HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-07-08, Page 2I I .
I �J
CRAt0A New%-Meord
July 8th, 1009
*-fV81Ty- , -ACCUBXCT- Aubura
(Intended for u owpo wwwww"
"" ##"to"**""" 11 . . . . . . at ioue.) The 11 h *1M
I .. C. A.nowsau..Is 0sy s,,,,,,,,,,,- Huron County News Gathere" d Every Moment of your 11f% who" You
I 1PUIRIINQ the SPRINQ binbiocis. I I . I are at h9ons Or abroWl Wh*" You 4"
Mr. . A. Sutherland of El%e CIMU aw4tko or when YOU Pro 11101*00-
YOU N f3EI) Grain Co. Toronto spent SatulL.My V . , 14100wa� I Between tbapolilon germs that Oro 14
i , v ir, food and watere-evOrYW11010 In
, ith old friends here. ow aA
ftet,--omil the billions Of Your In-
i . thing to restore the ap� bere last Wednesday eveoili4iby a score -#^ r . Visible friends, the lIttl* sol4ler-ogr-
I $orae Our basftll team defeated 'WVkltQh .for New. si"_R,ecor�d Reade �i
petite, .strengthelk the nerves, of 15 to Is' with an, innings to spare. . . -. pliseleS in your blood.
purify,thou blood, or tone, up the . if theise little soldiers A" kept
- S0.4 , fill the body with A large number from -here took in I . � - by t0ln4r, 110OX9
11 . the Huron Rifle League picnic and strong and healthy
ith"ITf lot, 141h ty - , parilla, you need have. 210 foAr
I shoot at Point Form last Friday. Varna., Morris Township. TbeStarTalkaLearn- sarva ,
41!; 'Iron P111.5� our team Missed getting the -cup by of disease. it effects its wonderful
berShoot q (Intended for last issue.) Harry SimpwA of Chatham, accom. . 0 cures, not simply because It eollt,41114
Z Man . of the 'C1111. Of WhIake �, .
, only eight points. T , 1) r
1 panle4 by little Miss Stella LogaA, sargaparlila'but because It cOubines
for this ],league willVe bold here early !a Octo- Mr. John Elliott Of Caji.berry,Mau., . r 0 more
;, Are speciall "intendeii 1,0 y'' a,l A ,, -will spent part of the a.ulluller with "Wbekt is Whiskey?" is the titlo , out reme4iAl Value Of
V 'h � the utni
'o. VM,pose, ey -* ber.
wi,11 reinforce is -visiting friends in this 'Vicinity. her aunt, Mrs. Walker. of an editorial !u the Hamilton Spec- than 20 different Ingredients, e .
i I J
_ I energies alid Import We are glad ta see Mr. J. Laid is FromThd NeWs�.Reeor . I " U
, .4
the floggin, .4 f I Mr. R. J, Drysdale of Hepsall and tator. greatly strengthened and enriched b7
eng . h of body And lain ' .
Is ziew str , I a, Able to be. About gagain. . Robert Drysdale of Laurel, Mich., I We are sorry to state that 4,Gavin,,, this peculiar g9r
, , , . , abination.
I Rev. r4r. Mann of Knox ,church ex- . . I son of F-Whard Bewley,, is in very Whiskey is a fluid. By some it is qet It to4 sruggist. 100
, -T U ly 8th, 1891. oalleil on friends on Goshen aadParr ay of your 4 r by
OWN00001 changed pulpits with Rev. Johil poor ,health. lie is At present in used as a beverage, but by others it es One Dollar. Prepared on.13
I Young of Hamilton last Sunday. Lino on Monday. ' I ' a X .vately as a remedy for M HOW Co., lAwell, Mass.. U. 0. A. I
Moose .Jaw with his, , isters, ,rs. iq 'used pri
Cl,, ton, July 8th, 1891. %iss Grace. Stepliepson 0% 'Vondon W, o , . .
in ,,c , -''.....'', ,'I, 11 i.
J WF4 WANT TJ - - ,Mr. James Johnston is busy point- I .. ott and Miss Lily. Mr. ,Bewley %ils thim. Some purchase it 1-1 ---, � � ,
visiting friends and rela ives around . I � is what .
I ing his house, The Forest and Clinton Victoria at at Woolsley just now. in order to use it as A liniment, but
� ., 6ere now, . age their .minds, In, licensed, ho,- F. W. CUTTLER, PAINTER AND I
I TO KNOW us . Cricket Clubs will wield the willow 4George Johnston and Will. Stephell-I 'EX -Deputy Reeve John R. Miller C1101 *
. , tels it is, -sold in the bars, and in PApor hanger. Ali work hone guar-
. on tlu agricultural park grounds to' son took In the 'Strawberry Festival and his good ludy,.,old residents of the, " lve satiaf4ctiiin, Prices
. And that your recipto win be Hon. W. L., *ackenzie, King and, Dr. day, commencing r at 10.30 a.m. -The held at CArni - North Boundary, ,purpose celeb4,ating other hotels in the bedrooms. It, is anteed to g .
:: filled with the beat goods ob- * . el church, HensAll, - oA. .. the nature of an intoxicant, and moderatoi. P
, . Grelifell received degrees from' H%r- Forest team are on a tour co . I'A . esidence nearly opposite
:t taiiiable,' We guaranteopure . mpoting Friday last. itho, 50th anniversary of Their inarrmgo! -
vard Univergity. - with the best clubs in. Western On- I ,on Thursday, Stla inst. Not many !nany are quite. nervi)us about hav- Collegiate institute, Clinton. $a
, drugs, Perfect service,. AcouracY * . . . Miss Pearl E. Drysdale of Ilerisallis ing it sold or exposed for - Sale to . . .1
and promptness. tario. . c6uples have the pleasure of so doing. i - I I r
I . visitin friends and rel4tl:Tes o - I . . others, It bas -a very nasty taste � .1 I.
I I I 9 , , . a Parr I .
THE. IPE,RFE CTION OF. WOXAN-' Mr. N. W�Wur Manning succeeds Mr. ILine. I . X. M. Cardiff, 5th line, is able to aiyd nobo'dY likes it. The smell ot I Repeat it :-I'Shilolits Cure will *
: - 0 I HOOD. W. M. XcGee as senior bopk-koeper at The Misses Davidson � and Clarke sit up And will soog be Able to move it is SQ. -Offewive that a man who ways cure my coughs and colds."'
does not envy And admire, aithe Doherty organt factory. Mr. McGee have returned home from Cbildrons' alipuit and.- therftpy xsDlieve- the Mono- 6esn't like peppermint drops will .
, ,
� � . 'to get rid of thq other - "- ,
I'll lovely 8vo . man ?4 ,The secret c I her lov;, "Ac p9sl- Hospital, Detroit, , eing. 4 prisoner to the house. eat them
: We So R. HOLMES w -'o is likely to a tony of -b I � . 11 I
I. I eliness, of her perfection, .is health. tion in Montreal. Mr. Maaniog will' 'Miss Lily Johnston is spending 'Mr. Cardift is not accustomed to such odor. . .
.0 Manfg Chemist. I She sleeps well, eats well, digests1prove a capital successor and is lo blo fe,M days in ille camili at BAyfield. � prolonged holidays. . Whidk IV 7A J� - �
� . .1 . - congratulated on his advancement. 1 � - , ey has not X friend in the, mk&-.� -
well -Intricate functions are vigoraus , Miss - E- mma Steplienion of Pa,rr On June lat, atbis home law Ok- country, nor has bad for over thirty
L**"###"# . I , .
. #"ossoorOr" and regular. Of all woman's remed- Mrs, John Wiseman is aga4n domic- Line is, visiting M�. and Mrs. W. lohoma, U.S., David Garvin, a form- year% But many still use it to, pre-
. . �
'Jes, Ferrozone is the best ; it vitalia- ciled in town after a lengthy visit, to DOwson of the 14th con. . er resident on the 9th line, ivlor4s vent chills . I or to, impart the rosy . M1 � I
-RELIABILITY � E-31PE'RIENCi-I es the function upon which health,ldenils in St. Mary,;* . . . � and 8th, line Hullott, passed away at- hue of a spring moroing, to a black . .
depends -makes . the purest, richest .. ter An illness extending over four and embarrassing rent day. It is us- Pj-ovJn,,,i41 Loan of $3,600,000
- . . . The lawn party, Tuesday evening of ' I - . . .
I blood, gives perfect. complexion and list week, on the pretty! grounds of J., . QwY Township. . Months- His Rgc� was 84 years- De- ed by some who are Impecunious to THE GOVERNMENT OF -THE . ,
Repeat it :-,,Sbijoh,s (-�,Ire w,11 , al- lots of vigor. Every girl and woma.4 H. Combe,. Esq., 'under the auspices I ceased moved away to United States create an i1ilsion. of affluence, and.
who seeks health, vitality, looks -let Sunday week an old and well known about 29 years ago. Mrs, Wm, Law., while the continuid use of it has an PROVIKCE OF ONTARIO, under the .
v.ays cure My Coughs 13-14 COLU-"' I - On* of the Churchwoman's, Guild, was resident of the . tendency to produce authority of Chapter 8 e
. I I - her get Ferroz .a to-dayl, Fifty. c, . cuts quite,a, successful affair. . . 14th con., in the per- 1, son of Hullett' towliship, aud Daivid unfailing lutes. of OAtario, 1909, invites sub� .
t . . I . son of. Wm� BI.Aka, paid Nature' dck k,, 1 Garvin,, of aoderich toWa§bip, axe patches or the need of,tbenk on a ,
.a box at Alt 'dealers. I e only daughter and son who reside scriptions from the publio for a loan :
. ljckcrin,�, ' wh deaths I ,
1)R. OVENS, SURGF619, OCULIST, I . . . Miss Greig of,I P, 0 111d'. agcAd 70 years, His had I th - manla pants, it superind4ces a be-, of $3,500,000 on borift of the Province . I
will be at Holmes' Drug Store on ' I I . . been visiting relative�, In. Clinton and not been very robust for the in Canada. Three sons an -d two Iiof in his mind that he has money 'of Oqtario, or "Ontario Go'Kerame"lit,
Filday, July 9th, and thereafter olil -The, State of Tennessee went dry at Seaforth, has returned home. . I past few years but he was.daughters are livigg in the States. to burn and schemes for thn future Stock." - - � . I
. . I
, rap On DolliLpion Day, the, Ro , . .
Wedlnesday.Aug. 4, Sept. $, Oct. 13, 11rildnight last night. Bargain-hunte' man Cajbo.j'able to be. about until 4 month The oldest residents of 'Norris an(I that will yield wealth beyond the ' .
Nov. 17, Dec. 22. Bours from 9 a.looliing for- cheap liquor,, were v I cry B6 church'redently fitted upt'in Clintoit ago was lbiorn: in Co. Clare, Hullett -will remember Mr. Garvia. dreams of, I avarice. I 1. . . . The lbv�ds will be dated lat Joao,, .
m. until 3.3o .p. m,. Glasse� properly liumerous. . . I . I � . -was dedickted tv religious purposes. iIrelAnd itnit came to America when a, I . - I . I it is bAd: inediciae-nasty to . talce, 11909�, and pay%ibfe on the ,lat of June
fitted. Diseases of the. Eye, '4ar,. - I. 1. � . - The ceremony was imposing and im 'boy living first in the state of New . . � . � I .. . - and anyone -who uses it can quit 1939, in denominations of $1,00G each.,
I . . 1. 1. . . � pressive a$ becam � Oi York. In 1852 the family moved' to Repeat it:-"Shiloh's Cure will all- i with coupQrks attached for interest at
Nose &Vd Throat treated. , * , e the traditio.as - whenever he likes,' tut the 'more o � . I
. � 1. Repeat it :-"Shiloh's Cure wi I � . this township, being amorkp: t)ie first ways cure my coughs and colds." . -e of four per cent, per "annum,
, 11 41- mother church. . I I the ra.t
q-- -L� ways cure- my cotg4s; and Poll,,," , ..". . .1 . . . I settlers. and located on lot 6, ton. 13 . . I reason he sees
. . . , . 11 I -. - ' � . - � for quitting it. It is a jovial fluid payable half -yearly on the lat of - June
. . . .1 . - . . - . . . . � and, latei� acquired tbe farm ,upon ' . . . I aniong n-ew a I equaintances, but it is ana lat of December IN. each. year at, * � - .
TO FARMERS'AND . . . . Goderich Tp., July bib, 1891, which Mr. Blake lived. He was a, The Y. M. C. A. Orp,an,- often *accused of betraying its beat the office of the Provincial Treasurel.,
� . . .
.. I Premier Asquith received the Imper- .... . . faithful. member of the R. C. churpli. , . - . frie,114 with no apparent object. lT6rQnto,, or at the offices of the Bank .
. . . ' Mrs. Hy ruco , . 1. . .
' I I ial Piess' Conference. delegation and Mr. . and . 1 , ticlibourn�, or With - deep regret we record - the Ized "In. B ' of Montreal, in Montreal, .Canada,fland ,
. . Colbornei, were, "i yoing manlin the per-� . . �
OTHERS expressed himself in favor, of cable V siting at Air. death of a fine . . . . I It the' Spectator wants further in New York, N. Y., -at the holder'&-
. I . . . � I �
. .
I .. rate reduction-* ' . . . .. Jobn Shelipard's, Bayfield Line, last s6n Of Hugh ,Arthur McNeil who,. de.- County. , particulars about whiskey, we may option. Bond:s *111 be made payable
. .
. . � I . �� . . . . . I . I . .
. � . 1 . week. . Parted this :life on the 24th tilt. � At I . , toter that journal . to the I Standard to beater, but on request will be* re ' � I
. . .. . . � . - godd . encycl . I 91
n tandard . I .. I . 'Mr. on the early ,age.ot po years, 2 months ' A WW1l attended convention. of on- Dictionary, any Oliedia, istered in the offiqe of the Provincial
. I ' .
I .. . . Albert: Canterl will suffer no and -6 days. - Bright's Disease Wag thusiastic tiiinisters and Christiav ,lAy- provincialvasylumS, prisons and bOXAe& Treasurer and . . .
. . . �
Elevator, in connection with my. HARD CALLOUSES QUIOKLY .njury by his self attempt . endorsed as payable
. .
. . . . permanent i . . .
.grain buslness,, a full'stock 61 Timo.' . . 1. � I - I his ailment.-. He was the y9ungest bprr men .of -Bruce county - was hdld in 'or refuge.--Toronto'Star. . - . only' to the order of certa,in ipersons.*0131 -
I CURED. I to ij�ifurcate one of his feet. , The toot I . I . I � . . 1, . . . I . . 11
I , � I of the late Peter McNeil, who 'pa Walkerton,': June 28th, for the purpose . - .. .. . I -of -
. .
I .
thy and Clover Seed, Corn, Chop .alid . g6ai the feet !A hot water said then is abottt'all right again, . � . I . . ssed I ' I . . corporations, and on request . hold
, ' ' ' I ' ' 11 � .. . . . ers Will be. exchanged for "Ontario .
. �
Feed of all kinds., Please give me A, apply Pu.tuam's. F�iinl ss Corn Extrii.& To Aon is iretti away last Fob ry, His -mother-died of intrioddeing the County plan, of Y.f . I . . I . . , " .
. . I . � , wasIlip Clerk Pal . .� ru'
I .. . � . I epeat it ,�"Shilohl§ Cure will al- Government Stock" at any time. .
. , � 11 tor -m -it removes calous 41111ekly. nicely over the unfo�lunate aceident. rothers, William Martin and ,.John ing were the speakers : .
tall. ., . thee I and the deaths of two X. C. A. work in Bruce. The follow- R
- ., * 0 I . b . . . . .1 .. I . 1, ways cup m I y coughs ' "Ontario Government Stock" will �
. . Besure you get "Putnam's.,OU4- .. , I by which he . Sustained a, I Edmund, occurred Z Oat ' . I . I . .. ...... . * and colds." 1 I hear interest. f ro)n the lat day of dung -
� . I o:�or. 1,993and I ' . .
. . � .
I . , I . .
7'Ll - , .., He is able. to get. around. on crutches, - N.ovemt ` i9O5 iespectfully. . , � , Air. John 'Penmaii, Paris, chairman, I ..
. . I .
. . . . . . I . � I er I . . . . I .. . . . I . : 1009, principal' payable�'on the lat day �
. . . . . I . ' . . of the Provincial Committee. � ,- I . ,. I !,
I . . I . ,Mr. Mateliew Sheppard: � who. - had . I . � . I I I -,, and interest 'at :
W, Go smyl. 17-11- , I I I � s. . . . . . .. -1 .. 1. . - - Of, June, 193.9 the
I . . I . . . 'Air. G. F. Blair, Goderich chair -man . - winOam I . .
I � The Mjssig�ippc- Legislaturw .-took his leg broken in a gravel pit ,..a Sul, . . . I I rate' of Jour per cent. Per annum, 'Kill " * ,'
. . I . . . I I . . � . ' , - , , . * I ... .
I ,iJ-'-*%.,, ., action akainst. the. Standard Oil COM- fering most from tba'-bruj�e �. to ' his . . . I bf the Huron 0ounty Committee. . � . .. I
- "�M - ' . � Iffensall . . I I' Rev. W. G. Howsbn and -family lef t to, paid. half -yearly by cheque on 'the.
� . ... ati-trust la*.- . I
. knee caused by a boulder or Mass of I , � . . . . � Mr. C. M.. .Copeland, Provincial Sec- for - Dec,
. . . � I . . . - , I . � their no*. field of, labor at� Wal-, lat day of June and lat. � day of .
. . , gravel striking it'when his leg. Was Alo, ut sevEnty in'en,t)ers of Zurich . 6ung Men's. Qhi,i�tian lace6urg a w*eek ago, and alter spen& ember in each. yea�r. "Ontafio, Gbv-
- . I " I ' � retary,of the Y .
I . . . . - . ' . I
I .
The Leading Sth"Ooli . ; . . ' broken. .� ... . - . . Lodge, �A- F.. and,. A. Mi*, accoinpanied Ano.dationg of Ontario. an& Quebec. ing, Sunday with f riends in London ernme�nt Stock" may be subscribed for .
I . BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. . - 'Coun ' � I k 1 . sums . of $50' or . multiples tb6rdof, I
. . . . . - 11 . I ,� . . I oil .met at Holmesville on June I by. a number. -o from Exeter Lodge,]. .Mr. , J. 1-1 - Crob pr,. Secretary '61 pr�6ecdcd to-Alic-ir.destination oxi1J4Z:1n
-----�* . I 11 29th', 1861, pursuant to adjournment, Marched to -St. Paul's chu . rch on * Surr. Brantford Association. . . . . . . . .day. - , . . � . , I . . I . I and will -be tiansferable'in the ifoiiks ..
, , . . I . . . . . � . r, I
Paris is Full of Them and Nearly. AII'Membeis all Present. Owing to the day week arkd listened tu'an approptli-I Mr. A'. .dullens, Provincial Se a -e- -,' -of -the Treasbry . Department only li� .
- :� , , Use Parisian -Sage. � I ause cc of *6 Clerk the following . mo -.1 ate-'dis . course by. R . ev. W. J. Doherty. I tar I I I . � . .. Last veek Dr. Irwin . attended the
� . y of .County Work. . �drv.ral ,of the late Wm, KiD7., OL".near I the' holder . or his attorney :in similar
* * . . .
. In the beapty show 'At the metropol- ti�. , ,� as put. �-Moved �b6r Sim'l Sturdy - Tho preach being .4, inember of the I . Mr. L", - 0. ' Flenking, County Seem-' Auburn,. who ified . suddenly . on � Satur- inarin'er ,to tra ' I 11 I, -
w . ' ar . - . . . I ..us!ers - of ' bank stock, � �
�r4l .- �. is two years ago Gold Medals were seconded .by. Jas. Connol,ly', . that mr.� I ordoi. anff well -versed'-in its'fundimen- tary of 1-14ron � County. . � - . . day - morning. Mr.. King was gn. e�irly I tile -issue price ,during, the month of
, I
I I warded toTive different women. . . . . I Adam Ca - -of I tal pri . n I c I' ' able to appl' its, Mr, A. S. Hopper, em -secretary - of I
Courses are . � . . . . .. ntelou Wform the d,,Atic.s .ip es was June, 1909, will'. -be 102 for each $100 "
,practicaa; our a ' � �.. . . . . � . I y , settler of Last Wawanosh,' and - was - t ..
. To the most* beautiful woman be.- Clerk at ,the Council 'Board di.irIng.tholprecepts, aAid teachings. He urged his Woodstock Association. . I at one time' a member of the council, and after the 30th diy'of June, 1909, . , ,
. . .
teachers experienced, and our- tWeen'20 and 25 A, between 25 * and. 30 r� - eriforceA absence � of .tke . Moil: through hearers to The true .to ibe, noble teach- I Mr. Wilkie State Secretary, Los for that township. .He .*as' go years the issue 'price wial be , 102 and - the,
graduates capable to fill respon- . between 30 and 35 -, be I I . , I
- .,tween 35 , ' I and . . sickness. -Carried.. - , ... ings of the order, The':c'hoir rendered* Angeles'; Cal., who began work as 'an 6f� age. ' Ow of his sons at One time interest accrued -froni the lat. of June,, .
I � I 1:, . .. I . . I '.. . � excel, - IAS�ociatiori Secretary in,18*67. " . I . a re' . . . 1009. -� I . I . .
sible positions. We are- receiving' 40. and betweeli 40 and, 45. I .. . I lent Service. '' ' *. . � � I
' I . . . . I
. � " ' � . - . . .
many applications for Office he�P4. .. I.. �. I .1 . .� � .! . I . .. .. � . . I .was Sident on Scott. street, Win-. 1 . .- .
. oty iopor or .w viewed . � . . . ., I . I . . I I . .. , * . I .
. . .
I A. s6oi . t ho. inter I � I" I � . . � , � ... . I Recently tr the-Onioril ki, A.'Culiens addressed the eqn, h ' . I I . ALL BONDS AND INSQRT13ED.
. I . I ,.. ,while �att nding � . .11 . �
. I �. I 11 . .9 . ,
� . - I I am. , .
During. a single day. this 'wetk -Are. all fixe, women in the: interest of his : 11 I . a 10 . , . ,.. . ' . ionid 'FrIod, Smallticomb. 0 o he w.' J * J . I . � 1. . � . I . I
. I . �. � L W,., . p . a .was tak6-v ntioii on the need I r i pi c Jn; �Wing-. STOCK ISSUED UNDE R',Tfff,� AU- .
received Seven- applications for .'Of- . papers; - reported that 'all I of them had. . . ,. . . P. r. , . � . .. .1. I I . I .. . - - �, Rev. W. L .. Steeves, ,pastor ,ol . aY TROILITY OF . 4 I .
commercial I �. . . 1. .... , .. 11 .1
fice help and four for ' litiutiful'bair, 6nd that each . of the five � . � . I i .. . . I � =sly, ill. and was in a i bad, state Bruce* Coui;�y. .Ile. hAd madC a Study bam' Baptist cliurch,� .ieft..on,.FA,d,. I T14E SAID ACT ARE
I � I ' '
.. . . ML 01 -L happy '11AS'Sioar.an I � FROM A' TAP.
teachers. Our grad6tes 'succeed . I -The services in smi,thla* ilill Pies. he .reached- ho . He was ioufid of the county and found that'. ' %ly 61. wetk on' a
- , . enthusiastically attributed her. luxuri- . - . - I . . . I .1 I - � I ,. - . I. .OR FREL LL,0N 10 - PRO;- - -..,
, as ixon others. Three departments . I .. ` , byterian cburoh' Sabbath lwaek.' wqrb I to be �ullertrtg -wi�bh Pleuri Pneumonia, per cent. .of 'its. church members Wer(.' Tuesday of this .week was inairied to VINCIAL TAXES, * CHARGES,' fl;UC4
0 Ant hair to Parizian $age.. �:. 1 .. I ' -a to* days his life - hunj in young men. He . also spoke ,on tile Mis j -CE8$10 DUTY ' . AND: , IMPOSsi- :
fcommercial. 8horthand and Tele- well -attended, and th s and for
graph W - S.. R; Holmes.. sells Parisla:n I . a coageeg%tion:, . . . . . a es�io - 'Gertrude..Wriglit; .' only" N
. . .
. . I
I y. Catalogue free. - . 1. were delighted to, have the 9pportun- the balarice. .We are please -C -to', learn County Woik'plan. ... I daughter of Air. and; Mrs.' J.'.P.. Wright. TIONS �IrHATSOE . VER. , I . . ., . .
I � ,
. . . .. Sage*for 50 cenWa large bottle. He ity10ihqariUg)an1,o1d.friend, Rev. Johij, . ; ng a hna 1 Mr le i ' ' spoke . . ... - .
. J% however that'that ho'is maki . F in ng on -,"The achieve- of Malone,.N. y'.. . %. I . . - . I .
. . . . - ' � . .1
. guar,�fite6s.-it to c.ure dandruff-iri two , . I . . . I Purchasers -of, Stock or Bonds will . ,
Elliott & MoLochlan' - weeks ; to � stop . � � 1young of Hamilton, ' who dcli�ered recovery. . . . i ments of the county w6rkin kuron'!. The following. front the Br�i,Adon
falling hair and itch- . *1 be're4uired to send
. .,. I.. excellent sermons. The pistOr, I ,'Congratulations are belivr. extended and I 'The Social and Educational POS-, Sun of June �'50i, . will bo.roadl. with. I certiftece cliecque -
. . I I In& of the scalp. It makes any- wom- two . I * I � n .. ' I-eld's old with the application, Y�ljlc'to '.the' ..
� J. R. Mark.n, . wag aw preach.; �to John Caldwell. over his marriage),to,'sibilities' of - the ' orgaiii atiOn. - in interest . tay Mr: Porterf
-PRINCIPALS ,an's hair beautiful, -soft a- lid' luxurl-l�tov' . ay I . . . ., . .z - . pa - Treasarer of -
- � , oung's church At Hamil- Mrs. Gddbo�t,of near Exeter. , i Bruce,.'r . . .. . . 1. - I . . . 1hp-a of the 11Pr&viw.ia1
. ... nt., .� l . � ing in Mr. Y . . .. I . � . I . � -friendsin this. districtr',he btei ' - .Ontario I I '. . . i . .. . � I .
. . . . .. .
� I - a . I . . . � . ton.. On Monday .evening Aglowingi the Mr. and Mrs. Slinger 61 Lofid(Th were, i - Mr.. Clocker presided, �ovcr the ses-1 foralor rdsi-dent of -East Wawauosh : . � I
. . . . I � . '
� , � . � .1 . . - -i . I I This. -loan. is raised upon -�fie-crvdit'
. . I . - annual garden party.under the auspic-,guests at J, B. McArtbur for a.16w s,loas oUthe Convention and spoke on ."Giebr,gd Porterfield, .61 this city, has- - ..
I . .
. . I... I � 1. .11 . . I..... . I .1 . I es of the church was hold on. tho�lian& days recently. The latter is acousin the.,11�hyslcal*and Recreative potsibIT been appointed deputy postmaster of the lbon'solidated Rovenue'Fund of .
� .
RAIN TILF3 AND � BRICKS�-AVE . . . . . . . of Mrs. .Me r'thur.�. I - * , .. I lljtie�.cif the organization in Bruce." bore. For the.1-tat two years Mr -
..., . � I I isorne grounds of Mex. Voung,:ati,00h A . I . Ontario, ind'is. chargeable thereupon.
will .'open bur first kiln on. -May the M,elna Farm,. For the program which is playing havoe with' the.1 Mr. Copeland ckplained the.,pla 0 1 Subscribers should State whelher
, . 40 (50- Porterfield has been -r.iiperi-ntendcn,t' of,
I AUG. ,30th. I I I I 29t -h and tdtn We. -will .again - have followed, the . Supper Rev. John Young I'dutch, sets in t1bis section. And.accord- cupied by'the county work in.*.14ag- Ah p6stoffice.in this city. and'his of- they desire'bon4s-dr 1�oatario Govern. ..
, in stock .Wl sizes of tile from .' 2� I I . 0 1 'Mont Stock.,,, . . . . I .
. - �
Our graduates are assisted to the inches up. to 12 inches and we we presided, and .1)lcasant addresses were ing to some. of the growers many of gressive policy Of the ProvinciiI. com- ficial appointment as deputy by 'the i E xampte : A subscriber for, $J,000
I beat positions. Write for the.rea- . � I given by Rev. W. Daugh of Beritailler J the patches would not pay. expenses. mittee, and addressed the c,onvent-oii, gcivetnment is undoubtedly t -lie result. I . '
. will open a * kiln .every week during . Will have the option.of takinm either
son. Prepare now to enter at be- . ,Rev. W. Conway of Nile,' a,na Rev. A. I Mrs.. Bessie Urquhart, instriietor in'On *"The religious possibilities,, * ' of.the of hid excellent. .work as 9uperinten- . ni . -
rming of term. � I 1. the' , season. We, also. niake"nice E. Jones of Autj-trif. . The , chltirmani It, xpression and Physical Culture at a ! Y. M. C. A. in - Bruce County., dent. Mr. Porterfield, who is arm of a Wad - or ,Io,Atarip, Government
I '
Vail Cotirses-for those'who wish to white and red brick, - Our -works are' who had been announced to Speak on. ,college in Newton, North Carolina, is , . 14 the cvenhij an excellent binquet Brandon's best.�ka:)wn citizens, is pop- Stock." A .subscriber for $75O.-strill be
, . . � ' -' I � I . . . . .given "Ontario 6overame
� study at home. . half � - mile east of'. EgmOndvill6.-, the sub�l "Colborne Vifty .. '!�caxs home. On�hor way here She Spent a, was given. by the'la(lies of Walkpiton, ular And well, F,xialified to, fill his new . nt Stock, I I
I . I 1. . . . . ect . I . "a ds' are only in the deaulainap"
. - . Kru se -Bros., I gmondville'. P., 0. 178-4 -A I I declared his - inability to rem- few days arWashington. I . '- Air. � PaRman, Paris',' Presiding. ,The pos � ition., A more popular. or better � . bon
I I . I .. � . I . .: .1, goi . . I � , - . I I
I . I . . -he's, . I . I I � I I . . speech of the evening an,d% of ,th�., whold' Llipointment dould n � bee t1on of.$1,000, I � .1 I .
- -- -. . I 'her quite -so ar back but ,ild. he .. � . . . . . I ot . have . . I I I .
CLINTON BUSINESS I .. . . . - I . f I . I .. ' n . . . . .
I ' . . I . . I I . - I I .11 C , '� . I . . . ! I . I convention Was made by* Mr. , G. F.' . I . . . . . . � .. ] . � . I . I
. . . I . . had' recollections of OlbOrne as it I . I madc�" , -
. COLLEGE .1 .' . F I - . . 'Re lt.:�"Shiloh's; Cure will .al- ich On "Y,' '9- 0- A- An old -resident o&t1hiS,.di.qtricJPasS- . , A. J. MATHESON, I
. OR, -SAV@.-�SQUARE TIMBER'wg,s forty years. ago, and lie proceed- p6�t I . Blair �of Goder . .. � I Provincial "'Teasurer. �
GEO. SPOTTON, PRXXCIPAL. ' - 'ed to give &-most interesting Wk -on ways I cure my coughs ande Id " ' work as a business , ,man's illv6st- ed Away - recently in'the, -person of .. I - I .
. � and Lumber *suitable for 11ths, driv- . , . .
. . �
. I - ling sheds, etc.; for sale., . t . . I I � . ' s. ' Iment." Ddr, Blair said'tbat i lat Treasurery
. . Apply tO'.the subject, mentionitig some of . - the - -- here are. Margaret McLaren, relict of.. tb�- a . . Department, 'Parl'laraent ' .
. . . ' � . .
. . � I .
. .1 . D. Cantelon. . .. 77 men of that period, w�ho had left.tlicir . ,� . . . .many kinds of dividends on the . in- Peter Imlay Mrs. Imlay had , for' BuiIdings,. Toronto, Juat� 3fd igoo. .. .
. I I . . . ' , ' �
. . . I � -1 Alone at h me a
I � . , I impress on the collplitmity, and .rer- I. . I live, a advelt"se-
I . Vestment of money. For, example a some.kcars' or ho I - Newspaper insetting thi'
I Seaf6rth I . I ,
+ . . calling 'some amusing incideati in the . .. i 11 . � I Man, may. invest his, surplus IbLIAP-3r ill on Shuter .street and was able to be Mont without authority fr6m: the Do- . -
, I . .
. � something which will give hirn'Tao artment will not be paid $lot it, ,
. BY PRIVATE )SALE. -A QUANTITY. 1116 *of. the community. at that time. Miss - Teresa. McConnell, tWixed Tcy,arouni as- usual until aShort tinie P �
. .1 I . .. .1 I I � I . I . . I I . .
S- EEDS I - - - " . . ,. � , , mf4. -, or 0, Man, may invast-111-011- prior to her death which was caased . . . .
I . of Household Furnititre including I I inurse, of Milwaukee.,, Wis., is 'Agiting. divIal � - . . . � - . 11 ..
. .
We have a complete stock dining' room chairs, kitchen. table, . . . � . !at the borne, of her �rotbar-in-law, CY in books or literature.. Or travel by a- rittoke of par&lygis. The deceas- . ..
. . . � .
. .
cook stove,. large glass 'Supboard, . . . . , F Mr. Ti Geary'. . I I . and got his dividends in the form ' of , 6als liufij�nd-' Nvhq was for many yeario ' . . . 11 . . . .
of Seed Peao, Hartey, I st Wa;Wanosh . I education or benefit to, health. Jh6 I I -
. . May r any time next weak At . . . Mrs. Robertson, who has been here . a Miller in.Wingliam fto.ur,mill, passe4 ., .
. . .
. m seen , . . . � I
Oats and - Potatoes. ' Mr�. I... Brownleels, Albert street, Mrs. David Scott, 6th line, is Still On a visit with her daugntnr, 7,yfrs. - Y, Al. 0. A. offered - bushiogs men op- away a, few,years ago. . . --
� �
. I .. %x e(.k portunity lor investment, 1ho * divi- . -
. I Clinton. - . I . very.lo,w,, we B -le sorry to, hear. I Thomas'F. Coleman, left , ist , , � M ' r. Goo. SrigleY met With a bad ��� I � .. I
I I . I . 1. .. . . I �.. Th3 crops in, this, vicinity are. I U dends of which were to be estknated I . 11 ,
We parfleularly invite ifiappetion of . � . I � Pok- for Oakville, where she �wlll ,;,s�' ,ie- , acol-dent while ,At work-in Mi�. J. it. . -
of our SEED CORN which is No. 1. I . . . I . ing badly in lized'of rain just now. latives. . I in tile Religious, Phygical, Eilav6tioa- McLean's saw mill. A pivcp�of timbfer I
. . . . �
. . . aqg: left ij-tSt V�,eelc al and Social betterment Of the t0ull- flew from the saw and struck, Mr. � �
Otir TINLOTHY Mr, andMrs. ' John Bell of Moriis Mr, John Morti I I
and CLOVERS we MONUMENTS 1. , 'me. I try -'s young men, and Canada's young Srigloy,s right arin, brcaliirag'ite - - � 11 I I -
1. I . , ayed at James -Noble's, Oth line. ,for some ti . 11 .
,�uarantee pure. . . §ur4 on manhood is her greatest undo,reloped A beautiful w' . - .
, Messrs. Sims And Buchanan oil Mr. Rdbert%cCattney; w -*.h I.;,; a eddin� was solemnizod. I 1. . .
We are AlMn ARPMS'f011 Oanhdiicar- CHASTE DESIGNS. BESTMATERIAL Blyth were Westfield visitor's on)Gcorgo, returned from, tll,, � urc6. Money is spent to (lovc101i at the residence of neeve ,And Mrs, qb.1%1%Ab
rings Co. BUGGIM and . I . �, �Iok)se Jaw reso I I
. I ' I ... th home j)q 4h ,Will Canada'g Material resout*%%n, und thnucli joynt, Ross St,, Luohnow,'-wheft - �
I � JAMES DOIG . Sunday. . Idistriet.to eir e . , anada's people N11111d, tQ th,dir daughter Mamie wa4-14.-riven AWAY, THE � � I
STANDARD WIRE F8 XCE I , Mr. G.. Solar Sr. is visiting his lRoad T�ckeramith� .Air. . McCi.rtney more should C .BICYCLE IS PAST .
I OPPOSITE! POST OFF vsent. ' has 1sp, the develop her inanhood, Can.i.d � .
.AND POSTS, ice. daugliter, Mrs. McGuire, at pr osed, of his interests iii . a A bv marriage to Mr. Robert Johnston COMING BACK INTO ,PoP-
. �
. I
. . Ll quarter , of a century henee will be Oi the ame town. .
We have also a few hags of the Gode' . � ..I- . .- John Petts"of Blyth is cogaged withiWest. Ile had a full, se(,,don (.1' land that time make . 8,1�
rich Ofas on hand at pAces and terms . . Robt. Vint, 5th line, for the season, 1which he sold for, $85 ptr aere� He what her rach at . VLAR V A�VOR
to suit customers. , H bn I � , Miss * Phoebe Dtlismore, lf,ft tl�js ihad good buildings, 6 two, i,l iv!ey bricl( her, and the responsible iiien of tho,t . . I I � . I . R AGAIN.
. I . - � . week for an, -extended visit with'stliendsl residence and a large bank bal-li, tinie Will he the boys And voling men A SUSTAINING DINT, I "WHY WALX WHEN PLEAS.
. U of TlIeSil in Washill ton State.- . which, of course, chlianced 'lie Value that we are developing now. Whether I I
.9 11�� URE s EXER CIS E AND
I lof the farm. . this young country 'Vill occupy i , Those are the clierN%tiag* days, .1when, I
FORD&MCLEOD -lavIng '. vrobased a machine for I . I I . 11 Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert Devereux bad Proud and glorious position'sho Is do- as somebody alas said, men drop by 'SIGHT.SEEING. Ann- - So
. 1 p stined to occupy Among the, nation,; the sunstroke as it the Day of Fire . ,
. applying Rubber Tires, we wish to T,OOX A14EAD FOR ILLNESS. an, unpleasant experience- and a nar- ing tile twelitioth con� r �Vlr,,tbo�,r* lad dawned, Th�oy are frauglit with NE
I . I .: LE . . I tow escape front serious injury on dur tu y,
I . . Say that we are now 'prepared to fut- Sudden 111noss and pains come in Mon4ay week, They Were driving she is to be kept, for ani,dians, danger to people whose Systems 'are . I
I � ish and put onsuchtires at reason- C .. IN THE WHE,EL?y,
ble- rates. L every. family--�to. parents And Oilldren down Main street, and just as they, Whc'thcr She is to hold hor na.6014j poorly stistainud ; and this leads us ' /
alike. But if you have looltall iihCad, reached Market street a horse cam . 0 Sp.irit amid the great 111aux of for� to sa , in the, interest of the less ro- I AM AGENT FOR TIIP,*,*W
COAL ' - We also do all kinds of GrWding ' - is tube an Orl- bust of our rejadIcArs, that the fitlt, ,cf. I . I . ;
. nything from a pair,ot scissors to� and have right in your bonv�. rei,dy running from the .West, and 'before Mr, eignors, whether she, I
ORDER YOUR Yr f r 'itmediato use a bottle Y,11v%;(jn a Deveroax could get out of of during Christian nation depends upon ftct'of flood's Sarsaparilla. is such, ,,is CLEVELAND A N D 1JA-
" A R'S SUP- iroularL saw. This week we installed 0 11 . I in to suggest t1w Propii..oty �If vallin- I CYCLE BYCLES AND XTil.plA L
]PLY NOW. VHZ BEST ' 1*14 machine for grinding barse clippers Nervilinc-tiz�re isn't much it) Avotrylthe way it ran Into 1�is buggy and hot risilig InO - . this mcdielwk ,something besides a .
THE MARKET, $7 PER TON, whieli does Perfect work, over. If it's a sore "brom", Cr - rou- ibroke tile wheel. This frightew,d -Mr. I Mr. C.'J. Wickle, Chosley, iit3e blood purtflor . and to,nic,-say, a suq- TIRE
BUT IF ORDZZED AND PAID Wo likewise do all kinds of lathe traCtCd Chest, MPPlY N41VRifte sindput,Devereux's horse, And it ,Started to made a veri able Adatess, ondorsing 9 AND StJ*LJDRlES OF
FOR BE PORED M&Y gist A� DIS- tork on ,short order and. at reasoll- On a Nerviline Porous, Muter. It It's irun, and it was some time before he the inauguratibil or the work In t1ining dict- It llamkcs it Much Oftsicr
I � colic, craiaps, or tiny 'stomach disor- could (get M uAder -controll. Afthough l3ruft COUMY�t ' to brar the heat, Assures refre,,4iing ALL XINDS IN STOCX,
-1. I I I
� - i I
It I !I I
I 0 11 i
I 0 1
I ,
I 'I
COUNT OP 40,OENTS' A TON ble rateV - I . Vey, 01p , Bruce aleepl' Vill without any doubt 40AW" I'll
WILL BE ALLOWJ0. . I � Machinery Tt�aired, Hor'Ses Shod. ,der, just administer 'ten drops, of 'iNler- I going at a 11 I and, on three The County Committee for and
Vilino In hot water. No faMily riltdi- ,wheels, Mr. and Mrs. Dovereux both Vag 'appointed, and as -sool) as tho avert much sickness at this time of I
I , .
Orders loft at Davis & R6*1"d`A SATISXPACTION GUAUANTP,1E'D- elnes ire moro useful or more dep,zad- ImAnaged to stay in the rik ana es- budget of $1800 for .the year is raised, year.
. I .
I *M be promptly attkti&d to, ed upon in erfiergen,�,',,.,A 1,11,111 NV101TIC caped unhurt. The bd�gy was some- a County Scoretary will bo alled A 1bci'rt � T u r n le'r
. Anti Nerviline Porous Nastcr.;. Thedwhat badly damaged, but theV Avera, to begin organiiation. Bruce is the I
I 1. � . � � 180810, &West I keep tho doetor bill small. V5C. caCh'tottunatein getting off an easily 99 Second eounty In the Dominion to in. Repeat it.-I'Shilob's Cure wjll al- 1, I i
'D . -oldi.1' SHARPE" . I
A J 0"emenson U at all dealers, RON-40 subAt1t0i0& * they did . trodueo the Y� M. C. A. County worlt, ways curo'My cou& an4 c 248"D. I
� - 0
. . i
i ,
� I . . f
-111-1- ... I I., - .1.1- I � I - I .- I � - .- --1 --- -- . --.------ -.iw�