HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-07-08, Page 60
,.... �.-... ,
PilthMers e Modern Worship MP
- p en o
in. a twinkling lie Is on bis -back,
The Way the ISR Adminlstered In
t Not; Hava to Fate.
M#crit► England,
One of the diiugers and one of the.��
hardest %4s of the roan -of -war's Haan
,: t
A Meer Take In England's, Old*
A friend of mine, wishing to male a
out of his life when. with the
est peep Park.
i,teseut of a ring to an acquaintance
who waf3 on the eve of being married,
s • 1sU,ppIanting of the i'rigpte by the steam,
Seeing that things nye now getting, R
bought the article and handit to the
cruiser,. the old time sell Frill became
- ----
with instructions to have a
u thinly of the past, Fleets #a the :oldjeweler,
suitable :inscription ,engraved upon it,
days were eontiuualiv exereiyetl W
• 1 making and shortening sail, shifting;
lags like match -wood, flutis himself
maktnA a stipulation that it should be
spars And All si:nilar maneuvers aloft,'
The Game Animal Is Mercilessly
finished and returned :by a certain
bate, otherwise it would be useless,
says Captain J. W. Gambier of the
British navy in lila ""Lluks In My Life."
Cloven Hither and Yon, Through
I1louths elapsed before the ring was
As. the realest rivalry existed limon g
Like and Weed until. He F
Lake' ails Ex-
delivered. It was sent back; " the
as to which slipuld
t Though Undaunted.
Jeweler. out
TH E carrythe rovtsthe evolution t3rstiACCfdCAt
farts of certain great parks in Bug-
and m friend had to come
back to tow�A. and sit inra stuffy
fry court
were frequent, Hardly A drill day
without men being seriously In-
h asland, such Erldge pail;, rite oldest
all day ;vtthout the case being called.Passed
_ jure-,
deer• pari. to the kingdom, are kept
Next morning he bribed the usher to
"--- -" "' - Clnce duriu ad rill' in 'Kiel harbor,
GST T �^i�il♦Alii�iiE;
practically wild in their original forest
let hien know when the case was
where the rivalry fn the fleet was in-
state, ;;hike near to, the castle is the
called, Re'was sent,for at lunchtime
Then He Got a olt When, He Got creased by the eagerness of foreign
cultivated home park. Bridge park
and sat till a quarter past 4 listening
ships to compete with. the Pngiish, An
Back to His Wife. unfortunate
contains 8,000 acres and is the only
anything but edlf,ring matters
which hod to be disposed of first. By
French midshipman went
after haggling., for -twenty minutes head first from the uiL.zerh crosatrees
estate in Bugland, with One. exception,
where deer taking with 'hounds is still
this time the old gentleman. on the
over the rice the dealer finally con-
P of the French flagship to the deck,
senfieed to let the, vase go fol;$8.79. That numbers of accidents should
Mils, Brownlee knew
carried OA, 1rr'Idge park Once'formed
bench was fast asleep. The jeweler's
case was called,, and my friend's so.
she was getting take lace in sail.drill was not aston-
a'bargain at drat. price;' so she con- p
Part the royal chase. It still retains
lleltor stated the defense, At its close
siderately refrained from insisting Ishtng when one remembers that spars
the wild beauty it then had, although
the legal functionary slowly dlsentan-
upon a further reduction, measuring perhaps seventy or eighty
there are more than seventy mites of
Bled himself from the embrace of
Have you the money with you to feet ions and 'weighing two or three
lovely drives in i , not counting thoseIi
r he s opened ned one eye. grunted,
pay for it?" she said to Mr. Brownlee. tons were whisked, about with be-
of the home' part..
"Verdict for platntifr," and lumbered
"I've $I0," said: Brownlee.. w i/dering speed with nothing but
Deer taking Is entirely. dif:erent from
heavily out of court. My friend was
"That'll. do,;' she. replied. $;ten's , bands :and brains to guide
deer hunting The object fa' to take,
furious and addressed the judge in
man can change it, them; hundreds of men crataimed into
Somewhat reluctantly Mr. Brown
the animals alive so that they may be
terms the reverse of polite, The usher
endeavored. to pacify him and evgntu-
lee produced fire bill: lir. fth reluct-. a space of a few hundred square feet,
where nothing but the most marvelous
transferred to the home arks to be fat.
ally led flim Olit O4 eQurt, anti after
ance the dealer refused it.
`No gota change," he •s4sd::416atur- organization and discipline could avert
teased and eventually turned into ven.-
pocketiug another half: sovereign he
day afternoon, Put ally da mon ins -cath on deck: or aloft.
Tile sport is by no means as tame as
remarked, "Yes, sir; it's very 'ord,: I
da bank,",. To the landsman, who understood
it sounds, A seven to nine year old
know. But•you know, sir,. he alleys
`°But aren't there other shops near nothing of the difficulty involred. in
red deer is' an awkward customer to
. gives a verdict for the plaintiff after 4
where the,Y, will change it for you?" rapidly shifting these great toasts and
asked Airs. Brownlee,
tackle. Ile is powerful, agile and well
o"clock!"—London Strand Magazine.
yards. or In reeling and furling thou,
"No leava shop," the Italian ei- sands of square feet of. stili canvas—.
plained. Boy gona home. Other
armed with antlers and hoofs,
When there is to be a deer taking at,
customer he wants buy. Geta stay :perhaps wet or half fro7en•�the rapt--
Bridge pari: the meet is planned for 11
.here." ity- with which it was done was per.
o'cloclr' At the parte keeper's house.
Japanese. Legend of the Origin of the
Mrs. Brownlee was disappointed, haps the chief wonder. -
The underkeepers, with fresh Bounds,
Many Petaled Flower,
but not discouraged, • hopes, running like lightning through
are scattered through the park to head
Tile Japanese have an interesting
I must say," she said, rather se- blocks that were instantly too Bok from
° verely, "that don't seem very friction '
off the stag should lie come their way.
legend in connection with the origfn of
you to be touched, had to be
anxieus to make a sale. However, checked to within a few !Aches re nlr-
The. hating spread
chrrsanthemutn. In n garden Uat't-
am bound to..have that vase. Dear," "•
iirg the utmost coolness and presence
themselves orcg the park, the pork
ed In the soft moonlight a young
y gfto
to Brownlee, "oppose you get the bill
changed. Y u'il' only have to. gq of mind, while the officer in com-'
ki-eper, with the '"field" (those follow-
trig mounted and on Eget] set oft to
plucked. a Hewer grid commenced to
strip the pctais to see if her Bance'
down to the a rn°�r and buy, a cigar. „ manil had to superintend what tb the
Mr• unfuitlated leokcd like tangled'mass
find a deer which; looks. ready for fat -
loved her truly.. Of n sudden a' little '
Brownlee ;-!read had six ci• a
y -
gars in his pocket, but he obediently of cordage, but Which was In reality
teeing purposes. Having selected one,
it is the w.orl; of the 1weper to set him
god appeared before her and assured
her that her fiance loved' ber passion.
made a trip to the nearest tobaccon- no more in confusion than the threads
ist'•s for He in loom,
separated from thy. rest anti then fie
ntel Your husband will lire, be Add-
y .
.another, , selected a a
blacks cigar worth 15 cents and In an instant this officer might,see
.slip •lits hour,.- and set after -him as
ed; as many years is fire Bower whichstrong,
offered the ten -dollar bill in payment. somethiu� going wrong. To delay a
hard as ;re can gallop. The Pace, of
I will let you choose lens petals. With
you've got?" asked the "
clerk. single second meant a terrible.'eatas•
course, is tremendous, and as rabbit
holes abound the risk of a fall is' even
.words he dtsapiieared,. The
young girl Itastentfil to search the gar-
,trophe, Every one,. alow and aloft,
Brownlee lied Paid said it was,
beton ger,. Farber,, th trifle of odds on
den fon a flower *Tile)) should have an
%`Sorry," said the clerk. "I. 'can't Was relying on his judgment.
the certainty of our "taking a toss."
Abundance of petals, but each one up -
change it. This is Saturday after- Belayl , l;a'se Away!"
g y
noon, and we've put most of our The order came in an instant. The
As. Our deer bettn<]s away with his
p eared to promise but a brief futtire
money in the bank," boatswain's mates repeated it : Irl a
wonderfully easy. elastic 'movements
he makes. for the Wildest part of the
for her beloved.
At. length :'she picked up u Persian
Brownlee , returned the cigar . particular call which this .1Ife and
and renewed his quest for small death necessity coon every one
park, expecting to .escape his pursuers,
carnation', and; with the aid of a gold
change. The pursuit tools him to. two. to underst;tud,: the shrill. whistles rising
In one la
place direr another he is' met:
plutaken front her Bair, she separated
more cigar stores, two groceries, a above the din of 'tramping feet and.
with lrldden_'l�eepers :Ind fresh hounds,
each of. the petals •bf, the, flower so as
drug stare and a saloon; In the tat-
ter place, by appealing to all the oth- running ropes. or the thunderous crash
till: with the instinct of Ills species he
: turns to what he thlnl g is' his sane:
increase the nu»aber o4 folioles and
' of the number . of years accorded by
er thirst customers resent the de- of the great sails in the wind. Death
Y present,
ttiar} the'�in6es.� '�'ikti open mouth
the god to ber..flance. Soon under her
sired change was finally secured in bad been averted—or not. If not you
dollars, halves - and quarters. Mr, looked up and saw some :unfortunate
rrtd too tie nutlinn,;,inQ• be plumes ..
deft fingers .one, tIwo, three hundred
Brownlee then took his bearings . He .roan turning..head oyer heels in the
good fifteen feet into. tae water and.
swims for opposite
petals; thin,-'pllant and beautifully
curved, had been evolycid.. and the
computed .that in his wanderings. •he air. Your heart 'stood, still. Would he'
had traversed a distance >of fourteeti
-the bank.. . Gasp-;
In -,:and 'iii ink , lie lards on what he
young girl cried for joy to _ think of
catch Hold of something, eveii tY only .
blocks and had consumed' half an ' '
break his or
hopes is frcedorn from Itis pursuers.
the .:haPp ' future which her ruse htttk
hour's time. As a result of that cal- .to fall; would he come
Brit, Was, nit! Yet anotherfresh bound
assured her fiance. So,' runs the leg-
�culation he was in a•bad humor when Wtterfng on the fleck:? At was a mere
is after him, «.bat can he do? He is.
,end, was the ebrysautb6tntfm created
he again entered 'the little: store. toss up. If. lie Was killed- outright. it
.too pumped . with hisbard
•one •moonlight • nt ljh to a Jnpaneae
the change,". he said, gericrally stopped. the drill for the
and a confoundedly hard time Thad day; if,he was only'seriously injured
burst to faeo the hl]] before him.
harden where silvery brooks murmur-.
to et it too t"' the drill went on, for. this was part
IIe . tutus ^rruril aitch tears do;vm;
t];roilhit the• htRckcn
softly as they ran beneath file little
bamboo bridges:—London Globe.. ..
Mrs. Brownlee potted his hand sym= of clic lesson brat. must `be learned—
wfth n .hound on
each :S],tc rf, hini, ready to pull him
"Oh,'.' she said. "I'm -so sorry. ._ I that In peace, as in War, one must takeCould
t his
(-,n' If t hey get but half a chance..
Do it,'
shan't need it, after all. Ater you
It i,' it, (11111idung race, under trees,
It.. was a Iiiean trick." but, then, that
went out I saw several other .little
ttlr°,unh l,o�Ys and bracken, rip and :
is :the Und that's usually successful•
things that I liked, and I bought A short Norex,
enough of them to come the An i,.nglisb.man named Thomas
down dells and brinks, smasbing head- •
"rbat dog,'" said .the owner..."wIll
whole $10." - 'Thorp died, his fortune to a
lo':;: through•everything, rnything, to
brfug .rile anything I setxl. 11 for,
poor relative on condition that ahead-
r_ •.ch the- shelter ,.of the friendly
and I am Billing to bet Dfr it."
Unwritable English: y tone, 'With the name' of the said
wate=r tare a„ men:, With .a mighty
Straightway :r bet Has Arranged. i
"Did you know: that is_ at. Thomas Thorp and a Terse of Poetry,
s��ci:,,. he". is Lt main: 1'cr. a moment
and then tbe•�manager of,ttie b1111.ard
least one sentence in English that l e oreCted 'over the grave... C(istino
t,'rri i, l�ieatbbtfi" space for now the
kali suggested theft he would .like to-
can be spoken, but that it is im- so . much a word to chisel Ietters on:
hPoper. iiid hounds, yet sorne way off,
have:tlIe pool table brought to. him. i
. .
possible to write? asked • a Univer- the stone: the poor relath a 'ordered
ar^: irn i. m„ f'tie the prior .beast: Which-"Certain:'ly
'; answered the owner e4
sity of Pennsylvania settlor. Yes, it's the poetry should be brief. Upon.
13 tSt t! c ii;ic:;?te of the ia1,e.,. Away, he
the dei, .and he pointed to. etre table.
correct English, I. suppose,that
and then
again it isn't. Here is.the sentence; his refusal to approve,' on account of _
a i":;s n•ttl) tsrare:ui mon`ement of ills
n-oW, head; la.uing all'around
and said, "i'etelh it!"
The dog raced around it. once
although I swear I•don'.t know lionv: their:lengtli. the.finea
,)ut:tner�, S>t with his mind flsed on
twice atnd then grubbed a pocket all-'
you are going to.•hdrite it.: `.There are Ilere.l:es the corp
three twos in the rnglish 'language,' Of Nomas .Thorp
trig late of retient. IIe reaches the.
• tore It ofr-
"Trek- i
You see, if you. spell it t -w -o the sen- the following was' finally.trdered and
shc.r.•, uuel, n]rll t.rtppine sides, be•:is
on cried the billiard man.
tence is incorrect, as it ig: ifs you spell accepted;
(tilt (shun tice N1111C.
"He'll ruin the, table." e
it ;either.t-o-o or Vo. Catch the point? h'F,orn's
digitin lie makes un effort to. baffle
"Of course," answered' the owner' of .f
Really; it is* incorrect. to. say it, a1= Corpse.
and Ivave belihuk those clinging hounds
the .dog, ."but- if .v0u:.give him :time
though it certainly should be possible, ..
that would beitf-'him dohrn. And now
he'll get it all over here. You. didn't e
to express the thought. '1'fiis thing The G!»gerbread 'free.
has got me going, and it 'simply
two great hounds itre stretching them-
t5efr utmost
suppose he could bring it iu.one.trip, t
goesThese is a species of patio, growing
to show what a mess the Rnglish Ian-
Selye.' out to pace. Side
did you?" . t
to'a height of from twenty-itre to tbir-
guage is. there' eertaifrly a, word
br: aide they race rafter their tiring.
But,the' billiard roar$ paid 'tire bet.
.is ty feet, in. Egypt,* Arabia.:Abyssinia'
two' and a word `too' another
duarry; In 'Another minute they will
`to,' and they are all three pronouns- and Aubia which produces its fruit in
have hini:: The stag. however, man- ,
Christening the' Baby. 1
ed alike --two, too *or to�--wbie'li make long clusters, each. contllning from
, ,
a„ cs to mase it spurt. though be'is
A' north country parson thought it
it correct to say there are `three -100 to 200. •Tbosek . frnits are of an
now stlati ring rapidly, and . j.nst :
absurd tient it .work1bg 'class ' woman
twos' or `three too$' or 'three tos' in Irregular- form, of a rich
g yellowish
rraches some purl. )alines surrounding
1 g
should' wish to christen .Iver child 1
Ian li2h. lanruage, But what's brown color and are, beautifully poi.
the big lake.
!'Laura' WhAfred Ghyendolyn Gene- 1
$shed. In tipper Egypt they form part
In an instant lie tuts turned on his•
rieve." 1
of rile food. of the poorer classes of fn- .
pursuers, and with.•hend clown and up-
1111;y good woman,. what a rldlcw,
r' I d 41- ..
hab#tants, the •.start ,eaten being the
f`prous, mealy husks, trhich tastes Al.
a se re c„ I . s p'ClI tred to. flgllt.
to the death. • A bound rushes in, but
lously lung rind faneltuI name.. lye pro-:
testod,; . "'Wby not cboosi, . something 1
most exactly fike'gingerbread, whence,.
in. a twinkling lie Is on bis -back,
simpler—Sarab, for instance? That �
the.popular name of •gingerbread tree
hurled nway, like ,n piece -of wood,
is.w.y owirwffe`s name."
An rgypt. ITyphoene thebaiea is the
• This thecks the either. liot•:tdi which
"Ali, yes'* Sarah's iii very well fora"
botanical name of "this palm,
dodges "• and bays. around the stag, .
.parson's. wife, but Flioite my little ;til i
Seeing that things nye now getting, R
Rill look a bit higher than thin" au- i
How it 8truok Hirit.:
bit. too warm for him, the stag sudden-
swered tete woman readily.
1t was i, o'clock in the afternoon. In
ly turns round and, swashin; the pal-
The astonished . parson ..thereupon, i
a crowded Drookl,�rrr car, and
lags like match -wood, flutis himself
performed the ceremony without fur- i
above the noise arose the walls of a
again in the fey nater of'tht" bis take..
ther eomutent.—Loudon Telegraph, i
toatlier lunged :baby protesting Against
•!hay anal ttwly .ire shins; up this
= _
everything. After .two miles, of this
long stretch, the, water seeminig to -re.
'The. Retort Courteous. i
.Cin. the mother• left with her Child,Vivo•
him, fot• lie strias the eastern
Professor Batey was quizzing a stu• i
whet] it young ratan In the front end
'length. three-quarters of it mile. and
dent named, Pond. who aeetned to .�
of the car thus* expressed. his.'keuti- .
.then lands at the far end while wts
!:now notlititg of the subject in stand,
follow on the shore. lIc s;viIlls tial his
""Are there no fish in this pond this e
Goo tshizl .I`m 41.i3 I'm !reel,
feet touch the ground and stands fac-
morning?" he em-bilmed tit length.. t
No, wedding tells for me,
log us.
"Yes, professor," repiled• the student; �
7'bn result can be more easily imag•
All we can do now is to end the situ
"but the 'Bates no ;gond:'
tned than described,
ation its speedily as possible, A'keeper
-- - -
flet it to -day, all drtlggist's°
deftly. throws -a rope with it looso.
Not Guite. i
Lllomcn and s,ipg.
knot o't•er the stag's antlers. In a
`"t steel) with your letters under my. 4
'"rut Mr. aininbraee, why do the
y they
moment four burly ktle',wrs nre baui-
�, p
pillow, the r»cdern lover wrote.
,always call a ship 'she?'"
Ing hint out by the ropes. Itis now a
When he yarned. tend muttered to '
":.or'", miss, you wonldn't nsk that
slow march to his feeding ground 1A
Of vou'd ever triod to sts.ev one."
the home .park, Sto;vls tine procession
r'At least I go to,sleep over .the let- d
moves, never a slackening of the rope
tern. I sup,ose It's the same thing„"
or the hold on the antlers. "Through
n �
July 8thii 1909
The News -Record
� 4
O ADVERTISERS we can guarantee the m
ost $atiofaetor Y , result&
because THE NEvs-R>acoRn is read and appreciated by the
business, 1pcliell, mechanics, artisans and farmers and their falrlili4
in Hurou County, one of the most, futile and thicl;;lyPoP elated
agricultural districts in Ontario.
On the Safe 7$ida.
° „
"In the matter of drinking," muse&
the philosopher with the impression• .
Istie nose, ',be: sure you: are right and
,. , g „
, ou won't et a bead.
the gate dividing the, parks he is
brought, an unwilling prisoner, though
undaunted, This ends the deer taking. The Idiotic Affair. !)
—Town and Country. Trafe Parent -4m i to understand
there ''s some Idiotic affair between ...fff
'^ ce;
r s i' c
you and that impecunious young ass,
Never think that intellect Is nobler, Lord Bilaris? Pair Daughter (very
The man to whom YOU owe moneil
than the heart,. that knowledge .is gweetly)Monly you, papa!- .�
greater than love. Not sol A thou,
never rests.-4tchlsotl (;lobe.
xsnd times no.—Prances Power Cobbb,
including Muskoka, Lalte of Bays,'
Temaga mi, Ocorgian Bay, ',AagIkAa-
Broftchitis Creeps into Consumption. C'hattiberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Sari River, ICawartha Lakes, Etc.,
Dr. Iiantilton's Cure for Pim ;les,
CoughingweAkens the tubes and malty Diarrhoea Remedy -the
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', All s1cin dist4shs such as pimples)or,1
Why lot Bronchitis become establish- "It alpetr'ds me pleasure to state
iginato through failure of the kidneys
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Ott ? It's easy' to cure -••Just inha,lo that I consider the .preparation' ftnowil
C&tarrhozone- brcatho j. its soothing as Chalriberlain`s Colic,Cholera
f avenues of liealth must be removed,
tt'alsams and relief at once. CatxrrhD. Diarrhoea Remody the u�est and surest
Dr, I•Iamilton's bills do this quickiy,
zone is so, certain in Bronchitis drat sof good results of any i have ever:
.A'T`T1140TIVI°x ROU TI:S,
They cleanse the system, make the
every case is Cured. Throat is strep-' usod in my family," sags P, Ia. 1je r- '
DAILY UNTIL SEPT,101h, 1000.
skin smooth, restore roses to tiff
gtttenCd, Cauglr ,stops, irritation goes rittgton of Mount .Aerial, Xy. This is
Rr"Tultv, LIMIT OCT, 81st, 1909.
cheeks and give clear, dainty corn-
away, all dangger of tuberculosis is the universal verdict of all ivlla use
For tickets anti' further informa•
plekion. For good looks, goon fivalth
prevented'. For throat trouble, cat- this remedy, It cures are so prompt
tion Call on
and good spirits there is nothing so .arrh
anti Coughs, 0at4rrlt0roA3 is The And effectual that people talce plex%-
JOIIN RANSb ORD, City Agent,
surf~ as Dr, I-lamiitoti''s Dills, 255,
Remedy, 25c nark $1.00 sires at all in recominthding, it. For sale try
A. 0. PATTISON, Depot Agent.
'boxes at all dealers, dtaiers,
flet it to -day, all drtlggist's°