HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-08-19, Page 2n x A C ^ACCUMA 0Y• r DURING 00 SPRING YOU NEE isonlething to restore the ap- petite, strengthen the nerqk 1lurilythe blood, or tone up the stomach, andiiil the body with rich vitality. BIand's-• Iron Pills Axe specially intended for this purpose. They will reinforce the 13aggiog euergies and .impart new strength .of body and niind, WE WANT U TO KNOW'CFS And than your recipts will be filled wit.: the best goods ob- tainable. 'VVe guarantee pure drugs, perfect services aecurocy and promptness, a W. S. R. HOLMES Manf'g Chemist, Clinton I1lavlra-Rocar4l August 19th,190f. A GOVERNMENT GRANT., It may not be cut •1 :11ace to call Uou* nty "ws jl The Redd White. the attention of rural school trustees uron �.✓ And othor oont�titurnta of your .*,wrnsvn ,..w.y.,.M• tet flue fact that the Covetnmclkt gives H blood ered a grant of $100 to any section t'liatare pow•rfuily unriohwl and vitalixod purchases an .acre of land for a school by Haod'r Sarsaparilla. gard(,%'and also givcs an annual grata Tt a otr ns the zed white corpuscles, o p s and of $20 to the trustees sand $30 to the xnalrea (atronlx Ilia white cos puacles. s �", and thus protects and restores ,the, teacher where, it is carried on. `./ j health. Reord Reader it edres scrofula. eczema, eruptions, 11ARD CALLOUSES fjL'I:;I IaY - ° ,-M-„_,...,, catarrb, rheumatism, anemfa, nervous^ �-^•^T - ness, that tired feellnig, dYspepsla; loss CURED. GATE SIGNS AiZE C01IMEtiDAi31,•e of appetite, general 40011ty and builds :tVe Grey Township. up the whole system. Bel r Soak the feet irk hat water *rid then All Extrao-Mrs, Alex. Stewart of Bel ravo is Miss Jennie Rand's visite ' t Mo -� A lame number of farmers now. It effects its wonderful cures, not apply _ very sick, and under the. ,doctor'sl care. Crieff, d a n bare gate signs giving their name simply because It contains sarsaparilla tortPrenioves theecalousn gir,ukly, » - but because It combines the utmost Beure a et ''Putnam's' only. Mrs. Proctor Jr., of Palmeri Towushi i' coun4l will be held on and the mim>acr of the lot and con remedial agents• of more than 24 dlf- e you g y ston, is a visitor at C. Robertson's. 23rd lust.. cession. This is a most .commendable ferent lnbxedlents, each .,,early _ . . Mrs, MoLelland of London is the movement. Not everyone who drives strengthened and enriched by this ra ,TUYT# The News -Record 'of o Mrs, x at, James and 1Irs. Armstrong, 1Uth through the count, knows t e n cues pecuitar coxzibinatipri. l Mr S o. g Y h a Repeat, it .+- .Shiloh s Curewill al- i,gLesl P con., were visiting xelatives at of the owners of the farms. Tn fact Get it today of your druggist, 100 ways cur.- My, coughs. and rol1�.." Miss Charlotte Gregg of Detroit is r Doses One Dollar, Prepared .ashy by fi August 19th, 191. Auburn. _ � - r visiting her mother, Mrs. lilt Gregg. i a very large proportion do not. It is .C, I. Hood Co., Lowell, pass., U. S. B,. Miss Lena Deacon. of London is at • R• Jr and Mrs. Hoover and dough- �a great convcnicnce to, the sitrangt!r ,to ' Clinton, August 19th, 1.891:, the -home of her parents„ Mr. and 1,1Trs, ters were renewing old friendships find the name of the occupant upon H Deacon, with tele AlcC.allum family of Hullett the gate of each farm, It is a sign ;n R APPLES Lieut, H. B. C=16e . is rusticating Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle of-London•,land old friends. at Blyth. !of enterprise and shows a certain` ie- iri�the south for a few days. 'lir. Carlisle Sr, oT Hensall, and Miss Mrs. Win. Neives of Auburn, and gird for the comfort and coAvenience Mr. Davis was fishing near his i camping raur.,d in the M itlan last Annie Ritchic of Brantford„ were the Mrs. John L. Davidson and .daughter, of others. The signs are ir.?xpMsive. k Friday. g g Amon the .catch hadlan ed guests of Mr. and 'firs, C, 1', Car- hiss Annie of Toronto, were visiting .;very farmer should cave one. , ' WAN T E Y g d isle. I at tQie home of Thos, and Alrs. Daviid-+ i a fine black bass which tipped th`tu John L. Geddes is visiting friends son this week, 1 LONDON, ONTARIO i n rdadfish story, but a witnessed fact. ivir. ° . Locking, .vvife and children of XXI�=XX.XXXXXXXXXXXV.XXXX ' scales at lbs, 9 ounces. This is ro X X ri Qc� n � at Clrarbotte Lake, Perth Co., also in A B � V for shipping and evapor^ Davis feels =proud over the catch. Lanark Co. AIr: Geddes has been in Gait, spent Sunday and Mouday with u .flit John, Wiseman has accepted a rather poor health for some time, and his father, Win. Locking, 12th con. IX IS TfIIS FOR YOU ? X $uslECTs ► ating: purposes. Best rices we hope to see him, return quite welL,Mr. Locking Sr. is in his 99th year, X X �. F p prices position in t!lre well known and re- Mrs, C. McCrae and daughter, Miss the oldest man living in Huron cot,n»:X We have on our list' a num, ;C Residestt and .',lase Courses siCl, putablu dry goods house of R'illiam G.tptaga,es Fs.e 0 P Grant, Brantford, in the ,dress goods Laura, and Miss Bella McCrae, are IX IX her of subscribers who are a X visiting friends at .Sault Ste, Marie Wm, ,Hogg, 4th. line, is not very ! X Year and some more tb, n a X J, W. Westervelt. J. W. Westervelt, Jr,. C.A., and silk dept, p well eve are sorry t0 hear but hope Y Prinrlpa'l. Vice -Principal. for a couple or three. wc'elss. , X year in arrears for their sub- X p _ sir• Fred. Rve Th and daughter, Mr,' and Mrs, Dan. Wheeler are •On- lie will soon, regain his health, John ,X seription to The News -Record, X Da % CANi" E t�C.� N Miss Hattie, leave Thursday next to • . _ -RELIAI3ILITY .- EXPERIENCE - visit the former's daughter,. Mrs. Cal- loyikg themselves Sor a COUPL", a of weeks among the Islands of th G o Hogg, who has been. in SVashington'X In ntaziy cases it is but, an. ov_ -�•,�I N State for about four has come. X ersiglit. To theindividual sura X CLINTON.,lander reVirg at Parkersbur, WtVblood �Co,, Virginia,. ' gian years,, home to run the farm on account of X • ser�,rer the amount is mall small, 1 ' TheRifftribesmen in 'Morocco are . -,but _ , Repeat it ,--a Shiloh s Cure+w 11 al- Mrs. Harr •Perdues little Mr. A, U. Pattison, . T. R. Titskei I and y X k• his fathers i'.lness. when taken in th-. aggre- X seeking to. make peace with Spain, ways cure my coughs wad co.1s. daughter, itlio contracted blood'-pois- Agent,. U. S., Consular Agent, etc., oning from a cut on the toot about Martha, second daughter of Robert 'Y gate amounts to a const Arable X J. Menarey, Oth con., died last week , X sum of money, and this money All. Lariv�iere condemned the;' roade left on Monday for Buffalo and other three weeks ago, Js still very, ill. American cities to spend a weeks .X system of -Montreal. of a combination of ailments, cliief of Y we could use to advantage . at X a` 1 - DR. OVENS, SURGEON, Dr`I, OCULIST, : , .two Rev, and Mrs. Ferguson left on StEADY' .. vacation. � Monday for Toronto, _Peterborough , Whicli was acute indigestion ' and a ''X the present time. We w.)tild X A short fight was accom tishe ' with`: p ' ' d. heart trouble. She had been in fail-lX therefore, ask our subscribers X 'Baddeck No, 1 at Petawawa, will be at Holmes' Drug Store : on Friday, July 9th, and thereafter -.0n ]): Cantelon, :fere famous apple deal- and Parry Sound, on, a month's Vaca-' er, returned from Lam�a'ton county last . ing health for some months but was X to look at the label on their X I X Tobias ' Wednesday Aug. 4, Sept. 8, Oct,, 13, tion. week, where he spent ten days pur-i Dave Tisdale has completed • the p EMPLO YMENT ]able, a . Trimlit was drowned in the was got.. t confined is on' i ullyll,ta X marked un °we f wou a be t pleased X Fraser River :below. Stevest n a, 'onlyo bed o a p p on, B C. Nov. 17, Dec. 2,2. Hours from. 9 a. until 3.30 n1• Glasses properly chasing, packing and shilrp ng early building of a barn for Mr. H.' Snell of apples, Tae reports a plentiful yield ' few days, Miss Menarey was in her X to have their remittan:e at the X Three Ttalia>is were, killed by a m. p. Eve, fitted. Diseases of the Eye Ear, Hullett, but has the stabling to put in Lambion. in this fall, a 35th • year and was most highly es- X earliest possible moment. By X i,C ivi Y Y trolley, express near Sohenc�tad N teemed by relatives and friends. g' ' ng this our attention . you, X � y+ N. Nose and Throat treated. BE ATON HOLMES-At St. Paul's I Miss Flora Reith- of Strathro has • '.church, qtb August 12th,- IIyY the. �Y returned to her ]some after spendingi Can be given to R number Of Rev W. Craig; B. D., Mr. Slio-an- month with her uncle and aunt -at te. .She will conte `vas conscious n,kiirl to the last, r a favor on us. X' �� _ IXXTi_4tXX:t Z X�iXY3XXXX;�:i�XX?iX ..-- TO FARMER S AND sntart girls on hard sewing or der. D. Beaton of Whitechurch, to g g parsonage. Miss Elizabeth Holmes, eldest s r Township, o eratin machines; Apply Thos. Hill, who .underwent a crhttoal p pp 3 daughter of Mrs, M. Taylor of '.operation for ll stones is doing fin:.; , r t BEAUTIFUL 1�01IEN, Gua OTHERS to, iVir.'J: McLeod, foreman, clintpn. I, €it , and. is. expected to be, around in a Miss Vera Elmes of Chicago, Ill, is SEASIDE EYCU.RSIONS- RO-U. iD h cousins, g , , visiting er, ou ins, Alisses Jealand _ ---.- couple. of weeks. ni r a y Shedden. Paris is Pull of Them and' Nearly All TRIP TICKETS. . I have the Standard Mr. Simon VanNorman spent feet tv r /� Bayfield, August 10th, 1891• days last week .visiting friends in the The. U ackson Mfg 06,y i F A1eCutdieon has inu roved . •the Use Parisian Sage. outward .a P In the laeaut• show p ppearance of his esiden::c y otv at the metro 01-. opened out at Elevator, in wires m y Miss Sheppard of Toronto is the •township of .Minto. He', reports good. by 4'new coat of paint:.. lis two years ago Gold Medals, were GOING AUGUST 9,10,11. and 13. .connection . ' rain business„ a full stock of Timo- Seed, Corn, Chop y crops there and especially, roots. guest of ..Dr• Sheppard. G1 nton^. The R. Gardiner is visiting- at Mei s Lizzie Stewart of Buffalo visit= Aiuss Priscilla Mannino s ant the , awarded to five different women. p Oldf home week in Pairnerston with �.. To the most beautiful woman be- FROM CLINTON TO ,. thy and Clover .and Y Feed of all kinds., Please give mea tele,. ed her sister, Mrs. R.. E. •McIC•enrra; Itis' home here. + + her sister, Airs. Herb, Cunningham: +tween' 20 and 25,; between 25 and 30 ,; OLD ORCHARD, ME. $19,10 Cali. Local schools open for business on' last vveelc. P Mr, and Mrs; R. Coultes had Afpnday. I + Jr., The new Want;: barn of Jas; 1�Ia�rvell 'between 30 and 3a •.between 35, and I{I:NNELBL'N11�PORT, ME.,. $19,413' `" 140 and. between 40, and �k5, 6th line, has been, completed by J.. '11E. ♦♦N ►N�4••�•1N♦r�•NNN ♦ • Miss .Hutton. of Nirdgham• ist- Visitiug a goung daughter. come to gladden . PORTLAND #+18.85 Petch and is nuw ready for• Vie,. liarsA society reporter who interviewed ST. JOHN, �N, B., $273.5 la -11 W %� 6V`YTH,* ♦. ♦ their borne recently, • friends here. :. -MONC'ION, I : Miss. Ella, McK,enzic of:. Grey; -'and five vyomen in the interest of his,.• test.* N.'B.;. $•'7.35 Ethel re orted that all them:had i.�t . •. :. Rabbit shooting is not as good as , ����000 � Watson• leaves this week!:Papers,• •of r ., .1giss p , n� HURRAY BAY, $.....85.. yt: ;Hiss .otter of" Bl th are tike ue ti . it used. to be. '. l . , •y +. •g • Mr. Alex.. Cameron is bundling an of the Aliases Clarkc. to his' I Ernest. Wheeler G. T,. R. operator. , to fake a position in a largo ini>llnerll beaul<iful hair; and tiiat each of the five I-IAhIFF'iX, N. S:, t;29a5 $2 establisbnient jo Lond'on.. enthusiastically attributed her. lusuri- StillitiERSIDE P. X�.. I. 9.3' , • + $2 0 \irs, ti . H: Sholdiee and ctaugliter'i ant hair to Parisian Sage. ..�.._. L Fall Term From septls� . addition barn. visiting ti,. 1 ♦ ♦ at. Paris,, is visa ung bis parents ant • Miss Carrie Brigglc spent a. day in ' . PICT()U,. N. 5.:; $31.35 Aima of Lond'drn , vvlio were visiting II lir. S. R. Holmes..'sells Parisian; . : Friends here,Watson's! town last week. at John anal with i1 altori . Sage., for 50 cents a Iar e bottle. He g g n CENTRAL, • • Miss Stella Jam" of �V""inosh .is: • Over: one thou5aad sdu• Air. John I;sson of London is: in. y. a visitor with IFIISsS. Gertrude •,Arm- dents enrolle+ip by our chitin_ town again:.1. uarantees it to cure, dandruff in • two. ' friends have retuinocl„ 'to their' home. (�, �''rotiortconate rates from.' sit stations J. L. Loaner and wife (nee' Hiss weeks ;'to stop falling hair and two. g in Ontario to, s F-+ ) 1 strong. r, ear. ;It i,tTs to oar= Miss Buchanani 'of Goderich is visite• 1liss. Jennie Proctor and. Hiss essi-e . above Bind other . points iliaggie llcCuic}ieonl. and famhiy; of Ling of'the scalp. •It`makes any wom- in New Brunswick \ova ' , , Scotia, + ♦': tend:ri link of I.his gcr>{C •, ..] ing in Bayfield. (. Kish Sastc, s , y, pent .a week• visiting, ins flys, beautiful, soft and iusuri-Maine and Prince Edward Islankh'. f,��///� TF RrJ'. ONT. &TRA O ♦ „ . + 6.4in. for INUX1O THE1tH Th .S + vats n r1r n tia.rned out in Halliday spent a few' days. in Palmer- • �� IS8MENGTO.", a aI o ., r Y ' friends. friends ;fn Morris, Carey and Mcli sleep. ant.. (• Return hiinit _:august 30th, 1009. After twenty-two ears of solid Y y Sion• visiting 1 e inn i for it ,ad- • : force. on Sunday and had a big. time. Halla sant Sunday i �v stet T i de nit art i Adam i ay < P Y They also• visited Mx, •Lormei s,.friond� at •PetcrbAratiglr• work we have become the largest got ♦ The Forest city bicycle clt.h of Lon a aisles .ia :THhLE)J TIME •. •; his daughter and son-in-law, ler. ared • the supply. ♦ don., is to pay our town a visit this i For further particulars a y, ,; . , liply .to Di , T Lounsbury wife and.. 11ttle I Repeat -it .- Shiloh s.•Cure will-. aI- John Ransford, Town Agent. s and tsuccessful i beta most pract cal training school in Western Ontario KL ♦ slits, Steuart, neat .Bayfield Y Q Other sebooNenga;geuur .,� week. daughter, also.the• doctors s,ster,,Mrs% !ways cure. m coughs and colds," A. O: Pattison, Depot Agent, y y g g with no superior i C ii da. Three p n a a e • :grxdua,tes�aas teacherri. A ♦ ' Messrs: Jas: Lggieson• acid 14arry CLX t peeia.l course for teaeher•o. Johnston of Clinton, . • in town „ Z Crowley, bis sister-in-{.aw; Mrs: 7;tiuris-, bury; and his brothel , all of Philadel- � dPpartments = .were 'two a ,+rs RePaat it :-•- Shiloh s Cure will al . _. Grnduata•s of yp Sunday per .wheels. , „ t2,wo:' ways cure lily' coughs and colds. phaa are welcome visitors .at the home �_ +. A TRUAIENDUOI,S CROP OF _ - 't" COMMERCIAL; SHORTHAND • uj . aao ROB noW earring Illi: John Stanbur vvho`:1ras been • .: y of Mrs.'. Lounsbury's. parents, and • . PLEB. and a -per annum. . ♦ ,•.X P • visiting home for a few days left. 'on : Mr s. Scott, 2nd line. ' TELEGRAPHY. • Three endir4es-ConlitnR= • , . _ • .r.X r, _ Tuesday for Toronto, C1.Vr,,,STE\dCRAPHx :alio °a Hensall James ` Jackson teeth line. ,dost . w , I ki Thos. •.Skinner upas uv in Cro1 good brood .mare., 3h<. uvaS allowed! `' ,1 �� We assist raduates to positions . zz TNLr•:GRarij Y. Theaeht 17aisy,. with jolly, crew, 0- enjoyed ;a, pleasant `sail .6n. the lake on 'evening. families Richmond ch and (otboriie townships, fhc fore .' : out on the roacls�irie to. get some grass ,part" of .the weep 'and lie Sas that it 1 v t •th 'i as vvc I as give a most)- t oroug, •aturday A couple of .on W Fall TermOperlsAu 30. Aug.*b ♦ nd got on the :.C..P. R. over thc';macic him T:cl ,lore. of llitcitell vvho training•. Get our free catalogue • _ Miss Lottie �llartin who has . been street south, liai`e a liv:cly, comped- . Write for Particulars. friends in Toranto for the tion a very Monday ,morning; as 'to cattle guard:at the sidlero.ad. A train' 'saty the lar e rill e the HillCo. g • b g Ca came and taught her oil the I c at once. visiting . H g which will have tele w•asliing out first, past few: rveelci, Lias returned..' .along' are erectin over t Maitland i ►. farm of Thos.' . Dou an and,A..,, way' g h � River. �rm�a� T r � g• It is. over ' 400 feet in length.. It tak- . 'work ',before ElliottR ��j((TT {{,, L`{i�btX TI101Jfi�iUlal� • I Sometimes Fred, heads the poll and. CLINTON sometimes Atex. only the of• an instant the , ' � •'+ Ids brains as as energy to `secure killed. PRINCIPALS ♦ 4 ?The statement is 'matte, on apparent++ BL1SlneSS College • Londesboro, August 10th, 1831. beast was land carry to successful . completion TfIL . BICYCLE IS FAST . We• are SaYry to" state that John, ;these.lat e structures, .lfi. SldinneL 1 g ♦ ly, good authority, that nu newspaper 5th • son of Gilbert 1ticCallum, an old , there is% duous i COMING . BACK. Nt i GEO. SPOTTON, PRIM. Mr. A: Callander: is visiting friands Proprietor, editor, publisher, • manager r ri t w ever has • been a also says . N'tremet crop' 'POP resident of #tie ;7th, lira, departed this ! of a 'res u i there. In • orchsrd' f i PP 1 e end o UL R F t *,T.n R AGAIN ' FALL TERM OPENS AUG. 30th. Our graduates are assisted to the best positions. Write for the rea.- son. Prepare now to enter at be - Minning of term. ail Courses for those who wish to study at home. CLINTON BUSINESS. COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTOX, 'PRINCIPAL. MON, E . yo .S . E We have a CompYete stye of Seed Pe&s, Barley -tats and Potatoes. We partivulnrly invito inappetio'h of our SEED CORN which is No. 1.• Our TIMOTHY and �CLOV91ZS w guarantee pure. We are niso agem a for Canada Ca ringe Co. BUGGIES, and STANDARD WIMP Ff i� Ot AND POTS, We have also few hngs of the God rich Oats on hand at, prices and teens to suit customers. FORD&MoLEOZ 0 O'A'L ' CORDER YOUR Y.9AR'S SUP- PLY NOW. THE BEST Illi THE MARKET, $7 I" ETI; TON, $UT' IF ORDEREb AND PAID VOR BEFORE MAY 31st, A DIS- COUNT OP 40 CENTS A 'TON WILL 13E ALLOWED. ordlei'lO left at Davis Ra'*10aid's WW .be prrcifil#* attended ter. ♦♦••♦♦♦�+N♦••♦♦♦♦•♦ a•♦♦♦• near Kingston. + o p. n Cr , us nn nr life err July i th, at his home in Por- I about, 500• barrels, which he- visited, rrtr. Harry Aiodeland left for 'Mand- resident in Kingston penitentiary ora est Man., aged 3(r e list He had fi Y. ` ' he cut off a s#cond year graft of bald-. li'FiY WALK it H>✓v .l'LEAS� soba last 'week., in. the Central. Prison, Toronto. Not been .ill for some little -ti me: AL lie- twins en which' were 04 apples ' on a F. W. CUTTLER PAINTCR . AND Miss. Dewar returned n Sunda af-I.a..bad record for the great, :Fourth Calliim. is survived by ii wife and one PP L'RE E X E R C ISE AND + o Y thirteen•: inch branch: --Mitchell Advo. Paper .hanger.. All work bone guar -,ter spending her haidays ir. Essex'Lstate, daughter. He went Wcst shout 18'cate., anteed " io give satisfaction.. Prices county, I Rets. Ferrell and ,Alillyard drove up years alio.' - SIGHT-SEEING ARE SO moderate;.. ,Residence nearl .o *site Mr. Bina exchan ed pulpits with frorn::the .Bend Saturday" - and the _..: 4 , Y PP. g. P p _ - - - I : COMPLETELY CENTERED Collegiate Institute. Clinton. 83 Rev. W, b. Campbell of Blytb on S•un� ,•former .occupied the. Methodist .pulpit l.- .TIi C I0.' lI �;`%- _ day evening last: on Sunday . morning: Rev ;VIr. Afill- Repeat -it :-uShiloh's Cure will al- P RF • IN TH,la 1VIIEEL ?" Is; E T OF it 0 Farmers bave commenced to cut Yard'.preached in the evening, , They ways cure my, coughs and. colds." HOOD.. DRAIN TILE AND BRICKS. --NT their spring grain, it will be a, '.good returned to #tie: Bend after the ser I AAI AGENT. FOR THE l vice. - Who does not envy and admire a win open our firs kiln on. May the crop. _ r lovely vvoinan ? The secret t f her lov» CLEVELAND A N . D RA- lovely and Iden we ,will again have Regular Orange nieeting on 'lhurs- . G. Sterling who returned from the The C•. P. R,. train crew which ran g west;, last 'wcalt,, informs bs.that' the eliness; of her perfection, is health. CYCLE BYCLES AND .KEEiP. in stock a?1 sizes of the from 2g day' evening in the Temperance •Hall down the two nuns on the b idge at y at .8 , m, prop in his imnudi.ato section, Melt'ta, he sleeps •well, alts . well, digests in up to i2. inches and we we P I Bordeaux; Qia., were exonerated from well-intricate'tanc{ions . are.• v gcraus i TIRES -AND SUNDRIES OF will open a.. .lien every week .durin I A gang of meri, partly from Berlin is fine, . although hail had damaged blame by the Coroner's, jury. and regular. Of it vvonta is reused- the season. We also make nice and partly from Londesboro,, are bush+ niud:h crop about five miles south of g a r , ALL BINDS IN STOCK, white and red brick. Our works. are l: building a new dam at 1 aber's Roller that ,point.. les, Ferrozone is the best ; it titali+r- Mill. At the manse, Hens4l, on' Tuesday is the function ' upon wbieli health ..,� - half mita east of Egrnondvitie: - � � W�,.��►•+r.•�r•�%�••��e••�ad• A li Ui'e8 •1C11(St e e ,is -ma cs t t, r v • + P p ni its i c u i wli fat so to ee= n A s Pnh n o n Kruse Bros. 1 tV:ottdv llc t .:O= 78-4 J. Brt:nSdon and son aids .huildin g++ I ' g g time has 'resided •with her uncle Atr. (blond, gives perfect complexion and Turner two new waggons which with ti fLvv + Albert ^"""" bu ids they will; ship to hTanitobaIJames O'Brine was unit,od in •ma's- TTT +lots.of vigor. Every girl and Nvotn: ii _. gg who seeks health vitality 1""les•--let _._,.. np�t:vnek ..:-._...._...... ._ _.._. _ 'Corbett, a well -to -'Watch I FOR• SALT;. SOUARII TIMBiaTi I . ...__._._:. _ _.__�,,_..._ �' riagd. with 1 icd. Corb AIr. Geo. . A. Newton is building do young farmer oT I1ay."-R�. L. h'er get Ferrozone to -day. l� itty vents• LTI R \iOtt`E. s and Lumber suitable for barns, clriv- i . ' � a. bus at all dealers. � S] I:1RI'I%NL:D. AIcL. Smith officiated. The era In g sheds, etc., for sale. Apply to'tliree sets double harness for 11Ir.1 '. PPY Brunsdon who. tales thein to . Manito- couple are now settled on the farm. D, Cantelon. 77 51r. and Mrs. A. II: Kin visitc(t thou ha with him. I g . of RLI :the annual Sunday school excursion relatives of tele former in Kill". Mille Faults, was a large one; twelve coaches ar- • over Sunday. FAIR e ,L'�1O U1.>A, E NTS rived hers anci a.rothe'r ha+d to ;