The Clinton News-Record, 1909-08-12, Page 50 i`U910t 12W, 1909 014tolm Now#-RocqM 1e'AliU FOR SALE, ON TITS LONw By; a, vote of 537 to 77 Calgary Its.- London ) oAd ? (don Road, one mile, south of Olintori,, ended in favor of Stimdar .cars, Marriages.!Hl+i�yf�„��.���+►>�H�►1+f1NtNr��iAssi�►�#ti4�4�t1'�N A MOTHER'$ LUT'TERs, I32 acres, fine shape; par ,rapping. Do blrtter land anywhere, fair build- ings. Must be sold owner "—" "-„` APPLES Mrs. Gro, Stanbury spent a .couple FARQUI ARI* -RAE --1n Wesley church! � �*� of •da s of the: weep ' , July, 14th, The News Froin 'God y past rvittt. her Saskatoon, Sask., on ��� Goderich A»rs< Sarnusll0 L'%gxaau �raphica!!�r dsscri6if$ Me Obsess an the recvzi. .as .cannot woa it. Will be sold. chew p, . inavv ' WANTED- FALL AND Winter far which ilio hi esti inarkedl brother, Alt. W. C. I,andsboro of the by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Platt, ory of :her a'augicter,. 4tticic. -II. Plurnstpei, ! Kippers Road. price will be paid. -B. Churchill,! Wesley L. Farquhar, son of Mr.All and i4Irs. 1V. I4, Faxtluhar of Hui- UL.01SH A. SKIrI,MINOS, 4;9rroap�ondcat zt�'ai�iBrS Srxl�iFlcl , lira j Clinton P. O< 30-3 r. Mrs. Ferguson• of Orauge- lettr township, to A. Eileen. Rca, HORSE FOR SALE -•-<r YEAUS Ir LD. viAi were Ville vert' the guests of 1Ir, Jahn ; Stevens Ferguson bo a Saskatoon. �•�f►����������,���,H,��,N,��,�������� .r:• .: Gre • gelding, weight about 1000 VOTERS' LIST, 1.009.-MUNICIP^ g ,e. • fsa daughter of Alrp John lirm,and Births. Twenty-five coots will pay a: sub-, Mr. and Airs, McCriil and family, pounds wall broke to harness andi. ality of the Townshr of Hullett,- p former resident f this ` o s loca.it y Afel , e, T t_ scription to The News -Record to,any have crossed the ocean, from ISrin's r1RL? NE In, tanley, August saddle. Will Ito said cheap. -Dr. Ate Notice is hereby( •given that I , hrvp . ,c on address in Canada it-: the renu hider Green Isle to, take up their residercc was born..on the farm r.ow r.,wiced by flab, to Mr, kinson. Bayfield, Ont. 8$ transmitted or delivered to the per- : Alt. Wm, Falconer. and Mrs, John' Mc- of 1909. , t in Alt. Doak's house opposite the Farla0, a son. :.. sons mentioned in sections 8 and 9 of the Ontario Voter's Lists Act, We%vere sort to learn that Mrs, hospital. Y Miss Kate Falconry .:f Lt,r,dan rs McCLINCH1..7c In Stanley '' �- Y ort August W Pridham had suffered from a third ` . :::••. �GANTED,-ONE KITCHEN GIRL the copies required by Said sections the guest of her brother, Wil;, 1Chi1e l r 5th, to Mr. and Airs. George Me- attack of aral sis and wa t k On Aug. 3rd the funeral of the late P y � to Katie Evelinp Iiauglhtan, Clinchey„ ' and one upstart girl.-iatel Nor. to be so transmitted or delivered' of here she and Will. took a taunt back sen wife of J. a daughter. the hos , glial, Mrs. I ridham is Dnp of X. Williams. of Lundestan, Colborne, mandie. 8.7 the list made, pursuant to. said Apt north and' renewed ,dd ac,lttai>.tt.ices NICHOLSq:!T-In 1 iGoderich on, Aug our trl+iest residents. took 1 i � (t place from St. Georges .::<.>::•:<:.>:,... . NA of• of all persons Appearing tl>!p art P PP g by 1. in Ltrclitow and vicinit , Y ust 4th o AT church, , t r. and Mrs, Frank Mr. J. Rttmbalt has purchased tbto Ven. Archdeacon Jones -Bateman ;: ,TEACHER WANTED FOR S. 'S. NOu t rovised Assessment Roll of the said. Municipality at elections for mem hers- ( Nicholson a son. of property on Bast street lately awned Mexico C°itY officiating. The choir a t, duties to commenceAug•s i • c i of th Leg slatire Assembly and atVO Tuekersmlth, anAugustand occupied.by the late Airs. aYi117am chanted psalms. The beatttifut (t mnsul + ' Smith•„c 10th. Address applications to Municipal Eleetiuong • aiud that the 1JOHNS-Iii, � IS - L T, 1909. %UNICIP- +,„TERS Lit to, Mr. and M s. Ir Abide wi hust + = r a iV. JahruJ t mr, RessurreetfonWm. Carter, Constance O° 8� 2, ' s , , aid list ryas first posted up a. my , ality of the Township of Stanley.-- . a son. ,Mr, Doak evidently, was. tired of ATornizig,” and "Peace perfect peace”P 3i g t ave Notice is her eb turn tha I in � 1pakin at t e iia rvrre sun tr'ilio MATHIAS In; Win tram August g h white paint on his g during ing the service by the n office Lo desboro on the 31st day of .Tui 1909 remain there for Y, ,e .. transmitted or delivered to the Per~ on g + g house one South street , oCl i •' choir 2nd, to AIr• and Mrs. titer a hi- �.s ,on the cirir and people. The chair also son 1' M. t g ,;:;;•;:;:::r, ; L ST.- 0 O ON JULY 1..T H, COLLIE ,and• : Inspection. Electors .called r areu an PP sr.. n os a ti d i e t' m_ cit n sec loos 8 and 9 till• da e t, „ s daughter. holiday b. gave it, a Coat of buff, but Nurse dirnittus, The pretty a , a _aughte 1? e y rubric ,. �<�:;::<�:�.`•>':�`':.::<:: '�> Dog, black and' tan, wearingleather to examine the said list, and if any the copies required by said sections to by so transm`'tted tlelive ed oP t or r a buff with a reddish tinge. casket was covered' with white flow- Mr, Toni, Swarts returned. yrs including Tenths. r ed..dast ween ng a crass and two lar a ;; ..... � strap and Torontq Tag, re- ward. -S. H Smith Ba field Road + Y , omissions or any other errors are d a e imin fours therein to take ediate the ` u h list made,. pursuant to, said Act of all trees appearing t e art WELSH Pb by i>! 1 . f v': ` g from a visit to Detroit, on, business wreaths of white asters tribut _ ' of - At Auburn an August 9th and pleasure combined. ed. lhei Williams $ , b n I i a and Iiau hto families, g tp :::\•••.< `'�'' •••� •� ��'���%��"'�>�"�'�0:•:�• " Clinton P. O, •_- proceedings to have the said errors corrected accordingto -Dated revised Assessment Roll £ the said a _ Edw rd ,• a K elsh of the London The r" enin of ti iso " While the i ++ P g t era street Organ st pia ed the Dyad Y r. ..� ,law. . this 31st day of July, Jas. Municipality at elections for mem' ers P Y h Road, aged 71 years, church, had to be abandoned t -March in Sa 1 " for S n u, the casket was car - HOUSE FOR SALE.. EIGHT .1.9,09, Cam bell. Alunfci al Clerk Londes- Campbell, p of the Le illative Assembl and at ATcMATH--In g y Clinton on Au ust 5th day last, the inner work not bele tied from the chancel sste s through g , g P { Rooms. Best location in Clinton.-- , boyo. Alunicipal Elections; and that the finish b on Sunday next it is the aisle b , the Myrtle P°, daughter of Mr, and , Y Y pallbearers, Messrs ,::::•:::•••::::•:•:..... �'•��<:.�'>::::::::• ••••••••••••••••••••.f Apply to W. Brydone. 87 said list was first posted up at my completed. James ATcAIa Mr's, J. C..•,Mclliath, aged 1% years hoped all Will be cam 1 nus, Arthur AlcNeil, H. 'WOMEN ...�.-r---• _ _ _ office in Varna cit the 7th da of y and 5 iztonths. Miss Edith Dean of London s end J. A. McI?•w n Y p tt Garfrap Dunlap,. A,, D :.. ' AND GIRLS WAFTED AS TEACHER WANTED FOR S. S; NO.,. August, 1909, and remains there for ATATI�I inspection, Electors Are called upon in her vacation with her uncle and McLean and 181. B. Kell The inter AS -In 'l'Yingham, an August B y. grid, infant daughter of Air. and. aunt,. Mr., and Mrs. Alfred Nicholson, went took place in the Williams, fain- R :. ::' :: ' r DAUGHTER OF MRS. SAMUELLE VIGMEAu, 7, Stanley, male or female with Normal training, duties to.' coin- MACHINE OPERATORS AND FOR to examine the said list, and if any Mrs, Peter Mathias. Miss Jean, Nicholson has, returned td ily plot under the evergreens an Cot- her RS. SAM UELLE VIG NC AU, Am - M OTHER FACTORY WORK. GOOD home from an en o omissions or auv w hc•r errors arc DEARING--In Exeter, Monday, Aug, Yable visit at borne cemetery. On July 12th Mrs, herst, Isle de La Niagdaltne mere after the holidays, Applica- tions, WAGES AND STEADY EMPLOY- found therein, to take immediate 2nd, Therttais hearing, aged 83 Toronto, the :gaest of her aunt, Mrs, Williams was taken to this hospital, Can.,, writes: personal preferred, received until August 10th. SLata salary.-•^ 'Thos. ATENT. WRITE U& --THE CLTN- T proceedings to have. the said errors cornectecl. according to law. -Dated McGREGOR--In years. ' Thomas Whitely. She was .born at Beaumont, Simcae, McKillop, on. August Miss Emily Whitely has returned to February 27th, 1874, In June 1890, 'e1 write to tell yottaihat l am er- feictly well, I took only. three bottles Willey, Sec. -Treasurer, Varna TON KNITTING CO.. LTD:, CLIN- this 7th day of August, 1909, J. E. 21fd, Donald McGregor, aged 33 her home at Toronto after spending some time after' her parents came to $- g g P' of your Peruna ,according to P. O• TORT O>\TT H r I AT .. 1 Cl k V e d 2 d her holidays with her t AT Al '•�d C 1 vice and I di your ad. a ewe unicipa er , area. Sears an 7 ays. Y aun , rs, - lest a to o borne, she entered the t te• reetlong in your book-. � fred Nicholson. sacred atate of matrimony witia J, aT. and it restored my health. Mrs, Lewis Elliott and daughter, Williains of "Lundestan," Two love- "It also cured -my daughter, who isir 1111 1151M Miss. May left on Saturday on their ly children, were the issue of that yearaold, 18he tookfune bottle accord, summer tour, They will first visit marriage, Edward and Virginia, and ing to dtreetions, l assure you that no- Mrs, Chrystal at Toronto. the sympathy of all our citizens and doctor is equal to your hootc and your On August 12th. tb-r Ladies' Aid of of their Colborne friends advice, um e r of periended your rem- Kno' church will hold a go out to edy to a number of persun�," ANNUL picnic at them in their bcreavrmrnt. Her bright A' Woman's Iterstetly. hayfield. attractive mintier, and love for her A Party left Goderich this week for bonie Will L not soon he for- Mrs, A, L: aict,iTEr, t3apcotna; Iiansae, Quebec, among them ij;ing Lveut, Car- gotten. Those' from a'dist.-nor, whir writes: . frae Dunlop, Reeve Charles Recd and attended the funetal were Mr, and Pcruris has given tyle health and their esteemed' ' life . partzurrs. We wish Mrs. T. A. Haughton of ChurchiJ, ••strength, it is top he.41 mediclue tuatwas. thein bon voyage,ever made for women. My trteudssay near Barrie.; Rev. Ta, J. Haughton of .the never saw such a. riian Tile >T:cihr_•kahs livid a; specia,ll meeting; Danville, Pa, . and Charles of Barrie y t,e in n woman.. I cannot say' too much for at Oddfellows' hall, on Thursday cv- parcn•ts and brothers of. the late Mrs.. Ferniia✓+ ening in order tomake ppeparatlons J. Al. Williams.. The other niem- ,yrs' for *holding a picnic wtlilch; Will be of her family are as dollows ' R,egin- *---• made an annual affair. ald of Wisconsin •; Mrs. Fraivk Hod'g-: ^('QTERS'. LIST, 1909.--AIL'�iICI We are eery sorry to note that by son of Thurnton ; Airs, C• McNeil of P-aiity of. the Village of Bayfield. an accident on Sunday, little Alaster C'olbor•ne and tlite Misses Edna and ality is hereby Oliver Lyons .utas Dirt with somh tittl,i, Amy at home: Y given that 7 have friends at a short distance from the; transmitted or delivered io the, per - Miss Ilarrict L. Fraser of Detroit is sons mentioned in .oter's Lists Act, sections 8 an 9 . siummer restdence . of Mr. and Mrs. the guest of her -uncle anti aunt,:.lalr, of the: Ontario V Lyons, on the bank of tine take and in and. Airs. . Peter. AIcF orlon:. Miss the copies required some way, perhaps in juinping, from I`raser, is a grana -daughter of, ; the . ,to be so transmitted orsdrl t'eredaid ioof . the bank .the earth loosened and fell late Rt'v.. Mr.,. Fraser, - ci l aster ; of Clic list matl'e, pursuant to,saidAct. upon him, causing a Tractnre of his Knox clutrcii som years ago, of all persons appearing by the last. collar bone.'- M,%ster.•Oliver is a fear- Airs. Standard ret'ised less little. son 'of Tetias; and perha .s (n»r Ali,ss Crarrorv) ,assessment, Roll of fihe said . perhaps and child arc occuliyi�ng the residence AI.unicipality at eleaut)•t; for ntcuihcrs is future he will not risk Posing his- of Principal and Mrs:. Field for the of the Legislative. Assemlrip and at lite by per.ilous feats. ' This . is the, hotidays, Municipal Elections ;• third summer Goderich -has had the .. and 'that thesolei .list- `vas first privilege to .be the' home of Air. and Mr. and Mrs.. Alex., Rollinson, , lately Posted up at my Airs. Lyons. of Bayfield, , have removed .to the office' iii Bayfield. on the 30th dap of The aa'oman's• Institute meti on .."Y'oung" Cottage. • on South street, of July, 1909, -and remains therefor Thdrsday list. at Oddreilow's Ball. now tile ;property of Mr. Tomi Sturdy, inspection. Electors are called uuon - Mrs. S; Clark. officiated,. as secretary j We have . much pleasure in copying .' to examine the said list, and if any . Aug.un. place of Miss Hi:. Saliceld, who was from the Free Press of a� innipeg, the omissions 'or any other errors are We close up our business in Clinton on Saturday ni •ht Aunavoida-hl absenvt• The . dct%rent Coilowirig . interestiti to found 'therein, ,to take immediate ways of preserving ' cliff erent fruit Guest -(daughter. of Mrs. George Co-, proceedings to have tine said errors • ryas- discussed by till,,- Mrs. C.," Hill Crest",Goderich), announces tier ..:corrected. according to law .-Dated ust 21st, so only 10 days ren�,a�n 1Y1 Wh�c] to secure enuine rn t this 30th day of Jul 1909. I3. W. A Rei read an from he gi gemen , of het vry.y daughter \liss y+ d essay fr t t " " „ Erwin ATi;nicipal Clerk, • Ba field. 88 ' •: L•iome Journal entitled- Laaaor Sav- Edna to Leonard Ii."Ring- f aTelvillr, ' Y bargains in Clothing and ' FurnYshingS L • 11 you need or will ing Devices" by ATrs.° G• N: West, Sask.' The wedding will tape place; wiiii;h were very timely.:One goad.raily in September." want anything in those -lines ou should -not miss t �, n !s idea was to keep ones. spices in glass! Mr. and Mrs. Il. Parte. spent.'the 2nd � - s `{h r `i®a bottles so that, one see at a day o, August: in the towit-ty Sitnecc, is, and ont ti birtlncla glance where_each spier rt and f<tintil reunion Followingis a. artzal list of our cut- in prices: cad , Y pa' Y F RAT L .a B O Tt E R 5.; g bit of advice 'vas , to hay e a being given in honor of the -Luther of E X highjkrtchm table,. so as .not to stoop AIr. }?lark, ,who on. that day .ha,d icach� C U R S I O N S 810.00 318.00 too mach over the preparation for ed her. eighty-third birthday. Seven- ° meals, etc, and to have a stool of a ty. guests were present, all of rvhoni GOING ADDITION'LL proper iheight to sate one from stand- but five, were. more or less clasel rr- R8., TURNING . c ing too, long. 'ATrs. S:.Clark read a lated to •heri,and-to each other, mak- From Clinton Aug. 19th --Sept. 7th. CHOICE, OF. ROUiTES •EITHER VIr1• paper` prepared by .Miss .Salkeld, . end ing .the re -union a most delightfully D�U'TF-I AND FORT FRANCES OR (titled Tcn Health.. C,omntandments: pleasant' affair. Mr. and lairs.. ' Park TORONTO, NORTH BAY ANI) C. P. CLOTHING The first one would be hard we .fear, returned• to their Elgin Ave.. reside' ce , , to follow those August society days : on Wednesday. �R. S. NL:AR'EST -GRAND TRUNIC FURNIS'l.NG. ".1st Thou shalt have no .other food, i AGENT FOR TICKETS AND, PAR - NGS . Kenneth MacLa,ren and sis- TICULARS RE GARDING• -TRANS-than at meal time,' and the secpnd tors, : the "Misses, Bessie, and . Norma PORTATIONi : AR,RANGEMENTS 1lV1Qin�.S Suits. would be equally -as hard to follow, "Thou' shalt .not -ma.ke unto thee .an Mayor n, liar clever ' children ' of' )VEST'OF.IVINNIP Ct. X 50t; $albuggar Underwear 3Jc anyiaTayor and.Mrs. MacLarcn oi. I:Ian?il- I • pies or dispepsia will be visited upon to are the guests this holiday season CANADIAN $15 5uics for $ All Linen .Collars n << 11 •. O 10C the children, to rhe' 3rd and 4•th vcner- of their grand .tuthei, Mrs. McClure. NATIONAL 12 8 60 All Rubber Collars oilers. tilts. A: D. McLean gave then lairs, Harry rlrmstrong t EXHIBITION 1{) 19C.` fotlorvin nice recipe Y T O R'O N:T O cc g P pickled Means and daughter 7 50 Puck butter beans cut cook until •ten- Miss Ftankie, have returned io their . 9 ` G 00 25C Neckwear. ' 19c der in salt water (wbtik'), drain, . Then Verne at. Snowflake, lalan., z iter a VE POINTS LOW RATES FROM ALL .7 50 ° 7 OB r • take 3 pints cider -vinegar, 3. lbs cot'- erg pleasant v4sit. with. Mrs.. Arm- ( AUGUST '2$TH TO 0 TS 50e Iti eek wear 39C fee sugar, 1 large cilli mustard, same' strong's sister, Miss Bissett,, and SIl�P�(CEAIBER 11TH. • B ' flcur, 3 tabtespoonftil tunic cel- aunt, Mrs. Vanstone, Miss. Fiankie is and --further, Bogs sults. Men's- $1 20 fine Shirts 85c cold ylre Armstrong is a Public school - teacher information` call on•--• -. ry e d, mix to 'f%attet with t ° cc. it stir into . boiling xinegar (the. nr ms",Snowtiafte and was the guest' $10 Suits for 75C of her relatives 1Tr and Airs: George $6 60 three Pints), • cool. i6r five minutes, t g t 50 cc OO 15 cc add bears, . and can. Before refresh- I'oiing, Bayfield Itoad; for a few days. JOHN 1i•ANST`ORD, City Agent. 6 cc 4 du 60c merits were served, )Miss SilimmingsiShi is gutty an accomplished pianiste A, 0.. PATTISON,-Depot.•Agrnt,. 5 50 cc •, 51) it }^ a gave. 'an instrumental' .selectiap nears as will, and .has sorne music pupils r5' Working Shirts 5;i.e V u Or- b the piano. The members wha epter- in -charge. `0 y? xc• jQ " sc 3 C tained the Woman's Tns ilite were Miss lVIalirl Macdonald of '`Macdon- 4 > 75 Mesdames Robert Jones arid Joseph ald Housec has returned from a ptras- Overalls i 5C Salkeld, and Mfrs i.i<rzie Stewart; ant visit . at, Slmcoe the guest ag The National Anthent was stings liy all. ,lairs. J, C. Ilarrison. p p cc 7 is Tit Women's .Foreign Missionary Miss Vida _Ross. Brown left on .Sat-: All Men's Rain -coats.: of os . ' 55t O 'S', 50C 1Ile ,5liirtS Tea, was held ori 2nd August on. the urday to meet Welsh's darty at Sar- , 1 �o Boys' Knickers $' S0 Felt Hat, neavest styles 35c lawn at the residence ,oC Alt -and lits, .r!a,, for a trip tri' -Fort '4Zilliam ., and your figU1e fora Suit, and y 0a Dietl s 2: s, y $1 50 Alfred Nicholson.. Vases of - flowers Montreal, . 1 co 79 c` Straw Z3iLtt3 at`Cost, ileVK StOCk. were alien file tables, and the yottrig The ATissrs Laura and Nora Craig the figure we 25k iVi] Please ac 39e lady guests were: all in rubric.. The left on Thursday treeing •to visit to you 60 50c Cashruere Socks � 15C cc 1t IgC tea was delightful .and served nicely. lative's• at Mackinac and. Cheboysan, you Its well h5 the perfect fit Men s Odd Pantse .15C O�After L Alloined tothe '. Cotton room and the a edjvening's program wias AltchMisses Gertrude art tl Lilian• Bend of We a'Vill g'uaPflntife ,y0ii. We ."til 500 13races 390 opened by all singing the -Coronation Port Huron were the guests last DIt n s $4 50 Odd Pmts 3>9c Hymn, :Miss Nicholson presiding at week of .Miss Buchanan. ire scrupulously careful to -fit it 4 $` All 2:)C 131,aCeq the nano. Rev. Alr. 'Mill and actedas' `c i3O ' p. Rev. Mr. and lits. Charles ,lanes " 3 75 Men's Lineli Handkerchiefs 4 f•Or 25e chairman. Mr.- Millian gave a veru air spending their vacation at Cale- all all.. our patrons to perfec� 5(1 Z �•j Alen s1 fine.t�vool sum ei" L7tdervvrtear 75c encouraging address on. the Mission dania. ` cc' 2 ,� Work- done abroad by those persons �;.. B. Clement of iVartlr..Ilav, elrief tion, f3S eery garment ilial 1t 2 51) ,� 1 7.�i 3 dozen airs bleu S fine :l(i,V@f3 at,'C .y t •v •... ohTor eta+ anti.- rl the Teiniskamin; ani - . �c 1 7? p 'dsG' sent out b the churches of Canada'. rngtnrtr for° leaves 011r establishment be= <t 1� iVlrs. harry Ci to a it rein Ontario Railway, ryas in. cc y ■h sister, bliss Jean Nicholson sang a town for a couple of, days last week 1 be' ti 1 001 All limen S F`alnc , ,, comes an adVertiseinent for „ :c pretty vocal duett, hock of Ages , tinct was the. guest of his paretnts, 1 2v ���t Cost* Miss Jean playing lily accamPtiniment Rev' ill;. and lairs. Clement ilucl si5 We Will �iVe yGii your \ . r most creditably. Air. James Powrte, ter, Mrs. H. I<:, Ilodgens. sang in fine voice "0 love that' will From . the ,Reporter, Xineardine, we (,,Voice Of 'tile fittest and new - not let me go. By request Miss clip the Following news itents, "'Mes- �` - - - - ski`rimings sang "CaniAta" which dames Joseph •l3ropliry and• Connolly o� We do the rest. • •' eqt fabrics. elicited much praise And also presided Ooderirh are spending some time in w --r- � INOLUDES at fihe Ii)ana when the, doxology was town, the' ormer with heti sisters, �H�, TO sung da all. • (Re tilt right At h her, rectory. htrr :airs. Agbnti for British AtmerlCun C1en111ttg , M Mesdames Thompson of Kalxuiaroa (Rev.). Wright at the >•ectary. and Caspar Ilarttrck of BuC.dlo, rind ATr, and Airs. Bert Ilropltry (ne, and Dying Co , i`1ol4tteti[, their ttati titers were the t , g guests last Afiss Ida Wilkinson) were lht�;ctests r:+4W wrr1: cif :tfr, ;ted Alis, qtr,Parents the first wrrti in August of ;:rein old of Mesdames Thompson and ilarbeck, friends, Alt. and Airs., Thomas Oun- co '`� r♦ , Hits, Thompson and daugliter went up dry, Their little dattghtvr accompirn- to Dtingantioci oil Friday to spend a ircl them. W6 JAfety days with ilia relatives of;icer Mr, and Njrs, T. G. Xeefer and •their Geo. 1l'liusband. cit+ver son Master Harland f N r- Barge 1"l'r wert, sorry to 1 *arta Of the dt ath , o Nor- ' wuli spent Last week rvitli Mr, anct lilt the late Patriek rugoit, on l+ri- Mrs. Iy'altt,tigr, lair. Keefer Is pubilsh IIID tC'Cl ti11 �'BI�Ot` xh.1y hist,. er of the Norwich 'Regit.ter, FRED JACKSON'S OLD STAND