HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-07-29, Page 1- A S' XOND EVAPORATOR. THP. LOCAL MARI ET. CIVIC HOLIDAY,. AL'Cl. 9TII, Death of ��SiLillian 14Ir- D. CantCion is fitting up his Wheat $l.3v. I A largely signed petition ryas pre - Ll anjack lhFbrick T.uiiding near the station, feint- Oats d8C to 500. , stated to Mayor Wiltso u;t Nionfl&y brick �'' Y , eas Boa. asking that lea proclaim Monday,oth' Clinton people generally were great- own•lov(d members had ee leel used as tilt, Hosiery mall fo>< an 1?h n ea evaporator and is now negpthatiQ�il; I3'arl:y vac, August, as civic hot clay. This he ha. fly shvch:rd and, gri+zvcl Friday after -,away. with an experienced ,Haan as manager. Butter 17'c to lt+`:c. been pleased to, do so that thi day is noon last at the sad . tidin-s that Gifted ►,)-gond the ordinary, > i,,-. In addition to pusliln the evaporator Eggs ldc to loc. Monday and the date the Jih. Jackson tori rapidly attainingircrirt•.- IMr• Cantelon will buy for export on a ' ••Lillian Fair Jackson, eldest daugHter�jaclk+ in tlic< int�sic 1 world cx'.�csrsa large scale, as usdal. THE 13;1)?TIST CFIL'RCIi, GOOD L,tDIi S OF ISAAC' w`'l. of Mx. T. Jackson Jr, bad passed to, cohere she ,had spent tho gran#or ANOTHER VETERAN GONE. Rev. W. T. and Mrs, Charlesworth The two little girls sent u;t by the away, suddenly at Go Home, tiJuskoka, part of the last fere years, and int% are ,having a few holidays in, port Fresh Air Mission of Toronto. 143issas the summer lionte of her untie ti r large circle of her friends in duff 'cat, ► Y , • l • l lrW The: death ,in Scaforth last week ofrStanley and during itis ,absence next May 'McKinley and Siclnia Cummings, +J. T. C,:ark of the Toronto Star th.+. grief was just as keen as it wa% Rev. George Buggin reduces to seven. Sunday a. m. his pipit will be oc- left for'their homes on Thursday* 1• chit ' + >' to those in her home v • i ministers � p a5t whither she lead gone for the sumnacr i t town who Ir�rae the number of Methodist m n sters of i eupied by Deacon James Tucker and after having been entertained by Mr.. after spending ten days with friends known ]ler all iter life. To tftm zmerrr- the London Conference who will In in the evening by Rev. J. Greene. and blit;.,Wm. Graham. Before the OR,the Island Toronto. hers of the family the heartfelt s June next complete their fit•ict-L left the good ladle -s of Isaac Street path of all ICHURCH. g Thou h ill for several months miss y gees forth. year in the ministry, Of seven two WILLISI,IILLIS CIIL.RCH, clubbed together and fitted tlty littl1jackson g" , bore herself Willi such Porti- Tlr4 furrral,, whiclx was private, tiro.- are residents • of Clinton, Rev, J. The congregations of Willis . cibarch girls tip with a. lot of comfortable ia^ld from this family residence at 3 Greene and Rev. H. � . Newcombe. fade and uncomplaining patience that y are enjoying the excellent seltnons of clouting; for the winter. few outside of the immediate int*tit- o'clock. Satt rday .afternoon. In- ibo- r; - ,A HANDS414IE BUS. Rev. Mr, Synimington who is supply- 33IKE O'DONNE;3,I, 143ARRIED. lbers of the. family realized that she absence of Rev. Dr. Stewart, the v. -r- ix - ixg for, Dr. Stewart. ' , I as seriously ill. To the community lace was taken by Rev. C. R. Gunne., 143x. Josh. Cook is out again,with Mrs. Chown rendered a. very fin. Tkle Mike O'Donnell mentionzd in at large the shock ryas great. Sho assisted -by Rev. Mr..Jotliffe. and Rev Itis .bus that has beer, re -decorated by solo at the evening service of 1'unday the following extract from an Aber- was beloved, by a4,1, A sweet ui.selfish Mr. Symin ton. The i�alllr,:ar::rs Were." Artist Copp whichis to say that it last, deen, S. Dakota, paper is as "on of 143r, Inpture and perfect disposition, her A, Alexander, H. Tlueston, .J..A. looks better than when it first came Martin 0 DanrLell of town : , lihottghts were always of ethers' good ; stantinr, C:.' (;hddley,.'1'. Rance anrk Jo, from tha factory, and the Harness, .+�'T TIII TOUIiN(�4iI:11T, "Mike .O'Donnell • and Miss Francis_ an unkind word was never known to Doherty.. too, hat•; all the. appearance of new- The following two riults too:; part Llkiwoz:t,ht tiro sof Sthralfort1';( popular, pass tier, lips, and in many a house- Thr floral 'tokens of sympathy. rrixn- ucss. The whole outtit is so splcl� an? in the lawn bowling tourn�aar.nt in young p.ople,. were married at the hold it seems as though One of their f:;r land near were many and beautitut_ span;: that the travellers are all tell- London -this week: 1—I.•. G. :.'ourtice„ Methodist parsonage in Af )Tidem last _ in Josh. that lie bas by all odds the --- - ---- g J, 4i'. Irwin, J: Harland and C. 1, Wednesday,, Rev, Ji IV. Taylor offaciat,f best they have seen in their ititier- nn Thi t 'dt _ _ _.. �. $Ihe;e �e _ qJ0q,8% ' eart� �� Is to own a watchS', one of his "very own." by deny hirci when Ills ambition can for a dollar be gratified. This is not a make ,, believe watch that we are thinking of, either. Its a guaranteed time piece. It is simply put together so' that :a. little accidental rough uses e won't disarrange things, It is nicely nickled. It will retain'its appearance till the last ticgk, And it will tickle that boy of yours if you take one'horne to him. • y�� s� �( Whq -5Y- o- So T1 rqo-dai� an* � Xell , ar •� . eweter and Optician. SP Ei'tltt ort Dowding. $--J, L. Court.ce iiJ. i fi• .y re nin: to S zatfotd tug , lir' . and M* J. rs J Tau.lor Leave To -w aney. Stevenson, R.�A(!�ctew ar,d ,J.ill. Tioov following morning . and are now It,, DEATH OF MISS TAYLOR, er, home . in. the cottage recently coli-' • strutted by Mr. O'Donnell. Thebri<lc �$CaU on a� European Trip, On Sunday there pass:-d-.I%ayin'GARDEX PARTIES* is the only slaughter (if E. W. I;t;s London Miss Mary J, Taylor, sister T worth of this place and her plea$an� The, handsome grounds of Mr. Peter and agreeable disposition has won for Mr. and Mrs. ,Jacob Taylor leave He belon s to several of our fratdr- pf the 14Iessrs. John George and" Jam- Cantelon was the. scene of a well -at- g g. es Taylor of town. Sas• was a native her a host of friends cit this vicinity. this afterlioan for a two months' trip. nal spcietirs: In tae l.O.O.:+". 1t:• •i:; a, Clinton,trended garden party on Tuesday even- .The z e through the British isles and, on th;, Past Noble Grand and the resent leis-• of .0as are :all the family. The groom came to Stratford in th, g p' remains were brought ill) from the�ing? and this evening one colli he hel•1 spring. of.lo(17 from'his home in. On-ICortinent, including Paris, of course: tr.iet Deputy Grand Master. In tl� an the grounds. of the Apple Kiri;.. ' 1 Just a faw days ago lire cel,*orated Masonic _Lodge lie has filled sec=eza1 city and takca to. the. .home of 'Mr.', tarlo Canada, and has since hee>;i em-, y George Taylor, Maple . street, frgm+The services: of ,the 'White nvlde Bind ployed in P. J. 3TcNeil's - meat mar- the :35th anniversary of their ct%e(td1.ng chair's. anti is now Senior Warden- __ Whenee tke Panerai took place on had been engaged 'for both o.ra,ipna• lief. He is a caoahl: and industrious day anti this trip ' laligltt be tcrined i Tn th'6 pleasant pastime. of. bowling Tuesday afternoon, the screlees':bining THE A TOISTS' PARADISE., young man qnd is fully qualified tolihetr. siitt'r haneytnapn.�,tWhile iia thein on the green Mr. Taylor i5 i+rx;: of tli conducted by Rev. C. R. Gonne. NIr make a )winner in life's battle. The l absence they wall v)Sit nutty Pachon: most skilful croon"ruts" and )nl+; : rt trill s.. ?+�. I3:* Rice of Flint, 3\114,•, News joins with their. many :friends, tilaces, the split to, which of 1.11 others' as lasts;=eek .he' skipped the rfrilt rvlticla ONTT. ST., C'H1 A011.. one of. an' auto party which stripped in congratulations, and well vrrslies•" I-4Ir. Taylor's heart; will turdis, th:: won th(> Brophy, at the .5e;aforth taut: • it the Rattenbury House over Sunl old Shire of Yct:k and: particularly .nament. ' The Quarterly .Love .Feast and fel- day said that. it was h1,r first trip. that portion of it where he ryas born. (lowship meeting: will. be held 'nett into -Ontario, or any part of Canada, ! .Uf 1i1zs Taylor it ahoy ,tcMtiy 1trc' ' Sunday morning, coulmeztcing ;cls 1t) for that'rnattcr. In conrersation site Varna. v:1lr. Tagtor has been a resident of slid 'drat sh:' is an amiable Christian. o'clock', At ll o•'elpek 'Rev: T. iV. said `'This is our first tri p,.er Tli . " d• i Clinton for no less '•than. thirty-nine lady and mr-ch respected py a Iargr: Cosens will reach on `"1'lic Gospel in u. r rp , - o•gat .it party:held last '1'h(,t,,lay years' and 'is one of tb`o best.. spe.ei- circle of (t4ettds who sincerely wiste but our experience. has brrra .O cxtar . rretitn tmcici the auspices of the d'rrs- wens of our self-made inei.•. kt an. that the ocaan v(iya e may ,},c xrtiL Iter tMiniature," after :rvl2iclz ,th^ Sacra -'melt' 'pleasant that we at, ;ill sass w }ty1C1`it� chtircli, was, a cine}lci:ly::;uc-' early age he has asp tten inhealth. . z y .g by t ess . (ment. of the Lord's Supper will lie on you Canadians 'and are "• conain5 cess considering the very ;inf;•*:)i:ahle _ �® dispensed. The subject, of tdic (wetting a a'n,' Ve tat 't fbttsi.nrss; obtained a high rating xnd , the Nervs Record heartily ' wisTa. The L SONS. 'BAN gain.' 1 1 en , secla any: mt:d s nc'- treathcr, NOttwithstandmg it all there were so d uld. tire' o Mr;'and 1'I •pleas -ant discourse will be ."The 1Man th.. ;QCIa we crossed ,the -lira . and voter roads .it•as a two-thirds, r ez he disposed , eo act t an is. Taylor a "glace INCORPORATED 180"x: Ccntur De am The iluart ly crowd and, n ntyst .live at else, happy silc:er .ltoneyntoptt trip. � air sa good that the machinir almat enjopabl;: nano tv2s. spent lay .all... . Y Capital Paid up - $3,500,000• Rest Fund - $3,500,000, board will meet' on Monday evening at runs away% If rye had such roads at: , -Next . Tlnrrscia ' evening St, <Tu oz's eight o'clock., F'liit wouldn't we rt' nice for It .yould' Y g 1 1 Has 65 Branches In- Canada :y I a congregation: rtrill hold their annual Helper From Cold Huron. ANOTHER ALTTO. add so much to the pleasure of auto-. lawn sociah for which they hove en -1 and Agents and Correspondents in all the principal cities ': ing." Incidently she paid a tribtire gaged the 67ithGens' taanth'of' C'lintunl in the world, lir. Bert Langford is -the, lateAA to °t\Iitia Host" JOe'S'.Hostelry. ani a Godericb relies .. _� i r< 5 i tza... lh_y ,lcavt lurid the dotwn ours of radii"alt Fit= and everything else than A GENERAL BANKING ` BUSINESS TRANSACTED. ! t achaser of an auto;. atzt in on , a. i p t= p ' , g ABOUT. R;111,R`i'ORTiyi. no. stone unturned to rtasure a •plea`s- tli last a terrific . 'yell of p •eetin �ozi. His addresses rverc itis )irr,ir, ;irtt � urday evening with his Rord' car from y , anfi evenin, and, tvtatber f-, Ating cal t~ 1 g lirallcrrville .and erresy at. this, Carr, clatr'Mr,,'.' . g , p from the.. corner of yfurura and• .Main his .pleasing. manner and per�t ttttlity SAVINGS BtiileTK DEPARTMENT ,N. IZ..Gacr,ntrood, assistant to they Will no douat htye. a 'greatest , has become quite 4a skilful chaeffeyr.1 E,,g,, er Chir t. ar +.iw et- -Crowd. streets from sixtieti strong throat.:, won 'thc,l>eart : of every trey Pas li:ret: : AT ALL BJRANORES. Being. hintself.' a.capital naevhai l'c he 1 n 1n, t ed in tow=n Y, iannOuticed .the return of the.bei s front ° F , • • r , yesterday and, is . already making pre , Y 1'he: 1 zt)viiacral Secretary Czrcat pea Interest allowed at fthest Current Rate. (will be. ahle , to. avold atk�iiay of- the' tar tia for 'going lthe Y. X C'. A, - scamp . at Iron C''ani) krre"f alk I I a n r go ng a head with the }ittle troubles-' which amateurs c•.*- work: ! Springs, at whic3t e�cry boy had tli s i i s~ {perrenee..Bert is. looking forWvLrcl to . P�id~St�;rflais• time of his life., lr. Cullens Provincial I a •Thr,. first sod ;teas turn.d tv Chief � . sLondou •vas pies; i s Clinton Branch C. E. Dowding,..Manager beingt'abhe to give his'wife'tart flaznilytii•Iieatl: i'.: l Si f + power'. -Mr. Pickett returned' from has In tar; Pinic of toncfit'ion. ,. r 1. s) t for ih„ hi tt lr<i1�' j ry r n tie tt a tic. power . o f cane Y , many pleasant little .jaunts Oyer ,the house. western trip on Saturday, Satttrclay, t1., an(1 noel( lobs aC fur good roads of this ,dfst>ict. iIr• , '1'houglt it would be difficult . to prat- vriyb(dy. IMc is ang:ZIr• p. M. Callon , liar arrii'ed . froiaa anti .Tis,. ti tT. :�;uyllr are :pert• a the amore:. ditiagreeable eta to ,' 11 dish- s t'ya , eta 1,n arid. anifi.'fRrt:thin=+,the.wee*k in Bayfield.g Y , g BrISVBALL. Htrrttst illi tinct has ient.ed tine 'vrnish- r . Teak cajtalr; anal taltlioagli the boys;^'ta>s.' - Te .conducted the e: m 's p • :1i r. aand firs. C. 11. P" Il land' fa mil h , . a Iv httrch . l ed hotsc; of ,firs. li"tench ,tin h: awn . g 3' diad the ill-nri1C rrt,utn'. tri in . a, srrwices o Sur:da lIe d iiv rt In a Lc*�agut. game played, . n. B y • • , _ sited in T.t)itdui, this Week, C send St..::ITt. e�peets, has family to az earth rain, tlrr avrre 111 P ii the s lendid se n READYMAGE ORS-.RO n. pouring Y. > p inion �. nday ntoi nu'g Tuesday evening Clanton ryas drieatrd. • ••., : itis: Jeanette 13a.gc as. sputdann th - rive neat weGtld.., The exeacatxnn .for highest. of sptttts,• and in the pan. of t e 231c1. Psatin and in .t ( *veusrt k :).tn. 0•. .11cA,rthur ttelreed a ood week with .tics. 9arti :a )u` rev b, ,, h t CLOTHING. l arrls� Crooks CLOTHING by p the .pipe laying will begin first. at -the cs . c �l nt G physical condition after : ha ix te'• it game for Blyth and received perit�Ct . of ; Hullett. pound the e anti fire; lire at, lar d art Power houso site and extend. "to' the flays of bracing cxttcioor idle:.• s iFahgelhstre.,sermon. on l:+;chacLs support. Tasker-, also: pitched •zeal: 11irs: P1. • l )hie. `attended the .funeral standpipe. 1 ball for Clinton, trading : t I strike o'f her unele, George 'Ndd , ni Oe ',Iur- t` - seeking.:; Jesus. It -is expected that in'thr dtffrretii NO . •Better". Group ,,f, t,u.};s l'a•t,ir;,; . outs and it lrU•: had recehvrd a little• ,• Iett,, yesterday. ,, t .. better.- su tort and tile' team. )china d t'isions tI)r woe,. ciIt 1: n rsh;'d :1Ir. Lewid GoodWiil of) ullart n yds I, • The Best liwcr.'' be Found anywhe,rc... r pl 1 ahead with 11 i o f " ��e him had been able to bat the a po:>s bl^ drspatrlt, game s i•tcd itis brother, 4Ir.:1. FI. (loo;l+, t do better' group (JfL hays c.0uid tier 'i would have. •gone .his way. I)Iz;�1TII OF AITSS <T..SHIi'LFY. s ruin, pit Tuesday. ''iuun(i in Mitran or aint• other riruut*. In' tt close 'and exeiting.Jundor Ward . 11t. anti \ars. Geo. Patter of n-'ar 'fn Ontario, than the grotto ttrat titre: Len ue ante." Monday ' evening" t17� . Death robbed still another heir,( on Blyth. •were guests -at 'ATr. D.. B.. iihcrr,.'retucsrni•in l;:crtrr :•cafc,ctl b.... - g K Cribs defeated, tilt, Gdants .by "I3'tit 11:�Sat':rday evcndirg ]'art when lits:. .Kennedy's (in Monday. •,Zurich; _.lubiirn olid Clinto'ti, rave + Jennie:•Sliipley, second oldest daukli- :llr• :4I: J.'Torranee,, manager of tlt��' boy. was in tilt, canapes irit, cloth- At Whit Cat. iST.-PA-UL'S CHURCH. y � , n tee .of 4Lr.. and 141r5. Thos. Shipley, pmfltion " 'Ba;tic, R'inham, sp.nt hr could leis h(alp everything air, l+eft; Passed into eternal : rest.. Sh : hart M) it Is especte(i :thi.t.. thc• Lord Bishop Sundaq with. his parents, Mr. ap-1 i agrueal)le. incl helping `•the utlwt 1c:I �. hof the diocese will preach (i), V.l as l heeti ill for some time, with pan <,11co• lIrs. J. Torrance, :low" to enjoy . •hintsrif...I:vr> yfinrdsr t,,,; tion of tate heart tint het (ctra.iturt..'Mrs. tVil.liata .Co is ederdr'h h +i,r s, i+ �` both morning an Cveiling st_rt�es''inI d h i,Id_t i . a ' G a, �.. ., ti �• 1 r a. •one,. anis ft Endslitps• were Perot Brand QS St. 'F'ail's church next Sunday, Aug. came at t unetipeetecl sa:•ddenn,ss, < been- Xisiting her brothti, 'To�Vn� ' twlaieh Will last; anti. brighten the: 1st, (tng to the grief of lite strtcicen. fall: IN - Clerk "Macpherson, and :4lrs..-Marranr d ,r !es of the :boys tl)ru:u; i , tr, the cvin;xo� On tilt following Monday evening ai.ily• , �`, 4=d other Clinton friends thus Wm. ,k. year, and which; we l�{)p,; ;gill tri --ie- The largely attended funeral . : ,00 L �-1iss T�rien• McConnell of Part l3er-1 hewed next year, in.tbc' s iTnc+' ,ta(rr : anti reception anti garden party- will be place on.,Monday afternoon, the 'sex Y 1 'lite smile he tvears'as:he, tells of Y well is wishing tier lirather, kr. ii : cin the sanu' occasion, Pveryhprly ` irak: o held on the beautiful church grm,nds, rices. being .conducted by .:cv T. iV. , the' time he had at. Camp . o which colli afford ample crppot:tulthty , , . , a . A. .1 Konnell, druggist, also at the a forrVaird step 'iia tile ht,ilcliirg tr[r c tr Underwear Cosens. •Phe pallbearers. r.tr _ iVill. for• tlaa `congregation and othxrs io, ,• 411v ! residence of her cousin, Prof, Glenn T4uro.n. strong,: cleain, body and tivi cha:t+'•tlri;r- . . tNtmens, Dean Cotutire Not Campbell. nient of a C'hristiao character-. A meelt. the Lord Bishop and for 1•hctBisu .Roy Plt:msted, .Air. '. rorvtnc0 and.' vs. r n . � t tl : �Bi Ie ' r' i Ihop to become acquainted .-vith tke Fe G et, c and at crtdecl to 1) reading izelr was fornlrcl n dif Harold Pickett. ct " conarc ation. The grounds, will bg funeral of• the•. late .Tier+. Geo. Bug- Tlrc .hv s were' . keit: so bus ever �ivho, were there; to read. daily. at. 11 is a line of �xoods made "upon honor for articular. p g . y t Y Y . p p illuminated and music will be fUlnisla- Among ,the ielative5 collo came.; gins of �Srafortli On Bait:urday last t P. m., a portion of God's word si'raixaI those who are articular T'e ar.din what # front a distance to attend 'the , and • were two f .tit six f tisterd l day during camp at gymnastics', 'ath , people, p g g vp o e n1,1 , a tanroasly.. 'R'trat an •dnspiring thought, i ed by the Citizens' banal. Thera 'mill Iuneral werC •:. Mvss Carrie Shirt•- � aett{'s, baseball, baati'ng, Swtntinala'n, • the ' vVear, i e no admiscsion to the touit�.ls ' but. pallbearers. for earth one, to know that wuen'• Its S b ley, sister of deccasrd, fro h Mrs. Gear• i 1,+avis rcttirns toda from, tramping, Bible study, canip-fire . pro- sits 1ltii. eta read at this hbur d1 cfY „ . cc y� refreshments will be served Ly. .Aha la. Y White Cat Underwear appeal's to those.who Oshawa ; Mr. A. Btawden find lI1SS a, lengthy visit with her daughter, hter •grams, Ctc,, and everybody rntrrc(i in- the rest of his cam eom anions. arrt,.- pp . ladies of th congrcgation. i g Y g to the spirit -of ever activity, so p n „ know what comfort is and who care for comfort. There will R;e a celebration of tli+ canny Tiatvden, Exeter, itis. Itarry; lirarsll. Tl'trplt:. 1vMIS5 y y • sating down it the„'sante tztalr. , 4 pleasantly Band. heartily, that• nebe.dy Lord''s Supper at the close of,ihe 11 - Bessie. Davis, another daughter, ra- had time to. br, lonesome or tine for same purpose --absent from talc: un-• We bought a little too h.av�,y in this line, and O' Ioek service on Sunday, mains in the city a few wetter lona ,anything but' downright- emoyinent, other, but together. New Advertisements. er. Y Y. Thr expectation is that ti;:vt ear intend clearing every garment out'af at a big sa�rina.LITTLE LOCALS.'The tip s' had scarcei time to write p y The following were . guests of Rev. atpples 1rwited -•I7. Cantelon. Father Hantom esterda : 13ovs. °IYIc' n post card' i)onie> T,he flays .richt the cornmittl'r* rvi11 Itart all tltr, his 4 dozen Mens mercerized silk finish White Cat Seven dollars per ton is being, paid a y Y swifts b a 1 in can tilt will be able' to accotin- . � <' hay the pressers., Shoes Cheap --Fred. .7.aekspn•--•1 Mrntamin of L;ucarv, Mr.it;rah 'of T,an- " Y Y and the, i•Irasurr, cants, tu.• �. y Brand,. In pink and blue shades, regular $1,75 and Poi n,uw y by n House for Sale -1V, Br done—'i. s , hit end rYuttr foo sport, modate, I,rt 'ns at help . t. it, this„ Y den, T,gan of Stratt a•d and I owel, $. �• ,lir. 0, H.• vallis shipped live 'Car- Y 1'resi"zdent of St. l3asil's Collpga, Murray's 5prciallies were Tea along, 2 00, to clear at 1.25. Teacher iVantcd=Thos. Willey-5 loads of. horses to 'Weyburne, Sask., White Cat Vilderwear--TA. & C:.--1 ' on Tuesday. lZeuston, Tetras. Iliscu►ts and 'Tomato Soule. Combination Suits, White Cat Brand, regular y. Cashmere. Specials—Coueh R Co. -4 �Zr. AV. C. ,Searle reeeivr�cl i;ord es- 17urray Jackson at Clinton cleruOtt- $2.75 to clear at $1.75, The ws-Record will be st.it to Girls Wanted—Hotel Normandie--5 y County St;cretar T�lemiWr. any ad rear in Canada to ,.an. li!IQ. • terday Of the death of Mr, Richard strafed has skill in "the culinary ai`t Y Y g• !far a cents. Birbeck of Thorold with whom. be, to th^ satisfaction, and (delight. of 4 Rev. ;4 r, Cost ns has been in his new learned the :trade of tinsntaitiing ov-�everybodq in•`can)p. Ills slreciat5 rr%crer t`4` x3'` I Re f £ Away for aTwo-months Trip Charge three weeks' and lt:as rt,rttlilct„• Y P rr half a century ago anti who was � tea bfsr�iits, ltatrCalces,. cherry ;pies and •,••,..�.,:'`w4< fiAT5,& CAPS. I ,:<... A three fitneraf services. , tho brother of his first rvtfe. (tomato soup which at times hrc,u fttt Are you readingour .new seriel -.+ 7 3t Rev. Jr Greene goes next weed to around of chcets from the. l � ys oil 3 dozen Men's Linen and Straw '', Y Sanderson," n page seven. = , ° Cl este wliere for four Sundays Ito floc cook. Murray contributed 'a grrat,1 S a1'V Hats, regular Satan o ,; � 1 Y Y. 1 50c t0 clear at 25C. " Its a good one. li'dvr. eolumlts of it t will have charge of tilt, services in deal toward fire soccer: gild pleasure a ' given every week. '' „x the Metlbadist ChUreh. It is twenty of one of the ramp's matin features, 5 dozen Ladies' and Children's Caps and Hats Mr. George Buskin of the Cpllrprt- six years since TN1r. Gfeene heft tho�viz. eating. y You shatticf have rich , r regular 50c and 75s ire Mission paid his annual callrctin ' C''Itesiey circuit after to very success - those those boys cat g to clear at 25c. g Clintong I'rCtl. was ('ante T'h s visit to C:yesterday and roports tul pastoral terns, y. titan but 50 pair 13o}s' Xnickers, sizes 22 to 21, regular about the usual amount contrihuted. Mr. A. C. Macpherson; of Toronto was There Was Nothing to do.- ° Bear: the Lord 1314iop of lluron, in 25c, to clear at 15c. , y (a in town twice thdls weak making air : 'Mr. l� IT. Chant of Clinton, Ova + t, St. Yatl1's church next Staal y u. Ili. auto run from I <trt Stanley to God-l.niost valuable acquisition to.'tbe canir ;. and ill., and attend the. ree Ttior: pn; + las staff, Ile performed admirably the. P. l ericlt, I-I�e, was accor►tpanird by y the church grounds on Monday ewen� ' family who are 911111taering rat the duties of tent leader and i.ityst:al ttir- tc,1 4•����� f1��� fob. ti+����,11$�n 11 ing, w Port. Ile is a native Of Clinton gild ector, assisted in the rChigi,)a, rvc.l{ li �7 V L'i til The Citizens' Bandl1•a ed for tit•; a cousin of Totr'n Clleik Macpherson. acted as camp physician, and ;asF-ist.ecl Presbyterian garden party ;►t . 4'atrta , _ the rcrak when nredreT; Frill's pastI last 'Thursday oxming and iA St. experience as prospector in Now On Wichael`s garden party iia Blyth on tarn has inane hila •tri cxp.nt raavrvr.l WA S Tuesday everting of this wcek. ONE ON Hy. y MORR1 SH, CRO% alt; and Ito, is an all-round lion{1 m Thvmad Vale, aged 82 gears, wtta Was On tilt, (ell from itarf to findsil, came from l'<ixeter and had been all " llfary had a little lamb equal. to asytning. Clothing Store inmate of the Holkse of Refuge for And, it began to Rickett : A. %I's 'Pleming I>ersonxldty to Whose Indefatigable etrrtictka Successors to I�oclg�ns gyros. �, itiprr Than any natter rwtag sixteen months, riled last week.. :4he sent It oft to Packingtoon Mr, A. I;. ItobCrtson of Auhurrrr act - 'Friends took the hotly away for in- And cow it's labelctl "Cllticiceil," ell as tint leather and assis`eed tvitht ('antis Ilitron such it terment in, they cemetery at t,oine. Couneillor 1r Taylor. —August ust I,ippineott's, , the religious work physical aior'k 1 Coulplete success. Y - g • � r p Y•�-' i