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The Clinton News-Record, 1909-06-24, Page 4
Joie# 24th, 19% MWA Nllwil-Reoer4 ---.-,.- Annual Re-�unio f th h. truly a power In this important words DEAFNESS CANNOT BE Ci UD I 'T11E ,GIRL THAT IS PALE. e i e 1 I The president called .attention to a by, local applitations, asAhey cannot She is in danger, her system is run happy coincidence which characterized reach the diseased portion of the ear. down, weak -•-she need • s nourishment, � ' , •� F Qaaeh T1'ivnihp� alae service, two of the principal There is only ono way to cure ,deaf- (ztec'ds rather blood. iaipre than ail . speakers were brother and sister, Mr. ness, and that in by t:onstitutWiial�else she needs Fer,rozone, needs in be- I i Powell and Mrs. Wright, also thatremedies, Deafness. Is .caused by an cause it brings back the ;nerve energy idiocy were the offspxlny of the church irttiamed condition of tlya raucous lin- which rapid growth and study have 01 1 PAY :: The Stephenson Reunion was lielii doll of Bayfield, were present to ad -'in which we were assembled. I was ing of the ]eustachian, Tubal. When exhausted, The old -titre vigor, ha f �% b bas At the home of Mr, Ralph aStep]tensont dress alae meeting. not permitted to stay for the Sunday this tube as Inflamed you have a rum sp#tits and 'new strength return with Sunahrne Furnace four triangular grate bare, Jr.,:Parr Lime, Stai>iley, on Wednesday 1. The follow.ng, were there from a services, but am assured they were bling sound or imperfect hearing, and Ferrozone. The delicate maid is c - each bavlug three distinct i • i, . a Bits. A P p much appreciated• when 'It is enitirciy .closed, Deafness is ergized, strengthened and rebuilt. I'' stngle,pirAce and two-piece gate mo auch-like of last vvicek, The mOrnin� a enol a distance Mr. William. Stephenson, cool and cloudy and, rather threaten- P --J. Greene. the result, and unless the inflairama- Isn't it vvprih Vvhile using Fexrozpna provision as made for expansion pr contract]op, Marlette, Mich. ; Mr. and Mrs. Jos- tion can be taken out and this tube when It surely does so much. At '` and .a waste Qf coal always follows a shaken , Ing, but by 11 o'clock the sun came Y all fJn theieft- and ri g flat and the occasion was greeted witpi cph Dpriand and William Dorland, restored to its normal condition, dealers in ;iOC. boxes, ght-hand sides are cotter Picts, which when Marlette, Mach. ;lairs. W. 1I. Stephen • hearing will be destroyed forever ; loosened permit the grates to slide out, These four grate barx an ideal day. 'illy tc}a, .o'C1ock the melii� Ei 8t 11r01>t Fri 'lxier' $ _ are trade Of beavy cast iron, and: are finisbac a with hers of this large and hikjyly respecter son, Marlette, bi:elk. ; bar. and Mrs. g t bit; And Arthur Stephelison and Vera .Stephen- 148t1tute• Carie cases out of ten are Caused by teeth. The teeth will grind up the toughest clinke,• f anal leerily began to arrive and the tables Catarrh, which is nothing but an I' A. Gates of San Francisco , stat began to assume a very tempting alt- son of London; Mrs. David 5teph,, - The annual meeting, .Of East Huron nfamed condition of the mucous sur- ed at Buffalo that Japan had deliber- ' pea'E , %Olu rance with all the viands an,d dela- son. of London, lei ss Emily Drysda e.Farmers' Institute was held in larps. faces, Atlely Violated her agreement to ro- 1 .1 .. - •.11 cacaos of the season. of Dubuc, Sask. ; Air. and :airs. Ralph ! gels, on Friday week, «e will give, One Hundred Dollars. strict pmigratipn tp C'anada. NHIN At high twelve, the assembly was Metcalf of BelinorC, firs. ,Sohn Nlet-1 The reports showed 10 good mee{- for any case of Deafness (caused by r'he Synod of Huron has adopted; the,I I . _. called to order while the blessing of calf, T. 1-i. Metcalf, John II. Metcalf ings were held during the Yost year, catarrh) that canztat be cured by new hymn book. - . 1. God was invoked, and seventy-seven of GIenannan bar. and blas. G. H. (aid 44interesting Halls Catarrh Cure. Send for cit- Han. Radal he Lemieux V _ because abs grates are oracle in sections, not only can nothfn but s an addresses were iv- i P Nited Nia g dust d g ashes pass through, but after each shaking a difterent side can be resented sat down to partake of a sumptuous Stephenson, S,. Stephenson, C. Steph- eta with an attendance of %08f In all, culars, free. :gars camp to see the working of the to the fire, Alco, with t. a Sunshine rte then back, breaking When the inner man was sat- enson,, Rose Ann Stephenson of Eg- 'Farmers' Clubs or anized at James. F•' J' CH'ENEY & CO',, To.edo, 0. new military postal system. movements attached to the �shaltin en a is no backbreaking #sided a lengthy monde#11e bar. and Mas. Oreo. Watt gr g Byg ntlyrockingthefever, first ort the g y program; was prepared 'town and' Molesworth, Receipts, in- Sold by Druggists, lac. A customs official is searching loco- left And then on the right, the ashes are released gii both sides a d fall through composed oll patriotic, sentimental and, Brucefleld ; Mr. and Mrs, .#Iexaader eluding $159,09 on hand 300 "�. Take Hall's: Family .Pills for !Con- motives At St. Thomas into the an, e. n . rough $ 4" Fx- st patiou, complaints of articles being smuggled p comic .speeches, dialo ues music scle+c welsh, Arthur and Oliver �tielsh of i u dialogues, , Porges were $177.23 leaving, 0, balance g ggL C . ,. I . tions on the phonograph, etc., The Clinton. �on hand of 4103,29. Previous ' an the •engine caht:, 4.. ••,.. place was beautifully and tasteftitly l The day was munch enjoyed by all, receipts were $147.28 and expenses$ The report of the Conciliation a decorated with bags, bunting and 6y -land, the program was brought to a ,The Cunard steamer S14voniar which! Board is not satisfactory to the g P g Na -26.78, 373. members were placed . ' er reens. Rev. Mr, and Mrs. Brown; 0!lIclose b all joinin? in singing,the lereig ht handlers at Owen Sound, and . g , i Y o upon the roll Burin; the past year. grouizded oPf the Azores, wall be a g . Varna, also Rev, Bit. and Mrs, Con- tional Anthem: Directors. were elected as follo.ws ;-- total loss, only about ninety of thein retvrned to •. • .i Hawick—Jas, Armstrong, A. A, S1t A. Conan'Doyle's morality play t work Harlandyesterday. $rue�l]11tU11 On Graham, .lex. Gibson, T. A. Gibson "The Firest of Fate", was presented f Capt' ti iau of the Montreal fire And W. Knox. in London, brigade told the commission that lie �^ The Blshl`?p of Furor Supports Turnberry--John McNaughton and had received bribe money for the pro- . Jas. Elliott. The keels of four battleships oI the motion of men oil; the !Ilfrigade. In one Morris—W. H. Fraser, John Law. greater Dreadnought type were laid,at case he � got $200, and as he had a lot the Three�F fths Clause. son, Robt. Smillie, Geo. laieC~a11 An St. Petersburg yesterday, • of hard work in it he 'kept the moms ., . . John Clegg. Charles W. Morse, the former head - . Grey—A. Smith, S. J. Campbell, of the Ice Trust, who has. •b.eeA in the If You are Worth $50,000 Don't Read • • John INICTaggart, 'J. AlcFudzean , and, Tombs Prison for several oaths; '. In an address at the meeting, of the is effective; without, the intelligent John Pearson• was admitted to bail yesterday, • This. . Synod of Huron last week Bishop support of Public opinion, it impairs, Brussels W. I-1. MrC'tacken, -Geo, This will not interest you ff you . Williams spoke as follows regarding I if it does not destroy, the moral value, Thomson a'nd' W. H. Kerr. are worth fifty thousand dollars, but .. _ the Three. -Fifths clause in Local Op- t of the action rvhich it controls. Sp ' McKillop --Jas,. Simpson, A. Gardin- A WONDERFUL COLD CURE. if You are a man of moderate means More people wouid Out their the sum mentioned, 1 P n , pus the tiot; contests : far as it is ineffective, it injures th3 er, Robl, Scarlett and Joseph Dorrenr, Just t:hfnk•;of It, a cold Cured.in ten and cannot afford to. employ a physic- savings in the Debentures of this interest, at 4 per cent. er.annum, ` ..."The principle is altogether right. general respect for law.' Ce. minutes that's what happens when ion when .you have An attack of Company if they, realized the ti as the time of cureratip y This The proper sanction of the civil law • Hullett—James Watt Tilos. AlcMi1- pia use "Catarrhozone." You inhale diarrhoea, yoo will be pleased to simplicity sad` safeness of this Y For Effective Enforcement• I?' know that one or two Bases of Cham- . $11,0 0 is secured b over is to record and enforce the judge- Ian, John Bingham And Chas. Roger- its. soothing .balsams and out , form of investment.: It merely S11,OOA,000 of assets, The in- ' ments of the popular conscience. "The experience of the Scott act son ' +the cold' -sn#flies are cured—he Bache goes berlain's Colic, Cholera .acid Diarrhoea paeans that one deposits a certain terest coupons attached are 'the There axe some things which alio is an illustration of the point. Th_re- d Remedy will cure it: This remedy hal g Pon- , Y P Y Grant. tors -T. R. Bcn. an A. D. tisricueed--symptoms of catarrh and been in use for many years and is amount -any sum over $100— same as cash and can be deposited alar con -science overwhelminglycon- fore, it is ectrcmel unw#seta try to I,grippe and at once. Its the s withithis Company for a period cis such, Iiuron. & Erie Deben- demns, V.e., fraud, laigamy, white secure legislation on any subjcets on I P. P. Farmer, assistant to Mr. Put -,healing pine essences and powerful, an» thoroughly reliable.. Price -5 . cents. 6f time not less the one e + For sale by all druggists. r n year* tures are an investment of the slavery, etc. There is no difficulty tri which there is a great - diversity af, nazis, Superintendent of Formers Iii- ttiseptics in Catarrhozone tarot ,enable preferably five years or less. if highest ,class, and he enforcing laws against such offences. Iviews-as to to. the right and wrong of stitt;tes,, was present atyd gave A;bt to riot so:quickly. In disease of the ••--�— r g a , n t_ man with But there are other things which the them, before there is a large and practical ,address. He urged the or- nose, for irritable throat bronchitis desired. The debenture fci^,ti small savings can share is it popular conscience does not so over- rpreponderant body of public opinion gan$rzation of L•ve Farmers' � Clubs as .cou hs and catarrh it's i . -' "'- - _ , which the'depositor receives is a , equally as well -as the capftallsL ty a n arvet. -IsgOD GXL -WiTh NiO;itY. promise of the Company to pay Write for full particulars. whelmingly condemn, and when .laws £armed, wltidi will secure the• effeC- the best means of building up agri- Safe evert .for 'children. 25c, 'and 51.04 . are passed by a bare majority against ItivC cmI reement.of the •law. To so* O'tural . educa•tion,. co-opcantipn, ,bet- ,sizes at all .dealers. \ !tis Author Who Was Constantly In �\ \ \ . such offences they are either not en- cure this ,larga body of public opinion!ter seed; increased production and eft- � Financial Difficulties. rNo \ \ , ��`. forced or enforced very feebly for the I take to be the meaning of the three- hanced ' prices. To"establish along ., . . \ . simple reason that there is a large fifths rote. It may seem to eager +permairant lines the results mast be Of Robert i3uehanan,_ W author, \ \ body of ,public opinion which does advpcabes, to delay the advent of tiheor �tangib'le and undertakings must 'be iBfshop Williams of Huron Diocesie int whose books seem nt waddaysuin a fair \ \11 not believe that the things prohibited ideal but it is the surer rvA P his. charge to, the Synod: supported wA to be for otten there are . some y , , and carried an That rvih represent dclinite the. three-fifths clause 0f the local op- interesting �1lmpses iii Chambers' . 1. . Q�" " are morally wrong. The result of will snot have the demoralizing effectsir'atues. Tho dcPa,rtment. is.willin' to tion act as xi ht in tinct 1 t► ' Journal, friend a s of him that hasty legislation on such subjects is which are apt to follow, and did fp1- aid In planning far unelerdraitk`n� I g A A e, a d a A s y Loan & w7avuzgS Co., LQna9n, Vis{.. ! g protection against the demoralizing he was a man who was constantly demoralizing to the community; as low, tite adoption of the law. by a land other practical farm work.% Farms effects that followed rho Adoption of in difficulties in regard to .mon.ey Bishop li'estcott says :--"So far as it faire maioritq." ,erfi rnumber within 20;G00 of tli; tom- matters. He would have a pocketful the law by a bare 'majority. �bined population of Villages, tawIai of money one day_ and noire:'at all . _ And cit_,es, the average'earnin; power �' 1'lie longshoremen pis uhe great lakes the•. next. He "gave money away • is $45 better fps: alae farrier, Til© have voted not to stroke. right and .left' to those who appealed . farmers have a leavening fnftuelk . on I Australia, through her.drlegate . to to• his •sympathy," and he wag ab - This is a Slow Season for the surd in' generosity as regarded Itis ' ,the country and lie tat gcd a. wider . in- .the Defence Congress, will express her friends. ' Tliis articular friend says r readiness to undertake.the res t p y The Ideal Beverage • �y rfld�nce• in National life, To -day. a pons b:l- of this, trait:1. Cement. mils . ,farmer. can do in one day what it 1ty Of policing' the Pacific. „ - .. took 20 da s to do SCp years ' A T found it extremely .d.iffieult to ASS . r y go, I President ;Taft sent a message .. tb get him to accept any :money due to K FQp Know the econotn.ic crnditi^ns and he Congress .yesterday, recommending a.. him for transactions undertaken for t, Ars, : A Pot: . . ,governed by them.. i"al;ie farm opera- two per cent: tax on the iriaoirie of me. If. I asked Win, Horv' much do ' pa1'atable,., full of . 'flans and dscuss the, n Torre.you, Bard? he invariably an- the virtues _of -malt ,,. - The directors of the Cement Cpm= at a.,profit. Npry under existing cit-` 1.'o:blems of the corporations,, and tine adoption of an severed in the same strain, 'Eight ' pany met here on. Thursday . last, the cumstanees we • do not see an.y. .likeli- day' j amendtn(mt to the constitution provid-;, g and baps,. and' in . . thousand five' hundred and nineteen full board being in attendance. - We hood of putting the mill; -into , fula 1 Ata meeting of directors, Thos. dale- Ing' fpr'the imposition of ail income sparkling condi- . g p Millan was re-electe:d resident pounds, four shillings and seven- know Coffin of the nature of the operation in,the near• future, butt we president IV: tail,: pence,', or `Give me half` A million,Z414 tion, is the .ideal Y I3. ,Fraser, Vice ;'resident ' p p OINUON J' meeting, but in conversation with. have no assurance that' the will not � ,.and F• A. The. two aintings stolen from Laval and' we will cry quits.' 'If we dined . . beverage. . some of the members we learn • that do '80, We do not expect to see aAy McArthur', Secretary -Treasurer. Un versity, Quebec, were returned. -b together casually, one, two;: six of us, (here are sixIt"omen's Institutes i Y he invariably managed to get hold of N•ow when; chemists announce its purity, and the Cement business is veto dual at, large dividends for the year 1903: rt a priest'. the. bill and'. a ]t. tad es is merit 'one need the present time. There is a great Durham mill • is not the .only .-mill the,. riding; p y . , i; look no further. deal of competition in the business' 'that's idle. ,'There seems. to 'be ' an "This .trick of his, of course, be- . P This Institute' Gv will affil>,ate with this came familiar,. and- we seldom asked and prices are so low that it cannot over production; and .while "this. . re- Winter Fair at Gu-elpSi. Chamblerlain's Cough Remedy the Beset him to dinner unless we had ar- ` ' bre made a profit. Moreovbr there I% mains the prices are sure to be lore: on file Market. ranged the matter beforehand with a large ,quantity of finished cement in -No. doubt the town would like .to see 'I have used Chamb rla n's C h the powers that be;" When he -dia- the warehouse here besides a large the mill in operation and the InWorim, . IT PREVENTS SORE- THRO��T,' a Cough covered that fact he would say: 'Oh,' • . . • .. - . , . quantity of clinkers remain to be lie em 1 d. :.• No simpler way !t' , Remedy acid find it to be the best, on this i a du e' ff i l right I • i n p oYe ,but if .the redact ha, p. y to ill.:a' cold . and „ s 1. s a n r. Al o ,,.0 ground and disposed oi. theta the io ate apld• at l P the market sa s I'. W, Tard ed'i- r , I r, - 1,* D I - - Stamp- out sore throat .than `q ' ' a Y y+ .expect. to . be treated as. an a ducal ess than the.•'cast . oi, y p"- for of The Sentinel 'Gains ' `auestipn seems to, be whether it wouldproduction1 m Nervtlin , born, Tenn. mansion. .It was the same with cabs the stoclholders will not p Y g e—rub it in fteely,.and "Our'" be wisdom to go on manufacturing be any ,better of .boyar$ the >n111 , O baby had. several ,Colds, the , past. and .trains. He was. a .lar e, stout go, .then put on a Nerviline Porous Plas- winter and `Chamberlain's Couah:Rem man, brit he -had a curious Faculty ` unless there was a certainty of selling ing.—Durham: Chronicle.., ter on the .chest, These remedies liu�tt 'ed aiwii "s ave 't c `of reachin the cabman's. hand orAD LM0 i 0 Y, y g i relief at once 'and g .. out pain,` destroy every trace of Con- the .ticket office before the slimmest., ' I, t cured it. in a short time* I always . ges ion, cure the cold and tendert of us, WILL BE .NEED tN Y, recommend it when opportunity pro- "He was a confirmed turf s to bronchitis: Thousands find Net- cents itself." For sale. b all drug- pocula- „ vililleAnestimably.the�best remedy for Y g for—a strange pursuit for a singer of Take Care. of t�h A I - Crop assts; songs sand dreamer of dreams -andGO 01R.Ong - �• '. 'pains, aches, bruises, neuralgia, itneed hardl be id he lost far July.. -.129Y sa . ��®sefatfya; colds and.rvmter fads. Not more than he gained,' but when he � . • � ' . only is it penetrate g and. porveriul, l A band• of gipsics. camped ni ar Belle; was successful—and'`oycasfonally' his ARRANGEMENTS ARE ALREADY UNUEIt 1JVAY ' but. it.. is. safe and .economical. All • l rifle coniplaimed . - to the police that winnings. Vvere large -he always man- A heavy crow of fruit has formed .on i the fields can be' more accurately, ap- dealers sell -Polson's Nerviline: Large, age d to find a mean of sharia his 4 . the apple orchards of Ontario tlt1, ;Piaisod. ,Ui%der .such circum�taa.%as thel' bottles for 25c: g one of. the young .-girls diad .ah�sconded s g • .the'. piasters samegood fortune with those, less privi- Reserve the date for Clinton spring. In, ajll other lines --pears, peachy the buying power of'cfty consumer's i9 i after stealing five hundred' dollarsftbnti• le ed than himself. One of his many l price. • Beware of substitutes. , her . leg ed plums, and small fruits—iulica-.l',ardly likely to reaclY its r;taxinitiln ,parents. methods of telling white cies was this: tions point to a good yield. This i next winter ; it .may be 7ery :inch. be L Forest fires. are :doing great damage 'Hoy' are.. You, X-? I owe you £20.' -- -- promise of abundance comes,`too, ]n low its'maxfmum,- Fruit' is a luxury—iI lit•'Quebec. `This is the first I have -heard of dt,' . . a year which is trot without its dis-'one of the first luxuries to be cur -i South Huron. Farm ,, would likely be" the reply. `Oh, I The T . hattgHl,n Cameron: jumped cut of a took the liberty of putting a sovereign i tithing features. The commercial tailed when buying'. power is limited; ► Window at 2 , o'cloyk in the moaning on. King Charles, far you, and he situation. is uncertain. The continent 'All this being so poor. apples are tike- erS InstitutE`. r. � � c �lClub at New Liskeard and threw himse,f started at 20 to I, and forthwith he has not yet fully recovered from the,ly to be a•drug oil the mar%et nett The arrayed meeting OF 'aha South into the lake. He.was d'rawncd, handed over the money," pinch which followed the small grain fall .and whiter. At rite sAni•� tiirie Huron Farmers' Institute was atoll at 0 crop of 19107. A. big grain yield this.). there will, as ahrays, bC a demand' � English In Java. i I3Cnsa11. 'on the 15th Inst. The Einar year is x cessary to set things fairly for really choice .apple•s. iCial statemertt showed a .considerable. ,ti.'. VEGETABLE CONSTI A book published in Java, Galled1909. blulStfor. going again, aril with the season so, PATIOI • " "The West Jaya Travelers' .Guide," ;deficit •after all lairds' for the ..: year. CUiiE. ' backward as it is, a big crop of this .The moral of a ;ail i.� +ai tt flit inion. ' says .of a certain sanitarium: "At ]rind is not assured. Because of the who takes care cf his :orchard...ths are Paid, but ]t is hoped the proceeds ..Because they .Contain rnereury,• and the establishment is, a h fetor. from the recent .excursion will wire mineral salts, - man ills are harsh. The sick-, ma 'nook he p li iyi n Much good r@a,drn .. for l tl general agricultural situation therms, year is likelt. to obtain a •profitable Y P h .y i e t p p. a good, t e monep . this out. It ayes decided to hold the The , easiest and safest laxative is Dr. for daily treatment, with use: of melt'= in manufacturing and commercial est •return for' iris debet, ;r!i:da the a>n The News-Reyord and Weekly bJail and �'rn fie .cine crit.: ...:,. 1. re alar Institute meetings at 1"",xetcr I4a.milton's.,Pills of MandrAke and caments. . Children below ten years ,. ,. t P Y P . • Y $ 80 tablishments, a disposition to Oow• who. neglect's his ti -Nis u•i:'- have an g VF kly Gll�be:.:....:::.. .............. 1:?5 and Bcuceffeld' .as usual. Scpplemcu- Butternut, The ' clean the stomach ,pay for lodges half of the price. 1, .4 down until the probable out-titr'i of t•ir$aleable commodity oh his :hands. Y ' Under ."Addresses and Announce-. ,i ,, Family Flprald,'and Weekly Star............. 1.70 . tory meetings 'will be held at Elim- intestines and bowels --drive out Veekly Witness........, . ....,.:. 1.75 ' - . Irille, Grand Bend','i-lensall, Varna,' waste .matter, tone the .kidneys and menta" is politely recommended "the +4 • • • �� c+ . ..• , ` Y hotel origin, with occasion for warm c. �• �' Free Press.. :..:................ 1:?0 and S trong's Hail, Tuct ersmitli. .� forever .Cure . cofiStipation. Asa geit, .baths, where till now all reconvales• 6 a. ., • very interesting alid instructive Ai. oral tonic and'system cleanser noth�- cents, as well lis Mrs. 'Physicians • " . ., . .a Advertiser ti'..... .d `•• • 1,75 Rev. J. Creme Has .Attended 4 .' r World ...:.:::......... I:60 I ,dress was delivered by l tof. Ilarcourt ing is so mild and Ctneient .its Dr, and particubirs and ofliyials, 'have " " Frirwet's Advocate and of the Ontario Agrici+ltaral Collegef;• on .Hacitilt0n's Pitts of Mandrake and found back their health. Cures ran- Moine Magazine' 2:25 Anneal 'Confer i 'The Comparative Value of Feed Butternut. ,Sold everywhere in.. 250. Maria, complains in the chest And . " ... . Daily News, Toronto.....,.:::.. .....•...;.. 230 , e�Ces. Stuffs." this. address elle.tecl many boxes. .other fatnesses, green sickness, cu- altar , " � gttestions from practical me: present, taneoiiy diseases," etc., and 'vve are �; ,: Globe a '� :. — A. . all of which were promptly .and sates- — assured that ;`this healthy 'shade for „ . « . .. • 9.iu . reconvalescents has also occasion to 1Vorld ....................:. 3.`15 11 II . ,. t �facicrx`iJv attsrvered 11• t7}te ttufessot The northern coast provinyes Oc ,many delightful id' lac excursions Saturday Might . .............„,....,.,, L.5,) Editor of The News -Record : ` y I ' � g Y ,a �• s i'�aodtn.....:,,,:... Highly, Th4sa Addresses were moat anal much useful information was cl, Honduras are' reported to be in open to which saddle horse and tandees. Free Press, ,,,,,,•,,;' , 32,i `;•ir,—To one rVho has attrn:led ayeU ttCl fi,l and inspiring,anal - • P gave tone icited. Tile following' were elected revolt. P are atatfotied when before timely a, ” Free Press, i9venittg Edition ..........:....:. 2.70 40 Methodist annual conferences, such to the bl.afr.;ss sessions. fo'lowing. directors for the Current year : Stan- "' y I :Mr. Winston Churchill proposes the ordere� . an occasion might appeal' to some to The evening confer(n2C an:tltien-aries ley' -Alex, muss rd, Will. ilurdoc1qestablishmentm- r • � - � + �- : this 1'- , of an Imperial system Ho Had. No Objections. It what ,you,want is not In this a18tt V1Fe Call sU l have become rather monotonous anal wet -e unusually interesta:r;. 'Ilii Ad-IJai:,n 1VTCNauglt7pn, lte;,t. ;3tiowden and . 1>p y� pf Inbar exehan" it at less than it would cost, y6u sending direct. uninteresting. Not so to Cie. I have dresses of 1)r, Cltowr., Cirn:ral Secre- W. l., Forest. flay— ), 1lay, Joltn' nes• He had field one of the fattest jobs ,i g always regarded it as a privilege a•+ tart' of temperance mild ;doral lie- larder, -Wal. Caldwell John CY Joh f ''Ten thousand, sl•;•illed steel workers in, the gift of the local. political boss; well as a duty, and have endeavored term, of of"rolessor Bowles of Victoria ltaht. 'Turn ail nr •, ' threaten to, go on strike in, Pittsburg and when' he' died there was an un- T a • �,u remittin lease do so o Express Order,• Po tai to fill my humble place in connection College,' and of Dr. Thontas ;tilannln4 h ls, y Stec ' Stcph- at the end of this month., seemly scramble for his position. n• ' p a '� en—W. D. Sanders, Stephen Hogarth, the first man to reach the boss had Note or registered letter and address. . with all its sessions. Since the first fat th; reception service) cspec:aA.. lyra, 'Yearly,. Stephen Weill), Exeter -I 'i'lte Railway Commission has order no particular claim upon pini but one I Attcruded wh n nn, my first Cir. so. 13. S. Phillips, lid. 3Hristie,. IYsborn eel the railway companies to weight merely placed His faith the oda ot� has very much than. od an . f `thy Missionary' anniversary wms Pte —John Allison, W. I. Passmore, A, coal ears at the port of entry andatof the cordo worm. g cult ry muchperso1ha of the conference W •J MITC IRLL Y ( :t d o the 30 of the best it has been my p�rivilego Mitchell; 1'an1 Mmrlge, Rolt. Oardiner, destination Also if insisted on by the "G'uv'ner," said he, "`do you think e " n f who were ordained with rte. few ,,.re- to attend. S. John's. Tuckrxsmi4h—Ilenry ;Tor•• Consignee. A fee not, exceeding two you,would have any objections to my - main, yet the proceedings bear inudi fir. Herman gP Ilpndon represented tan,, T. lahilling]aw, P. blClia R. dpllArs May be charged for getting into, Janes' place?" THE NEWS-RECORD4 Cl>!tl►tOn '` the same complexion. I Y g d o this sec- „ still rn;;uy the LmynicC's ltilovnment tviih a. bra:'- McKay, I Papple. , IIensall -James and weighing unless there is a serious Off I'm' sure I have, y reply. being present. tical talk, ar-d Urs. Gordan Wright, Paterson. SemfartH 1i, V, aScl,ean. discrepancy in weight. tions, was the unfeelingly reply.S�.Y�rw...r p Y fi `exon in the world, if the undertak- . The one which closed in London a to a most rntllusiastie address reIre-. At a meeting of the new board cif ers ata# coroner are willing." • week ago, was, in many respects, ex- srtitcd the W. M. S. drpart:ttent,'Thm directors held at, the claw of the an- I ,,.:... _ _` .. , ,. , - .....,. w......._ .- ... r•eptionally good. 'lite weather was Came our returned missionary, Rev. natal alecting 11r. Alntc, 111'ustar,d was RETURN TICKET . favorable, an,.d the church in Willett it J. L: Stewart, who is always listen- elected president and Mr. 11. � S AT SING . . The Doctor's Orders.News- Record 1 hal- i 1,"ARl Mrs. O'riurrigau—I'boy bave ye stuck The ee y • was held most sc.itable And rheerY, cd to with pleasure Attd profit, hat;I lips, secretmrYwtrcastirer, ' will by issued by the Grand Trunk l Then the entertainment mrrangemrnts lA,tl and quite rnpxpectedly, the all this empty flask under tit' baby? Mrs, i • ," ., .�..,,,., „,;_,_„�;,, way system ACCaun,t of Dominion - - . _ for tli�e. delegAtiws evert+ alt that Could interest Was, intensit3ecl•--uh .ta white i Carey+--'xh' cipetgr's ordtliers, ale toil ��� 1 Day, between, all stations in Canada i]d Ei�pire Q�`' �'ain],��T �era►�tl. thio desired, and the official manxgemcut. ltrAi--ny Mr. Rowell cf 1`u.oto bite g, , me qi'd hu>e to keep th' batty on a quite up-to-date. fs at the Head pf i]r 'man C'antbtfd :'s last srnlctr wraro7lGr is also to Detroitand,lx6rt Huron, Mich. bottled . nt for Ca ""cat l.ar P. T, Daniel of 'I'rin!,ty C'tillrgr.� Niagara liwalls and Buffalo, 1,5. V. �..— An f tteresting feature in eonneetion Movem"' n, Al, ta0 th ,stand, i tSoad going Juno 30th and July 1st ; Not to outshine, but to hhfne alien, will be Sent to an..... address In with the elevational exercises was an After heating alt, titch 1 l xve h••ard „" J . address every morning by P:vangelist an•1 r(ad concerning his tarn^stness ' Repeat it :�-"Sttllalt's Cut r• return limit July. 2nd', 1900', Secure his helglsbors is the successful mutt's Itussrll of which I csnnot speak #aa orad tact, I ani nest surltrird. IIe is ways euro my coltglts and CO.tl3," agents. Grand Trunk Ticket misstou,7`otivat+. .•- _.._.... ,.. ed,�+1909 � J�aG. 0 . ill .a • tickets from Canada l r , 1 m .:M- . to - _ m. __- _ — --- __ - --- .