HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-08-12, Page 2a 11 ClfpnWon New'sr<.Record I August 12th,
Ni t�NN�r►The auniaex-
tSip:•sMR euxsiaand Detroit will be
i.1 lNG the PRINC held on Saturday, August lith. Train+
loaves (711 ton at 7.50 a.. in. Ile -turn
i #aro to Salmia is $1.60 per steamer
YOU N fiE� fare timao" Sarnia to Detroit, re-
• tuna fare 75 cents. Retuyntng special
Something to restaiv Ole ap- train will lease Sarnia at 10 p. m. on
petite, strengthen the nerves„ hloaday, August kith, This is the.
ufrif the blood, or tone up the 1`. trip of the season.
Huron County Ne ws Gathered
for Newsm"Record Readers
Mwe Thu 20
ingredis"U ptvo to Hoacra gars*p*rifl*,
its groat ourativo powsr+,power to our*
many and varied. complain% Inolttdint
diseases of the blood" Ailmorits of the
stomach, troubles of the kidnoys send '
Many of the Ingredients are fust
what the profession prescribe in the
s oniach, and All the body with and pronts named, list the liarcomto thlA
--,.-�-�.�,•,- _ , � and roportionrs are peculiar LQ this
rich vitality, .-,.----•,�.�.,,._,.�.-.. ,. medicine and give it curative" bower
Y ARD CALLOUSES in memoriam. Y - _XXX, -
AL.I. IESTB ARE 1NT1~iI STlNC, xx � Y xXXX.X�NX �.hxxJ
H QUI,fi`LX litre. David Armstron af. Stanley. But Some i d Ara Muth Better altar to Itself.
Mud y Iron Pills "RED.IR y Ii Therefore, there i:r no real ashen-
- - g .tan ey, o � rX IS TIIZ,�, FOR Ygl7 ? "`�. I cute for it. it ter ed to trey any prep- '
Soak the feet iii, hot water and then Died Jul ' * * "` e g �� ,
' Are specially tutended far this apply Patnam''s Painless .Corn I xtraa y ,7ttr, 100,1, aged 82 Hoysekoop,rs Than Othoro. X r X oration seed to be just as good" you.
purpose. They, will reinforce tori—it removes the-calous quiekl . years and 5 months., An old French proverb says, "pinch X list a num- X may be sure it Is interior, costs less
y 14 e have on our
the flagging energiesand impart Besure you get ''Putnarn''s" only, bird finds. its own nest beautiful." X her of subscribers who are a X to retake, and yields Lbs dealer a lamer
new strength of body and unud, From The News -Record of °`She Is not dead but Sleepeth.",— but to human eyes, there is .a Mighty y X year au1 some more than a X profit.
Luke xifi i 04. difference. The dome, for example, X - X Get It today of your .druggist. 100
e is a Mighty bad housekeeper, either year in arrears for -their sub
► Repeat it :--"Sliiloh's Cure will at+
August 12th 1891 i gg X scriptiox to The News -Record', X Doses one )Dollar, Prepared only by
g , Ohl call it not Beath, it is life begun wild as the wood -dove or tame its the C. L Uood Co., Lowell, Ua A. U. S, A. �
ways euro my .coughs and c'oi1�•" For the waters. are past the howe is domestic pigeon. Two sticks, three X In many cases it is but stn ov- X
WE WAI�T'�l � � OliAtou, August 12th, 1891. won; P ' ' Straws, a suspicion of coarse gross, X •ersight. To the 'individual sub=' X
ay _ -
s _ 'Mr. S. Davis went Ashdng on Thurs-+Tho ransomed spirit has reached the
eggs am Yand Is brood .them with X but 7whenhe taken amounin th-, uggre- X
., re- X
TO KNOWday and claims to have • secured al shore a touching'deyation. Neither she nor ra
♦ gate emetines to a considerable :C
good catch of black bass with a bait Where t�bey sleep and suffer and sin her mate has any shame In such s
And that your .'eaipts will beAPPLES, X sunt ai money, andthis. money Xfilled with the best goods ob- Zsecuring' hook of his own invention, no more. neat, for they always yet It. wherq It X we could use to advantage at :t
tamable. We guarantee pure Mrs. C. 'Nvieedy of Goderich was can be plainly seen, ;' g
t But she is safe in her Father's house Robin Redbreast belles the adage X the present time. we would, X
drugs, perfect service, accuracy visiting in town last week,
above that practice makes perfect• He of- X therefore, ask our subscribers X
and promptness, Ranker McTaggart anti Dr. Shawl ' WNpQN, ONTARIO In that place prepared by her Sav- , tan builds three aceta a ReosAn, but X to look. at the label on their X
"did.' Buffalo on elle, civic. � , they are solid commonplace, mutt- Xpapers, •
fours love. , P and rf they arc net X I
Itcv, A. Stewart town and Rev, "' plastered affairs, ns, urriroetic as the X marked up: we would be leased X USUIeS$ Sho
To depart from a world of sin and
Mr. Nt+edhani � of 1gmandville exchang- -rood nests of the house martin, The pleased
% - n dand
strife, lee marttn puts up p different home -' to have. their remittanYe at the X SUOJBCTS
We S R HOLMES for s17lFpin�; and evapor- ed pulpits last Sabbath. � iX earliest passible moment. By X
S. And to. be with Jesus Oh this is her for himself and mate. His• nest may
atlil purposgs, Best prices do too mueli work forhe corporation to I.I.e, have a foundation of mud, but it is 'M :giving this your attention you $ Resident alzcl Mail Cooties,
aChief Wheatley
• 111anf'gQhemist. b p a io cushioned within, stuccoed without. i Cat4ort..s Fr"
paid. , and insured his back so that W has Oh 4, call it not death it6is Oto lye un with fine wood lichens, into 4.. thin of I X will .s onfer a favor on us, X
i now to do less. And the precious dust the torsi sixth beauty. It vies, indeed, with X X J, W, W-dtrvelt, J. 1V, Wentervek, Jr,. GA..
the XXX1:4XXXXXJ►XYXh.XXXxxixXXX' Principal. vi«.Pz nips),
•N.•♦eM•N♦N♦�...♦'�+�� It is teported that Air. William keep ; nests of the chimney swallow, the
Coats is a possible applicant for the Shp shall wake again, and how satisfi- queer angular affairs stuck fent —RELIABILITY EXPERIENCE— —EXPERIENCE *- ; S , against the nutty Chimney side. They
D OANT VN county clerkship. He would make an ed, are of tiny sticks, built up like elfin J. T. Kane, letter -sorter iii the
excellent official, With the look of Him who for her loaf cabins, and eementml at the cor• Montreal Postoffiee, was arrested on Four persons were, drowned by the
Repeat it :--"Shiloh's r-ure will al- lir, and Mrs. John Callander and died, nors, as, well as held. fast to the chem- a -char e of stealLn letters. capsizing of a launch near Baltimore.
t +. CLINTOM family of London are visiting, at the nay by .a sort of glue secreted by '1 g g
sways cure my cougars a:t,1 ro.,ls. As our Saviour rose again. Slie also the birds themselves, { - A: receiver has been appointed for
borne of Mrs. R. H. -Read, Read, Mrs. Call-
, shall rise The warblers, are. pattern nestbtild the Butiala, Lockport Rochester
ander's mother,. From her quiet bed where now she ers, They generally choose a spot of Repeat it :—"Shfloh's Cure w,ll ai- Railway. pi
Messrs.. John Ransford and sons and lies ; safe seclusion, "far from the mad- ways cure my coughs and colds,"
W. Jackson have gone on a trip up clip crowd." as it were, then pitch 1t't••iam Raney,, believed to ;IAC ,)net )fwill be at Holmes' Drug Store on the lakes and will sight the rest Then cheer ye mourners who r.;' sadly s
Friday, Jul 9th and thereafter on g g upon some cup. of twig and lino it the men concerned in the train hold
weep ; at I)Lcks B. C. has.
y y • city of the iinsatted seas. and cushion it with the ripest soft up ,. been, concerned
Wedhesday Aug. 4, Sept. 8, Oct. 13, , For they _ are happy who in Jes:as fibers, fine grass, horse, hair, human Allout 120 electrical workers at Win- Bros: made their... first g by the Las Angeles police.
Nov. 17, Dec. 22. Hours from 9 a, shipment of harvest, apples on 'Friday Sleep. hair,• bits of string• fn choosing they Inipeg are on strike for increased pay,
m. until 3.30 •p. m. Glasses properly EMPL EN , are curiously intelligent, If a hand,
awl a choice variety of early plums on Oh call it not, death, tf&'.a l;esutiful ful. of variegated threads be spre,id
fitted. Diseases of the Eye, Ear, s
Nose and Throat treated. itlonda an ex- rest out where they can find them, all. the Repeat it :--"Shiloli's Cure will alp
.celltutyqual%ty apples were of Yes saith the spirit, for all. -those who sad=colored ones will the used. the � THE PERFECTION, OF WOMAN- ways cure my. coughs and colds,"
Lieut,: H:. T. Rance is at the In- are blest ; say ones' left. HOOD,
(;• ir' S The rest ,izam their labors their Not so with the cat bird. His one ( Who does not envy and admire a } `"
Can be given, .to a number of fantry School, London, froth. where he y colt has something savage abo it , l level
((]] ����pp �+ will likely return this . weer with a work is done y woman .1 ,`file secret c f her lov..
TO ��►R(i1�R3 AND smart girls ol�.haric 'sewing or and he has also it savc+ge taste for �eliness of her e s
certiricatei The goal is attaiped, •the weary race red. Bits of red flannel are n deor , , perfection, is health.
run, She sleeps well cats . well df ests
Operating 171ac1]111e8. Apply �Tr• John Bayley of Goderich tots n-• - delight to him. He Witt tae and tug P g
OTHERS shlp has rented the Lapeer farm in at them, letting go, then seizing thorn well--fntricarte. functions are 'vigoraus SEASIDE EXCURSIONS-- ROU -N
to l�lr. J. 111eLeod ft?reman. tier battle is fought her struggle is ,
' I•iullett, adjoining. the town, for a o'er again, until • he has found the exact and regular., Of. all woman's remed- TRIP TICKETS.
term of six cars : at a xeasonaBlo spot at which. the weight of: this ies, Ferrozpne is the best ; it v.italiz-�
y The crown now rcplaces tale• Cross she treasure trove least iinpedes flight. _..�_
fi'gure.. 1 es the -function upon which health
I have opened out at the Standard The. Jackson Mfg, CD %� bore ; The. odd thing i= that he does not depends—makes the u `
Elevator, in connection with my.. Prospecting. At the last meeting The: sacred path she no more shall line his nest with the if,4nnel once hePurest, richest GOING AUGUST p,10,11 Siad 12,
rain business„ a full stock of Time- + �of the Wingham town council a nom-+ tread, has .it safe. He works. it unto the blood, gives., perfect complexion and
F' 0l ntDn• munication was• read} front.' the Clintont; outer wall, the latter befng� of rough , lots of vigor. .Every girl and womali FROM CLINTON
thy and Clover Seed, Corn, Chop anti For a rdst remains to the people of RQ'1T L NTON TC)
Feed of all kinds.. Please give mea Organ Factory,.'in regard to moving God, sticks and thorns. Who seeks health; vitality, leaks—let
g their factory to , wingham: After i Mocking birds love a nest in gar- hex get Ferrozone to -day', Fifty cents OLD ORCHARD; ME. $19,10
call. some. disciissnon, 'it eve's .moved by; Oh call it not'death it is true lndecd, rico shrubbr:ry, orchard tangle 'cr thN la box at all.'dealers. KENNELBUNKfiP•ORT, ME.; $.10.48.
scented thickets of an abandoned PO
N♦•♦@•N♦•N•♦♦N♦♦N�♦A� Thos,' Holmes, '.seconded .by J.: J. ( That the soul from the binding of field. They' build big nests. soft, PORTLAND Am, $18.85.
.♦ Honmth, that the communi'eation earth is freed ; elastio and lined with the.finest.hair, ST. JOHN, N. B., $27.35 ,
�,%�% • i It is true that dissolved is .the .house eL' off n v lady's head. They i The t , P. R. Atlantic express 1VIONC'I ON :�t. B. $'7.35.
W. tI r or 8MY1 . T , ♦ •from the Clinton: Organ ;any be.. sorr Imes i, e p rss was , ->,
• • referred to a special committee. The of.'day, come next to the oriole as . aerial (.ditched at Woman River and a 'num- �xUIil?elY BAY, (SUE., $22.85..
♦ 14000 ♦' And the spirit unchan architects. Almost everyone who has ,. HALIFAX, N, S., $29:35
♦ i Organ, Co.. mention?d. faiat , it would P ged hath ; passed tier of passengers were' hurt. '
�.__.. • ` f cost more to live f,ti tC Ingham than in away- lived in the eouritiy for any great
i. Tis true th length of time, has noticed the pretty I 'th': W, Ions of the 'Tecumseh lacrosse) *PICTOU N, S t $31,85 X20.35
Z Clinton. They ask that the town at .the, loved one hath gone piirse-shaped oriole houses swung team was suspended by the N. L. U.
Fall Term From.Sept lob : bonus them to the extent of 512,000, before, from orchard boughs; but few, Per*'for the balance of the season. --
The -home, how d°arkened -nd* knoivr•, haps, know the bird's trick of bend -
=. Over • one thousand ecu g y, g 1P.ropGrtionate rates. from all stations:
UEN1(I�L �• her`no more;: i.n down a leaf twr to ambush his
♦♦ cleutsPneolledbyourcha,n. O , precious. nest, and' holding Lhe twig 1'.
Ontario to, above and ofher
r t ( O• She chides not our g ricf for Jesus too P �� �� points .
' ♦ ... last yrnr, It pays tri at- o Dairy Eslttcatxon; g rn place with. a lnoso.wrapping: of GtIARA�t'TE>✓D i)A�+DRUFF CURE., in 1\eW Brunswick, \Teva Scolia
tend a• link of, this great .wept long fibers. a , r t
0 rr ibe rave it'hcre .lits friend Laz- Beware of file druggist )olio tells Maine rind' Prince Edward Island.
ST� RD. ONT.. ♦ rltxin.fr,r rvuyia::Tz�i>�i The educational features in et nage- g.
IB 6TREHGTH. arus 'slept.. A Flower of Many Names. , Return lim t August •30th, 1909.
After twenty-two ears of solid . tion with the Dairy department of the you that any other 'hair tonic is just
Y y "Thederwind fiirourgrad. _ Caxadian National Exhibitirn, Turon Beit' call ft not death... a fety short One of the most cheerful flowers' in .is, good as Parisian Sage—ire knows '
work we have become the largest a untes is _ 14RClE TIMES
Best and most successful r tcca • the. su i o to, promise to be of unusual interest day's o'er, the old gardens was the happy faced better. ' Far. further particulars apply to .
p , t 1 GLi pP y" little pansy that under vi+rious fenci-. John Ransford, Town .Age'nt,
trainin school in western ntari Other schools this:year, notoulytg farmers, .brat we shall meet her,. in glory to part ful .folk names has •ever been loved. W'• S- R'; Floliiies is the agent' for g Ontario Q b.: ♦ A. 0. Pattison; `Depot Agent:
. y ,idiiate. a,, Eeach'ers. A :,� to consumers o£ milk in cities and + ns, • more Its Iteltan name arieirns• idle thoughts Parisian .Sage, and lie. won't tryto
with no superior in C.anada�. •Three {+r • , , •
departments— • to special cotirse.for teachers. ♦ towns as ' well. The deuwna ,r tition R hat a, blessed thine though Christ. the. Gerinan, little •stepmother. fipen-• giv,e you .sometbing just as good, be- .
P 4
• C:7' '�GraduxiCes of tivn rear.. •p work' and lecturers in the Dairy ant.- �t►all .appear car called it' pnwrtee. . Shakespe,ire cause. he. knows that "Parisian .Sage
• ago are nog eariiinggL,00j O phitheatic'will bo miler the immedi-'-For the resitution of all thin s here. said maidens .called it .love in idle_ its guaranteed to cure dandruff, stop,
..j pet -link, . ate ch<�rge, of lir. George ri: Putnam, For if not till then.. ou wilt see her. -ness, and Drayton nam �heglt lceri falling hair,. and cure all. diseases of
and Y Three courses_' Conrnmk direetor of-_dalr instructions for the
Y ease.' Dr. Prior gives e n
:. ♦.. •.I Y. again, Herb`. tr c►fty, three faces ._ under: a, .the saa.lp; in two weeks, or money back.
TELECRARNY. crAL. ST>y�t,Gxnrr3x unci viParisian
Q ., . r Pro. nee, .earl tile;. Domini in l c, art- .11'hen: brought'to the : Lord with �liis . hood'; fancy f Amy, kiss me, pull me, : Fie knows that. Sagc ,is
1 if Li.Gna�zxY,
11 c assist radua.tes to positions $ rrient 'will, alsb . furnish a...n+an. to, give Glorious train cuddle me 'unto ,you, tickle my. fancy, Ihighly recGnimended as ihe.ntost, please
1; A •onic definite instructions ^lbn tile+) kiss "me ere I' rise,: '.amp 'np ,and kiss II ant " rl rc'uv iiatin hair, dressing -
as well its give a:mosti tirorotigfr til Pall TermOpei sA3b. a g .. For those sleeping •fir Jesus shall be � ] pink to J i g? , ,
trainin 4. Get- our free catalogue Aug.g. ♦ cow -testing• line. restored roe, Liss me at th,. garden gate, pi l known. It males. the hair fluffy and
x Write for. Particulars. Ands s a of•m.y Joan: To. these let me add the !. � r
proper and bandlin of New hnglanil: folk. names Bird eye, g w .
at once. - (~ o h Il eye et ex be . with .the beautiful. i i 1 "c int o a large 4�'ottIe
a t ful t c for.
• • m lk 'Will.: be. on of the sill •^as',dealt Lord' garden gate, johnny-jump-up, lit run fat w. S R, Iiolmcs: Hu •will guaran-
L } pp McLachlan ♦ , — T:_and.A. J. about. so .pretty and tactics' de- •tee it. "1VIadc fn America, only 1 •.,...
L'1l1jot6 ilii •. CLINTONC .i TCN with, and it �vfll• be accampanud • br g y �iGiroux .Mfg. Co. Buffalo, N. Y•, .and'
♦ denionstr.a#3ons';af milk testirgi rs tvely It ht. All these testif' to the- affec- } ; `F
P12lNC[PALS. �. donate and intimate .friendship felt Fort Erie; Ont. THl; BICYCLE IS..I"AST
gLislnLSS College 4 �' as' charts: showing the value„c•f, cow for thi3 .laughing and fairly -sneaking 1.
GEO. SPOTTON, PRIN. ♦ testing associations. LOOK (HEAD FO:R.ILLNLSS, tittle garden face; not the 'least of CO;lIINCr BACK INTO POP -
a fter endearing.. qualities wets that ifLAR I+ A V 0 R' AGAIN. i
*Nfs>♦♦�►*�NO.H►N••HeN♦o Sudden illness and pains iiintc in it
after a tinlfvartn, triaiv trii:tt.in week '{ l�zesirlcnt'Taft sired the ,Pl!yne.tar
}��c every family—tp parents •and children in Janutiry and February this'bright- riff bill at Washingion. ., ” , r , ,
FALL TERM OPENS SEVERL ON FIRST �OFP'4'NDER. alike. But..if: you have look,; i ahead , some little ."delight" often opened it '
• 11•Hl 11ALI{ 11HIal�T,PLDAS-
tin` blossom . to' greet .and cheer . us=- The -British .steamer 11laorii founder -
AUG. 30th F. W. CUTTLEIl; PAINTER AND Iroyt itis, Ont., July 21.- -'1 tie first and have right' is your , how.—. res, dy URE, E X E R C I S E AND j
Paper hanger. :Ail work hone guar- violation of local option in Iroquois for immediate use a' bottle yf 1'cr::;on s: a true jump up slid kiss me. ed on the South African coast.
Our graaina,tes are assisted to the' anteed .to give 'satisfaction.' ., Prices 6 f r r4 c q i Nerviline=-thwre 'l'en't• tiiuch to rrrry r+� ant," --=-'- SIGHT-SEEING ARE SO
T ame up o hes, ng befor tw a mag s heti Rooms for R
best positions. �1 rite tar the rea- moderate,:. esidence nearlyo ostia over. If it's a sore %ljr jou. c: ion- c.
son. I'rip:are now tq eater at lie- PP Crates, Jas. Collison and Thos: Harri- . In I,dndon the god woman who. A SUSTAINING DIET.. COMPLETELY CENTERET$
imlin f of tecta, Collegiate Institute, Clinton. 83:. Elton. •Charles IIaiSrlcy tivas char ed tracted chest, apply 'iii±rvilinc ,ind put 'has furnished `lnrigings to let .never i• i h i
b g on ,n Nerviline Porous Plaster.. V it's, puts out' that sign, 910om for Rant, • These are the goer at ng days, 4v en, IN THE WHEEL ?'"
Wail Courses for those ivliri wish to ._ �wrtli selling. or disposing of liquor to s t$ F " as somebody ',has said, men drop' ctixly at home. one,. George, Stewart. The• evidence colic, cramps, or any staniitr-h -dfsor- so familiar. in the cities of C:iriada, the' sunstroke if the.. Da Fire
DRAIN TILE) 'AND BRICKS,_WE w'as .that Stewart received ne bottlelder, just administer cen drops al Ter- said a traveler. instead . she. dig as. y o I Al♦T AGENT THE s
wi l en 'our fits (. vfifne in hot wale , " N f 1 • - plays the single word. ResWencc.' bad dawned.. They .are fraught . with '
! open t kiln on Ma ihe. of liquor from the defendant; and the x a ami y medf That sounds weer to .us, and until CLEVELAND A 'N D RA-
CLINTON BUSINESS y q . danger to people whose systems are
29th and Iden we will again have m s a.. viola= cines are more usefut or wore depetid-
agi trates held that 'it . was the Ciinadian .• visitor becomes wise '
poorly sustained ; and this leads us CYCLE BYCLES. AND KEI✓iP
COLLEGE. in stock all sizes .of tyle from A tion of the liquor ;law,' and lined hbr, ed. upon. iii emergenn-,-s than �c).iline as' to its. meaning' tie wonders whin try ss, in the interest •of the. less ro-
GEO. SPOTTON, Pnr1CIPAL. inches; up to 12. inches and we we $100 and costs. The defendant .clairns and Nervil;'ne •Porous Plaster.:;. They its: par "qse . n;ight be. Any' native y+
will open a kiln 'ver week during keg the •doctor bill sniaii. .�5c. eackr will Lel him ..t}lat ouch a Tegend bust of our readers, that.the full. ef- TIRES `21ND 'SUNDRIES Ob'
P every during he wall appeal. P
the - season. We ' ,also , make.nict at, all dealers: R.Cfu.,e substihits;;;., means the•.occu.pant •of the House will feet of hood's Sarsaparilla is such, as . ALL RINDS IN STOCK.
white and red brick. Our works are t +e is seek- . to . suggest- the propriety. ,f cealin;
Inge ri pi; place to eresicleorin So if you this medicine something besides a. �...,�
halt mile cash of I gmondville,-- p r,,.�.ar„.r,, •rs� :�►� rr�r er�'a . are in inglnnd•. rind, wish to rent u
SEELJOKruse Bros.., gmondv.11e P. C>. '78-4 'Phe Brotherhood of ' Locomotive furnished aprirtMent ar mart whey- blued purifier and tonic;—say., a stls-
trainin diet. It makes it. much easier ,�
Firemen and h'ngincers, meeting:. fu' ever. you see the word 'Reside go g )�j�•� ��•�(ai•
` _ ? ti1'innipo bol in acrd strife your mission." to tiger the heat, assures xcfresliing
_ _ /� 1
We hay@ a a~a>lfl ?I iC SiocrC `" ' g, passed a strong resolution sleep, and will . without any doubt
of Seed Peas, Sar'le . FOR sALIJ—s�uARxI'I:12Bi�R' �J in favor of ,ti chime in the law under i Crape on the Door. avert much sickness at this fifriic of LAWN DiOWERS:
y+ and Lumber suitable for barns, driv- � � which trainmen � , arse prosecuted . for . ThA eU,tom rf placing crape . on year. SHARPENED.
Oats and Potatoes, in sheds etc. for sale. Apply .to carelessness in connection with. a"! -f
Ing � Pl Y ' 'the' door of a house where there has -
�. D. Cantelon. 77 6 1ir dents: been• a recent Oonth had its origin in
We particularly invite in.pPction of
of our SEED CORN which is No. 1.
guarantee pure.
We are also agpni s for Canada Car-
r1age Co. BUGGIES, and
We have also a fecv bans of the erode+
wigs Oats on hand at prices and terms
to suit customers.
FOR-D&Md ' v.
FOR 119PORE MAY 81st, A DIS-
WILL 139 ALLOW91).
Orders left at Davis & Ilowlattrl;'a
with be promptly attended to,
.. r j1�S) e V eiAso.R,1.
Nth: ancient English heraldic customs
and deice bort; to the ,year 1100.A.1).
j ial , en,t.'period h itchment9, or oat of F11R MOI�C.Jn' EN T S.:Does your watch ONLi' A i1IAST�. , ial ensigns; were pli+red fn front of The ESTERN.
houses when the nobility or gentry
,.ruii correctly? If Many arc not. being benefited by theflied, The .tiatafirnerits .were of din
CHASTE DESIGNS. BEST MATERIAL it does not leave suriirncr vacation.as they should be. ,
roond shape and contained the family
thstandiiig muchoutdoor,
Now, trotwi. arms quartered and covered with � ,
JAMES 0016 ft it vc�ith us. � life; they are little if any stranger) ruble.
Having purchased a machfno for
applying Rubber Tires, we wish to
say that we are rtow prepared to fur-
ish and put on such tires at reason -
bl rates.
We also do all kinds of Grinding,
nythirfg from a pair .of scissors to a
iroulair saw. This week wo installed
machine for grinding horse clippors
which. does perfect work,
Wo likewise do all kinds of lathe
rork on short order and at reason
ble rates.
Machinery repaired, Horses ' shod.
Given the opportunity,
1 ill return It t
1 vl e e 4
with our personal guar-
antee of its COT'red-ness,
and Our charges, are rea•
We make No charge
for examining your
watch acid report-
j Ing" its needs.
Issuer ofaeria a Licenses
il'l g" etis e
than, they were. sThe tan on tI>!eit, fac.
es is darker -and makes them holt
healthter, but. it is only a mask. They
aro still nervous, easily tired, upset
by trifles, and they do not eat nor i
sleep cacti, What thc;y need' is what
tones t nerves, a ry
cs, perfects digestion, ;
creates tppetitek and mattes sleep . re-
freshing, and that is, 1-160(Vis Sarsap-
arilla. Pupils and teachers generally
will find the chief purpose cif the vae-
ation best subservedl by this great
, medicine, which, as we know, "builds
g the whole system."
Repeat it "Shiloh' -.q Cure will al-
ways cure my coughs and colds,"
The ten -year-old son of Mr. Isaac'
i Roberts was recti over at Vanessa and
7 Stanley Sharpe of xingstorr,. aged
10, was struck by an iron bar and
fatally injured.
rotating tho Trouble.
Oae days IAfarcame to her mother
find said. Motger, city ear ar hes l'
"Does it achy; .very batt, kiary?"
asked her mother.
-Well; run out and play. Then you
will forget about it,"
. Mary went out, but pretty soon she
came book and said: "blather, my ear
does ache. It is not the hole, but the
ruffle around it."
Knew the Ropes.
wftnt do you :ray too a young 1, -Ay
61, a daneeis' quoted the youth who
wag about to,attend his first ball,
"Oh."' replied the society mak.
,talk to her about her beauty."
„Butt suppose sha hasn't any?" said
the youth,
'Ila that case," rejoined the society
man, talk to her about the ugliness
of the other girls present."- •Loadon
A. to the !World increased Price List.
'Stook i n
ThG ee
Atb.jetie Day, Monday, Speed Events Dally,
POPULAR EX s •� r 11i
SGP Ti. W"r 8if
MUr9IC�•--91st Hi htanders and 7th Pusiflere. AMUC.
11OU----Pr gram twi ye daily, The best ever.
1E;.11�P. OP,K5 Bach Evening,--'TAKB A. HOUDAI and 'Visit London ondon Pair•
Speclol Bates over all Railways.
. all infor atioti froth
Prize Lists,ti~ntry Farms, i*rograttts and tui a
Repeat It •-�-'iShtlohiS. Cure will al-
Ways cure m coughs and colds," I W r/��%
. PDA President. A. M.f usto 8eoretary