HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-08-12, Page 6a
00 M'top, NOS W e4ord
;Statero6mi and Porthdle; .
$4 experfeuced -traveler warns the
nniriitlate.d against paying from $5 to.
W ogtra for an outsid. e stateroom on
ocean liners. The inside rooms she
has found to be perfectly comfortable
and perfectly ventilated, and the pori
holes in the otitafde ones she con•
siders a 'doubtfu'l advantage, "They
aurae kept 'locked," she says, "most of
the time unless the weather is very
pleasant, and even in calm weather,
they sometimes ship a deluge of salt
water. Dirty water, too, swept from
It deck aboveby the: cleaners, may:
pont into a porthole of a room below,.
sad the noise from the deck is an,
saying ,, Why, then should one
drat, for. a Zortlrlelaa"
To Change Umbrella Handles.
Sometimes a person would like to
Change' an expensive umbrella handle
to another umbrella and fasten it on
solid. This earl be done by cleaning
out the hole left in the handle from
the old rod and filling the hole with
powdered sulphur. Place. the handle
in a solid upright position andafter
beating the umbrella rod. red hot push
the rod down into :the. hole containing
the sulphur. The hot rod fuses the
sulphur. and when cool it will hold'
the rod solid. This method may be
applied to fastening rods into- stone,
ima or wow- . '
Transparent Rhubarb.
To be made day before' using, ` Cut
rhubarb into pieces one-half inch Ions„
Spread on plates and sprinkle with
sugar, allowing one-half , cupful of
sugar to each, cupful of ,trult. Iiet all
stand overnight. In the morning pour
off the juice and boil for ten minutes,
drop In the, rhubarb, a- small portion
$t a time, and cook until tender.- ]Re.
move from the tgfrup as soon as Sonet
to preserve shape. Put IA a pretty
dish.—;Chicago, Recorij-Herald.
We offer One Hundred.'Dollars Re-
ward for aoy case of :Catarrh that
cannot he cured by ,Ht%l1's Catarrh
iCurc. F. .J. CHEiVEY +S. G0:,
Toledo O
-We, the .undersigned,- have known F
T. Cheney for thd. last 15 yearsi : and
'believe flim perfectly' honorable in all
usiness transactions, and financtaliy
able to carry out any. ealigatiops
Qtmade by his firm.
Walding, Itinnan Si. Mania, '
ilholesale Druggists, Tolodo,, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken utter-
orally acting. directly upon the blood
:and mucogs surfaces of the system.
Testimonials. sent free. Pricc, 75c, pet
'bottle. Sold by all .druggists..
Take Hall's Family' Pills for consti-
Freeaao 1t .at Least is, Day Rtfore It t;
to lie Usod.
"'The beat ice cream is stale lee
cream:" sold the Ice cream ,nanufac-
turer. "Tou never hear of colic from
ICO creutp among children who ;pave
never met the hametnado article. It 14,
A queer thing that it would ruin a
manufacturer to sell fresh .goods,,
whereas if you 'know it is homemade
ntul just :only of the freezer you will
praise It to the ukieo as being the ou-
perlor of anything manuractpred any,
"If you want your homemade cream
to be really good and healthy make It
At least a t a day before you
use, it. Churg
It hard, but not too hard, and then
Pack It away in salted fee until you
are ready to serve it; in this way all
the littlo partleles of ice which make
homemade cream so gritty and really
harmful will have disappeared, The
cream will, sort of absorb the water
that forms the ice, so to speak; conse-
quently your cr;am will be frozen, not
trapped. It 18 a daring manufacturer
who risks his [Fade fay shipping creaim
Iess than a 'weett old. Sometimes I
store my goods in ice as much as two
weeks.. That Isn't a bit tog long.
either, Although it takes a heap of lee.n
Ridiculed In England When it First
Came. Into Fashion.
The custom; of wearing mustaches
did not prevail in France until the
reign of Louis, Philippe, when . It be-
came obligatory in the whole French
army.. In England the tpustache was
worn by hussars aftear the , peace of
1815, and It was not until the close.
of the Crimean war that English civil,
cans as well 49 English soldiers is gen,
eral wore hair on the lip,
Shortly after the mustache Same in.
to favor among gentlemen Horace.
Mayhew was passing through all Eng.
lish country town and. was immediate.
ly noted and followed by a small armg
of children; who pointed to his lip and
called out derisively;
"He's' got ~whiskers, under his snout!
He's got whiskers tinder his snout!"
For a long time the mustache was
the subjec of. raillery, even after It
was becoming common, and. the fa-
mous caricaturist Leech. printed In
Punch a picture of two old fashioned
[women who, when they were spoken
to by bearded railway guards, fest on
their knees and cried out: .
"Take All that .we haw e; gentlemen,.
but spare our lives!"—Westminster,
The .Intelligent Censor:
Some .years ago a young. man of St.
Petersburg, Ivan Fedowski, quarreled .
with his sweetheart. and -then took his
grief put or the country. About a sear
after lie, wrote to the girl asking her to
"make up" and tellingher if she for-
gave him: to. insert. a "personal" to .that
effect In a St.; Petersburg paper `•not
later than a certain date.. The girl was .
repentant, too, and she promptly `got
the "personal". ready, and all would
have been: ivell had it hot been for the
lynx eyed -censor; who believed it to be
some sort 'of nihilist message. and' re-
fused to allow its pilbifcatlon. After
Awhile, however, the stern' official was,
convinced that ,the '"personal was
harmless, and it was printed four days.
late. It was a little while after when
the girl received word that, her lover,
having failed 'to, see the message in
Print on the day he bad set, had shot
himself two days before it sate the
light..- •
Kept His, Feet Dry.
Extraordinary conduct onthe-part 'of
two men upon seeing the body of a
woman In the water was. disclosed at
an. inquest held at the Victory inn, on
the.Hogs Back, Surrey, ATurm labor-
er named Sidney Smith missed his
mother one- tnorniug and on. searching
found her lying face tipward.In a road -
"side pond, He ran .off, and .another
borer,' Named .Matthews, who passed .
the pond. also ran away, neither mak-
ing any export to pull her out. Alat-
thews told tb0 coroner he • did mot do
so; as he did not know if. he would be
doing right.
The ;Coroner --The Poor' creature,
might have not'bevu. dead at that time.
You could easily have got her. ouE, I..
suppose? .
"I should have bad to 'go up to my
The McCord Horns Cgritains. x Wealth
of Canadian Rrllcal.
On the Cote des Neiges road, out of
Montreal, near where the .electrics
leave the highway :for the .Priests'
Farm, there stands a classic •Greek
tempie—•the most interesting house,
perhaps, in Canada. For three -score I
years and more it has been known as
Temple Grove. Behind its Rorie col-
onnade one may come into contact
with all the great churchmen, states.
men, warriors, nobles, explorers,
voyageurs, and martyrs, who, have
been identified with Canada for the
past 250 years.
The Temple is the residence of Mr.
David Ross McCord, a man - who has
worked and toiled for al lifetime on
behalf of Canada --•his native land.
Charmingly located is, that pretty
treasure 'house among the oaks, the
elms, the maples, the pines and the
fragrant lilacs of Mount Royal. Its
pretty Doric colonnade recalls the
days of ancient Greece --the clays
when arches had not been thought of.'
It is a veritable poem in brick and
stone and wood, and Its environment
of trea and flower and, shrub only
adds to its beauty and its ebarm.
That house isfull of the most
ri tr ash
e re tri e
P s— ashy s in oil
and wafar. color, In portraits and land-
scapes, in battlefields and forts, in
chateaux, and ruins; in prints and
etchings, in memoranda and auto
graphs, in letters and manuscripts;.
in books and parchments; in guns and
arrows in armor and coats -6f -arms;
in banners and battle flags; in marble
and china, in Indian ware and Wedge-
wood; in relics and mementoes; in
furniture and curios, in sc4 ntific ap.
part! of a bye -gone day, ',Chess trea-
sures have been literally gathered
froth the four corners of the world.
The history of Canada°for a period
of top years is there—there in visible
and tangible form; there ars it exists
nowhere else in the world,
The morale of the whole collection
is this- That, grand and unrivalled
its it is, it is a mere shadow of the
knowledge of the man' who created it
1Vithoat it most Intimate knowledge of
history, his .own pencil and the brush
of the chief artist he employed in
Painting the oils would, have been
utterly unconscious of the strategic
value of the scenes they depicted.
It is still feared -in' Montreal 'that
this .splendid and intensely interesting
collection, as well as its collector and
owner, be coaxed away to another
great educational centre in Canada.
Attempts are indeed being made to
get it and him. Mr, McCord is chivali
rous enough .to sacrifice himself and
his f9mily associations in the Province
of Quebec (dating back to soon after
his ancestors landed with Wglfe in the
surf at Leuisbourg) in order that, he
may have, the ,satisfaction of -seeing,
in it Natiozzal Museum; ."teachers ac-
companied by their classes .face to
face with scenes and names which
are otherwisemere. abstractions.
Moro serious still; if death should .
carry Mr. McCord ' away . before. the
assemblage: of. his work in such a mu
seum has .been. made. by himself, no
other• mind will ever be able to juxta-
pose these parts into a united educa-
tional wliole.—J. D1. B., in Montreal
Co-operation in Canada.
That: co-operation' in Canada will
soon be•. a power and --source of much
benefit to .the mosses of the people can,
he itidged from the progressmade by
the Montreal Industrial Co-operative.
Society, which recently. completed its
first year on May 7: Starting out with
a very' small capital and only 49
members, it . has made inch strides .
that to -day,' it has a 'first-class store
and delivery system and 137 -members,
and is steadily increasing. The .mem-
bers comprise principally old country
people who have seen and experienced
the • benefits of ed -operation in. the
mother country, where . distributive
co-operative I societies have been ' de.;
~eloped to: their greaitest limits. ,But
a -
1 tel .the Ca ad's.
p i n t re e
Y people a b �zn
nine to see- the .benefits -of it and it
will be ,but a. short time' when 'co.
operation.w:•ill-be." much appreciated
here as .it is nowin Great 'Britain. .
Hon, F. "D..Monk has '(lone much .to
promo[; federal. legislation in favor
of, co-operative'.societies throughout'
the ,Dominion; The member for,
Jacques Cartier, halving made a pro -
fou of the subject, seesthe
benefits .the.' masses of the people
would .derive 3rorh such legislation
and it is to be hoped that his efforts•
will` soon • be crowned with_ success
and that law, will be passed similar
to t1lose existing in the British Isles.
Win, .Growing in Ontario.
W inegrowing is a branch of Cana-.
than infustry about • which not very
Horembob Did More For Egypt, .Por,
hasps, Than Any liths.
Horemheb at the time of his acces�
story Crus forty-five years of age, full
of energy acid vigor and Passionately
anxious to have a fees hand in the car -
I ryin; nut of his weheinaa for the reor-
ganization .of the government, It was
therefore with ,joy that in about the
year 13xW 13. C. he salted up to Thelia
In order, to claim the Crowd.
Had he lived longer be might have
been famous. as a conqueror as. well as
an admintstrntor. though old age might
retard and tired hones refuse tbeli
office. As It is, however, his name is
written sufficiently latr„e in the book
of the fiorld's great men, and when he
4led. about 1315.11. C., after a reign of
some thirty-five years, be had done
more for Rmrpt thou had almost any
other pharaoh. He found. the country
to the wildest disorder. and he left it
the master of itself and ready to be-
eome once more the master of the eta,
pare which. Akbnaton'a doctrine of
Pearce and good will had lost.
Under his direction the purged wor-
ship of the oW gods, which for him
meant only the maintenance of some-
time proved customs, had gained the
mastery over the chimerical worship
of Aton. Without force or violence be
sulAtttuted the ,practical for the vision-
ary, and to Amun and order his grate-
ful subjects were able to cry, "'.Che
sun of flim who knew thee not has $eta
but be who knows thee abines; the
sanctuary of him who assailed thee is
overwhelmed In darkness, but, the
whole earth Is now in light"—Arthur
E, P. Weigall in Century.
They Are Hung in ■ Wttle • Rustic
Building In Paris.
The bells of tale Bastille are sit 11 in
Paris In a little court in Avenue d'Ey-
laau, where they 'are hung in a little
rustic building; There is no doubt as
to their authenticity. They carry in
relief their story, '+.These three bells
were [Wade by Louis Cheron,, founder
to the court, for the royal Bastille in
the year 1iu1:' Pleurs-de-Ifs, crosses
and sacred, figures ndorn the legend.
The bells' formerly ' were liart of the
clock installed by M. Sartine tn,1761.
In the archives de I'arsennl are all the
documents relatIre to the work.
On July, 14, 1780,• the balls of the
assailants stopped 'the clock of the
Bastille at a quarter past 5 in the even.
tog. Palloy, who demolished the pris-
on,three days. later received.the order
to deliver the clock to: the commander
of. the Paris militia, -who transported
WHO. one knows Whither. .After. the
revolution the bells were found at the
foundries of 116uilly-sur-Andeile, in
Eure, where, under the reign of ter-
ror,.'the church bells' were converted
Into money. The proprietor of the
.foundry was 'interested in these reties
and did not melt them. He installed`
the three belts in his works with the
movement of the clock, By this time
the Glial plate had disappeared -and
the figures which belonged to it. Some
Sears ago, the. bells were transferred
from .the Ilbuilly foundry to Paris,.and
there. they •bave since -remained.—Lon.
don Globe. .
The French Academy.
The French. academy Is one bf the
five lie .fidetnfes• and the most . eminent•
constituting the liistitute of France. It.
was founded in 10.35 by Cardinal .Rich=
elleu and reorganized in •1816. It is
conipogod .of forty members, the. new
tnember.elected by. the renialning this-
ty:-nlne members.for life after person-
al aPP)tcation and the :submission of
the. 11001natlon 'to! ttte..head of the
It meets
k .twice n e k
e• tq. and. is
"the • highest authority on everything
Pertaining to the niepttes of tbe.Frencb
laugun_ge—to .gramnair, rbetoric and
poetry . and the publication of the
French classics"' The chief ofiiuer- is'
the, secretary, who. dais a life tenure of
his position. A, ehntr in the academy
Is the highest ambition of . tnost liter-
ary Frenchmen.
Why Men's Hats Have a
A bow is alwaFa to be found on the
left side of a man's but. This is s'sur-
�iral of the old days when hats were
.costly . ti tleles. In order to provide
against the hat being blown away in
stormy weather at .cord or ribbon was
fastened around the crown, with ends •
knees, in the water._ —London itlIIil.
rn a
much is heard, and A might be better
anging so that they could be fastened
for its .progress if the matters of "[vine
to part of .the attire or could be '
Golden Horseshoes..
from Canadian grapes were 'a little
grasped by'the hand. The ends fell on
Roman writers inform tis that Com-
more assertive, and. put their, products
the left side. of coui1e, as the left
[nodus.caiused•the'hoofs of his horse to
before the -public. with.a greater de-'
;gree of persistence .arid vigor, That
band Is, more often :disengaged than
the right.. When not required it wit's,
be gilded. Nero when he undertook
Canadian , wines possess . great 'merit
usual for the end,
s to be tied In a bow. '
Short ,fotirney$. was always drawn by
:t,,as a fact .which was clearly demon,•.
The boar became smaller and smaller,
mules that, had silver oboes, and.tbope
at the Franco -British Exhibi-
'but it still remains and is likely to do
.Of his: [wife, ° Poppaea, badshoes ,of
tion in London last. rear,.' when'• several
aao,a►s long as tnep [rear hats,
'gold. From a Passage in "Ale (7Qostus"
sanip)es of: wine Froin grapes rows
there is reason to think that the upper
in Optario Province gained dipglomas
only was formed of those noble
and medals. If it greater measure of
metals or that they were'perhaps plat•
publicity were given to Canadian
�v,nes, many of the brands of Nvhieh
ed out of thin slips. When, Boniface,
possess' .
features of
marquis of Tuscany, one of the richest
_undoubted .excel=
fence, and more uniformity observed
princes of his time, went to 13eatrix,
in the process of manufacture, there
about the year 1038 his wb— t i
fs 'no e 1 ' h
n x mason « y, in, the near
was so magnificently decorated that -future Catiaadian wines should not be.
his horses were shod with,silver, The. come of much greater importance
nails were even of the same metal, than they. are flow. .7'o some' extent
Governmental supervision is. desirable,.
His 8eleotioh. m
and -it might be }worth while levying
Mr. Brown and his farm a small nominal tax upon the akers'
family in order to secure this supervision.
standing in front of the lions' cagii,
"John," said Mrs. !drown, "if those' "The Amiable Peer."
animals were to; escape whom would . A many-sided man is 1•;arl Grey:
you save first, me or the children P'' l=ie . hays a commalid of several Ian -
"M%" answered John without hos!- guages, is a student of political econ--
taldon.--Everybody's Magazine omy ' knows his an+ient histo 1111-1W, JACKSON, AGENT, CLINTON.
t t k., t
:including 11luskoica, Lake of Bays,
•Teagami, Georgian Bay, Magtt�ta-
-wan Itiver, Kawartha Laltes, Etc.,I+'ULL SilNIMER SERVICE: NOW IN
i)`at.'1LT VNT1L SEPT. 30th, 130'3.
.lI'x`I.'UII:1T LWT OCT. 31st, 1009.
Pot tickets and' further informa-
tion call' on.
.10HN RAlv.SFORD, City- Agent.
Vii, 0. PATTI:SON, Depot &got.
A Windfall.
"Now did that roommate of. ,v6urs
Manage to raise the wind this fame?"
"Ise sent to his father in his usual
breezy way , for 4 draft."--13attiinore
Yon benefit yourself only to you beh.
dflt humanity:--4lllver.
The Way it does'.
"What sort of a customer' is
"'Fine. Ho always pays his 'bills'
on the 10th of the month."
"And what do you know about
"I don't know much about Oreen'at
credit. You see, he always pays cau,ar
when he gets anytn10g, and so I
couldn't say whether he's honest or
iat It :-a'Shiloh's Our, will x 1.
*AYS Cure my coughs ;ind colds."
a professional . archaeologist has
traveled round thelobe -several
tithes, is a splendid gofer, an excel,
lent musician,and has composed a
dozen ballads in. the old English
style. His lordship is known as
"Tho Amiable Pear," on account of
his almost perpetual smile and
charming manner, Although -an
ardent imperialist, he is . a great ad•
yoeaite of peace.
tf hderwai+sht.
13W10tvn—That ronl donler of ours 'got
ill -4t 'What wits Coming to him. Town.
How? llrowfl- Slnrrlt+tl l l:lrl the oth.
er dais. thinking that hp was getting
140 Mounds and got only its,
"Your biltbnnd is of a studious turn
I of raind, Isn't he?"
i 14yes. inileed, Whenever we here
hush he Isn't sntlshed unless he ks'owa
everything that is !ft 1•t."—Detroit Free
� Press.
August st 1211, 1909
0 ADVERTISERS we cau guarantee the most sat
factory results .
because Tai ]`T'Ews-Racoun is read and appreciated by the.
business vaen, mechanics, artisans and farmers and their families
in Hurou County; one of the most fertile and, thickly populated
agricultural districts in Ontario.
Rates..,on. Application
Wlt be sent to any address ilt>l Canada from now
to January Ist, 1010, for 255
itch eh
1Vito and groprietor
�irtfc, ditto