HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-07-22, Page 2*
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M_tm� Xlews-ReC014
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July 2204,0.1900
- - ____ I.. -
-PURITY- ' -AOM4CY- Presentation to, SundA7 S000l, ' � �
�. I �
O" 0 ",*" 0 0 0. 6, ____ *" Teacber. . ' AR nxdskom
. On Wvdnegsixy the members ot Mrs.s 1� 41001111M
. , Hu r*:on T T .
Coseus' Sunday school class surp CQunty News. Gathered NVA priiii . Me of Ow worp4l.
, Xlse4.
. � . . *Abe "
. - I 11DURINQ the SPRINQ their tivacher %iy making her the rocip- 1. . 0 orift t,h#t pro stritainod 10 H90WO
J� I ient of 4% handsome HavilAnd berry "A"'Ar"""fo" #" t'"'I" of th's
._� Yx 0-1U WHIED set as a tangible expression of their . blood, stornaah, Rldnoys and live0p
14 1 I P.ppiteoiatilon of her services during the . '
gom-ething to restore the aip- ,Past . three yearq, . I They Include sarsaparilla. StIllinglit,
I yellow dock. gentian, wIJ4, cberrY , �
", for Newsig-Record Readers .r
. petibe, strengthen t ,e nerves, * . I bark., mandrake. dandelion, Junipe
� . purify the blood. ,or t e e A Sup at Home Club. I � �_%. I . berrles, pipsissewa, etc. �
. stignickeb, qvidAll. e. ody it 1. . I .1 �_ .0. The .comblitatJon and propcirtI91W
, rich vitality-, Next time you are tempted to pat- . A Sermon on Excite- I of hell and listen for a,. moment. What i are our own formula and give power
ronize the mail order olf.partmeatal nin ! do YOU, hear ? The, shrieks of millions - Goderich. . to cure beyond the reach of *nY other ��
MU' P1119. stores consult the advertisements in 'r , prescriptlorh There 14 no real xub-
. I master �
811144's I , I the local papers arid visit your home I melit. I of the damued, the cry for but a drop Mrs. Archer an4 yougg son, 1. stItute for it. if urged to b4T 'MY
, of water, the, w*%,,l of multitudes tor- Chrystal of Owen Sound w?re last
� .
Z Axe specially intended for this merchant. It he has not' what you I � , , � preparation said to be "Just as; 9004't �
. I RuxPose. e will reinforce want he will get it for you. It it is (Published By Request.) mented by countlesf.. demons, bemoart,- week guests of the foinier's. grawl- you may be gure It Is Interior# 000ta. �
. the Atiggirig ener fee and impart . iing their forever doomed state. Hear mother, Mrs. Lewis Elli ;
not right be will make it ri,glit for , � ott. less to make, and yields the dealer IN t
: new strength of d ,an - Ind, . In these days, wh.m. 0.ea,i 1-.'tualisOc the roar of the devouring, flames, but I I �
I 0 you., Noth can be fairer thin this, From The News -Record of formalism has spread its deceptive above it all, bear the weeping ancil The misses Doncigh have takL-11 "Out � larger"profit. . I
, ing � I
� You will not lose anything Uy the miasma over an ungodly world, .and sohiling and guasbing of teeth, and the I Look" (ottage at the la,ke for the I Get It tOd&)r Of "Ui 4ruirglirt- I" I
I .. .1, 1. � . ..� � transaction, you will be the gainer in July 22nd, 1891. d . cason. Doses One Dollar. Prepared Q0IY bY' ,:
, . ,uped and chloroformcoi tile prefes--ed wail I am lost ! lost ! eternally lost I s I V. 1. Hood Co., Lowell. 11saL. U. 0, A.
the long run and you will have the Christian Chureb, scarcely, any real I$ IThe harvest Is past the summer is Mrs. X. 1-1. Morris was accompaxied I 0 1
. .
i �
. I WE W.&ZTT U . satisfaction lot, knowhig that yon are Mrs T. ]Rance, Mr. Alfred and Miss honest effort can be put !ortn for the ended and we are, not saved All, ajk from Detroit, by her neice, Miss . . I � � � � I . I
dolog your share towards buildingup Alice Howson left Saturday Iasi to visit, . . .)I Ag- I I
. salvation of the lost, witliont, the cry is, excitement, fierce hopeless, excite- gie Nairn,. and friend, Miss. lieverleyl
I TO KNOW us the, home town ansI keeping IT, in tile theformers son. Mr. 0. C. Hance, who . I I LOOK AqVAD FOR ILLNESS. I
I , is now flourishing I in Rat Portage, Ont. going out from proud liire,li4igs, and me4t, but alas, too late, too late, The friend's of Mrs. Morris, will be I
. .
And that your recipts, will be I froift rank. Form a ,'buy at'home They t � ook boa I t at Cooderich., false teachers, . and . blind . .acka in tohcr� Sudden illx�css and pains come in-
- - club," join, yourself and induco your . . pharlisaical, Take � look into those awful -regions glatf, to welcome herb ga . . �
Ifilled with the best goods ob- . professors of religion, "Ficit$14clit, � of lost spirits, lighted only by tile et- old home Goderich, every familyar-to parents and children
tairsable. We guarantee pure neighbor to, come in. . . Good Wbeat.-Mespris Ransford of E itement i ; Excitement 1 !. 11, Of ernail fires, suffocating brimstone, who I
I � Clinton have ten acres of a variety of xe Have our teachers of Public schools alike. But if you have loulwd ullead,
, drugs, perfect service, 4ccuracY I 0 I . . wboat called; 0anadian Velvet Chaf,f course if the . same interest do you see ? MpIti-tudes 01 aVailed themselvea of reading Hon. and have right in your Willa. re�,dy .
and promptnesir. , . � We were shown, some of* the heads was manifested and the same hotel and salgo,n-keepers, who onparthl. Dr. Pyne's "Text Book" on Etiquette for '(jr
I . . immediate use a bottle af 11cit, 4",_
1, HARD CALLOUSES QUIOKLY . which were large and well Ind , or uch, a W lived sumptuously upon the bread 01 which lie has taken fhe pains to have Nervi i t r i ch to '
CURED. , . ousloing a, yield of foll 60 in .greater commotio as' 1 lie- ha 0 sn't mu woxry '
pr . V 40 bushels to created over a, horse race, .' a the poor, who tool; their living- prepared and putilished 9 I
. Soak the feet iiii hot water and then the acre, Mr. Jas. Fair selected gnme hockey or lacrosse match, or the elec. and. over. It 41i a sore tbroat,t cr cQu-
t of the same variety for seed which is a . . gave in return drunken husbands and tracted chesl, apply Nerviline and put I
W, S, His HOLMES apply Puttiam's Painless Corn 1,,'xtrac-T guarantee of !tit willing -qualities. tion of a candidate for� Parliament, debauched cruel fathers, and empty Mr. Adolph Knuckle while.. here from
. . on ,a Werviline Porous Plaster. It ft'�i
. . I tor -it removes the, calous qvichly. or a witty joke from the consecrated cupboards, and- fireless, elleerlesshom. Detroit was accompanied by Miss colic, cramps, or any stomach disor-
1 4 Be sure you get,"PutnarrOs" only. ,,Mrs. E, F. Cowan, of Pt inceton, On t (?) ,desk, calling for peals of laughter, les, and' early graves. Take another Lottie Doll . of Detroit. They- were der,, just administer ten drops of Ner�
Manf'g Chemist, . tise, years ago a well known residen't' , I .
2 - f . of this town, was visititg, Mrs. 8. H. and clapping of hands, krid stamping look, who do you see ? millions of .it4e guests of Mr. Knuckle's parents, viline in hot water. No family medl�
, I Hance last week. . . of feet I , all would be well, and no'dru,nkards with ever increasing thirst, Mr. and Mrs, .S. Knuckle. They also cines are more useful or more, dep?nd-
:00*#60000*"##",#*"*"-#,6 Bill Brdwri, .Buffalo Bill's valued as- criticism would-be expected or offered. land.burning throats for the accursed Ivigited relatives ,in Cliaton and Lee-
, T . o,s than NmNlline
. Mr. Henry Ccll,N, wife and ebildre But lot ,a preacher of the Gospel, or' burn. . p . .,
-RELIABILITY - EXPERIENCE� sist&Dt, was sent. to jail for nine of0hio, are visiting in town. It is . , , d. The very I . . and Nerviline porous Plasters� They .
mooths at St. Thomas for a spectar neat -IV thirty years since Mr, Colew&s an Individual Christi4n get anxious ' men who said, no harla in the social Mr. Dan Macdonald, head clerk at keep the dqctor bill small. ?)5c. each .
. . . I cular horse -theft. ' here and he naturally finds many about the salvation of souls,, oi let glass, I can quit when I chdose, but I Howell's store has a nibe little pleas- at all dealers. Refaia substitute......
. L
.Ie OUi,
Repeat it:-"Shiloh's Cure w'.11 al- , I chAnges; He is &, brother to Mr. B. some poor sinner, who sees his doom-'tho liend had gotten such & hold on rht to 1: . .
ways cure my couglas aad coWs." . I . Cole. I . . I ed state begin to cry for mercy and Iii :ure boat of his own. . I - I ".
- , . in he could not, he murdered' his i �osin the Menesetung Canoe Club, in' ,
. .k SUSTAINING DIET;. Misses Alice Rance. of town. and, pardon, and how many will raise the wife or broke her,heart, and starved their Regattaxace this year of 1909. Presentation to Miss, . I
.11. These are the enervating days, Mheix, Maud Middletown. of Gode�lch Town. cry, "Do not get exciteol." Parents his children, -and transmitted to therxi ' Mr. 'Emanuel Knuckle visited his I .
h- 'revisiting friends in Princeton. will bpcome excited over a siclq child, his own dlegenerate, lascivious tenden- parents here, I
DR. OVENS, SURGEON, OCULIST, as somebody has said, men drop by b 'Pt It, . . I � Mr., arka 5irs. s. Kathleen McCourt. .
will be at Holmes' Drug $tore on, the -sunstroke ai; it the Day of Fire Mrs. Tipling and family left Monday or if it should chance to fall into a cies, which, when developed, drove Knuckle recently. . � . .. . I I . I .: � .
Friday, July 9th, and thereafter on bad dawned. 'They are fraught- with lasit, to join her husband - n t cistern or well ; yes, so excited that some of th . I
. . n I ein to the mad house, aril - ___ I : A pleasant event took placo. on
. Wedhesday Aug. 4, Sept. 8, Oct� 13, danger to people whose systems .are where tbs�y will in future,reside. their ba,ir will turn white in onz some to the gallows, and firim. . �. . . li
, . . .. . . ' I Tuesday ' afternoon at tb3 Parjkhill
Nov. 17, Dec. 22. Hours from 9 a4 poorly sustained ; and this leads us Fail beat. is tuirning out very well. night ;-.and some have been known. ally to his. own dark domain � Separate school,'at thecicising session
w T,iL'ke � an- � r, t- 'of -this term. It was also th4ed . witbo ,
m. until 3.30 p. m,. Glasses'pr6perly' to say, in the interest of the less ro- yield and sample good. Jos.Allisonof to drop dead' on, the spot. But how -is! in the. lake of fire, I Westem F&I London, On
fitted. Diseases of the Eye Ea . tnwri, and Hy. Beacom . and George it that parents can look upon thei'r' other glirripse, who do you . see? The , , . : a, note� of sadness, as I.tt was the termi�-
. . 0. . r, bust of our readers, that the full of- Hanley, town, hip, being among those children, all covered with the leprosy men.who voted for license, probably Sept'! I048. -
Nose and Throat treated. . I feet of 'Elood's Sarsaparilla is such as who have cut theirs. . ' . . I � nation 61 the relationship as teacher
I 0 ty ,if *callin . � � . of sin, and standing on the verge of they professe religion, and belonged V kand. PUPils between, Miss Kate Me-
- - � t suggest the propri(ot -, . .4 isitors to the Western, Fair, (dils .
. .. this -medicine something besides a Mr. Thois. Putts, of Port Anstip, a fiery, eternal hell, and not get ex- to a large Church, and took tile year will'certainly lie well, entertained, Courtl2rid the pupils of.the'schoorl. ow- .
blood purifier ' and tonic, -say, a . sus- Mich., formerly of Clinton, was in cited I arid if it is logical, 6r UR-1sacrament, but they'v . oted- .the higuor as lit;.,glance at the daily programine. ing to her resignation as teacher which , - I
town thib week., . . L . . I . . � . . I � � I
TO FARMERS AND taining diet. It makei"It much easier I � . I ,avoidably natural to get excited in I ticket because they raised hops, or for Just issued will assure. Over $7W.00 she has held for the- past two, years. .,
I I . � the first case,,, why not much more so, .. hasheen added to the purses in tit" The presentation consisting of a �
I . the revenue of license, .etc., but now, 8
: to bear the heat, assr.rep iefre4iing Mrs. O'Neil, of Orange. St., early . I � A. peed events, whicih -should .bring �
, sleep, and I will without any doubt T.�Ionday morning fell and broke the in lh6 second.. I , ,ch beautiful China;. five o'clock tein. set �nd
OTHERS .. . I . . . � I . + * - . enduring the woe. ' pronounced., UPon some fast ones into competition e � M
t .much sick�ess' at this time Of Jarge-fione of the tipper portion of One - him who putteth tha bottle to - his dsy. Monday, Sept.. 18th,' will be a bon -bon -dish made by. T iss Liz- - .
. aver ., . . . I I
. of her lower limbs. The f -acture is of .This is a world of excitement. Go. neighbois' .lips. T er view, Athletic DAY, when in. addition to two zle Quinn when the Jollowinz : address -
year. . . . . such a serions nature as to cause the into .our towns and cities, *what do. w I , . III be it splend!4
� . . iendo much uneasiness, . I . 0 1 What do you see ? * Thousands ol young lopeedeveritt,, theraw.1 ,was read by. Miss fZeta'Walsh : I .
I have opened out at the Standard I � - , I - lady's, fi. . . , . � find, excitement in business circles, ex- irls and -boys. , Probably their"parents program� of races, . single and relay, . . - I . � . .
I . . I V- on esi excite- . . for which Gold. Silver, ,and Bronze Dear Teacher : . . I . � . 1. .
Elevator, in connection with my . The lawn part the beautiful citement in political ciicli arm in, I . . . � , I I
Hoh. A., -B. Aylesworth has been grotmis cif Mayor - . ,or preacher, shid there is no b Meduls'andbeautifill trophies will be . .
grain business,, a full stock of Timo-; Doherty last week, ment,in social cixcles, and if the bu ' i
chosen to act as the ageht ,)f Great in aid of RattPrili S 'a game of euchre, or a parlor dance, given. On Tueiday: the Dog Show I We, Your pupils.1m this,tha closing �_
thy and Clover Seed Corn Clyop anU uty street Methodist iness, excitement declines., they .say'' =0. and 'day. of out school. term, be leave. on
.' Britain in the presentation of tile church Missii)n Blind,. netted about things are dead, and it social.exeite ,or tiv. game of chance. They indulged and .Cat show will commC -9 I
Feed of all kinds., tPlease give me a Atlantic fisheries dispute, before the 0I. (3odprich orchestra discoursed I � . . - but the passion grow uipon them,. the continue for three days, The pro- ]your departure from �Lmon- us to ten-.
call. . � . . . . I mu,de and a local tennis match added ,ment diep away,. things are dull. and next step *as into the public �. da . ace gramme of, Attrtctions is exception- der-yop a forkil -byo� . * I . . 1. I I
Hague tribunal, I - � , silly strong this year. Olsen's Wild . � good . . .
I . � . much'to the enjoyment, of the pro. Monotonous and dreary, etc., etc. But'hall, with'all kinds � of debauchodi: Ii- Animal Show, giving an exhibition. of Ifti is fin&qed With sorrow we. say thal., , .. I
' I - . I . .. in the' spiritual .realm, it is quite Othl� centious &it ! . - '
Nicelo Aill? was arrested near De- gramme. . 1 - �
. ,. . . 1. . . . . , young of both sex, awaiting what can be clone by patience d word for W.e fully 'realize th� many ' .
erwise, Anything apart fropti theold, mwillhe exceedingly interest- ' ' . �'
pot Harbor on a..charge of Mit=Ptcd A Work of Art;, -The handsome flag their .univi.ly prey ; the next step was trAinin kindnesses that you h ' ' �
murder in shooting ,& Bulgatian na -is an � . . � aye .bestowed up-
. I I
ni- which L. O.L.' ot 'stolcal form, anyincreaspol into the, brotliel then a; blasted, iuirt- ( . . . I . I
W, 0, SMYTH. dry dea e.-4hei-L's Dogs and Cats I
. I . . 300, Boyfield line, Car- I . I .- . hildren shotild'all see. I .� �
I . I col. Dinoft, i . � . interest � i -branded with excitement, ed, hopeless, friendless life . iN't ,-the c ' on us. � � I
tied at Mitch,tdl cin the 13th wa s. IL hat
n the back. 8 paint- , and finally Horzog's Stallionso Abbe- besb trained TheAnitfuctio imparted' by' you, �
. ,
I I . � ed , by Joseph' Copp, town. ,It. wai3 fanaticism,.etc. And yet, what would, Ill give three (d L, I ar teacher, wn ,
I � . . . .................... 0, .. !. .. . . I I J . . " dose of some �owcrful. poison, or- a horses in the world; w ill serve , tu.s in after - �
� . . I .. _. ... - 111tich admired. aridjustly so, for it is be more'raticinal to get excited, oVer ' ' the track before the 1year '
. I leap of 0splir into some dark'waters distinct*acts oil. . a to more fully appreciate the
I . I a fine piece. of woi-'knianship, .If it than. our. eternal salvatibn ? Oh yes, and a last plunge' into, the op' . Grand Stund. The� Heras Familyj wo -
The Leading School. * WHAT BE, AUTIFUL HAIR 9 were known generally' that Mr. en Jaws . rds of wisdom, solkindly given. .. I .
�. . CO all right to get excited over ibusi a very, strong combination' of Huro- I �
I . I . . . . - - I ... . niakea a specialty'of this class of w1liv TIRS8, of hell.. There they are with :their Be assured thenj dear teacher, that %. �
. -
.1 I 1. 'rid lWaders, listen to their awful ` W9 . .
. I no doubt he would �Lnlivallv fill many and� making machinations and pleas- bli pears Acrobats, .will ;astonish #ill who i appreciate your, enduring efibris . j
How often do we hear that -6xcla- orders., . . . . . ure oxlifbitg, or a Lgrabi we them. The Flyink Dordens, Th6 - .
mation, 'of ,a certain woman's -hair or . . . .� I I . . or Chu' bag, .or. social, wails. Take one more -look, ,who; 'do Holmans, The Three De Monlos, The i and in recognition We beg to, -offer-you. . .. - �
. certain man's hair. . I . . I . I .1 I .. . rch fair or baziaar, but YOU you see ? Gamblers,. *harlots, thieves, . Pederson Wos, and ticiany others, will this small token of our este�mj :asking ' - �:
a . . . I mt aet ,over reli . take part each afternoorl'and eversing.' . I -
.. . . .. . ! I I . . I giOn, blasphemers, �liars', S�abbath-!breakeis, . you at the. same time -to forget 'our �-!. .
�A prominent scientist and hair speo- Repeat *it :-4 - Shil . al� or you are a crank ot'A,a fanatic. Well, infid � I ' The Musical part of- the programme i . I I
- : ialist ,emphatically . states, and "has I I . oh7s Cure will . . elsi skeptics, formal professors, � -will ,its And failings ,01. ' ' -
. . . what the world calls . . . be exceptionallk *fine. The 7th 111ttle JaL . , thq past .i
' ways cure my edughs and colds." . . . fanaticism - who fought hOlinessi Fusiliers .,of London, Orst., and ,and * to rentiember us aA times by.' �
proven, that any, man or Woman - Can I . � I .aAd preachers I
. ; . . . I . . . the . . . I .
Courses are practical. Our I . I . � . . (foolishness) God .calls wisAom, and and Upheld sin, and denied ,the di,vinw- Blind (it the.glst...Oftnadlan Higlilan& breathing a little praypr.. r .11 I
. have luxuriant,. lustrous hair, by us� . . .- . . I ' r . I 11 . . I
eced, and, . I . 7 what the w6rld term$k Wisdom, God ity of Jesus by exclaiming we could era, will lie in asttenllence,. Fireworks Signed in behalf .of the p
Our- ing a famous prescription called Par- - ' brands as folly. The wtisdom of 'of it -Very thrilling character. including I . � . .upils, ivlar-� : : . . �';
. . , * �
graduates capable to fill respoq- isian Sage. . r . . . .� this not be .saved from sirt. Then you cella Breen,,Lizzfe Quinii, ;Zetalwalsh. .., .
. . that wonderf ul prod uctioti "Tbe.8attle I . I ' .1
sible positions. We are receiving ... In Memoriam.. . I world is foolishness with God. Ex- see the � -1?ivbrsalL%ts . mis
many applications Parisian Sage is now made and E�Old- . .1 . � . � Annihilistg and� U � 6f I he N,rth Sea," will bA giveii eauh s McCourt ha's endeared berself . . .
I . .
. . bitement ineini, sensation 'or 6om'110- and'all the train. of,the No Hellists, ,in' the affections of pupils, parent'i.
'for office I-selp. in Canada, W. S. R. ' Holmes the Hear McClin . - I - � , night, ,Reserved seals,tvill he on sale' . . , . :
. . . - . Y ,chey of Stanley,%. died tion, and I would ' that . this whole but alas, when too late, they have for the GrAnd Stand arid reduced fares others here . byher success as ateacher . I
During -.a single day this week we druggist, is the agent in Chntor4 and , June 22nd.. ', country, would' get in such a sen' , - I I "
received seven applications for of- . . . I .�. . � Satiols found. out that they have plunged � into on Pill railroads. Progranini4is and .all ol her social intercourse among . all . " 1
I .
the readers of'Tbe News -Record can Now,- resting calm, .. is .. , * . over, their sou - I's w6lfa;re they. would tile . * . I � information on application'- 'to -A.. M. at; . : I
flee help and four for commercial One', - we, love . � I awful chasms. of an eternal bell I the people olf the town, and iit is to be "' .
teachers. Our grad I uates succeed. buy. from' , him for only *50 cents a . ' . Hunt. Se6trettWy, Londoni Osit. Re - 1 . . . . . .. .
I �
'. I . . 'Within t e si . .. . . Jeel that unless they got converted in-: -liessi all'excilted. - kb I 1. i. regretted that. owing, to the expiration �' - I
. large bottle. � :. I I . . I. . .h I lent tomb ; , . ... , . . I I itself. Are -i . ycs� .
' . . . .
as n , . I
-one, others. T . side of tWenty4our ho,urs, the inember the clates, 8ept.:10Eh to .18t.h. . . . .
, Y - 11 I ,
� 16 I
'I 'I
V 1,
S I 10
I I "I
I I "
:� I
I .I
hree departments , ' ' .Th ' shades, of death around hint dwell, . I would but it. is too -late, forever' tod. late.. � I . . � . . . . of her �ccrtiflcatq�,thdse pleasaht re� I
. *- W. S..,R-. Holmes. knows *that P,a�is- e . . . . . . I 1. ..
-Commercial, Shorthand and. Telo. ian* I . 1. ' _ be in the. : ha, -hell, -and that Heaven's gates arethut.. against. therri. ,- I I � . . I I . . . :, . latiojiships . * '
Sage' -will- licautily the hair,., cure -M6 sepulchre Arid gloom. . .. . .. mes '. of* . wfil cease ,t
. '
graphy. Catalogue free. . 11lifinite .wisdom called him hetice .- . overy dead, fossi . lized forr6il'proiessor, Hell's s r .� . . ... . .. . . . . o continu
d4ndb�ff and stop falling hair, and fo.rt . 0 , gate are secu clY' barred. . � . . . � - . ..i . Miss Mc,Cdtkrt, will be greatly. missed. �
, � . . . . . . I � .
.. . would get such' a sight of the ,6mptf- -
. 'that reason he sells .it u' From our folid ci-reld here , There is no' escape. Art eternity. : nt ,in. the church circles -of Sae'red Heart - -
. rider a guar- . . . JAL . ,
. . ,No more we s I n2ss of their hearts, and their danger) hopeless misery. awaits them. : ' THIS APPE church of whioh she *%as' a iiiiist val-u- ,..
Mott & 11CLachlon , antee to'cure.or rfioney back. . cc his kindly smile.; . I . .
. I .. no more his voice we bear. . . I of gehenna. fire�ihat tliey..*would, cast , - .1 � . . . I
. . . .. .If you cannot obtain Parisian Sage I . . . their profe . ssioA to tbi- ,htlr winds and . . I I . . . . I , able member, assisting in the choir andi, , .
. � PRINCIPALS . , I . . ND.1110f6 hb 9chtlehand wilt soot -he . . I suppose there was great excite- , othei'choral service's of the church.- * . . , . . �
- where, you live, you can get a bottle . OU I. . . . .
. .. f aching brow - 'd 1 171th face to the earth . and ment in Sodom and 'Gomdzrah' wilen . -is WRO. y 6 Parkhill- Gazette-rRevilelv. -, .. . .
I . , for 56.cents' ftoi�Giromx. Mfg. Co., The throb -6 . get owl * ' .: . ...
. . .
I � . I .
i . . . repent over their backsholing-91, oind . � .� . I , I I . . .1 I
. . Fort Erie Ont." e-re--zs char -s . nro- �1 No more his eyes do hail i4i�e light, . . get torrents of fire and. brinistone. were - . . .11 . .. . I . .. . . I .,. I
. . - .
7 I . . . I . . . right with God. '. . I .
paid. .1. . . - : . . . . For he is -sleeping now, . . . I . I . . . emptied out Upon them, lhu,ee v .,- s
. . . . � . . . . . . .. . .
1. . I . � . No ,more, at morn or eventiol . . . . I ns
. . I , e great excitement when the hexv�
� * -
. � . � . 1. . ---..d We hear his cheerful words, .. .enough excited over this all importantl PQu .
. . I I � � , Excfi6d ! ..I tell y6 'there are not: red.out,floods, arid" the fountains
But we shall hear . of the great d66p,burst forth dpon-the
, him ,by and -by * tfei, and very few to, excite ,them. . . I
F.. -W. :CUTTLER,. PAINTER ,AND Althoitigh'Ahe way seems long.. ''I , ma I Antideltivian race. They, nq. doubt,
. Paper hariger I I . .
. - All work. guar- God says, .'�Cry aloud, spare not, lilt',had said Noah was.(maitol.for on'e
� The chilling waves of Jordark's flood- up'thy' voice as a trumpet, i '
anteed to. give satisfaction. , -.Prices and, show hundred. and �twcnty yo.i's, T;o "d6iiiit
V - I Could not his soul appal.' ,� -
. . . � .
I . * �
- The Hospital -for., .. ,
. , �
'.. . . Sie.k. .
I .
I . . (11fid"riell
. 1. .
- � . . .
� � - .
, I . ... . � . . %; i 7 . 1
. I
. peat it : `ShiloWs Cvre.N*.Jll al ...
I Re � .
. - I
. '61. of s. I " . �
ways. cure iny coughs. and Z .
. . . .1
I - . . . . . . . �
I . . I
11 . . I .1 . . . � . � . . .. �
_ L" '_
F WOM-A-liT, , ,
. .. . .1 :. , I � .
. . .
. hat Every Sic. i Child'
.- . I
n .
moderli my:people their t.ransg'ress;*ons . and �
. ,
I a, �Reside ce nearly OPPOsite' For, lo, the gloiioiis e,
-of III - ' I they thought him fana:dc'al, *but 'Noah.
- in Ontario-Wh,sciP,
. - arents Oaniiot
. I . I I
. � . .
. . . I . : . . . .
. .light .
. Collegiate Institute.. Clinton. .
� - 83. Shone on' the. city wall. T . . tbe.house-of Jacob .their sins.11 H6W and his , family are safe in thei Ark,
I �
. r �rcatmin't'
. A46rd to Pa� fo ' .
. . . .
Who does not e*livy an' d admire a
� .. . :- . . .
.I Beyond.- the flocid,i beilond the . few there. are to do this,. but how,) a - above the angry %V.&VCS . , �
. valet and ri ing -
. , . I:; Treated rree. .
.� . .. . � .
lovely. woman V ,T . ��� ...
lie secret c f her lov-f :
I I . I
. � I . . � many I - whO.'vbile 'the, multitudes of tbai uilgoolly
I all earthly strife . . to cry out against tIVOse �
. .
cliness,, of her. perfection, is health.
I . .
,Beyond .
� I ,do. Goolts cry to a, sleeping Church,
� .. gis: -faith in Christ aid victory clai . . . age, wei-e rushing to the highest sum-
our first kiln Ma ' . Im,,to an ungodly world, is, "Awake !
. . 1.
� , . ..
.. , TII&1I0q)1l:l1 1,j
' ' . -
She sleeps' well, cats well',..'' digests , . '
will open on the .
Y - And Lhope mit oi climbing.
lost in life: , � Upon the housetops
� I
. . - JAwake ! Nbt much 'excitement with or v 'ainly trying, to gain an.- entrance
,I. Hth *and tden we will again have The, tear-drcips glisten on �cach
. not It 1041111 illhti-
, ,
- I -:"- I
� .
. -tItti0i;, 611 b * I tra
" , ' 1. ,
well--4ntrica,te functions are vigo'rau�
and regular. of all woman's I.emed-�
,cheek * I
I . . . .1, the midnight slikinbers - wrapped in the. into' the ,God sealed' ark. Hdw irifin-.
in stock- W.I.,pizes of tile from, .. 2JJ , Tha'heart * with pain is rent. I arms of 'Morpheus. Not "much .
.1 . I, . , I villcial The bick
I . . . I � 0) il d , frotil lift I
ies, Ferrozbne 'is the' . .
-best.; it.vitalia-
I I . excit
inches up to 12 �inches arid we we . . c, itely. better to get excited,' it you
Ill . But God, the Fathe.r, I I I .
� 11.1 A� --I, A 4 . Iment in th e iete- - I
.n . .
.1 I I 1�* '11�
. I plave ill oliturio,
I., . te, _ - -
es. the -'function I I upon which health * - ;
. � I . .
. . �� 01- a n o y � Ur ILK Merckfi;Ilyl has grace and comfori I .. J, I. . please to call it', such, fos I IV 11). ; whu call't pay,11:4.4,. nepqftqs�makcs �he purest, richest . I
. . I sent . r a few mom -f . I , . .
� � � .. . much life efthcr� EVetted ! . I -.. fear . ' '". - ....... .. -,- %� -1 vi-
. is pr6mlw Is to, thoser that tiust, ,,, that* hours, in successfully. seeking - .... -et complexion and
the. seasone We. :also Zake nice W ) tho �lalle in b I
. ents or , , lood,'. gives perte
. . '
�white'and- red brick. Our woir�s 'are An aAchor' light :an . d Drop . . � multitudes' get'excited when.. - it the Lord, and'ge;tting safe in t ar .1, I � . k ;(�ges 11-� 0 6 clii:d. lots.0f. Vigo.r. - Every ittl knd womarl ` . I
, , 7 I .. � 6 'GO to the bed . . I 11 _... 4! liviiig in%.r)I1I0..
half mile .east.of Egi;aotiolville .is. forever too late. w.die � . who seeks health, vitality,. li,Noks-o-let -
1, - I . . of salvation', than to spend an etet- ' .. 'Ple '11.6-11itid
I . ,� They shall .not gri-eve'likii. those, 'of a sinner dying witlrout God, see . . � I
SEEDS Kruse Bros;, Egrionolville P. 0. 78 4 That morn witbout . I . nit . of ages in the reiions: of thq fok., I .. had her get Ferrozone.to-day', Fifty cents;
. . . 1. . a single hope. 1.how 'excit6d he is. Hear him beg for Y . . . I &ICH ru'T NOT VI (IOXT111). 11b Ile 1.,,_l,fk. I 1�(), la - . �11'
I . I And he is dead ! . I ever lost spirits, where all is endless , � . . . , . h box at all. dealers. '
. . everybody ,�o.pmywith, arid. for him It 1,1�4'i,l:.;ti,�.iii.�-.Ii(;',.5 of tbeN(%1 I.C. fi, M '24),, � �
We have a complete stock - . ... . And he is dead I How dull the word 'I . hopeless, excitement. . *... , . '_ . I
. .
. .
� .
. of Seed Piag, Ba'rley, FOR SALE. -SQUARE TIMBB R To tell of one ai.rest; .1 I. , ,no matler how.loud, and long .,they � .. � . I �llitt(!O-�(;�ir.�i(ic.�of,.V%.I.�,,Itu. uv(-Ist,�-fl�alait. I.. �
pray then. .Ali, no, the lou&ar, and, - I -G, A. CHRISTIE. � 00it- 4LIL (4,11'(11(l) -..f . . I
. �� ;, I I
and Lumber suitable for barns, driv- His body sleeps his'sAlrit is forever 11 ". Ir .
, ,,t I .
Oats and Potatoes. Jlng..sbeds, etd,, for sale. Apply to With the blest-�, .. . the more earnest the better. Hear . . . . of 1 , ('r I ell, I Ila . ._Z - i
. D. Cantelon. ' ' . 177 Fred from the surging' . wring big . . I . . ' __ N
, . . INA V. � . I. . . I N
nerve , . !� I . .
.� . is . . . -, " , L
nds -while every . , 'I - )
I . I him.pray himself, see him I , cot'l I n.t la�!ellllv tu
�. . . . woes of carth,'ha' A,`:L
We partletilArly invite inspection of . , I cOrivUlsedl-I Repeat it .--:l1ShilOhtff Cure- will al- 111i, chfai-y "'p, . ,�. : " .�s "i .
. . I
. . . � . f,�-,,I�,,�. .,,,,, ��t_ j *
of our SEED C014N which is No. 1. I . The joys, the grief, the liain I See the look of despair. He goes hell ways c ghs and colds'."I �.. llvldl� ..( .:� .11 1-1.1 h .. .
. . . . � ure my cou, ) lilt il(r.s p 1.41 e,f-l 1, - .- , __
"' `i),�
. 1, - , N, -41 ,'>�.
. . . We would not for varth's hoardedvwcatit th,'and feels',be is pois- . . V It I
Onr TIMOTHY and CLOVERS we Recall him b,ack again. I with open, Mon . I � . M tit -i's %it 011twi.) T-.�, '< Vi� - .
guarantee pot W � e -Te , I I it'l, fllislk ill I'll"i'l- UP I,' � , . 11
. MONUMENTS . ing over its awful vort x. I almost. I . ., '- 'T . .1 I I
s . ur . rounding himw .1 "'Y.. '.A.
-e. c seem to bear his, gentle vof cc say, fccl� its hellish flames ( twil r1i. IT11)I%:1-A(ls,f I,P.4��J,%., .4,4�'t,' T 1. :1 .
�. . � . '. " , �' , 'f, ,
"Wife and children come, " 1�\* I 'A 4 : . ., I'll ....
.. . , . .
. i I 4 �4 1 At . -7 \ 1. . . .. I,., �
We Ptre nIF;n ngeni a for Canada Car. ' . He sees its vicejereants in fiendish � Alessrs. J. D. Williams and . Arch 8'(�lt (""""ell 1 11 It it'."(` ".:, -' -11 i I ..
riage Co. BUGGIES, and CHASTE DESIGNS. BESTMATERIAL For ther' . . * I)Itr,(% "N' IV %*(air, I ...� , i. "", I . .. I,., -1 , � ..
1-lugWIl were crushed by a. car in a " ,*� \ ,e� .
� 0 ' . -v i '; . 'al, ,I.. �.::.- . . f
� 1. " I , .
I siui - . %, ,
I . 6 is joy and peace and rPst-glesi grappling for his.poor I ist soul th , ") I .
In Jesus' happy !ionic, .. yards of the Algoma Steel Company ti,,,. tile t'�'� Ili � I , I qw-qhl� �
STANDARD WIRE FENCE JAMES DOIG !and hell, h6lds � jubilde over ,another i � )�
AND POSTS, . What is there on the earth to l3nd 'soul who has trifled a h at ,Sault Ste. Marie. Air. Williams - lins itv;ati.11 14,,08 I.- --I _�. I -
. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. . Your fbnd affection there 9 .1 . . may not recqver. I . I , (.11j!t:Ii ,1. 1(1,i; 11 ,I TIAVIOr WrY. ( YJ I'll. 1-()t.t,. � THE BICYCLZ IS'FAS1r I
' '
We have also a few bags of the Gode- - , .� 11 - I . �. They're only rich who wiln the crown opportunities of life. - He screams out . .. " . . fl,"�(. �Vvre uwl�.v lip ini . ". I'll I wofe trutt(6 . COMING BACK. INTO VOP�: �� , . I
. a A soft was born to the Prineegs- Ao irve. C I . . . . . I . . . I
, And heavenly mansion fair.*4 forev*er, and taloes a -plunge into the, . ... I .. 1� i .
rich Oats on hand at prices and terms .. . ,with his lb,st breath, lost rid damfted' ,
to suit customers. a . Dear husband, dear father, Nvhe'il Sagan,- who was Miss Anna Clould of � 1� I I . ULAR. V A V 0 3 A G A IN.
-, _ - . w0- dark abyss, and another soul isadded New York. � I � 11, . I" "WHY WALIC WHEX, PLEAS- �
- Bow before out Father's 4 hrone, to the myriads of the lost. Yes, be � I / , . . .
. %
/ I . , .1 i
Rubbef Tiless W" e will " out trust to meet iliee there is excited, greatly excited, but it is' Arrangcnivtit� liave been completed I ��,,, ) - � Ulle, n X E it 0 1 8 I ;
In Jesus' name make known, I ,
FORD&MoLEO D Having purchased . a machine for Arid when we, bid the earth farewell, I too late, eternally too late- "t-10 for a steamship service between Man- f _'. . [I - I . .U� .A`ND;
. � %,i - ,� I
. timt hardenoth his heart and stiffen. trehl and Naples. 1. :�,,*� -. ,.!_� ."� �.'.)i,,"_ SIGHT-SEEING ARVi, 'So i
� applying Rubber Tires, we wish to And' cross the swelling jluoa, I 11 `7n? __ 114 3 , 1
__ .�A. ,
- We will together sound -the pmist Of stroyed, and that 'without remedy, I in t�,c collapse Of , ory Philzr 1.1 f.B ., . Al"I I., . COMPLETELY' CENTERED :
say that wo aretkow prepared tofur eth his neck, shall suddenly be de- I
at le %Vk ry Zol cuses of club fti..t (rcrat.d. , . .
- Jesus'' cleansing blood. I And yet, when God allows him to bd delphia building seven were killed and If- I .%I- I-', .
ish and put on such tires at reason a five-st
ble rates. . . . -com. I IN THE WHEIP&L ?11 I .
OOAL We also do all kinds of Grinding, � . � . Ithils out off andfor fear some Might thirty-three burted.. If v is !:nntr 0 ll,liv t0hil.-I In .% r-tir vr4gh. . I .
. . talto warningri, and get saved, the dev01 . . bol 1".. 11 "'.., i - 40(1';: 1 r lilts IkIlY T!vfo�,'�- I I AM AGENT �i OR TIIE'p-4104 ... o
nythin" from a pair of scissors to a ! gets some popular preacher to preach Father Tyrrell, *,vhoso modernist . ___ ty, svlitl thot . . � i
1 �- -)1% . i
ORDER YOUR YEAR'S SUP_ Ircular saw. This week we installed Repeat it :-"Shiloh's Cure will al- him into, hPaven, instead of faithfully 'Sympathies some thnov .ago brought V - -,I nt,w titlino CLEVE LAND A X D . RA-
� �
PLY NOW. THE BEST IN machine for grinding h3rse elippors Ways Cura My coughs and toll�%" warning others to. 08(lape the Wrath him Into e6nflict with The Vatican, is . � .1 '), 11.111111.1r," f 11 I-. . ILE BYCLt, 9 AND Xl,,'0,1�*
THE MARKET, $7 PER TONo Which does perfect work. . � I I to cotI16 1 tell you, it tal,es more dead. '11""i'lo"Otlil's CYC .
BUT IF ORDERED AND PAID We - likewise " do all kinds of lathe . . L ."o . I , 1. I , .,�� I � � I �f�� � c14-1 i.4*110t for *
I � 'P�. . ,,�,_. 1;6 .
FOR BEFORE MAY 31-tt, A DIS, Tork on short order and at reason- I than it �ice, funeral o�rmnn or a recit- , , . " I lf,�(.If. )tut lur TIRES AND, SUNDRIES OV
, ii . I I , -
COUNT OF 40 CENTS A TON . Aaron Anger. was killed .iie r Durul- al of their good It waq docided to reduce press rat- . IV,." ,.��,Z "' ., , the (111141%.11''lls '
- ble rates, deeds, and worldly ,.. ,� . ? , ALL XINDS IN* STOCK. �
WILL HE ALLOWED, . ville, being impa.lect on a achievements, M pet pecinle into licav, ts Provided' the Govertinients of Great '4 ;, t i , C'. " I . your N"Illr,; go
ry repaired, Horses shod. , 11 _. �, AL, � , 'I I � , not its tile 110s. . I
sliding OR a, load of hay., tn. 'Are -'i' , � �,� ... I I I *_11110� I
: I I It tal(Cs the full salvation of tho Britain, India and the coloaleg , . I hilt to the : .
Orders left at D&vI8 & Ro*landlii. SATISPACTION GUAgANTM D. � A jkry at New' Liskearot, inquiring Gospel. Put your eat to, the caverns willing. "A 1118 I- I o -vu noo(C." U11111 I I
. . kildrul.
will be promptly attended to, I I . . ------- ., t I
on 8, � W. . .. into the death of Elmer X11ne, found - �" � r1-%,41V,(%tAdr.t4r1.r)1, 0 Alber I u1sifter l�
. . . .tutAonstt.t.nott ,
. I . � that the evidence indicated thatoleath' F6110�",Lwft. clialmliall, or to rJoutelao I . I i
I was olue to -a kick administered by W, I WPtlat if '-"Shll6h'g Cutei will Al. oe will Dti,tri.-te"ert. S'ee.-Trenev, T116 ljoetiltAl.'LAWN MollrERS . I
Itevens " I I
W. C %I. I
10 R. Montgomery., Ways =0 my coughs Alid ctilds.'� *ays cure my 0OU69 and 0olds," --1'- '__J- .Z"Qr.IL'Ce&l,)4-+3k��'�,',COI'C,L.to, �
i . - 01:018D S est I Itppeat It :-I'SlIllohig Cu � . U � I
� . \ / . I