HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-08-12, Page 8IL !
Special Bargains in
Summer Shoes
We have several lines of sum-
Iner Shoes we wish. to'cleAll out,
dux ixig July and August to or -
cat .
thirifestoaderPatMfords rega
I gto7,
ular $1.86
Ladies' Pat. Bluchers reg-
ular g
Ladies' Pat, Bluchers reg-
ular $4, sale price
Boys' Kid Bluchers, regular
sale price
Severn! other 1111AS At Bargain
8f C. , RA TH WEL I
Hot Weathes Is, Neer
When, ifyou, want comfort
Sbeat - Music out of doors, you should
rest in a
WF, have always en-
deavored to keep our
Sheet Uusic Department
-supplied with e latest
popular Songs and In.
stromoutals try us when
in need of anything in
sheet music,
Newcombe Pi a n a,,;
and Sherlock & Ma
ning Pianos and OrgZls
always in stoqkl,
I . 0. HOARE
Your Inspection
They will not, recluce.
your purse as much as
your temperature.
We have them
Ornamental, Serviceable
and Comfortable,
wo 00 FAIR 00
Often Cheapest --Always tyle BeS
CHAtort Neuro -Record August 12th, 1909
--------- -
. A
MW IM& #W,� V4 N 1w W, 1"Or IWW.,W
Muslims and Straw Hats,
During the. toonth of August we are putting the. knife into: all summer lines. We must
leavo room for.the New Fall goods,
This will be the store to buy your summer requirements ft-om, now until the Ist Sept,, it
Price will do it,
Space will not perm—It'advertising aIIL lines marked dovvin.,
dome in and see what this
sale means to you.
25c, Sateen Dress Goods 8c Whitewear Below 50 and 60c Dress Goods
.About 100 vards Fancy Dress 8 in all First Cost, 25C
the papular colors. Regular 110C1111:1 114 3
caring at .................... .... 5c: .08 Ids Wool Dress Goods ill plain
During August we have marked down 500 yards
the balance of oul whiteweat, stock includ-- cashinere, plai&, fancy lustres And grey
Deers waists, White tweeds, in browns, blues, 8 reds,
White Lawn anil, Mull i 'e
Ladies' Straw Hats 25C Petticoats, Corset Covers, Drawers, etc., etc, Without doubt this is the greatest
at unheard of prices, which is; a secret but , in dress goods we e,, offered.
a visit to our Store will tell you -when you IT191- CIV
Abmif, ihvvonf- T..M.. T?A# Q&- collie. Regular 50c and 00c lines to lear at .2 fS
A - D. Stephenson is present vis- some very natty styles in the lot. Re
ir's Hats
itiAg iriLondoii, gular pricefi were $1.2.5 up to, $2.W. Clearing a, 4 v ElbOW4ength Gloves
Miss Ida NaCgle spent from Saturday Fancig Dress Muslins., t9c
until 'Monday in GGderich. $11.25 Sateen Underskir98c Ladies L, lb aiv-length Gloves, good quaff- .
AMiss Jean Baggler. spoilt a je)v fioyg. Underskirts out go* thio Balance of Our stock of
this week with friends at Zurich, Fancy Dress Musl ity, all sizes, in black and white,* Regular
ins at prices novel, be- 25c and. 35 to clear at ...........
A.1r. and -Mrs, Robt. Miller and family Ladies extra. quality Black Sateen Underskirts fore heard of, hundreds of yards of slain-
of.'frilling and 98 ty dress Muslins, all the, year's designs at
0 dust trill, 411 sizes. Regular $1.295 for ridl6ulous prices I
spent the holiday with f' . i;!nds on the nice glo�sy finish, two .rows but out they lnust go Elbo -Length Gloves
Base Line
if price will do it, We don't quote a
Miss Margaret Mahaffy spent a few price, You have to collie and see . for your- 39c.,
clays With Nr riend, Miss Isabel self. Don't miss this bargai7q.
Glen of-stanlw 30C and 65c Lawn, Waists 39 tadf sAne lisle thread Gloves, elbow
Air. ,Dodds Elliott length, in white, brown, black, grpy and'
of London spent a
fe days ta", all sizes. Regular 50C, aild 160 to
1w- this Week with his nice, Ladies white Lawn Waists, open front, neat Children's • Sailor and clear at ... ..........
Irs, Harry .39
Bartliff. designs and ood quality White lawn, all sizes,
Miss tAura Brown of Goderi' Regular 50C for 39
CIL call Linen Hats.,
ed on her fricni, Mm V. Glenn Elbow -length Silk.
Campbell on Tuesday. Children's Fancy- I str4\v hats with Gloves 59C
Misses Nettie,Wagmann and.uLitiam
SWA $1.25 Lawn Waists 98C Fancy bands, childrensLin and Wash
Bernice Agnew spent .the first of Ladies pure silk elbow�-lefigtb gloves in
bats. The bal4nce of this years buying, black, white and tan, all sizes,. Regular
the week With friends "in seafur.t.h. Ladies white Lawn Waistsi daintily trimined regular, 50c and 75c for $1 clearing at ...................
with.lac'e and embroidery, three-quarter, ail I
Mrs. Carr of Toronto, who has' been long. sleeves'. Regulor $1.25 for .98
visitimy relatives' in Blyth,, is -now
visiting her sister; Mrs, J. Gardiner.,
Misses "%linuie, and Flore6,-.e.011vCr $1.25 Ladiies. Parasols, 98c.,.
left oil Tuesday, to visit tlicir. uncl
Mr, Williani.,Chillln uarthof Straw Ladies Black. Parasols, , d tops, natural -an
9 tr, .9 Th ar� ford, bone handles., RegulM$011125 for 8of -Be e d bl'.:, 'ods
Countf Secretary
Flenling was in
t%tra-tford.. -on. Saturday last on bus
irxss 6'e0iinection with the Y. 1\1
C. A.
Mrs. ThOs-.K&rn,s'left the othet,.'day
for a.two-weeks visit with . .33r. and
Mrs. Albert Nott at Satitt `Ste:
♦ Mario, Ont.
3 B. Hoover NeISOU Hall Miss L. Agnew of tile teachinig. staff
of the 0
.13. C, Toronto `is spending
her vaca ticin. at tile �h'
me 'of her.
mother, 'Mrs. S.'Agnew..
A -'W 'ell I Mr. and .11M John Reynolds of Do- � � W7
o t0it are sponflii ,% a. fecv flays the
gut t§ of, their numerous relatives V
4p .
anid.friends in this district:
Misg�, Anale Ilampshir�� of'
T hirnished Falls is spcmfljng jier vtveati0ii With
ller:si�ter, Mrs. W. H.' Hellyars :,.it
a ti Bulk's �jn
Of: Pers6dal Ment! 'onThe. News' Frdm L on desbo'ro.,
llisg Caediff has'• returned* to her-. j�onio
i n Buffalo accompanied,
by her, sis-
00M. ter, '.\Irs.. Hafry-13artlifY, tvh UJOA of .116nsall •Was, Mr. John- of Aigb'ura was in to*111
! o will Mr D. A,, Call
visitn ill, in town on Monday. pay at city a week. •Twenty-five cents Will a.- Glib- TAIrs. D. Colinell' of,Clintoll visited
M - R. A. Thamps6n.B. A. L. LID., Oertlia MoRa is sj�endiflgo, por— Mn and Mrs. S, W, Schwi-tior Of Bur -
M Iscription to 'he Xeivs-�Record to any. at her'6'rother's ',\It. J'oh-1 GarretVs
Principal of the.11amiltoll c1fillegiato , tion of. her holidays in Brijsspls. van - addto.ss'in Canada for'the i -u-. ainder this week.
depeDds n f
not so much on the money spent where the li li- W ei6 gu ests Of- Mrs (Dr.). E4
furniture is bought' Institute, and his son Lloyd, -are Miss Clara Parker.• of.- BayffiF.dis vl�sit- this -week. of J909... A. i'luniber of t1w young. folks froill
guests this Week of his brother, Dr, dng At the honje'ot Mr. W. C. j.61in- :lir. and Mrs.. John jBa 'le and ' Mr... Mr. Jobri 'Mannin--paid -1 short t11 I• . I i ity intend -going. on,'Ahe hat -
y Y M iis iicin
Thonipwil. stoji. :.aild Mrs. NeisonCole .vIsitc& Bruce- it to his parents, Mr. and 'Mus. '.:Jlog 1'i*Cst excursions to the West next week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Penton • -and *iso, Hannah kairis'on spent •S-und hel& friends "on S'unday, AlanNing over Sunday. s. J.' Brigham and daughter are
Children of t6ro
See Our
Dalnty Bedse'tS, i nto are guests of and -M,onday at her home near P6r- �Tvlrj and Mrs. Davfd:,G1rvin,of the Wile, AW., ThM `.Nliller x6turned -Saiurdaylvisiting her .<laughter, Mrs, Vod-
il lits. J ter's - Hill-. were of Mr. and.'Mrs. Thos,. Ifialifg,111, - where ll� spent a,.
♦ Mr. and .1 ame�s Liverm w.L don.
especially suitable f6f. a. . young 'Ia'dy's room. The They will -also visit-'wlth Goilerich Mr.* and Mrs. Wn . Graham visited in Bencom� an Saturdayjast�. Mrs. McK own and'daughtev and
couple 0[. weeks' holidays.
township 'friend%
Berlin and Bright fr6m. Saturday Mr. and'Mrs. J. C. MeMath. and Sam-• h
artistic bedsteads, the beautiful -coverings, 'ake nnee sent t c: civic holiday at
M Mrs, J. B. Campbell' and son Walter till Tuesq4y. Miss Hiles was liatiored by a I Clinton,
them a dream and IV go to Burk9' �on the. lake shore itsit from some o let. estfield
a ma'ker of pleas ♦..of Alpena, Mich., are si�cfidlng a few Mrs. Jas. * A. Ford is visiting her •* to -morrow for -a cotlplc of weckl- friefids 18urrda4 last, The raefIting of the Woirren's In -
ant dreams as f, I NV
well. Take a look at them'if you admire.the pretty ♦ flays at the. homo of her, sister` brother, Mr. door 'I. 'ot Mrs. Field of Mitchell has 'stiti4e held' the other da
George RlimbaL,. been spend- . Mk. J. Brunsdon is bavi k 1 11 y at. the
that is not expensive. Mrs. .� A. .Hooper. Mrs. Campbell, Flint,. MiO,. ing�'a few days of the past week P3 a NVII atonic of Mrs. Pefwrs� was. lar' sal at-
♦ thinks
Clinton.is 9, very, " pretty 311r. apd: Mrs, E. J. Ciantelon are, witlyher sister, 'Mrs.'J. atli., laid around his house also One to, his tended. Dr. I
C. McM, i facCalluWs address on'
t,,DWn,- 'PC shop. Mr. Adams also had a short
spending a couple of weeks at Go Mrs. . George R o o f-ae r and her. two Water- was a very instructive out and .
1%viss Graco and 'Vaster Nflilie, sort %ndl Home Bay, Muskoka... children piece of wails put in at-thf, sift - of
of St, Louis', Mo., are the much al)pre6lat.ed by all wllO' had the
daughter of,Mr.'.and,%rs. William Miss. Sophia Stonehouse spent- a i guests Of, her mother,, Mrs. Thos. his store: This should. coat the *prlvilego orjivaring� - It. Th instru-
Walker and Miss Joan Morris, di;ugh- couple , days recently the 'Ituest 0" J Trick. oil to'. put in a crossirg. mentals by Miss '. Brown were also.
Hoover.,& adl E
ter of 'Mr.' afid, Mr.s. Alex. Morris aro her sister, in GoijcTleh 'township. Miss L. McCool, la6 0 aturday 14st several loads of
teacher. in tile much enjoyed. Tly,:I next mecting will
visiting -the - Thomas. Miss Bessie Glen of Toronto i tine 'young people. off. the 10th'tild th be heM at the
0 s spiehd�-. Wingliam Business College, was t1w home..,of 'Mrs, Lounds-
-ir aunt, Mrs.,
Kemp, and other friends in London. I ing liervacation 'with her parents, guest of her aunt, Miss: McCool con. piciii6ced -,it Goderfeli.
Al- berY at 2.30 O'cloCk on September
4 Mr.s, Fred. J. Hill, ., Nvitli Mr. and Reeve, and Mrs, Glen of ,Stanley. bort street, this Week.,, Mrs. Thos. Manning rieturileM to 2iid to whi'
ell all women •are. cordiaV
Mrs. Nuner :16ave town Thurs- Blii;s Agues , to of Dr. W. J,. 4 Fowler a
T. IV, J es Cooper, from c and lairs. t4owler Toronto Saturday last. incited:
day for a month's'visit amotk&, re- Michilgan, has been the, guest 'the have returned, home from a week's
latives -in Hastings. county.. DLlring past - week of her aunt, rs; T. holidaylat Godcrifih..wbore they Were
..,.their absence tll(-y Will take part in Cooper- gue sts at the� BrUish Exchange.
nullett H, appeninigsk
tli�- 'Holiness sl6v6hi-eill- ria nip-nidet14
ing held annually at Ie. anhoo.
-r,of Toronto, Mr. an,will_--Albert- Goldthorpe �aftd
Mrs. J.. Undc A burno TwqntY` lye ce4ts pay a sub and. s�
The News From u The X
FARM -L-AB.ORERS. Mrs. Ja.q. Bradley and . failifly . of scription to ew9-Stecord to, any family of SaItford 'spent, Sunday at
Woodstock Weic the guests, of ' Mr. address in Canada :,r the i d.-anaer.j the 11611, of Mr. Wl 1. .1 It tt,
. .. I c 11 P uil c
and Mrs. Jim Doig from Saturday Tennis is, qilito popular this season Mrs. A. C. Jackson, and• John visit- or. 19,09, Misses Neillfe Robinson and 1\%bel
until Tuesday, lair.: Bradl,�y re- among our young people for hirdly a ed Detroit last, week, miss jennic Dyer is at •present vis—Na0gle o-I.Clinton spent Monday in
ports, a long -continued drought in day passes but a game is _enjoyed on iting tinder the parental root. this township,
ilig 'for t.iiccojj.gj� The chimney on the ho Air, George Farquhar of the 6th
his district causing, An almost Com- the court. The ladies of the club are The shed that Mr. S. Doer is erect.
egation of the church use of Mr.
PlQt4 failltrc'in the potatoe crop,. treating the members to a picnic, this ,nglaiid �4. a hand1gome struett, I roos was - light I ' con. has, torn over feet higo,� Wil
EXCURSION, of L �re. George G Aruck,,by ning 00
Mrs. (Rev.) W, 11 Cooper of, Blyth afternoon, Wiss Com Ferguson,is engaged to and domolishA one Cross
recently. can beat it ?
has been i 'Miss Elsie and Master T.Sfervyu 'Far
an inmate of the hospital Out C. P, It, station agent, MUrtay tdgach the junior room Of our sdlool Fortua-. favored Mr, Gross a% it was,
the past Week. or so, but her trouble Patterson, 4s wearing a smile that or the coming year, a cold stroke. flubat have been visit1rg in Goderich
is Of so serious a nature that the 'Won't come off, 0. girt this time. Coil- Mr. and Mrs. 33, Farrow, who have Mr. Bon. Farrow of the Soo visited and at Point Varin.
surgtofts do not Bald out much hope gratula;tions, Murray. w his old home -which.is now owned Mr, -James Melville of Guelph is -
boon living : In Delaware for several Wir,
of her recovery. NIX. Cool 10 spending M, few days with old friends
Capper . canna The Misses Smith of Swansea arc Years, 'to -visiting relativts and Old Win. Plunkett on Saturday I as t.
a lidowl� With hii wife and remainphere, visiting at the home of their cousin, friends lyere, It is . twelve Yeats sinee, lie Paid his, in, this vicinity.
A list 19th until she is able to be removed to Mr. W. T. Riddell. The marriage of Wesley L, Farqu-
our civic h Ilast visit to the old home. . .
Iter home, 011day, plenle to Point har soil of Mr. W it. Farquhar of
Mr. Albert Collis of tlye American Farm last Friday was a recant Mr. Martin Dyer has iniprckved, that 1111hott, to Miss A. El ecil Rea, both,
Mrs. David Steep and her sister, Mrs, 800 has been here for a WC614 looping'or in regard. to both number apd appearance of his farm bY'm new Wire of Saskatoon, sask., took palace in
a. Baurle returned on Tuesday from atter'bis Tnill property here. He tools pleasure, . The baseball game. between fence.
visitin 116grave and W09leY church, Sasicdtooij, on kilo evenj
9 WbIgham in Our civic hoffilay picnic and showeA the Saltiord and Awburn nine. was the Thr trustees'. of Atshurn. school No, ing of July 14t ' 60 tett, dating clergy
frietids. The anniversary of 11,
'Mrs, the boys how Well lie could bat, and CV011t Of the day.. The SaItford ijoys 5,' have onghgod Miss Ferguson 11144 being ill(' Pastor, Rev. , Mr.'
Baurle's birthday happened while in Play thlrd.bak, showed up well in practice and were as assistant teacher fur thv coming Flatt- T110 tiring Of tie nuptial -knot
FARE $10 OUT., $18 BAOK Wing1ram and a party was gi.ven in The handsome elevator of the (,an- I confident of success, hilt our boys all term. was witnessed by many friend's of the
honor of the occasion by Mr, and ada Grain Co. it tivz� station is near-1playod the gaille and Wou Ily a score r. cotitractink parties, M1,89 Bell Poster
The machinery will*of 8. to 1, Tile return match will be tone to have a horse, valtied •at over acted as. bridesmaid while tho groora
Mrs. It. J. Tyndall. Mrs. Baurle rc� ing - cOMPletfoll I Mr. OWen Rqnoltl )ad Me mi8to
turned to her home in Detroit jes- beinstalled this week and next week played here next Saturday evening. $250 die ont,,,day last, week. Was supported by Mr. Roy 14yneli.
terday afternoon. tho. farmers will be given a chance to Come, A large number of Indians are 'After the ceremony the bridal Art
q Which is 'Vessrs. IV, T. Riddell anti 0, X%. As� pulling flax in this township. IrePaired to th(� home of Mr. W.
Mr. Stc�wart G. Plummer Of aoolor� test the capacity of the bin. - I busy
Consult the undersigned for special train., set -vice. #Ane•, Minn., arrived the litter part; bushels. The villtigc trustees Q'Ifth took in'thio excursion to Toron. I Mr. and Mrs, TYCrInaft o I f Scefortlit MeAmniond, brother -in -haw of the
of the week to. visit ilia father, Mr, �1106 decided to :niijsb gravelling the to last WedneWay. 11ANing Spent the last month WHI old grooln, where. a dainty wed& g slip -
414. Cl, Plummer, Ing Aister, Mrs,l�qtatioh road and farmers will, lialve no, Miss q. &)at(..r 61 c;tAfortlj Caing friends left for hoult last Su,6111,y� jPer was served. Whe evening was thein;
Scott, Toronto, came up We shippiing their, apples and grain up for out civic holiday and reMWIned Mr, and'Mno. Dan, Stevens of Var- spent with ganim and amusements al.
from the city the, sante evening and this fall. 'Our burg can boast of not until Monday,, lack
on her 10 SPOM 81111dAY at W, Win. Crit- ter Which Air, and Mrs. Farquhar do
WWWA, J A O K SON' returri 11oftles Monday was at. having a single vitcattf store or dwell- Twenty -live cents will pay N aub� tendeA,.S, partod for their own home. on Avoilue,
CoMpanied by her brother who w4L,.
went ing house and aifI increase in trade. isl scription to The Haws-Acc,.)rd to any Miss Pickard of'Pullarwn rmojitea �K. A large sire of on
A09NT *P*R tip to Orangeville to visit another I SUM tto Some With, tiro OpeniftA kj till address in Canada for Ube; retrairider 1101ne after sperldiOg two wet,�kq At best wishes for a Lia and prosper.
OLINTON Gist,'r. 11CAS (-XPeeteil baelt today. 004tOr- of 1000. 11r. John Sundercock's. ars future.