HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-07-22, Page 79 . My 22041 MO. . G. D. XiTAGGAUT - , , * . . -AQQART I X. 1), UQT I . . � . .1 . . U � .­ I 1-, . . - " XcTaogart Bros 1. ,, � ;,. I I" _11ANKERS- - a I , I Mton Newt-Recoriif -,,� I ­ __ L_______.___ � . I .. . . I F k J-1 - 1, r .: �. 4 . I . '%O 141, yff.".�ftew­ .. I .I. . I . I � A, GENERAL WANKING RUM- . � II 11 , A:""""""� liv""'ou. I 1. 0 . . � , . . . - I N9SS TRANSACTED. NOTES 0- .- . ! - _-_ . __.'_f�"_,1iZA7i'"*.__ZWC- an Intaltir . e kuo*wl�dge- gained In a milkIly -1l1f*j_4'lv,rr,-,r. u'3oi-s-0 M. Arl itallid forun In4unt d whisper ofearly b � � ­"­­ .-a presentmeut �"M , I I . , il DISCOUNTED. . IS . lure* had he polsiseitll Now that be bad significant formative period. He Saw flow and thet, What it I pia.i ii -aro proillgalltles and wildnesses wlitch; be I I J,r I . . come home*. forgiving and forgiven, more clearly titan the townfolk who find. dritil. it little wtioo I'm dry? I vt had beard. " I I ;,'t,. ,INTEREST ALLOWED ON DE- Northern Navigation would he stay? He had. been In'lilt; III it general Way bud known Hugh got it, have if lilt"or itimisemetil, oilve it "I looked In to felt you a bit of h � I I . ' . - I StIres all their lives, Week by week I awhile kietwoell 11r;typrs Vol, litit.il Ik news." $1,10 tile bishop ,,I've jIlSt Collie I. D , . "�� po$ITS. SALE NOTES FTJ9CH-' Coo . room when she entered It with the. Harry * r . I roses must have guessed .In [)livid StIres. Ile has it Iett(-r ,. It he had , had seen him regain lost yourswlf well entitigh lot-foiv y4iii dw fro . � I � not already known. that she was blind. ground in his futhees esteem. Day empred ;I stiddeit tailent tior Itivaelt from. Vito Lentiap. the I, f .e It , , g ea ev Ur, . � 'ABED - --- - - - - - - - - � ADrand TrUn " I sagrees wittif the t 1k ReUtee Would be Suess that'she had careil for by day be.had seen him maklug studl- Ing:" I geo4 or Vienna. Ile III., . . that room, had placed fresh flowers nos appeal to all that N.%us romantic In "Soine men littlit Their till uits under n rest of them. Think*, Jossiva)o case � - . . I 1. - . . . I i � I . . If b e ss . I � . . I : there often and often? Jessica, climbliti; to the favor or each . tiall4lil." sald flarry ­y(III .11rown inny not 11 op le_", � . . . . had come to the house In on the ladder of the other's reg -oill- -lot - - -lovell Tbe clood thut flugh's call bad, left I - - , H. T. RANCE, - - - � . Since, she ,qrd. 1 .4 -ill it hot, Tols havt � . . . Uugh % stemlliy going 41mvilltill Voill lim tit- on Elarry'A countenance lifted.. - SUMMER TOURS on . the aspens Jessica had found the rad naturally a. poseur, with a I I . I I . 1: NOTARY PUDLIC, CONVEY- . I Imagined figure of Hugh a dominant Won. sense of, effect, Flo could be ceirlog vour fittlier-and otherK-with "Thank (;oil!" he suld. "Will she go I , . I I ANCER, FINANCIAL, REAL � . . � ( ii�., � . I presepice In a horizon, - lightened with brilllnnt.at will, could play a little on, a protendetil ri-rorm whit-li Isn't 00is to III tit It" � A* ESTATE AND FIRE 1NSUR- the GREAT LAKES. - -P it ced at him curiously, ,a throng, -of new Impressions, -The Piano, banjo and vlollu. cotild sfng a (Wep. Volt have ninde Mimi lot III-% ,yo The b1shop. look . � . , , "I . . .. I hoid I I . EN- . . .direful catastrophe of her bllndaess­-� little and, had himself well In bancL are Aving -,,tr! Ight wheis yoU tire (,.I. for the exclamation seemed to � i I . � 4) 1 1 - . . unconscious chord of rousing: that yoon Repp resppOta tilt- more than it conventional rellef, � It . TING 14 FIRE INSURANCII . it had been the sodden result of an And. .feeling the � , i " I COMPANIES. I � . a . cel4ent-had fallen like a thunderbolt romance Vibrate to his toucIr, he had cOillpiloy.,whell you. have lilkell up.)VIth "Ile is to I* lit Au;eriva tiest month. I . . I A Fresh ,Water Sea Voya liful. fi - it lietwtted find disvreillted gansliler" Ile will come here then to examine and I 1 DIVISION X061 . 90 upon a nature elastic and'jpy6us. It played upon It with no unski _U I I 7 . , COURT OFF , � had' bitought her face to -face with. a gers. . I . "I suppose .roll ineitki Dr. hloreau," . L" CLINTON. mpalatlal Steamships I Jessleo was comparatively free frpvp rtoturned Hugh. ­rherti itiv plenty. of .1 . . . . . . I . revelation of mental agony, made her . . * - I . ­ Superb Scenery . I feel herself the hapless martyr of that coquetry bi, means of which a wo. People In town Who ore worse, than he 1. . - . I I - . I . I Faultless Cuisine . , that cart thing, called chance. 0e ba . d man's Instinct -experiments In emotion. IS." ' I I I I I , Although she h , ud been artist enough "Ile Is a quack -dropped from the ­ -� - e9- ��,� 0 � always Ilved,largely- in books and . . , , : W, BRYDONE, . Moderate Charges a U, I I ai \_� - � - I . pictures, and her world w, S still f 11 before the cloistered years of her blind. hospital staff for addiction to drugs - I . . " I . I . I of Ideals and of brave adven I lures.' tiess to know that she was comely. She and expelled from his club (or eheut- ,will she go to hunr I � BARRISTER, SOLICITOR Gratitude bad made her love the.Mo-r had never employed that beauty In the lug fit cards." . I . I � , perhaps, to operate, Poor childl It will. , I NOTARY, 1-URLIC. ETC.' Ideal Summer Outings on �lie Grea. I t rose old invalid With his crabbed tem. ordinary bilindishments of girlish fps. I "He's down and out" said nUgh be it terrible thing for her If this lost t . I . - OpFICE-Sloane laler-16-0 INTON;- Lakes, Georgian Bay, or among tha pers and the wande ng son. choosing cination. But steadily and unconscious,- -Pullenly, "and tiny cur can. bite him, hope falls her. too, especially now. ' I 0 . t. I 0 , , ly site had turned In her. darkness Ile never cheated me. and I find him %,vbe , it she and'Hugh are to make a f . . - . _11 Thirty TIbousand Islands, - for pride's sake a resourceless battle I nd more to the bright and ten. better company than your satictlifiO. tuati-ti of ILPI - I I t . with the world -the very mystery of more 11 � r � � :, CHARLES B. HALE . Tickets,and information from, all Ry. his whereabouts -bad taken strong tier air with which Hugh Clothed all nious., psalm singing sort. VM not go- Harry's face wns turned away, or the . . . . . I Df the quar- their intercourse. Her blindness had Ing to., give hint the cold. shoulder be- , bishop would have seen it Suddenly hold of her Imagination. I , . . . , . , I . 1. � Conveyaucers, commlssioners, . I Agents. . . re . ed Flughlwdepar�, bVen of too short duration to have tie- vause everybody else does.' I never startit-d. -To.make a match of It!" - To I I I H. H. Gildersleevq 0. 14. Nicholson ture she had made her own version. reloped that fine sense-per-ception with went back 'on a friend yet I'm not little the flugh he felt staining- 419 ,I . I . . Agency. 'Monay,.to lot% - u. - -, ... Mgr,, Collin I gwood Traffic Mgr., S I � . which nature seeks to supplement the that sort!" . . cheek Harry bent IG'Close the safe. A ,arnia That he should have come back on this I I . I I � . . . .. I . very rfli;4 . t..- When'the dlslnberitnacd , darkened vision. -The. -Ineradicable "You never had a friend. Hugh." soniething that bad darkled lit Some . i . OFFICE , - ,--�- - . I Marks which III governed living had . stild Harry steadily. "You never real, obscure depth of Ills being whose exist - HURON, Wr'. . she had dreaded had been,so nearly I . , I ; . I . . � . . I . �. consummated. seemed now to have an set lial,gugh's face, the self Indulgence ly loved anybody or anything, Out ence lie had not guessed was throbbing . I I . . , . ,.- --.&- , , _. I .1 . . , and egodsm,' she.could not see, She . .yourself. You are utterly selfish: You . now to it painful resentment Jessica � it �J 11-111% 1FA1M especial and an appealing significance. . � . I . tKi'lifi DUN ki N mistook Impulse,for Instinct She read , ore' deliberately, lying every hour you . � 033W7, I Presently L sbe rose. slipped on the . mis to marry Hughl . I , * I . . � . red kimono, and ,taking a key from him b.y the untrustworthy �Ilght.of -a live to those who love. you. You are "A. handmoine fellow-Hu''gh!" said . H MESEEKEIRSI . . . � . . Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S.0 0 . EXCURSIONS �cQlorful. lmnginatiou. She deeined him ' playing n part -for 'your Own endsl , the lilshop. "Ile seeing to bave-return- I , . , . I . � I . I . . the pocket:of .her gown. stole from the . . I � . - . . � E)din. , . 1. I ... 1. .1 � . . TO I I . ' . room. She ascended a . stdirway and _�." � I , . - . .� . . . You "were only''a good, Imitation ,of a ed *with -it new heart -it brand -plucked . . I . . � . I . I . : .good fellow at college. You are a from the burning. You had the saine - � .WESTERN *CKINADA . - unlocked tpe doorof a wide, bare utw. 40 .7 . I . . . . .. . . . Office-Ontal-lo street,, Clinton. Night , . . . . . I r� .. . .. poor Imitation of a man .of bQnor � tie where the moonlight * poured . . - - -1 I . . . . . � . alum inater, I think you told.jue. Your � calls Z Mi- through a skylight. In -the roof upon tin I a . .� . 11 . .r� I now." , -at f roat door of Office III -Via CHICAGO -and ST.- PAULI' . ... .. I hiflui4twe has done the boy good..San- � .. I . S . . . . . I . Hugh rose to his..feet as he answer- dersotW7 Ile laid his band k7ludly. on I � dence, Rattenbury strelit. : MINNEAPOLIS or DULUTH. unfintsfied,stiltue; In thl stntue.she I .., . _,� I . Dr. T. T. McRae � I , __. . . . I . ,� bad begun � to fashion.' to the I . ned, . 1 .41. . I .1. . . y! -N ,'\ ed botir: "'And what are you, I'd like the other's shoulder.. "The, .fact that - U - 1��-J' to know? Just .b6cause 'I take my ge .together makes Universlity, ,of Toron o. ' figure of Hugh, her coil ; the . -I-, . I ,yoll were ,In colle� I. I . April 6-20, Ma;y 4-1 8, June 1-1 _ . ' t 'MU7 . t ep n I I ' ' 0 � � . . pleasure as I please. while you choose 'ihe whole par - July 13-27, 'Aug. 10-24,. Sept. 7 e t 16 1 I . . . . . . 29, 1 ! . proillgal .Pon -not the. ba tered and . � him look up to yon -as , . � I Office hours at hospital :- ' - .1 , . He began to play.. . . . .... I . 1 -!,21. . ... .: � ' I . . . �. . . ,-. , � . 1. to - make a stained 'glass -cherub of Ish dok." hii addecL ' I . I � I to a p. in.; 7 to .9 P. M..., I . . . I., husk filled wayfarer of'the*pamble, high spirltV,d and debonair, it Prince rourself, Is no reason -why F I in -not - flarry Was setting the cottitna . tion . . . I � . .� . . ... - Tickets good :for 00 days. but a figure of characier'and.. pathos, Charrialngt whose ptideful,rebeill6n bad . just its good as youl . . I littiew you find d -',d dot answer. But tlirotigh the . .- - . - , erring through 'youthful Orlde and been' atoned for ,-by a touching, find ' . � I . , . . Winnipeg and return $32.00. 1 I . . well enough before you set up for such turmoil' In his brain a satiric , voice I #.-DR. J. W. SHAW-" , . ... Edmonton, and return $42.50. spirit. The .unfinished clay Ho .eyes ,manly surrender' . . � . . .. . I . . . I ' . . . . I Alter pol . . . � . � I r, a theological diet. Psbawl!' he "No they d6n't call me 'Satan' ' � I Ilroportionate rates to L ints hatt'geen, for those walls -bounded'hef � . . . Wpattern. You didn't go In much them kept repeating: . . I .. .. . . especial domain I � � * All Ibis Hdrry had watched with a Ito . . * I . . . . . . . ­ .. 1. , . . . .., I . . .. -Painful sense of .Impotence, tin(] thl'q -wdnt',,on, snapping his fingers toward nowl" , � 1. I . I � . I I I I . . . . -.--, I � . ' ' ' 4 ' _'"�l .. .. i I I , 1 .7 IN 4P 4 'A LIR ...�.�.,,*­ ; I I . logo the man vi -bo was to make those - ' . , clew" promises was David Sitifts, on, who had had his Bing, turuell ow Is new keffif umondugly and was new , ffering substantial hostages to good qmfe. To Win. Harry Sanderson. he . vas a flaneor. 4 marginless, gambler In be future% of lilts fattier's, favor a;id a voman's heart, Only it mouient Harry stood waltfa= bell t1jo palin screened musicians be - ran flip inart-ti, find Hugh took blit ilace, uninialed find assured. loolduc �.. lie flushed find expectuat bride,*roosm, � �t the same Instant the chattering Oi?A ititibuto reased. Jessica, on the firm ot I he old man. erect, but walking feebly With his cane. was a4vancing down � be ropeO little. . . . fIiIrr.v*iS eyes, dropped to the opecteilt, I � )ook, though he knew the office by ipart.. Ile spoke the time worn *4 - oration! with clear enunciation.. wittil lmost perfunt-tory distinctness, He . . Id not,look-at Hugh. I . . . i1f any man can show just cause . . why ther may not lawfully be joined . � . ogether, let hint speak or else here- . ifter forever hold tits peace," In the inuse--the slightest.pause --- ;tbat turned lie page he felt nu'lus.ane prompting o tear off his robes, to proclaim to (IfIx - I . bo �ttping, fan flutter- , ng humatilty that he himself, a mft�- ster of tbp gospel, the celebrant of . , � , the rite. knew "just cause.10 - . . The rholilng Impn1se passed. The pe- . r1ods rolled on. The long white glove I was, slipped front the hand. the ring lint on, the finger. find tile ptilr whonit � 0,od and Harry Stlilderson. had joined together were kneeling on the white . satin priedletif with bowed heads an- 1 ler the final Invocation. As they knelt & - � � choir voices rosei I . � . . Then. while the music lIngered. the hush of the room broke in a o&onfused , � . . . . . .. murmur. the white ribbon wound ropes . , . were let . down. and a voluble wave at congeatulators swept over the spot In . a moment more Harry., found b.1mc;elf . I laying off Ills robes in ,the next room � - � I I . _Z . I a "V ,J - L ". 4,�,,,t . I I � . . . I . , . . � . � % .% NN . . . I � - , . . - ., . . , . : . . . . . I I . 4A� . .1 , . � . . . - .. . . I I I . � . .. . . . i I -OFFICE- . . � 1. I LOW.RATES, 1.� . I ". 1.11 � When Hugh went. shomet ace.dly. up ,feeling Was .upon him today as he the well stocked bookshelves. 1�1 won.. - * , I. . # . * . At . , 0 * . I . , "'.. . - ' . . I . - . . . .. . ... FOR 8ETTLERS - - ': tbe'stair froin the librdry.the artificial ,stared out from the study toward the . . I . . . . . . � . I . . , . ' due how much of all that you real- . 'RATTENBURY ST, EAST - - . � . � � I low +hot- hod th-led to his flnger,tins 2. 4 . . � . �The white house In the aspens wo:.q . � . .. - I . 9 - ... . . To certain points.in Saskatchewan 11, ! bad, faded. The. poise of .61rid, the ' White pore glistening, n. We still: AtIongth, with a little gesture ex- ly, believe! I - Imagine your fri.qnds, . 'Satan' - in gal . a nttlr6. Flowers-gfeat bnnl,s* I . . � . --CLINTON.- anal.- .Alberta,. feach.Tuesdity during . .� ' certitude of alltthiii faculties .of,.eye. . ­ . . . ; L pressl,vie at once Of It elplessness find ,don't.call you now?"' . ., - * . . I ! .i_\O.,' returned Harry quiet.1y, "they I of bloom -were massed lu:the half, - � ... . I . . . 1. . _ . Ma,rch and'Ap;zll., ., .. � . . . and band thnt his ley both 4ad given - ' Puzzle. .be. turned from the w1ndow" . . I � I don . . 't call I me 'Sifta . no now.1t ". aldn.- the .stairway and in. tile*, window. . . I . . I . . I . .. I . . � � . . Full information from . , him.' Were yielding. ,The penalties he' . I ' .0 lind dislodged were returning re -en took. his violin and begrifu to play'.. 110 � . .. � He went back'to the safe. I . I seats.. and : wreaths of - delleate fern . . tfembled,ou the prl.fnehuiig�.cbandeliers. DR. C. W. THOMPSON . . . . I . . .., . . . , ., SF&RD, Town Agent.. . JOHN.RAN . . � . _ .. . . forced.- Ile whir ra Idly, becoming I I I .p � - Iftan"a bnrearolet but the music ,wall- . I . . . . dered away thiough Insensible vnrin- . ­ Tile. Movement set Hugh Instantly . .�f t� i I, - + � . to 1, . Over all breathed the sweet fru'krance . . . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON . Aj"V. PXTTA.-jV1Nt 1JepOAJ.,.%.genV* - . . - . 1. . . . L regre ng . ..�.Y. . S... � of jasmine. -. Alusl6ans slit 4behitid -a - ' - . . . . .. I . . I . ArunL - , " 1.1 I 1, tIons Into a moving minor, 0- compost , 0 , - . . - - . . .. . . . . � - .11. . . tind only assumed penitence :Instead 0 . "I_�.. I M 11 I I . . . . i me grutmu L14 ay LV 0100111. U_ . I . . . . screen o . to ,. u a (.,orr.,or,, an . I to. diseases I . ., tion of his own. - . , . 3pecilill L attention given L . . I I L ed but the, light, - threw himself fully I . of flying Into 4 passion he might have long scarlet carpet strip. ran down the' � - , of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat�_, '"'fe dressed -'upon the lied and slept the it broke off suddenly tit a. dog's. flerce . had, the mopDy, he wanted just as,well; . rtway, up whi . ch .. . . . .. I . � - I . TURK1.110PLIMUtUal ri - � to . 'a's not I . front steps to t.be.di*IvL . . .1 . I . I . snarl f in the yard and tbel rattle of a;. . I .1 I . I . . L ' knock - . I .. . L passed bravely dressed folk. arriving L _011,1ce -and Residence- I . . I . . deep Sleep of deterred. Intoxication. thrown' pebble. Immediately a � . . I . . . . .. L : �"There's no sense.1to us. two. (Juarrel- .1'. 1. .. I . . . . . . .. .came tit tbe'dow. - and a maq,:entered. . 1. � .. In car�fages' and, on fooL. to witness � I . , , I HURON ST. SOUTFL CLINTON �­ Insurance Cam -pant. .. - . Ing. lie said *bastlly. "'Wl��ie been' - . I . . . . I . I . . . . ... -.� . , ',' 2 . . . , '.'Don't 81:6p�" said, the neW, comer. frionds.a.-Iong time- I'm sure I didn't the completion ofa Much 'boated ro,. , . . 8 doors west of the Commercial hoteL i erty- ,;, . � "I've *dropped 'lin;.for only a minute. imince. . 1.� . I -Farm and Isolated Town 11i op. , . Intend to. when I came In. I suppose I . . , I I . For a fortnight ' this tifternowl-s - L' . -;-�Qnly Insuredw- . I __�� That's' an All tempered little brute of. '- . - . . . I I � ' . I . . ybWre fight aLbbut some things, and . . -OFFICE 1 ' . 4: a - .. I . ­ ' . . _ . 7 . ours If I wee. -you I'd get rld.,O? . . probably roppl.ng' Aforeau. wouldn't event had been.the chat of the town... . I RS . L ' . y. ' . . . I . . . . . � � . � . .. . . . I . -DR. F. A. AXON.- . .. . I J..B.*-McLe4n Pr�e§ldcnti, Seaforthl,". . . .1. I . .1 . .. him."' .. . I . . . .1 I . for David StIres, who todayL retired I I . P . . . I .. ;�*�'. * . .: . .q I . I 1. . . I 11 burt'me tiny., I'm sorry .1, said fill I . 1. I ess, was lis maljnate..� - I . L ' L L . , - n ca re- I . � from active busin . L e_,t. .., atp� I . . . I I did. Only -the money Seemed such aj. the owner of Its finest, sin -le , (SUCCeSis L 0 - Thim Fraser, Vlce-�Pr6sident: i ' , ., I I.,. I . � Hor'ry-Saudersbh laid the violl . � . ,. . � , . . . I . . r . , a . . . L - I � .. fully In Its case'lind.sbut tbelld before - � L " or to Dr. Holmes.) - ' I .Kay 1, seq� L, � I . . . . . . . . I B Ucefield .P. Oi ; 'r. B.. . 11 I . . I � . L . . .little thing. nud 1�1' needed. - It'! . .., � '01 . . . I . I I . . I � I Ilpinmy tilstve", . I . and of. Its most ]mpgrtant billik. F, .0 I Specialist in Crown aud -. Bridge' Treasurer,. Seaforth L, P.' O.' , ' . . . . . . L L I ­ L' "fie, answered. ' . is --tmp . . Hnrr'.� stood n Instant with -his: .. . I . . . . . . . . .. . � W. "' . . L ' ll - , . I his scapegrace. boyhood flugh .Stir(,% , . � - - . Work. . ­ . . , . . .� . � . I . . . I tie said dryly. "How *IS your filithet, to- . hand. bif the knob: then Instead of clos ,.. , . , . : � --ml)irector�_�.'- . . I I - I L . �, . . . . . .; Graduate of the Royal, College. .of I . I � 'lugh?" . . had made .himself the subj6et. of till. , . . .. I _-1 �7h 1-6 __T� d ay, 1. � Ing the'door be drew' Out a little draw - L ' ' I Rental Surgeons of.Ontarlo. Honor William Shesney, Seaforth ; Job Vkapter Q3 . 1, The other ta ip�Ied the too of, big shl,n- , ' . , 'L . , . comfoitabI6, dlscusslou*� I Ills sudden D . . . � .. - er. Ile lifted a packet of crisp. yellow .. . graduate of University oi 'Toronto Grieve, Winthrop ; Georie. -Doile,. Sea ! . 5,, �Im; patent leather with Ills. came as he . - �. 'disappearance after tile rnmorti.d quara . . - . Dental Department. Graduate of'. the to . , . Wit L a, lo ,4 . backs'.and slowly - counted out $100 rel' with.'h1s,father and.the advent.of I . rth - ' Johii'Watto Harlob.-,, , ____ . . Said b ok of Ill humor: . L. "'I'm trying to believe vou mean what, , . -b . ad. furn . . Benn wi L , _ , . . . .1 . . . . � Chicago College of Dental Surg6ry c ies, BrodhiLgin -,' James Evan, . . a month "A bout .as well its lusun 1. 'aies plan . , Jessica Moline Ished the. �nmw 1� . . N a June (Iff . .. I 11 gh." .he said. ; * - . * , I L I . , .. y � . you. say, Hu " munity s , tifficlent material for ."s I) �. � . ames Ciein�olly' , d to I c� I business find oi- � ', *e L w .I l . Beechwood ; J I ter. Harry Sanderson. ning now, to put -in I) . L I *,, e Chicago. . . . . . I ' . .. I Hugh's, fl;- rs closed'eagerly. or r - . � Will, be at the Commercial hotel . ' - . 1-Tolmesville. .. ' 1. . . ')�, sat'.1n. hift study"L look- .Pects me toL become ' ..a.st-dic ' I ' pillar.of the crackling- n6tds. - . ..*'Now. thI . it's The wedding had. Capped this gossip d '. '* _ L �� , . 'societv-11ke Sanderson.' as' he says. of .TOUL * . with an -appropriate climax. . Tongues .� Bayfield, every Monday from 10 it. m. L I . -AGE%;TS- L . , . Ing 6ift. of the window . . ­ ,white ,after everythinfi; I. said.. . . . , . 13 L L I . - 1� I good 1, � ;1 too 5 P. M. . � . across the dim summer.* forty. f1mes.':a Week; Upw do you do. You're a fel OW, Uarr after all had ,wagged over Its Pro$ find cons,' , . Robert � .Smith,' R�rlock ; .M., Him- � . '.. .. L. I . . Y#L I' for Hugh's past had Indu . ced.a whole- . - I ,. � . � - . 6 - I .. L :1.1 haze of beat negligent# it, Utirry? ?rbere Isn't du old lady - Ill , arid , L . I'll tilways, say so. .1.1 *He pocketed . . I . Ir I I . I . I- I thley, . Se4f6rth ,; James .Cumfaingti� ly smoklng� Ile. could see the long towil who thinks her p1clor carpet: half the money . 'with an 'tile of relief and some skepticism of his,future. . , � . . Egmondville , J. . W.' Yitol' *Holmes- eidenough fnr y'ob to. walk on Yon're � ­ . 1. .1 . . There wits an -additional elpinolit of ­ I AUCTIONE-ER-J AMES SMITH M- . , . . .. . . I �. . L. �, - white. Marl. road. bending in a broad goi 0 * thalf I lul" ' , picked tip his -hat and cane. - I I . . . . I . . .Ift 1, - * ' . . . , 'S . . censed Auctioneer for the C�unty 'Ville'. . . . ly a month bider . I , yet yoll. romance. too. lit the situation. or . . � L . . , Parties desirous to. effect' insurance curve between clover stiplYled. mead- .on L . . . Jusi flle� 1rout the dusty street came .. vhO had Ilever of Huron. All orders entrusted to ' ows. , to sklit the Willow green; bluff call 'w1n4- the whole vestry and'the - sten. I I yet seen, -her lover, ; or, tiansWct other business will � be .1 4, L the sound of cArriage wheels and tile , . we will reeeive'prompt attention,.- promptly . attended t L o on applicatto above the river. There, miles aWay.'L, '.bishop'tobo6ta'�rotind.vourflii.geri' .1 I . click of.the . gate latelib I . . .. L would see 6P tius'lontid. ' The great I . ' ' . stleation she Will sell either by percentage � or . .oil the high bank lie could .distinguish "I wasn*t' aware .of the ldolittry."' IdIeS Bishop Ludlow," be gald. glanc- Surgeon on whose progno. , I to any of,the above officers addressed , . In ,� had built so m6ch had .arrived ,and . 0 per sale. Residence on the Bayfield the railroad bridge. a ,long black skel- Ilarry laughed a little -a distant laugh I . ' . hrougb the window. 4111e's:com- . - . - Road, one mile south cf. Clinton.. , to,their respective 'postaffices. -Lo5se eton spa I unIng 11the'llole.'! a deep. fish . "You-nire observittit. Wigh."; � I . g t .had ' operated. L Thp experiment had L � -inspected by the dirpetor Who live, . ' L - "Oh. anybody can I Ing In,'. I think' I'll slip out the .side, been �dnjpletely Successful. and 3csAl. . . I haunted pool. the deepest spot,in the . see it. I'd..Ilke to way. Thauks for the loan. and -I'll . . L I . . . . . - __ L - near�st.thesoene. . .L . I . - wits always I . to I ca a hopeof vision. had. become if sure . . know how It -it you're said. . I . . . . river for fifty allies, I ­ you. do It L I . . . . . I - � . So With . iren � think, over wh. , � - . . : . . I Since that moonlighted evening - of 'roll. C at 'College. YOU . Avoldlng the bishop Hugn 'stepped . and certain promise. . , L ' . . ___ . .- , a I . I . . I . `rhii.­ope�ntloff L &er, ihere had re. - United States Subscribers � . ., . . .� . I the will 'making Hurry -had learned could do pretty much as yot, lit, -d and . - � I . � . . . I . .1 I I .1 . I .. toward the gate. The tnoney.�%%s In main6d w.uny.days before tile bandalms . .1 . . ,:.. r I I . * that the long lane had had 'no true yet be popular too. , Wby. there was, . L � ' will please note that -we have'to . . , I I . � . , . his pocket. . Well-, one of, these'dfilitt-t could be reftloved-before Je%.ql(-a could , I . . lin n Newg-Record . turning, for Hugh� Ile had. sifted him never it jamboree complete without you. . . . pay one cent postage C to L I I . L , . I - ta- he would not� have to grovel for 6 pal- ,.of. Id on. each pop- . . � I . I : the head �of ,the . I . ' . . be given het"first glimpse the, wot. . . .. I through 'and through. , At college be and your violin at . . try,. S50. Ile -would bi- his 0 as for I nearly. three yell . d I I . . . . wn mi - - , I ' ' . . er going to tho UiLited States. . CLINTON . .'" ONT. '.hod' put him, down''for a weakling- ..ble." . .. .L , I . . I � . I rs,, . Hugh . ba . I . I . I ,. . ter und could afford to let tliirr# Sutia - . I , I This means that -your sabscrll�- - . . I 11 . . I misdemeandlit. Now hd "That I is. a . long'jime ago." said I . I I I Urged against delay.- if be had.stin- ' unballasted, � . � I q I I . . . . demon and everybody else think..what. . I ition must he paid in .advance. Terms of subscription-$I,pOr year - W, knew him for-whai he'really,was-a* Ilarrv, . ,., � .. � . . they Ilitled' L' . .. . I gent reasons of his own -.he was silent ' ' L I When you,sed. your subscription, advance $L50 may. be charged if moral mollusk, it. scamp In.embryo. a ..,�I�re, thati four years.. Four years - "So I*in L Plaring a P"Irt.' am ,I!,'.' bt- Concerning them. And Jesslea. steel) - I I . ' . expiring please remlti.$1.50 for an- not so paid.* No. paper discontinued decadent realizing fin. ugly j)roPdnsItV and a,inonth tomorrow. since that last L ed Ill: the dellclous wonder of new find . . said , to tilinself. - ,,Why should yont' inchoato sell . sittlons. bad yielded. . . other year so that you will not , until all arLtars are paid, unlesifLat to it dep!o bid, finale. A'consistent evening of, college. . Yet I Imagine It' holiness . . . I . ra . .. I . . troi.1ble .r.ourself over It. If I . So It 11114 come about that tile wed - miss any"cupies of The Xews-4ftil)-, the opinion of the publishex. The career f. loose living had - carried will- be longer before we forget If." , . . I I . . L flM? L Not boeause �otl'ry so va�efut of ding *its to be on this hot Ali- . . Gird, . I date to which eVery Subscription is Hugh *for �.slnce those' College, days Uarry,did not sPeak. A ' n oad con- the goveenor's fe6ling,, not by a long gllst lift- , I L his vision. , Portlipps'to, Shotl It's bpenu$6 .,roll k.boot�e to thl nk ernoon, although It would be yet some L - . 1. . paid is den6ted.on the I lab6l. when 'he had been dubbed "Satan's fusion blurred L I Ile. roo I to it , . thile before the eye bunting ght . slindow." While to nnrry Pandorson cover,this, be crossed . P L Jessica. ITOInle LIS too good' for ,we. . ,es mi. . I . - * I I ; Advertising rates -Transient adVer- the, eccentrt6t find agnostictil bad then ,small. pr!vate Stir(, which stood- open- In Tbfit'S'Whero the Shop L plache'l, -'Per. . I be laid !tsidesave In a darkened rootti. . I- ­ I- . I I. . tisernents, 10 cents. per noripariel been. as � It were, the Milsk through the corner, In Which lie kilPt his tithes hops yould like to play at tluit'game In her gti-lisli. liassiontlip Ideality'Jes- VEARS' -, . line for first -insertion and 3 cents which his temperament looked tit llfo,.� and his charities. . When ilugh, shrog- - eir ' I sleahad offietred a Sacrifice to ber.spufl­ ERIENCE , ' I yours .- eh'?" . ' . . I . :. . per line frir each.subsequent insert- to Hugh -it had spelled shipwreck, .ging Ills shoulder -.4 as If to illsmiss.the He. walked jauntily tip the streot" went. She lind twouilsed herself that L . . st fol -in )ter new sl�ht Should be- --' - 't AV' " . . . tile fin 11 ;E E R F_ N E So V C Xp ME ion, Sinall advertisements not to 1EIarry Sanderson bad done broadly as - Unwelf.-ftie *pIcturo tie h'%(l P-Itilt0d. toward the door with the.little 6arrpil -r 11 , I exceed one inch, such as "Lost " - e had entertained whom turned again.. Ilarry was' putting Into. I . . I . [told iihould bi, not Not lover, but h( . I I iP be pleased. 11 . Window. . -�. "Strayed," or "Stolenill-ete., 1%. .. I hm,hatid. The Idea pleased tier sense � . he listed bad gone. 11.41utnnllog�". had It Aotne paperS front tits pocket. 1-111911 wi,he olcl inam is fond: or her. ne . e Or rotinitive. . serted once Jor 35 cents and each . once box'ed to it finish foe it wager a saw the fiction. Ills eyes fast ned Olt - tlllnkq imienti to sAtle'dowit and lot I M subsequent insertion 10 cents.- . . � � . It Wits a sweltering afteenoon. and local Pugilist whose acquitintance he tile safel avidly. . L t, TRApr, MARKS . � . . . . . tilt% tnos.ez; grow over my pars. and he'll . r IGNS I affected. known as "Gentleman JIM,,' ,11 Say." lie gnid. after a momont's Ill tho wide east parlor 111111) liandkor- 0 S . DESIGNS . (10 flit. propor thing" It'll he a gond � C TS.&r Communications intclided for publit'a- I chiefs find energetic ratis fol"Itit vain- _ I COPVRIGHTS &M e een botil the hardest hitter pause as litirpy tuade to shut Its dodr, way to put my liend-above water itut 1.1, ligninst the Intolerable beaZ There Anyone senting it Ion rasy tion must., ait a guArAl1t,60. of good I . 1. " ?,Utcklj ascertain our opinion free whpt, . I and the hardest drinker In his class. ,,eJLLI V ceep it there. it must bi- Soot "I sketch and desert ther an faiith, be accompaliled by .the name .. oil loan nip another fiftv? I'm I . . �s, Ilip (-Io(.Jt strUck I,. it hundred pill y ,1,�q1n,Ng0 onimnim. I ,v - flat on tuy ul,'Pers n9aill, till . . nven on to prolinb, Lot withal Its most brilliant student (I tile ii'd , though." , ntr tions strl�g confide . _ ,A %OF.. Paterittio -he writer. 1: , - ." gAloped between two Centers � I of t . 4 11 me 1. 1. ofuy( .iontfroo, Most stency, for securing onto. . � . Native character had enabl�d him to.' plan 4tga beon tight its tiall, Wit I ,-; Patents taken t rough Atunn & WNCOM -10- . persist, as the exitsperitting function since I caine buCk. I'm surC to bi, � of Interest -the door tit wb1ch the bride , aeoLat wfice% witbout charge, lattlie . 4 . L L . .. would ontpr find the ralsed platforul fit t I _W, J. MITCHE LL, of success which dissipatioti Abolln0d ' able to return It with ,tile rust in. it. the (ittlei, elid or . tile rooni where,* � scientific America"o, * I L to eliminate. But the, ttaute tintoral Week or two." . . 2 ___��_ - ��_R__;,!,Rf____�_ pr.,typl- h6olc lit himil, in his wide robes A bandsonoeI7 Uluatrated Weekly. Largest cir- . Editor and Proprietor. 'in spite . of all aber- . . ,at,.. of any scientific journal. Tercig for I I . gravitation which t1arry Stretched hlq liand jigaln to. . � , , I= a year, postage prepaid. Sold Iw . I . I I. .. I I L - - - t'�-h- nud flowing slee'ves. Harry Sanderson V . ae.,., had *1 -L I�A 4 . 0 ration gl�en Ilarr,V Sanderson word the ,,, fe. thell deew it [Illif . with ., . . � au news Cale". . I 11 I . L . .. . � 19 I . . clossit.-al honors had brought Hugh (,onipressed lips. - tle had 10(tt 1111911 Wf�h e.9% . I 11:0 jit"t taken lils stand. Perhaps FJUNN & Co SGIBroadway, NeWYOrk , Stiret to the lairalueat btlink of 0XIA11- with persistent Volletesy. lind tile Other . mltip.ft lool,ed tit flurry tillin at tile . I Isranch W,% &5 F at- Washington. 6. a - I , I I I L 1.11, I I I ­ -1. , �, __1. door. ­ .. � 11LAS '11IN11111 . Sion, And since that J11110, N;vItbOUt had found Way slitildently ObIl"Ing __ I - ;; . � ."', I "I I � . - , 410 ovenied his timifil magnetic self � I .1 -TIME ,TABLE-, the character which ,belonged to Ilar- with loans. Ilugh's- lowered ttilm, . 1111w - .1 . I ry as a possession, -Hugh had eontin- the arrested movement, find Ills chech J i;�I`.._ Gilapter 4- its Ile stood tilt -re. backed by tile f1mv. , � 4 . I "ai X T" I I I + h Trains will arrive at and de�part nod to drift aimlessly on down the flushed. . : . an, 4y, ; -_ L 11 I � �.." I #� , ... � - . ior.4. 11114 Waving )Ut1VVLl Ill 1 --4.10o ed. the rilby Ong glowltig dull red from Clinton Station as follows 13U.PkAt,O AND GODMICIt : , DIV. broad lak way of profligney. . The conditions he found upon his re- . *,Oil. if lea Incoll,vonletit I Won't trow ble you for the licconitno(lation, " be . � I I.- NsIbm, "mo stutly lilvan. nguln"t the darl, leatheit of tit(' book be 001fig E ast . 1: 7.85 1. in. turn, however, had opened flugh's eyes to the periiiiiis Strait In which be Said. ,11 (tare sity I call mi-sw It." . The attempt fit Inoxichiflative co4t'him "I . 11, .11y , NvIllip tilp 111gilop wits 11 .) greeting Ilarry 1.8,1111der field flut Ilarry sanderson was tilt front reellng tilt% grave, Olen 11;�,urp III - :11 I � - � 8.07 515 P.m, m. stood, He was a materiallst, find tilt, it pqlpoble effort. Comparatively sinnil i .� 4 Roll tit, tiltd offlefated appmwed� In the psist %teeks it(- bud .4 . Going . '4 '67 11. P. a. M. ad tagttv he had bo.4 of deprivation ht 'as.the amount wim, lio needed It, go t . .4 at his 01'1110110011 find I liked hiln. ti 14 epei Wngf-d fi gilt -fit wArfItr0 With IIIIIISOIC 111tter I)eemisio repremod. The ittrango ,West .4t 94 1.25 p, M. sickened him, in tile first revulsion. when the contrast between recent was In sore Straits. "It Isn't that It is Inconvenient, I , took. In the AlUiptle order of the room. new thing tlitit had spenlig lit) lit hill) it It . 0.40 I p.m. famine And present Plenty Wits Strong 1111911,11 said Harry, "It'a tbat I call*t- lingering With it light tingo of dittlip- he had trampled tuerellomly under. 14 of LONDON, MRON . 11.28 1). U., & MUCE, DIV. Upon him, be had been tit anXiong pains to make himself secure with his approve your manner of living late!" and -1 don't know whore the fifty Iff PrPval up011 ill(* vlOIla cas6 in the eor. not find with it dpeppr fill.1do of ifineg. Froto tile thought that lie loved the peomlsed wife of another n (Iolek. fm4, Going South 1 7-50 91, Mt fath&-qWd Vith Jessica Holme. UAr- . � 961mg." it(),, upon the, jewel on the others fin. ashe tidlotut gentio lit him teeolled till.. 4 If 11# N 4.23 li. m. oil! mental olight-4isen at the hunter's Tile maf,Ltoti Einghla brow rodd6nietl get,# it Pigeon blood ruby In a setting Thift Painful struggle had bivn slultv Going North 11.00 a. m. sight otk the tift boftIL-Was sharpen- "I wasn't aware that I wog -expected Curiously tivIsted of the two- Initial lell- ened by hIft aewo of Hugh's uttet tA 14 8.86 P __ - I od by hb kbowledo of thi, old 40gh fo,reader you An otce6liatIngoo, he ffoll tora of bl[li tutmot ,There eAW6 to h" wocthit'suboas To ftt rustIllux itssul* . .= I 0 I" I I . r,Z.M I �/ - . . . � .� ., 1. . . . � . I I ,, .. I . "' * I I . I % I '. . � . . . I � ­ ": * , I . . ,� rii�,,p �Vlo I . . . . . . , . . . QZ #;�._ or-., \ � . I .. I'fill % ,�' 7 ,---I , . ., I I I . . - , , '_.s- %- 1 � , I , - , . I \ . � ,� . . .. . �7 .. 1�)� ... . �; - . . 1 1 -1 . . ,. I I . I . I � . . . . . . I "­ . . . % I " . L � V>� . . . I "-__A - , � - - . , I . . ' � ILI I I I I.. . . . 'I'lie. ccicbrant . 9f .the rite kneto '1mg: : , - , � .,., . . I . . . . -causCs" . . , , . .. .1, 1. . . - . . I L . . � . I I ' * . Wi t h . a. st'gh. Of. relief . he stepped. I., I I �-s , 11.1� through tbe,wide French, vdildo* InW, . . I . : Ole' garden. .Thia strata over, be'ldngel �. . . . .roe the Solitude of. his *Study, But Da- . ., - I . ' -I- L , ,� d asked - . I vid Stires hit him.to remilit for- . . ... . I * . I if' final word, Since brldb and groom . I 1. . , ".If- . . were to leave on' an early evealuX . I � . I , , trill - 11., lbe.ql& man -wiigto iteconipany - I . . I .1 . . them a 'part of tile journey. and '!thi-, . . � I -: . .� Stirect place" wns,'to be closed for fin : . � I I I Indefinite. period; - * . I . . .. . L'I.-r- . . . -It was 'not long before the sound at I 1.�'� , I . � � . �4 41 -gay voieps and.,of Carriage wheels , I . - .. - . . came around tile corner of the hotiso% . . I . . � for the reception was to be citnalled. . 1,. � . � I One by One lit- heard the carriages rol ' . I . . . . down the .graveled driveway. A .last *... . . . �­7� L . . I . chime of T61cels tdiking togetherl-Har- I .. . I � . . ry could illstin-Illsh Hugh's voice lkovr , . � � . .. �nnfl at � , len.gth (Julet told him the last '. . , I . of the -guests were gone. . . . . . .� . . . I I I The east rooin was empty --save for . . . , . - I Servants w � fio I Were , . gathering some ot. I . . .F� . . . the cut flowers for tfiemselves. � Ile . . . . I stood filmlessly for *0 few- tilorneuts - : - . I looking. about him. A Wfilte carnation, I .1 .1 . . I . I I ay. tit the foot. of the dats. fallen from I � I Jessica's shower bouquet- 110 -Led .. . . 1 , . Pic I this tity, abstractedly smelle& Its per- . I -. fume find drew tile stout through his. I � I ' buttonhole. lie. ird voices In the,U- . . I brary. and. olit, . ig We door, he ea- . .. I . . . . tered. I . � I . ,In the roan! sat Old David Stires In . lits wheel chali'opposite his -son. He . . - ,.- I . . . . . ' was.deiadlypale., I . 1�1 . . I ,--% - - � and Ills fierce I I , . .. � .0-- I . , * . . , � � -46 - . .k .A 1.1 I eyes blitzed IM . , !ire in . tinder. � I , - t �, . J A I .. And What a . . . I .,� ,; I t, -;S'1�1 * . \, Hughl Not the . . . I (� . �- indolently gilt I I I . ,J I- . . . Prodigal Harry q 1. I !�r .. . I �� haq known in � I I k- . the past nor the - flushed belde- I /. *­ ; . �, : groolu of a ,half �- I , � . . . I � . bourilm-G!, Itwas . I I I I .__-� � a eringing, a I 11 , �.. C filingdo. flugilf. I .1 � ''Lo. - I � with a stlaklag � I I J I . � Aread lit the . ii� 'Ice f. ,.n trettiblIng , I r.1- r-, of tile hands. it. I . . "I'Ve haft married tion In the pos- ; . JCS81C(l to (9 C071- Me. The thilf ,rami thictr' line at-ioss 4XIS � . . . . brow Was a livid pallor., flis eyes fill- , . ed to 11neey's 'for an Insttratt then re- I I turned ,111 it kind. of faschilltioll tO 1% I alit) of paper, oil the desk. on which his . I . father's forefinger rested, like A Will , I . transfixing an animate Intamy4 . e,00 "Sanderson," said the old man 16 .0, low, hoarse, unmatural voice, "come fill and shot the door. God forgive usil, a We havo married Jessica to a commos, I thleft Hugh. my son, ray only child. Whom I have forgiven beyond tilt: reek - timing. lilts forged my name to a draft, ,,_,, for $5,001" 1 . , - I . li`_�_�11 �_��� , . 4 (TO BE CONTINUE -1). ) .j .