The Clinton News-Record, 1909-06-24, Page 7f
C• ,
COMM MCM-ROCOVA June 24tht 1909
The Sultrin Kept His C rowlall, Rich There Is n Great l r �llfr+�i�i•��r�R,►+11�1`►�►�
Word, 89 8+ 0k-,kO epina, Future In Store for
After the French . Alubasaador NV" Corritnentintt on the fact that
New. Our Hinterland,.lila Glower He Bent the Gift a,$ litre foandland's financial statement shows H zl+<IiLA„ of $l,t0,U4U, xhrt Hillahnr
Promised, g The extemeion, of the Temiskamling
Heaver says, if the tastcand would, adopt and Northern Ontario Railway, froom
* The threshm
old or the harm. has ocea- the Canadtian systeta of :Boats.keeping itu present terminate at Charlton to
sioually been crossed c'nndestinely, yet its deficit would Eoun ditiappear. Qowgandawill opera ulna mining re -
1 ► save thnze In rare .cases wbRre ta, Turk- To cauge a deficit of a trifle like $250, giott of illimit:Rble posslbtlitiee, It will
ish faurlly, having adopted the couven. 000 tit pass, out of eight and # surplets of also ritake available for ,settlement +ex-
t r tions of :rite lauroperktts, admits its incl• tuilliol►t, to tike its r,lace would t,e a teusixs tracts .of good farutinR ltrnri,
lysate friencle, no •a+trauger has openly simple tlrip]g (or Aft•, Fielding. The This railway is beim: constructed by
and ofliti oily been pernaitte.1 to vlAti simplet hing or Mir. Fi of Finance
tae Ontario Gorernment. When first
- ,
thow gynecaeum of the Turk, stays1N.0. prelikehisCanserva Mipredecessors,has frojecte.+ to rinduorthivardfroni1VorEl#
• Adaissities iii The Delineator for July. been doing that sort of thing on tong gay, !t was designed ass an aid tacolon!-
' s Theoneoxception to this itnn•clad rule, that he has acquired the perfection 'aatiou through which it was expected
strange, to'swy occurred !iA the palace of to pay far the cost of construction.
't which soarers from practice. In the .
a sultata, slant t financial 'year ending March, But the resulting
r s sitter at Cobaltcountry
_ ..
It was. in the year 1807, when the
:IM, for example, ` the total revenue and the resulting bee Into: the country
y made !t one of the first paying raiNo Y
amounted to 8 l 0, aver $tit of10,000
Th NewsmRecord .
lI British Government, attempting to white II2ii780liU prc,positi,)ns to the Aomirrion. Now
coerce the istthlirtrct lPorten; into a coal' + was spent. deficit ;three gold, tae we!! as silver, Rsbestos,
seemed a indicate a t'al'ly big deNcit have been. found in quantities, inviting
` tion against Napoleon; ordered the .
but, under blr.Fietdingsman,pulatioai
sultan, Seltrn. I[[„ to surrender tris the expenditure of capitalatGowganda
the adverse Nilartce passed out of
fleet. ThtRi9elirn refused to do,'And auil beyond, the extension of the road
sight tend a substantial surplus of near--
the English fleet sailed through the rs a business. as well as a colonizing
ly $20,t)Dt1,(W took its place. This was
k+rnpontia ivienn- necessity. Reports received in this
accun]plished by charging encAre $38,- _
prhile, Geuerral Bebae►ani. rho French city from prospectors An: the new field
tlUt1,0t10 to and other than our -
.ambassador, _------•-�----�-
ambassador, assisted. the Snitan in or- are )highly encouraging. Where is a
gaol=ing the deft ossa of Constantinople rent accounts. The two millions add reat future,; no doubt, !n store for our !
dollars paid to railway promoters in g
and dirt itsoadmiral" that the Urltlsh hitherto despised htuterlanda One en.
the form of subsides during the year,
fleet retired without tiring a phot, thusiastic prospector declares that a
instead nf! torrcharged'against our. D' ADVERTI $RS we CaII n
' Accordingly, the Padish+ih told hire to � great city is soca to rise on Lake Gow- guarantee the m st Sa i c rresults'-
rent sevens e, hpcame a part of the
choose hi4Frenchman
reward. The general,, s; national debt. The same course was i gapda, and even Hautes the locality of g Q t 9fa tO jr ,
thorough Frenchman asked permission It. East of it, stretching to the Quebec
to visit his Majesty's harem. taken !n regard to the $2,13U3,!)OU paid iaorder, and Ibelieved to extend beyond
to er.b. As like
bort anal steel manufac- � because ,TuE .NE�V S,• . � and appreciated h the
tnreta- �! like 1Kn was adopted in that line n]ct, t ere rock formations ns.: RlJCOItA 1$ read pp y
Slim, boipnd by, his word, granted i, exist. lir tact, there seems na end. to
this uratecedeated favor, and invirod f)rnviding fair an ite•n) of pearly $L t1;-
1 the snineral wealth of the whole nor• IiUSiII4SS IIIeIl `
bini to wltttpas the review of flap t nl_ "pent on the militia service a large rhes it plateau, including the bPight.of r lneehanlcs artisans and farineri3 and their families
tanns. As the latter, the most hPatitI. P'it't (if this paid out for rifles hand and the region north of it, near � t
fall women of the Basr,, with lalushln and eq•rlpnient that will he obso.
g which' the Transcontinental Railway • .
cheeks aqd modest eyed p used one by lets in ten or tiftPen years, A touch is projected to run. Trane ortation of ' in �ul Oil Count One of the most fertile and thickly populated
one before then), the Sultan said larger sour, spent for temporary itn• .sup lies a3 at the present the Yt a y pOp 18
,. provernents on the Interentoniat, and pN p greatest
�Vhn ever of them ail you f#nl fairest bossier tq developureut. on account of
which any private railway would have thocost and the roan difficulties !n agricultural districts ill Untarlo,
is yours." Setra9tiR>ai, delighted. roar- g -
mPt outot the e r � revenue was also Y
ratedonPof flap imperial odali iluPs,,i y travelling by land and water routes.
taken ftotn currentaccnuntand rharrr-
blPnrgian of divine beauty, with deep „ „ when these will have been overcome w
black eyes. up to the always convenient cal ital
Y c•otnnrn� great boom 'may be expected. What 46 ,
all this vast mineral wealth snap menu
The next morning a proces�frn of A deficit of $150;0ti1)!. Mr. Fielding for the good or ill..of Canada and the
hinek slaves appeared at. the embassy, _-
hringii]g with them ut magntticenGcraak- could dispose of t twat any morning be- world, is another matter. -Montreal
et. Raising the lid thereof, 5ebaatiani t ween his porridge and coffee,—`geek- Witness,
behpld, lying upon tlak purple ctishinn ly Sun.•
the bead of the be•ititiful' girl he had
W., JACKSON, AGENT. CLINTON. chnspn, By its side lay a letter from The Man and the Hen.
_ the Khaiifa, which read as follows:
Sri e ,•Though our lacy forbids tliat a Purity of Milk Supply. Man, proud man, dressed in a little
brief authority, n]osc ignorant of what
dman of Islam be given to Christian Greeter precautions must he taken in he'.s most assured, has vulgarized the on A
yet thou sbalt have at least the conso the future than have been observed in comition harnyard fowl. THP cock'sRateslic
---DO: INIU'1; DAY iation:'that onne other shalt possess her the past. to insure the purity of the bhr ill clarion is for trim only a noise,
a, ion
—EXCURSIONS whom thou hast preferred uriik carpis t'urnisbed for consumption and a murderer cif .the sleep that keit4%,
of milk in .rifles. Thitt !s the ontamrad- up the .,revelled sleeve of care. The
RETURN MICKETS AT SINGLE ing fact, Rax1'nr ns farmers areeoncern- hen's sops of rejoicing over the new-
in cannecticrn, with the .appoint- laic egg he regal ds its a bit of parity, ]
FARE Mr: S. V. aaabington, K: C., has stent of a ntiik.cornuilst�n by.the On- Ira bie ribald moments he calls it ego-
notifipd the City Council of Hamilton tartn that
occurred n t in the.discria- ism, A .fussy, conceited individual
Beeween all stations ir: C,uiada ; that be will move to agrrash• the lay. Fluty that ncenrred uci tbe.purity of this who over-estimates hi4 little hit of
good going June 80th arm .lir] 1st , cominudlty at.the meetin of t•he On- work in the universe is compared with
g g g y law giving the.arc•et .tghting ro»traet g
19011. to the C.atiaract Power Comp an if the held ill Tor- tho hen that has just laid an egg,
ouIiiitu hast week. k
Heil decide. to take any action on ,
it. He is acting for a rate )a er. 'All this shows a deplorable lack of
g i y tl,rretofctre proper care has not, with. hre,adth and. imagination. 'It is the man
ALASKA — YUIKON —. PACIFIC President Penna of Brazil is dead, all cases been exerciser]. Stables have who is the egotist, . not the hen. lie
I 1'L" 'tom
Twelve native soldiers died from 110t.atways been kept in proper condi thinks of the barnyard fowl as a mean
EXPOSITION ON -- „CJ. '' 1. thirst inMorocce. tion and there has been, it) many in- 'of. rovidina }fin] with eggs and broilers
0.ur: Job D'ataneps"a flack of cleanliness both in the tro. lie eaten. He calls himself a lover Y �✓a+� m V nto
--Very low rates An assouiation has heen'tirkanized in . person of the milkers a.nd the cow eap- . of nature, and. he professes to admire
with Can ilia.,, r trader tela• g causes of tb'e sons of birds;
--Via attractive routes Berlin to promote bete plying the fhaid. F.xi+tin g yet he has never
—Daily until Seitiembox y0ai;. 3 10, crnnpta iegtaruived, three things appreciated the poetry of the clarinn
Lieut. Ernest H. Shackletnn; whose will have to be; removed, and the facC et.!
—Return limit Oct. 31;;;, ;q0J. expedition tecentl Penetrated to the lna y that limits the coming of the 'light
y p y ;its well he faceJ. . soon its hate fry "offspi ing,of heaven, first horn: of the. "
farthest south reached 'Loudon last. those•whn deAre to continue io this eternal co:eternal beam,"
week. l?neofl,usfnesa- Alan re -
Is thoroughly Equipped" with modern cnallltler Ca able Of
firarda the Daylight bill as a trearrend�us y' p.
WHAT YOU 'NEED > FOR THE, The Brand Trunk Pacific twain sP.r 4�t'the aatne tiros, Pven. with all rhes@. discover* of 1118 OV►D� while the homely .
viceiretween. iVrr
innipeg and .Scutt 560 evils lemoVed, the lass of lnf,tnt life roo4ter tires been livi.tt4.- under that.
• miies'was inagurated last week. • The due to the gseofimpure.milkivll rn,h _ turlhitl Out first -Plass work. •Uur:aSSOrtment of NESV. TYPE: lel+
CODNT,RY l I t t a rule since the d.ttwn of history, b
You need 'some handy balm ready for ton sooce n"
be. extended to Edmon, put an.end to milers other precautions 'The hen that has first laid art e ' is'
are takt�n ais well, 1<Iuch itf.the itnpur not, v j RS '
blistered hands, sunburned skin; cuts, The Board of o it Which s gin man auiaainea, making a stades inn of_ the latest,ond most fa"shionab1 'design'
burns, bruises, stings, and the many C noting th has . ort• Y ch els into sirup reaches there YS far the'.
p gets Yu�s Kecaucsa she hoe hmvlded crime- �. ,
little accidents incidental to open-air life. ed In favor of inrrrasing the pay•of the between the* point of production* and thing for hien to eat, She iia. rejoicing
Zam-Buk is the ideal balm. It is antise tic, Owen Soi]nd longeshoremen employed that of consumption, :A great deal .over a stn a in the `wondrous I •ocess finest d
epoch' by the. Canadian Ptacifiz. R-jilwa Camp more is carried by flies after the' milk g pt kin . Of N4rk, . We Cl) work'' as cheap as any office in
ing, and healing, Insect stings or Y Of. groivtti, iter but
is not to
g parry. reaches the borne of the consumer• mak,! orrielettea, but to ,. wartka those
barbed wire .scratches cannot become There niust be cleranllitess all along -the. e I
poisoned wounds if Zam-B�k is a lied, The C.P.R.shgps at lalont''eal tyre gas into life with infinite' care mild Qlltario. Tr .us with -'your next c
Pp line and 'tn this tatter 'as ect .of the Y . T order. and gave fife anxiety Of
It soothes sore, aching fees, heals' baby's turning. out the biggest• l,ieaurotive ' p. patlenea, -Afterwards she .,Will fight -
chafed chafed places, cools -patches. of sunburn; ever built in Canada, ,for age ori oil, the case the httention of the G'r nPrnurenta' Por• the chicks to the death against
bills C,ommrrsion lsparti,:ulavly.dlrect- hawks and yli otherenamles.. sending aWa and waiting
relieves the pain of blisters. y Itifokhers mountain sections of the road; ed',--N'eaikl Sun. b away'.. o P tittle wlieII
erhaps some
should gee that the country cottage r9 never
you are
without Zam-Buk. Purely herbal, it may, However, while loan. shows much
be regarded as Nature's ownhealer. Apply foolishness, vanity, and volgArity !n
The second readiing of the finance a Ina hurt'
it to all skin injuries, rashes, eruptions, -and .,.. •late tteatn)pnt�of this subjpck; there is a .. Y'
diseases. All druggists and stores. bill was` -passed' in ehe British com- P rofaniity. A.niong spark of divine fire and wisdom in him. .4
mons~by 3$ti votes to, 209: Atson)P period in, boy or inan
1�t9 S, he is seized with it desire to keep bens.
Fion. -30
Senator J. R. lttiipeadeau, White he may talk in tercns of eg¢q
W. J. Thorne., a S'beiafist ' meinlscr; 5herrfl of Montreal is dead. grid broilers in order to juvtify himself
A recent :ed! torial in, the: Chatham. before_ a enrnuiPrcial world he is really.
caused great excitement in the' British Plaanet, on ltrnfanity anion buy had
a hall million people lined the route , y assn y congctous of .:the. poetry that �"
House of Commons b denouncing the catused r nnyiderai>!r, cotnmPut•t.hrou �h- , l
y foaowed b .the funeral ocessi lfrka in the casks welcome `co. thN
y, • pr. �`
Czar as an in brute. .. on of out the Province. The evil
of'whiclr it
2. Chaucard, the .French merebant �. speak:+ aP earn to be widespread, and .drawn; and the. ftr'rce material energy �p
P p
of the hen: Protitiic neighbors *aro `i
Prince. `' . Clutton is nit exea)pt. 1t is shockint; h
Botiteda)re14 to bras the language that nn that the entprprigP'wlil m)
4 r` ,4 n W i::e relat ions ask of what avail it is
Repeat it . Shiloh C+i, �riii a l- rolls glib off the et>efiuea of little boys to cult! vat e affectionate personal .
so,ue.of them scarce! old enough to p s nal seta• '
ways cure my coughs and o.efa.'` f g tions with chicks whose heads he will
Of Interest to •Fa�rmerS�a,nd;lVlechanics` support the dl�iiity nt tn;ckertn]ekera: some day a: 1 •' +•
d h ve tt wt int,. ,But he goes
- Farmers and mechanics 'fret ijeutly, �Yet.sarne of these int:,nts can rip' Out ori,with his•ei)ter rise becaat's 'be sees
meet ivi,th i ht accidents: and. in uries oaths that would make an P
�. r g j tl1P. poetry a p 1, tookVis� I U
Rev. Dr. M. R. Fishburn, a.:Cen;re- which 'au � captain titre.grprn wittienv''. 13ardl t y s. well as_the. prose.--Tor.-
a cause them much annoyance au,d 3' y onto ter, i
gatianal minister, said to have 1.4en loss 'of time. 'A cut or bruise ;nap be obieYtospe,ak plainly tbey garnish th( ,
a native of Toronto, is d. ead in -Wash- conversation with curses; ar,d , if you
cured in about .one-third. the time us- hear one of then) vrher) another�young -
ua11 re wired b a 1 in Chamber- ster has ruffled his team er--•well oa W. F. Gr os a colored nran, ropped
y.. 9 Y PP y g P You d
lain's Lin:mcrlt as soon as the injury . feel like stopping, your, ears. and. et dead, at Chatham:
Ong away. How du they learn. it? you .
!s received. `This liniment is also vol- -
PR,EPARE FOR ;9U'XiI13R OtTINI'U usble: for sprains, soreness of the ask.. Keep ynk e . Then and you Rico
)one t. Mary' wins . e upsetting n �
will very scion know, The boys hear Rice Lake, St. Mary's, by the upsetting. Call.ang :Cards', Wedding Invitatioil$� . Invitations
Tquzist tickets to 11Iusko..a, - Te"oa-,mnscldes and rheumatic pains. There hear—]nen of all ages, that of his canoe.
is o anger of blood poison! g result- should lizve sen -e, interlardingtheir. Petri l3renman and pm , r
Mama hake of Bays; CTcorglan 11a f; ny cpnversation . with oaths: and asses, Y, n Ste of
ing frosty an. injury when Chamber-
lYlaganetawah Riscr,, etc., cin ,sale draggedin b the heel.! and no etre (hand Trunk at Ottawa, fell off an "
lain's Lirilment is applied before the Y g engine and,was killed. Of :111 kinds, Envelopes, Lefler and l ote,Neads, J*
daily. The Grand .Trunk ,veil] corp.tilute• � purpose. The small.I)oy hears this and ,
.arts become inflamed P b arced
to alae the favorite tq.iztst rnttte. and slvolaett, t broking. it u]anly because men do it. Farady Hall, rine of the reld buildings
For sato by .su druggists. tries to ipnitate it, as he imitates ever connected'tvith Victoria University at
Summer servire start's 'at]J 2(i)h. Rejreat !t :--"Shiloh's Cure will al- trees Wish an• it. is. tlsuall oni t��. Y
Full information from any., Ca rand Y y y Coirouri; ls.r.n he. torn down. Blii, Heads, Statements, Business Car,
Trunk agent. ,,ways, our. my coughs and colds." Chance that parents detect the practice, Two: Locir3rin seed am en are.heio
Repeat it Shiloh s Cure will, al- 8 by that time it is ditflcult w break. g Pr^
! „ Some misguided persons think it dixte seented. under tine pare seedi act. for
ways cur my, cot,ghs -arid zoida. to henna child swear, so tbep .encour, :kerptn g unclean seeds for eels.;. Sporting' Bills, Dodgers, Circulars, ` • Folders
----- age him. Hutthe t trio women when it Ahrewery. waggon: wag prevented
- s
Rev. Dr. McLeod was presented wlrtll, i Thomas Smart, a own Italian `c- swag,+a Yo be funnyt by that tires the fro+lj entering Lnodon cwtiip .};rounds;
young habit has hpcorrre sty liked that it is .ex-. under the new prohibitive rt gultatlons.
an address and a purse of gold by his. quitted of murder recently, was found tremely difficult to break. O i .Barrie on: the Occasion guilty at Btyievflle of perjury .in con- Fourteen hundred boyo took part in
P Programs, ' .
amptilets,�` • D's fay. Cards, P ogr s Etc
of the tweets -fifth anniversary. Of ONtioii with the case and xvill f'• This leads into' the rioxe' ilestloii the annnnt review of school cadets at
ae 'sen- flow, can it be oto s q '' Winnipeg, , and thirty thousand ppople
Induction. t.erkeed . to -day peed. breaking
s sun s g.
end should do the nit>st in !>rpaking the .witnessed the spectacle. .
µ µ-
in of resrmed. To) wires dl i j check ( )rt]fault H Plummer of the Dominion _
y q t to cy for tiaeq db Air. J
---- Steel (company is leaving for England
''`�• ,,
not. as rufe,'.ahow off when grnvrri
on hnssiness In connection with the pro-
. .. •
ups are around. and !f charged with posed new bond issuer,
the practice will n)ore often than not,
out of it." Special knrp.Wledger of
the boy is needed, which the parent,
ling, The= teacher; at school, or Sunday . Western Fair, •Lenny
school can exercise s good drat oflnflu-
ehep bq prnrraptly putii+king or report
rm mom NOW ing cirences, )tad by showing the chil•
M�, drenthe utter- fatilitq and, foolishnesfain s
Of the 'practice, Parent farad teachers
dealec:-)perste and taccotirplisb s great
Stays Shitted.' 1)USt won't dull: it. Rain won't i
>' spat it. Dampproof and waterproof. seeps- out
moisture, , Softens' and preserves the leather.
Just or cloth
. t twb or. three titnes with a
brus,rtlSlt tit it vii t't3b
andabrlfialtt �� y� �^� ,
acid lasting �.� . 100.
shine results, and
No substi. 5N0� CISH 2Se.
tutes 'even
half as good. ' ' Alis
CIRAR� $Gi?ER1E� x c t
ll�tt e, 6
ha Np TURPENttlt
The Great W(mt Saddlery Company's
factory and warehouse, at Winnipeg
waredesttoypd by tire. Loss $87s,g0U.
Ottswa was threatened with a great
ditinstet• by a fire that broke out on
Division street, in the 1u►ul)ei• district,
but for.1 unately it was subdued, Por•
est fires ar breaking outagain In New
Brunswick. ,
Ch.plera i4 rapidly. increasingIn St,
A lit rge yaks, of.oil hits appeared in
the Gulf of Mexico.
Tho Wright brothers ween -given an
oyal.00 yesterdiay by their towns-
A rich find of gold and silver is rp.
ported near Payuton, Bask.
The emergency d tin At the Soo bus
been completed, and tire re ,airs to the
cianal can now he proceeded wlth,
Thnnptas Fipnn, tug flretrinn, was
found dead on the sidewalk at Ataa-
hersthurtY, Cth, supl)osed lie walked
or fell out of his bedtoo to Winslow,
Sixty Engglish clergymen' sere ro.
cetvrd it) nil ionee by the Gertaiaff Elm.
l,etor at Potsdam yesterday.
September loth to 18th:
This magnificent .Exhibition prom.
!sp$ this. tear to eclipse all previous
efforts The Attractions which are nn-
der contract are of .the very highest
order and the best that money Could.
procurp, 'There will be several large
Animal acts, "Oltapra's Lions, Leopards,
Bears, etc.," "Herbert's Doors and
Cats", "Ilerzng'sa Stallions," the hest
f lag's n .n c
The tied h roes 1 th world, h Thtots
, T e T ] was
SAytons,"In their great calligatne get,
"The Dnrden'ir Casting Act," "The
Flprcts family'," the wonderful acrobats,.
"The Hoiionntr," r' Pedorsoh .Bros,"and
"The Three. Ile Monios" in their oompdy
seta; and many othara. An extra effort
has been oracle to lilease all who Rppre-
clato good tau+le, In addition do the
splendid hand of the 7th Fusilierp, who
the 1
A,iS as anal lU,n,I, lL1,R„a+„ar,,, WIa UM.,II,
41 strong, have hPAn engagod at great
expense. The ":Ninnpsot.aTianps” Nuys
nttthem after a visit to thpir Exhfhi.
tine: "The Highlanders in then” Kiltie
snits• rare the most popular band boys
who ever t)nured forth niplody at the
Minnesota Paie." All the 'above w lh
theraddition-of a grant] display of Firr.
works inch evening will iruake the
strongest prnrrrauntue ever 1presvnted at
the Wpetorti Fair.
All Information given on appliacation
to the secretary, A, M. Urtht, London,
mill be sent to
. y address Ila Canada from riow
to January Ist, 1910, for 40c.
V ditor -anal groppletop
"Tinton, an ..
` mt.