HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-07-22, Page 2* � t. t 2 M_tm� Xlews-ReC014 . , --.-., �% ,_,- July 2204,0.1900 � - ­-­ ­ ____ I.. - -PURITY- ' -AOM4CY- Presentation to, SundA7 S000l, ­ ' � � � �. I � O" 0 ",*" 0 0 0. 6, ____ *" Teacber. . ' AR nxdskom . On Wvdnegsixy the members ot Mrs.s 1� 41001111M . , Hu r*:on T T . Coseus' Sunday school class surp CQunty News. Gathered NVA priiii . Me of Ow worp4l. , Xlse4. . � . . *Abe " I . - I 11DURINQ the SPRINQ their tivacher %iy making her the rocip- 1. . 0 orift t,h#t pro stritainod 10 H90WO , J� I ient of 4% handsome HavilAnd berry "A"'Ar"""fo" #" t'"'I" of th's 'P, ._� Yx 0-1U WHIED set as a tangible expression of their . blood, stornaah, Rldnoys and live0p 14 1 I P.ppiteoiatilon of her services during the . ' gom-ething to restore the aip- ,Past . three yearq, . I They Include sarsaparilla. StIllinglit, I yellow dock. gentian, wIJ4, cberrY , � ", for Newsig-Record Readers .r . petibe, strengthen t ,e nerves, * . I bark., mandrake. dandelion, Junipe � . purify the blood. ,or t e e A Sup at Home Club. I � �_%. I . berrles, pipsissewa, etc. � . stignickeb, qvidAll. e. ody it 1. . I .1 �_ ­­ .0. The .comblitatJon and propcirtI91W , rich vitality-, Next time you are tempted to pat- . A Sermon on Excite- I of hell and listen for a,. moment. What i are our own formula and give power ronize the mail order olf.partmeatal nin ! do YOU, hear ? The, shrieks of millions - Goderich. . to cure beyond the reach of *nY other �� MU' P1119. stores consult the advertisements in 'r , prescriptlorh There 14 no real xub- . I master � 811144's I , I the local papers arid visit your home I melit. I of the damued, the cry for but a drop Mrs. Archer an4 yougg son, 1. stItute for it. if urged to b4T 'MY , of water, the, w*%,,l of multitudes tor- Chrystal of Owen Sound w?re last � . Z Axe specially intended for this merchant. It he has not' what you I � , , � preparation said to be "Just as; 9004't � . I RuxPose. e will reinforce want he will get it for you. It it is (Published By Request.) mented by countlesf.. demons, bemoart,- week guests of the foinier's. grawl- you may be gure It Is Interior# 000ta. � . the Atiggirig ener fee and impart . iing their forever doomed state. Hear mother, Mrs. Lewis Elli ; not right be will make it ri,glit for , � ott. less to make, and yields the dealer IN t : new strength of d ,an - Ind, . In these days, wh.m. 0.ea,i 1-.'tualisOc the roar of the devouring, flames, but I I � I 0 you., Noth can be fairer thin this, From The News -Record of formalism has spread its deceptive above it all, bear the weeping ancil The misses Doncigh have takL-11 "Out � larger"profit. . I , ing � I � You will not lose anything Uy the miasma over an ungodly world, .and sohiling and guasbing of teeth, and the I Look" (ottage at the la,ke for the I Get It tOd&)r Of "Ui 4ruirglirt- I" I - I ­ .. .1, 1. ­ � . ­ ..� � transaction, you will be the gainer in July 22nd, 1891. d . cason. ­ Doses One Dollar. Prepared Q0IY bY' ,: . , . ,uped and chloroformcoi tile prefes--ed wail I am lost ! lost ! eternally lost I s I V. 1. Hood Co., Lowell. 11saL. U. 0, A. the long run and you will have the Christian Chureb, scarcely, any real I$ IThe harvest Is past the summer is Mrs. X. 1-1. Morris was accompaxied I 0 1 . . i � . I WE W.&ZTT U . satisfaction lot, knowhig that yon are Mrs T. ]Rance, Mr. Alfred and Miss honest effort can be put !ortn for the ended and we are, not saved All, ajk from Detroit, by her neice, Miss . . I � � � � I . I dolog your share towards buildingup Alice Howson left Saturday Iasi to visit, . . .)I Ag- I I . salvation of the lost, witliont, the cry is, excitement, fierce hopeless, excite- gie Nairn,. and friend, Miss. lieverleyl I TO KNOW us the, home town ansI keeping IT, in tile theformers son. Mr. 0. C. Hance, who . I I LOOK AqVAD FOR ILLNESS. I I , is now flourishing I in Rat Portage, Ont. going out from proud liire,li4igs, and me4t, but alas, too late, too late, The friend's of Mrs. Morris, will be I . . And that your recipts, will be I froift rank. Form a ,'buy at'home They t � ook boa I t at Cooderich., false teachers, . and . blind . .acka in tohcr� Sudden illx�css and pains come in- - - club," join, yourself and induco your . . pharlisaical, Take � look into those awful -regions glatf, to welcome herb ga . . � Ifilled with the best goods ob- . professors of religion, "Ficit$14clit, � of lost spirits, lighted only by tile et- old home Goderich, every familyar-to parents and children tairsable. We guarantee pure neighbor to, come in. . . Good Wbeat.-Mespris Ransford of E itement i ; Excitement 1 !. 11, Of ernail fires, suffocating brimstone, who I I � Clinton have ten acres of a variety of xe Have our teachers of Public schools alike. But if you have loulwd ullead, , drugs, perfect service, 4ccuracY I 0 I . . wboat called; 0anadian Velvet Chaf,f course if the . same interest do you see ? MpIti-tudes 01 aVailed themselvea of reading Hon. and have right in your Willa. re�,dy . and promptnesir. , . � We were shown, some of* the heads was manifested and the same hotel and salgo,n-keepers, who onparthl. Dr. Pyne's "Text Book" on Etiquette for '(jr I . . immediate use a bottle af 11cit, 4",_ 1, HARD CALLOUSES QUIOKLY . which were large and well Ind , or uch, a W lived sumptuously upon the bread 01 which lie has taken fhe pains to have Nervi i t r i ch to ' CURED. , . ousloing a, yield of foll 60 in .greater commotio as' 1 lie- ha 0 sn't mu woxry ' pr . V 40 bushels to created over a, horse race, .' a the poor, who tool; their living- prepared and putilished 9 I . Soak the feet iiii hot water and then the acre, Mr. Jas. Fair selected gnme hockey or lacrosse match, or the elec. and. over. It 41i a sore tbroat,t cr cQu- t of the same variety for seed which is a . . gave in return drunken husbands and tracted chesl, apply Nerviline and put I W, S, His HOLMES apply Puttiam's Painless Corn 1,,'xtrac-T guarantee of !tit willing -qualities. tion of a candidate for� Parliament, debauched cruel fathers, and empty Mr. Adolph Knuckle while.. here from . . on ,a Werviline Porous Plaster. It ft'�i . . I tor -it removes the, calous qvichly. or a witty joke from the consecrated cupboards, and- fireless, elleerlesshom. Detroit was accompanied by Miss colic, cramps, or any stomach disor- 1 4 Be sure you get,"PutnarrOs" only. ,,Mrs. E, F. Cowan, of Pt inceton, On t (?) ,desk, calling for peals of laughter, les, and' early graves. Take another Lottie Doll . of Detroit. They- were der,, just administer ten drops of Ner� Manf'g Chemist, . tise, years ago a well known residen't' , I . I I I 2 - f . of this town, was visititg, Mrs. 8. H. and clapping of hands, krid stamping look, who do you see ? millions of .it4e guests of Mr. Knuckle's parents, viline in hot water. No family medl� , I Hance last week. . . of feet I , all would be well, and no'dru,nkards with ever increasing thirst, Mr. and Mrs, .S. Knuckle. They also cines are more useful or more, dep?nd- :00*#60000*"##",#*"*"-#,6 Bill Brdwri, .Buffalo Bill's valued as- criticism would-be expected or offered. land.burning throats for the accursed Ivigited relatives ,in Cliaton and Lee- , T . o,s than NmNlline . Mr. Henry Ccll,N, wife and ebildre But lot ,a preacher of the Gospel, or' burn. . p . ., -RELIABILITY - EXPERIENCE� sist&Dt, was sent. to jail for nine of0hio, are visiting in town. It is . , , d. The very I . . and Nerviline porous Plasters� They . � mooths at St. Thomas for a spectar neat -IV thirty years since Mr, Colew&s an Individual Christi4n get anxious ' men who said, no harla in the social Mr. Dan Macdonald, head clerk at keep the dqctor bill small. ?)5c. each . I . . . I cular horse -theft. ' here and he naturally finds many about the salvation of souls,, oi let glass, I can quit when I chdose, but I Howell's store has a nibe little pleas- at all dealers. Refaia substitute...... . L I _ .Ie OUi, Repeat it:-"Shiloh's Cure w'.11 al- , I chAnges; He is &, brother to Mr. B. some poor sinner, who sees his doom-'tho liend had gotten such & hold on rht to 1: . . ways cure my couglas aad coWs." . I . Cole. I . . I ed state begin to cry for mercy and Iii :ure boat of his own. . I - I ". - , . in he could not, he murdered' his i �osin the Menesetung Canoe Club, in' , - . .k SUSTAINING DIET;. Misses Alice Rance. of town. and, pardon, and how many will raise the wife or broke her,heart, and starved their Regattaxace this year of 1909. Presentation to Miss, . I .11. These are the enervating days, Mheix, Maud Middletown. of Gode�lch Town. cry, "Do not get exciteol." Parents his children, -and transmitted to therxi ' Mr. 'Emanuel Knuckle visited his I . h- 'revisiting friends in Princeton. will bpcome excited over a siclq child, his own dlegenerate, lascivious tenden- parents here, I DR. OVENS, SURGEON, OCULIST, as somebody has said, men drop by b 'Pt It, . . I � Mr., arka 5irs. s. Kathleen McCourt. . will be at Holmes' Drug $tore on, the -sunstroke ai; it the Day of Fire Mrs. Tipling and family left Monday or if it should chance to fall into a cies, which, when developed, drove Knuckle recently. . � . .. . I I . I .: � . Friday, July 9th, and thereafter on bad dawned. 'They are fraught- with lasit, to join her husband - n t cistern or well ; yes, so excited that some of th . I . . n I ein to the mad house, aril - ___ I : A pleasant event took placo. on . Wedhesday Aug. 4, Sept. 8, Oct� 13, danger to people whose systems .are where tbs�y will in future,reside. their ba,ir will turn white in onz some to the gallows, and firim. . �. . . li , . . .. . . ' I Tuesday ' afternoon at tb3 Parjkhill Nov. 17, Dec. 22. Hours from 9 a4 poorly sustained ; and this leads us Fail beat. is tuirning out very well. night ;-.and some have been known. ally to his. own dark domain � Separate school,'at thecicising session J w T,iL'ke � an- � r, t- 'of -this term. It was also th4ed . witbo , m. until 3.30 p. m,. Glasses'pr6perly' to say, in the interest of the less ro- yield and sample good. Jos.Allisonof to drop dead' on, the spot. But how -is! in the. lake of fire, I Westem F&I London, On I fitted. Diseases of the Eye Ea . tnwri, and Hy. Beacom . and George it that parents can look upon thei'r' other glirripse, who do you . see? The , , . : a, note� of sadness, as I.tt was the termi�- . . 0. . r, bust of our readers, that the full of- Hanley, town, hip, being among those children, all covered with the leprosy men.who voted for license, probably Sept'! I048. - Nose and Throat treated. . I feet of 'Elood's Sarsaparilla is such as who have cut theirs. . ' . . I � nation 61 the relationship as teacher I 0 ty ,if *callin . � � . of sin, and standing on the verge of they professe religion, and belonged V kand. PUPils between, Miss Kate Me- - - � t suggest the propri(ot -, . .4 isitors to the Western, Fair, (dils . . .. this -medicine something besides a Mr. Thois. Putts, of Port Anstip, a fiery, eternal hell, and not get ex- to a large Church, and took tile year will'certainly lie well, entertained, Courtl2rid the pupils of.the'schoorl. ow- . blood purifier ' and tonic, -say, a . sus- Mich., formerly of Clinton, was in cited I arid if it is logical, 6r UR-1sacrament, but they'v . oted- .the higuor as lit;.,glance at the daily programine. ing to her resignation as teacher which , - I town thib week., . . L . . I . . � . . I � � I TO FARMERS AND taining diet. It makei"It much easier I � . I ,avoidably natural to get excited in I ticket because they raised hops, or for Just issued will assure. Over $7W.00 she has held for the- past two, years. ., . I I . � the first case,,, why not much more so, .. hasheen added to the purses in tit" The presentation consisting of a � I . the revenue of license, .etc., but now, 8 : to bear the heat, assr.rep iefre4iing Mrs. O'Neil, of Orange. St., early . I � A. peed events, whicih -should .bring � , sleep, and I will without any doubt T.�Ionday morning fell and broke the in lh6 second.. I , ,ch beautiful China;. five o'clock tein. set �nd OTHERS .. . I . . . � I . + * - . enduring the woe. ' pronounced., UPon some fast ones into competition e � M t .much sick�ess' at this time Of Jarge-fione of the tipper portion of One - him who putteth tha bottle to - his dsy. Monday, Sept.. 18th,' will be a bon -bon -dish made by. T iss Liz- - . . aver ., . . . I I . of her lower limbs. The f -acture is of .This is a world of excitement. Go. neighbois' .lips. T er view, Athletic DAY, when in. addition to two zle Quinn when the Jollowinz : address - year. . . . . such a serions nature as to cause the into .our towns and cities, *what do. w I , . III be it splend!4 � . . iendo much uneasiness, . I . 0 1 What do you see ? * Thousands ol young lopeedeveritt,, theraw.1 ,was read by. Miss fZeta'Walsh : I . I have opened out at the Standard I � - , I - lady's, fi. . . , . � find, excitement in business circles, ex- irls and -boys. , Probably their"parents program� of races, . single and relay, . . - I . � . . . � I . . I V- on esi excite- . . for which Gold. Silver, ,and Bronze Dear Teacher : . . I . � . 1. . Elevator, in connection with my . The lawn part the beautiful citement in political ciicli arm in, I . . . � , I I Hoh. A., -B. Aylesworth has been grotmis cif Mayor - . ,or preacher, shid there is no b Meduls'andbeautifill trophies will be . . grain business,, a full stock of Timo-; Doherty last week, ment,in social cixcles, and if the bu ' i chosen to act as the ageht ,)f Great in aid of RattPrili S ­'a game of euchre, or a parlor dance, given. On Tueiday: the Dog Show I We, Your pupils.1m this,tha closing �_ thy and Clover Seed Corn Clyop anU uty street Methodist iness, excitement declines., they .say'' =0. and 'day. of out school. term, be leave. on � .' Britain in the presentation of tile church Missii)n Blind,. netted about things are dead, and it social.exeite ,or tiv. game of chance. They indulged and .Cat show will commC -9 I i Feed of all kinds., tPlease give me a Atlantic fisheries dispute, before the 0I. (3odprich orchestra discoursed I � . . - but the passion grow uipon them,. the continue for three days, The pro- ]your departure from �Lmon- us to ten-. � call. . � . . . . I mu,de and a local tennis match added ,ment diep away,. things are dull. and next step *as into the public �. da . ace gramme of, Attrtctions is exception- der-yop a forkil -byo� . * I . . 1. ­ I I Hague tribunal, I - � , silly strong this year. Olsen's Wild . � good . . . I . � . much'to the enjoyment, of the pro. Monotonous and dreary, etc., etc. But'hall, with'all kinds � of debauchodi: Ii- Animal Show, giving an exhibition. of Ifti is fin&qed With sorrow we. say thal., , .. I I ' I - . I . .. in the' spiritual .realm, it is quite Othl� centious &it ! . - ' Nicelo Aill? was arrested near De- gramme. . 1 - � . ,. . . 1. . . . . , young of both sex, awaiting what can be clone by patience d word for W.e fully 'realize th� many ' . . I erwise, Anything apart fropti theold, mwillhe exceedingly interest- ' ' . �' pot Harbor on a..charge of Mit=Ptcd A Work of Art;, -The handsome flag their .univi.ly prey ; the next step was trAinin kindnesses that you h ' ' � murder in shooting ,& Bulgatian na -is an � . . � aye .bestowed up- . I I I ni- which L. O.L.' ot 'stolcal form, anyincreaspol into the, brotliel then a; blasted, iuirt- ( . . . I . I W, 0, SMYTH. dry dea e.-4hei-L's Dogs and Cats I . I . . 300, Boyfield line, Car- I . I .- . hildren shotild'all see. I .� � , I . I col. Dinoft, i . � . interest � i -branded with excitement, ed, hopeless, friendless life . iN't ,-the c ' on us. � � I tied at Mitch,tdl cin the 13th wa s. IL hat n the back. 8 paint- , and finally Horzog's Stallionso Abbe- besb trained TheAnitfuctio imparted' by' you, � . , I I . � ed , by Joseph' Copp, town. ,It. wai3 fanaticism,.etc. And yet, what would, Ill give three (d L, I ar teacher, wn , I � . . . .................... 0, .. !. .. . . I I J . . " dose of some �owcrful. poison, or- a horses in the world; w ill serve , tu.s in after - � ' � . . I .. _. ... - 111tich admired. aridjustly so, for it is be more'raticinal to get excited, oVer ' ' the track before the 1year ' . I leap of 0splir into some dark'waters distinct*acts oil. . a to more fully appreciate the . I I . I a fine piece. of woi-'knianship, .If it than. our. eternal salvatibn ? Oh yes, and a last plunge' into, the op' . Grand Stund. The� Heras Familyj wo - The Leading School. * WHAT BE, AUTIFUL HAIR 9 were known generally' that Mr. en Jaws . rds of wisdom, solkindly given. .. I . �. . CO all right to get excited over ibusi a very, strong combination' of Huro- I � I I . I . . . . - - I ... . niakea a specialty'of this class of w1liv TIRS8, of hell.. There they are with :their Be assured thenj dear teacher, that %. � . - .1 I 1. 'rid lWaders, listen to their awful ` W9 . . . I no doubt he would �Lnlivallv fill many and� making machinations and pleas- bli pears Acrobats, .will ;astonish #ill who i appreciate your, enduring efibris . j How often do we hear that -6xcla- orders., . . . . . ure oxlifbitg, or a Lgrabi we them. The Flyink Dordens, Th6 - . . mation, 'of ,a certain woman's -hair or . . . .� I I . . or Chu' bag, .or. social, wails. Take one more -look, ,who; 'do Holmans, The Three De Monlos, The i and in recognition We beg to, -offer-you. . .. - � i . certain man's hair. . I . . I . I .1 I .. . rch fair or baziaar, but YOU you see ? Gamblers,. *harlots, thieves, . Pederson Wos, and ticiany others, will this small token of our este�mj :asking ' - �: a . . . I mt aet ,over reli . take part each afternoorl'and eversing.' . I - .. . . .. . ! I I . . I giOn, blasphemers, �liars', S�abbath-!breakeis, . you at the. same time -to forget 'our �-!. . �A prominent scientist and hair speo- Repeat *it :-4 - Shil . al� or you are a crank ot'A,a fanatic. Well, infid � I ' The Musical part of- the programme i . I I - : ialist ,emphatically . states, and "has I I . oh7s Cure will . . elsi skeptics, formal professors, � -will ,its And failings ,01. ' ' - . . . . what the world calls . . . be exceptionallk *fine. The 7th 111ttle JaL . , thq past .i ' ways cure my edughs and colds." . . . fanaticism - who fought hOlinessi Fusiliers .,of London, Orst., and ,and * to rentiember us aA times by.' � proven, that any, man or Woman - Can I . � I .aAd preachers I . . ; . . . I . . . the . . . I . Courses are practical. Our I . I . � . . (foolishness) God .calls wisAom, and and Upheld sin, and denied ,the di,vinw- Blind (it the.glst...Oftnadlan Higlilan& breathing a little praypr.. r .11 I . have luxuriant,. lustrous hair, by us� . . .- . . I ' r . I 11 . . I eced, and, . I . 7 what the w6rld term$k Wisdom, God ity of Jesus by exclaiming we could era, will lie in asttenllence,. Fireworks Signed in behalf .of the p . Our- ing a famous prescription called Par- - ' brands as folly. The wtisdom of 'of it -Very thrilling character. including I . � . .upils, ivlar-� : : . . �'; . . , * � graduates capable to fill respoq- isian Sage. . r . . . .� this not be .saved from sirt. Then you cella Breen,,Lizzfe Quinii, ;Zetalwalsh. .., . . . that wonderf ul prod uctioti "Tbe.8attle I . I ' .1 sible positions. We are receiving ... In Memoriam.. . I world is foolishness with God. Ex- see the � -1?ivbrsalL%ts . mis many applications Parisian Sage is now made and E�Old- . .1 . � . � Annihilistg and� U � 6f I he N,rth Sea," will bA giveii eauh s McCourt ha's endeared berself . . . I . . . . . bitement ineini, sensation 'or 6om'110- and'all the train. of,the No Hellists, ,in' the affections of pupils, parent'i. 'for office I-selp. in Canada, W. S. R. ' Holmes the Hear McClin . - I - � , night, ,Reserved seals,tvill he on sale' . . , . : , . . . - . Y ,chey of Stanley,%. died tion, and I would ' that . this whole but alas, when too late, they have for the GrAnd Stand arid reduced fares others here . byher success as ateacher . I During -.a single day this week we druggist, is the agent in Chntor4 and , June 22nd.. ', country, would' get in such a sen' , - I I " received seven applications for of- . . . I .�. . � Satiols found. out that they have plunged � into on Pill railroads. Progranini4is and .all ol her social intercourse among . all . " 1 I . the readers of'Tbe News -Record can Now,- resting calm, .. is .. , * . over, their sou - I's w6lfa;re they. would tile . * . I � information on application'- 'to -A.. M. at; . : I flee help and four for commercial One', - we, love . � I awful chasms. of an eternal bell I the people olf the town, and iit is to be "' . teachers. Our grad I uates succeed. buy. from' , him for only *50 cents a . ' . Hunt. Se6trettWy, Londoni Osit. Re - 1 . . . . . .. . . I � '. I . . 'Within t e si . .. . . Jeel that unless they got converted in-: -liessi all'excilted. - kb I 1. i. regretted that. owing, to the expiration �' - I . large bottle. � :. I I . . I. . .h I lent tomb ; , . ... , . . I I itself. Are -i . ycs� . ' ­ . . . . as n , . I -one, others. T . side of tWenty4our ho,urs, the ­ inember the clates, 8ept.:10Eh to .18t.h. . . . . , Y - 11 I , V I � � 16 I 1; 'I 'I �� I I V 1, I S I 10 I I "I I I � I I I " I : :� I I I .I i I I I I I I I hree departments , ' ' .Th ' shades, of death around hint dwell, . I would but it. is too -late, forever' tod. late.. � I . . � . . . . of her �ccrtiflcatq�,thdse pleasaht re� I . *- W. S..,R-. Holmes. knows *that P,a�is- e . . . . . . I 1. .. -Commercial, Shorthand and. Telo. ian* I . 1. ' _ be in the. : ha, -hell, -and that Heaven's gates arethut.. against. therri. ,- I I � . . I I . . . :, . latiojiships . * ' Sage' -will- licautily the hair,., cure -M6 sepulchre Arid gloom. . .. . .. mes '. of* . wfil cease ,t . ' graphy. Catalogue free. . 11lifinite .wisdom called him hetice .- . overy dead, fossi . lized forr6il'proiessor, Hell's s r .� . . ... . .. . . . . o continu d4ndb�ff and stop falling hair, and fo.rt . 0 , gate are secu clY' barred. . � . . . � - . ..i . Miss Mc,Cdtkrt, will be greatly. missed. � , � . . . . . . I � . .. . would get such' a sight of the ,6mptf- - . 'that reason he sells .it u' From our folid ci-reld here , There is no' escape. Art eternity. : nt ,in. the church circles -of Sae'red Heart - - . rider a guar- . . . JAL . , . . . ,No more we s I n2ss of their hearts, and their danger) hopeless misery. awaits them. : ' THIS APPE church of whioh she *%as' a iiiiist val-u- ,.. Mott & 11CLachlon , antee to'cure.or rfioney back. . cc his kindly smile.; . I . . . I .. no more his voice we bear. . . I of gehenna. fire�ihat tliey..*would, cast , - .1 � . . . I . . . .. .If you cannot obtain Parisian Sage I . . . their profe . ssioA to tbi- ,htlr winds and . . I I . . . . I , able member, assisting in the choir andi, , .­ . � PRINCIPALS . , I . . ND.1110f6 hb 9chtlehand wilt soot -he . . I suppose there was great excite- , othei'choral service's of the church.- * . . , . . � - where, you live, you can get a bottle . OU I. . . . . . .. f aching brow - 'd 1 171th face to the earth . and ment in Sodom and 'Gomdzrah' wilen . -is WRO. y 6 Parkhill- Gazette-rRevilelv. -, .. . . I . , for 56.cents' ftoi�­Giromx. Mfg. Co., The throb -6 . get owl * ' .: . ... . . . I � . I . i . . . repent over their backsholing-91, oind . � .� . I , I I . . .1 I . . Fort Erie Ont." e-re--zs char -s . nro- �1 No more his eyes do hail i4i�e light, . . get torrents of fire and. brinistone. were - . . .11 . .. . I . .. . . I .,. I . . - . <1 7 I . . . I . . . right with God. '. . I . paid. .1. . . - : . . . . For he is -sleeping now, . . . I . I . . . emptied out Upon them, lhu,ee v .,- s . . . . � . . . . . . .. . . 1. . I . � . No ,more, at morn or eventiol . . . . I ns . . I , e great excitement when the hexv� � * - . � . � . 1. . ---..d We hear his cheerful words, .. .enough excited over this all importantl PQu . . . I I � � , Excfi6d ! ..I tell y6 'there are not: red.out,floods, arid" the fountains But we shall hear . of the great d66p,burst forth dpon-the , him ,by and -by * tfei, and very few to, excite ,them. . . I F.. -W. :CUTTLER,. PAINTER ,AND Althoitigh'Ahe way seems long.. ''I , ma I Antideltivian race. They, nq. doubt, . Paper hariger I I . . . - All work. guar- God says, .'�Cry aloud, spare not, lilt',had said Noah was.(maitol.for on'e � The chilling waves of Jordark's flood- up'thy' voice as a trumpet, i ' anteed to. give satisfaction. , -.Prices and, show hundred. and �twcnty yo.i's, T;o "d6iiiit V - I Could not his soul appal.' ,� - . . . � . I . * � . - The Hospital -for., .. , . , � '.. . . Sie.k. . I . I . . (11fid"riell . 1. . - � . . . � � - . , I . ... . � . . %; i 7 . 1 . I . peat it : `ShiloWs Cvre.N*.Jll al ... I Re � . . - I . '61. of s. I " . � ways. cure iny coughs. and Z . . . . .1 I - . . . . . . . � I . . I 11 . . I .1 . . . � . � . . .. � _ L" '_ F WOM-A-liT, , , THE- PERFECTION 0 ' . .. . .1 :. , I ­� . . . . L'BMEMBER T ' I . hat Every Sic. i Child' .- . I n . moderli my:people their t.ransg'ress;*ons . and � . , I a, �Reside ce nearly OPPOsite' For, lo, the gloiioiis e, -of III - ' I they thought him fana:dc'al, *but 'Noah. - in Ontario-Wh,sciP, . - arents Oaniiot . I . I I HOOD. . � . . . . . I . : . . . . . .light . . Collegiate Institute.. Clinton. . � - 83. Shone on' the. city wall. T . . tbe.house-of Jacob .their sins.11 H6W and his , family are safe in thei Ark, I � . . r �rcatmin't' . A46rd to Pa� fo ' . - ' . . . . Who does not e*livy an' d admire a � .. . :- . . . .I Beyond.- the flocid,i beilond the . few there. are to do this,. but how,) a - above the angry %V.&VCS . , � . valet and ri ing - . , . I:; Treated rree. . .� . .. . � . I . lovely. woman V ,T . ��� ... lie secret c f her lov-f : I I . I . � I . . � many I - whO.'vbile 'the, multitudes of tbai uilgoolly I all earthly strife . . to cry out against tIVOse � . . cliness,, of her. perfection, is health. � I . . ,Beyond . � I ,do. Goolts cry to a, sleeping Church, DRAIN . TILE) AND BRIOX&­�WE � .. gis: -faith in Christ aid victory clai . . . age, wei-e rushing to the highest sum- our first kiln Ma ' . Im,,to an ungodly world, is, "Awake ! 'is . . 1. � , . .. .. , TII&1I0q)1l:l1 1,j ' ' . - . She sleeps' well, cats well',..'' digests , . ' will open on the . Y - And Lhope mit oi climbing. lost in life: , � Upon the housetops . � I . . - JAwake ! Nbt much 'excitement with or v 'ainly trying, to gain an.- entrance ,I. Hth *and tden we will again have The, tear-drcips glisten on �cach . not It 1041111 illhti- , , - I -:"- I , � . . -tItti0i;, 611 b * I tra " , ' 1. , well--4ntrica,te functions are vigo'rau� . and regular. of all woman's I.emed-� ,cheek * I I . . . .1, the midnight slikinbers - wrapped in the. into' the ,God sealed' ark. Hdw irifin-. in stock- W.I.,pizes of tile from, .. 2JJ , Tha'heart * with pain is rent. I arms of 'Morpheus. Not "much . . .1 . I, . , I villcial The bick n� I . . . I � 0) il d , frotil lift I 11 ies, Ferrozbne 'is the' . . -best.; it.vitalia- I I . excit inches up to 12 �inches arid we we . . c, itely. better to get excited,' it you Ill . But God, the Fathe.r, I I I . � 11.1 A� --I, A 4 . Iment in th e iete- - I .n . . , .1 I I 1�* '11� . I plave ill oliturio, I., . te, _ - - es. the -'function I I upon which health * - ; . � I . . . . �� 01- a n o y � Ur ILK Merckfi;Ilyl has grace and comfori I .. J, I. . please to call it', such, fos I IV 11). ; whu call't pay,11:4.4,. nepqftqs�makcs �he purest, richest . I . . I sent . r a few mom -f . I , . . � � � .. . much life efthcr� EVetted ! . I -.. fear . ' '". - ....... .. -,- %� -1 vi- . is pr6mlw Is to, thoser that tiust, ,,, that* hours, in successfully. seeking - .... -et complexion and the. seasone We. :also Zake nice W ) tho �lalle in b I . ents or , , lood,'. gives perte . . ' �white'and- red brick. Our woir�s 'are An aAchor' light :an . d Drop . . � multitudes' get'excited when.. - it the Lord, and'ge;tting safe in t ar .1, I � . k ;(�ges 11-� 0 6 clii:d. lots.0f. Vigo.r. - Every ittl knd womarl ` . I , , 7 I .. � 6 'GO to the bed . . I 11 _... 4! liviiig in%.r)I1I0.. half mile .east.of Egi;aotiolville .is. forever too late. w.die � . who seeks health, vitality,. li,Noks-o-let - 1, - I . . of salvation', than to spend an etet- ' .. 'Ple '11.6-11itid I . ,� They shall .not gri-eve'likii. those, 'of a sinner dying witlrout God, see . . � I SEEDS Kruse Bros;, Egrionolville P. 0. 78 4 That morn witbout . I . nit . of ages in the reiions: of thq fok., I .. had her get Ferrozone.to-day', Fifty cents; . . . 1. . a single hope. 1.how 'excit6d he is. Hear him beg for Y . . . I &ICH ru'T NOT VI (IOXT111). 11b Ile 1.,,_l,fk. I 1�(), la - . �11' I . I And he is dead ! . I ever lost spirits, where all is endless , � . . . , . h box at all. dealers. ' . . everybody ,�o.pmy­with, arid. for him It 1,1�4'i,l:.;ti,�.iii.�-.Ii(;',.5 of tbeN(­%1 I.C. fi, M '24),, � � We have a complete stock - . ... . And he is dead I How dull the word 'I . hopeless, excitement. . *... , . '_ . I . . . . � . . . of Seed Piag, Ba'rley, FOR SALE. -SQUARE TIMBB R To tell of one ai.rest; .1 I. , ,no matler how.loud, and long .,they ­ � .. � . I �llitt(!O-�(;�ir.�i(ic.�of,.V%.I.�,,Itu. uv(-Ist,�-fl�alait. I.. � pray then. .Ali, no, the lou&ar, and, - I -G, A. CHRISTIE. � 00it- 4LIL (4,11'(11(l) -..f . . I . �� ;, I I and Lumber suitable for barns, driv- His body sleeps his'sAlrit is forever 11 ". Ir . , ,,t I . Oats and Potatoes. Jlng..sbeds, etd,, for sale. Apply to With the blest-�, .. . the more earnest the better. Hear . . . . of 1 , ('r I ell, I Ila . ._Z - i . D. Cantelon. ' ' . 177 Fred from the surging' . wring big . . I . . ' __ N , . . INA V. � . I. . . I N nerve , . ­!� I . . .� . is . . . -, " , L nds -while every . , 'I - ) I . I him.pray himself, see him I , cot'l I n.t la�!ellllv tu �. . . . woes of carth,'ha' A,`:L We partletilArly invite inspection of ­ . , I cOrivUlsedl-I Repeat it .--:l1ShilOhtff Cure- will al- 111i, chfai-y "'p, . ,�. : " .�s "i . . . I . . . � . f,�-,,I�,,�. .,,,,, ��t_ j * of our SEED C014N which is No. 1. I . The joys, the grief, the liain I See the look of despair. He goes hell ways c ghs and colds'."I �.. llvldl� ..( .:� .11 1-1.1 h .. . . . . . � ure my cou, ) lilt il(r.s p 1.41 e,f-l­ 1, - .- , __ "' `i),� . 1, - , N, -41 ,'>�. . . . We would not for varth's hoardedvwcatit th,'and feels',be is pois- . . V It I Onr TIMOTHY and CLOVERS we Recall him b,ack again. I with open, Mon . I � . M tit -i's %it 011twi.) T-.�, '< Vi� - . guarantee pot W � e -Te , I I it'l, fllislk ill I'll"i'l- UP I,' � , . 11 . MONUMENTS . ing over its awful vort x. I almost. I . ., '- 'T . .1 I I s . ur . rounding himw .1 "'Y.. '.A. -e. c seem to bear his, gentle vof cc say, fccl� its hellish flames ( twil r1i. IT11)I%:1-A(ls,f I,P.4��J,%., .4,4�'t,' T 1. :1 . �. . � . '. " , �' , 'f, , "Wife and children come, " 1�\* I 'A 4 : . ., I'll .... .. . , . . . i I 4 �4 1 At . -7 \ 1. . . .. I,., � We Ptre nIF;n ngeni a for Canada Car. ' . He sees its vicejereants in fiendish � Alessrs. J. D. Williams and . Arch 8'(�lt (""""ell 1 11 It it'."(` ".:, -' -11 i I .. riage Co. BUGGIES, and CHASTE DESIGNS. BESTMATERIAL For ther' . . * I)Itr,(% "N' IV %*(air, I ...� , i. "", I ­ . .. I,., -1 , � .. 1-lugWIl were crushed by a. car in a " ,*� \ ,e� . � 0 ' . -v i '; . 'al, ,I.. �.::.- . . f � 1. " I , . I siui - . %, , ,( I . 6 is joy and peace and rPst-glesi grappling for his.poor I ist soul th , ") I . In Jesus' happy !ionic, .. yards of the Algoma Steel Company ti,,,. tile t'�'� Ili � I , I qw-qhl� � STANDARD WIRE FENCE JAMES DOIG !and hell, h6lds � jubilde over ,another i � )� AND POSTS, . What is there on the earth to l3nd 'soul who has trifled a h at ,Sault Ste. Marie. Air. Williams - lins itv;ati.11 14,,08 I.- --I _�. I - . . OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. . Your fbnd affection there 9 .1 . . may not recqver. I . I , (.11j!t:Ii ,1. 1(1,i; 11 ,I TIAVIOr WrY. ( YJ I'll. 1-()t.t,. � THE BICYCLZ IS'FAS1r I ' ' We have also a few bags of the Gode- - , .� 11 - I . �. They're only rich who wiln the crown opportunities of life. - He screams out . .. " . . fl,"�(. �Vvre uwl�.v lip ini . ". I'll I wofe trutt(6 . COMING BACK. INTO VOP�: �� , . I . a A soft was born to the Prineegs- Ao irve. C I . . . . . I . . . I , And heavenly mansion fair.*4 forev*er, and taloes a -plunge into the, . ... I .. 1� i . rich Oats on hand at prices and terms .. . ,with his lb,st breath, lost rid damfted' , ' to suit customers. a . Dear husband, dear father, Nvhe'il Sagan,- who was Miss Anna Clould of � 1� I I . ULAR. V A V 0 3 A G A IN. . -, _ - . w0- dark abyss, and another soul isadded New York. � I � 11, . I" "WHY WALIC WHEX, PLEAS- � - Bow before out Father's 4 hrone, to the myriads of the lost. Yes, be � I / , . . . . % / I . , .1 i Rubbef Tiless W" e will " out trust to meet iliee there is excited, greatly excited, but it is' Arrangcnivtit� liave been completed I ��,,, ) - � Ulle, n X E it 0 1 8 I ; In Jesus' name make known, I , FORD&MoLEO D Having purchased . a machine for Arid when we, bid the earth farewell, I too late, eternally too late- "t-10 for a steamship service between Man- f _'. . [I - I . .U� .A`ND; . � %,i - ­,� I . timt hardenoth his heart and stiffen. trehl and Naples. 1. :�,,*�­ -. ,.!_� ."� �.'.)i,,"_ SIGHT-SEEING ARVi, 'So i � applying Rubber Tires, we wish to And' cross the swelling jluoa, I 11 `7n? __ 114 3 , 1 __ .�A. , - We will together sound -the pmist Of stroyed, and that 'without remedy, I in t�,c collapse Of , ory Philzr 1.1 f.B ., . Al"I I., . COMPLETELY' CENTERED : say that wo aretkow prepared tofur eth his neck, shall suddenly be de- I at le %Vk ry Zol cuses of club fti..t (rcrat.d. , . . - Jesus'' cleansing blood. I And yet, when God allows him to bd delphia building seven were killed and If- I .%I- I-', . ish and put on such tires at reason a five-st ble rates. . . . -com. I IN THE WHEIP&L ?11 I . OOAL We also do all kinds of Grinding, � . � . Ithils out off andfor fear some Might thirty-three burted.. If v is !:nntr 0 ll,liv t0hil.-I In .% r-tir vr4gh. . I . . . talto warningri, and get saved, the dev01 . . bol 1".. 11 "'.., i - 40(1';: 1 r lilts IkIlY T!vfo�­,'�- I I AM AGENT �i OR TIIE'p-4104 ... o nythin" from a pair of scissors to a ! gets some popular preacher to preach Father Tyrrell, *,vhoso modernist . ___ ty, svlitl thot . . � i 0 1 �- -)1% . i ORDER YOUR YEAR'S SUP_ Ircular saw. This week we installed Repeat it :-"Shiloh's Cure will al- him into, hPaven, instead of faithfully 'Sympathies some thnov .ago brought V - -,I nt,w titlino CLEVE LAND A X D . RA- � � PLY NOW. THE BEST IN machine for grinding h3rse elippors Ways Cura My coughs and toll�%" warning others to. 08(lape the Wrath him Into e6nflict with The Vatican, is . � .1 '), 11.111111.1r," f 11 I-. . ILE BYCLt, 9 AND Xl,,'0,1�* THE MARKET, $7 PER TONo Which does perfect work. . � I I to cotI16 1 tell you, it tal,es more dead. '11""i'lo"Otlil's CYC . BUT IF ORDERED AND PAID We - likewise " do all kinds of lathe . . L ."o . I , 1. I , .,�� I � � I �f�� � c14-1 i.4*110t for * I � 'P�. . ,,�,_. 1;6 . FOR BEFORE MAY 31-tt, A DIS, Tork on short order and at reason- I than it �ice, funeral o�rmnn or a recit- , , . " I lf,�(.If. )tut lur TIRES AND, SUNDRIES OV , ii . I I , - COUNT OF 40 CENTS A TON . Aaron Anger. was killed .iie r Durul- al of their good It waq docided to reduce press rat- . IV,." ,.��,Z "' ., , the (111141%.11''lls ' - ble rates, deeds, and worldly ,.. ,� . ? , ALL XINDS IN* STOCK. � , WILL HE ALLOWED, . ville, being impa.lect on a achievements, M pet pecinle into licav, ts Provided' the Govertinients of Great '4 ;, t i , C'. " I . your N"Illr,; go ry repaired, Horses shod. , 11 _. �, AL, � , 'I I � , not its tile 110s. . I sliding OR a, load of hay., tn. 'Are -'i' , � �,� ... I I I *_11110� I : I I It tal(Cs the full salvation of tho Britain, India and the coloaleg , . I hilt to the : . Orders left at D&vI8 & Ro*landlii. SATISPACTION GUAgANTM D. � A jkry at New' Liskearot, inquiring Gospel. Put your eat to, the caverns willing. "A 1118 I- I o -vu noo(C." U11111 I I . . kildrul. will be promptly attended to, I I . . ------- ., t I on 8, � W. . .. into the death of Elmer X11ne, found - ­�" � r1-%,4­1V,(%tAdr.t4r1.r)1, 0 Alber I u1sifter l� . . . .tutAonstt.t.nott , . I . � that the evidence indicated thatoleath' F6110�",Lwft. clialmliall, or to rJoutelao I . I i I was olue to -a kick administered by W, I WPtlat if '-"Shll6h'g Cutei will Al. oe will Dti,tri.-te"ert. S'ee.-Trenev, T116 ljoetiltAl.'LAWN MollrERS . I Itevens " I I W. C %I. I 10 R. Montgomery., Ways =0 my coughs Alid ctilds.'� *ays cure my 0OU69 and 0olds," --1'- '__J- .Z"Qr.IL'Ce&l,)4-+3k��'�,',COI'C,L.to, � i . - 01:018D S est I Itppeat It :-I'SlIllohig Cu � . U � I . . SHARPEGNED, � . \ / . I