HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-06-24, Page 9P ' EYESIGHT A Person. ehobultl Ir very, careful in choosixlg axi optician, They slxouid demand sbilfty, reliability, axid above ail„ denx'and experience for experience is tho chief Mug. ilY optical work. S. L. TAURF !Sen*or member Taube & Sons) Eyesight Specialists of Toronto, who has had fill years experience in the optical business, will )eat Norman dle Hotel, Clinton, Thursday, July .$ ,His worlr has been very highly recommended by all those who have hail oevasion to consult h4a professionally, , Can Make Xo4 Hear with the 11 Acousticon*„ The Acousticon magnifies every sound, word 400 per cent. That means no. matter how deaf you: are nor what the orf *nal Cause of your deafness was, as long as the audita nerve is wive ; yo}x will hear at once. Bear in mind that the Acousticon not only retakes you hear it medlately ; even thoughsari i'Innpt hear a word without it ; but its use is a continuous source of stimitlat*onto the delicate ear functions' and your hearing will be peree tibly improved as time, goes, on. The above statements. will be verified by thousands of enthust- astic users all ovpr the world, The Acousticon was awarded the Gold Medal by International rues of award, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1004: W i)1 be pleased to deinonstrate this wonderful invention to all who call duriinggp this visit. Make appointments noow©wiith W. Jeweler and engraver. Issuer of Algrringo Licenses DO .het Weathes Is UP Wheut if you want comfort out of doors, you should rest is a HAMMOCK. They will. not reduce Your purse asbotch as your temperature, , We have them Qruamental, Serviceable and Comfortable, Wo Dr FAIR 000 Often Cheapest —Always the Best mtm New1 "R At LA-\Jur .dune 24th, 1900 riday, June 25, School Children's Day From 3 Until 6 o -clock. •Ni NN. NNN� N�! Ni,s�s11 N�� HtN1Ns.N� s♦i►s�/1N J S. Hoover Netson 8411 14c 25c Art Sateens for - a 19 and Waterproof Coats. , Vt�oialen s good duality Black 200 " - 15 l5c `� -. 12i For three hours on Friday and Satur•- A Well o 121c Wrapperettes for - 10 i4 day you can have your choice of any Spring Coat or Waterproof Coats in our stock at Regular $1.25, 3 hoar price 98c 15e 12 12ic Factory Cotton for 10 25 per cent, of% DO .het Weathes Is UP Wheut if you want comfort out of doors, you should rest is a HAMMOCK. They will. not reduce Your purse asbotch as your temperature, , We have them Qruamental, Serviceable and Comfortable, Wo Dr FAIR 000 Often Cheapest —Always the Best mtm New1 "R At LA-\Jur .dune 24th, 1900 riday, June 25, School Children's Day From 3 Until 6 o -clock. 5 . _ � xt and checks. .rust the thin foie a se crate $1.25 Lawn Waists 98C bIr•,: Alf. Erwin of Bayfield was ui $1,00 89C g p �y� �1 kawn on Tuesday. R1 _ skirt or .misses school dress good wide _ •� ui,1. is.he I Tu sd y nd yesterda as ,, Georgetown 1,50 tc 1.15 width, Regular 50c, 60c and 75c, Three . 1.25 1.00 h l Women's White Lawn Waists, Y yesterday,, y' Hours. Friday and Saturday rice 39c, daintily trimmed with lace and 11Ir,. ani Mrs. Frank O'Neillveil left pn. 15C Ginghams for laic y y p la,wll insertion several pretty > = , r I 'Tuesday for a few days visit in Ot- 25C $awk Ciomlls - 19C ' k^ Y _. i tawa; c « - 12e` styles, all sizes. Regular $1.25, ♦ ( Mr. and Mrs, James Campbell of I5 T 3 hour price 9$C. Room Loadesboro were in Clinton oil 2 papers of Pins for oe• mb o j+•-_. Tuesday.. 5e. Pearl Buttons 2 tai' 5e. 15c and 20; E r iide>ir>8 for Oe - Cop, -+� ~" ♦ Miss Mabel Reid returned home after . 100 " $e + p y p _ a few days 'Visit with her aunt : j 5C Collars a - - 5 7 000 yards .Swiss Embroidery, from 3- 12%,15 and i „ w depends not so touch on the bone sent as where rile Y 1 for c y 8c Fancy ♦ furniture is boo ht. � i Mrs, Win. ;Simpson, inches ta:8 inches wide, with Insertion to ` ♦ g. Miss 1tlaude Ferguson and ;Mr. Harry 35c and; 40o Hose. for' 25C , 'Dress Muislin for 9c Fremlin of town .Sundayed at the 2 pairs Cotton Hose for 25e match, very'neat designs and fine quality - lawn. Re ular 15c and 203 values: Threeee urDainty Bedsets UisstNeleii Bowo $ uOf1vetrpit has 2ladies' Vests for ° % 2oc ry Regular � 20 pieces'fancy Dress Afuslin ♦ been the guest of Mrs, D. A:. Fbr- Paper. Collars, per dozen 1Uc Hour Gale price will be 9e. }aid. in all the popular colorings and especially su table for a young 'lady's. room. The ; rester for' some days. $1; 25 .Parasols. for : 98c - design Out these o regard artistic bedsteads, the..beautiful coverings, make ; Air. J. B. Kennedy carne over from g r g •' g' $1.2.5 Umbrellas for .98c . less.of'lcim. Dont miss seeing them a dream and a - maker of pleasant .dreams as • Detroit on ..the excursion, leaving 121e. Ribbon for 1�0e this lot, . Re �tIar 12 e 15e: and h ♦ again ' for the' city Monde Ovenizr - « �, g a well. Take a look at, them if you admireMthe pretty .• . Miss Della :A1. Cllr, nurse -in -training 25c " �. 15c The Store of Dependable' Goods 18c, for 3 hour sale oi>ly`9C. that is not @x'pensive. : in the City Hospital, Hamilton, . is -• spending her holidays wto her par. ents, :Mr. and Mrs. D. S, Muff of = Everyone is slated for a good .tune Friday an the play roe town. y y _ y �. nds. Come sand you will YY enJ'o � " ourself Misses Mabel and. Eva, , C1ufi• visited ; allH-oover. � friends at Kincardine this. week. ,and • • yesterday attended the wedding of ♦ their cousin; • Miss Nair -of - that VTjMMTJ-Z'TXM-M 81\i'3D VTTMTTMR. LZj 3D3:MMCW01:tB place, NNN4�. ►N�N.N�♦.♦N.. .N♦NNNP�M�� �NNsi. Mrs,. Gagen..rvho : has-been lirirtg . .in Bay City, arrived in town on Mbi- �.r�..���.���.a� + �„�.� Ir r.;w.i ■M��i ��•• day . and • will spend sonic. time with - Or�► �r+e. �.�s �►�►^✓��►��'4 *r✓'�.N o •►1�►�ti .� iri,el ds and relatives in torini 'and I // Ne . country. atrona" I Portland llZxs. A Couch and her grand -lough - ter, littie'Miss Helen. Ross, attend - e �t� ed the wedding of her son, Mr, ' �i�' �n� 0. AF Clinton Percy .Couch., to Miss Mary Howson y of tlxe •Babylon Line, Staclry, . yes- CLltir'OlV .terday. Air. J. T -' mmerton, merebant of As 11Z1r. T. R. Walker has left Clirlton.the agency Bervie, formerly of Clintoft'and son S �' of Citizrin JOhrl Dinmerfon, left a for the above company h:is been .fransferred to nye. few days ago on. n six -wicks trip , . • PP. through the west,, after Nvhi,ah: ho A, Weeks iia enIr� a an Hullett. D �rtmc;ntat tones • ®► of Delp Those d,eslrin ,the best cement at reasonable, rices goes south to visit his sister at 01- wine in the State f I P p p o owa our may secure a supply frond me. a� ® � 'Te�che s r Miss Lizzie Cameron,.. wlbo had been Among those 'from this totivnship ! Mr.'.Matt. Arinstrpng is r%viting tits yisiting Kincardine friends. for some who took in the. excursion to 'Detroit brother 'John at. the .Soo, lie , `-veal ' S. 49ANDREWS . Preiibhe'rs, or .Assist in :K.ee'pin#, S •fime, came. down Saturd]iy stud ryas 5 were Mr.' and Mrs; Patriele Quigley by boat from Orr en Sound: until Tuesday evening the .guest of and Messrs. Dominick Flynn and Siil-! .. Sonic of our boys took* in the moon a ♦�rw ~� �� �� � � �� �'�'' �`� ♦ 1VIrs. (Rev,) Holmes ofVictoria liam. Morrison, .light . excursion on the Greyhound and. u$ Our Sidewalks allC� Dile street. Her father, Mr. Alex. Cam-1.Mr. George Carbert : had a . new are somewhat dizzy Yet..'' Bron - came over for her Tuesday. windmill erected recently, i Miss Ella Pearson of Ethel is visit ' NNNN.+..N.,o...N.N.NN.♦.....♦.♦♦..w.:.treetS (fir C!`Y'131�e lei 7nt„' Mr. J. H. McKnight of. the J..1L;Mo- Mr: Edward J, Tighe :returnwd ing.At�Alr: NVm. Carter's at .present!. r Knight Construction Company, Tor- home last week from Stratford`wherci ! Mr: Humphrey, Snell has. the cement NIEW.MILLIN ERY onto, was iii town on Tuesday in Ile hall been attending Normal. hien building the fovndatioii, for, his �I�I u to Lighten. LIoCal �axCa�"r connection., with tenders foe .install- f Mr, Thowas Fear of the Gravel new i men. �; ; ♦ STORE. + ing. the waterworks system, .M.r.IRoad is somewhat.'fnd*sposeA we are Miss Vita Mair has returned to hsr ' S McKnight has had several years ex-: sorry to hear. liome'on Jth con.`'after spcncting 'tile ti0 (OPPOSITE MOLSONS• BANK) peitience Ln•such work in Canada and .Mr..Wm• ; Stewart, had the mi for- season in Forciwichi as milliner, 1 the United States and has carried tune to lose a valuable Clydesdale! Mr. and. Mrs. Nm. McCool visited s through 'successfully big contracts as icolt last .Sundaymorning.. Sunday and Monday with their daugh- p far south. as the city of New Or- The trustees of S: S. No.,4 are md- tel., :Lily, of W'ingham• 'Tile Mount Forest Tiepreseiitative*1in � imilar sentiments have -been publisb- ♦ Trammed Bats -half rice. ♦ e' leans. l ertds]n9 in The 1liews-Record for •; Nliss Eessie Waite of Godcriuii is its issue of May lith says :--"Do thoso ed .from time : to :time in the Free $1.''00 and; Ir75 untrimmed shapes $1.00. Mr. Fred. Beattie of Weiland and, Mr.:! a 'teacher to take the lace Visiting,het : uncle Mr. J,. Vodden. of our citizens who send their cash Press; an we find . that the. ne - y p arra to cit. 'de artmental stores , rea-� ers oft wsoin , p •, ��. DaVvn Baby Bonnets from 50e to $1 for ?ac Ross Beattie of Trout Creek : were. Of Miss F. Sturdy who is ' Mr. and Mrs.. Wm. Ste hens of y y p , he towns generally ,arc, doing in tpwa. on Tuesday. They, are leaving to attend Normal. Miss `Star- Clinton -.are visiting this *cote with, • all. they can to educate the Public sons' of Mr. James Beatt1:; who for- dv . is an excellent teacher and the their dad titer .Mrs. Jas: McGill,. j 11z h c how unfair it is to local busmcss p b in to- T i i g , see t o shortsightedness of patron*z- / +� ♦ merly cirried� on the livery business' sectioib is. real(. sorry- to: lose her. She Mrs. Jas. Southcosn'be cntertainod a';'men, and. hors 1t strikes at the very in 'de drib nt 'l Miss CANtELl. N A Co. ! g p E a stores to the neglect}• here• They •did hot. cpme 'up to this will be accoinpaniedS -to the Normal number of neighbors ,to it gailtiug bee, basis. of ,the prosperity. of our of 40'' merchants: • 4. part merely to visit old' friends in by her. sister, Miss Gertie Sturd • Mr. Wm.: Snell �4isdte � fit WestfifS&.-town. Our business men have invest-' Y. Y I d- r many- of tha towns. NNNNNi♦♦♦.♦.♦�OiNNKN♦Nf♦N♦N♦MN�N�►♦rN . Cliritonfor yesterday tile•. Ross •Beat; S. S. ,Na, 4.sent these. candidated tp last..vVeek, tai a stms of mode its ria "estate I- • - The xn;erchants in• tie was, united in, marriage to'. a I try . the l ntranoe : at Clinton Atilltti Mr, Wm. �Hesk .purchased .. a : fine ed g • ' y i arc wisely talons a cue from the - ed ise, and all Methods of city departmental store, anti stocl.s of mercliand cira,rming young lady of Bayfield . in :Leitch, May, Adams and Charlie Car- heavy' drat.ght gelding from Me, Fear ,• v s.� "�.�^�.� •►�� �.�. �,� ���,•�s..� c s. *t✓�. �'�rrca . pay taxes yearly (sottiic of them, a the extensive business of. which has. the person of Miss henna i:rtvin, tor, of Morris. last week. 5 {heavy tax) into. the tower . treastir . largely,,'`been built up by advertisiing' Mr. and Mrs. Thos. ' Watts rwturned Mrs. Jas. Snell and Mrs. T, Mason' A fees of tlna young folk's took in Y , Y . they make it 'possiible fox and are using - the columns of their . Til this way. . a from thcYir: honeymoon tiip •on Mon Sr. took in the excursion to l7etroit. the mopnlight excursion• In 1 lits, electric ,local papers .in the, great majority of 11 day. evening. and were iitct at the h Sciro l,ght� good T'have ublic sldand 1Tig of'p]aces that rile ptiblishers thereof do wbicM fill hn'by the `.medic Dyke band' facilities, and cliuroil privileges , Tct'notlljidt'it{,neecssary to, kee t outsider which welcoinrd home rile Happy pair N�i s merchants -individual-!'adv We do riot know • of . with appropriate selections.. Mr. e w From A1Ibtlrn.,. l 11 c ntihbut the very S. C. Rathwell Shoes C. Hoare Mush ! y.. q e •y large mount 01 departmental store advertisment ap and tiles. Watts have taken tt---------- -- p h everyyear, 194t not tcasonablo Spearing in any town paper with a. good' " housekeeping in the .Townsend cot- a citizens should; re- advertising patronage. -Nor do we �cas to expect that tli tage on. Townsend • street. A very Miss Maud Ferguson of Clinton S . Mi:. R. Stalker has returned home ciprocate Uy giving the busdiiess men know of any town news er a Hot Weather wor.1by young ,couplo title i�tost ,eor» spent Sunday at her home Here. from Seaforth. and is engaged with theirs traded anal ;rites lemvc rvdth them Srvitcz would yublisti driver 'st? c . man dial good- wishes of a host of friends y la in steel shin es I p ti em nts for i suggests sOtnethitl After g,, Mr. R; Stalker of Scafpxtlr spextt Mr. O. Clark y,' g �. • , r Itho cash aiccessary to nreet`,their' ob-;city stores if lie could get lite space . p g g g ale being extcndcd to them. Sunday with his: family here. j Mr. and Mrs. G. iAenstrad spent rho ligations, sup ort their famiiics, mceti ,lie has to dispose. of used b the finer- Y for the feet. Captain Wal? er, after several weeks Mr, and Mrs, M. Armstrong return- latter part of tho past week with re- town taxes, and sustain the school,chants of his own town. Ourstockof oxfords HuiISe=cleanln visit with his brother, Sir. James ed this week after a visit with rola iatuves in the vvioinity of Stratford. land church enterprises' To scad ' 1Fc are firmly convinced that and slippers for sum- Wailer, and other relatives hero, tives at •Listowel,' Brussels and otheit I Last ween tiro road' to the station money away to swell "the business of •many. ille lett on Friday last to. spend a few cit de > a merchant now cotnplaimng of loss,ol. r.rear is complete. d't i , ,_ points, was gratlecl and now the tartner3 aro . n i?aatrrhome, stores fez golds oat trade could improe'e his. business ver you will want n good Piano Y" Mr, G. Beadle visited his Detroit busy gravelling it gratis. ome, is a direct blow at y s ry th tits ncicc at T,imira be- tainablo at h ALadies'Tan Oxfords in Buttand tore returning to Lennon, England. friends b taking the excursiain• congregation of St. Mark's home enterprise. and home interests. 1111 ch- by systematic adverts tn,;, and Lace 25() in your parlor, The Captain has been in the mer- Y g J The can re not allow stoles to monopolize that. Ladies' Ox-hlnoa Oxfneds 2.50 char service f J. Medd. 'V. S. of Dunyitinon shi.ppedf church held a lawn social last Wd- +It cripples our own resources; limits! p t e e pi ilie past forty . nesda evening. our 'own possibilities, and handicaps, ntcatts Of building,rt business. • Ladies' Pat. Oxfords 2.75 and 3.00 � Newcombe iii h Grade ears and in the course o business a car of horses from our :station on Y ' �; • � 3 If i adv i '';p Ladies IiiaOxfnrdafroni$ito$3 . FK Y e f bus Hess Saturday last. l The custorncrs.of rile stoics resptcy tis in , the race Departmental n zit scmcnt has. •the power' sailed in all seas but has- now y : the early closing Hours better this. stores pay ins'. no taxes contribitte S to draw trade. to a city departmental ' Ye. We carry it full rango of child's PuLno and get. the Gest that tired from tale service and will live Our Rifle Club now numbers over l ' and Misses 131.tck and. Chocolate season than last, lnothing to our schools. churches, or store from a town, why will not ar" Oxfords and strap Slippers. expert workman can 'xoduce, at case in the worlds metropolis, forty manitiirs and it is expected that: i , • for cleat+tent;.i3 [Drat Cieecla, . if un title . 5advertisenrt•nt have the. power . . p p r Mr. Robcitson of rile hotel has sold Y g po r r to re Outing shoes in all sizos for iVlr. W, G. Pinner Of Toronto spent a a team of crack shots can be picked his black icam'to Mr, John Medd who is neetled for..any of thegc �purposeslwe,,tain trado in that town, lie carnest- the bpgs and stale, ._ from them before the end of the sca- .• . • to .0 ; business men, whose w vi.. + This stcsre will file cloned eaeh Sherlock and 114unni"g rianos tea daps this week ! lite guest of „ . S slrippcd Is carload from, th51s station, .turn Our' li n cl , wh p0 Sly advise. idle bltsiriess man who is not evening tit 0.330 Aurin the $ relatives here antd on leaving yes- son.. Tlit team that shot against Ralph Munro the agent, for the Sit- ,er to assist is decreased rind lim:ted,doing. so to try it, rememberingthat. summer except Saturda ,g and Organs always in stock. terda was accompanied 11 Mist Imemliers of the Blyth team on Priday, �urda p l-Wenin Post wii.l deliver �by tiie practice of sendhvy the business'what is wort)i doing p y Pinner who hail been; for some time last defeated them by a few pwats. Y g ] is rvortiti doing . AT papers .Exec to any place within twolthey ought to get, away to city stor»,recti, in acTvertisfng •as In everything Colne in and see them. visiting her parents, Mr. unit Mrs. Our baseball niuo- were: defeated at miles Of the village at the legular es. In the end mote ds gained by lie else.—Acton, Free Press. A�• In loyal to our toren, than by the �. R�t / H��L�'� C. Bartlftf. They went; to 1Vdcigara Westfield on. Wednesriay, this score ho- rate of five ocn.ts per espy. g Falls to visit Mr. and Mrs. W. New-,ing 111 ---10, The wcstfield juniors also Hay Bros, are ilreparing, to build a imaginary saving of a .few tvilts on a'i SHOD STO110combd. Air. Pinner but recently re -,defeated the h uhtmi, juniors on Satur- grain warehouse 1w.here. It is rumored article purchased o1w.faithof a ' Remember the date of S. T,, Taube's HARE turneld from a business trip todayslight by 80 runs. Thi; return,tliat the Canada Chitin Company ofidepartmental store pictorial:catato- (visit to Chilton and if there is an Cobalt, and' the Montreal River match with Walton -will bo played on Toronto will erect one also.. +gue. Ithing whatever wrong with your epee - country. He has 'formed m partnaX- I Wednesday night, The people of Auburn regret that tiro ohdorse every, +r,'or�r Of the tote- sight, do not neglect this ohnortunit THE PLACE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR ALWAYS DOES MDUTYY � ship and the farm is Engaged in[ Tile News -Record gives the wws of, Miss. Schlater, tho junior teacher, in going alk*ch is top true for anyone to of consultin him at Normagdi Rotet Orly r r '�i► v'ea r+ivy.�1► r • �+i �r its r + v+�.+w� •'n selling mining properties. Auburn. Our publle school is leaving. deny, Our residers will recall flue en T)luxsday, .July 8th, 1 e Tlo e r i Prints for - 12 Y 25 per cent. off Ladies' Spring $1.25 Sateen Skirts 8$e. 14c 25c Art Sateens for - a 19 and Waterproof Coats. , Vt�oialen s good duality Black 200 " - 15 l5c `� -. 12i For three hours on Friday and Satur•- Sateen Petticoats three rows of ' frilling and dust frill, all sizes. o 121c Wrapperettes for - 10 i4 day you can have your choice of any Spring Coat or Waterproof Coats in our stock at Regular $1.25, 3 hoar price 98c 15e 12 12ic Factory Cotton for 10 25 per cent, of% 10c 15c White Flannelette �- 12i ]Don't. Miss This Chance, $I Sateen Shirts 79c 121c " - 11 Women's Black Sateen, Pet'ti- 10c 9 ' '25c Wash Ducks for 20 coats, two rows of frills, good heavy sateen, all sizes, Regular .150 - 12i 50, 60 and 7' 5c Dress Goads 39c $1s 3 hour price 29e., 500 Table Linen for - 390 69c `�\ " - '450 500 yards all wool grey homespun 75c if ., . 62c and worsted yarn Dress Goods •in stripes 5 . _ � xt and checks. .rust the thin foie a se crate $1.25 Lawn Waists 98C bIr•,: Alf. Erwin of Bayfield was ui $1,00 89C g p �y� �1 kawn on Tuesday. R1 _ skirt or .misses school dress good wide _ •� ui,1. is.he I Tu sd y nd yesterda as ,, Georgetown 1,50 tc 1.15 width, Regular 50c, 60c and 75c, Three . 1.25 1.00 h l Women's White Lawn Waists, Y yesterday,, y' Hours. Friday and Saturday rice 39c, daintily trimmed with lace and 11Ir,. ani Mrs. Frank O'Neillveil left pn. 15C Ginghams for laic y y p la,wll insertion several pretty > = , r I 'Tuesday for a few days visit in Ot- 25C $awk Ciomlls - 19C ' k^ Y _. i tawa; c « - 12e` styles, all sizes. Regular $1.25, ♦ ( Mr. and Mrs, James Campbell of I5 T 3 hour price 9$C. Room Loadesboro were in Clinton oil 2 papers of Pins for oe• mb o j+•-_. Tuesday.. 5e. Pearl Buttons 2 tai' 5e. 15c and 20; E r iide>ir>8 for Oe - Cop, -+� ~" ♦ Miss Mabel Reid returned home after . 100 " $e + p y p _ a few days 'Visit with her aunt : j 5C Collars a - - 5 7 000 yards .Swiss Embroidery, from 3- 12%,15 and i „ w depends not so touch on the bone sent as where rile Y 1 for c y 8c Fancy ♦ furniture is boo ht. � i Mrs, Win. ;Simpson, inches ta:8 inches wide, with Insertion to ` ♦ g. Miss 1tlaude Ferguson and ;Mr. Harry 35c and; 40o Hose. for' 25C , 'Dress Muislin for 9c Fremlin of town .Sundayed at the 2 pairs Cotton Hose for 25e match, very'neat designs and fine quality - lawn. Re ular 15c and 203 values: Threeee urDainty Bedsets UisstNeleii Bowo $ uOf1vetrpit has 2ladies' Vests for ° % 2oc ry Regular � 20 pieces'fancy Dress Afuslin ♦ been the guest of Mrs, D. A:. Fbr- Paper. Collars, per dozen 1Uc Hour Gale price will be 9e. }aid. in all the popular colorings and especially su table for a young 'lady's. room. The ; rester for' some days. $1; 25 .Parasols. for : 98c - design Out these o regard artistic bedsteads, the..beautiful coverings, make ; Air. J. B. Kennedy carne over from g r g •' g' $1.2.5 Umbrellas for .98c . less.of'lcim. Dont miss seeing them a dream and a - maker of pleasant .dreams as • Detroit on ..the excursion, leaving 121e. Ribbon for 1�0e this lot, . Re �tIar 12 e 15e: and h ♦ again ' for the' city Monde Ovenizr - « �, g a well. Take a look at, them if you admireMthe pretty .• . Miss Della :A1. Cllr, nurse -in -training 25c " �. 15c The Store of Dependable' Goods 18c, for 3 hour sale oi>ly`9C. that is not @x'pensive. : in the City Hospital, Hamilton, . is -• spending her holidays wto her par. ents, :Mr. and Mrs. D. S, Muff of = Everyone is slated for a good .tune Friday an the play roe town. y y _ y �. nds. Come sand you will YY enJ'o � " ourself Misses Mabel and. Eva, , C1ufi• visited ; allH-oover. � friends at Kincardine this. week. ,and • • yesterday attended the wedding of ♦ their cousin; • Miss Nair -of - that VTjMMTJ-Z'TXM-M 81\i'3D VTTMTTMR. LZj 3D3:MMCW01:tB place, NNN4�. ►N�N.N�♦.♦N.. .N♦NNNP�M�� �NNsi. Mrs,. Gagen..rvho : has-been lirirtg . .in Bay City, arrived in town on Mbi- �.r�..���.���.a� + �„�.� Ir r.;w.i ■M��i ��•• day . and • will spend sonic. time with - Or�► �r+e. �.�s �►�►^✓��►��'4 *r✓'�.N o •►1�►�ti .� iri,el ds and relatives in torini 'and I // Ne . country. atrona" I Portland llZxs. A Couch and her grand -lough - ter, littie'Miss Helen. Ross, attend - e �t� ed the wedding of her son, Mr, ' �i�' �n� 0. AF Clinton Percy .Couch., to Miss Mary Howson y of tlxe •Babylon Line, Staclry, . yes- CLltir'OlV .terday. Air. J. T -' mmerton, merebant of As 11Z1r. T. R. Walker has left Clirlton.the agency Bervie, formerly of Clintoft'and son S �' of Citizrin JOhrl Dinmerfon, left a for the above company h:is been .fransferred to nye. few days ago on. n six -wicks trip , . • PP. through the west,, after Nvhi,ah: ho A, Weeks iia enIr� a an Hullett. D �rtmc;ntat tones • ®► of Delp Those d,eslrin ,the best cement at reasonable, rices goes south to visit his sister at 01- wine in the State f I P p p o owa our may secure a supply frond me. a� ® � 'Te�che s r Miss Lizzie Cameron,.. wlbo had been Among those 'from this totivnship ! Mr.'.Matt. Arinstrpng is r%viting tits yisiting Kincardine friends. for some who took in the. excursion to 'Detroit brother 'John at. the .Soo, lie , `-veal ' S. 49ANDREWS . Preiibhe'rs, or .Assist in :K.ee'pin#, S •fime, came. down Saturd]iy stud ryas 5 were Mr.' and Mrs; Patriele Quigley by boat from Orr en Sound: until Tuesday evening the .guest of and Messrs. Dominick Flynn and Siil-! .. Sonic of our boys took* in the moon a ♦�rw ~� �� �� � � �� �'�'' �`� ♦ 1VIrs. (Rev,) Holmes ofVictoria liam. Morrison, .light . excursion on the Greyhound and. u$ Our Sidewalks allC� Dile street. Her father, Mr. Alex. Cam-1.Mr. George Carbert : had a . new are somewhat dizzy Yet..'' Bron - came over for her Tuesday. windmill erected recently, i Miss Ella Pearson of Ethel is visit ' NNNN.+..N.,o...N.N.NN.♦.....♦.♦♦..w.:.treetS (fir C!`Y'131�e lei 7nt„' Mr. J. H. McKnight of. the J..1L;Mo- Mr: Edward J, Tighe :returnwd ing.At�Alr: NVm. Carter's at .present!. r Knight Construction Company, Tor- home last week from Stratford`wherci ! Mr: Humphrey, Snell has. the cement NIEW.MILLIN ERY onto, was iii town on Tuesday in Ile hall been attending Normal. hien building the fovndatioii, for, his �I�I u to Lighten. LIoCal �axCa�"r connection., with tenders foe .install- f Mr, Thowas Fear of the Gravel new i men. �; ; ♦ STORE. + ing. the waterworks system, .M.r.IRoad is somewhat.'fnd*sposeA we are Miss Vita Mair has returned to hsr ' S McKnight has had several years ex-: sorry to hear. liome'on Jth con.`'after spcncting 'tile ti0 (OPPOSITE MOLSONS• BANK) peitience Ln•such work in Canada and .Mr..Wm• ; Stewart, had the mi for- season in Forciwichi as milliner, 1 the United States and has carried tune to lose a valuable Clydesdale! Mr. and. Mrs. Nm. McCool visited s through 'successfully big contracts as icolt last .Sundaymorning.. Sunday and Monday with their daugh- p far south. as the city of New Or- The trustees of S: S. No.,4 are md- tel., :Lily, of W'ingham• 'Tile Mount Forest Tiepreseiitative*1in � imilar sentiments have -been publisb- ♦ Trammed Bats -half rice. ♦ e' leans. l ertds]n9 in The 1liews-Record for •; Nliss Eessie Waite of Godcriuii is its issue of May lith says :--"Do thoso ed .from time : to :time in the Free $1.''00 and; Ir75 untrimmed shapes $1.00. Mr. Fred. Beattie of Weiland and, Mr.:! a 'teacher to take the lace Visiting,het : uncle Mr. J,. Vodden. of our citizens who send their cash Press; an we find . that the. ne - y p arra to cit. 'de artmental stores , rea-� ers oft wsoin , p •, ��. DaVvn Baby Bonnets from 50e to $1 for ?ac Ross Beattie of Trout Creek : were. Of Miss F. Sturdy who is ' Mr. and Mrs.. Wm. Ste hens of y y p , he towns generally ,arc, doing in tpwa. on Tuesday. They, are leaving to attend Normal. Miss `Star- Clinton -.are visiting this *cote with, • all. they can to educate the Public sons' of Mr. James Beatt1:; who for- dv . is an excellent teacher and the their dad titer .Mrs. Jas: McGill,. j 11z h c how unfair it is to local busmcss p b in to- T i i g , see t o shortsightedness of patron*z- / +� ♦ merly cirried� on the livery business' sectioib is. real(. sorry- to: lose her. She Mrs. Jas. Southcosn'be cntertainod a';'men, and. hors 1t strikes at the very in 'de drib nt 'l Miss CANtELl. N A Co. ! g p E a stores to the neglect}• here• They •did hot. cpme 'up to this will be accoinpaniedS -to the Normal number of neighbors ,to it gailtiug bee, basis. of ,the prosperity. of our of 40'' merchants: • 4. part merely to visit old' friends in by her. sister, Miss Gertie Sturd • Mr. Wm.: Snell �4isdte � fit WestfifS&.-town. Our business men have invest-' Y. Y I d- r many- of tha towns. NNNNNi♦♦♦.♦.♦�OiNNKN♦Nf♦N♦N♦MN�N�►♦rN . Cliritonfor yesterday tile•. Ross •Beat; S. S. ,Na, 4.sent these. candidated tp last..vVeek, tai a stms of mode its ria "estate I- • - The xn;erchants in• tie was, united in, marriage to'. a I try . the l ntranoe : at Clinton Atilltti Mr, Wm. �Hesk .purchased .. a : fine ed g • ' y i arc wisely talons a cue from the - ed ise, and all Methods of city departmental store, anti stocl.s of mercliand cira,rming young lady of Bayfield . in :Leitch, May, Adams and Charlie Car- heavy' drat.ght gelding from Me, Fear ,• v s.� "�.�^�.� •►�� �.�. �,� ���,•�s..� c s. *t✓�. �'�rrca . pay taxes yearly (sottiic of them, a the extensive business of. which has. the person of Miss henna i:rtvin, tor, of Morris. last week. 5 {heavy tax) into. the tower . treastir . largely,,'`been built up by advertisiing' Mr. and Mrs. Thos. ' Watts rwturned Mrs. Jas. Snell and Mrs. T, Mason' A fees of tlna young folk's took in Y , Y . they make it 'possiible fox and are using - the columns of their . Til this way. . a from thcYir: honeymoon tiip •on Mon Sr. took in the excursion to l7etroit. the mopnlight excursion• In 1 lits, electric ,local papers .in the, great majority of 11 day. evening. and were iitct at the h Sciro l,ght� good T'have ublic sldand 1Tig of'p]aces that rile ptiblishers thereof do wbicM fill hn'by the `.medic Dyke band' facilities, and cliuroil privileges , Tct'notlljidt'it{,neecssary to, kee t outsider which welcoinrd home rile Happy pair N�i s merchants -individual-!'adv We do riot know • of . with appropriate selections.. Mr. e w From A1Ibtlrn.,. l 11 c ntihbut the very S. C. Rathwell Shoes C. Hoare Mush ! y.. q e •y large mount 01 departmental store advertisment ap and tiles. Watts have taken tt---------- -- p h everyyear, 194t not tcasonablo Spearing in any town paper with a. good' " housekeeping in the .Townsend cot- a citizens should; re- advertising patronage. -Nor do we �cas to expect that tli tage on. Townsend • street. A very Miss Maud Ferguson of Clinton S . Mi:. R. Stalker has returned home ciprocate Uy giving the busdiiess men know of any town news er a Hot Weather wor.1by young ,couplo title i�tost ,eor» spent Sunday at her home Here. from Seaforth. and is engaged with theirs traded anal ;rites lemvc rvdth them Srvitcz would yublisti driver 'st? c . man dial good- wishes of a host of friends y la in steel shin es I p ti em nts for i suggests sOtnethitl After g,, Mr. R; Stalker of Scafpxtlr spextt Mr. O. Clark y,' g �. • , r Itho cash aiccessary to nreet`,their' ob-;city stores if lie could get lite space . p g g g ale being extcndcd to them. Sunday with his: family here. j Mr. and Mrs. G. iAenstrad spent rho ligations, sup ort their famiiics, mceti ,lie has to dispose. of used b the finer- Y for the feet. Captain Wal? er, after several weeks Mr, and Mrs, M. Armstrong return- latter part of tho past week with re- town taxes, and sustain the school,chants of his own town. Ourstockof oxfords HuiISe=cleanln visit with his brother, Sir. James ed this week after a visit with rola iatuves in the vvioinity of Stratford. land church enterprises' To scad ' 1Fc are firmly convinced that and slippers for sum- Wailer, and other relatives hero, tives at •Listowel,' Brussels and otheit I Last ween tiro road' to the station money away to swell "the business of •many. ille lett on Friday last to. spend a few cit de > a merchant now cotnplaimng of loss,ol. r.rear is complete. d't i , ,_ points, was gratlecl and now the tartner3 aro . n i?aatrrhome, stores fez golds oat trade could improe'e his. business ver you will want n good Piano Y" Mr, G. Beadle visited his Detroit busy gravelling it gratis. ome, is a direct blow at y s ry th tits ncicc at T,imira be- tainablo at h ALadies'Tan Oxfords in Buttand tore returning to Lennon, England. friends b taking the excursiain• congregation of St. Mark's home enterprise. and home interests. 1111 ch- by systematic adverts tn,;, and Lace 25() in your parlor, The Captain has been in the mer- Y g J The can re not allow stoles to monopolize that. Ladies' Ox-hlnoa Oxfneds 2.50 char service f J. Medd. 'V. S. of Dunyitinon shi.ppedf church held a lawn social last Wd- +It cripples our own resources; limits! p t e e pi ilie past forty . nesda evening. our 'own possibilities, and handicaps, ntcatts Of building,rt business. • Ladies' Pat. Oxfords 2.75 and 3.00 � Newcombe iii h Grade ears and in the course o business a car of horses from our :station on Y ' �; • � 3 If i adv i '';p Ladies IiiaOxfnrdafroni$ito$3 . FK Y e f bus Hess Saturday last. l The custorncrs.of rile stoics resptcy tis in , the race Departmental n zit scmcnt has. •the power' sailed in all seas but has- now y : the early closing Hours better this. stores pay ins'. no taxes contribitte S to draw trade. to a city departmental ' Ye. We carry it full rango of child's PuLno and get. the Gest that tired from tale service and will live Our Rifle Club now numbers over l ' and Misses 131.tck and. Chocolate season than last, lnothing to our schools. churches, or store from a town, why will not ar" Oxfords and strap Slippers. expert workman can 'xoduce, at case in the worlds metropolis, forty manitiirs and it is expected that: i , • for cleat+tent;.i3 [Drat Cieecla, . if un title . 5advertisenrt•nt have the. power . . p p r Mr. Robcitson of rile hotel has sold Y g po r r to re Outing shoes in all sizos for iVlr. W, G. Pinner Of Toronto spent a a team of crack shots can be picked his black icam'to Mr, John Medd who is neetled for..any of thegc �purposeslwe,,tain trado in that town, lie carnest- the bpgs and stale, ._ from them before the end of the sca- .• . • to .0 ; business men, whose w vi.. + This stcsre will file cloned eaeh Sherlock and 114unni"g rianos tea daps this week ! lite guest of „ . S slrippcd Is carload from, th51s station, .turn Our' li n cl , wh p0 Sly advise. idle bltsiriess man who is not evening tit 0.330 Aurin the $ relatives here antd on leaving yes- son.. Tlit team that shot against Ralph Munro the agent, for the Sit- ,er to assist is decreased rind lim:ted,doing. so to try it, rememberingthat. summer except Saturda ,g and Organs always in stock. terda was accompanied 11 Mist Imemliers of the Blyth team on Priday, �urda p l-Wenin Post wii.l deliver �by tiie practice of sendhvy the business'what is wort)i doing p y Pinner who hail been; for some time last defeated them by a few pwats. Y g ] is rvortiti doing . AT papers .Exec to any place within twolthey ought to get, away to city stor»,recti, in acTvertisfng •as In everything Colne in and see them. visiting her parents, Mr. unit Mrs. Our baseball niuo- were: defeated at miles Of the village at the legular es. In the end mote ds gained by lie else.—Acton, Free Press. A�• In loyal to our toren, than by the �. R�t / H��L�'� C. Bartlftf. They went; to 1Vdcigara Westfield on. Wednesriay, this score ho- rate of five ocn.ts per espy. g Falls to visit Mr. and Mrs. W. New-,ing 111 ---10, The wcstfield juniors also Hay Bros, are ilreparing, to build a imaginary saving of a .few tvilts on a'i SHOD STO110combd. Air. Pinner but recently re -,defeated the h uhtmi, juniors on Satur- grain warehouse 1w.here. It is rumored article purchased o1w.faithof a ' Remember the date of S. T,, Taube's HARE turneld from a business trip todayslight by 80 runs. Thi; return,tliat the Canada Chitin Company ofidepartmental store pictorial:catato- (visit to Chilton and if there is an Cobalt, and' the Montreal River match with Walton -will bo played on Toronto will erect one also.. +gue. Ithing whatever wrong with your epee - country. He has 'formed m partnaX- I Wednesday night, The people of Auburn regret that tiro ohdorse every, +r,'or�r Of the tote- sight, do not neglect this ohnortunit THE PLACE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR ALWAYS DOES MDUTYY � ship and the farm is Engaged in[ Tile News -Record gives the wws of, Miss. Schlater, tho junior teacher, in going alk*ch is top true for anyone to of consultin him at Normagdi Rotet Orly r r '�i► v'ea r+ivy.�1► r • �+i �r its r + v+�.+w� •'n selling mining properties. Auburn. Our publle school is leaving. deny, Our residers will recall flue en T)luxsday, .July 8th, 1 e Tlo e r i