HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-08-19, Page 2n
isonlething to restore the ap-
petite, strengthen the nerqk
1lurilythe blood, or tone up the
stomach, andiiil the body with
rich vitality.
BIand's-• Iron Pills
Axe specially intended for this
purpose. They will reinforce
the 13aggiog euergies and .impart
new strength .of body and niind,
And than your recipts will be
filled wit.: the best goods ob-
tainable. 'VVe guarantee pure
drugs, perfect services aecurocy
and promptness,
Manf'g Chemist,
Clinton I1lavlra-Rocar4l
August 19th,190f.
It may not be cut •1 :11ace to call Uou* nty "ws jl The Redd White.
the attention of rural school trustees uron �.✓ And othor oont�titurnta of your
.*,wrnsvn ,..w.y.,.M•
tet flue fact that the Covetnmclkt gives H blood
a grant of $100 to any section t'liatare pow•rfuily unriohwl and vitalixod
purchases an .acre of land for a school by Haod'r Sarsaparilla.
gard(,%'and also givcs an annual grata Tt a otr ns the zed white
o p s and
of $20 to the trustees sand $30 to the xnalrea (atronlx Ilia white cos puacles.
�", and thus protects and restores ,the,
teacher where, it is carried on. `./ j health. Reord Reader
it edres scrofula. eczema, eruptions,
11ARD CALLOUSES fjL'I:;I IaY - ° ,-M-„_,...,, catarrb, rheumatism, anemfa, nervous^
�-^•^T - ness, that tired feellnig, dYspepsla; loss
CURED. GATE SIGNS AiZE C01IMEtiDAi31,•e of appetite, general 40011ty and builds
:tVe Grey Township. up the whole system.
Bel r
Soak the feet irk hat water *rid then All Extrao-Mrs, Alex. Stewart of Bel ravo is Miss Jennie Rand's visite ' t Mo -� A lame number of farmers now. It effects its wonderful cures, not
apply _ very sick, and under the. ,doctor'sl care. Crieff, d a n bare gate signs giving their name simply because It contains sarsaparilla
tortPrenioves theecalousn gir,ukly, » - but because It combines the utmost
Beure a et ''Putnam's' only. Mrs. Proctor Jr., of Palmeri Towushi i' coun4l will be held on and the mim>acr of the lot and con remedial agents• of more than 24 dlf-
e you g y ston, is a visitor at C. Robertson's. 23rd lust.. cession. This is a most .commendable ferent lnbxedlents, each .,,early
_ . . Mrs, MoLelland of London is the movement. Not everyone who drives strengthened and enriched by this
ra ,TUYT# The News -Record 'of o Mrs, x at, James and 1Irs. Armstrong, 1Uth through the count, knows t e n cues pecuitar coxzibinatipri.
l Mr S o. g Y h a
Repeat, it .+- .Shiloh s Curewill al- i,gLesl P con., were visiting xelatives at of the owners of the farms. Tn fact Get it today of your druggist, 100
ways cur.- My, coughs. and rol1�.." Miss Charlotte Gregg of Detroit is r Doses One Dollar, Prepared .ashy by
fi August 19th, 191. Auburn.
_ � - r visiting her mother, Mrs. lilt Gregg. i a very large proportion do not. It is .C, I. Hood Co., Lowell, pass., U. S. B,.
Miss Lena Deacon. of London is at • R• Jr and Mrs. Hoover and dough- �a great convcnicnce to, the sitrangt!r ,to
' Clinton, August 19th, 1.891:, the -home of her parents„ Mr. and 1,1Trs, ters were renewing old friendships find the name of the occupant upon
H Deacon, with tele AlcC.allum family of Hullett the gate of each farm, It is a sign ;n
R APPLES Lieut, H. B. C=16e . is rusticating Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle of-London•,land old friends. at Blyth. !of enterprise and shows a certain` ie-
iri�the south for a few days. 'lir. Carlisle Sr, oT Hensall, and Miss Mrs. Win. Neives of Auburn, and gird for the comfort and coAvenience
Mr. Davis was fishing near his
camping raur.,d in the M itlan last Annie Ritchic of Brantford„ were the Mrs. John L. Davidson and .daughter, of others. The signs are ir.?xpMsive.
Friday. g g Amon the .catch hadlan ed guests of Mr. and 'firs, C, 1', Car- hiss Annie of Toronto, were visiting .;very farmer should cave one. ,
' WAN T E Y g d isle. I at tQie home of Thos, and Alrs. Daviid-+
i a fine black bass which tipped th`tu John L. Geddes is visiting friends son this week, 1 LONDON, ONTARIO
i n
rdadfish story, but a witnessed fact. ivir. ° . Locking, .vvife and children of XXI�=XX.XXXXXXXXXXXV.XXXX '
scales at lbs, 9 ounces. This is ro X X ri Qc� n
� at Clrarbotte Lake, Perth Co., also in A B � V
for shipping and evapor^ Davis feels =proud over the catch. Lanark Co. AIr: Geddes has been in Gait, spent Sunday and Mouday with
u .flit John, Wiseman has accepted a rather poor health for some time, and his father, Win. Locking, 12th con. IX IS TfIIS FOR YOU ? X $uslECTs
► ating: purposes. Best rices we hope to see him, return quite welL,Mr. Locking Sr. is in his 99th year, X X
�. F p prices position in t!lre well known and re- Mrs, C. McCrae and daughter, Miss the oldest man living in Huron cot,n»:X We have on our list' a num, ;C Residestt and .',lase Courses
siCl, putablu dry goods house of R'illiam G.tptaga,es Fs.e
0 P Grant, Brantford, in the ,dress goods Laura, and Miss Bella McCrae, are IX IX her of subscribers who are a X
visiting friends at .Sault Ste, Marie Wm, ,Hogg, 4th. line, is not very ! X Year and some more tb, n a X J, W. Westervelt. J. W. Westervelt, Jr,. C.A.,
and silk dept, p well eve are sorry t0 hear but hope Y Prinrlpa'l. Vice -Principal.
for a couple or three. wc'elss. , X year in arrears for their sub- X
p _ sir• Fred. Rve Th and daughter, Mr,' and Mrs, Dan. Wheeler are •On- lie will soon, regain his health, John ,X seription to The News -Record, X
Da % CANi" E t�C.� N Miss Hattie, leave Thursday next to • . _
visit the former's daughter,. Mrs. Cal- loyikg themselves Sor a COUPL", a of
weeks among the Islands of th G o
Hogg, who has been. in SVashington'X In ntaziy cases it is but, an. ov_
-�•,�I N
State for about four has come. X ersiglit. To theindividual sura X
CLINTON.,lander reVirg at Parkersbur,
WtVblood �Co,, Virginia,. ' gian
home to run the farm on account of X • ser�,rer the amount is mall
small, 1 ' TheRifftribesmen in 'Morocco are .
Repeat it ,--a Shiloh s Cure+w 11 al-
Mrs. Harr •Perdues little
Mr. A, U. Pattison, . T. R. Titskei I and y
X k•
his fathers i'.lness. when taken in th-. aggre- X seeking to. make peace with Spain,
ways cure my coughs wad co.1s.
daughter, itlio contracted blood'-pois-
Agent,. U. S., Consular Agent, etc., oning from a cut on the toot about
Martha, second daughter of Robert 'Y gate amounts to a const Arable X
J. Menarey, Oth con., died last week , X sum of money, and this money All. Lariv�iere condemned the;' roade
left on Monday for Buffalo and other three weeks ago, Js still very, ill.
American cities to spend a weeks
system of -Montreal.
of a combination of ailments, cliief of Y we could use to advantage . at X a`
1 -
: , .two Rev, and Mrs. Ferguson left on
StEADY' .. vacation. � Monday for Toronto, _Peterborough
, Whicli was acute indigestion ' and a ''X the present time. We w.)tild X A short fight was accom tishe ' with`:
p ' ' d.
heart trouble. She had been in fail-lX therefore, ask our subscribers X 'Baddeck No, 1 at Petawawa,
will be at Holmes' Drug Store : on
Friday, July 9th, and thereafter -.0n
]): Cantelon, :fere famous apple deal- and Parry Sound, on, a month's Vaca-'
er, returned from Lam�a'ton county last
ing health for some months but was X to look at the label on their X
I X Tobias '
Wednesday Aug. 4, Sept. 8, Oct,, 13,
week, where he spent ten days pur-i Dave Tisdale has completed • the
]able, a . Trimlit was drowned in the
was got.. t confined is on' i ullyll,ta X marked un °we f wou a be t pleased X Fraser River :below. Stevest
n a, 'onlyo bed o a p p on, B C.
Nov. 17, Dec. 2,2. Hours from. 9 a.
until 3.30 n1• Glasses properly
chasing, packing and shilrp ng early building of a barn for Mr. H.' Snell of
apples, Tae reports a plentiful yield '
few days, Miss Menarey was in her X to have their remittan:e at the X
Three Ttalia>is were, killed by a
m. p.
fitted. Diseases of the Eye Ear,
Hullett, but has the stabling to put
in Lambion. in this fall,
35th • year and was most highly es- X earliest possible moment. By X
i,C ivi Y Y trolley, express near Sohenc�tad N
teemed by relatives and friends. g' ' ng this our attention . you, X � y+ N.
Nose and Throat treated.
BE ATON HOLMES-At St. Paul's I Miss Flora Reith- of Strathro has
• '.church, qtb August 12th,- IIyY the. �Y
returned to her ]some after spendingi
Can be given to R number Of Rev W. Craig; B. D., Mr. Slio-an- month with her uncle and aunt -at te.
will conte
`vas conscious n,kiirl to the last, r a favor on us. X'
�� _
IXXTi_4tXX:t Z
sntart girls on hard sewing or der. D. Beaton of Whitechurch, to
g g parsonage.
Miss Elizabeth Holmes, eldest
s r
o eratin machines; Apply Thos. Hill, who .underwent a crhttoal
p pp 3 daughter of Mrs, M. Taylor of '.operation for ll stones is doing fin:.;
r t
to, iVir.'J: McLeod, foreman, clintpn. I, €it
, and. is. expected to be, around in a
Miss Vera Elmes of Chicago, Ill, is SEASIDE EYCU.RSIONS- RO-U. iD
h cousins, g , ,
visiting er, ou ins, Alisses Jealand
_ ---.- couple. of weeks.
ni r
a y Shedden. Paris is Pull of Them and' Nearly All TRIP TICKETS.
I have the Standard
Mr. Simon VanNorman spent feet
r /� Bayfield, August 10th, 1891• days last week .visiting friends in the
The. U ackson Mfg 06,y i
F A1eCutdieon has inu roved . •the Use Parisian Sage.
outward .a P In the laeaut• show p
ppearance of his esiden::c y otv at the metro 01-.
opened out at
Elevator, in wires m y
Miss Sheppard of Toronto is the •township of .Minto. He', reports good.
by 4'new coat of paint:.. lis two years ago Gold Medals, were GOING AUGUST 9,10,11. and 13.
.connection .
rain business„ a full stock of Timo-
Seed, Corn, Chop
y crops there and especially, roots.
guest of ..Dr• Sheppard.
G1 nton^. The R. Gardiner is visiting- at Mei s Lizzie Stewart of Buffalo visit=
Aiuss Priscilla Mannino s ant the , awarded to five different women.
Oldf home week in Pairnerston with �.. To the most beautiful woman be- FROM CLINTON TO ,.
thy and Clover .and
Feed of all kinds., Please give mea
ed her sister, Mrs. R.. E. •McIC•enrra;
Itis' home here. + +
her sister, Airs. Herb, Cunningham: +tween' 20 and 25,; between 25 and 30 ,; OLD ORCHARD, ME. $19,10
Local schools open for business on' last vveelc.
P Mr, and Mrs; R. Coultes had
Afpnday. I + Jr.,
The new Want;: barn of Jas; 1�Ia�rvell 'between 30 and 3a •.between 35, and I{I:NNELBL'N11�PORT, ME.,. $19,413'
`" 140 and. between 40, and �k5,
6th line, has been, completed by J.. '11E.
♦♦N ►N�4••�•1N♦r�•NNN
♦ • Miss .Hutton. of Nirdgham• ist- Visitiug a goung daughter. come to gladden
. PORTLAND #+18.85
Petch and is nuw ready for• Vie,. liarsA society reporter who interviewed ST. JOHN, �N, B., $273.5
la -11
W %�
♦. ♦ their borne recently,
• friends here. :. -MONC'ION,
I : Miss. Ella, McK,enzic of:. Grey; -'and
five vyomen in the interest of his,.•
test.* N.'B.;. $•'7.35
Ethel re orted that all them:had
i.�t .
•. :. Rabbit shooting is not as good as ,
����000 �
Watson• leaves this week!:Papers,• •of
r .,
.1giss p , n�
HURRAY BAY, $.....85..
;Hiss .otter of" Bl th are tike ue ti
. it used. to be. '. l . , •y +. •g
• Mr. Alex.. Cameron is bundling an of the Aliases Clarkc.
to his' I Ernest. Wheeler G. T,. R. operator.
to fake a position in a largo ini>llnerll beaul<iful hair; and tiiat each of the five I-IAhIFF'iX, N. S:, t;29a5
establisbnient jo Lond'on.. enthusiastically attributed her. lusuri- StillitiERSIDE P. X�.. I. 9.3'
, • + $2 0
\irs, ti . H: Sholdiee and ctaugliter'i ant hair to Parisian Sage.
Fall Term From septls�
. addition barn.
visiting ti,. 1
♦ ♦ at. Paris,, is visa ung bis parents ant
• Miss Carrie Brigglc spent a. day in '
. PICT()U,. N. 5.:; $31.35
Aima of Lond'drn , vvlio were visiting II lir. S. R. Holmes..'sells Parisian;
: Friends here,Watson's!
town last week.
at John anal with i1 altori . Sage., for 50 cents a Iar e bottle. He
g g
• • Miss Stella Jam" of �V""inosh .is:
• Over: one thou5aad sdu• Air. John I;sson of London is: in.
y. a visitor with IFIISsS. Gertrude •,Arm-
dents enrolle+ip by our chitin_ town again:.1.
uarantees it to cure, dandruff in • two. '
friends have retuinocl„ 'to their' home. (�, �''rotiortconate rates from.' sit stations
J. L. Loaner and wife (nee' Hiss weeks ;'to stop falling hair and two.
g in Ontario to,
F-+ ) 1 strong. r,
ear. ;It i,tTs to oar= Miss Buchanani 'of Goderich is visite• 1liss. Jennie Proctor and. Hiss essi-e
. above Bind other . points
iliaggie llcCuic}ieonl. and famhiy; of Ling of'the scalp. •It`makes any wom- in New Brunswick \ova '
, , Scotia,
♦': tend:ri link of I.his gcr>{C •,
..] ing in Bayfield. (.
Kish Sastc, s ,
y, pent .a week• visiting, ins flys, beautiful, soft and iusuri-Maine and Prince Edward Islankh'.
♦ „ .
+ 6.4in. for INUX1O THE1tH Th .S + vats n r1r n tia.rned out in Halliday spent a few' days. in Palmer-
• �� IS8MENGTO.", a aI o ., r Y ' friends.
friends ;fn Morris, Carey and Mcli sleep. ant..
(• Return hiinit _:august 30th, 1009.
After twenty-two ears of solid
Y y
Sion• visiting
1 e inn i for it ,ad- • : force. on Sunday and had a big. time. Halla sant Sunday i �v stet
T i de nit art i Adam i ay <
They also• visited Mx, •Lormei s,.friond�
at •PetcrbAratiglr•
work we have become the largest
got ♦ The Forest city bicycle clt.h of Lon
a aisles .ia :THhLE)J TIME •. •; his daughter and son-in-law, ler. ared
• the supply. ♦ don., is to pay our town a visit this
i For further particulars a
y, ,; . , liply .to
Di , T Lounsbury wife and.. 11ttle I Repeat -it .- Shiloh s.•Cure will-. aI- John Ransford, Town Agent.
s and tsuccessful i
beta most pract cal
training school in Western Ontario
KL ♦ slits, Steuart, neat .Bayfield
Y Q Other sebooNenga;geuur .,� week.
daughter, also.the• doctors s,ster,,Mrs% !ways cure. m coughs and colds," A. O: Pattison, Depot Agent,
y y g g
with no superior i C ii da. Three
p n a a e
• :grxdua,tes�aas teacherri. A ♦ ' Messrs: Jas: Lggieson• acid 14arry
CLX t peeia.l course for teaeher•o. Johnston of Clinton, . • in town „
Crowley, bis sister-in-{.aw; Mrs: 7;tiuris-,
bury; and his brothel , all of Philadel-
dPpartments =
'two a ,+rs RePaat it :-•- Shiloh s Cure will al .
_. Grnduata•s of yp Sunday per .wheels. , „
t2,wo:' ways cure lily' coughs and colds.
phaa are welcome visitors .at the home �_
• uj . aao ROB noW earring Illi: John Stanbur vvho`:1ras been
• .: y
of Mrs.'. Lounsbury's. parents, and • .
-per annum. .
♦ ,•.X P • visiting home for a few days left. 'on :
Mr s. Scott, 2nd line.
• Three endir4es-ConlitnR= • , . _
• .r.X r, _ Tuesday for Toronto,
C1.Vr,,,STE\dCRAPHx :alio °a Hensall
James ` Jackson teeth line. ,dost . w
, I ki Thos. •.Skinner upas uv in Cro1
good brood .mare., 3h<. uvaS allowed! `' ,1 ��
We assist raduates to positions .
zz TNLr•:GRarij Y. Theaeht 17aisy,. with jolly, crew,
0- enjoyed ;a, pleasant `sail .6n. the lake on
'evening. families Richmond
ch and (otboriie townships, fhc fore .' :
out on the roacls�irie to. get some grass ,part" of .the weep 'and lie Sas that it
1 v t •th 'i
as vvc I as give a most)- t oroug,
•aturday A couple of .on
W Fall TermOperlsAu 30.
Aug.*b ♦
nd got on the :.C..P. R. over thc';macic him T:cl ,lore. of llitcitell vvho
training•. Get our free catalogue
• _
Miss Lottie �llartin who has . been street south, liai`e a liv:cly, comped-
. Write for Particulars. friends in Toranto for the tion a very Monday ,morning; as 'to
cattle guard:at the sidlero.ad. A train' 'saty the lar e rill e the HillCo.
g • b g Ca
came and taught her oil the I c
at once.
visiting .
H g which will have tele w•asliing out first,
past few: rveelci, Lias returned..'
.along' are erectin over t Maitland i ►.
farm of Thos.' . Dou an and,A..,, way' g h � River. �rm�a� T r �
g• It is. over ' 400 feet in length.. It tak- .
'work ',before
ElliottR ��j((TT {{,,
L`{i�btX TI101Jfi�iUlal�
• I Sometimes Fred, heads the poll and.
CLINTON sometimes Atex.
only the of• an instant the , ' � •'+
Ids brains as as energy to `secure
♦ 4 ?The statement is 'matte, on apparent++
BL1SlneSS College • Londesboro, August 10th, 1831.
beast was land carry to successful . completion TfIL . BICYCLE IS FAST .
We• are SaYry to" state that John, ;these.lat e structures, .lfi. SldinneL 1
♦ ly, good authority, that nu newspaper
5th • son of Gilbert 1ticCallum, an old , there is% duous i COMING . BACK. Nt
GEO. SPOTTON, PRIM. Mr. A: Callander: is visiting friands Proprietor, editor, publisher, • manager
r ri t w ever has • been a
also says . N'tremet crop' 'POP
resident of #tie ;7th, lira, departed this ! of a 'res u i there. In • orchsrd' f i
PP 1 e end o UL R F t *,T.n R AGAIN '
AUG. 30th.
Our graduates are assisted to the
best positions. Write for the rea.-
son. Prepare now to enter at be -
Minning of term.
ail Courses for those who wish to
study at home.
E . yo
.S . E We have a CompYete stye
of Seed Pe&s, Barley
-tats and Potatoes.
We partivulnrly invito inappetio'h
of our SEED CORN which is No. 1.•
guarantee pure.
We are niso agem a for Canada Ca
ringe Co. BUGGIES, and
We have also few hngs of the God
rich Oats on hand at, prices and teens
to suit customers.
0 O'A'L '
ordlei'lO left at Davis Ra'*10aid's
WW .be prrcifil#* attended ter.
♦♦••♦♦♦�+N♦••♦♦♦♦•♦ a•♦♦♦• near Kingston. + o p. n Cr , us nn nr life err July i th, at his home in Por- I about, 500• barrels, which he- visited,
rrtr. Harry Aiodeland left for 'Mand- resident in Kingston penitentiary ora est Man., aged 3(r e list He had
fi Y. ` ' he cut off a s#cond year graft of bald-. li'FiY WALK it H>✓v .l'LEAS�
soba last 'week., in. the Central. Prison, Toronto. Not been .ill for some little -ti me: AL lie- twins en which' were 04 apples ' on a
F. W. CUTTLER PAINTCR . AND Miss. Dewar returned n Sunda af-I.a..bad record for the great, :Fourth Calliim. is survived by ii wife and one PP L'RE E X E R C ISE AND
+ o Y thirteen•: inch branch: --Mitchell Advo.
Paper .hanger.. All work bone guar -,ter spending her haidays ir. Essex'Lstate, daughter. He went Wcst shout 18'cate.,
anteed " io give satisfaction.. Prices county, I Rets. Ferrell and ,Alillyard drove up years alio.' - SIGHT-SEEING ARE SO
moderate;.. ,Residence nearl .o *site Mr. Bina exchan ed pulpits with frorn::the .Bend Saturday" - and the _..: 4 ,
Collegiate Institute. Clinton. 83 Rev. W, b. Campbell of Blytb on S•un� ,•former .occupied the. Methodist .pulpit l.- .TIi C I0.' lI �;`%-
_ day evening last: on Sunday . morning: Rev ;VIr. Afill- Repeat -it :-uShiloh's Cure will al- P RF • IN TH,la 1VIIEEL ?"
Is; E T OF it 0
Farmers bave commenced to cut Yard'.preached in the evening, , They ways cure my, coughs and. colds." HOOD..
DRAIN TILE AND BRICKS. --NT their spring grain, it will be a, '.good returned to #tie: Bend after the ser I AAI AGENT. FOR THE
l vice. - Who does not envy and admire a
win open our firs kiln on. May the crop. _ r lovely vvoinan ? The secret t f her lov» CLEVELAND A N . D RA-
and Iden we ,will again have Regular Orange nieeting on 'lhurs- . G. Sterling who returned from the The C•. P. R,. train crew which ran
g west;, last 'wcalt,, informs bs.that' the eliness; of her perfection, is health. CYCLE BYCLES AND .KEEiP.
in stock a?1 sizes of the from 2g day' evening in the Temperance •Hall down the two nuns on the b idge at y
at .8 , m, prop in his imnudi.ato section, Melt'ta, he sleeps •well, alts . well, digests
up to i2. inches and we we P I Bordeaux; Qia., were exonerated from well-intricate'tanc{ions . are.• v gcraus i TIRES -AND SUNDRIES OF
will open a.. .lien every week .durin I A gang of meri, partly from Berlin is fine, . although hail had damaged blame by the Coroner's, jury. and regular. Of it vvonta is reused-
the season. We also make nice and partly from Londesboro,, are bush+ niud:h crop about five miles south of g a r , ALL BINDS IN STOCK,
white and red brick. Our works. are l: building a new dam at 1 aber's Roller that ,point.. les, Ferrozone is the best ; it titali+r-
Mill. At the manse, Hens4l, on' Tuesday is the function ' upon wbieli health ..,�
- half mita east of Egrnondvitie: - � � W�,.��►•+r.•�r•�%�••��e••�ad•
li Ui'e8 •1C11(St
e e ,is -ma cs t t, r
v • +
P p
ni its i c u i wli fat so to
ee= n A s Pnh n o n
Kruse Bros. 1 tV:ottdv llc t .:O= 78-4 J. Brt:nSdon and son aids .huildin g++ I
' g g time has 'resided •with her uncle Atr. (blond, gives perfect complexion and Turner
two new waggons which with ti fLvv + Albert
^"""" bu ids they will; ship to hTanitobaIJames O'Brine was unit,od in •ma's- TTT +lots.of vigor. Every girl and Nvotn: ii
_. gg who seeks health vitality 1""les•--let
np�t:vnek ..:-._...._...... ._ _.._. _ 'Corbett, a well -to -'Watch I
FOR• SALT;. SOUARII TIMBiaTi I . ...__._._:. _ _.__�,,_..._ �'
riagd. with 1 icd. Corb
AIr. Geo. . A. Newton is building do young farmer oT I1ay."-R�. L. h'er get Ferrozone to -day. l� itty vents• LTI R \iOtt`E.
s and Lumber suitable for barns, clriv- i . ' � a. bus at all dealers. � S] I:1RI'I%NL:D.
AIcL. Smith officiated. The era
In g sheds, etc., for sale. Apply to'tliree sets double harness for 11Ir.1 '. PPY
Brunsdon who. tales thein to . Manito- couple are now settled on the farm.
D, Cantelon. 77 51r. and Mrs. A. II: Kin visitc(t thou
ha with him. I g .
of RLI
:the annual Sunday school excursion relatives of tele former in Kill". Mille Faults,
was a large one; twelve coaches ar- • over Sunday.
e ,L'�1O U1.>A, E NTS rived hers anci a.rothe'r ha+d to ;