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The Clinton News-Record, 1909-08-19, Page 1
'AN INTIMATION TO PARENTS. BAPTIST.' CHURCH. Clinton intend i. air is, to o unconscusnesp • o ou . c .ownsI wito is supported as a ur s from which . he R HOLINESS MOVEMENT Ci- URCHt A Fall of 25 Feet Caused the, parEnts who to have+ Rev. T. W. Charlesworth will preach.1 The series of revival tent Services, children beginequ school after a holt.- neat Sunday and his subjects will be: days are requested to hcicc them vac- ;VMorning, "How God closed on Sunday last and regular; sery G Death. �� �'ie�i�a� Nixon, cinated so that they will he :°eady to preserved Eli.- ( jah" ; 'Evening, "God's voice and how vices will now be held In EMott's hall Tuesday and Thursday, evenings a�tu o rdti., attend the first da, of the term. Y to hear it. " at 7.30 P. m. The Sunday services. Mr. Nixon Sturdy, CATTLE ,SIIIP:XENTSa THE LOCAL, XARK I T. clay will be � Sunday school an.11 B,tl; class at 10-30 and revival services at municipal clerk the deceased's youngest brother, and of Goderich township, met tv'ith an ala who lives upon the adjoining iatrin, Three ee carloads of export catty were Wheat. 90e to 95e, . 2 30 and a,Op � p. in. I..van,elist Joseg efdcnt which resulted in his death at The deceased was a son of the lata the bridge across the Maitland shipped from Clinton station on Mon- Oats 40c. to 45c. Trotter will haws charge during the River ,, ,.. John, Sturdy, a ,ytative df County For; naxth of Holnuatrile day, ons carload being ►wrought up by Peas G5e. to 70c. absence of Rev. W. G. Burns who will an Thursday af- managh, Ireland, who settled on iite ternoon last. Mr. C. H. Reid, thirty-seven head be- Barley, 45v to 48ca '16c be, engaged in camp meetings ,- meetings and re- lifts coru.� in 1838. ',Chore were eight .ot Ing fed by " Mr. John 'Middleton Sr. Butter to 17c, vivals at Finlay, Ivanhoe and Brace- A new steel and cement bridge is;}kr- a family. One son died in the State of Goderich townshipand nine by Eggs 19e . to 20c. bridge for some six weeks. All inter-ing built, at that place and. Messrs. of Missouri ,est February and tip Mr.. Mof:at• of Stanley.. Live Hogs, 1,k7.00. ested in obtaining a definite, satisfac. Sturdy. and Gcorge Tebbutt hall ).,ought passing of the subjeet of this sketch A LOV1411 OF FLOWERS, WINNERS OF--T1;1',REE TROPHIES, tory, scriptural, soul experience are earnestly requested to attend the 'reg- the old timber, As the former un- leaves but three surviving, John and screwed the nut on the rod holdirq;,,t'ho George A. on the. 7th con, and Tbomi- LVhfle in Goderich a, couple.of our Clinton lawn ,bowlers have won tth© ular meetings in Clinton, -Coin. truss it swaXed over and h, was as of Goderich, throw,' into the. can the worth rr is- citizens called upon Y g tray, Mr. W. Coats, and, it not ttdliitg trophy p y at three different tournaments this. season, At, Owetr, Sound by ly, f , LITTLE LOCALS. river head first, a In,' 1891 Mr. Sturdy was :clroscnt. distance of twenty-five feet, In fall -..clerk of the municipality to office hours, they founts him atuong his flowers Jackson, J. Fair, D. A, Forrestoit ani C, Ire You, a News -Record subscriber ? and tile. fn he either struck some of the scutes, g' end the duties of the position were Telling. timbers or his head frit of which, as we all know, E. Dowding. At Seaforth very fond. Roses are his favor-. ,by J. L.. 6urticle, J. Wa,t��.tbc The date of St. Jciseph's picnic is 31st the I+arquhar's upon performed. in a tboroughly Straight - timber laying in the river as h, is forward and satisfactory In. .he.is ites and in proper season his six hun.- I J. Harland y a to and place g manrx:r.. thought to.have been unconscious be- his gffrefat capacity he becatru; widely, fore" he reaolted the water. died bashes in bloom give forth a Goderich by J. L,. Courtice, J. 1Gatt ] J + , fragrance that is the delight of thq Wiseman and E. G. Courtice. Mr, W, J, Ctevenson has rented Dr, I and favorably. known. He was quickly takers, out of the whole neighborhood.' Agnew s handsome residence . for a river acid into the tent of the cern.! Personally Mr. Sturdy was genial A7 PLOWER SHOW. term of years and takes possession ent contractor, Mr.. Witherspoon, but and kindly ;, he would render a goo]:T •A BUSINESS CHANGE. At a meeting of the horticultural about the first of next mop°th. ( - H' he only spoke once and than lapsed turn whenever possible and was very, t opular the u h t til t ' rip. Ise Tiea stare which has been occupied society Held on Monday evcniryg it was' missionary by the Epworth Loa -lues of rinver, awoke. Recognizing that his is said for have been worth at least by Mr. E. W. Jacobs for the past decided to hold the a,nrtual (lower Goderich .District, occupied the put- condition was dangerous Mr. 5tur•clY ..twenty-five thousand dollars, Sunday - couple of years, but from which he re -,show on Sept. 1st and 2nd and the pit to each of the Methodist churches was placed upon, -a stretcher and, The funeral took place on, Sunda tires Saturday night, has been leas -!co-operation of the cittzens is asked last'S,unday, brought into G.unn's hospital by Mr, atternargn and was one of the larges ed by Tozer ,St Brown Who will make for. After the busin^ss had been l The W. C. T. U. will tweet at tile Wi.therspoon•'s auto,' Reeve Sturdy and ever seen in the county, `there being; alnumber of .improvements in the transacted those resent accepted an i p p home ,of Airs. A. T. Cooper on Fri- Vii. Forster duccpiuPanyin;. over two .hundred and fifty vehicles asst THE ROYAL. BANK OF C9N90A premises, They 'purpose carrying, on iniIRri,-tion from Mr. Cottle to .visit his day afternoon of this wr^lc . 3 On examination the sur eonf' saw tho oche"e. fi rev' their gents furnishing and -tailoring gieenhousc Where they .found' very' at that bis. Sturd 's in'ur' s g Services ices art Rause; Paid -Up Capital $4,050,000, Reserve $5,350,000 o clock. The executive will please Y 1 it . were of and cemetery were concluded bar business in this store, their .annex much, itrleod to admire, Mr, Cottle meet at 2.30 o'clock. such a nature that no human aid;.coulil Rev, R. W, Millyard' and Mr. Sturdy Total • Assets - - - $53,000.000 being altogether too small to accom- having ' a large collection of choice sate lAm, his skull hating, lice', so having bre' a member of the Masonic modate this brands Of their, b+asfness, plants. The Woman s Institute will meet at badly crushed in, and.at"mldnight he Order, the beaubfful service fora ile- Joint Accounts may be orened in the names of two persons, A VISIT TO ZURICH. DEATH OF (MISS LILY' BUTT. +Mrs. T. T, Murphy's, Rattenbury 5t., passed away. withdr,tiwals by either party. Thit, is a, convenient form of account on Thursday: next. All are welcome. ,, , parted brother was conducted at file for people living at a distance from the Bank. The waterworks contractgr has had Tbk" Uody was removed to the under-. home and at the graveside, The pall - p p On Friday afternoon last the Cline On Saturday evening last Miss Lily trouble with�the sih vellus. ii; taving rooms of.Hoover & Ball and bearers were J.. McLeod, T', Ginn, C:. THE ROYAL BANK Pas Special Attelition to the ton baseball team drove to Zurigh and Butt; eldest daughter of Mr. incl Mrs, from o b htought about noun on Friday taken to th3 and J, Whitely,Dr. CJlark acid F„ F. om Toronto and i': hM, Andrews ]las residence of Mr. George 0. 'Sturdy, Lawrence, y p played tl>,� return game with lite fast,laph, Butt of the Base Line, died i. hard to settle c}11e dP;,IvncA stile local _ Requirements of Farmers• ' . team of that thriving. burg.. { St: Joseph's hospital 'at Chatham af-; men appear to get along without any . After the rather disagreeable inti -'ter three. weeks illness With typhoid_ fever. Her a difficulty. A Nevi Clerk VY ijl .,be Chosen CLINTON BRANCH --R. E. �ZAiVNIfiG MAYAGER idents connected With the Zurich game Parents, who -had been. ln- I i played here last week,. the .orals ex- formed of her dangerous cond'itiort, I It is proposed to. ask alit count}! , petted to 'conte in for a lot of roast- were at her, bedside when the spirit council to guarantee the waterworks d6b,rntures which would thus command Next 1�ilanda ing but to the credit of Zurich both fled. The .remains arrived from Chat-, LJ. players` and spectators; showed them- ham on Monday forenoon's' trot' and ahigher. premium. To do, this a spec -11 selves- to aie _thorough good sports anti in the i1fternoon the funeral tooigplarco sal meeting of the council would have . did everything in ,their power to maU' from the . parental home to ,Clinton to be called at considers le expense.. Owing to the lamented death of Nix- If Nelson Trewartha; the ..success#uT' the trip;.a pleasa>zt one` for file Clin cemetery; ;It wrus very late cl attend A aide sir •il. on Sturdy, for eighteen *years munici- principal of "tie HolmeStvill. •sclr of The MOLSONS� .BAND ed. Th v' g. Y g n p, ty w iv be held qn the pal c:erk of Goderich townshi f. o is ton crowd: 1. a services were conducted. bylgrgitnds of Mr. B.• S; ..Cluff; Joseph i p, file the choice, or to George kIpltancl, whex INCORPORATED 185x: Zurich; assesses a die Ret , T. i; . COS vis, the, pal• _hearer 'b©-. St. to-morrott= Frid i lids ness .of _ the municipality •wilt 'not lives in the, village, the ositioa goes. Capital Paid up - $3,500;000 Rest Fund $3,500,000 p mond .that has fthg Wes. , Stevens Frank T •n ( ay) , et et ng. It .far sonic lime to come Move along so -the rate avers will + s i • . .anything in this: part. of '111; country . , 3 Ball, full. hr under fire auspices -of � tthe Citi- • , p . .ipc satisfied that. '1Melvin Graham Herb. J' Barr lens' band and there will be an a'r'ch- smoothly as heretofore; 'i'emporarily in, either event the duties will be- YIas 165 Branches is Canada beaten every Way and the crovVd"that ' Y. turned out to witness fhe.ggmrrid would; Hayes arid! G1cn Cornish. Among the dance of music and light retreshments: ille treasurer is in charge, but till faithfully performed`. and Agents and Correspondents in all the prineipalcities put. to.'shame the meagre turn buts in relatives from a distance who attend council meets next 1Monday evening to : '1'hc Salary is 10;1, but, t0 be suis, . in the world.. cd lucre ; 1FIr, and 1VMis. John pifnsdalo '—` choose a'sUccessor to Mr: Sturdy, `there are some plckings,..but when sur' upding ,towns many times larger. { ;So far. onl two names are suggest- A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. ' ' and Miss Alda Dinsdale,�Kippgn; 'Mr. Peirsn alp. Y they are -all totallccl'up the amount: Tho game itself wasa good 'etihibi 'and Mrs. Jelin I1.etty, Iiensall ; 1Ir. - M Tiri tali' position and'both are mon seems small. tvhert' it. is taken into tion. Clinton scored twa runs in the and Airs. I3rtrr :slew itis. IIenr is : lfi + of into rity and well t ualified for the •consideration hot t • first and were neves headed tv4clntn , Y y M, s athewson returned to tuivn,yes+ i v much time atui c,v- SAVINGS SANK DEPARTMENT, i t; Butt; C'olbornr ; 113r; George Butt, terd'ay, position. pericnce are really required. out 7 to. 4. Tasker pitched his usual lylich. t , AT ALL BRANCl3Es. big game and.reeeivc+d good support ; , Mrs. Clank, ,CTuclplt, :orifi Mrs, Mrs, 15 'J: Holmes is visiting her Interest allowed at Hi hest Current state.' ! , A• J. Butt, -Brandon' Man.' mother fn S�eaforth, y� � t; ,Ztirich did solve fast tvorlc in.tlie field; : { he .News IFroi"i'1i •i�,7ire ez :hiss Balktvill of EX ter is �isftin; Bag i e d hitt could :not hit the. big Clinton!THREL.SCCCP.SSFL'Lr VE ARS, I her cousiii,'iiMrs. B'wdrn, this week., ] ' twirler. . , Clinton.. . Clinton Branch .C. E. DOWdtng,'Manager. "' Zurich R,• 0. TIto.0.:Business Ccillegd: lias,hMrs'. Booth, who was tisitfngher. had three most sltcccssful tars and father, Mr. S.11. 411ummer, returned 3It. and Mrs. Robert Johnston left 'Mr. end' .Mrs. Anderson of Detroit; %dighopfer 2 2 y, to Orangeville . e ort Thursday of this week for Mile-iwcre the guests of Dr: and Mrs, lXet- Schrader 0 2 we understand than prospects for tile to g yesterday. y � g - ., stone Sask. to. i sit, their. son *Ulic. tali at their summer residence . ci er _ E. "�Vurm ' .• � . 6...>4 coming term.- are brighter tt-an :ever. Air. •Stewart T. Pluilln]cr, after some ., .' � racluates of flit C. 13.G; are n w y Rev. littxwortlly' of (l lcnevq assisted. Sunday. Frits' 0 4 The g ' ,'• o da s.visit with his father;;. Ir: I - t F en o in than G. Plumnirr, left . e teed t ' the morning serve Mis. T. tit urtri 0 3 J Y g y . of flit finest :poSiLlons 3 s it o . r( tlx� found and three c ,]fldren of . READYMADE ORdERFO II in the. l • d' . , • � tdrn..t f btnMinn. lice Rtnt till �Mett Methodist church c n Sun- arri H. Webber 1:. 3 t ca trig Canadian and r>ntctuars o 1 b, . g, iV nn. II Ston, . afro. Miss Young and \Miss p� �r 1, cities and in fact i lar a 'nu Mfss 'Ethel Wasman,,'whv ryas visiiirf.� clay la t. { liei•vilk of S f r CLOTHING �Ur�'1Sh ..c UrQOtiS CLOTNINCr sdbett 0 3 : , � g number t ca o tit are -guests at Little 0 4'' 1ar,e urigaged as teachers in otherBtisi• het atnt,. Vi s. Patz of iititchell; is M1ss Clara,IZichaids; who lies spent AICs. •frrcen`s, + Y • home. , past month, with her sister at C. mess Colleges.. A Clilitton ouu man ih • H. C, Weber i 8 �. g y. R �, -: , t I-Iamilfoti} ` returned to the village last;, 31r. and.:4Irs. :f;amsay:.aznd d'a:ugtt- .• _ who recently graduated fr.oni the God -,:Mr: John Carmu+hie- of 1lam,iltoni ati,i g ter, l4I:ss I,.tht'l Ramsay and son ;Dray°. �erich branch has'been ointed.com- his sietcr; Miss 'Mae, of. Steffe, are Week, . ' 4 27 ranch,.. app . ' Fev; ;;hover .of Druii]bo occupied lite ti +, rfsftirr" Messrs. James Stephens, 1Malcolm . , Ciinfon R, -•t}; mercial teacher' . in the largest Coin- I g at the: home of their unel'e' Ross and Ch pulpit of S:t.• Andrews church ' on 5 OL e ]. IVMr, Janes Maliat> Charles Falconer left this E.. Johnson . 1. 4 mercial School in til,. City of Toros.- . Y Sunday. morning last and Rev. Stcw,_ week for Sasi+ataQn. : Steep ?, to ifs Clinton has proved to be 5uclr Mrs L; 1Marrtott :and her daughter The Vcrfbest C`it:b : 115 .art of Landon in file evening, an excellent centre Mr. Spotton has. : ;Opal, . who ]fait. been "visitin•g . 'with. of this tillage; Rev. Dielcie of Montreal will oe- bianning 0 2 I , will give tv 1161) in the towti .tall ' oil Alexander• 1 3 determined to pay special attention,.to Mr. rind Mrs; John Scrutoan for a eu 1 + Friday evOiiny.: 1 Y file. pulpit. of St: Anarew, s Kerr this sell 1, and as the'. citizens of nion.11. .: is ft c,n `Monday for. th, it ; �' church nett. Sunday... is y� • ;, tI 3 Mrs Walters of . boflance Ohio is ` Twitchell 0 4 Huron are •ever -loyal to their . -own. home in Posconinion, ;tlich. " Aver sev+re a ='r S j the guest of her parents 14.' and M•rs. Y c thtndrrstorin;passeit l T S ' Tasker r 3 county, he � confidently anticipates tl]c Ml's. E. W.-' Jacobs an=i Iamily left g pr I Mcr]van p' i; Hu> on James 'Thomson. g st 1Ionday foze- e 1 �r>ter this •villa 0 Ia 3; a•. n full atrona o of all who•call J tl1:s weep tet t•iSlt at their oicl }]gn1c� noClll dust'' which lir, John Falconer . r 2 their home, .. The. prestige which • the in Sombro before Proceeding • to Messrs. Charles Roth and Alex. ' W. Johnson'- 0 4 p ` g p' .had ri valuable ouli, y ,r _ C. 33. C. enjoys in itein� Imi:: of ilMoosehlin .Bask.. Mr.. Jacobs n Baird of Iiraniforit :Hiss Knoll Miss killed.� I Y g^ cow instantly - n.. ilt 2 Canada's • 'Greatest Chain�Lof Iii h= business =visit to Hamilton,patancl' tamore, Qrtiy Parker auil J. Mon -it was stand.nur;der . a ,7 - �? g , cri'eff; Detroit ;. Misses, -Grace and Nei -,maple treeon the ricer"barrlc when aCxrade Actual Business SchoolsTwo riii of bowlers also drove to, , , en- Ni;igara I`alls this week," , , A li htninBU' Z ables, all graduates to secure tha best{ -lie Cluff, C.Ifi, Il ; . 1t and; 11Irs. g g bolt descended and' passings. :1�•urtoh the,san]e aftc;rno0n ,alio' they,{ , . ,g Lofft ane :suns- Ilerhort and Fredlcidrtvn the free: struck file+ cow and put. Itoo; speak of a cordial • reception and positions. The fail, terns of this ex- Lofft of St: Marys lisp. Curtis, Miss it out of business. of arV enjoyable game green th,a . green:' cdlent school opens diugast 3'Gtlt., A Progressive Farmer., Aiai v and .Jean VIe14Murehic Bl t anti] On .Sunday evening Iasi lir: ti' Both the visits' rinks .were - "u " ,y Y_ h . g an ] g p' BRIGHT PROSPECTS-. Airs. S. Orovenlock of Seaforth, are Mrs. Thomas. Cameron went over to The Were composed of :.1-J: W. Ir- %F.::r+' vY�Ya:::J:Y'Ai(E.:}Y'LSJsv+..•"x • . Y p, ; ; * x h :•y:^J•.�::J:J.« <. g1, -at Ii. Darrah's this week. trsit.,: Mr. 'and Mrs. George Parko and Win . lc r J. 's , Mr. elf, _ �:"':;,:,< ;,. S to •., <;:as> ,: g wt eman, J.:Wa,tt', D. S..Cl , mana or of the. «., eJ:..;. ,•., ^ v r� VV T y p , g :; y :::, ; lIiss Macdonald and Miss Matthews when leaving for home 1lrs..C.anioro For 12-1. J. Grigg, Dr. Axton, G. W. Orgen and Llano Company; returned a , .:.r :�:�;r: ?:x: i of C*uelpll are guests at Mrs. John met `with a severe' acciiicirt. In step Barge and IV. Harland. Ifew' clays ago fimti a flying lisp down : rt'�r Friguson's ti>,is.week, ping off the -verandah her foot slipped throw h the lMaritfmc . Pr winces. 14 e a;•4• f g 9 s iii: Ranisa , iC I In a':lca ue arno played Molida ec-.'use the term "flying" inasmuch as al- ��i<., y• and George il•aiden of and she fill, breaking_ her thigh done t g p Y Y l g y.. w .?: Roeltester; N. Y ,, are visiting friends 1 which, will lay h•r uli for several: ening. Goderich agai.rr� defeated the though. he hits 'rade this tripAwenty- "' in the village. tv . ecks. locals :b 5 to 4. The teat's were two. times lie never, before• (lid it in116 g • B4dA4d, (very eve ly matched and 1t was any -bless than. ten weeks-!w.hercas this -mi ' � _ . --_._.___._.., _ _._ . _.body's.-garl]c_un.til_ th.L. lash marl .. was he covered. it in a n]gnt11 and a half. ��� ;, r ;; • �;>J. „t`>._. , �j Tdown. in tits 'inti]. Tasker again pit lir. Clu[f's old Iricnds in tIte teade` A cit t oil Bracie"ield" chod a winning game but basoliall luck were glad' to meet him again and to '- We've School Suits built on purpose to Bold i — -- - - A ' Was not with the home team and promise him. an increase of orders for Anniversary C �;:. >::SMIs �. Arnttctsary scrtiecs, will be held in Iy manager of the F+arn>trs 13an4 `ir, that active Echcol Bo who was never. known oto be � g y y partieutarty � throw h the hit the. ball hard oriel the Dohert instruments r • • the Methodist church litre ' I on Sunday, t11'iS plate quiet. often, it was always :right into tixe�tite pianos .which have gen to t11ePresbyterian 4Ir Harry �„ The W-.1,, M. S. of the Iresb terianI ,< try R. Laird, soil of Ur. hands of a. Goderich fielder.. front in so. short a tinter Y :<<z church heel a sewing hie in sire base-. place a g R. Laird of this place ' who fpr some St i19i1 fabrics cele t Goderich now has the pennant. Mt. Cluf"r says he never found the .l :•„•• Ment; of the church on Tuesday.. time has leen mariager of the Farm - Stylish cted for helr� duration. fi won. -but file other throe. teams. all Maritrmers 1,n better hum's, Thefish- a Quite a number from .sire attended or's Bank at Springbrook and Tren- Seams double served. Seat and knees double. Every .lave a chance for second place. The ing has been good, the crops axe, eY the. Glance given by Mr, John Nt(;- ton, wars married n Satrrda Y N Iali”. point where strain comes, doubly stayed, eche best ':League executive:mct in Clinton, Fri. cellent wid the apple liar }s very y Naughton on Wednesda last,: All to- U z x S f� g, Y Ilil}ir. li. MacConnell at. tier fatherIS School Suit it i9 possible to build. Aa last and dreideci: all tb- protests,Ipromising. It is expected that $1,- port a good time. residence, at 5priitigbrclol;, unci The {.Clinton . has, to plia_r over two with i 500,Ot1(1 Wortl] of stipples will he ship- Mr. Lewis of Toronto gave an ad- happy couple are now spending hart SIZP {I31ych and pnr. with. Goderich and ped from the famous Annapolis valley dress on Local Option its the Presby of their liortcymoon with frieixis in, Sizes 5 to 1 tars. Mitchell and Goderich replay last alone. 3 ; , p y trrlan church on Sunday. ]town and vicinity. lir. Laird lies weeps game. t I Tho Company does business with all Co*uneillor W. H. Lobb. I, Mrs, Andrew ,Scott. ,has returnediseverecl' itis connection with the . QQry r� Q //� /� Goderich R. . O. parts of the world and, has lately been from a visit to Toronto friends. Far'nier's Brink. and ort his return •will .pG.50� .�G.99y �V3. V�. : �.oU . �(� ► 0.00. W6b l.f, 1 i making 'grgans for C"hinri, ,'.usttalta Mr. and Mrs, W: H. Lobb -of God- rNr. and Mrs. Bowie visited at.. Dash- hake tite position of manager of ilia itMcBeath^r,l'. L and Poland. erich township 1•?ft on Saturday last woad an ,Sunday, ti`trftrd I:n]pfre , 13at1k cif Canatjr at Belcher 311. 1 3 Just now Milnagcr .(fluff and staff arcs on a trip to the Pacific Coast. They A number of our sports took tri the Springbrook. hest wishes and 'cont One Of Alii splendid School Suits Will last the 0. Dean c.f. 1 4 g g excursion to Detroit on, Saturcla „ $0 longer than two Ol' the " r' � )' 1)evin0 S.S.� putting the. fin1a911,1n i tgticha*w to their Will N�istt 'rclaVancouver yes uv r ilii friends + Yvai , graiulations: Boy ; o dinarq s�;rt, and it 1 1• exhibit for the Toronto Fait vhicll route and at anco r % L 1pb has Mr, and Mrs. Tillage of Uoi%sG . n, will look far better all the time he is wearing it. li dis 2b, u 1 will be larger' and better than ' over. two brothers and Mrs. Lobb two sfs- Man., visited In out villa. e one day Wiggins pa 0 8 It wiil constst of twenty -sig insti•u. 'tvrat Ronewipg of old associations last wrolc, Dean c,, 0 4 '•tents including 2 player pianos, 6 or- will thus shorten the trip and matte Mr. Georg<. Proudfoq,t of Sault te. Little �Locat$'.• 'Tait ib. 0 4 dinar pianos, 2 -manual org4n% 7y it the more rnjo able• They will also Marie, wilt) has been the guest of his tt �.� y Y g' : , A Square Deal for Ever .Dana • `-"' octave organs, chapel and chum.. or- spend some clays at tiro great 1•1-xposi- sister, Mrs, ,Alex. McKew.1c, has re- Only half as many went to tliu- Clintort 5 21 gans: .tion in the tbriving city of Seattle, turned home. +West on tills t'urning's excursion ns Ra 0• Tf the work can lir hultttd along so and returnf.ng .some by a somewhat Miss Maggio 'Mackenzie is visiting last year. ` E• Johnson ib 0 13 that time will permit of it, lt. is the different route they will slave seen at Trot .some herr: The White Dyke bated tarnislied thea - Hawking c. 1. 3 ititentiqu of the management, to in- much of the. west and as this is thrid The .acture can Temperance itis till g + .music for a oelrbratiun •ire. lllytlr '1`uer:- Steep 2b 0 3 vite the citizens of the town to view first trip to the lane. of the setting Presbyterian church can Monday oven slay afternoon, Manning 3b 0 4 the exhibit before it is shipped to the sun, it will be all now to them, ing drew +quite a crowd. .Alowander e.f; 1 2 pair. Mr. Lobb is one of the most progres- The many friends of Mr. Id. Papple We are, in rrcript of it ropy of tho M o RRISH W CROOKS fiaslcer 1a, ' 1 3 .., The factory is vrr•y busy can orders, sive farmers In the township and it is will be pleased to hear ho is recover- Angler and Bunter published its Syrx- lferr 0. 0 4 �lraxticulariy in the plotio department questionable it 110 will in his travels ing from his recent severe illness. cuse, N. 1;. It is Brio.i full Of 'fatten VicEwan 11 0 where, it is hoped to doublo tit•;+ out- moot with a farmer Who is, getting Air, t Will. Ratteahury ai)i family especially interesting, to angler's atilt Twitchell s.s, 1 1 StlCCesSibies t6 I'�Cldge11t Bros.�i1tfi�1111$ S>tOiG put in filo near futttl;0. The incrrrv: better results, acre for acre. fiawev- sprn,t Wednesday .its -Grand i3cttcl. +'hunters and is lieautitully pxfrrtt+d. Mr. W. Johnson 0 1 �ing trade; is clue to the that the fae.' 0r;. las impressions will be .interesting The Tlhedford Tribune of last -weelt llla,rold Wiltse of London, sun tile' ~-" ~"•' tory is turnfna put nothing but sup• wizen be and Mrs, Lobb return llo:uc, contaitiod the following reference, to Mayor `i'Viltse., is financially itr%ies't- 4 11 erior ins,trumenta. a1)out the end of Septen xr. Aft. Harry R. Laird, Who was foriner- ed in th0 publication. �