HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-08-12, Page 4r rr 4 V 4 0 COAtOA Nems-Ro4mrd M August 12th, 1909 Suminerbill Goderlob Township. Port Albert Queries Re LooAl Option, nicreanti:& Me, Ili Milton and , COT S police force and it is a Aft cents will pav sub-' Rev. W- 11. Dunbar will U Miss Maggie Schoelilials is visitilk; Editor of ,The News -Record sCrifltion to The News, -a -r? ord toany ,gundaY next in St. James', 'Middle- at Alilverton also Master flerble. • address in Can,&de4 for Ilia rcrm-insucr ton, St. John's, 1101mesville, and St. Sir,­Morol tha4 once I have been Miss %Vcbsier is visiting her of 1900. Sister, asked the question, are we going , t Peter's, Summerhill, on. "Th,- $,mday Mrs. Rill) Pe. t present. Arson ,t - Sits I MISS Annie Ball its visiting frienhAs zebool vote on Local Optio' Work." Miss. Hattle C 1 11 in January W Godericb.' Rev.. W. IL Dunbar Xud itis lath. r, visi urrell, Toronto, is next 9 And my answer, invariably, tilig her grandfather and uncle the .ENTS : has been, I hope so, yet it has 51r, and Mrs. J. Freeman Visited Mr- William Dunbar, have uu;.a )uelk pas Week. not [been fully decided Why silage Sunday. OfLlered parishes near OalgAry, .%oovrt on. tjlcn,it is frknds in the vi, but they have not yet "'no to 4W visiting, Mr. and Mrs IV. Biggins spent I al Misses SebPafers, who have been asked by some, does it so appear in at their uncle's and aunt's. !the papers. To this I say, I know day at the litter's home here, decision in the matter. here, have returned hom6, not, nor dd .the comm1ttpe--4S­ to howl i J. Dols: bus Just received, direct from Miss Al. A. Watkins has returned of- I Mr. Stewart Ross of CLjto.-. I -As, Sant Churchill of the Sarnia Lum- it got there. However, it is not a ter A pleasant thiree weelml visit with beenengaged by No. 6 svhxa, !(X.Ed her Company has a large raft of logs bad sign when the ScOtIand 5.5, 111oulan",, A consignment people b begin to ell - her sister, Mrs. AlcVhttio of North for the current year It ca. silary 0,t in the, river here ready to move them quire, and some who have Asked me Bay. l$440 And commences VN duties nest to Sarnia. Of the above In Choices Granites I the question are prominent business Miss B1. Kitty; is visiting at Mr. Monday, Ile is a recent gr1du,.L,,e of Mrs. Ed. McConnell and •daughters I min, men who 0 irk Some InstAnces.toolA Ithe Loudon Normal school and gives Gerrard' St. Toronto, and of Chaste design, are visiting little. or no part in our last contest- I Mrs. Tyner and Mrs. J. Johnson vire!niuch pro " I Wise Of bring t� -,u(uessfud friends here at pmismt- land they tbi7r*k now that tied friends at".Porter's I we should Kill last week. Iteacher, -Mr. Clarence Johnston Clinton go ()a. 'Of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Miller i.nd fain, . Mr. Robert Marshall il.&L t $123 occupied the ill in the English Surely there .arc strong reasons why it oc U,i e p Pit y of Clinton spvn� Clvlc� holiday) colt last week. - church here on Sunday, Rev. Thos. should with friends here. Hicks being in the Queen City. We Iwie anovt.-!particularly now Mr. John, Thompson, our -17, OX thy wl va so- many Bliss Bliteliell Molesworth I in the Prices Reasonable of is NIS- , Are campaign. NIS -la left on Tuesday ii-,omfuz tolexpect to hear him again a,,xt Sun- I Ibis pretty certain that there will be g day, iting her cousin. Mrs. N, Ball. visit his I sons who have homes't-,�,idcd School re -opens rext Monday. in Saskatchewan. He goes early, so over lftt places in Ontario where, they Mr. and Mrs, G. Johnson visiteil(th-cl will vote,-includlng 2 cities and 40 Best Worktuanstilp that parental'bome on Sunday. he may have a good long - visit towns and villages. There can be no and yet leave there before the real ar- I MISS Pearl Beaconi. of Mich is vils- question now as to the by4aw injur- King Ing business -the* contrary is amply iting friends in and. arov.11d*1be vil- ..rival of. King ' Frost. Mr. Thompson If Walter B. Kelly to. Inspection Invited ligeexpected Havelis,ty, on Sat- wishes cross prown, Lot us.arouse ourselves and urday evcning and from. � therek is a Lake Huron in a flying initchine, We make an earnest effort to I Bliss Maggie Malt 1'e close is visiting her seventy -mile off I -mile drive. over the prairie to t he J I riclid, -Bliss Etta McBrien. feel very that vAll have 110 from our. hotels that which is causing reach his 'S. rival here, in that line !r.vf-j113o% son,homestead. Even I,. of SO much ruin. tree g(,A,'l John should have to hoot always lets "Well - enough 1141 1 -J. CTREENE�. it the whole distance Iw is good lor.Woxne'-and hes sensible. I * It.-, livery-, Bluth it. We hope he may have a are all bustle those (lays, every LeA41bury �o�%So DOIG pleasantir"V1 horse trip and visit aild.'w safe return to tire, and carriage hired every day. D. B. McKinnon, one of the best old -home. Rev. Dr. Bleidruin and family of Twenty-Avo cents will pav a Sub- linown citizens of Huron County, died Mr. James A. Thompson 'Cleveland, Ohio, and motht% TAIrs. ScrIPtlOn to The News -Record to any here on Saturday last in his Came Up OPPOSITE POST OFFICE., .73rd (Captain.) Gibson are here [,,r the address in Canada for - the 1c.1',aitiotpr year, from Toronto last week for a couple hollidays. Dr. Melarum 1900, of (lays V . spent ...the of i The deceased Was born in 1836 in visit at the old lionlestezol on past two Weeks Ill Quebec, but Will Mr.. And Mrs. the Bayfle'll Line. He I$ a member of (". White have Tc ­ I the county of Halton, And early en- ,, I return to his wife and mother +­- turnedtered el spending part Of the iipton. In 1861, Air. DTC- efficiency 's ' Dr. Wesley Reid ar%d his brother vacation in Listowel and 'Millikak. N later Ili 13rar, pleasure to know tlzLt Ilia week. Kinnon romoved to Blyth; where he ticing-recognized •.by promotion tD the Herbert Of Detroit and 'Miss Mae Govenlock Of -Wilithrop BOOK STORE has since resided. For many years he most important beats, - Fr',IW� spent Sunday at the horne of Mr, CLINTON was in commercial life, but retired aI Mr, George Anderson, who, Was -Martin ' Of town, have - rented Thos. Arehibald. - I It1lA-, at the old bomestead oft the one of the -cottages at Mese- MiS4�-*s Helen and Low Dunsmore of -few years ago, continuing the. Q111ce of Bayfield Line, left on Saturday to. re. tong Park, for this month Of � August, r kwheap postmaster an apPointmcrA lic- recely- Stratfo d visited at Mr, WhiteIs for Shoes. old, Man, At Sebrin- Alr,. and Mrs, Thomas Crandall Of a few days last week.. Detroit Are guests of the lady's uncle, active Ville, he was met by his wife a Mr. and Mrs. ' J, R. Hamilton and full laVV'rig' It is a means ed in 1&e i. The, deceased was turn to in Lever thing pertaining to the wel- T 0 0 . . L r Our M id-surn mar Clearing S.ale is I claughter who had been vi siting friends AT Willi - fare of this communliy, He Was a ds ' ani Campbell, our town �&s- daughters of Edmonton are visitin-r Of Pliteing within yoAr reach Qh0eS Of all kinds ata 'sensor and Collector. Small cost. We mdm�cr of the, first council of this there. at the form-erIs parents, Alr.�And Mrs' are willing to Sacrifice all profits for a few weeks in order. y And worked energetically. 14th . up the balance of aur stilminer goods to make roorn for incoming here on a visit, inu,nicipalit Mrs. . harry Thompson -of the ITr. FrajV� Shannon of Ottawa is 1-1. Ilamilton, to clean. ifor flip buil'dile lef t (511 Saturday to visit th, old BTLrS, Misses Mabelt Rinn and' Jein Bar- tall and winter lines. Below we give you a new list of lines we. etre I , of the L., 11. &, B. con' Floor& 'Ifartin ati,-1 (la Strengthening in addition to the lines announced Railroad. I omv at Lucan. She has�beert ughterg, rows visited, At Mr. r,. Stor,.,y,s on ounced last week. GO TO Ill Poqr Grvta and E�jiris, ar'e, . spendin- tlii;t In 1867' he inarried Mary F. rktkin- health for and it is hoped Sunday, cont_at Ha.)il n ton. unorhy 25L.Pairs Men's Patent Calf Bluchers at $5 W for $400 W. H. Watts & Son for Food son,, who dial Seven years ago. Th, the cbL*l1.geL Of Scene And re wMr, Thia Scarlett spent S 13 pairs Men's Velour Calf Bluchers at 0.(X) for 4.00 shoo repairing. We make a speci- deceased Laves one son, McKim pletely restore. her .,..to her wonted with friends *. in"Marris. 20pwirs Men's Box Oalf Bluchers a> ....... 11. 4;00 for 3:20 ality of repairing and -lo it while n6n, of Townto, and c a-, daughter' atr'ngtli again.,- The many frlends� of Mr. White 10 pairs Men's Tan Russia Calf Oxfords ..... .8 obbins . lo,1L twill rture .50 for 2 85 Mrs. (Dr.) Milne, wh6 rcsidQ8 here. *11 lie sorry to hi'al: of his you wait. Mr. an,d Mrs. J� E, R Departmental Examinations- 0 pairs Bier,% Tan WHIOW Ott] f Oxfords ....... 4.00 for on Mvnday.for�tlivir Ili to lVindsor -where be has Accepted a 14 pairs Men's Tan Calf Binchei-s .... ...... 4.00. for 3-290 Two brothers and one * sister survive, Olne in Chicago Torortto, August 6th. -The followjng� it. is now. fourtut.-ii, years 10 pidr§Aleii's Box Calf Slachers Our Charges are Right Kinnun,- Toronto - M. after a 'visit to Mrs. Fobbing, par 4.40 for 8 6o being S, F -P Al� cats Mr. and Mrs. Edward "Marshall. list contains names of two classes of our 18 Pairs Alans Kid. Blacher Bals ............... -3.00 for 2.40 TO FARMERS AND OTHERS i F. McKirliOn, in Saskatchewan, and candidates. First' since Mr. White took charge .61 20 pairs Alen'sKid Bals 3.50 for 2.130 those: who •- haspol village selio0l. 2-73 pairsBoys Grain Leather,Lac;'1­­­­­ Mrs. James Mullin, Lticli-now. They will flavc.,a lir'let visit with Mrs. writtkai Upon and, fulfilled the require- IS pairs Boys Kid La ........ 1.75 for 1.40 have several pairs of our own made Mr. MeNinnon. was a Staunch k1Xcs-. Robbli's sister, Misp Anna Marshall,. h1onts Lace,...,.;,,., 2AX) for 1.60 boots which we will sell, cheap. Just in London.. Their intention was to - of the 17nivcl:sity of Totonto in 23 pairs Youths Qalf Lace, 11, to 13.... ........ 1.50 for 1.00 the thing you want to keep your feet hyterian, and it is a soinewhat pecul a sulil�,iont-nunibvr ot-subjects- 290 pairs Box Calf L malts a Ion, 'a ak ger visit S.' for LAM 11 to 13. - .... 1.75 for 1.20 :m"Inv friends, -o 1% tar col-rocidence that h Served Contin-- - CO To the Mothers 60 pairs Little Gent's Lace, assorted 8 L dry while the season is opening up. tiously on tris did hot, bave the opportunity' to see pass Julliol. 41ittrictilati 1.40 for 1.10 . board of rnan�,�-gemcnt 8CCond; thoso -,vho have written upol,*, Come in and see them• them while her(' lint Tkisiness interefA�s throughout the pastorate of Dr. -Mc- on -c -or more papers or tD 'Pale. -Girl mad6 it zicce4sary. for thein to return,, part papers of is opposite the postoffice. Lean, which lasted a, all at 6nee. Our stand -la, , .10 years, d re-. per ccilt.*. O.R.sash paper writtem tired from active work sjn1,.1Jtkj1�coUg1y, tpils examillation and Repairing while you wait. We have started a branch Xr. Lorne Rayer 91 Ggit _i% spend- JL' M,' I A•CA s E 8 n o w i,.\T G with Dr. McLean. atrict HOW THE TON - !,Ing hills holidays 'at Mr. Jimeg ilatiou candidates who' ook . pJace, on Tuesday on the normal entYaPC�i,e%amin,i - business at Londesboro jointly The fun'cull. I . .1 wrote 10 TRPAT.1IEXT RESTORE with Mr. McKeown's harness zer's. of the.-Bai'll.eld Line. .. ... I ­1EALTH. - - and -is tuider the.auspices of the '2A rias- ation, in whole'.Qi in pa should LOST !:.The contractors have- let down rt, .Shop. All repairs 'taken there onic order. of which. Mr.. 'McKi�non was tlie note that the f'ct of their 11 will have our best and careful shed.of Mr, Goo. Stirling. a Allies ap- Anaomia is SilnplkL lach of blood'L'It a mem�ivr. pearing In this list, illdi ates orlly.,�that is FRIED. JACKSON attention" Twenty -five:ctntt. will L ),-Lv sub -1 -A number of people from, r0�dtrich they passed: or, one of the most cO111111011 and at Mite Ion. tt6wnalyip and Stanley Spent ML11daV the. Actl,141 matric�ula-�'Sainc ti most dangerous -diseases 11 N�ews-11cc:)rd to ti0n, papers taken 1with'.whieb. groWiftg girls suffer. 'lt*is -Always Reliable CLINTON scription to TheL. a Bayfleld L. address irl'Cbll rid,!r 11 W. H. Watts. & 0 The farinerg.. have- -started to MatAeblation value of stainding obz coninion because the blood so often of 1909. thresh'tainod on. Normal i ' cntrance examini- becomes ini their L wh e, poverished during � dowel- can only be Ascertained t�iy_ 'pre ften. overstudy' (�llite a few have cut oats' - tion, '- opingnt, when ' girls. o �Ilctr to .the over, ate of 9 this Week; senting certiff, - iandiing �work and suffer from lack cil'. university. or college con excise. ercise.. It is dan�*.Croiis ReY. IV_ H. Tayior of I gil�txar of area - Oc'- cerned. I the stea41thiness of beqause of Adrl% IN im CUPivd the pulpit of the Bayficki: Linb . 0 , marks L' its approach- . And All% ChUUCh on Sunday, ertificat(Is containing ma Will beeatiSo Of its tendency 1.6 grow so be sent to the prinl.ipals " of lifigh Steadily . worse, if riot promptlN, cheer with her sister Geo. Sterling: e that -it ln.ak run into �onsulilption- '. - _ I ing. tliese- officials I cry, irl should take in oc- MisS Bettie anti Mastet G Carodkh�fes Nil apply to Ev growing* g ce n for reports in detail, ve Orvth V09. -St,olitalloust, spent 'S�unday, schools,. and , inspectors In a week. d " ' . I . e - Ir n. E o STAPLE AND FANCY DRY, GOODS: sP(lit, a fen; (lays iast,.Nveel• With their -casional tonic to, w,,Lrd off the insid- MISS L Q; head, all the �1,or,. I W. J, R. Ball, 0. ious trouble -and 'in cousin, Alken 1�lvff, tewart. 13r andt; E. A. 'R.- 'BelittYl Bell, A. there is no" I c that Carl equal Dr'. MILLINERY MANTLES DRESS -MAKING Mss : Ress-Ic Ross L)f . 'CL. 13OWMan, J. ionic Clintonn 1 1. Barber, II. Williams' P * of stopp4n_ fe w days with. her c"Ousin""CAntelon ZverT _dost -d at W Purehis' Bliss Nettie Green. A.. Coombs, R' this medicine helps. t new e alkWs' Furnituri�,'Store. I. Collins, T. H. Case' o malze. I " . I . . . .. .1 . L 11 Clarke, rich blood, whicIv pronititty . makes M. L.)-Colcma,n; 0. R.'Cruickshank; G, wealt, 'Lie,' P, listless girls b6�;ht,. rosy V V 40 Cruickshan;k,- A., T..-DavId%on,,.W. Do .:and sfr6fi- ter's IR111 11jrty,.. g.. Miss A.. Al., Dugay*.%Lo.wcr, 25' E F D ca n, T. S., C. I)Lcks6n, Cove, NI -.S., Says :-"I believe -Z m fs:k r o% n o- por R. L. Doltance,. E. Evans T. L. Gov- I my life'to Dr WtIll'ahis'. Pink Cash V si,ery '-c.- Macdougall is* sticn4ittv Pills. aUv' Miss Anni g ik, enlock,'W. P. Grieve., II: A. Griove,.Aly..�Jlood acein6d to' have turned to week with fritnds.at )Polt Stanley. Urs. Eclestor And, her OX J. Holnic6, '*E. Hill L,.140ggcrt-, 'Water. I was sheet I Stij- two sons, Who ,Q, V. palQ as a sh Were visit'n 'at Mrs. Job" You' .11. Isardi B�, I. 11iister,,G'.' W.. fered' from licadaefics., 'and floating ng's I Jordan, B. � IK,%y;, J. G. Lechic, H.. M., ipecks seemed. to 'bc.c at ntly returned hol'iw 'on Monday" to Buffalo on a CIAL• Leppard, F. D. Laidlatw, S. McK6r During July and. August,. and. also. Mrs., Ices. C. M fore my eyes. -As the -trouble - pro- .9 'Robert; cher, 11. Mr. and Bf Oor,0, W. B. McTaggart,'gressed my .1iinbs bogafi* to 4 ell, and rs. RobPrt--BurkL of Mich- A. Al. Middleton, I. M. Marchaiid A 'it Was feared - that dr6p'.V h"a'vd set in igan, art, sp(ndiiig a few weeksl I I BleMahon; M. I Half Ribbed Cashmere Hose, double knee 'gdod Mrs. Sam, Bvirke on tdlf� IS -t Con" :4r. J. McNl�iVcn V. E vVfth L, 'Marteiii, J, A� find that my' case Was ho cress, Tip )S C I flNG soft yarn, in black only, all sizes.• Regulgily. sold at Blaster Willie "Morgan of -Goderich. iA to this time two dootois liad-attcAddd • but 25c and 30c, for quicks-elling. 19c.. Spending Itis .holidays McDonald, & '2vIcKenzie,- M. nie, but notwithstanding I � �k.eot groWal. here. 10th . 'Iriends L. H. Mulholland, F L. Murphy, R. Ing Worse. It. was. at this around S, MeBurnoy, W. J., juncture EVery began using Dr. -Wjllia1nsI.p1rL1i: 'Pills, McLean; 14; A. Line Mr. and. Mrs. II, James Manning ard M. Oestericher, T. R, Pat-, and after taking a few boxes I . , was• daughter of Cowoih�_, visit6d, at . Ilia. terson. J Porter improved, .1 kept on usiii� - the Shirt Waists sistor'S" lIrg. hol. Jordan, ,on lbonday..! R.. C. 'P.roci;r,� G;: L. Robb boxe Bliss Katie Williamson spent- it few R• C.'Pills Until I had' taken eight A limited nuantity0fivhitn Tck XXT -4 It days recently with WE- T 1, 13, Rowell, D. B1. Ryan, F. I when . my',health was cnm"Jntf�lv V.. 17t a sizes.. V L, Roberts, 1, S. Robertson, S. Stubbs, storeir.0 in the assortment. These are extra valus. for' th e* 'money and Mrs. jOhn MOL%ean 6f., ` Dun" J. .-Scott, W. R. Sillillie, T. Sanders, Dr. Wifilams'- Pink Pills - c : ure- cases:' and should only last a few hours, would be'go'od valu . e gannon visited around here recently. Harv' G. Shart, L. M, Snell, W- K. Ste*- like 'this.because they o to the,' eating ik tille order of the day. 9 root at 75c, while they last 661Y 40co:. mr,'John CAntelon thr ' * art, C.• M. ''Sadler, P. L. Stewart, H. of the troi;bIe­'-fn.ihe 1)lood. That is eshed at Mf..1H. Towill, C. Crelevan, W. H. Waller, Peter Macd6ugall-s last Fiid'4y, tris' Why they cure rheumatism and, indi- See our window display. first around here for this e G. I.. Warnock, T. G... Wi,son. gestioll, nervous heiadaches. and .melt - season. Ing neuralgia, and all those troubles Dress Muslins at a Great Sacrifice from which growing girls,and women lltnllasvidlle St.. Helens of mature years so,ofton Suffer in hope - All the Mus-lins.left-in stock- that.have,heretofore',.. Twenty-five ccnts will nava sub- less silence., , It Dr. Williams, Vink -Mis� G. 'Rum!ball visited -wft'hi riends - scription - tO -The-,-Novs-Recoril' Pills are given a fair trial they Will sold at 15c, 18c and 20c, includin g floral designs in, .�t Ivinizilan, for, the past week; not-, digappoiftt you,. - gold X),y a11 inedi- ft,,ffi s in Canada 'for the rviiian-der "t' pink, grey, blue, Mauve and tan, .'-while they last Only I Bliss Ladd of Auburn is the, guest of address cine dealers orby mail at 50 cents a of 1909, box or six. bo Q icer uncle, Mr. G: Ladd.. boxes for 9150 from - The (W 10c Bliss Carrip *Walter spent Mrs. Jas. Barbour ;and sons, JanIms'Dr.-NUliams' MedicinwCo., Brockville per gird Sunday .1 - ' . 0 and Elwood,, visited.. frienils at Kiln- Ont. (3 With Goderi-ch friends. NEW GOODS garf last Weak. .1 . � . 11091111. and datz(ghtei of Toros.- . Bliss Mabel Macdonald of Wing' 0 White Wash Belts to and Bliss Reid of Dungannon Aire I Live Stock Market gliests of, Airs. A, 4. Courtice, I$ visiting her grand -parents, lir. and Beautifullv embroidered Wash Belts, all sizes, re- MISS' Verna McLeod visited at the 'Mrs. T. Todd. a Ive have been busy during I the last few (lays Op . ellillgl And gular 25C fol ISC. h0me.Of her mother oft Monday.. Mr. And Mrs. J a. Webster'. of Luck- Toronto, Aki.S.. 9 th.-I lk�uthitl, dorm' 11 .13 fl4@l1'j;)li clot shelves aii entirely new stock of Gross Goods, Ging. • RtId of Stanley 'nion 4 - 1111118, Ants, Muslins, Fancy Belts arid Belting, (!011ars, Ties, 'White 0 now and Mrs. Jas. was the Word all over the L. .1 Miss B. Nzesbitt And sister are, visitod friends around St. llelc,,ns latc, c Stock Yards to -day. Awning Duck spending their holidays Witit. their E­xiiort cattle being lar vVitists anti Whitewear and, In fact all lines of fancy arid staple Dry 0 ly. largely held Goods. ID Mrs, R, Acb-� I Airs. Moody of JUIora is renewiiiV, ol,(t Over Until. -to-morrow, prices having (a for soma tillie D.9.4 to Attend to youl, waists, arid we. guarantee'y grand -parents, Mr.'and (";Oil, twill filid-our prices right, oil . Just the time to take advaiitage of this reduction ac�quajntanccs aroundt St. I-jolens, eased or some. in Awning Duck, red and white stripe, bzst quality ------- Miss E With Ilornuth of Wliighara ' is I Butchers' Cattle' Were going very Psvery department Is full of newanot natty goods at 1) prices: Q regular 35c for 30C. Cast Wa visiting at the home -of Mr. Hugh Slowly. 2eo SM&II lVofit4 And inore business S what argAin wanosh Rutherford At prosetit, 2,154 cattle were received, � a thin we ai In at. Full value. fol. While picking berries in till, Woods, Of a Lizzie and Pllttg� Sturdy Sheep, 7q hogs and, 29 calves, and lip The Misses dollar spent is whab you, Ave sure to get if you (teal here. s1kirts cornmonlyll(Aown as the •t1wi I Am I percentage Black Sateen Under Id Hun- Wingh, are their holi- till noon but only a si;iall perce Tall and OxbIoOd shot's with hose, to illatch at lolvest, possible prices. deed," Bliss Maggie Taylor lost her days with fisionds. ill this neighborhood. , hadhchanged hands, Special va lues in Parasolq and'Ghil)icllas. I It twill pay you, to see These skirts are all brand now goods, full Width, Way. It was niglit fall bef ore abeijLittle EMIth Froineth ot Wingham .1 eyl COUghlift and CO., 1%ought a spcn our 11inbrella, at.$1 before bilying. neatly trimmed With self,frills, -and if bought in the found the homeward path.. dn.; her holidays with frieflas 22 butchers at $4.60, s At $3.85, regulararound 8't. Relcliq. 11 at $4 and R at,100 for a Starter. RegWar 75c Canvas Hats foi- inns at or $1.205, our price A nunO.r of fairlilles of tllis vicinity way would retail f enickod I A. B. Macdonald sold two flrqt- p! Mim rianny Joylit has 'made flio'Iiiur-1 class cows at $4.50, 21 butchers, av- Mell's V alley shtrts, Collars and Ties at IVoluced livieeli. at Goderich on Thursday chase of 11 fine Ilow Organ, last. All report a good time. era iing 022 Ilia., at $J., 1 Wheat harvest will soon. i)v past. 9 310. The The 1). B� Blartid Co. bought 200 umnitr is passing. quickly Away. XXCVRSt0N TO firsts from $4.60 to $5, And a drove What we Advertise we Sell. N',re long the gific'er Can truly sing WESTl,',R%' VANAI), EVERY • DAY A BARGAIN DAY. that beati6ful old iv'mn, 1,NVh,,n- �,ptt the Via Chicago, August 24tb September from $4.90 to $4,40,. 14ainilig sold two inilkers and, 9 1 1," What we Sell Advertises us Harvest is past ami( tbo Summer is 7th and 21st. Via AArnia andl1t)rth- One sprirkger for $85. "That Was t ern Xavigation Co. August lith And- best I could do," he remarked. t _s us I BMW; Irem- Xlnq of Toront'a is vis- 26th September 8 and 22nd.(Steam-1 It. P. Kennedy bought, a load Aver - 3.06 1). mi) Nvifillilpeg aging 1,100 Ilia., at $4.00. iting lit her 110111(� in, this vicinity at or lvaves Sarnia I. P EVERY COURTP-SY AND AMMON 1);Csellt, And return $322.00, Edinonton and. r(-1 "I've never saw it t;o 0 S (lull around, LUNSTEEL O -AWAITS YOU HERE, I Mr. Ijerman Dapr drove a carry -all turn UU0. Proportionate rates to the stock yards as. it is right nmv,,. 104d of Young People to Point Farin,other poinfig In Western Ckmida. For said' Mr. Xetinedy, "pricks have eased S!"aft PrOfftg and More Business, on VMC, holiday. 110 had a pleasant tiekef<i Awl further h1forination call oil, tli.ry demand I,;. small And they sup - time. on 11,•,IrLst Grand Trunk Agent. ply is just in keeping." 0