatn, the :popular Author of The 'for the lower part. At eft}ier side.oq Dunford of 'Brussels to. Atirelta work it. iVill be sold cheap, '.move
Strollers:"... a. highly,. • interesting,, sea- the organ loft, pillars were formed o. Annie, dau liter • of � AIr. and Mrs:, k. lu s '
� side novel who with tris wife is, eta - white paint and shaded. wi th a,. gray- c 1. Peas .. P m feel, .
Y Arch. McGillivray. .
Ing lit Verandah Ilouse, sh taint to imitate niilars of woad;INGi'IAN-GORl74N—At H�,r urge WOMEN AND GIRLS `GAATTEI) AS
• The x-emains , of. the'.late: Patrick -wr'th ,imitation carved caps at the top. .. • P y MACHINE OPERATORS. AND FOR .
Nugent were accompanied from St. of each, and ,,relies st:rround'tng' ".the by Rev..:v, Shaw, on August 11th, YIORSh.FOR:SALE-5 (EARS OLI).
. Philip lames Dingman, Physical In- Gre eldin tivei ht about 1000
Joseph's hospital; London, 'on August Win ,,and doors, all representing y g g' g WAGES AND ST)sADY EIVIFLOY
7t)i by Detective Phelan and were tak woodwork. The gallery and pillars aro atrutor, 1Y,
, M. C..A., Galt, to . pounds; well. bro}:e to harness anei
Annie, el est daughter of .11r. and saddle. Will be said Chea -�
en to . St: reter's ,:church; '. The funeral all done in oak color, .and the s!des 1VIrs: L uchlin Gordon.. n= .. P :f. Air MENT, WRITE US. -THE CLINE
• o lace on �1 th 'inst. Rev:: of the tvvo staircases. A deep border a p . . kinson,• Bayfield, Qat: 88 TON KNITTING CO. LTD.;. CLIVI=
. ... 1.to h. n. b. . ; . ' .. . BI,SSETT--DACEY=•In Ottawa' . on.
:.... F:�thex McRae officiating at she Re:• surrounds the wall at, the, top, of .. ,
. bordered; ith t to terra July 18, Noble ` Bigsett; far merl . ON; ONT.:
quiera High' Mass, assisted by Revels. pale ;blue, ho red w l Y .'.
Father Geor a Foster of. Sandwich cotta. .:The whole .church, has been of Exeter,, to, Clara .Dacey' .af Ot� WANTED.—ONE . TLITCHEN GIRL, ,4;
. g - .. fi: Borated, 'Rev: Mr. Mill and offtcia,t- and one upstair girl. -Motel Nor-
W10 . D. College, ,,lad Father Frank Foster of e• v d bawd' ma, 8
; ,
Centralia, , wo nephews of''the late •.ed in the. norrirng .and Re Mr:{ Sto . , m VOTERS' LIST, 1909—MtJI�ICIP-
t i u ant. hIiss Gr'tlin presided dart sett at the offertory in• yueauti- Birtbse' ,,tiro of the Vi])age of Bayfield_-
. Pa t ck N -g r p e g Notice is hereby' given that I have .
1. . at the •organ during the ,Higa Mass.. tui voice. ""His love will .ne4ver fail." GARDNER—In Clinton -on Au 13t1i • transmitted .or delivered to� the per .
The pailfblearers•were Mich„_ -1 O'Rielly, The anthem'• sang by the choir was. to hTr, and hSrs.” John Gardner TEeLCHER tiVANTLD FOR 5: S• NOS sons mentioned itt sections 8: and 0 .
' Thomas Page, Andrew �V•illiamson and: "Bock of Ages,'.' In the evening Rev. I. 4 Hallett
slaughter. ' : ,duties to commence Aug of the Ontario- Voter's Lists Act,..
• Martin Cummins.,. Messrs. John Cur- Dtl Dougal otlfciated, and,.for the text list loth. Address applications Ao ,the d° sections
AW ri•e and Richard Phelan 'too!G charge of his sermon chose 'St.. John 19th HUTTON-In East lVawanosh, August copies 'xeriuired by sal.
M ot e..B.US1 6th to Mr. and Mrs, Th4os...Hut- Wm, Carter; ,Constance P•,' 0, 82 to be so transmitted or delivered ' of '
• of•the interment, vhioh took place, at chapter, verses'.16, 11, 18, The ser- +
. St: Au ustine in the .' lot osen, by mon was:.: very, powerful The anthem ton, a son: the list mane, pursuant to said Acte -
g P of all persons` appearing. . by, the 'last j
the deceased. ,and •always eaDed for: by was ".Host thou a►ot known ?i' Miss. ROSS—In Vancouver, B. C:, on July Fi1.
. OUSE . FOR.. SALE. • EIGH'T revised' Assessment ..Roll .of the said
m9 29,th, to Aft.. and Mrs. T. H.:R'oss,
t/ him.. The late Patrick Nugent, took Hattie Belcher stn ng the. soprano Rooms... Best .ipcatipn in Clinton.— Municipality at elesrut; for lncinhcrs
u leis residence '. in Goderich, about solo in fine voice,. and her brother do-( formerly of Wingha4m, a son: Apply to W. 13r d1.one. ii7 f the 'Le islative''Assembl .,slid at
P - o g y
.. . nes, s in
twelve years. ago, having retiredliom in -6, jus to' the btiritone. solo.-.• The COLL. INCWOOD-In 'Exeter au, ast y p
. 'ci ak ) lections ,. an That the
. . farm life, at St, Augustine .and pur `duo part° was swaI .. tai eat by`MYs:• 4th, to Mr. ;and' Mrs. Thos. . r said1list was first posted up at my
• , , . ` . chasers property on St. Andrew's St:. Sidney Belcher and.Mrss Jean Ntebol-� Lingwood, . a Son. RS•' . LIST, 1 office lit Baofield on the 30th.:a'ay' of
We had the pleasure last week of .son. ''The con re tion was ver lar• La VOTE 909: 11IUNICiP-
g y g HI THER31�j'GTOi`1-..Ia Usborne, an� ality of the Township of .Hallett.- of July, 1909', and remains ,there €ort
meeting Miss Goodby• of London,' and in the evening people coming from : august 9•th, to- Mr, .and Mrs, Geo. Notice `is herebK .given that I have inspection; Electors are_ called uuon f
two young ladles from Indiana; 'who all the churches. ,Hetherington, a, daughter. I I transmitted or delivered to the per- •, to :examine the said list, and it snit
1 all re' fstered at Hotel. ":'Sunset.” O, Wednesda evening, 4th Au ust
., g ri y g; g1ir TIGER Goderich, on, Wednesday, .sons mentioned in sections 8 and 9. omissions or any other errors s
I Mr.. Bromfield of Cincinnati, Oh•o, at . Forden Place, residence of i ,qt+gust 11th, to Mr. and~Nits: 'J. of the Ontario Voter's Lists Aot, found 'therein, to oke 'aYrrmed'iate
, .ton was; one of our. Goderich. visitors last and pits, John' Forden, Huron Road, H. Tf ert ' son. a . the copies required b'said sections ' roceed'ii- if to have. •the' said errbis :,,
. week. The "Sunset"' has charms .for a .very ,quiet, but pretty wedding took $ + a P q Y P $
. to, be • so transmitted. or delivered' of corrected according to law, Dated A,`
. .
. • . him too. place, the • eoirtractfng parties being, Deaths. uly, .1D
— the list made, pursuant. to said Act this 30th clay. of J 09. H. , tK;
. . I . . I Mr:. Jonathan Miller is not going Miss Minnie Ethel„ daughter of Mr. . Erwin; Mrinicipal Clerk. Bayfield; 88
of all persons appearing by this last
to be left outside of the gate of fame, and Mrs. Forden, and. Sidney, James: STURDYj�-.Tn Clinton on August 13ihy ' rdvised Assessment Rbtl of the. said i
for we learn that. he is .going to at- Belcher, son of Mr. E. C. Belcher. The Nixon Sturdy, ; Cleric of Goderlo)t ' Municipality at elections for men;l"rers .
Friday and Saturday are our last two' tend the Great Exh-1 ition ate Seattle, bride, . who was given ' •.away by.her township, aged 55 years.
b n y i
y Y of the Legislative Assembly and at' .
and will compete tor,•tbe rize• to be father was dressed in a costume . • of
p ' , BUT1--In St.. Joseph's hospital, Municipal Elections ; aTud that the
• awarded the largest. and. heaviest mars Palo blue ,Silk, . with front• of waist,• Chatham on August 14th, Lillian ' irst" osted tri at m
days, as this_store_w�ll- positivel close 5atur- seta list tris f p. q'iet ,,,.,
_ _..._. _..Y _-_-____ who attends t•he Pat,% and cuffs braided in a pretty pattern, L., eldest dau ter of Mr. and iS0
. &h f office in Landesboro on the 31st day as,u
Mrs. Hurliman is the vest of her' fulfil "yvlrite Silk braid -and-earrieri ,_..a.
hits. lyph .-I3utt::[if:.the_Base- Line,. ,of...July,...19p9, : slid: remains there fox.
da night, August 21st,. mother, Mrs, Richard A�ovug•ol Col- .boq'aet of white roses. -Rev. R. NY - + G(,derieh township. - , ' Iins eetfm Electors are .called upon -._
Y g g y r nit
borne and while in town is the guest Iilillyard officiated at, the wedding oar- BROWN--lrr Har urhe st p aD r
. P p> on 4ugt1� to examine the said 'list, and. if an y(1uT gru2u fb a S , d
of her brother, Mr. Robert Young. ernony. Only :the immediate relat7ires 1,2th Joseph l3royvn, abed• 90, Years omissions or . any atl)er errors axes
$o j •' Mr, Seager' has perehased the rest- of the bridal pater were present. The and 6 months. .
f you need anything in mens and found therein, tq take inim$diate the figure we ask will lease
Ile on West St.; known as the es- parlor was decorated with sweet pea, MENARETY In Gre en Au fist 10th I 0
4 p y,. g proceedings to have the said errors
boys' Clothing,Shirts,'Neckwear s Braces tate of Ahe late Postmaster Archie `stens and asparagus fern, :The wed= . Martha, second daughter of Robert corrected according to . saw.: Dattel i
Y g•� , Cap you its we]) ds the perfect
Dickson, It is a pretty place, and ding ,,upper ryas rune recherche, :and and glary .T, llZenarey; 'aged , 34 c a 2y S
Hat now In the hands of our Crown Air cuttdn the wedctin cake, caused much this 31st day of July, 1909. Jas.'
S, Odd Pa Farley Ve' sts� Gloves or Rain g g years, 11 months and 1'0 days. Campbell Murifcf al Clerk Londes- we will guarantee you. .-We
. d torney It will lie beautified adding to nverriment4, Rev. R. W. Millyard made? McNAB-.In Seaforth on August lith, P '
Coats be on hand to et our share of the ex- the beauty of our town gardens. a very nice congratulatory`. speech, Jean Moore McNah, voungest Acro. .
g Y I Tba Misses Lily and 1VIlhnio Holt and asked Heaven to. bless the young daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. John ----�- — -..'--'-�*' ire s* erupi lously careful to fit
ceptional bargains given on our last. two days. left' on Friday morning for -their home couple .cotnmencing their journey in - MoNab, aged 29 and'o month's.
g• at Brantford, 'after a two weeks' vis- life. Both belong to Victoria street VAC:K1 NZIiE--On August, 7th, Eliza. VOTERS LIST,' 1x49 f Sia 1009.-� all all our patrons to f erfee-
:it at "Rosedene" the guests 0- .tubs, choir, We wish Mi. ,and Mrs. Sidney beth Valens, wife of P. H, Mac• N ty of the Township of Stanley v '
Notice is hereb iven that I ha. a tion tIs ever garment that
James Strongly, who kindly gave a J. Releber a long, prosperous tailed kenzle, I,t+cknow,°"in her 63rd year g i ' . •
picnic in their honor ai Bayfield on happy life. `They have takft'ttp tot act or delivered to the per- '
i Thursday. and they .also acco*npanied� residence in IVe. SilliTi`s cottage, ova sons mtntioAcd in sectioiii 8sections and 0 leaves our est bl sllnnent be-
Dont forget the Days 1.
her im a -drive to Dungannon, sp;!ndh'ng erlook�ing the hlattiand. TAKE, lv`OTIC>:=»AI:.L ACCOUNTS fila copies required by said
rite d'ay with Mrs. Strongh"s mother, The Kensington 'factory, has a new AK me not, Pafd by August Batt, to be so transmitted of delivered of 1 CO�(Ies an advertisement for
lt ,. ,Mrs, Kennedy. superintendent, in the Person of mr. g at the list made, pltxsUant for said Act
will be placed in court for cal)ec- � e last 'RS. VVe will give you }cult
I The Misses Hannah Parsons and Gtlhuley of Arthabasea, a place i» of all persons appearing by tlf
tion.--J�ol n Scruton. hfl- % raised Assessment Roll of the said
Fn1 oI I 11, 4 aa Nancy Wright of Toledo, Ohio, are Quebec made Hatable.. as the game of
choice of file finest iitld tle�ir_
7 the gl'.csts of ,Iurlge and• Mrs. B. L.. Sir Wilfrid Laririer., He find, his fain- _ I Municipality at,iv a Ass four members
. Boyle. Miss parsons has visited. Gods :fly occti `' `~��
Occupy, one of liar. Notts houses { 03 the Legislative Assemble and he W6 do the test,.
. .. . • erich y;cfore, on Newgate street.. ^' FURS 1 E1jAIREl) AND R'' 101?I.L• Municipal Elections; and that the 'slat 1'ahri�es.
L Reginald Mathewson The bni":dirt on St.` ,Patrick ed. Leave dour orders during the i said list was first posiaod up at •mp �"'�"-'
i Mr, and >V rs g g .
,IV 6iv tauen a their abode 1H lilt, street beton• log. to, th o. (1•, lel. months of Aug'
and September At i office in Varna on the 7th 'dap of
..20t�h h. c , P g iCaurlt Ca s Store. $22 ,,ins there for Agent for Britlish Antorfctrn CC�iainfn 4
Ans, 11
• r Me•l3•'rien' s bwQlding on Waterloo St. Davis estate is being coTwerted August, 1909, and rein
' 1��I. r . X;vfiryene was shacked to hear on into a "11'onderland Theatre." ,,,;,,.. ,—.,-- - ,�..,• _,_.inspection. Electors :ire called upon stud Dying Co., tlontreA141Priday last of the death of Nlxcn MISS F;. nark brought tp .out notice + . to' r camrne the said list, and >f any..- ,: y . xe ssi .tri Sturdy, municipal clerk of Clodcrieh Saturday last a lovely collection of T1;AC:11LR W:1 N'1 LU FOR S.. S• emissions or env r` i'r +mors a
township, who 'met with a fatal ac- brilliant blossoms Maher rya color No. 5, Stanley,. dudes to commenco found therein, to take i,�ttmediate
cldent at tilt Bridger a n. hnilt river than salvia, as sitIvia fg rad., but the I ,Tan. l9r0, personal application tine-: proceedings to have the Rind errors
li g i .....
the Maitland rnortlt of 1,1olmes.'ille. other is a very crimson. We have ferred.•�-Ja:mes� Stephoison, Secxe- corrected a0oording to law.--DNted
* W.
Varna P. O. 00••--3 thin i th day" of August, 1909. J. E,
. . Mr'. ,Sturdy' 'possessed considerAble learned since that It I's the lobelia. tory, Geots
property i�ristown, It.4 ��ityityr',r tr„<v Btttld- longlistrin and ax long rtrydlossoms �grow up the i�•ery "alt- e at `"`y""-'-'` ilarnwetl Municipal Clerk, Varna. .
'In low's as if :cite were otnrr rrtow+q to 'rich firofasioA at; 1 tithWegt0m Tract'igntL i'lic,will There is a. ruSh to 'Otter township, ��e Merchant Tailor
• r'l}w i6iid itBe C� i. 1S+
1? Ikr a society cilterta%ner. ,Pipers Mill.'' probably B: offered for gale. where rich fin -1s ,oA silver area reported. Fl3RD JrACX8OX!8 OLD STAN'f