HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-06-24, Page 8Juno 24thi, 1909 "
Q. 0. WTA000T
, I
rt #
I .
The atttimpt to list V. S. Steel on
the Paris Bourse has failed. '
The Y -M . X.A. ,has raised $179,635 in
Woutre4i in its building fund caul-
The INe-year-old daughter of -Mr.
Ooolc of Niagara. Falls was fatally
Wood by, her clothing catchlo�; fire.
William P. Liu4say, ex -Manager of
the'Dank of British North AmericataiIII
�evis. has been arrested,in connection
Nith the rieccut forgeries.
Charles Beckiug of Berlin, Out.,
�Qmmittedstlicidc -by Swallowing car-
jolic acid, in spite of the efforta of:
ils daughter to prevent him, :
C114tou NOWA-PROCOV4 �
0! . _"�
� Q= TO
Richard.' W
the A11111
' 10'ww'
C I I 11 . . .� 0 Iq
,Or az &"% n A ' *m II�
copr"olito imm by moffati, Yord & com"ar.
he tooli h. fast itutc. cab. for whlcfi he
. bad telegraphed, find was rushed 41-
. . A_ � I � _ I " 1-11 ,rectly to St. Luke's, hospital , an Caw I
III * thedral. heights. He paid. the.charge-
Northern Nay %d. ation expressioir his-firw courictloo tbat the
, price was, halt the value* of the ma
. co; . chineilind seven times, the Value. of theL
thief who drove It-liu4 .hurried Into
the hospital. wherehe gave his. name,
_ 1.
- .. - 41 i 1. . Im �I q , �
and begged -to be taken to big affiliated
. - - - H, T, RANCE. - - -
. .. I
Loalke Superior DIV.
13QU at oocc,.' .
lie wits Informed by the house our,
I .
geon that the patient was doing fairly
. I
well. though his temperature was Still
� 19tb., .-
above normal. Ther JibystellinthoUght'L
it it .
however� that the fattlees presence
IncIr.ding magillil,et%at -Stearashio HAM,
might rouse the patient's flagging spir,
ONIC the largest and finest on Great
Its, but suggested that the first Inter-
I ,
Lakes. Sailings from Sarnia Mou,,
View hoL, short. A, film, fresh cheekO.
. I
days, Wednesdaiys. and Saturdays 3.00
'nurse was summoned. and without for -
P, in. for Sault, PQrt Arthur, Fort
th,r ado she led the way to the ellova.
. I
William and Dtltut[h. Special Grand.
for, which took them to the fourth
. - I . . � I 1. A L '' '' I
Trunk iralin service 'to new Sarnia
floor. At the door of his soots room
wharf. .
the old rancher paused.
"My dear." he said. "are you the
. . I . .
L -
WAUBIC in connection with trains
young lady who hits nursed. my poor
boy through this spell of sickness?'*
fromi Pehetarig: 12.45 p.. in. and -Mid-
"Yes, air." answered the brisk young
)and 2.15 to Parry, Sound, d'aily OX-
person In. a tonq somewhat more cheer,
L OFFICE-,Sloano lalrok--Cl INTON.
cept Sunday. I
, .
. -
tot than the gravity of the occasion
� I . .
. For Sault - Ste� Marie and Georgian,
seemed -to. warrant. . L .
�, � I
. .. . . - �
13my Ports , from Colitagwood 1.30
"God bless you!" the noxious fatlioro
P. m.j Owen Sound 11 p. -in., every
murmured In a' voice choked by bli
Wednesday and Saturday., I
emotion. 111)ld_he�ask , for me --of-
Conveyaucers, 1,10mmIssioners,
Tickets and informationj, from '11 Ry. '
tonrl . .
I Real Elittate and Insurance �
, .
I Agents. � , � :
Tbe experienced young person host- �
. Agency. Money to loan, - ... ...
. -, .
tate(L hanging,Lfor an instant between.
. I .
H. H. Gildersleeve tolson,
' 1'c6harnia,
tincompromislog truth and the. wish
to spare this kind I old gentleman on,
.. I .
Ngr., Collingwood Tr 11 I
. .
necessary pain. Womanlike, she de-
, l
. . I I
1� . . . . .
� - - -
. cIde4 upon -charity rather tbark. verac-
. L
L . DRS. GUNN ,* 11CRA10. I .
.� .1 I I.. I L .
ity. I, . .. . I .
. . . .1
� Dr. 'W.' Gunn, L,11 -10.P., L.R.C.S.,
. L I
k III 1111111111
I . I I I
t'Oh. yes."! she answered nervously.
. L
d though you know. of course, he�-he
" I . *
� Edin. . .
I . I
. .
.has been just Nvell. a little delirious I
. I
I .
6filee-Ontoto streell, -Clintaiii. Night
� .
fear. You must be careful not to excite
I Wig at front dwr of ofiles *is � resi,
. . . . To L " _ I L
� E
to control your feelings, Sir." -
The Texan's great heart was touch
- deuce, Rattenbury litri!41. L
od. � HIS boy had Won Shooting out his
I . . . ..
D1. T. T. MeRaso . . . .
. .
. .
name, even while pain and.fever held
I .
University. of -Toronto.
. . . . .1 .L' ,
.,him in their raging grip. The father,
. .
office hours at hospital :- -
April 6-20, May, 4-18, June 1-15-
Who could have faced a butteiy.of ar-
I '
I to 3 .P. In. a I t6 9 P. M.
29, July 33-47, Aug. 40-2o4,'Sept. 7
tIllery' In action.. without blanching,
' � .
was greatly overcome by what he read, I
I .. -
- . � 1 -21. . I .
. � . . . I .
In the nurse's halting words. He lean-
� I I. 1, 1. �
9 --DR. J. W. SHAW-
. Tickets good for,60. days.
I . . ,
ed. for support against the wall and.
furtively brushed hit, eyes. then look-
, I .
. Winnipeg and, feturn $32.00. -
� � .
. � Ellmonion: and return $4160.
ed tip. striving to smile. and asked:
. 10 .
� -OFFICE- . .
Proportionate. rates to other points.
"�Was he conscious when my. tele -L
. ...
. , L �
I . - I I I . 1 .
. .
gram . I.. Did, he know? Was he .
, arrived .
I LOW -RATES , _. I .. .
glad to befir tbaLt I Was coming?!' �
. �
. . . � �
. FOR, SETTLERS � .' '
I -
, ,.'!Very." answered the adroit young'
. . 'L * I
I woman, blusliffig to the roots of her
� .
. . . 1, . .
To ciertiln "points in Sag4tchowan
chestnut bitir, th.ut, peefied froat under
_� L
and'. Alberta,., each Tuesday during
it ilnucy lit,tle.capt .'Sbe bad made the
. , .. IL
DR. 0. Vr. THOMPSON - - �
. I .
March and April. , 1. ..
. . 1. .
first plunge and had no hesitation in
. . -
. � . .
. . L I . .
. Full information from -
g oing the limit..' , .' . , - . -
The ftkth�r's heart went out at once
, --_1 , I L
' JOHN RANSFORD, Town.Agent.
to this dainty angel -of 'inercy, and effi-.
�'� 3peciul attention given to diseases
A. -0, PATTISON, Depot Agent.
. L
ciency who had alluistefed to grief
- .
. of the -Eye, Ear, Nose and Throa:t--
. I . . I
a . . . . 1. I %
. . , . I .. I 1�
and'sufferlusf. qe. -
. tumbled In big pock .
I L .
-OMce and Rtsidence.-
. I . . . . .. . F.L . .
WK1110P fflutual ITS
(it and pi-oduced a large. double 11 ured -
. . . I I . .1 9
note. wlilth 11w pressed Into her blind. -
. . . .1
"For .you, tuy dear." be. smiled. "a
- '
Il doors west of the Commercial hotel.
. ..
- JnSU.lanGe GompauU. -
ribbon or something.". There. there.- Ws
.. .1
nothing," .. .
. - I
�. - . � , .
-Farm . and. Isolated Tow . n Prop . ertk.!�
"But. Mr. .Williams," she. protested
-DR. F. A. AXON.- L.
. 1. I Only..Insure&- ' ,
n chartning cobfiislon,' 'th!s Is not at
I . L I
. ' , ,
. . -:-OFFICERS,-
all ifecqgatipy.. - I..i.int paid. you know.,
. (SucceEsor tio DCL.'Jjdlmes.� .
J., B . McLean) L President, Scaforih P
. .by-roal.1,v. I couldn't- think, Of"- ..
I . . , '''
Specialist in Crown - 'and � Bridge
. I
, .
O.# Thos..'-Fiaser,' 'Vic -c -President,
. "Honey.7.1te, Interrupted.'' while be,
. . I.. .
� WOA. 'L
I ..
Brue e*field P 0. - 1r. E. Hays, . .
, �.
gtivL6 her pl"illp shoulder. a' ffltllorl.�--
pat. "ICS, I
Just fi� little secret between.
Graduate of the Royal College Of
Dental S6rgeons of Ontario. Hollor
�, a,r! I
Treasurer, e ,rth P.. 0. , ._
I . I . .
L L-DireptQrs-- I
. . . '
yows.ind-ine. .Now run along. I want
graduate. of University. of.. Toronto
1. . .;
,. . I I . 1 I �
. Shesney, . ., . Seafofth . ;. Job
to see, Dickle alone:"
. . A�alry the I nurse hesitated find. like
. Dental Department.L Graduate of . the
. . Chicago College of Dental. Surgery
.Grieve . Winthrop; George. Dale, -Sea'
. . ..I L
her prototype In.the proverb. , was lost.
Chicago,. . . . 1.
tQrth ; Jo li� Wait, Harlock .' John
. '
It ,was lieSt to I)p.,)r6 split fit tb.e Inte r.
Will be at the Commercial hotel
Bennewle a, :8rodbagan ; James Evan
view,- yet how'could she rpru�sp'so still -
,.� Bayfield, every Monday from 10 a. oa.
- Btechwood ;'..-�anies Connolly, .
. . . ,
ple it"requO61: from t ' his molst eye.,.
AC s old de.
inprouf -ir',)
. I I I
I to 5 p. in. . I
.. .
. .. � 1401mesville. , - I .
. . .. . I . * .
-AGENTS- . L -
. I - . . .
. 11'ory* well,". she noddedl "I will
. .
.. -_
I .
. Robert .Smith, 'Rarlock-; 9, Hill-
stand, outsIde. You prpnilsefo be very
qulet?., . . ,. . -
. .
chloy, Seaforth;.Jamed Cummitigs
I . I
-.1 ,)'r6nilfto." tinswered Bill. Willinnig
censed Auctioneer.for the COulitY
. Egoondville;. J. . W. .yeq.,Rolmes-
I '
. . L
. 1JURIII . L TIl(,flL Ile opened the door .
I of Huron. All orders entrusted ' to
. . L
Ville.- . . � .
closed It ilf,
ler,hini, find tlptdo&softly�
me will receive prillmpt attention.
Pirties desirous tOL effect Insurahce
�acrof;s the rooni. . . . .
. .
�. Will sell either by PercentageL or
or tiansact � other business will be
ThP father. fowid himself In a bare
per sale. Residence on the 3-iyAcid
promptly altended to on applica,tio
walled littlo rootti that 'wns scrupil-
Road, one mile south of Clinton.
to any of the above.officers addresseo
lously clean and nent, Theshades were,
. .
to their respective postoffices.' Lo%se
. .
drawn, .ret I;y the dli.n religious light,
- - - �
I .
.inspected by the dirpoto.r who - live, I
be espled if bandaged, torni apparently
United Staies SubscriberS
nearest the socne. I L L, .. .
askeep upon it ilart.,ow brass bed. The
. I
.. . .., L . . . I .
fae.., ,of the patient , was In slindow,
�Ill that we hays t6
.. .. . . .
. % I . � - -
Jitit the 11'exiiii'felt ,Instinctively that -
. I
. . I .
� � I
pay one cent postage on each pap-
. I , . . .
. -L .. I 11 . . . .
. I . I . *
he bad found his martyred sount last.
- er going to tho U21W Sta"?
I .
I -R otd
n ews ec
Cli ton.
rora moment he co ' t L lid not speak. Ills
. 1.1 This means that, IyQur'subscrip�.�
. .
, . LN . .
I . . . . I
otootiong choked, blul, while two'great
I tion. must be paid in advance.
. .1
: CLINTON' ' I". . � ONT.
. tears rose up',and rolled Unheeded
When YOU see your asubscriptibit.
- . . , . .
'down his weather beaten cheeks. He
expiring please remit$1-50-for an-
Terms of subscription -$I per year in
sank on tits knees beside the bed.
1. other year so that YOU VVIll notL
advance $ . 1.50 may be charged . i.t
stretched out .tits trembling arms and
11 miss any evpies of The, News:Rec,�".
not so paid. No'paper discontinuedL
murmured brokenl . y* .. . - �
el 42d, . .
until all arMaxi; are paid, unless at
"My boy! MY boy!" I
�. .
. I I .
.. 'L
the opinion of the publisher, The
The Earl of CroylAnd, rolled over' on
k� . A
date .to which every subscription ta
Ills back and Stared at the sobbing ap-
. -
L paid is denoted. Ofi, L�he label.
parition In. wonder struck'amave. In
I . . I . - .0 . '.
"'o Y N
'� '
ItAvertising - rates -Transient advqr-
dropping liltio it doze -he had forgotten
IA Nr ,
tlsomeuU, ,10 cents per nouparic)
to remove his monociei which by years
line for first Insertion and 3 cents
,of habit remained -tight set In big no,
. per line for each. subsequent `ingert�
ble eye. ,. . I
A .
ion. .Sroall advertisements.. ,not to
"GOL way,111 he muttered feebly.
. ..
.exceed one inch, such as .,%OSt,,,
"Don't be a silly'qSs!" .
. tistrayed,", or "Stoletfill btd.,i in-
. 13111 Williams still remained upon
serted ofide for 35 cents and v,tch
tits knees. tits Month wide open, into
. .1
tubsequeot insertion 10' cents. .
which the two toars aforemetitioned
I .r4,3
. C6PVnldJ4TS SCO.
Anyone Sending a skefoh and ded04Etion may
CommunicatIlons intmiled for pubbila-
, t' must, &S. a, guarantee of good
� 100
. trickled unheeded. Re was too be-
wildered fully -to .realize big ridiculous
putaki'T, ascertain otir oolnion w other an
nventonloPtabnblun n
Ittor tfl g al!1 'AT ..
- gonl1dalit IAN d0k0-_-_P"""
ldegt . '4'6
faith -be accompanied by .the nwo
. ,
position all fit once. That he bad
iraveled over !i.000 weary miles for
I sont roe secaring .tont2i's
, atoney
patents taken t rouall Atutin. & Rol. redolve
of the wrik,m
the dubious pleasure of kneeling by
simckgnotiMwitboutobrtrge,intlie ,
� .
.the bedside of.this glass eyed lunatic
Sdehfifie fttfiCafi� "
Ahatidii6mol7tituatratedwookly� JrArgeabow
. Editor and Propricto.r.
was a thought which fit first refused
to percolate throngh Ills stunned cere-
of any solontifle f6dinal. 'Tovins
poemsolift-aid; solalar
. I
bruin. Ile returned the state and tin-
I Diandivity, NeW Yqk
.1 . r . I
swered, with it Series of hoarse, fliar-
ticulate gasps,
I . 0"� V��blnatoff.
M 111111
111 111111
L --i"V1111-YOU! MY son-you-ob? Who
I . .
-who the devil tire you?" � .
- 11 -.1 I -
-TIME, .TA131,E-
The earl drew the sheet about his
I I It 1. k A 4 ;-A _.
I Trains will arrive at and depart
from Clinton Station astollows'
tieck, *ose 0 V,v.eS 0. .. I
, ,
Ills pillow lauguldly, ,
"No eard-ift my-ah-olghtshirt.
I'm Itlebard W111raiii"an AntaWneo,
Going East
1-85 S" 'n'
-Texas, Get out,'"
44 At I �
3,01 P tit'
"You're a Itarl," burst out the Old
I 14 44
516 P. tn.
man angrily, rising to his foot,
Going. 'w6st -
I 1. 0 7 a. m.
The Earl of Croylaud pulled the bell
94 it I
1,26 P* W*
above the head of his bed and waited
it it .
6.40 1 p.m.
in unruffied calm till the nurse AD -
it it
11-29 P. tA,
pearod. Ile opened big oyes aud point -
ed to his visitor.
Going South
1.50 A. in.
"Er-13how this Odious poksoil out.
11 it N
- 4.23 P. ni.
I wish to-or-steop.11
Gollig North
11.00 1. m.
The gkI stopped Yorward, laid it gen-
94 it
9.85 P. M.
fie band aTioti the sult4rees forvilload
Call Upon the ReVw.TQk8.T1QOb Ren-
wyck. ye Unow-ioll liona Ire i1a.4 all
that gort of thlim "
"What," lgaslletl mr. Williams. 114NIY
gou gone to vall on Javoll, Jtell- Drop
Itt Prop, It! No rionseuse now! Whitt
are you talking oboutt,
Lord Croylaud ",plalne4, but the
very fact that Richard hall dared to
communicate 0-Itu Jacob Itelawyck.
I even to oblige a friend, put tba (titbqr
in 4 new fury.
I "Of course�ll said the Part. "he
c3uldn'tpolisibly be out there now. but
you might phone and make certain. I
date say they havor a telephone."
"No. Sir," stormed the 9,10. gentlo-
. man, walklug Up and down excitedly.
and wblsperoil soothingly: "No more long illstutice Iles for, tile,
"There, there, Mr. Willfamst Doia"t Vve, had enough of that already. I'll
excite Yourself. This . gentleman. Is ' just go up to Irvington myself and
, .
your father, Don*t You know him?", pick up his tritil. I want my boy. I
"Rot!" sold the earl. "I haven't a tell You. find I'm going to find Jilin, It
father. been dead for fifteen years or � be
. be isn't at Irvington my trip won*t
I wouldn"t be an earl -I mean-ah-lirs wasted after 411. I'll have the sails.
dern nonsense!" . factiou of wrInglog Jacob Rvilwyek's.
The nurse looked toward Bill WII- neck, T'll bet he's responollile for
Itams appealingly, Indicating Ilya cau- those wires and the whole thing.
tious gesture, that be would better Wbere'g tile internal place. and ho..v
leave the patient for the present, but do you get to It?"
the visitor was otherwise disposed. Lord Croyland, ,who wits not partle-
. - . ; I I I � I % ularly Intertiotell In Mr. Renwyck'n
I neck, gave directions -cheerfully, and
. . I .. . the distracted father started Ott tits
.... I way. When be had gone the'nervolls
. . ,nurse came oneo more to the patient's
I . . I side. .
I � I "Mr. Williams." she asked, �4.9 there
- V Anything that I.can do for you?"
"I � "Yes," It pec) tho.earl, with a Ian-
t. I . - guorous 0100. "I'm not at �bome to
. 0, " any one else to day unless MISS Setup-
. � 'I I � 11 � ' ton calls,. and now just open the win -
.1 .... � d9w, will you, ray dear, and let the --
0 1 . -sulphur out?, A most disagreeable
� . I f . ab . -
I old 'party-realry."
. I
//AV 11 I MR. BILL WILLIAMS took.the
I I first train for Irvington. set-
. \\I I I'll , �. . . I t � led . himself with. it long
�% .
I I black elgar In the smoking
. . car aild�begaa to churn his brains fbr
- answers to'niani perplexing questions.
� �
I . IV, .. . I That his enet.lites were trying to euchre
11 him .was as clear as day. .HIS 9301L
% I � trilght have sent one wire of warning.
... but why a dozen? That was 3neoWs
.. k, . k, .
. 5 V ftipe. Italian band. If Richard wits at
liberty, why had he not.w.rltteaT Why
. I . had be left his baggage, at the St. Ite-
I � . -
. gIs without returning? How dared he
., . � . - . go,to Irvington? Whet, . , 4 .,,'Jil lie .gone
. I I . ,Oereafter? 'Where was _- no*?. The
. I 1. I . ; , . . I I
. . IV 6.4i
"Go wayll, he myttered teelil . t
. � . be a silty (we!" - I .
. � I
. � .
. His face had turned a livid purple, and
the flow of Speech which bad stuck In
his throatoo* burst forth In a furious
. torrent: - ,.. �. . � I I .
"Good' God!" fie.: roared. ."Do YOU'
� I
think I eTer'bad'a thing like that for
a son 7 Ile's not iny boy'.. I tell you,
. . 7
. What, this double JoInted,-son of a one
eyed enytise,' My� WcR! Look. here,
. young ,%"loan,: I'll put the slier , Iff ou to
this asylunt of yours'. . Ob. I know
you!" hii cried, excitedly. pointi.fig a
shaking finger at the astonished earl.,
"YOU have, swindled me. It Was 14
trick. to get me away from Texas
.while some of your black hearted con-
federAtes went for my deep water bar-
. bor bill! You 'and Jacob Renwyck-
, t6at's I0 I,see It,now but I'll fix you
- yet. � . I start back for 6od's country as
soon its I find iny boy. and we'll see
who's running'the freeborn leg . Islature.
:of the great -state of Texas. bi gad!
You,,- I , I .. I . , I .. .
. � .
"Oh. . Mr. Williams'.1, the, nurse broke
- In excitedly. "Itlen'ste."plellse lie reasou-
able!' Usten. It Is some di,eadful inls-;
. take -some slmlta rity of nullles-*sOme.
ob. can't you see th.-it we are not to
-blame? .011M.YoUrNelf.-for,the sake
1 : . . �
of the patlent-for your. own sitke-4or
- I
my*sitke! There. no . w! Let*s talk It
I .
oi-elr qu , tetly find i .see It we cannot
. stralgb�ten but the tangle." She turned.*
to the eilrl. "This gentleman.", iliti
' .
said. Indicatitig,th6 visitor, "hai trilv-,
. clod all tbeway rro,j) ,rpxas to got? his
� .
son, whoin he feartivil, .,had been hurt
� .
I and brought b� this hoislAtal. � ,Perhaps
there tire two Ricir,ird"WI.Illatuses. and
it verjuatural mis . tilke tiiiiy have arlsou
. .
iiiIII-, .. . . I . . . . . . ..
� 1104i!" snld the E,arl of Croylitud, a
light of tioderstandlin, slowly plercing-
. , '
the tog of his, Intelligence.- "BY Jove!
Are.you Dickip's governorl-11 . I
. k'Yes." �napped the Texan. "I am.
witat I f, It 91, . - .. -
� I
The Enwilshman lily back -tin his pit-
161V and laughed. It was tin American
joke. but he saw theough'It. Bravo It �
. 1*0-li," be smittered. "really. you
:know, 'poll 11I.T word. It's droill7ba, ha
_dnsb me-Initneuse. by.love!"
111%top It." commanded. Bill William&
,sternly and turned to the nurse ia:
charge. "Just. leave ifs for a few mon
, mentq, Will rou? There; .yon needn't
I , .
be,afrald. Nothingis going to happen.
This gentleman und I- WIIL talk the
matter, ovgr betwee . 11 its calmly, and
. ,
I'll icave In tell allnutes.1`9 .
I. ,,leg all right. nurse," the earl .secu
onded', I'loave, us;plense. I understand
the situation. but hanged If It Isn't rip-
plti,g.- All the 'way front Texas. ell?
Ha4 ba!" .
I .
The pu7?,Ibd nurse departed. leaving
the two Incomprebonsibles to. them -
I � .
i celves, and so soon AS: the .door hod
I� 'bi�en closed the elder of 'the lunatics
demanded 'an lininedlate explanation.
The Earl of Croyland gave It to him.
Wohilering tile while how this droll
. old party could fall to appreelitte, it
joke ,of so clear'nud. so excellent it
quallty. ., He told of tits meeting With
Richard, the �autonioblle accident find
)its own craftiness fit assuallng his
. friend's name find why , he did It.
Croyland bad never seen Richard's f1k-
ther While In Texas, for he had visited
the son on the .1a,ttelos .Own ranch
while the boy and his rather had been
tellipoefti'lly estranged. �
10h, I stiy," be asked. I'don't you
think it was awfully elevilb or me to
think of that on the spur.of the mo-
inent, We julkilt say. without tiny pre-
conceived thought whiltevall?"
,,Rr1IIIant,,1 stil(I Mr. Williams. With
dry Irony. "But let me tell YOU One
. thing, young tona-It's it good thing
that you're a crIpple."
,,or -Why?" asked the Briton Vacant-
44WIly?" echoed the giant of the
Lone star State In gellultio disgust.
uWhyj Because If you weren't one
already It would tako a bigger dOCtOr"8
shop than this to patch you tip. Who
sent tile thoso t6logeamal Whero"A MY
. ,'Don't know anything aboot either
of ,eul,1, the other r"poilded careless-
ly, while he mar-roled at the Texan"o
show of apffit. "The last I Ow of
Dick h6 Wakaoioie U0 to Irvim.,toft to
old gentleman gave It up and chewed
the end of his elgar In savage Impa-
. . . I .
. . I
tience, Of one thing only was he cer-.
. . I
ta I In -he would get.on Richard's trall.
and follow lt'to the end.
Oil reachin . g Irvington . tic! hurried to
the telegraph office and sent the tot,
. . .
lowing dispatdh 'to his representative
at Austin. Tex.: I �
. � . .
Watch-barbor bill. SkIngArneon. Learn
whian legislature will adjourn and answer.
. IrAngton,, N.Y. � � . I
. There wa I s. -some cousIderable. delay
In sending his wire, which,,he further
. . .
lengthened by telephoning to ,Ills NeVr
York' reprepeiltatives. making an tip-
polutmeut with.tbem for later during
the day. As he hod.plunged straight
for the telegraph office. he oelthee saw
nor was seen by .Mr. Jacob Renwyelc
when'that gentleman. accompanied by
two plain cloth�s * men. got off,the rear
cir of tho same train, rustled acroas.
the platform; jumped Into if :waiting
surrey.`tlleoul on' lagethat'liaptiened
,y rr .
to ineet..tbat' train. and drove rapidly
away.. 'Nor did he.'hear several people
Inquire. of, the station agent for- walk'
, I.
Ing directions to,31i. Itenwyck's place.
, . .
First there was 'a well groomed. ror) to e�
What pompous. officiallooking En . -11sh"
. _7
I man, ,wlth a red face and white side.
I Wh4.9kers. evidently a man -of aulbor-
ity and..1m 11 . or . till . ide. � Next tbere.w . as
it talt . ,': blond "Young .woman.: with* a
I .
'tripping" figure. .who expres,cfed sur-
prise flint no vii1ifele was. there � to meet
. .
lidr. . � Ali . (J finally there Werp it � a eicIt6d'
old fa.rWer. a hard f6aWfed, man In
.. ' '
plain clotbeg-alao, with an official, 10019
�aud a � tusgy little r6presentagve . Ott,
I I .
� - '
.9 motor 'company', if one could judgli
by, his cap find general ;�utwiioblle rig.
In despair of a cdrrlagd*&II of these
walked.slowly uli the hill to the dIreC
. I
r . . ,
don of Restludre. although iu,the fact
that, save the farmer find the, plain
clothes :Official, each pursued his way
alone; I holdhig no cominuniocation vvIt1b
the . others. was conclusive proof that
*their simultaneous arrivaip"And their
comm . on destination ivere merely colo.
eldences, Mr. ltenwyck and his coln.
paulons arrived loog before the others.
With the two detec�tives lie went.lin,
. ittiedlately Into the Jibrary. where he
inet ,Ills wife find, Air. CorrIgnn., Tim
Safe, was wide opefl, showing the tum,
. . i
bled contents just. " they 'ftad been
� found when the . door wits unlocked
. I
tw , o hours oarlier .by Uncle Michael.
In after. Alleiiee, the two sleuths made
ati-exaffitnation. but beyou ' d one tiny
scratch near the ,keyhole of. the Innei
door the safe 'showed no evidence of
having been tampered 'With. Besidlis
Sir. ltenwyek. there �vau no Otte estsc
who knew the combination except the
Old butle.r.. wh ' 0 wits cOnil . tied to 1111IN
bed with' rhenulatisui In 'it sniall. vil.
Inge se'verul tulle -8 ftway uud who w1U
quit , 6 above susplelon anyway. -Clear,
ly, dien-,--the thief had tit some. %vity
learned the couiblAiation or else Tit- wa-
an. experleticod t-rackstuart. . .
-On hPairing, of the robbery the first
thought that fluslied Into Mr. [tell.
w.vcic*s wind was big e6lotis illeethip
in tile library Nvith Ills Eilgl[Sh guest
tit 3 - O'cloelt In the niorultig. with the
-window'open and the bUtIglar alatInj
turned.o1r, -The Inlowler's explallatiot
bad been quite slinple. Mr. Ilonwycl;
had hone8tly striven to perstaide Win.
spir tillit It wits entirely: satist'actory,
althotigh Ito eould not drive imny o
siteaking suslildon that everythiligg will
not Just right. tit tho light.or preseni
dove lot) luen ts Ills m1nd recurred to thh
suspiclon with added force. Thou there
wits thtit draft which the ($art bild at
Ittexplivably refused to Sign aftee (Irgi
. offering to do so. it sitioll matter ill
Itself, yet votiplod with the strangc
noturval wanderings of a gelitionlar
who wishod to seek for it book at v
quarter past 3 o'clock In the morning -
.Well. It'trottlifed Ur. llenwyck not 4
11ttlo. All the way to Irvington bit had
tuered tile twitter -over In Ills mind,
�et Ott titeotIng I,ord Croyland on the
Ifront veianda ho was forced to admIl
that tile frank nplyearing Young unall
looked as little like if burglar as him�
fielf. .
.Mr. Corrigito watt the first to give
big evidence. He explained about the
trualp with ti east In his eye and told
how he had first observed the man on
tba train coming from New York. then
hOW the $time man had tome to Rost
more beg. -Ing. Ile (S-Prea to filet Uill
brotber-lo-law a. tboulinud dollars to
five hundred that the vock ev4d fello,
I. W
was the roliber,, but 31r. Ueulv,yck vold.
ly doellued to take, the W#4er.*
Mr. Corrigan descrik-4 the appear -
once of the man with enthusiastic lot-
nuteness, at wbl(-b the forIctoost. jot
the detectives smiled tin olly siolls,
"Well. by gad." lie exclaimed Judell.
vateiv. "if that doesn't filt .luck Billtis.
then I'm it Dutchman: It Jack"s got
Your sWoers. M , r. ften�.Tck, You'd bet-
ter whistle for lem."'
"Why?" asked 51r, CorrIgan,
"Because he"s tile allekest crook tn
sefen states." returned the sergeant.
nodding Ogorously. "llo.'s it bundreil
Rod fifty mil c 4WUY by this tints. '
11 , I
1111ful" said Uncle Michael. "It You
had listened to foe, Joke, Ingtead of
trying to be, humorous, you'l-
**Ott,. sbut tilt. will You,?" growled 11r.
Iten wy0f. .1this Is no thoe for recrlm�
hititlou. YoWd grgoe the sun, ifloott
and stailk. out of the sky togvtber It
you found tiny one to. 11sten: to- yon."
-.Now. who ever Saw sun, moon �iiod I
starts tn the Sky fit the same little?" 1
I queried the Irrepressible '.%lichael.
"Thore-you go." retorted his brother-
Iff-law. *,Your story of the tramp to
just its absurd
, ,;low as It was In the
beglifulng. Come: )PCs get down to
Wistness, Call over.rbody 4n. These
offiverit; will question every Inmate of
tile house, Gentlemen," he said. turn -
Ing to the detectives, 1 -you have my
permission to proceed In any intintier
which kiepuis best to you� -We Are en-
t1rely fit your hands."
11.4,11 right, Sir," answered the de.
tective serpeant. Whose nain . e was
� ,
Flint. "We'll take the servants fft��tll
Richard was crosing the linil In a
vato Search 0or Hakript when he
chanced to overbear this )list remarlL
tits heart went down ag
,tilti. It Wool-
sey Hills were -ililestioned' It would
mean far more'iban turning it gnilty
villoln over to the authorities. Be. the
milker. would be forced to Pxpla4a�
n1so. and, taken tit volijutietion wltli
,his own tueethig with Mr. Reawyck In
tile library. the on,tcome won1d be
ghastly., to say the least, Yet lie, must
act on the detective's suggestion..0
once. . . . . �
"Shlill I gelid for my inan".1" lie asked
of Mr. ftenwyck. Who at tlint niolnent,
came (it . it luto tit(- hall.
. � .
II.N.0,11 said his host.. ..We'll' t - ake im.
own ser . vants first. .1anips." lick callp�
-to it sphluxl1lict butler'.1:1 the 111111. "tell.
till the Servants to- t-olue luto the llbra-
ry-a � 11 of them. Un'delINblud"?" I I
..Yes. air..'* answered James. with a
solenin bow, and departed on his tnls�
plon. � I I I .
.. �
RIchardIIs, heart went up tigaln. Ile
had it slight reprieve. It -would last
perhaps t.wetity'- illittilte9. yet much
might Inippen in that span of .time.'
. I
Ile . w6udered ' I (I ly % tliv.,e would put ,
handetiffN till .111111. but (lislillksed tile,
-thought In- his deternituntlow to pay
. �
for the stolen dlatirout"o;,Amisinuch as
he felt responstble.for Woolsey '11111k
When the fill)(. efillip lie woll.10 eqnross,
like a man and take, hiii niedleltie. IT(-,
I .
would be denowiv�d. It wonld be
� � I
drdillatic. like flle:�play of the "Man
if lid the - Rlr(L" only. I he natne woxid -
Ito-cliting0d. It.would-now he -the
. .
1. ..Alan nrid the Jallbird." Elow simple
to .hikve nooned that library window.
- . . . I .
while -Bills went out Into tlio,olgK .
� boarded a freight aira deposited... the
plunder In New York! T-hp.Texan was -
Innocent. . of course. but would other
I people. think so? Yet she would. There
was comfort tit that. It she believed
Jn him'. nothing else mattered very
� .
I much. . . . � . � .
At this stage of the proceedings there
i '
I was quite, a -commotion on 'tb4 front
porch ilue. to the arrival of several
. . .
visitors. Hal,riet 'and ,lmogene went
.out gild greeted ,Allss..Seu�pton uerv�
� -
ously, exl)tttiti-iiig,tbe'st-.tlte,.o'f orfal.rs
tiriefly.,while All-. Ronwye-k -also came:l-
to the door. truplatleift at the'unl(yaked
I* . . I ..
f6raluterruption.. .1 ...
� . . "Sir.7 questioned .the pompous Bung, *
Ilish geptlenian. who lind arrlv�d a few
minutes aftI6e the lighter footed young
lady. "am. I eprrect In .assuniln.g that.
.that Is -.Mr. .Jacob Renwycli?" .
,. . � .
Mr. Reuwyck boWed,. . I � . . �
"H'm! MY card;" went on the. visitor.
111 am, as 'you see. .Sir Rodney IlIck-
� Nvich. .British 6mbaqgador tit Washing-
. ' -
too. I liiqvii written repeatedly on flint-
. tees of most urgent. business to at gon-
tleman who I learn. has been:a guest
tit this. charming home. but ray, ,letters
and. telegrams have elletted'no iepl-y.
Ilumph! I allude, - Sir. to the Earl of
Croy] and. *.Does lie.`chance'to'b� still.
with . ,voa-?'* . I.. . . . 1. .. I
. I
.. ,..Yes." .-ftusmeked Mr. . Renw.vek..
. .
.'Come In. I must h0olOglze.fQr our up-,
set stnte. but, t . her fact Is we -have just
. , discovered a si�rlous robbery.. Pray be
Spitted. Sir Rodney. Lord -Croylund
. was heee'a moment ago. TI will sand
tor hirn." , .
"I shall be oblig,ed. I'm suril. I regret
to dis . turb -yo6 under the eircum-
I .
Stances, hot WS really most Important,
I . .
� Ott kiv,W� and" -L I . .
"Not tit all." said Air, ItenwVck cour-
; , I
. tool�islov. AIJailles, 4,6he called to the but-
. .
ler, setid some oneto Lord Croyland
with this card." . . . �
"Yea. Sir," answered Jnmes., "I think
I see him on the laWn,'slr,' go's comm
Ing now." . . . . I
, Richard, having spled hilss Sempton
couthi, up the path, had promptly
tooved ont Upon.tbe lawn In order to
postpone the Inevitable discovery no
Iongg its posgible. lie saw ,be , r.go with
. .�
Harriet find Imogene, tit) the stairs:
n e more toward the
house, At the steps be was Stopped by
it . farmer. the hard featured oflicial
end the fussy little mechanical Indl-
vidwil who seetned to have joined
forces on I be way. - .
. "ThaVs one of lent now," loudly de,
clared the rustic, pointing a grinly tin,
gor at Richard. "I recoguive lilm, offi-
cor. Ile was there VII right."
"What, . a this-witnes this?" demand.
ed Mr. Ren0yck. hastening Out At the
sound of tile exelted voice,
,'TVs all right# ',kIr. Ronwyck," Said
tile fussy little man, touching his cap.
"I think wo can settle It Without any
trouble whatever. Is this Lord Croy -
land ill
"Yes. it 18,11 answered the puzzled
. wastot. of Reatmore. "What Is all tiller
fuss abotit? It to very annoying to
have you pew)le coining bore at this
time, U"but do- you wantl Be brief."
11MY hame", Said the man, 4s Par.
ker"John PftikOt Of t110 tAYtOO MOt6ir
company. Lord Croyland her#- tented
orio of out machints; A -Week ago And
novor brought It back. We loarriod In- -
cidentally that he smashed It up and
failed to roliott the accident. %Ve In-
7- "" 4
qUIr8d for him At big hotel, but 110 11414
left without 4;lving It" Address. W0 .
bad .ouble In locatful; I
, . a great deal' of tr
tbe,damageti.motor; but found It ilit , , J
last at how Itoolielle. And we have ;
bad more trouble to locutlo; him bore I
too. I have 4 lie I
avy bill against b4a . (
. lordship." ;
But here tile farmer broke In angrily., :
"Too. go' be broke 01) my Waggla an' ,
1011: my dows, I'll have the law oil
him. Here, you" 'be cried, turning top .
Utchard-11you j�t to come along with
no b.aek to Now York! My lawyer says �
YOU'Ve got to Pay A thousouil dollars
damages. This man has a volum.ous,
for ,You, TlitiVe, him, constable. Take .
, him In."
Ur� Reawyck turned to tile, Texan
with a foolt-of refined astonishment
"Really, Lord Croylaud.11 he began. I
but Richard smiled. brazenly and, - I
checked further speef--b. . . I
1*31r.. Reawyck," he said, "I must
spologize to you for this unfortunate
Interruption. I did, have an an.tome- �
bile Accident It Is true, but I paid to I I
have the dainaged machine towed: to
the nearest garage and thought. of I
, .
course, that the matter would be to,.
ported promptly by the odicer employ- .
ed. I gave my address and beard I I
nothing further from the owners tit
the automobile nor from this worthy
farmer whose wagon and dog .were I
both butted Into kingdom come." Rich- .
ar4 turned to 4r, Parker, *'At what I
hotel did yoU Inquire for me?"
111p9tel.Astor, Sir,. theInddroas.otrour
book.g.l. I
,,Abr, smiled the Texan. "That tic- . �
counts for it. I had v.hanged my ad- I I
dress to tlio St. Regis. T%leek me there .
on Monday morning at 11. both of yon.,
The niatter will be adjusted to your
entire Satisfaction."
"There," sald Mr. Reowyck lmpa� . . � .
tiently to the farmer and Mr. ParLor. , . I
"Does that satisfy you s"' . .
"No. it don't!" protested -the rustle .
one, "He's a stick one. I Pn tell ye. ; I
lie -didn't give no sleb, name as Croy- . I .
Iaii* Wen he run me flown. I disre- ' .
mernber wot it was, but, It warn't I � I
. - that loan's tryin' to I
croylatt". - No. sir, _
- .
xqul 'rill ollit"ell It."
`Ii4(Aei'ofr tily vlacel'� shouted Mr. Reni .
. w.v(-U .fililoligly, these -successive- ton- .
trotetulot proving too much f(Ir his un- . . . I
. *
stable, e(lullibrium, 111p my house to.
lie overrun by every Imbecile In the 1.
state Of New York? Take Jilin away, . .
I . �
Mr. Parker. before I forget myself and 1.
have flint ejected forcibly!" . I . . .
Mr. I'arker looked doubtful, tho�farm- � I . I
or was obdurnte, the officer handed I . � I
Richard -it paper. while Uncle Michael
looked, oil. 'rubbing hi's plump whito . � I 11 �
- ' * . .
. handg find ellucklinit o6fdr. At this. � .
juncture Sir Itodney Hickwich bap- I . � .
I pevt�d to spy a monocle In the eye of a . � . . � .
-gputleman outside. At the same time .. . . . .,..
he caught the name of Croyiand. He . . I
� �
rose. from his seat Tit the drawing roora � . .
, .
and appearibil Upon- the scene. * Ue had '. , I I I
been 'greatly troubled over tile fact � . . . I
. I
.that Lord � Croy;and's 'plans 'for pur- , . . . . .
. chasing% Submarines- fort itipan had.. *
. been 'disclosed' to the.. authorities at . I. � .. . . .
Washington, ,at the. Instance 'of the . . - I . I '.. .
. � � . . . :
.Russian ambassador, andAinlesp the - . ,� . . I
I � . . . ...
plans were dropped forthwith grove . . 11 � .
complicklons were, certain to, follow. , , I .
. .
. For this .very yeason he had- made - a I . m . �
flying trip to New York In an.endeavor . .
to save .his, friend'f ' rom seiious .61un.. 11�, . I . _ I I
I � ' -
derg.. He bad 'not been_ able. its. he ' - .. . 1,
�Sald ' to.gef a reply to three". telegrams . . . �
. .
sad five totters:, and *.to the more anx. I � _ .� . I
. �
lous'to learn the reason of 'this Inex- . I I.S
plicable silence.. He Was a. little near- . . . I.. .
slgbted�'but lie was sure he recognized . I I I . . I ,
big friend among th p I I.. .
, . .
porch. - . . �, . . . . . .. �� I . .... .
. ."Why, Croyl-ind," be. .exclaimed.', - .
. : . I .11 .. .'.. . .
"how tire you?!� . . . . 11 � � .
. . - .. . . .. _;., . . I ,
�1111ow, d'ye do?". returned Richard . �. :. .. . .
dudaclously, tn . kill . g. the outstrefebed'. .
. I
. "
I ' 'ordially I -_ . .
hand al1dsh;rkltigJt ( - *11 Y . .
Jove. old chap, I'm gI . ad to se, . e yon!" . . I .
. I .
� Sir Rodney: starv& tit this strange - - . . I
' - . �
.young .rl;.,Iil berorp� hini. gasped and*. � , :
I . I
� I
. . p :
. � I . . :
. . I I .1
I : � I - , . . I .
� ��._l ... � - I . .
I..4..e; .1, . :
"This, � (&Wt. the Earl of OroVIaitd, Jfr.
. . . RenuiVek.11 . - .
took a 'backward step; then be jerked .
his band from the other's grasp and
turned to Mr. Renwyck. .
. ,
"Er -bless my soul," he spl1ittored, .
"to this the-eb?" . I
"The )Dart of Croyland, of course," -
answered Mr. Renwyck, striving to
control his growing Impatience at All
' .,
these Interruptions.. I
"Of course," sald Richard Solemnly.
"Didn't you just recqgnIzt. me yout-
. Self?"
.1'ellowt Chap! This isn't the Earl
of Croyland. Mr. Renwyek. Ile's an
Impostor, Sir. Von are being grossly
. .
deceived." - � .
It a lyddite shell had been exploded
on the town of Restmote it coulkI not '
have created a more tirc&ound gonad-, -
tion. There were .xoveral startilug-ex-
01amations. short and Abarp, then it
iwillch flually the farm
ier broke. .
"Dog my catol" he roared exultantly.
111 knowed be Was tryll). to woogle its! -
"Come Into the house," said 11f.
Ttonw.vek Sternly, 1,411 -of you. Well
sift this tuatter to the bott6m."
The assomblAgis willch gilth�rod In
the large IvIde hall was indeed a Wit-
od coA , oetion. Besides ille haughty
hilas, SIcheraloriv and tile d1stual Mr.
Van der Avre. there, were out* wonder -
Ing English gentiquitin4 two doteetiveso
a constable, govollat more Or It-gs tef-
t1dod Servants, it farfil0r. tin adtoftio.
bile p9eut, a laWYer. A (11190cler And
(- TO 1311, CONTINTA-0). )