HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-08-19, Page 34 N4V$_ 6r4 .8 NO Wteirjiiita, - Sir James Goes to the circus nash civic�►sk. with the Childreng Kincardine,' . x0. -Stewart Clark, young soil of Col. Hugh Clark, X. P. P., was severely burned this i larnin;. g ng g g . hes whtu his IIs was li htir� mate Of all the hundreds and thousandt board, while the youthful raudsou clothi caught fire, and he was burn- who will see the circus this afternoon pranced ull and down the corridor outo ed around the breast and shoulSers. there will be one smallparty of three side, seareely able to contain himself At Poon he was resting easily. an elderly man, leading by each band With excitement, W e will lend you money a small girl and a smaller boy, who "It's twenty-five years since x .saw. are just ,going to have, the time of a circus," said the Premier, reflective. Text. Books n your farm or city their dives. ly.• "I remember my :first circus as . roperty. The interest will be at the Sir James Whitney is going to the though it,were yesterday. I was a for sul�gol, lowest current rates. No charge for ap- cireus. Ivery small boy then, working c> tkio A :Circular containing the text book plication' forms, land inspection ,or renewals. If you '''Yes, sir, I am, and I airs ,going very farm, and I xemember that I, have regulations. adopted this month has cannot call, your letter will receive prompt and soon, took" he said, banging his fist never looked forward to anything as .been, issued by the Ontario education courteous attention, All business transacti' ons enthusiastically on tfie desk. I di'd to that iry' all any life siaice. And departmctit. strictly confidential. Just then a -messenger came in, I couldn't get away till eleven o'clock The circular gives a list of the text smiling broadly,, and gave Sir James in the morning. books to. be used in Public schools, 13U'�tQ.. N AND ZRIE Ave dollars in small Change. Lemon- 5o Sir James shut up shop, put his the lower and muddle schools of,., high ode money this, sinews of war for a hat on firmly, passed the smiling ores- .and Gontin,uation sphao1s and colleg;• ;-OAN AND SAVINGS, CO busy 'day, sengers with a twinkle in his: eye and ate institutes, The old text books 4' Richmond St., London. ' fistrode off looking much happier and author#zed in 19�08.and 1809 are limit- X66 Talbot St., St, �`hoilnas. It is very seldom that Ontario's more contented than though he were ed to use till the midsummer vaca- Premier relaxes his grip on public at- going across the continent to a con- Incof orated x$64 .. ,Assets over II, 00,000 y ,,, tion 'of ,1910. p � , fairs or leaves his desk but to -da ference of Premiers, or to tilt , most The circular, points out that unless every -thing was swept' aside, cabyinets, gorgeous banquet ever given, in his prevented by resolution of board of callers, conferences, all went by the honor.'' Toronto, Star, education or board of school trustees ce the principal shall Introduce --•-.-.-..—,-.,.. next_ - August or September the text. book Are. Holidags a Necessiti ? authorized 'in 1908 and I90s. For religious instruction the sacred scriptures or the selected scripture reading of the International pfbreIn another arm . Laborers to sap about tem we res hest holidays, ave had a; y s bt si�ness econditionstt tdoesn t need modern a Reading kgAadopt dQ by the or hdepar mtent t py.er modern WORK FOR fire Walkerton Telescope, and this holid y anp more than a dog needs of education shall be used as prescxi-' Wanted 40;000 WEN IMArseholeShoole eoess ton offahollida ds. IItwo�iv ailsThere a not man menbed by the department of education q y t � Are y l ALBERTA AND SA0IGTOHEWAIt , y n y : t 3 a ; n Walkerton tylia a hurting their and as may be deitermine:'d by the the moa who takes nY good Dtheirhduties o In line re the averse man an ? y b Qt GOKIVG Additional for the Retrro Tit>kst ' , y an application to card of school trustees. SPECIAL I.p •/ � � •� Q a annual holiday I , t the most 0i' cs iz ora Thi$ boiler are no longer author- EXCURSIONS) 10 TRIP 1`Q under ecnditions to below. ' 9 live any longer, does lie do itis work {would feel a little better, if .we had a .rfect shall be taken up any better, or does he get any more iiiii little more to do. About the, only by the teacher In accordance with GOING DATES From Stations north of line of G.T.R. Toronto t arnia and Cap: out of 1Tfe, than the man who stays people who really need holidays, are the' course.of study. After Jan,. 1st, Au s I9 Fac. Stations on and west of Toroato.Sudbnry lt� , on the job day in awd. day out, till he the people w1v rarely get. them,, to 1910; blank drawing 'books and pads Aud. 23 From Toronto and an C.P.R. Stations west in Outarfo on and sono.' give i up for good ? We are very I wit,overworked hoe xevPives, The for the. use of pupils will ire authOriz- of ma/o ling of Gnad TranlcR.4. Toronto to Scoria, and all Statiops + in Ontario on M.C.ft.. P.M. T.H.&B; Rya. much ,inclined to think that the an-Iwaman who runs a house and halt a ed, Aud, 27 From. Stations Toronto and east.IncludindSharbotLakeandKln&- f' saver should be in the negative. There dozen youngsters, earns holiday) No text books are prescribed pup- ton and ■u Stations Is Ontario want of Renfrew., also stattona ga g a 1 C.a. & iS. of t]. Rys.. and stations on S. a P. south of Reafrew. are exceptions, of course.. Telephone puce a year, and if her husband in_ ils 7n agriculture a'nd. household sci- . Sept, 7 From all Stations Toronto and west. lncludln,l se.tions on C.P.R. girls, and a few,of+triers who ifollow a I stead of going , away to, fish would ence. P Toronto to Sudbury. articularly . strenuous occupation, cer- j turn in and take her place, and let I After midsummer, 1910,, no text .Sept. 1Q From all Stations noir of Toronto fa Ontario. afn',y do .need An occasional period of her go a -fishing, it would be .mare in book will be authorized in elementary ONE-WAY SECOND-CLASS TiCKETS WiLL BE SOLD To WiNNiPIPM ONLY laxation, but the average men, un- I koeping with the fitness of things, plane geometry. The work will.be 1 - a,Repreeentativa farmers, appointed by ardtoba. Saskatchewan and Alberta Governments, taken up by the teachers in goalie:.- will meet and engage laborers on arrival aC pWpinnipeg. tyOn, with a course study; books Of needed,. east of bloose Jaw, including branches, anat one cent a mile e Free transportation will be furn hcd it i1 inn! eg to points on Can. Pae. where laborers. are ti •• reference being used Froin' the school _ thereof ,n Saskatchewan and Alberta. eta. each way west }; Everyealt;hy Person., : library. After mid ummer, 1910 the A certificate is furnished with each ticket, and this certificate when executed by farmer y r , showing. that laborer has worked thirtynaye or more, will be honored form that point high school botany, Part Il, •will not far a second tires ticket back to starting points in Ontario, at $15,00, prior, to Needs a Good Breakfast be, used. The school' trustees Shall ``ov830th, 3000 e Breakfast, Tic t re good only on sporial Farm Laborers' Lrnins and will be issued to women as well as. to men,.but wail not be issued at half fare to'childion. provide sufficient reference boons -for. _ the use of pupils in all the subjects For fall particulars. see nearest-C.P,R. edent; or, o6 itained in the schedule sent out by write R. L. IrROMP'SON. D.P.A.. C.P.R.. TO@ONTO n 11 bads Hutchinson. h4onoeiazjt- featly healthy men who ' sleep', with the department' of educatlon: - n- ordinary to the medical profession their windows open and go to bed at The publishers 'of, the new • school s usual. ;upsets our previous ideas+ a reasonable hour will tell you that 'books will sell direct in any (quantity tidily health in:an article•in Won % they enjoy their breakfast :As well .is to any, purchaser in Ontario supplies ane Companion for August.•a, oc any 'other meal .of the day,, and many l at 20 and 25. per: Ccnt. less than the r maximum rice net. BY' .ARRANGEMENT WITH � tar Hutchinson has. a faculty :for re-. even call it .their. ►.•rest 'mesil: p storing to 'us our self-respect; and as-( "Another popular delusion; in ref and /y {�/� aring us that,.left alone, we are hot to ihc. tightness -and unimportance ofThe Y Mail � and t �(+[ . � Emp"ch idiots, atter all. In this par the breakfast is that wide -spread sub= Public SCh0018 Acta titular article,' for instance, he points terfuge, the col Uriental breakfast; ut that the 'idea of eating little in consisting :of a cup of coffee-, and some The followirko, paragraphs from the ' he summer -time is a fallacy,, Of .fruit or' a single'roll: This is a very Public' Schools. Act are.of interest to, ` AND THE •. reakf'ast, .for- instance,, he says.: pretty . bxeablast, as far as it goes, I teachers and trustees •- If, a teacher but it doesn't . go far ; and the sole negnigently or wilfully,permits an un- ' 'r'It is customary to mal;e the first basis'. for its. adoption on, the., Contin- authorized - Wok to. be used by the cal of the day, sliglitty.the lightest ant is that .it is only i tended` as aPupils of leis school the P•linister .'on Famlly- -.&MlU a/'I fteklilt(,t and distinctly the plainest and simpl- temporary tide -over, until the real the report of the nspector'.tray sus -; est.of the three.' if there bo,any - de- breakfast of meat,. eggs„ fish,, wi h. pend. such teacher, and the . board 'may .^ _WE CAN OFFER EITHER OF THEM--- ficieney of 'the appetite,, breakfast is beer or wine,. which is taken at dtiout' also,. deduct from his salary a sum . the meal at which' this is most likely ten. or eleven o'clock; like a 'very, early: equal. to so much of the legislative + as has been with+heid on .the account 10 y/� to show itself. But -this lack of a n appetite tatIf you haven t got a flood and -Re Clinton'..News-fleV o/ (,� . petite is in, nine cases put ; 'of ten appetite for. �i'rcaktast, make it' • your of..ttis use of such bank 'or . any less clearly traceable to sleeping in an ; usfness to' go and`j;et one; instead of gum. -at its discr Von- • 6ubj+s.t. to . . A shalt be the di.ty of regulations re unventilated', roam or to late hours in allowing yourself. to, be . blinded bx .flits a the g • ' foul ,air the night before, or to inset- morbid state'.ofaffAfts and, deciding every Public School Iuspedtor-tu Nceth From now until:'the ' end. of 1909 ficient. exercise the preceding day, and that' all you really need is acup-.,oF .hold his order for. the amo:int appor- - the two together -- is no indication that tfiie body reallly coffee and a roll.or an.orangc or apuff, Cloned from, the legislative or munjci= requires. less food at this time. •. Per -of breakfast Bran''- f ipat grant.; Where the teacher uses or I permiits to be ,used p s a i,ext-b•,)ok any " p R 6: 4. C E IN T S tions • and in ever d 11, ,o t Regula - 9th not authorized ',v :IIIc r y, vl,or.t, to nth Annum Report of the Agricul ' he +'lin• �t ;r his . the Board_ and tp t, reasons for so doing: ' 'HIS R.EIVIA� �KABLY 1,.0w :'RATE Wra _ S� ciefles. - We of'fer with a view to-extetiding our Held of residers,. and prdviding an I1AY. FEVER CURED easy wny by which anyone who is not •alread:a stibsctiher' to: either. paper iiiay beatnne ac ainted'tvith, thein; and at.the lowest ossibia cost. Kothing:.can be:;more cerl'ahi ihtn p [the instant relief `and aurri r :;r oA.'capy is to hand of -the ninth an -I there are 321'societies in the Prov-•• nual report- of• the Agricultural $otic ince 'that receive Government aid for. Hay Fever by ``Catarihozotin." he :A.�►dress orders to The News.=R,ecord Cflnton Nt ties, of Ontario 'and the convention of their fall exhibitions:; 32 that ' hold well kt.otivn .Deputy Collectax of In r he• Ontario Association of Fairs -. and tspring •stallion shows ; 20 that hold, land Revenue at Sarnia,; .Ir, W. I3. ' xhibitions. The report is 'issued •hby'; spring stallion and bull shoves ; 15 Himcks; says : "I used hundreds of _ e .Ontario Department of h�gricultune that- hold'! spring, seed fairs, and 13 dollars worth of r'emed'1•ss but :until .I 0 was prepared 'by J.. Lockie, Wilson, 'tha.t own thorobred. stogk. The tares ; tri�ekl. Catarrhozone •I ileyer -even ex. uperintendent -of Fairs. The, report est grant received. by anp society' �perfeneed relief. cit was on the recoma ives an excellent report of the'rccent year was $800, - and- this was earned mendation of Mr. Geo Ingersoll,.dr, ,fir ' �h_e A e s�Reeor� ����W seting of the Fairs Association and by only two, societies,: Guelph and gist, that I used Catarrhozone. IIs t uc v knew of . others it had cured 'and - ad- h valuable information is .given qn South ti`ellingtotl, Marttham. p , oples of. special interest . to : farmers' Essex county received '$001: wised .me stroPgly .to by it:: Catarrhl " nd all .parties interested in the work? South Victorfa,•.5�608, ozone worked marvels. . Almost im bing.-list . 909. �f our fall'.fairs. It is one of :the, best Woodbridge, . $574. mediately' I exPerienced grateful re- eports we have ever seen. Ave -find Newmarket, :$566 lief fn a ,few• hours. Cat'arrhozone, per-, e that. Huroln county. has eleven agriculi Renfrew, $512, and the other su s y y r manenti cured me of FIa Fever, and • I can must heartily recommend., it, 'as. A r�cultural Educati n. In nt r tixral .societies and the .prize ' vconey varying from x$40 to $500. The soei g _ o O a io paid. lasti year was as follows eties in this. county: faxed as follows : the most speedily effecti a remetty_ on .' Brussels; $651:40: $.russels, 5243, any vase o: i dl�g �%p• the market.. It will, cure 1s Far Ahead • t �Gorri 446:8 Much good rela for lit le mon . of he Uniited State* e, $ 0. Corrie; 1123. I•lay, Fevex ever lvnown.'i The News•Record and Weekly 1Gi il'and Ewpire, oris year .$1.60 llyt;h, $476, Blyth, 5161. ., W.ePkly Gt tie. ...;..... 7.urfch, $3"r.a.�5. Zurich, $121': ., ., Fainily,11 '14ld°, tad. Weeliiq Star : 1.75 « Bayfield, $320,25.: Bayfield, 4108. �� Vee. .... 1. It VV`itnah The Weekly Sun says .. The Sun. Province actings in urio-a wnh him, Fast WAWaAOStI kion'.' , .. Exeter. $672,65. Exeter, $199., „ „ ,. Free ll'ess,........... .... ..... 1,76 has seen'a little of Agricultural Edu- And in no State. of the to;aa i edu- , Seatorth, .$688.23.. CToderich, 5332,. Bliss Boyle of Toronto is Nisitimg•at `• " Adv; icer .. .....�.....{:..... .cation in Ontario 'and the United cational.work, carried to the door 'ra Goderich, �$70A-80. Seaforth, $2'13. Mr. Hayden's on the. ath line, " " " Far'ingti'nrid.............. .. h80,' : DtmwAnnon $406.25• Dungannon, $186. Gxordon Wi htman . of New York .4 " Far, er'81 Advocate and States. 'each and butter 1c':,ry h;�tron - >; g It in p am fioiiue >Vla azine 2 as •ft is with us. ' Kh. , $601.50. tt'ingham, 5194. State is renewing . old acquaintances rlev s Toi�'anto...:......... g ... . The Sun has teen' a little oaf this I�irkton $506:75, I%irkton• $159. r around tI'estfield. ,. D ily �� a,� Star � .. ... Work on both sid'es'oE the lithe. The! There errtafnly }las been a.-weal.ne5s , ;� Mr. John H. McClinton has been re- Globe ...,..:,....... ,writer of thin article has visited 'the here in'so'far far as agricultural teaching appointed' collector at'a salary of $�0, . a, ,. ,> i. .....,.A......... • 4.225 rr ., t,. ........................ 3,25 this amount to. include postage, World 14tichigan Agricultural College, has ati-in ihe;;Publlic and 'blugly schools is conte " " Stlturdav Niazht• •' 2.50 Statute labor S�rstem Gay.- ..,...... Mrs. HenryHenr Morrish and family of r, t, N're�e Press Louden.... .. .....,... 325. tended two .'comventfons of the Iter- corned `but tfiat weakness is being ov- egaderich have been spending a aoii le s� �, 2,75 •national Farmers' Institute, has been ereome by the action recently taken, av p g p Free Pre &, gvening Edition;..,......A.. „ of weeks' with Westfield friends. at ordinary institute meetings in New is attaching agricultural specialists to .i,i�t Be '1'�IaCle Pa—Y.0 r" Mrs. Wialfam Henderson of Win horn American r five large High schools and in utillizing thcc Agri- I York State and at four org• e scan conventions devoted to a?idit cultural College in, connectio�iwiith th a spent a few days with her sister, -Mrs. Alexander Scott of tha Pith line. , It 'wfiat you *ant 10 . not 111 this 119t, we Ca sUp.�1 r -cultural educational work, Wrom'w:liat Normal schools, for 'the training of William Bros. of the 5th line have liar been seen an these oeCasipns, and iiural teachers; When,�what is no; be- C+o ii,. It at less tbian it TVOuld. COl t you by�elld tlg direct; m tinting upon the Statute Lab- to eor.trilbute one-third of the e:: er.scf purchased a fine new threshing out - from the reading of American,, agricul= Ing done along this line has 'peen con- . • P ° or system which is in vogue in many ' i fit and will no doubt • make. things .t tura) .pt+:;lications and ofiiciall bulletins plated C,Atario will be ass far ahcad.of of building country roads autl ��rii� there is no hesitation in saying that nei� 11. Orin States, n li' counties besides Iluran; the Toronto hunt .during the sensori. , ,. ' y g g b g te.. i this l.ne of az- Globe recently .said :' third df the cost of necessary ma= ( Mrs. Alexander Leishman of the 9th wart remitting, please do aO by ipiess Ozder, Postal - the the comparison in practical education-, Acultural educational work as she t t _ c r line mourns the 'lass of her father, ` al work along agricultural lines is is in tills oth.r lines aliavc'referrccl to. g day's, warp ata dollar, hate there is no excuse far .he ton- _ g {. wholly in favor.of C)ntario, whatever This is notry to say that our a tical_ enoughilittme fits applied in Ontario tfnuaticrr, of present cbnditioas:i There Mr, Elliott of Wingham, whose death Note Or re lstered letter and sI dlrees.. may be said as, to other Provinces. In tural college is perfect or that we every vane to bridld at least a thousand may be places where statute l.tllo: is t°• -plate recently, f £ i .'Union is therts so fad r • miles of the best roads or to _ - •- - no State of tll� , have done all that should be dour„,�.it fiat still useful, but where scientllic roait- as we have been able to learn, a justice demankls that what is herein many thousands into a good state of stillmakhas e . i Lowel .,Complaint in Children. ` Farmers' Institute system with local said should be said. repair. It is doubtful it as many rods mold e - become a itet:ti<'_ity it `I�`hm • months old the little ( 'j�(� ,N organizations for the purpose of are properly treated. In soma town- o promptly discarded. Only daughter'. E. N. Dewey, a well j •' a I '�'aI •i. HELLS men trained . to the work slid . under -tarrping on the work throughyut tile: ships it is found more protitabie to- .. ltnown, merchant of Agnewvvi.lte, 'Va., •. • ft guidance of an efficient -suparitr+• year as there is hzre, NowhercxnnthA Dr. Iainilton's Cure for Pimples. compute the statute labor at twenty- ,.' had an attack of cholera intantum - •. �othtir side is there given such a lot five or thirty. tents a. day rind spend tondent can build permanent Lonox. Cliamberlain's (.folic; Cholera and THE H��$ 12ECO�tt�►� Clinton useful information as is presented at All skin diwases such ,as pimples) or. the money so collected in securing et- As a method of doing our most need- Ijfarrhom Remedy was given and efX Guelph Winter Pair 'with its imetical i (nate through failure of the tid s ficiient work. No further colroiteilt is. ed public work statute labor has out- ” p . 1 „6 All l hey' fected a complete cure. This remodP talks by experts anti with an,imalm ori and liver`. All taints that block tho :needed an the value of the ser"•c•es;lived its usefulness. .As a joke it is too . e. ensue, o k lies proven very `successful in casts xp t be apt up and sbould the hoof and block tests for 3bjeet les- avonues of health must lie removed, rendered by 'the•, , ratepayers lu :such of bowel complaint In children and . • . . sons. Nowhere Clore is there such a Dr. HAmilton's bills Ila this qulckly. -localities, - If all devotckl to statute be allowed to pass into history,."wlietl given according to the plain h8 E3Ci�rd N' �� widespread ' organization, for testing They cleanse the system, make the labor throughout Via Prov.7ce mi'l' printed 114rmtiotts can be relied' u on �t ties suds and dittrreirt ,method i of skin smooth,. restara roses to the lYe commuted at a dial) r a +lav ;1ntt the i with perfect confldencc. When roduced mall and ,CI.mpire {fir Family Hem -lad ; 'cultivation as the have in O'ntar►a )with' cheeks and give clear, dainty eom- 'money txpended -wisely one ge.% rstton lichees bakers are at► strtko Id • lh Watet and sweetenodi it is pleas= 'fifty acres of experimental plots at plexion. For good looks, good hcaltIl would see all thl. roads br5t.;,�it_ Lo'a Montreal. ant to take, whieli it of great im w �, to. d rbcs rin the A rieultural College farm unifier and good spirits there is nothing stn high state of efTirien,C withwit vhe' ��� �e ���`" u� any, �' d g .. , , g , . n g P � F� g y � y. , portance �vllin a medicine must be ,r • The Swedish strikers ttre return,in Hamilton's Pills. 21SC. expenditure of other +no y. I .it, g 1�,twen to young children.. bot sale ' l)p r im ,tees scattered and f,100 t. ► ,,out, tl i sure :is l)l. tr'"dalaada ,4o end o f +1909 for. 0500 �exprrimcnters mcattcrrd rhrr•1tLhout th:l bt>:tcs at all tleal;rs. With the Provinoial C�n�_e.ra:a+nt ready to wwoxk, by a1Y tuadit;irc d��,lrrs. V u .Ltv�,r/a'9 • 4 L_-IYi �:&Ilkaanai+�'y;' iials0i., ft — d • �_ .. . _Je.L__._._lY{'m_.