HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-07-22, Page 6U 6 110AM Stringer Laughs at His, Absurd Errors Regarding: Canada. Arthur Stringer, the Canadian author, opens a rec6ut severe indict- ment of modern Canada fakers with Jack London and his "Love of Life." "`His claim to distinction," an author writes, "in this connection, does not rest so much on his 11tergry exploita- tion of the hitherto unknown amphi- bious fish of the Coppermine Valley as on his definite and clearly dis- eerned method of workmanship." Mr. London represents the famished hero as trying to corner this afore. mentioned obviously amphibious fish in a small and muddy pool. He ends by baling out the pool, which was nearly dry, at the end of half -an hour. "Not a cupful of water remain- ed." writes the author. "Arid _ there was ne fish. He (the man) found a hidden crevice among the stones through which it had escaped to the adjoining larger pool --a pool which he could not empty in a night Slid a day." This leaves us to choose one of two thines. Either there are, in- deed amphibious fish in the valley of the Copperm$ne, or the laws of . gravitation fall to operate in their usual manner in this strange coun- try of the Worth. So, in still another story, we must show no snirpTisewhen. Mr. London's' h-ro finds an open water -1 -ole, chopped through the river lee nnd remaining unfrozen, when the thermometer is registering some seventy-nine degrees of frost. It wins neenc-miry, for tvA mAndrnma- tic offeet of the story, t'n.qt this hero should fling to the river bottom a pile of tainted gold, to lie there and bq a mystery to a c-rtpin nowpo-mer. 'But it is only in Northern (Inparla that you can chop -i hole in the ice and see the *water-linle r-mairt nnfrn7erl while the qpir1f-f1,(­n--nctAr is flirt- ini, with the Pi7h+y-bMnw.,­zPT;o mark! The Gin that lies fl-rlr-st nt Mr. T,ondnn's door. lot me bp-t4n to' add. ig not ore of mrp detail. sneli as I hnvo in--tioned. 'It is, rnthpr, thn-1 lznnprnl and nersistent tendprev to ­fny-ivneer" thine -t, to 4rRn-,laf- -vervf.hinq rnrth­n into th- 11irid. The man nF the North Yrtlist bq all -rad, Ar nnthmg., F-v-rytbino, rbove the forty-ninth nqrilliel:'mnst he written down as blood, and raw beef. a When troubled with sun-. burn, blisters, insect 'Stings, sore feet, or beat rashes, apply Zam-Buk! Sprprising how quickly it eases.' the smarting and stinging I Cures' sores on young babies due to chafing. Zarn-Buk is made from pure herbal essences. No animal fats -- no mineral poisons. Finest heater I Drugi*.'s and Stores everywhei% . . HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS To , Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Media' Special Trains leave Tomato 2.00 PAL as APRIL 6, 20 MAY 4. 19 JUNE 11 is, 29 JULY 13, 2d AUG. 10, 24 SEPT. 1, 21 Second clam ticlotis from Ontario stations to Principal Nonhwast Points at LOW ROUND-TRIPRATtS. Winnin and retain $32.00; toa,and train= 34x.50 and to other points in Proportion. TiClotlS cood to return within 60 da a from uoing date. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS on all excuniona, Comfortable berths, fully etmipped with baddina, can be secured at moderate rates thmish local agent. Early application must be made A*x roe HoursceK91018' PAMPHLET containing rates and full information. AvOyton6ar"IC.P.R.A"ntotioR.LThompo�e. Dim. Pan. Act, Toronto. ONLY DIRECT LINE NO CHANGE OI' CARS W, JACKSON, -AGENT. C1,*TON; ,a sm.'sJill NINO i dk=911-_ZF, THE POPULAR ROUTE TO ALL - PRINCIPAL TOURIST RESORTS July 2211df 1909 01 NO, MAL AL AN ITALWI NBLEIWAA ANGER fS DANGEROUS. HAYS FREDICTIOIL-4,4-7,; Princo's Soo, 'On .WAY to Wed It Wrecks the Whole aystiom #rW "I xxpoot to Be CoftfoKably 0"41 In . French-Canadian Qirl. Tends to Ohortso Life. low" Ho Wrote. Ugo Blup• Ferretti, who is said to it to well known that A violent fit of A very interesting letter referring be a eon of Prince Torlonia of Italy, tetrPer uftocts the heart Instantly. and to President Lincoln just after his. first IA44 completed the first stage of his Poyehoittwoletsts bare discovered the Inauguration tilud written, by John of approximately, 4,000 miles presence of poison in. the blood Imme- Huy I* dated Wtwblugton, 1801. , and of a bride. He arrived In dlately nfter such outburst, This; , ex. tourney sors In part: New queysotrk a few days ago on the plains why we too) so depressed. ex- "If tbere, Is anything wbleb more steamship Barbarossa of the North bau9ted, and vevrous after Any storm tbau.#11 (.JtJlsp4 lite German Lloyd line. On the saline lin, to regret the iutQl- er was, Mlsj& Juliette Ducbe=sy, - a of passion—worry, jealousy or revenge erable prVa" Of business, about the, French-Canadian girl . of striking —has swept through the mind, It has presidenlVe office it is this . impo$ol, beauty, whose betrothal to th6 noble. left In Its wake vicious mental poison litlity of answering the letters of my man's son has not Yet been officially and Other harmful secretions in the best friends. I have positively not bad announced, but who is, on her way to brain and blood. it moment's INs"re Since wo arrived In her home in Quebec to introduce the There Is no constitution so thpA city. The tbrong. The of oMee seekers ant -young Italian to her father but it wilt'uItImittely succumb Is absolutely Tearful to the gallant-young to help him Plead his cause for y come atconstant racking nuil twisting -of the her hand in marriage. dwybreai; nod still are Coming at mld- miss DucheSnay is returning from a nerve centers caused by an uncou- night. The NsftRecord tour of Europe, which r trolled temper, 'Every time you be- "You know that In anything I can do, ,he made un- der . the chaperonage of the Misses Wine angry You reverse all of, the nor- You vin eommand nip, but you over. Eugenie and Caroline Pouliot, friends mat Mental and physical processes, rate lily Ilithwoce. %It. Lincoln post - of bets from her native city. The Vyerytliln gIn You rebels 0941not Pas' tivPl.v refuses to make any recommen- trio of Young women a month or two, Sion stdrms. every mental faculty pro- 4-itlons for position* in the depart- tgo started on their homeward Jour- tests against their abuse. ney, when they traveled through Italy Went; he rejects the entreaties even of! : It people only realized what havoc his most Intimate friends and, vela - thetheir way to Naples to embark on : Indulgence In hot temper plays In the Barbarossa. It was in Rome that tires," a. fortuitous meetine. between, , Miss Du- their delicate nervous structure. if In linother letter. Washington, Dee, chesnay and Mr. Ferretti resulted in they could, only see v� Itb the physical .12. no year. !Jay says: the romance that has brought the eyes the damage done as they can see "Walter Noyes. Vies appointed on the 0 ADVERTISERS we can guarantee the most saiiefactory results prince's ce's son to this country to make what follows In the wake of a tornado. W.ommendation of two Rhode Island the final arrangements for the inter- they would not. dare to get angry. Senators, Burnside and Anthony.X national alliance. When the brain cells are overheated bec4ust) THE NEws' 41d not pay -RECORD IS. read McKinleyli debts, d and appreciated by the .6 A never Whiteshopping In the capital 'of from a fit of temper their efflelency Is Ili ly Miss Duchesnay one clay found called him William in my lift nor dI(L Seriously Impirfred, If not absolutely he -ever call me John, Our later, li-r�nlf bartdicP,ppPd throngh her in, mined, The presence of the anger pot I -- business men, mechanics, artisans and farmers and their families ability to sp-ak the native tongue. son, the . rftelc to the nervous system. course has always been of the most Har, difficulties in the sbop beeAme formal character. I have absolutely final- Is *wliAt makes the victim so exhausted P.pp,-.rpnt to several persons, and f in Huroil E)ou' ly -Mr. Ferretti,I who bad stood bv, and demorallved after loss of self con.- '00 claim on him for myself or friends." ixty, one of the most fertile and thickly populated an interested witness of her plight, ' trol.—Orlson Swett Marden In Success And In another letter Hay writes, ventured to help her out. The young Magazine. from Washington: t , Ttalism spiaks. French and English "I an) old, sick and busy, and I have agricultural districts in Ontario fluently, end be succeeded in straight- THE BACK OF THE NECK. not. a moment at my disposition. be -ening ing.tPra out in short order, aldes what Is occupied by my daily .From h, charge meeting a friend- tasks DO not talk about any A ship aeve)oped li(A*-een the young Make It Proof Against Drafts and thitig so ridiculous as my being a can. persons. Yonng Ferretti met the, ap Col ' bog," In the Head. dilate for tlie presideney. shill provr.l of Miss Duebesnay's chape- 41W. ben I was a bo.t" Said a doctor, ions, I rand when.. when,fie sugizested. return- 0I didn't believe i . in drafts. I thought office never hold an after this, and i Ing to this country -to fain the consent that they who Imputed colds todrafts expect to be comfortably dead by -of the young wornom's father to their were cranks, But one-. November 1008.11 marriage fha Xiqses. Pouliot gave night at a concert I felt all the even. As will be recalled, Secretary Hay their normisiion 'for, him - to aceom- Ing a strong draft on the back of MY died I July 1, 19()S, pnriy the nf%rtV, Mr Ferretti qvickly r,rrf,,nged his �Xairs at home and met neck, It we i s no stronot resembled a suction pump, 'flow,' said I to my- A BUCKET OF WATER, the young women at Nantes, where i Rates on App'licat they r.11 embarked on the Darbarossa, self, `we'll see If this draft twill give ion yours truly a cold.' In Right Place When Needed It Will Prevent a Conflagration. JACK OF ALL TRADE. Ue'shuddered. "For a week," be said, "I was,lald A.slugle-bucket of water -even a Old. Man In Toronto Offers to DO .111) with SO vile U cold that I couldn't cilpful—tilrowlt on it blaze at Its start breathe save with my mouth open. often does more l0ood. than a r Anything to Earn His Bread.. eservolt rind now I am satisfied that nine out full, ten. minutes' later. And -yet In not Inspector Cuddy and 'Detective Me - I bf every ten colds are solely due to a Oita out of .Kinney of Toronto one day recently 'draft on the back of the neck,' Is it sill a thousand American howes ran across an old man in -his bare, single bucket of Water 'dedicated telegraph "I know how .to prevent,guch colds, to fire protection. The.only excuses feet eking up a sign onHence I may practically say . that 1' for this negligence are ignorance, carew P1 tacking a Terauliy and Edward streets. From his appearance he. . was in know how to prevent all colds. It is a lessliess, total disregard. of property straitened circumstances. A perusal fact that none of my patients. thanks and life. Poverty -majF'explain the ab. of the sign appeared to confirm this to MY method, know what a cold is.. sence of structural protection, but no idea. It readS - "They learn from me to do this—tti one who has a home is too poor to Our -Job - epart"Mentl, "Prof. Heara; C.D.M. Co. bathe' the back of the neck every. alrord a bucket 0 water. Even 25 "List of my works:: morning In cold water. Thus the Spot cents spent for tire pulls will measur- "Stoves polished; pride 25 cents,' becomes hardened. It becomes draft ably increase for years the safety of ,sued first-class.' io0ims scrubbed proof a house and that of Its initiates. And first-class. All MV work will be done "A.nd when a new patient, peculiarly the only attention this very. eirective. Is thoroughly cquipp6d. with modern machi by me, Horses cleaned -bv me_ good,' sensitive to colds, visits me, my pecul-.. fire apparatud will need. Is an occasion. 25. centq;,two 40 cents.-' Yards done Aar treatment Is to blow an the back alreffillng tram the pump or tap, nery capable of any. style .to suit. .. Roof of nouses, re- ired. titis brighthned, Trans, bilg- of lits .neck with a..4ellows for several The virtne'of the bucket or water dayo'In suecessl6n. The bellows. in kept ercl sively,for s" .9 to turning out first-class. work. 96, washed by me,...ptice 25.cent -:tIre purpose Ourassortmdnt of NEW TYPEi in - and several .• other things too numer. conjunction wl't)i the ley, douche; frees' 'that 'that It Is always there when you look ous to meiitloh.' Ladles- 'and ,gents, lilia, from all future 'susceptibility. for It and always full of *cater , Tbere r' your obedient an4 humble servant, reThencforth his winters pass without Is, to be.sure, lots of water,around the eludes many of the latest and. most fashionable' designs for the Tim Hearn, that horrid winter pest, a bad cold." house (except wheh the pipe' or-painp 0. B. Massey Co.", has frpzeni, but by the.tinie one can 't, ja� finest kind of worn. We do work 'as cheap as any.office: in' .This was-paiDfully " scrawled in pen find S.*. biieko .6 it to Ltbe tep 'or ,and. ink,.pasted' in_the centre of a colored Preacher's Text. pump, wait for It to. fill and then take' OFLtd. abc4it'aloot and "a -half square. A . . co . I(wed man In"'AfInnta, Ga.,' Is a- it back to the tire not one bucket but -and Qa; All over th6 rpnrgi and printpil Ohtario.. rry us with' our next order vethe anxiety of di y teacher on Sunda. and at barber on ten ate needed:. If; Ifosrever, youcan crosswise -and ally., more' dp. -P and ability week mays. . One of his customers dash Into the bull. seize a read filled claration'g. of his `talent makes It a, rule to lit-, first In the clitilir bucket an sous' the blailiig curtain, sending away and. wEtitina, 'peih s :some time wlien -you are ,yet ran. d e ap (4 -All ellildrenis hair cart free. on Monilny morning. when be Is sure all - within twenty. Seconds, one bucket "Please do not throw banana T)eell;of being'entertalned ,by.n. resume of generally will, be more than enongh, Au -on the sidewallr. 'Or oranee peels on "nclei nilstim"' Sunday 'dissertation. asw good its a hole tire department n a hrr Uy. th+3 .4dew0k. - -It is very. danvoroiiq. At. night the faintly always looked. for and far less destructive than Its super.' "Please do nof bloolr thn. sld�,xnlk. . , . the latest from the colored brotb6r. flulty of water., "W - "Wood chond nriv ctvle. Or site s Tw his as one, of his. recent effusions: The family that cares anything at am n - fi rst-eAns; - Aoc"or. fink 'T "Yesterday I took for iny text .-Clean. all, for Its belongings should Lee . at Anpire no dloro ipn,.q 1-.-%m the' Pnval P lllless-.am next to god]llne�ss,' and 1. least one bucket of water. on a little. College of Si'rgeons, Efigland or Catt., dun Ada• my ellnax wid d' l§ argn,.' bracket tit the hall- on' each 4floor and "Boofq-shin-. qAqnts. ten time mereahy.aAnowaSun- atoti6r bneLet in: the garret. D own in ane day or rti-ht." day? . llhy.Monday. ' ' SlondayIs. cellar ibere should be barrel. of - wit- NVI'n s).51,ed wfierohn livnel b4- rmid wash day In all well. reglated famn,:n.ter and �bucLet not far from the ,on Febword ktro-f.. �.-,g Vp prnrnisn(I +o bites. Monday comes nes' to: Sun- furnace. The voter In the garret or .L*O, straieht home he wiits allowed to dfty4 so,. my - brodden, that settles . it; cellar may be kept, from freezing In T .in ­o, nPd in The richt dir—tum.: thlilt th6 words of . my..te:vl nm' true;' co!d, weather *by adding common silt. - 'Hp jons. orpy. and. decre.�3,and'about` -Cleaulln * am nex' to godIlLess." —Exchange. ess :80 wears old. In the Interest of Good Eyes, 0Von aeok 0''t e tist C f I Do'tAkhobors at Hame., T06 much Qiiet. A noted ticulbit . advises I es agalust using Caneda, � or some parts - of it itt. on one occasion aslon the bustling and the eyes immediately lately after waLlug; CTR'74% cause to regret Monte least, fins bp,& _'bees---, - ------ energetic arebbtshop of- York, Dr. therefore the habit. of• many young - ita aid to the Donkhobor roused by qrpnt telizittus fpr.; Maclaganwrote totbe vicar , ,,. an girls of when a Inreading or studying In bed Is %'Or. they. 'have sevaral times left outlying village suggesting that be Infurlou.s. It. Is harmful to use the their lands ,bv hundreds and coin- should lend his church for the purpose .eyes .*hen sleepy. as. It Is A great me aced' a veligiol-ts trek in a nude of giving theelergy of the district it. -strain upon the mumics. if one must Calling Cards, Wedding Invitations Invititimis state. In''eaefi inqtRroo- ib -v have quiet day' for meditation rind frater- read or write when drowsv, rise occa, bet+n rounded: un by thet nuthbrities nal reunion. The witty vlear of this sionally and bathe. the eyes with hot ond driven. back; 'bnt it 'has often sleepy- hamlet In the- welds promptly or cold water. Renfembef that a quick b. ­rt necessary to 16ck 'them up. replied: change from a dark room to a brilliant of all kinds, Envelopes, Letter anct Note Hegids,. Pn in a sane state, however, Wh Mk De4r Lord Archbishop Your very llsrbt is. A, strain unon the eres. they have made good home -builders., kind letter to hand.. But what the peopld .The *wagons they- use for ri,16ving from In this village want most in their spiritual . same kind -Bill Heads, Statements, Pincer to. place * are of the.same c IIN Is nota a "quiet da3r.'? but an earth.- An Old Timor. BusinessCat'ds, As the famous.. Amprican. T, quake., • 11116's in old newspaper man.". schooner.. In one of the Doukhobor —London, Standard. "About how old?" methods of building home. the trunks "We P. lie (nan remember tvhen they of tough saplings and small trees Pre. The. Brute. SpDivtilnj� gills, Dodgors, Circulars, Po-Wers. onli Isqued extras when something .used, as a. framework for the walls.. "Yes. this, room is dark, damp and M happen6d,11 in soma - .arses the framewoilt is con- positively uninhabitable. It Is sOp- -dted of s nd timb-'1!4, plied for your WlfWs mother, if she has Pamphlets Display Cgirds, Pro tams,- Etc. .;+,ru awed lumbar a 4he pr6dvot -of 13onkhobof sawmill. e.#' Europe Is less than one-fourth. as to house -building the women ado st on arge as Asia. "She has. I'll take the 1pp,st half of the work, their specialflat* t^,Oc being tomake the plaster of whish the walls are compospd, and lay it on. Genihi Eiktisb Columbia. As an illustration of the compare- tively mild in Northern Brit= ish Columbia, the Prince Rupert SHOPOL 5 d 'iet—the terminus of Canada's Istr Grand Truhk Railway—tbe' bontra& tots who. are building this line ate Pord he W 8-M cc now advertising for an additional 900 %OT men to wor'lc in the construction camps, over and above the 9everal thousands they are -- already employ - Ing. As an evidence of good -faith, the eoxitractors are offering to Will be sent to any address 41 Canada 'front now ad- vance the Tell fare from Winnipeg to the various districts where the work is rapidly being pushed forward. It to January .1St, 1910, for 40C was Announced recently by Mr. Clina, 9, Ilays, president of the Grand Trunk Pacific, that work contractsSH, for two hundred miles, more would OEI POLISH, be let - in the near future, Woh Nvill proportionately increase tha demard shines instatitly at the first rub or of the for meet. •Drush or cloth. including Muskoi a, hake of. Bays, Ternagami, Ocorgian Day, Ma'gWta- wan River, Xawattka Lakes,' Dr, Hamilton's Cure for Pimples, I�'UIIL SUMMER SEIRVICE, NOW IN All skin diseases such. as. pimple)I orey .EVFECT ; RXCUMION TICKETS ONSALE DAILY, through failure of the-ki&ieys ALA8XA—YUXOX.—PA0IPI0 and liver. All taints Viat block that EXPOSITION—SN&TTLE 0,011illes of llealth must be romoved. VERY LOW' RATES—FAST TIME Dr. Hamilton's, Pills do this quickly, VIA ATTRACTIM ROUT '"S. They cleaAso this system, make. the T)AILY.UNTIL 8EPT. 30th, 1000, skin smooth, restore roses ., to tho. RETURN LIMIT OCT. 31st, 1009. 01001cs and give clear, dainty corn- Vor tickets aud'hittlict InfOtml- Plexion. Por good looks, good health tion call on and good spirits there is nothing so JOT -IN RANSVORD, City Agetit. SUYO AS Dr. Ilamilton's Pills, 250c. A. 0. PATTMON, Doliot 40t, b6ges at all dealers. 4 1 Will not rub off., is waterproof:SoftenS and preserves the leather. No sub. stitute even halt as good. L_A 1 Oc and 95C. Titles ''lk too- wo 0 o%itelkell 'Utt6p and 91*0PI-19ter tout #110A